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Grey Water

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National Environmental Engineering Research Institute

Nehru Marg, Nagpur - 440 020, India

United Nations Children's Fund

UNICEF, Madhya Pradesh, India
January 2007
Greywater Reuse In Rural Schools
Wise Water Management

Guidance Manual

National Environmental Engineering Research Institute

Nehru Marg, Nagpur 440 020, India

United Nations Children's Fund

UNICEF, Madhya Pradesh, India

India is facing a water crisis and by 2025 it is estimated that India's population will be
suffering from severe water scarcity. Although India occupies only 3.29 million km
geographical area which forms 2.4% of the worlds land area, it supports over 15% of world's
population with only 4% of the world's water resources. With increased population growth and
development, there is a need to critically look at alternative approaches to ensure water
availability. Conventional groundwater and surface water sources are becoming increasingly
vulnerable to anthropogenic, industrial and natural pollution. Groundwater sources are being
over extracted, resulting in leaching of fluorides and nitrates. Surface water bodies are
becoming susceptible to unregulated industrial discharge resulting in increased
eutrophication and algal blooms.
To resolve the problem, there is a need to look for alternative water resources. These
include rainwater harvesting, wastewater reuse and desalination. Concerns over desalination
include mineral decomposition of potable water and limited inland availability. Additionally,
limitations of rainwater harvesting include the quantity and quality that may be available, given
the increased threats of global warming and air pollution.
In this light, National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI) Nagpur
and UNICEF Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh have developed, implemented and evaluated
greywater reuse systems for small buildings (schools) in rural areas. During 2005 and 2006,
NEERI and UNICEF collaborated to investigate the possibility of recycling greywater
(bathroom water) in residential tribal schools in rural Western Madhya Pradesh. The water
reuse or recycling systems collected, treated and reused bathroom water (shower non
toilet/black water) for recycling and flushing of toilets. The drive for this technology was a result
of decreasing availability of water, lowering of groundwater table and increase in fluoride
concentration in groundwater. Additionally, with the increase in demand for water due to
increased coverage of rural areas with toilets under the Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC),
there was a need for augmentation through appropriate technologies, to provide water for
This publication is a result of evaluation of greywater systems that were built, verified
and optimized in Madhya Pradesh in collaboration with UNICEF. The book provides guidance
to governmental, non-governmental and scientific agencies, who are interested in
implementing similar water reuse/ recycling projects in other states in India and beyond.
I am deeply grateful to UNICEF, Bhopal for their support in the development of this
book, as well as to others who have directly and indirectly contributed during the course of the
development of this manual and various consultative workshops.

(Sukumar Devotta)
National Environmental Engineering Research Institute
Nehru Marg, Nagpur 440 020
International Scientific Review of Manual

● Dr. Alam Godfree, United Utilities, Warrington, United Kingdom

● Professor. Blanca Jimehez Cisneros, Institute de Ingenieria, Mexico DF,


● Dr. Robert Simons, International Water Management Institute, Hyderabad,

The technical and financial support of UNICEF Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh is gratefully
acknowledged. The authors would also like to thank the following who have contributed to the
development of this manual.

PHED, M.P. and Mr. Sudhir Saxena, Engineer in Chief, PHED, M.P.
Mrs. B. Agrawal, Gram Bharti Mahila Mandal (GBMM)
Mrs. Sajan Chauhan, Warden & Mr. Ganga Rathore PTA Chairperson, Ganganagar
Mrs. Mamta Girwal, Warden & Mr. Anta Singh, PTA Chairperson, Nalchha
Mrs. Kanta Baghel, Warden & Mr. Paramsingh Narsingh, PTA Chairperson , Mandu
Mrs. Susheela Patel, Warden & Mr. Mohan Singh Katare, PTA Chairperson , Kagalpura

Contribution of Mr. Hitendra Kela, Ms. Rashmi Onkar, Ms. Deepmala Pakhide,
Ms. Sunila Sahasrabudhe, Ms. Rajshree Dongre Project Assistants and Dr. D.S. Ramteke,
Dr. C.A. Moghe Scientists at NEERI is also gratefully acknowledged

Additionally, technical support provided by Professor Stenstrom of the Stockholm

Environment Institute (SEI), Sweden and Dr Roisin Rooney (World Health Organisation), New Delhi,
India is greatly appreciated

Finally, the authors would like to thank the children of Kalidevi, Kokawad, Mandu, Nalchha,
Kagalpura and Ganganagar Ashrams in Dhar and Jhabua Districts for their cooperation and
contribution in developing these systems.
Contributing Authors

● Dr. Sukumar Devotta, Director, NEERI, Nagpur

● Dr. S.R. Wate, Deputy Director and Head, Environmental Impact and Risk
Assessment Division, NEERI, Nagpur
● Dr Sam Godfrey, Project Officer, Water and Environment Sanitation, UNICEF,
● Mr. Pawan Labhasetwar (on deputation from NEERI), Assistant Project Officer,
Water and Environment Sanitation, UNICEF, Bhopal
● Mr. Aditya Swami, State Consultant, Water and Environment Sanitation,
UNICEF, Bhopal
● Mr. Ajit Saxena, Project Officer (previously UNICEF, Bhopal), UNDP, Rajasthan
● Mr. H.B. Dwivedi, National Centre for Human Settlement and Environment
(NCHSE), Jhabua
● Ms. Gayatri Parihar, Director, Vasudha Vikas Sansthan, Dhar

Title Page No.

1.0 Introduction 1-11
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Organization of Manual 1
1.3 Objectives and Target Audience 3
1.4 Water Scarcity and Need for Greywater Reuse 4
1.4.1 Water Reuse in India 5
1.5 Concept of Greywater Reuse 8
1.5.1 Potential of Greywater Reuse 9 Greywater for Agricultural Irrigation 10
1.6 Site Selection 11
2.0 Greywater Quantification and Characterization 12-19
2.1 Background 12
2.2 Composition of Greywater 13
2.3 Characteristics of Greywater 13
2.4 Greywater Treatment Options 15
2.4.1 Primary Treatment System 16
2.4.2 Secondary Treatment System 17
2.4.3 Tertiary Treatment System 17
2.4.4 Biological Treatment System 17
2.4.5 Odour and Colour 19
3.0 Design of Greywater Treatment System 20-34
3.1 Background 20
Title Page No.
3.2 Quantification of Greywater 20
3.2.1 Direct Method 20 Water Meter 20 Bucket Method 21
3.2.2 Indirect Method 21
3.3 Components of Greywater Treatment Systems 22
3.3.1 Primary Treatment Systems 22 Greywater Diversion Devices 22
3.3.2 Primary (Pre-treatment) and 23
Secondary Greywater Treatment Systems Screen 23 Junction Chamber 24 Equalization or Settling Tank 24 Filter 24 Collection Sump 27 Pump 27
3.3.3 Wetland Treatment 27
3.4 Design of Greywater Treatment Systems 29
3.4.1 General Design Consideration 29
3.4.2 Standard Design of Greywater Treatment Systems 30
3.4.3 Odour Control 32
3.5 Maintenance of Greywater Treatment System 33
4.0 Water Safety Plan 35-42
4.1 Background 35
4.2 Water Safety Plans 35
4.2.1 System description 36
4.2.2 Hazard Assessment 37

Title Page No.

4.2.3 Matrix Development 41

4.2.4 Monitoring and Maintenance 41
5.0 Case Studies 43-49
5.1 Background 43
5.2 Greywater Treatment Plant in Kokawad Ashram School 43
5.3 Greywater Treatment Plants in other Schools 44
5.4 Performance Evaluation of Greywater Treatment Plants 45
5.4.1. Microbial Performance 45
5.4.2. Financial Aspects 46
5.5 Cost Benefit Analysis 48
5.6 Conclusion 49
Annexure-I-III 50-56
Abbreviation 57
References 58

Grey water reuse in rural schools-wise water management

1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background
Water is becoming a rare resource in the world. In India alone the International Water
Management Institute (IWMI) predicts that by 2025, one person in three will live in conditions
of absolute water scarcity (IWMI, 2003). It is therefore essential to reduce surface and ground
water use in all sectors of consumption, to substitute fresh water with alternative water
resources and to optimize water use efficiency through reuse options. These alternative
resources include rainwater and greywater. This manual will focus on greywater treatment and
its use as an alternative water resource in rural areas.
Greywater is commonly defined as wastewater generated from bathroom, laundry and
kitchen. Due to rapid industrialization and development, there is an increased opportunity for
greywater reuse in developing countries such as India. This Manual provides theory and
practices for greywater reuse in residential complexes with particular emphasis on schools.
Although India occupies only 3.29 million km2 geographical area, which forms 2.4% of
the world's land area, it supports over 15% of world's population. The population of India as of
March 1, 2001 was 1,027,015,247 persons (Census, 2001). India also has a livestock
population of 500 million, which is about 20% of world's total livestock. However total annual
utilizable water resources of the country are 1086 km3 which is only 4% of world's water
resources (Kumar et al., 2005). Total annual utilizable resources of surface water and ground
3 3
water are 690 km and 396 km respectively (Ministry of Water Resources, 1999).
Consequent to rapid growth in population and increasing water demand, stress on
water resources in India is increasing and per capita water availability is reducing day by day.
In India per capita surface water availability in the years 1991 and 2001 were 2300 m3
(6.3 m3/day) and 1980 m3 (5.7 m3/day) respectively and these are projected to reduce to 1401
and 1191 m by the years 2025 and 2050 respectively (Kumar et al., 2005). Total water
requirement of the country in 2050 is estimated to be 1450 km which is higher than the current
availability of 1086 km . Various options including rainwater harvesting and wastewater reuse
will have to be considered to meet the anticipated deficit.
1.2 Organization of Manual
This Manual is organized in five chapters as depicted in Fig. 1 in addition to Chapter 1.
Chapter 2 describes details on greywater such as sources, quantities, composition and greywater
treatment options. Chapter 3 provides design specifications of various greywater treatment
systems inclusive of components such as collection, filtration and application for possible reuse.


Chapter Objectives

Chapter 1 Introduction

Chapter 2 Greywater Quantification and


Chapter 3 Design of the Greywater

Treatment System

Chapter 4 Water Safety Plan

Chapter 5 Case Studies

Annexure I Latrine Selection

Financial Aspects

Annexure II Pumping Options

Annexure III Committees

Figure 1: Chapters with Objectives

Grey water reuse in rural schools-wise water management

Chapter 4 describes water safety plans for small systems and its utility for
minimizing/eliminating health risks. Health and safety requirements for greywater treatment
and application are also included in Chapter 4. A case study of greywater treatment system in
Ashram school (hostel) is presented in Chapter 5.
1.3 Objectives and Target Audience
The objectives of this Manual are to assist in the promotion of acceptable long term greywater
reuse practices and to promote conservation of good quality ground and surface water
supplies by:
● Establishing acceptable means for greywater reuse as a guide for local government
and Ashram schools
● Setting minimum standards for design, installation and maintenance
● Preparation and execution of WATER SAFETY PLANS for minimizing health risks
associated with greywater reuse
Greywater treatment process varies from simple devices that divert greywater for direct
application such as irrigation to complex systems involving sedimentation tanks, filters,
bioreactors, pumps and disinfection systems. However, the basic objective of this manual is to
initiate process of greywater treatment in India and keeping cost-effectiveness as a basis theme.
Simple treatment systems for non-contact use are also described. This manual provides
acceptable solutions for reuse of greywater in unsewered areas that satisfies the performance
objective and requirements. It may be appropriate for persons contemplating a greywater
reuse system to consult a wastewater system designer or other suitably qualified person to
consider the options available.
This manual has been written specifically for practitioners involved in the operation,
maintenance and management of water supplies in the developing countries.
These practitioners include the engineers, water quality analysts, scientists,
sociologists and the professionals involved in monitoring and control of water safety
in water supplies. The manual is designed to provide guidance to the practitioners
on how to design, build and use a greywater system. It is written exclusively to enable
the water suppliers to develop the greywater reuse system without having to depend on
the external input.


1.4 Water Scarcity and Need for Greywater Reuse

With increase in population, there will
be an increase in stress on sanitation and
wastewater disposal system. Gupta et al.,
(2004) predicted that recyclable wastewater
will meet 15% of total water requirement in
In water scarce environments,
wastewater reuse and reclamation are often
considered as a viable option for increased
water resources availability. For example,
many Mediterranean countries are investing The amount of water in the world is finite. A third of
in wastewater reclamation and reuse due to the world's population lives in water-stressed
high evaporation and evapotranspiration, low countries. By 2025, this is expected to rise to two-
thirds. The UN recommends that people need a
rainfall and increased demand for water for minimum of 50 liters of water a day for drinking,
irrigation and tourism (Angelakis et al., 2001). washing, cooking and sanitation (www.water.org).
Equally, in water scarce developing The Department of Drinking Water Supply,
Government of India recommends 40 litres per
countries, greywater reuse in schools, capita per day (lpcd) water supply in rural areas to
hospitals and government institutions is meet the requirements for drinking, cooking,
proving to be an essential alternate water bathing, washing utensils and anal ablution
resource to fresh ground, surface or rainwater (DDWS, 2001).
supplies (Godfrey et al., 2006). Studies from
the Middle-East and India for example indicate that greywater systems have a water saving of
between 3.4% to 33.4% per annum (Al-Jayyousie, 2003 & 2005). In 1993-94 Victoria
University of Technology in conjunction with Melbourne Water designed, installed, monitored
and assessed greywater reuse system on four home sites (Christov a-boal et al., 1995).
The application of greywater systems is therefore of particular importance in assisting
developing countries in addressing Goal 7: Ensure environmental sustainability of the Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs). Specifically, greywater recycle augments existing water use
efficiency. The equitable use of this resource can aid in halving the world's population without
access to safe water and sanitation and therefore in achieving Goal 7 of the MDGs. In a recent
global study of greywater reuse by the Canadian Water and Wastewater Association (CWWA),
sanitary uses of greywater (i.e. toilet flushing and cleaning) were the primary use (CWWA, 2005).

Grey water reuse in rural schools-wise water management

While rainwater harvesting and Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) are
water conservation measures, reuse of water is an important undeveloped technology. Reuse
of water is important because it restricts water demand and reduces stress on treatment
1.4.1 Water Reuse in India
Reuse of water particularly greywater is important in the context of availability of
rainwater and over-extraction of ground water for meeting water demand during annual cycle.
An analysis of rainwater and groundwater availability and water demand in Ashram schools of
Madhya Pradesh highlights the importance of greywater treatment and reuse. Figure 2
depicts annual water demand, water availability and extraction pattern that clearly justifies
(grey)/water reuse system. In Madhya Pradesh and in several other states, groundwater is a
major source and temporarily supplemented by surface/rainwater during the monsoon. The
greywater reuse will substantially reduce groundwater abstraction since majority of water
demand for toilet flushing and gardening in Ashram school can be met from treated greywater.
11 Annual Source Availability
Water availability general Trend

5 Ground water
4 Rain/surface water
3 School uses







Figure 2 : Annual Water Demand and Supply Cycle Typical Case of Ashram School

Government of India is committed to cover all uncovered rural schools with water and
sanitation facility and also imparting hygiene education by the end of 2007. School Sanitation
and Hygiene Education (SSHE) is a major component of Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC)
programme of Department of Drinking Water Supply (DDWS) of Ministry of Rural
Development to ensure child friendly water supply, toilet and hand washing facilities in the
schools and promote behavioral change by hygiene education.

SSHE gives special attention by following the proven route of teacher-children-

family-community where child is a change-agent playing an effective role on sustained basis to
spread the message of improved sanitary and healthy practices. The operation and
maintenance of sanitary complex is also one of the major goals of SSHE programme (DDWS,
Table 1 : Status of Water and Sanitation Facilities in schools in Madhya Pradesh
Level No. of No. of Schools Schools Schools Schools Schools Schools
rural Students with without with without with without
Schools Toilets Toilets water water hand hand
facility facility washing washing
facilities facilities
Primary + EGS 60662 2013609 8856 51806 40881 19781 8856 51806
(14.6%) (85.4%) (67.4%) (32.6%) (14.6%) (85.4%)
Upper Primary 16016 548191 4174 11842 7339 8677 4174 11842
(26.1%) (73.9%) (45.8%) (54.2%) (26.1%) (73.9%)
Higher 3082 158685 1542 1540 2248 834 1542 1540
Secondary (50%) (50%) (72.9%) (27.1%) (50%) (50%)
Total 79760 2720485 14572 65188 50468 29292 14572 65188
(18.3%) (81.7%) (63.3%) (36.7%) (18.3%) (81.7%)

Source : Government of Madhya Pradesh, 2004

The statistics above clearly indicate non-availability of sanitation facilities in majority of

the schools. It is also observed that the sanitation facilities built in the schools remain non-
functional due to non-availability of water. The greywater treatment and reuse particularly in
boarding (Ashram) schools is an attempt to provide water for toilet cleaning so as to make the
sanitation complexes functional. These systems are currently operating in 9 Ashram schools
in Dhar and Jhabua district of Madhya Pradesh.
The lessons learnt in constructing, operating and maintaining the system are utilized to
prepare this Manual. Water Safety Plans are prepared as part of the operation and
maintenance of greywater reuse system based on the following documents :
● Drinking Water Quality Standards (WHO, 2004)

● Water Safety Plans Book I (Godfrey et al., 2005)

● Water Safety Plans Book II (Godfrey et al., 2005)

Grey water reuse in rural schools-wise water management

Case Study of Madhya Prades, India

● Demonstration of wise water management in 9 Ashram

● Above ground greywater reuse as an alternative and
appropriate technology in Madhya Pradesh
● Construction of roofwater harvesting structures
● Reuse of hand washing water in schools
● Installation of play pumps in schools
● Operation and maintenance of systems by students,
members of water safety club, warden and Parent
Teachers Association
● Funds for O & M provided by Department of Tribal
● Construction of greywater reuse system in 48 Ashram
schools in Dhar and Jhabua districts and in 7 other
district by end of 2006 by Public Health Engineering
● Funds from Jalabhishek Programme launched by
Government of Madhya Pradesh


1.5 Concept of Greywater Reuse

Water can be classified as freshwater, greywater and blackwater based on
characteristics and potential for (re)/use as presented in Table 2.
Table 2 : Type of Water and Possible Uses

Water Sources Possible uses

Fresh water Ground & surface water Drinking, cooking, bathing
Greywater Bathing, cloth washing Toilet cleaning, irrigation, floor washing,
construction after treatment
Black water Toilet, urinal No use in majority of the cases and
requires extensive treatment - ECOSAN
toilet can be an option

Asano (2004) reiterated (re)/use of treated wastewater in many forms such as direct-
potable, indirect-potable, direct-non-potable and indirect non-potable to overcome water
scarcity as depicted in Figure 3. The technologies are available to make sewage potable;
however, cost effectiveness will be a key parameter in deciding feasibility of wastewater
treatment and reuse.

Figure 3 : Wastewater as a Substitute for Higher Quality Water Resources

Grey water reuse in rural schools-wise water management

1.5.1 Potential of Greywater Reuse

Reuse of greywater serves two purposes:
● Reduces fresh water requirement
● Reduces sewage generation
The amount and quality of greywater will in part determine how it can be reused. Irrigation and
toilet flushing are two common uses, but nearly any non-contact use is a possibility. Toilet flushing can
be done either by direct bucketing or by pumping treated greywater to an overhead tank connected by
suitable piping to the toilets.
Possible uses of treated greywater are presented in Table 3.
Table 3 : Use of Greywater
Use of Greywater Purpose
● Individual household ● Toilet flushing
● School ● Floor cleaning
● Government/ non government office ● Irrigation
● Hospital ● Gardening
● Theatre ● Car washing
● Hotel ● Construction
● Airport
● Railway station
● Apartment/colony

Details of applications, design, and use of greywater can be found in the following
books or references:
● Ludwing A, 1995, Builder's Greywater Guide, Published by Oasis design, Santa
Barbara, CA , www.oasisdesign.net
● Ludwing A, 1994, Create an Oasis with Greywater Choosing, Building and Using
Greywater, Published by Oasis Design, Santa Barbara , CA , www.oasisdesign.net
● WHO 2006, Guidelines for safe use of wastewater, excreta and greywater:
Wastewater use in agriculture (Volume 2). www.who.int/water _sanitation_

● Legette DJ, Brown R, Stanfield G, Brewer D and Holiday E, 2001, Rainwater and
greyawater in buildings : Decision making for water conservation, CIRIA Publication
PR 80, London ISBN 0 86071 8803
● Legette DJ, Brown R, Stanfield G, Brewer D and Holiday E, 2001, Rainwater and
greyawater in buildings : Best practice guidance, CIRIA Publication PR 539, London
ISBN 0 86017 5391 Greywater for Agricultural Irrigation

The use of greywater for agricultural irrigation purposes is occurring more frequently
because of water scarcity and population growth (Bernard et al., 2003). The treated greywater
can be supplied for irrigation of indoor plants as the greywater is most suitable for this purpose.
However this application must meet the stringent requirements from possible exposures to
greywater. The treated greywater can also be used for irrigating agricultural crops and turfs
and for maintaining decorative fountains or landscape impoundments.
Agricultural irrigation using greywater to support crop production is a well-established
practice in arid and semiarid regions. A significant portion from existing greywater can meet
the demand for agricultural irrigation. A number of guidelines for the quality of reclaimed water
for irrigation can be found in the references (USEPA 1992 and Lee et al., 2003).
The application of the greywater system is therefore of particular importance, hence the
excess water in the system can be applied elsewhere for which the system has to be carried
out properly so that the practice of reclamation and reuse can bring significant environmental
and health benefits, including the increased agricultural productivity through irrigation.
● Augmentation of potable water supplies through aquifer recharge
● Recycling plant nutrients thereby reducing eutrophication
● Reserving drinking water supplies by substituting with treated greywater e.g.
landscape irrigation, toilet flushing, industrial uses and cooling water.
The excess amount of the treated greywater can be made suitable for irrigating lawns,
trees and ornamental food crops. Though irrigation methods in the greenhouse may differ
greatly from outdoor irrigation, several guidelines for use of greywater apply to both situations.
The guidelines below should be followed when irrigation is practised with treated greywater:

Grey water reuse in rural schools-wise water management

● Apply greywater directly to the soil, not through the sprinkler or any method that
would allow contact with the above ground portion of the plants which are eaten
● Root crops which are eaten uncooked should not be irrigated with greywater
● Plants that thrive only in acid soil should not be watered with greywater, which is
● Use greywater only on well- established plants
● Disperse greywater over a large area and rotate with fresh water to avoid build-up of
sodium salt

1.6 Site Selection

In the process of assessing the suitability of sites for constructing greywater treatment
system, important considerations are as below:
● Approximate size of 15 - 20 m2 land in the school campus for reuse system has been
● Topography and natural slope : the topography of the sites and contours can be
established using standard surveying procedures. The slope of the site is an
important factor in controlling surface ponding, runoff and erosion. A minimum of 2%
slope of area is recommended.
● Soil type : Soil type and properties are the key factors in the design and operation of
greywater reuse systems. The main characteristics necessary for the evaluation of
the soil for the purpose of greywater reuse are soil texture, soil structure,
corrosiveness, submergence, infiltration rate through topsoil and percolation rate in
the sub-strata. Percolation rates can be determined using percolation tests and
compared with textural classification charts. Infiltration rates can be determined
using a cylinder infiltrometer (Christov et al., 1995). As sandy lighter soils can absorb
more greywater, and heavier soils with a high clay content absorb less (Greenhouse
People's Environmental Centre, 2002) therefore soil having structural stability i.e.,
stable clay/silt, hard strata soil is recommended for greywater reuse system
construction. Black cotton soil and sandy soil should be strictly avoided

2.0 Greywater Quantification and Characterization
2.1 Background
Greywater is the wastewater generated in the bathroom, laundry and kitchen.
Greywater is therefore the component of domestic wastewater, which has not originated from
the toilet or urinal.


The water requirement and greywater generation for Ashram school is presented in
Table 4. It is evident from Table 4 that about 50-60% of water use results in greywater
Table 4 : Water Requirement for Students of Ashram Schools

Description Quantity of water (lppd) Greywater generation (lppd)

Bathing 12-18 12-18
Washing of clothes 8-12 8-12
Flushing of W. C. 5-10 -
Washing the floor 2-5 -
Washing of utensils 3-5 3-5
Cooking 5 -
Drinking 5 -
Total 40-60 23-35
Based on study in Ashram schools in Dhar and Jhabua districts
Greywater Reuse in Rural Schools-Wise Water Management

2.2 Composition of Greywater

Greywater from Bathroom
Water used in hand washing and bathing generates around 50-60% of total greywater
and is considered to be the least contaminated type of greywater. Common chemical
contaminants include soap, shampoo, hair dye, toothpaste and cleaning products. It also has
some faecal contamination (and the associated bacteria and viruses) through body washing.
Greywater from Cloth Washing
Water used in cloth washing generates around 25-35% of total greywater. Wastewater
from the cloth washing varies in quality from wash water to rinse water to second rinse water.
Greywater generated due to cloth washing can have faecal contamination with the associated
pathogens and parasites such as bacteria.
Greywater from Kitchen
Kitchen greywater contributes about 10% of the total greywater volume. It is
contaminated with food particles, oils, fats and other wastes. It readily promotes and supports
the growth of micro-organisms. Kitchen greywater also contains chemical pollutants such as
detergents and cleaning agents which are alkaline in nature and contain various chemicals.
Therefore kitchen wastewater may not be well suited for reuse in all types of greywater
2.3 Characteristics of Greywater
There is variation in chemical and microbial quality of greywater depending on source
types. A typical qualitative composition of greywater is presented in Table 5.

Table 5 : Characteristics of Greywater

Organics matter
Oil & Grease



High pH







Cloth * * * * * * * * * * *
Washing of * * * * * * * * * * * *
Bathing * * * * * * * *
Kitchen * * * * * * * * *
(Wright, 1986 & Errikson, 2002)

Greywater Quantification and Characterization

The chemical characteristics of greywater typically are presented in Table 6. Treatment

requirements vary based on chemical characteristics and intended use of treated greywater.

Table 6: Typical Characteristics of Greywater

Parameter Unit Greywater* Raw sewage

Range Mean
pH - 6.4 - 8.1 7.7 6.5 - 8.5
Suspended solids mg/l 40 - 340 190 90 - 400
Turbidity NTU 15 - 270 161 NA
BOD5 mg/l 45 - 330 170 150 - 400
Nitrite mg/l 0.1 - 1.0 0.55 1-10
Ammonia mg/l 1.0 - 26 13 10 - 35
Total kjeldhal nitrogen (TKN) mg/l 2 - 23 12 40 - 50
Total phosphorus mg/l 0.1 - 0.8 12 5 - 30
Sulphate mg/l <0.3 - 12.9 62 12 - 40
Conductivity mS/cm 325 - 1140 732 300 - 1400
Hardness mg/l 15 - 50 35 200 - 700
Sodium mg/l 60 - 250 140 70 - 300

* Based on the analysis undertaken in Ashram schools of Dhar and Jhabua districts

The microbiological quality in terms of number of thermotolerant coliforms of greywater

from various sources in an Ashram schools is presented in Table 7. Thermotolerant coliforms
are also known as faecal coliforms (expressed as colony forming units per 100 ml) and are a
type of micro-organism which typically grow in the intestine of warm blooded animals
(including humans) and are shed in millions to billions per gram of their faeces. A high faecal
coliform count is undesirable and indicates a greater chance of human illness and infections
developing through contact with the wastewater. Typical levels of thermotolerant coliforms
found in raw sewage are in the order of 106 to 108 cfu/100ml.

Greywater Reuse in Rural Schools-Wise Water Management

Table 7 : Faecal Coliforms in Greywater

Source Thermo tolerant coliforms (cfu)/100ml

Rose et. al. Kapisak et.al California DHS Brandes
(1991) (1992) (1990) (1978)
3 5 8 3
Bathing 6 x 10 cfu 4 x 10 MPN < 10 to 2 x 10 6 x 10 cfu
3 7
Laundry wash water 126 cfu 2 x 10 - 10 MPN – –
Laundry rinse water 25 cfu – – –
Kitchen -- – <10 to 4 x 106 2 x 109
Combined greywater 6 to 80 cfu 8.8 x 10
3 B 5
1.5 x 10 cfu 1.73 x 10
1.8 x 105 to
8 x 10 cfu
13 x 10
A Family without children Source: Jepperson et al., 1994
B Families with children
C Other study quoted cfu- colony forming units/100ml
D Kitchen and bath only MPN- most probable number
Note : For all practical purposes, cfu can be considered similar or of the same magnitude order as MPN

2.4 Greywater Treatment Options

Greywater reuse methods can range from low cost methods such as the manual
bucketing of greywater from the outlet of bathroom, to primary treatment methods that
coarsely screen oils, greases and solids from the greywater before irrigation via small trench
systems, to more expensive secondary treatment systems that treat and disinfect the
greywater to a high standard before using for irrigation. The choice of system will depend on a
number of factors including whether a new system is being installed or a disused wastewater
system is being converted because the household has been connected to sewer. Options for
reusing greywater are listed below.
The greywater treatment options as shown in Figure 4 include anaerobic sludge
reactors, septic tanks, oxidation ponds etc.

Greywater Quantification and Characterization

Treatment Options

Anaerobic Aerobic
Anaerobic -

Upflow Anaerobic Septic Anaerobic tank
anaerobic Filter tank Ponds +
sludge Oxidation
blanket pond

Filters Oxidation

Figure 4 : Greywater Treatment Options

Among the above mentioned options the filtration was followed due to their advantages
mentioned below:
l Easy operation and maintenance
l Economical
l Provides extensive physical treatment
l Treated greywater is of better quality
l Use of locally available filter media
l No requirement of external energy source
l Anaerobic process require a methogenic state to complete the destruction of
vegetable fatty acids and removal of ammonia
l Oxidation ponds are not a complete process and requires servies of waste
stabilization ponds
2.4.1 Primary Treatment System
In primary treatment system, a sedimentation tank is used to coarsely screen out
oils/greases and solids prior to reuse. This system is recognized as an economically attractive
option for greywater reuse because it requires minimal maintenance, and chemicals.

Greywater Reuse in Rural Schools-Wise Water Management

2.4.2 Secondary Treatment System

In secondary treatment system, Chemical and Boilogical treatment process are used to
remove most of the organic matter. This reduces health risk at end use with human contact and
provides additional safety for reuse. This system is generally more expensive, due to the initial
establishment costs associated with the further treatment needs and the periodic
maintenance costs.
2.4.3 Tertiary Treatment System
Tertiary treatment processes further improves the quality of greywater or polish it for
reuse applications. Fixed film biological rotating drums, membrane bioreactors, biologically
aerated filters, activated sludge and membrane treatment systems are all included in this
Whilst utilized on larger scales for more general effluent applications, the other tertiary
treatment technologies mentioned lack sufficient studies into greywater applications and
current literature indicates that costs are high (Al-Jayyousi, 2003).
2.4.4 Biological Treatment System
This level of treatment involves utilising the biological content in greywater to reduce
microbial contamination, suspended solids, turbidity and nutrients (nitrogen and
phosphorous). The treatment process requires a significant level of automation and energy to
power the aeration technology as well as pumps and disinfection systems.
Greywater is characteristically low in nutrients and this would inhibit the efficiency of
biological treatment systems for application in Ashram schools. Consistency in treated
greywater quality can also be achieved through greater storage volumes which assist in the
biological treatment process (Al-Jayyousi, 2003). However, the consistency of biological
treatment systems could vary greatly according to the types of chemicals used at greywater
sources. Some substances or products used such as laundry washing products, soaps or
shampoos with high amounts aluminum or zeolite could poison or hinder the biological
process (Christova-Boal et al., 1995).

Greywater Quantification and Characterization

Other examples of greywater reuse systems that do not incorporate typical primary or
secondary treatment include systems that physically capture/filter out solids from specific
greywater streams prior to reuse and will require ongoing maintenance to regularly clean the
Due to limitations in applying these systems in Ashram schools, no further discussion
on tertiary and biological systems are included in this Manual. Primary and secondary
greywater treatment options are described in Table 8.

Table 8 : Greywater Treatment Options

Option of greywater treatment Advantage Disadvantage

● Provides extensive physical ● Maintenance

Primary treatment and monitoring
● Comparatively higher safety required
and lower health risk ● Costly

● Quality of greywater is good ● Treated greywater

Secondary ● Directly put to irrigation for any other
Treatment ● Besides removing BOD, N purpose is not
and P they are very efficient available
at removing/inactivating ● Skilled
microorganisms and persons required
helminth eggs

Treatment options described above involve various processes predominantly

physical processes for treatment of various parameters of greywater. These processes are not
necessarily put in sequence and do not form part of treatment systems. Treatment for
greywater quality variables is provided in Table 9.

Greywater Reuse in Rural Schools-Wise Water Management

Table 9 : Treatment for Greywater Quality Variables

Organic matter
Food particles

Oil & grease


O xygen





Aeration + + + +
Alum + +
Carbon +
Chlorination + +
Crop + + + +
Dilution + + + + + +
Filtration + + + + + +
Flotation +
Hydrogen + +
Lime + + +
Settling + + + + + +
Soil filtration + + + + + + + + +
Storage + + + + + + +
(Wright, 1986)

2.4.5 Odour and Colour

There is a possibility of odour generation in greywater treatment system due to the following:
l A slime layer will develop on the submerged walls of filters, collection sump and
possibly in sedimentation tank and as velocity of the greywater through the system
sometime is too low to scour the sides
l If aeration is not sufficient dissolved oxygen will reduce substantially and only anaerobic
bacteria will attach to the slime layer
l The anaerobic condition will lead to release of odorous compounds from the system and
build up of hydrogen shlfide may result in a situation hazandous to human health

3.0 Design of Greywater Treatment System

3.1 Background
Greywater treatment process varies from simple devices that divert greywater for direct
application such as irrigation to complex systems involving sedimentation tanks, filters,
bioreactors, pumps and disinfection systems. However, the basic objective of this Manual is to
initiate process of greywater treatment in India and keeping cost-effectiveness as a basic
theme, simple treatment systems for non-contact use are described. This manual provides
acceptable solutions for reuse of greywater in unsewered areas that satisfies the performance
objective and requirements. It may be appropriate for persons contemplating a greywater
reuse system to consult a wastewater system designer or other suitably qualified person to
consider the options available.
To design a greywater system an estimation of greywater generation is required and the
site then needs to be evaluated for the possible reuse of greywater.
3.2 Quantification of Greywater
Determination of greywater generation and flow rate is the first requirement in the
design of greywater collection, treatment and reuse system. Reliable data on existing and
projected flow rate must be available for the cost-effective greywater treatment system design.
The possible reuse options as previously described also determines treatment design.
Following methods are proposed for quantification of greywater:

Method Type
Direct method Water meter
Bucket method
Indirect method Water consumption
Types of uses

3.2.1 Direct Method Water Meter
In the water meter method, a meter is provided at the outlet of the drain connecting
bathrooms, kitchen and cloth washing place (laundry). If not possible, the meter can be placed
at the inlet of the greywater collection tank which can be connected to bathroom, kitchen and
Greywater Reuse in Rural Schools-Wise Water Management

Small plumbing modification in the piping system will allow collection of greywater
system which can be easily measured. This system can be fitted in residential schools where
variation in greywater quantity is not expected. Bucket Method
This is the simplest form of greywater quantification wherein greywater is collected in a
bucket of known volume at the outlet of bathroom, laundry or kitchen. This method is cheap
and suitable where greywater quantity remains almost constant for a substantial time period.
The method is manual and precautions are required to avoid any human contact with
greywater. The method is described below:

l Identify outlet
l Keep a 20 liter bucket at outlet of bathroom and
l Start stop watch and measure time for filling of
20 liter bucket
l Measure during 24 hour cycle
l Measure once per month
l Measure only during February, March and April
l Find out average value of greywater per day

3.2.2 Indirect Method

As mentioned earlier, greywater quantity is about 50-60% of total water consumption.
The quantity of water consumed can also be used to quantify greywater.Table 4 can be used
for quantification of greywater in Ashram school. Greywater Generation
7000 y = 25.593x - 172.39
Indirect method also includes correlation 6000 2
Greywater l/day

R = 0.9592
between a variable and greywater generation. A 4000
correlation is developed between number of 2000
students occupying an Ashram and greywater 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
generation based on the data collected by NEERI No Students
and UNICEF in rural Madhya Pradesh as presented
Figure 5: Correlation Between Number
in Fi gure 5. of Students and Greywater
Generation in Ashram School
Design of Greywater Treatment System

3.3 Components of Greywater Treatment Systems

Advances in the effectiveness and reliability of wastewater technologies have improved
the capacity to produce reused water that can serve as alternative water source in addition to
meeting water quality protection and pollution abatement requirements (Lazarova, 2000). In
southern European Union (EU) countries, additional resources brought by water reuse can
bring significant advantages to agriculture e.g. crop irrigation (Angelakis et al., 2003).
A number of technologies have been applied for greywater treatment worldwide varying
in both complexity and performance (Jefferson et al., 2001). The following greywater systems
considering non-contact application are considered in this Manual:
Primary treatment - pre-treatment to secondary treatment
● Screening
● Equalization
Secondary treatment
● Gravel filtration
● Sand filtration
● Chlorination
3.3.1 Primary Treatment Systems Greywater Diversion Devices
These systems do not store or treat greywater and as such are best to reuse greywater
for sub-surface applications. The simplest forms of primary greywater reuse systems are best
described as greywater diversion devices (Ludwig, 1994) and are the most economical.
A simple plumbing device diverts greywater in the wastewater drainage line to a sub-
surface garden irrigation system via gravity without any external energy. This system does not
treat the greywater and as such the sub-surface garden irrigation system must be able to cope
with fouling material such as hair and lint (Ludwig, 1994). The land patches irrigated directly
with greywater are termed as mini-leachfields which filter the solids and allow sub-surface
infiltration. In these applications the soil treats the greywater and consideration must be given
to the type and depth of soil available to complete the process.

Greywater Reuse in Rural Schools-Wise Water Management

3.3.2 Primary (Pre-treatment) and Secondary Greywater Treatment Systems

Primary (pre-treatment) and secondary greywater treatment systems are useful in
hostels, schools and residential complexes to treat greywater to the tune of 1000-2000 l/day. A
potential treatment scheme is shown in Figure 6.

Raw Primary treatment Secondary treatment-I Secondary treatment-II

greywater •Screening •Gravel filter •Broken brick
•Equalization tank •Sand filter •Charcoal

Figure 6 : Greywater Treatment Scheme
The function of various treatment units are presented in Table 10.
Table 10 : Treatment Units and Functions
Unit of treatment system Removal
1. Screen Floating matter, suspended matter
2. Junction chamber Odour, some of settleable solids
3. Equalization Tank (Holding) Settleable solids
4. Horizontal Roughing Filter Turbidity, suspended solids, some amount of BOD
5. Slow Sand Filter Colour, bacteria, suspended solids and some amount
of BOD
6. Disinfection Bacteria, odour

The design of various components of treatment system based on the application in

Ashram schools in Dhar and Jhabua districts is provided below: Screen
Screen is kept at the outlet of pipes collecting greywater from different sources. Screen
can be a mesh with less than 10 mm size to remove coarse particles. The load to common
screen can be reduced if mesh is kept at the inlet to the piping system of sources such as
bathroom, kitchen etc. The screens can be cleaned manually and solids disposed off along
with solid waste.
Design of Greywater Treatment System Junction Chamber

Junction chamber is provided to facilitate draining out greywater from different sources.
The dimension of junction chamber is kept about 0.3 m x 0.3 m x 0.5 m for a hostel having
greywater generation of 2000-3000 l/day. The dimension of junction chamber is determined
based on providing sufficient storage to handle peak hourly volume. A small rack containing
sponge or foam can be provided close to the top of junction chamber (or equalization tank) for
removal of froth generated from bathroom and washing place due to use of soap. Equalization or Settling Tank
An equalization or settling tank is an important component of greywater treatment
system. It is required to balance flow to take into account maximum flow of greywater is
generate during morning hours due to bathroom use. Adequate aeration by providing baffles
and mixing must be provided to prevent odors and solids deposition in equalization tank. Baffles
can also be provided in equalization tank though it may restrict settling of particles. Greywater is
continuously collected in the tank and flows to filters for treatment. In addition to providing
constant load to the filter system it facilitates settling of coarse particles (>10mm size). Filter
The type of filter required for a greywater system depends largely upon the amount of
greywater to be filtered, the type of contaminants present and end use. A drain filter is an easy
and inexpensive way to filter lint and hair out of bath or laundry water. A simple cloth bag tied
over the end of a bathroom pipe may be sufficient for irrigating outdoors or similar applications.
Filtration is one of the most important operations in the greywater purification process.
Greywater Reuse in Rural Schools-Wise Water Management

Though screening and sedimentation process remove a large proportion of suspended

matter, they do not effectively remove fine flock particles, colour, dissolved minerals and
microorganisms. In filtration, water is passed through a filter medium in order to remove the
particulate matter not previously removed by sedimentation. During filtration, the turbidity and
colloidal matter of non-settleable type protozoan cysts and helminth eggs are also removed. It
is to be mentioned that protozoa are stopped in the gravels, the bacteria by the medium gravel
and the viruses by the sand.
The filter types are as below:
l Upflow -downflow filter
l Multi Media Filter
l Slow Sand Filter
l Horizontal Roughing Filter

Upflow-downflow filter
As the name suggests, raw greywater is put into the bottom of first column of filter and
collected at the top of second column. This water is again fed to the third column of filter from
the bottom and is collected at the top of fourth column. The number of columns depends on
quality of greywater and expected use of greywater and optimally upflow-downflow filter
contains four columns. The filter media varies with the column and may contain gravel, coarse
sand, fine sand and other material such as wooden chips, charcoal etc. The upflow - downflow
filter is shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7 : Upflow Downflow Filter

Design of Greywater Treatment System

Multi-media filter
Multi-media filters are filled with a variety of media in order of increasing size, for example,
fine sand, coarse sand, gravel, stone, and wood chips to a total depth of 0.75 m to 1 m. The inlet
is provided at the top so that the filtered water is collected through outlet in the bottom. A vent is
provided at the top for letting out odorous emissions, if generated in the filter. Media can be taken
out for washing periodically depending on the greywater characteristics and quantity.
Replacement of local filter media is also a feasible alternative.

Slow sand filter

Slow sand filters are shallow layers of stone, medium gravel, and pea gravel beneath a
deep layer of sand. A slow sand filter will have greywater load of 0.1 to 0.2 m3/m2/hr. The slow
sand filter is shown in Figure 8.
These gravity filters may be constructed in a 200 liter drum or similar container that is of
suitable size. Features that should be part of a filter include a perforated plate or some other
device to distribute water evenly over the top, a concrete funnel in the bottom to help water
drain to the perforated drain pipe, and a cover and vent to prevent odors. The bottom of the
filter should be filled with stones that are too large to enter the drain pipe.
Slow sand filters require regular cleaning and replacement of the top layer of media.
Multi-media filters require less frequent cleaning, but all layers must be cleaned or replaced
when maintenance is required.
Routing greywater through a settling tank before filtering reduces contaminant load and
can lengthen the interval between cleanings.

Figure 8 : Slow Sand Filter

Greywater Reuse in Rural Schools-Wise Water Management

Horizontal Roughing Filter

The horizontal flow prefiltration technique using coarse gravel or crushed stone as a
filter media is also a sound alternative in handling turbid waters. The main advantage of the
horizontal flow prefilter is that when the raw water flows through it, a combination of filtration
and gravity settling takes place which invariably reduces the concentration of suspended
solids. The effluent from the pre-filter, being less turbid, can be further easily treated with
slow sand filter.
Horizontal flow prefiltration may be carried out in a rectangular box similar to a basin
used for plain sedimentation filled with various filter media. The raw water inlet is situated at one
side of the box and the outlet at the opposite side. In the main direction of flow the water passes
through various layers of graded coarse materials in the sequence coarse-medium-fine. Collection Sump
A collection sump of an appropriate capacity to handle the average daily generation of
treated greywater is required along with greywater treatment plant. In case the greywater
generation is large (more than 4000 liter/day), collection sump may have capacity to handle half
of the quantity of greywater generated per day. It should be ensured that greywater reuse
should also continue along with greywater generation and treatment to avoid accumulation and
facilitate overflow of treated greywater from collection sump. Freeboard of 0.2-0.3 m should be
provided in collection sump. Pump
Various types of pumping mechanisms can be employed in greywater reuse systems.
These include manual as well as electrical/mechanically operated pumps. Due to lack of spare
parts and fluctuation in electric power supply in many rural buildings, it may be appropriate to
consider manually operated pumps. These may include force lift handpumps, treddle pumps
or play pumps. The pump should have a minimal yield (Q) of 1000 liter/hour and should be a
high head/low discharge pump (see annex 2 for details).
3.3.3 Wetland Treatment
Advances in the effectiveness and reliability of wastewater technologies have improved
the capacity to produce recycled water that can serve as alternative water source in addition to
meeting water quality protection and pollution abatement requirements (Lazarova, 2000).

Design of Greywater Treatment System

A study indicates that in the southern European Union (EU) countries, additional resources
brought by water reuse can bring significant advantages to agriculture e.g. crop irrigation
(Angelakis et al., 2003).
A number of technologies have been applied for greywater treatment worldwide varying
in both complexity and performance (Jefferson et al., 2001).
Experience has shown that especially constructed wetlands are suitable for greywater
treatment including disinfection of the treated greywater when reuse is considered. A
mechanical pretreatment is required when constructed wetlands are used as main treatment
stage. Using horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands, a good removal efficiency for
organic matter (>90%) and pathogens (upto a factor of 100) can be achieved. Compared to
technical solutions (e.g. rotating biological contactors) constructed wetlands are relatively
easy to maintain and economical.
Constructed wetlands are
artificial greywater treatment system
consisting of shallow (usually less
then 0.6 m deep), ponds or channel or
tanks planted with aquatic plants and
relying upon natural microbial,
biological, physical and chemical
processes are used as wetland
treatment system. Submerged type of
wetland treatment minimum can treat
upto 4000 l/day of greywater.

The flow diagram of greywater treatment system incorporating wetland treatment is

shown in Figure 9.

Raw Treated
Primary treatment Secondary treatment Tertiary treatment
greywater greywater
• Screening • wetland • Broken brick
• Coarse filter • Charcoal
• Chlorination

Figure 9 : Greywater Treatment System with Wetland Treatment

Greywater Reuse in Rural Schools-Wise Water Management

3.4 Design of Greywater Treatment Systems

The technologies that best address the factors that effect greywater reuse must
primarily consider the biological characteristics of greywater (Al-Jayyousi, 2003). The design
of greywater reuse system primarily will depend on quantity to be treated and reuse
applications. Treatment technologies can be best described in either user-based or
technology-based terms.
The technology utilised in greywater reuse systems can be differentiated into primary,
secondary and tertiary levels (Jeppesen, 1994). Greywater generated in Ashram schools is
reused in garden watering/ irrigation (external) and toilet flushing (internal) and mainly
developed as part of integrated water management.
Design Parameters for Greywater Reuse System
l Water availability/scarcity
l Quantity of greywater
l Land availability
l Ground slope
l Soil type
l Reuse type such as toilet flushing, gardening, floor washing etc.
l Availability and cost of filter media
3.4.1 General Design Consideration
Compared to wastewater, greywater which is predominantly from bathroom and
laundry sources is high in dissolved solids (mostly salts) and turbidity, low in nutrients and is
likely to contain significant amounts of pathogens (Al-Jayyousi, 2003). The suspended solids
that are present are mostly in the form of hair and lint from bath and laundry waste (Jeppesen,
The treated greywater which is generated from bathroom and clothes washing in
Ashram schools is used for toilet flushing and watering plant in the garden of school premises.
However, treatment for kitchen wastewater, will generally require more sophisticated
technologies and processes to address the high BOD and fatty solids generated (Al-Jayyousi,
2003), hence kitchen wastewater is not considered in this application.

Design of Greywater Treatment System

As greywater reuse for toilet flushing and/or gardening water with extremely low
possibility of human contact, disinfection may not be required. The greywater reuse system is
connected to the septic tank available in these Ashram schools as a precaution. If the
greywater reuse system malfunctions or if maintenance is to be carried out, the system is
capable of being manually or automatically diverted. This would avoid an unlikely event where
the greywater is not collected and disposed of which would increase the risk of human contact.

3.4.2 Standard Design of Greywater Treatment Systems

The greywater treatment system designs vary based on the site conditions and greywater
characteristics. However, designs should incorporate the following features to optimize treatment
efficiency considering sustainable performance of greywater treatment system:
Tips for Design Optimization
l Treatment unit orientation parallel to surface contours
l Equalization with time dosing with peak flow storage
l Uniform application of greywater over filter media
l Multiple cells to provide periodic resting, standby capacity and space for future repairs
or replacement
l Rough surface gravel media
l Organic loading equal to hydraulic loading rate
l Loading to filtration unit with preferably TSS less than 20 mg/l
l Use of natural coagulants such as ground drumstick seeds for odour removal
l Rough surface of partition walls of filters to avoid short circuiting
l Provision of baffles at the inlet and outlet of treatment system

Greywater treatment plants mainly consist of sedimentation or settling unit and filters.
Process of sedimentation allows removal of suspended solids by gravity and natural
aggregation of the particles without use of coagulants. Removal efficiency of suspended
solids in sedimentation tanks depends on surface area and depth of tank. Surface loading rate
is the basic guidance parameter for determining size of tank. The design criteria for
sedimentation or settling tank presented in Table 11 can be considered.

Greywater Reuse in Rural Schools-Wise Water Management

Table 11 : Design Criteria for Sedimentation Tank

S.No Parameter Range
1. Detention time (hours) 1-2
2. Surface loading rate (l/hr/m ) 500-750
3. Depth of tank (m) 0.6-1.0
4. Length to width ratio 3:1 to 4:1

The major processes in filtration are sedimentation in the pore spaces, adhesion to the
media particles, and bio-chemical degradation of captured particles in slow-sand filter. The
design features of upflow-downflow and horizontal roughing filters in greywater treatment
system are provided in Table 12.
Table 12 : Design Criteria for Roughing Filters

Sr. Roughing filter

No. Upflow - downflow Horizontal
1. Number of compartments 3-4 3-4
2. Media and size (mm) Gravel (20-40) Gravel (20-40)
Gravel (5-20) Gravel (5-20)
Coarse sand (1-5) Coarse sand (1-5)
Fine sand (0.1-1) Fine sand (0.1-1)
3 2
3. Hydraulic loading (m /m -hr) 0.1-0.3 0.1-0.2
4. Depth of media (m) 0.4-0.6 0.5-0.7

Standard design for greywater treatment systems have been worked out for different
quantities of greywater generation based on the design criteria described above. Various
treatment options, possible greywater reuse, construction and maintenance costs and
associated health risks are presented in Table 13.

Design of Greywater Treatment System

Table 13 : Details of Greywater Treatment System

Parameter 500 to 2000 l/day Ø 2000 l/day

Treatment Ø Sedimentation Ø Sedimentation
Ø Horizontal filter Ø Horizontal filter
Ø Slow sand filter Ø Slow sand filter
Ø Disinfection Ø Disinfection
Ø Sedimentation
Ø Wetland

Uses Ø Toilet flushing Ø Toilet flushing

Ø Irrigation Ø Irrigation
Ø Floor washing Ø Floor washing
Ø Construction Ø Construction
Construction Cost USD 250-600 based on flow* USD 500 1000 based on flow*
Maintenance Cost per year USD 12-25* USD 25-50*
Water saving per year 200,000 to 400,000 litre More than 400,000 litre
Monitoring/ Maintenance High High
Health risk Low Low
* Cost established in India

3.4.3 Odour Control

Good design and maintenance practices will reduce odour problems in greywater
treatment system without the use of chemical addition or air treatment. However, the following
measures are recommended to minimize odour problem:
l A minimum slope of 2-3 % should be provided so as to ensure sufficient flow
through system when in operation
l Baffles should be provided at the entrance of sedimentation tank and in collection
sump for aeration
l The closed conduit system should be avoided. If a closed conduit system is
unavoidable, length should be minimal with adequate velocity to scour the pipe.
l Deposited solids should periodically be removed from sedimentation tank
l Natural coagulants such as ground seeds of drumsticks should be added to
sedimentation tank

Greywater Reuse in Rural Schools-Wise Water Management

l Addition of chemicals such as calcium nitrate, hydrogen peroxide, potassium

permanganate, hypochlorite and chlorine added to the system to oxidize the
sulphate bearing ingredients of greywater. This is only necessary if the system can
not be designed in such a way to prevent formation of anaerobic conditions
l Filters should be washed with clean water and filter media should be periodically
replaced as mentioned in O&M
l Chlorination of final effluent also helps in minimizing odour
l Collection sump can be covered and vent pipe can be provided to let out the
odourous compounds
3.5 Maintenance of Greywater Treatment System
The success of a greywater reuse system will depend on an individual's efforts in
maintaining the system. Once a greywater system is installed it becomes the users
responsibility to ensure it is managed in accordance with the designer or this manual. Any
defect must be rectified as soon as it becomes apparent. Greywater systems require regular
maintenance e.g. weekly cleaning or replacing filters, periodic desludging, and manually
diverting greywater back to sewer and flushing of drainage lines.
Operation and maintenance of systems will be at a cost to the user. Costs include the
initial construction costs, power to operate pumps, replacement filters, cleaning of irrigation
lines and desludging of sedimentation tanks.
The user of greywater system may be required to undertake certain commitments after
system start-up including but not limited to the following:
l Weekly maintenance of systems with filtering devices
l Systems with two reuse areas require regular diversion
l Sedimentation tanks require desludging every month
l Warning signs should be maintained in good order
l Irrigation area should be maintained to prevent the entry of rainfall runoff
l Ensure excess watering does not occur. Over watering can lead to waterlogging
and plant death. When conducting maintenance (e.g. cleaning filters etc) involving
greywater the user should avoid direct contact with the skin by using rubber

Design of Greywater Treatment System

l Protection from any contact with greywater to ensure that exposed body areas that
come into contact with greywater are immediately washed; not make contact with
the mouth or face either directly (e.g. fingers, hands)
l Use of greywater only for toilet flushing and to completely avoid use for anal
cleaning or handwashing
Normal maintenance activities for the greywater system are presented in Table 14.

Table 14 : Maintenance of Greywater Treatment System

Treatment Units Activity Frequency of Purpose

Equalization cum De-sludging Every week Maintain the volume
settling tank of equalization tank
Horizontal filter Cleaning of filter media Every10 days Maintain the efficiency
of sand filter
Coarse sand filter Cleaning of filter media Every week Maintain the efficiency
of sand filter
Sand filter Refill the upper layer Every week Overcome chocking
Cleaning of filter media Every 10 days Maintain effective
Filter Broken bricks Cleaning of filter media Every 10 days Colour removal
Wetland Removal of unwanted Every 2 months Maintain the efficiency
grass & plants of system
Chlorination Maintain proper dose Every day Disinfection
Collection tank Reuse of water Every 2 days Maintain the quality of

4.0 Water Safety Plan
4.1 Background
Water reuse in schools should be promoted with due consideration for ease of
monitoring and operation and maintenance. To achieve this, appropriate hygiene promotion
and participatory tools are required. This may be achieved using Learn by Play techniques, as
well as involvement of Parent Teacher Association (PTA) and children in the water quality
monitoring and operation and maintenance of greywater reuse system. To achieve this in
Madhya Pradesh, a new approach termed Water Safety Plans has been promoted. The Water
Safety Plan is an improved risk assessment and management tool developed by the World
Health Organisation to improve process monitoring of water quality. Conventionally, water
quality has been assessed using microbiological and chemical water quality testing. Based on
these results reactive maintenance may be undertaken to improve the process monitoring of
water quality. The third edition of Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality (WHO, 2004)
recommends a comprehensive risk assessment and risk management plan comprising of
following two components:
1. Health based targets-using Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment (QMRA)
techniques to establish appropriate water quality performance targets, and;
2. Risk Management-Water Safety Plans to manage the water supply system to
ensure that the system performs to the specified target.
Detailed work on Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment (QMRA) has been
undertaken for greywater (Godfrey et al., 2006, Westrell et al., 2004, Hass et al., 1999 and
Oloffson et al., 2004). Instead, this section will focus on Water Safety Plans for greywater
reuse system.
4.2 Water Safety Plans
Godfrey et al., (2006) observed that risk management of greywater reuse should be
developed to minimize the risk of exposure of users to greywater. Risk management is more
advantageous that conventional water quality monitoring as it provides complete
management of the greywater system from the “tap to the toilet.” It identifies risk points in the
greywater system and suggests appropriate critical limits for monitoring the system based on
QMRA. Once these limits are exceeded, the Water Safety Plan has the additional advantage
in that it provides operation and maintenance solutions. Systematically, the Water Safety Plan
links water quality to operation and maintenance to ensure the safe delivery and use of
greywater at minimal risk.

Water Safety Plan

Water Safety Plans are a new concept in the global water sector. Conventionally, Water
Safety Plans are developed based on the four steps. However, special consideration must be
given to the simplification of the Water Safety Plans for rural schools in developing countries.
Outlined below are examples of the application of Water Safety Plans for rural schools based
on experience from Madhya Pradesh, India:
Water Safety Plans have four main steps:
1. System description - detailed description of the greywater system developed by
Parent Teacher Association (PTA) and children's groups
2. Hazard assessment - identification of main hazards in the greywater system
3. Matrix development - detailing of who, what, how and where hazards will be
monitored as well as suggested corrective actions or maintenance
4. Monitoring and maintenance - limits for physico-chemical monitoring and
maintenance of greywater system
4.2.1 System description
As noted in Godfrey et al., (2005) and Davison et al., (2004), the first step of establishing
a Water Safety Plan is to describe the system. This should be undertaken by an interdisciplinary
team. In schools, this may comprise of the head teacher, selected members of the Parent
Teacher Association (PTA) and student representatives of the school Water Safety Club.
System Description
l Water Safety steering group is formed comprising PTA and children
l Group undertakes a structured observation of the system
l System is drawn on the wall of the school

Greywater Reuse in Rural Schools-Wise Water Management

4.2.2 Hazard Assessment

Based on the system description, specific sources of the microbiological hazards are
identified. These microbiological hazards are identified using standardized sanitary inspection
(SI) forms and Learn by Play hygiene promotion techniques such as those outlined below:
a) Sanitary inspection
The PTA and children's groups undertake the sanitary inspection to prioritize which
hazards exist within the greywater reuse system. It is suggested that for the initial hazard
assessment, the SI form as shown in Figure 10 is filled in by three groups comprising one
member of the PTA with assistance from selected children. The results of the assessments are
then shared to provide further improvements in the clarity of the questions and also to prioritise
which hazards are of greatest significance.
I. Sanitary inspection forms for the greywater systems
1. General Information: Village Name:
Water Source Type:
Year of Installation:
Water Source No.:
2. Date of Visit :
3. Water sample taken? …….Sample No. ………:
II Specific Diagnostic Information for Assessment
1. Do the children use the treated water for Y/N
cleaning toilets?
2. Are the inlet and outlet greywater Y/N
collection tanks properly covered with the lid?
3. Do the animals have access to the area Y/N
around the greywater storage tank?
4. Does the untreated water belong to the greywater Y/N
coming from bathing as well as laundries?
5. Are the bathrooms being regularly cleaned Y/N
and is the treated water is being used for
washing purposes?
6. Are there any other sources of pollution? Y/N
7. Is there any problem regarding the Y/N
overflow in the greywater system?
8. Are the pipes cracked from where the treated Y/N
greywater is supplied to the tanks placed on
the roofs?
9. Does the split greywater collect in the area Y/N Figure 10 : Sanitary Inspection Form
nearby the system? for Greywater Reuse System
10. Is the treated greywater being properly chlorinated ? Y/N
Total Score of Risks …. /10
Risk score: 9-10 = Very high; 6-8 = High; 3-5 = Medium; 0-3 = Low
Water Safety Plan

b) Greywater reuse hazard assessment

To encourage the involvement of children in the hazard assessment, Learn by Play
techniques of hygiene promotion may be used. Outlined below are two examples and the
results are depicted in Figure 11.
Example 1: Hazard Assessment of Greywater Reuse System
Learn as you play - Greywater reuse system performance monitoring
l Children are organized by PTA into three lines
l The children join hands in three rows with
the tallest children at the front
(representing the gravel filters) followed
by medium height children (medium
gravels) and then the small
children (representing the sand filter)
l Children are then asked to walk under
the hands of the children
l The biggest children are prevented from
passing through the first row, followed by
medium children in second row and small in the third, only the smallest children escape
l The PTA then explain that the three rows represent the filtration in the greywater
l The protozoa are stopped in the gravels, the bacteria by the medium gravel and the
viruses by the sand
Example 2: Exposure Assessment
Learn as you Play - Exposure Assessment
l Children draw all the identified hazards in the
greywater system
l Under the guidance of the PTA, the children
are given one stone
l Using a pocket chart voting technique, the
children vote on which hazard they think is
most detrimental to their health
l The stones are counted and results are
discussed with the children to prioritise the
Greywater Reuse in Rural Schools-Wise Water Management

Exposure Assessment of Greywater with

the children

Figure 11 : Exposure Assessment of Greywater with Children

The results of the exposure assessment are described in Table 15, the size and the
nature of the population exposed and the routes, concentrations and distribution of hazards
are determined (Roseberry et al., 1992).
Table 15 : Exposure Assessment for Greywater Reuse
Type of Exposure Volume Frequency Number of
ingested (ml) (Times per year) persons affected
(UN) intentional ingestion 30 1 100
of greywater during handwashing
Child playing in greywater 1 2 30
Child drinking greywater 100 10 100
(UN) intentional ingestion of 30 1 2
greywater during tooth brushing

Greywater used for the reuse may expose people directly via inhalation as well as
through ingestion. The dose of a pathogen is calculated from the density of organism in the
water times the volume ingested (Ottoson et al., 2003). Further to the exposure assessment,
the response of the individual is required to assist in ranking the risks associated with the
system. Each of these risks is then prioritized and monitored accordingly in a Water Safety
Plan as indicated in Figure 12.
Water Safety Plan


Figure 12 : Water Safety Plan for Greywater Reuse System
Greywater Reuse in Rural Schools-Wise Water Management

4.2.3 Matrix Development

The Water Safety Plan matrix comprises four major activities :
1. Hazard event-this can be defined as the source of the microbiological contamination
affecting the system. This is identified through the sanitary inspection form outlined
2. Risk- this can be defined as the severity of impact of the hazard event on the children
(i.e. number of children falling ill due to exposure to the greywater) combined with
the frequency of occurrence of the hazard event occurrence
3. Monitoring-this includes details on the regular monitoring of physico-chemical
surrogates as well as sanitary inspection required by the PTA and children water
safety clubs
4. Maintenance- the maintenance if and when the hazard event occurs
To explain this in schools, it is recommended that cartoon drawings are used and
painted on the school wall. This has the advantage as it makes the matrix attractive to the
children and also a permanent feature of the school. Outlined below are examples of the main
components of a Water Safety Plan matrix in photographic and pictorial form.
4.2.4 Monitoring and Maintenance
To ensure involvement of the user, it is recommended that full participation is
encouraged in both the monitoring of simple physico-chemical indicators and verification by
microbial parameters. As noted in the Water Safety Plan methodology, there is a distinction
between monitoring and verification of the water quality. The monitoring includes monitoring of
simple physico-chemical parameters which may be used as surrogates of microbial presence.
These may include turbidity, H2S, temperature or pH. These parameters are then verified
through the use of selected microbial parameters such as Thermotolerant Coliforms,
Enterococci or Coliphage spores. For example, the use of turbidity tubes for monitoring of
turbidity of the inlet and outlet water may be done by the user. Using the guideline values as
indicated by WHO, inlet values of 500 NTU to 50 NTU (1log reduction) may be considered.
Where 50 NTU is then exceeded then a change in the filter media in the system plus a further
verification of microbial quality may be required.

Water Safety Plan

Further infrastructural precautions are also essential to ensure non-mixing of fresh and
greywater in the water supply system. These precautions include:
● No cross connection with the potable water supply
● Encouragement of use of greywater to irrigate fruit plants where the fruit does not
make contact with the greywater and non-leafy vegetables
● Prevention of mosquito breeding in the system
● Use of different colour pipe network for fresh and greywater
● Signage to ensure effective cautioning for those entering the area that greywater is
being used for irrigation. The sign should be on a white background with red
lettering at least 40mm high

5.0 Case Studies
5.1 Background
The case studies of construction and successful operation and maintenance of
greywater treatment plants in Ashram schools in tribal districts of westerns Madhya Pradesh
are presented in this chapter. Dhar and Jhabua are two districts of Madhya Pradesh in Central
Province of India which suffers recurrent water quantity and quality problems. Lack of water is
major reason for low sanitation coverage in schools.
In many residential schools in Dhar and Jhabua Districts, limited availability of
freshwater has prompted UNICEF, in collaboration with NEERI and other Governmental and
Non Governmental partners, to explore the use of greywater for appropriate purposes such as
flushing of toilets. A holistic water management is adopted in these Ashram schools by
integrating different water usages and corresponding quality requirements. It has been found
out in Ashram schools that water requirement is about 60-70 liter per student per day as
against drinking/cooking water requirement of 5 liter per day.
Considering the consumptive use of 20-30%, greywater generation is in the range of
23-35 liter per student per day. The greywater treatment plants have been constructed by
providing treatment techniques such as screening, equalization, settling, filtration and
aeration. This simple treatment has resulted in use of treated greywater in flushing the toilets
which were otherwise unclean and hence not used by the students.
5.2 Greywater Treatment Plant in Kokawad Ashram School
Greywater treatment plant is constructed in Girls Ashram School in Kokawad, District
Jhabua in Madhya Pradesh. The details of the Ashram school are provided below:
● Total number of students : 50 tribal girls from rural area
● Education : 1st to 8th standard
● Age group : 5 to 14 years
● Distance from pucca road : 8 km
● Total water requirement for
Drinking and cooking : 90000 liter /year
(For ten months/ 300 days)
● Total water requirement for
bath, toilets, etc. : 375000 liter / year
(For ten months/ 300 days)
Case Studies

● Water source : One tube well

● Sanitation facility : Four latrines and three bathrooms
● Greywater generation : 1500 - 1750 l / day
The greywater treatment plant with details given in Table 16 is constructed in Ashram
school to make water available to flush toilets, to improve sanitation, to use treated greywater
for gardening and for floor washing.

Table 16: Design Details of Greywater Treatment System in Kokawad Ashram School
Sr.No. Specification Size of tank in cm Filter material

1. Equalization tank 75 x 75 x 60
75 x 75 x 60
2. Filter I 40 x 75 x 60 Gravels
(40 to 50 mm)
3. Filter II 35 x 75 x 60 Gravels
(10 to 30 mm)
4. Filter III 50 x 75 x 60 Coarse sand
(1 to 1.4 mm)
5 Filter IV 35 x 75 x 60 Burnt bricks
(15 to 30 mm)
6 Filter V 35 x 75 x 60 Fine sand
(1 to 0.07 mm)
7 Collection tank 100 x 100 x 100
8 Greywater storage tank 200 x 100 x 100
9 Overhead tank 100 x100 x 100

5.3 Greywater Treatment Plants in other Schools

UNICEF and NEERI along with Government and Non-government partners have
constructed six greywater treatment plants in Dhar and Jhabua districts to data as presented
in Table 18. The operation and maintenance of these greywater treatment plants are looked
after by students and Parent Teachers Association (PTA). Department of Tribal Welfare,
Government of Madhya Pradesh has committed funds for regular maintenance of these
plants. It is proposed to build similar greywater treatment plants in 60 Ashram schools in Dhar
and Jhabua districts using funds available with Government of Madhya Pradesh.

Greywater Reuse in Rural Schools-Wise Water Management

5.4 Performance Evaluation of Greywater Treatment Plants

5.4.1 Microbial Performance
Performance evaluation of greywater treatment plant was undertaken by NEERI
by collecting samples from seven greywater treatment plants in Dhar and Jhabua district.
Physical and microbial parameters were analyzed and results were compared to the
Australian guideline show in Figure 13. The turbidity removal efficiency of 50% (<200 NTU) is
observed in all the greywater treatment plants. Considering direct correlation between
turbidity and microorganism, it can be stated that microbial removal efficiency of these
greywater treatment plants is also approximately 50%. This corresponds with studies
undertaken by Metcalf & Eddy (2003), which indicate that filtration treatments remove
between 20-80% of microbial pollution. To further ascertain the level of microbial hazard,
results of the microbiological analysis were compared to established guidelines for greywater
outlined by WHO, the Government of India and the Government of Australia (see Table 17)
Table 17: Suggested Guideline Values for Greywater Quality
Parameter Direct Potable Indirect Potable Direct Non Potable Indirect Non
(recycled (recycled effluent Potable (recycled
drinking water) pumped to surface effluent into
water for drinking) surface water for
Thermotolerant <1cfu/100ml <1cfu/100ml (WHO) <10 cfu/100ml < 100,000
Coliform (E.coli) (WHO) (Australia) post cfu/100ml (root
cfu/100ml disinfection crops) (WHO)
< 10000 cfu/100ml
(leaf crops) (WHO)
Helminth eggs <1 <1 <1 <1
BOD5 (mg/l) 2 mg/l (CPCB- 10 mg/l (WHO)* 30mg/l (Australia) 30mg/l (Australia)
Class A)
Sodium (mg/l) 70 (Australia) 70 (Australia) 70-300 (Australia) 70-300 (Australia)
Nitrite (mg/l) 0.3 (Australia) 0.3 (Australia) 0.3 (Australia) 0.3 (Australia)
* Sufficient dilution should be available so as to bring down ultimate BOD concentration to 3 mg/l to meet
CPCB Central Pollution Control Board Class C Standard
CPCB Inland Surface Water Classification
Class A Drinking water source without conventional treatment
Class C Drinking water source with conventional treatment followed by disinfection

Case Studies

The Australian Guideline value for safe use of greywater is =10,000 cfu/100ml of
Thermotolerant Coliforms (Department of Health 2002). Figure 13 below outlines results from
7 greywater reuse systems in schools in Madhya Pradesh, India.
TTC results vs Guideline values
25000 25000
TTC (cfu/100m l)

Australian Guideline
20000 Result 20000

Australi an

Gui deli ne
15000 cfu/100ml 15000

10000 10000
5000 5000

0 0


G angangar
Kalidev i

G adwada


Figure 13: Greywater Quality Results

The results indicate a high level of compliance of the rural schools in Madhya Pradesh
with these guideline values. However, the results show a low level of compliance from the
Mandu as the system suffered from severe short circuiting. Higher levels of compliance were
noted in Kalidevi, Jhakela, Gadwada, Ganganagar and Nalcha schools.
5.4.2 Financial Aspect
The acceptance of setting up greywater reuse system in Ashram school using
Government funds indicates that the financial implications of greywater treatment systems
provide greater environmental and social benefits. Greywater treatment technologies adopted
in these systems are economically feasible which make these systems more attractive
Like the development of the other utilities, the implementation of greywater reuse
facilities generally requires a substantial capital expense. In addition to capital costs
associated to greywater reuse facilities, there are also additional operations, maintenance
and replacement (OM and R) costs.
The main objective of the greywater reuse system is to satisfy the water related needs
to the community at the lowest cost to the society whilst minimizing the environmental and
social impacts. Thus the financial aspect focuses on two types of the costs mentioned below:
● Capital costs of greywater reuse system
● Operation and maintenance cost of the greywater reuse system
The cost of existing greywater treatment plants constructed in Madhya Pradesh is
presented in Table 18.
Greywater Reuse in Rural Schools-Wise Water Management

Table 18 : Cost of the Existing Greywater Reuse System in Madhya Pradesh

Ashram Greywater Treatment Size Slope Collection Cost
School generation units LxBxH (%) Tank (USD)
(l/d) (m) (liter)
Kalidevi 1000 1) Equalization 3x2x0.5
(50 Students) 2) Gravel (30-50 mm) 0.4x2x0.5
3) Gravel (10-30 mm) 0.35x2x0.5 2 2000 600
4) Coarse sand (1-2 mm) 0.5x2x0.5
5) Fine sand (0.5-0.8 mm) 0.35x2x0.5
6) Broken Brick (20-40 mm) 0.35x2x0.5

(50 Students) 1000 1) Equalization 3x2x0.5
2) Gravel (30-50 mm) 0.4x2x0.5
3) Gravel (10-30 mm) 0.35x2x0.5 2 2000 650
4) Coarse sand (1-1.4 mm) 0.5x2x0.5
5) Broken Brick (20-40 mm) 0.35x2x0.5
6) Fine sand (0.5-0.8 mm) 0.35x2x0.5

(135 Students) 2500 1) Equalization 1.7x1.2x0.6 2 2500 870
2) Gravel (15-25 mm) 0.5x2.3x0.6
3) Gravel (8-15 mm) 0.5x1.5x0.6
4) Coarse sand (1-1.4 mm) 0.7x1.2x0.6
5) Fine sand (0.5-0.8 mm) 0.3x1.2.x0.6
6) Charcoal 0.25x1.2x0.6
7) Chlorination -

(65 Students) 1825 1) Equalization 3.0x0.7x0.5
2) Gravel (15-25 mm) 0.5x0.7x0.5
3) Gravel (8-15 mm) 0.5x0.7x0.5
4) Coarse sand (1-1.4 mm) 0.6x0.7x0.5
5) Broken Brick (20-40 mm) 0.4x0.7x0.5 2.5 2000 $610
6) Fine sand (0.5-0.8 mm) 0.35x0.7x0.5
7) Charcoal 0.35x0.7x0.5
8) Chlorination 0.3x0.7x0.5

Case Studies

Ashram Greywater Treatment Size Slope Collection Cost

School generation units LxBxH (%) Tank (USD)
(l/d) (m) (liter)

(400 Students) 4500 1) Equalization 3.9x1.5x0.6 2 4500 1100
2) Gravel (15-25 mm) 0.8x1.5x0.6
3) Gravel (8-15 mm) 0.8x1.5x0.6
4) Coarse sand (1-1.4 mm) 1.0x1.5x0.6
5) Wet land 2 x 7.0x0.6
6) Charcoal (0.5-0.8 mm) 0.5x1.5x0.6
7 ) Chlorination 0.5x1.5x0.6
(235 Students) 4500 1) Equalization 3.9x1.5x0.6
2) Gravel (15-25 mm) 0.8x1.5x0.6
3) Gravel (8-15 mm) 0.8x1.5x0.6
4) Coarse sand (1-1.4 mm) 1.0x1.5x0.6 2 4500 1200
5) Wet land 2.0x7x0.6
6) Charcoal (0.5-0.8 mm) 0.5x1.5x0.6
7 ) Chlorination 0.5x1.5x0.6

On the basis of above case study the capital cost can be estimated and
summarized in the typical unit cost as presented in Table 19.
Table 19 : Typically Levelised Cost of Greywater Reuse System
Item Cost (USD)
Excavation 16
PCC 33
Brick Work 215
Plaster 335
GI pipes 192
P.V.C pipe 44

5.5 Cost Benefit Analysis

The Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) considers the capital cost, maintenance and operating
costs of greywater reuse systems against the savings in particularly potable water uses for
such purpose. Cost savings for the Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) were benchmarked against
the calculated potable water cost savings of reusing greywater for the Ashram schools
applications such as toilet flushing, garden watering and floor washing.
Greywater Reuse in Rural Schools-Wise Water Management

The case study of Ganganagar Ashram school considers cost of well water as nil
because the well is in the school premise. However, cost of tankered water is considered
during water scarcity because water is to be bought from local entrepreneurs. Direct and
indirect costs as presented earlier were considered in CBA, whereas maintenance cost is
equivalent of 10% of greywater treatment system.
Findings of cost benefit analysis are presented in Table 20.
The following input parameters were considered while undertaking CBA for greywater
reuse system in Ganganagar Ashram School:
● 250 girls in the Ashram school
● School period July 1st to April 30th
● Daily water requirement of 10,000 l
Table 20 : Cost Benefit Analysis of Ganganagar Ashram School
Parameter Before Construction of After construction of
greywater reuse system greywater reuse system

Water source between July Dug well (10000 l) Dug well (5000 l) and
and December greywater reuse (5000 1)
Water source between . Dug well (5000 l) and tanker Dug well (5000 l) and greywater
January and April water (5000 l) reuse (5000 l)
Annual cost of water ● Monthly expenditure on purchase ● Interest on capital expenditure
of water is IR 9000 (USD 225) IR 4,000 (USD 100)
since January
● Annual expenditure of IR 36,000/- ● O & M cost of system is
(USD 900) IR 5,000 (USD 125)
Annual cost saving INR 27,000
Payback period of greywater ~ 2 years
reuse system

5.6 Conclusion
The study concluded that the cost of the system may be recovered in two years
furthermore; Studies by Godfrey et al (2007) indicate a reduction of the number of disability
-6 -3
adjusted life years (DALYs) of 10 to 10 based an improved availability of greywater at school.
This translate to 56 as average life expectancy in MP compared to 80 used global (difference
-6 -3
of 24) years. Therefore the system results in10 to 10 (24-12) =12 years of improved a life
years. Additionally, the system provides secondary benefit such as improved education, clean
environment and time available for other activities. Indirect economical benefits therefore
include more assistance children in day to day activity.
Annexure I
Latrine selection

Choosing a Latrine

Flush system Drop system

Yes Flushing water No

availa ble all the

Pour Flush Latrine Pit Latrine/ VIP Latrine

LATRINE Rural Urban Cost Ease of Water Best Hygiene Fertilizer
applic applic to construction require cleaning produ
-ation -ation build - ment material ction

Pit Suitable not in high Low Simple-except in None Any Moderate Can do
Latrine in all density wet and rocky
areas suburbs ground
VIP Suitable not in high
Latrine in all density Low Simple-except None Any Good Not
areas suburbs in wet and rocky easily
Pour Suitable Not High Requires skilled Water Water Good No
flush suitable builder source
latrine near privy

Greywater Reuse in Rural Schools-Wise Water Management

According to need of the area and to reduce water requirement following types of
sanitary pans are recommended to be used in the low cost toilet construction.
● Ceramic pan
● Mosaic pan
● Fiber or plastic pan
Except the ceramic pan, all other type of the pan can be produced locally.
Design parameters are mainly focused on deeper slope to minimize the use of water
and optimum size of leach pit and its duration to clean.
If water is used for flushing and anal ablution, then two water inlet are required in the
toilet. One intel is required for greywater which cane be used for flushing and the other one for
freshwater which can be used for anal ablution.

Annexure II
Pumps for Wise Water Management
The pumping requirement for greywater reuse system is to lift the water from the
storage tank to the overhead tank.
The pumps for greywater reuse system are (1) manually operated pumps (2)
conventional power operated electric motors (3) solar operated pumps. These pumps are
popular because they are relatively easy to operate, require low maintenance cost and
available in the local market.
1. Manually operated pumps
(a) Hand pump with force lift attachment
Hand pumps used in India to lift water in schools are popularly known as India Mark III
(IM3). The pumps are operated by the up and down movement of the handle.
These pumps are an improved & VLOM (Village Level Operation & Maintenance)
version of the India Mark II. India Mark III has many common components with India Mark II.
With following differences:
● Riser Pipe. India Mark III uses riser pipe of 65mm Nominal Bore
● Cylinder Assembly. This assembly is an area for cylinder facilitates the removal of
the foot valve
● Bottom cap is to suit the check valve and top cap is to facilitate extraction of the
plunger and check valve assemblies for repairs without lifting the riser main.
(b) Force lift Hand Pump
To get the delivery head through the hand pump, an extra one-way valve operating
accessory is fixed on the top this is called a modified third plat. This provides the head of 3-4
meter without any extra level of fatigue and with same pump efficiency. The additional
attachment can be fabricated in the workshop as the design is made simple, while the
standard parts like bearings, bolts and nuts, etc., are readily available locally.
The discharge rate of any pump with force lift arrangement is proportionate with
function of piston diameter, stroke, number of strokes per minute (or revolutions per minute)
and the volumetric efficiency, which is the percentage of swept volume that is actually pumped
per stroke. It is an average of 800-1000 Ql/h
Greywater Reuse in Rural Schools-Wise Water Management

The play pump is one example of new strategy to help the poor escape poverty's
snares. UNICEF Bhopal has taken the initiative to support the developed a play pump making
necessary changes suitable to Indian conditions.
The play pump could be the one of the best pumping devices to install in the Ashrams for
lifting water for greywater reuse system.
As indicated in the picture, while children have fun spinning on the play pump, clean
water is pumped from underground into a 2,500-liter tank standing seven meters above the
A simple tap makes it easy for women and children to draw water. Excess water is
diverted from the storage tank back down into the borehole. The water storage tank provides a
rare opportunity to advertise in rural communities. All four sides of the tank are leased as
billboards, with two sides for consumer advertising and the other two sides for health and
educational messages. The revenue generated by this unique model pays for pump
The play pump is capable of producing up to 1,000 liters of water per hour at a rate of 16
rotations per minute. It has a pump depth of 65 meter and a delivery head of 30 meter. It is
effective up to a depth of 100 meters. The play pump's storage tank can hold 2,500 liters of
The play pump requires less effort than any other manually operated pump. Hand
pumps are difficult for most people to operate and require great effort.

2. Conventional Power Operated Electric Motors

Efficient centrifugal pumps are ideal where water requirements are substantial and only single-
phase power, and sufficient power available.
These are normally low cost balanced and with rigged construction. It has no centrifugal switch,
require less operational and maintenance cost with no air lock problems.
3. Solar Pumps
The solar water pumping system is a stand-alone system operating on power generated using
solar PV (photovoltaic) system. The power generated by solar cells is used for operating DC surface
centrifugal mono-block pumpset for lifting water from bore/open well. The system requires a shadow-
free area for installation of the Solar Panel.
Brief Details
The system is provided with 1800 W solar PV panel (24 nos. X 75 Wp) and 2 HP centrifugal DC
mono-block / AC submersible with inverter. The average water delivery of 2 HP solar pump will be
around 6000 l/h, for a suction head of 6 metres and dynamic head of 10 metres. The size of suction &
delivery lines is 2.5 inches (62.5 mm).
System Cost and Subsidy Scheme
The cost of the system depends on upon the size and BHP of the pump. The cost of solar pump
is 3000 USD. Ministry of Non conventional Energy Sources, Government of India is providing the
subsidy to support the initial cost.

Greywater Reuse in Rural Schools-Wise Water Management

Advantages of solar pump sets are as follows :

l No fuel cost-uses abundantly available free sun light
l No conventional grid electricity required
l Long operating life
l Highly reliable and durable - free performance
l Easy to operate and maintain

National Review Committee Members Annexure III

Date : 27-28 June 2006
Venue : National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI), Nagpur
Topic : Brainstorming on Water Reuse for Schools and Households in Rural Area
Front Row (From Left to Right) : Mr. B. P. Mishra(Water Aid India , Bhubaneshwar),
Dr. Robert Simons(International Water Management Institute-Hyderabad), Dr. Sukumar Devotta
(Director, NEERI,Nagpur), Dr.Sam Godfrey (Project Officer, UNICEF), Dr.S.R.Wate (Deputy Director,
NEERI, Nagpur), Dr. A.G. Bhole (Ret. Prof., VNIT,Nagpur), Dr. Arvind Kumar (IIT,Roorkee),
Prof. S. K.Gupta (IIT,P owai) .
Middle Row (From Left to Right) : Dr. V.A. Mhaisalkar (VNIT,Nagpur), Mr. R.K. Pande(AFPRO, New
Delhi), Mr. Ajit Saxena (UNDP, Rajasthan), Mr. Pawan Kumar(Assistant Project Officer,UNICEF),
Mr. Dinesh Prakash(Central Government Water Board), Dr. P.K. Naik(Central Ground Water Board,
Nagpur), Mr. M.K. Mudgal (UN Human Setellment Program, India) , Mr.G.S.Damor(Public Health
Engineering Department, Indore).
Back Row(From Left to Right) : Dr. S. Bodkhe(Scientist , NEERI, Nagpur), Mr. Madan Singh
Chouhan(Jhabua,MP), Mr. H.B. Dwivedi(NGo, Jhabua,MP), Mr. Ratan Singh Deoda (Jhabua,MP),
Mr.George Varghese(Socio Economic Unit Foundation, Trissur), Mr. Shailendra Kumar
Mahant(Mandu,Dhar, MP), Dr. Parul Madaria(Development Alternative, New Delhi), Dr. Neeta
Shukla(UNICEF,Bhopal), Ms. Gayatri Parihar(NGO, Dhar, MP) , Mr. Aditya Swami(State Consultant,
UNICEF,Bhopal), Ms. Rajashri Awande(Indian Institute of youth Welfare, Nagpur) .
Greywater Reuse in Rural Schools-Wise Water Management


IWMI International Water Management Institute

MDG Millennium Development Goals
CWWA Canadian Water and Wastewater Association
SSHE School Sanitation and Hygiene Education
TSC Total Sanitation Campaign
DDWS Department of Drinking Water Supply
W.C Water closet
BOD5 Biochemical Oxygen Demand
TKN Total Kjeldhal Nitrogen
NTU Nephelometric Turbidity Unit
MPN Most Probable Number
cfu Colony forming units/100ml
TSS Total suspended solids
USD US-Dollar
O&M Operation and Maintenance
PTA Parent Teacher Association
WHO World Health Organisation
QMRA Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment
SI Sanitary Inspection
CBA Cost Benefit Analysis
INR Indian Rupees
VLOM Village Level Operation & Maintenance
H.P. Horsepower
BHP Brake Horsepower

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