Webinar Series: Identification and Diagnosis of Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

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Webinar Series

Identification and
Diagnosis of
Specific Learning
Disorders (SLD)
Tobby Philip Jacob
Senior Psychologist
M.Phil. Learning Disabilities (Psychology),
M.A Applied Psychology (Clinical)
All carers of children with
special needs, you are the
center of our universe.

Every child wants to thrive. Our

mission is to make things easier
for you.
Technology could help a lot,
but without the carers,
technology is insufficient.
No one should have to
do this alone.

We bring a community
and other resources
to enable the best
chance of the child’s
true potential.
Program for Parents & Professionals

Foundational Interactive
Knowledge Building Learning
Introduction to Specific
Learning Disorders
SLD Identification &
Diagnosis of Specific
Webinar Learning Disorders
Series Planning Instruction for Children
with Specific Learning Disorders
Support Systems for Children
with Specific Learning Disorders

Understanding Dyslexia: Reading

& Comprehension difficulties

Understanding Dysgraphia:
Writing Difficulties

Understanding Dyscalculia:
Difficulties in Mathematics
M.Phil. Learning Disabilities
More than 6 years of experience
in Clinical Psychology
Senior Psychologist & Program
Coordinator for Professional
Certification Courses at The
Sashaktikaran Trust, Cochin
Specialised in assessment of
children with special needs, Tobby Philip Jacob
Senior Psychologist
remedial intervention, and
behaviour therapy
Recap from
Last Webinar

Specific Learning Disorder or SLD is a neurodevelopmental disorder.

Intellectual functioning or IQ more than 70, i.e., near average, average,

and above-average intellectual functioning.

Difficulties in Academic Learning.

Deficits in Skills and Behaviours that contribute to academic learning.

Types: Dyslexia (Reading), Dysgraphia (Writing), Dyscalculia (Mathematics)

and Non-verbal LD
Early identification and

Informal assessment for

planning of intervention

Our Focus
Specific Simply
S Learning
Disorder D Difficulties
Process of
Identification WHAT?

WHY? - Why Assess?
1 2 3 4 5

To identify To provide To prevent To better To pave

difficulties effective secondary social and way for
as early as remedial behaviour emotional holistic
possible programs and other well-being inclusion
Early Assessment
Identification for
WHY? Intervention
The Purpose
of Assessment

Formal Disability
Diagnosis Certification
WHAT? - To Note
What are the things that you
need to keep in mind for the
identification of learning

Markers of SLD
WHAT? - Markers of SLD

Early identification markers

Indicators/risk factors for SLD differ based on grade levels

Indicators at Pre-School Indicators for Grades

Level K1 - 4

Indicators for Grades Indicators for High

K5 - 8 School & Adults
Indicators at Pre-School Level
Delay in speech development Difficulty learning numbers, Restless, easily distracted
& pronunciation alphabets, days of the and/or shifts from tasks
week, colours & shapes especially with regard to
academic activities

May have difficulty in Difficulty following Delay in fine motor skills

interacting with peers directions & routines development
Indicators for Grades K1 - 4
Difficulty in letter-sound Difficulty in reading, even Makes consistent reading
association with common words and spelling errors

Number / letter reversals Confusion in arithmetic Poor pencil grip, faces

signs (+, -, x, /, =) handwriting difficulties

Difficulty in learning about Poor motor coordination,

time prone to tripping over,
dropping things. etc.
Indicators for Grades K5 - 8
Effortful reading with lots of Weak spelling skills - may Notes often incomplete,
errors, avoids reading aloud spell the same word slow to finish writing tasks
differently in a single piece
of writing

Avoids writing assignments Poor math skills - Poor memory with regard to
calculation and reasoning academic concepts

Difficulty making friends Difficulty in understanding

gestures, body languages
and facial expressions
Indicators for High School & Adults
Weak spelling skills, avoids Difficulty in summarizing a Weak in study and exam-
reading and writing tasks story and/or relating an taking skills

Poor grasp of abstract Pays too little attention or Misreads information,

concepts focuses too much to details cannot comprehend well
and misses the big picture

Poor functional math skills -

handling money, time, etc.
WHEN? - To Act

As early as possible

When academic learning

difficulties and related
behaviours are noticed
To identify learning issues ASSESSMENT
HOW? For intervention planning

ASSESSMENT For availing
For the purpose of accommodations and
diagnosis modifications from
respective academic
BCSLD (India), DST-J, and DST-S (UK; currently
available with Indian norms), etc.

Teacher-made tests, curriculum-based tests,
grade-level assessments TOOLS
1. Case History
2. IQ Assessment: BKT, WISC, WAPIS, MISIC,
etc. – Done by psychologists
3. Educational Assessment: GLAD, NIMHANS
Index, DTLD, DTRD, CTOPP, Schonnel’s
Reading and Spelling test, etc. – Done by
special educators / rehabilitation practitioners
with expertise in the area of SLD
Done for availing provisions for board

Every board has its own guidelines and


In India,
1. Ruling out of neurological issues including vision
and hearing
2. IQ assessment through MISIC / WISC should be
done (IQ >85)
3. NIMHANS Index for SLD
Thank You
Eblity Team.

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