Exercise - 1: Basic Objectives Questions: Electromagnetic Induction
Exercise - 1: Basic Objectives Questions: Electromagnetic Induction
Exercise - 1: Basic Objectives Questions: Electromagnetic Induction
c oil
(a) e (b) 2e
Lenz Law
(c) e/2 (d) 4e
2. Two identical coaxial circular loops carry current i
Ans. (b)
each circulating in the clockwise direction. If the
loops are approaching each other, then Sol. Relative velocity = 2v
(a)Current in each loop increases
(b) Current in each loop remains the same
(c) Current in each loop decreases
(d) Current in one-loop increases and in the other it
Ans. (c)
Sol. According to the Lenz’s law induced current will be
Sol. According to Lenz law current in the coil will 6. The graph Shows the variation in magnetic flux (t)
decrease the magnetic field. So, upper face of the coil with time through a coil. Which of the statements
will behave, as north pole and due to repulsion given below is not correct?
EMI & AC 1
8. An electric potential difference will be induced
between ends of conductor shown in figure when the
conductor moves in a direction along.
A C t
× A× × × ×
7. The graph gives the magnitude B(t) of a uniform
magnetic field that exists throughout a conducting × B× × × ×
loop, perpendicular to the plane of the loop. Rank the × × × ×D ×
five regions of the graph according to the magnitude
of the emf induced in the loop, greatest first (a) B to A and D to C (b) A to B and C to D
(c) A to B and D to C (d) B to A and C to D
Ans. (a)
Sol. As the rate of change of Flux is greater in bigger loop
it will overcome effect of smaller one.
EMI & AC 1
Ans. (a)
If the magnetic flux associated with a coil varies at
the rate of 1Wb/s the induced emf is 1V.
Motional EMF
15. A straight conductor of length 0.4 m is moved with a
speed of 7 ms perpendicular to a magnetic field of
12. A loop of area 0.1 rotates with a speed of 60 rps induction 0.9 Wb/m . The induced e.m.f. across the
perpendicular to a magnetic field of 0.4 T. If there are conductor is
100 turns in the loop, maximum voltage induced in (a) 25.2 V (b) 5.04 V
the loop is
(c) 2.52 V (d) 1.26 V
(a) 15.07 V (b) 1507 V
(c) 250 V (d) 150.7 V Ans. (c)
Ans. (b) Sol. emf induced will be,
14. If magnetic flux associated with a coil varies at the by . As shown in the figure that the current
rate of 1 Wb/s, the induced e.m.f. is
8 flows across resistor R with the induced emf that
(a) 1V (b) 10 V
(c) 10 V (d) 1 mV serves as a voltage source. By Lenz’s law, the
EMI & AC 1
(a) 0 (b)
(c) 4Br (d)
Ans. (a)
Sol. Since points P and Q are at the equipotential surface,
25 What is the self inductance of an air core solenoid 1
22. Two solenoids of same cross-sectional area have 2
m long, diameter 0.5 m, if it has 500 turns ? Take
their lengths and number of turns in ratio and
respectively. The ratio of self-inductance of two = 10.
solenoids is –4 –4
(a) 3.15 × 10 H (b) 4.8 × 10 H
(a) 1 : 1 (b) 1 : 2
–4 –2
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Ans. (d)
Sol. The unit of the inductance is equivalent to 27. In a current carrying long solenoid, the field produced
does not depend upon
(a) No. of turns per unit length
(b) current flowing
(c) Radius of solenoid
(d) All of the above there.
Ans. (c)
EMI & AC 1
29. If a current is passed through a spring then the spring
(a) Expand (b) compress
(c) Remain same (d) none of the above
Ans. (b)
Ans. (b)
time t is represented by
Therefore, L is increased
At t = 0, i = 0
(a) (i) i2 > i3 > i1 (i1 = 0) (ii) i2 > i3 > i1
(b) (i) i2 < i3 < i1 (i1 0) (ii) i2 > i3 > i1
(c) (i) i2 = i3 = i1 (i1 = 0) (ii) i2 < i3 < i1
(a) L is increased
(b) L is decreased
(c) R is increased
(d) R is decreased
Ans. (a)
35. Two coils are placed close to each other. The mutual
inductance of the pair of coils depends upon
is correct.
After the long time closing of the switch
36. Two circular coils can be arranged in any of the three
Hence, . situations shown in figure. Their mutual inductance
will be
(a) (b)
EMI & AC 1
Reactance, Impedance
(c) (d)
Ans. (c)
46. For high frequency, capacitor offers
43. The inductive reactance of a coil of 0.2 H inductance (a) more resistance (b) less resistance
at a frequency of 60 Hz is (c) zero resistance (d) none of these
(a) 7.54 (b) 0.754
(c) 75.4
(d) 7.54 × 10 Ans. (b)
Ans. (c)
Sol. Inductance =
(a) (b) (d) R
Ans. (d)
EMI & AC 1
AC Circuits
48. The alternating current I in an inductance coil varies
with time according to graph given in figure
Which one of the following graphs, gives the 50. A coil of resistance 200 ohm and self-inductance 1.0
variation of voltage with time? henry has been connected to an a.c. source of
frequency 200/ Hz. The phase difference between
voltage and current is
(a) 30° (b) 63°
(c) 45° (d) 75°
(c) (d)
Ans. (c)
Sol. In inductive circuit the voltage will be out phase
The power in the circuit,
56. In L-C-R series A.C. circuit, the phase angle between
current and voltage is
(a) Any angle between 0 and /2
From phasor diagram
(b) /2
EMI & AC 1
(a) (b) CV
62. In an AC circuit, V and I are given by V = 100 sin (c) 2 CV (d) zero
Ans. (d)
(100t) V, i = 100 sin . The power Sol.
dissipated in circuit is:
(a) 10 W (b) 10 W
(c) 2.5 W (d) 5 W
Ans. (b)
Substituting the values, 66. In an a.c. circuit, V and I are given by
V = 100 sin (100 t) volt
I = 100 sin (100 t + /3) mA.
The power dissipated in the circuit is
63. A (100 W, 200 V) bulb is connected to a 160 V (a) 10 watt (b) 10 watt
supply. The power consumption would be (c) 2.5 watt (d) 5 watt
(a) 64 W (b) 80 W Ans. (c)
(c) 100 W (d) 125 W
Ans. (a)
Sol. Initially
For LR circuit 71. The oscillating electric and magnetic field vectors of
electromagnetic wave are oriented along
(a) the same direction and in phase
(b) the same direction but have a phase difference of
For LCR circuit (c) mutually perpendicular direction and are in phase
(d) mutually perpendicular directions but has a phase
difference of 90°
Ans. (b)
Sol. Electric field and magnetic field in electromagnetic
waves are perpendicular to each other and are in
69. At resonance, in a series LCR circuit, which relation Electromagnetic Spectrum
does not hold? 72. Which of the following is of shortest wavelength?
EMI & AC 1
74. The energy of X-ray photon is 3.3 × 10 J. Its
frequency is
19 18
(a) 2 × 10 Hz (b) 5 × 10 Hz Maxwell Equations
17 16
(c) 5 × 10 Hz (d) 5 × 10 Hz 77. According to Maxwell’s hypothesis, a changing
electric field gives rise to
Ans. (c)
(a) an e.m.f. (b) electric current
(c) magnetic field (d) pressure radiant
Ans. (c)
Ans. (b)
EMI & AC 1
Ans. (d)
Sol. Maxwell modified Ampere circuit law is given by