CTC SITE INVESTIGATION and Geotechnical Design
CTC SITE INVESTIGATION and Geotechnical Design
CTC SITE INVESTIGATION and Geotechnical Design
According a Standard Penetration Test conducted in the Gönyeli region in the capital Lefkosa of North
Cyprus, the nature of soil encountered in this zone is expansive clay soil. This result obtaining by a
Standard penetration test on which Soil samples were obtained by Rotary core drilling with a borehole
depth of up to 33 m. It was observed two layers of soil; the first one from the depth of 0 to 1.8 m which
is regarded as the topsoil and the second one from 1.8 to 33 m. The penetration from 1.8 to 3.0 m
revealed a uniform type of clay with high plasticity involving the tendency to shrink and swell when
exposed to the meteorological conditions of North Cyprus. In fact, clay soils are made up 40 % of water
and due to the presence of trees in this area, the quantity of water changes seasonally. Furthermore,
due to extreme weather occurs two phenomena called swelling and shrinkage which are respectively an
increasing and decreasing of the volume of clay soil caused by the changes of water content. Here below
are presented the results of SPT test in Gönyeli region and the laboratory results of tests done. Some
correlation will be presented which led to determine further properties of the soil.
Standard penetration test in Gönyeli region
Sieve analysis of soil done for sampling between 0.27 – 0.47 m of depth
Sieve analysis of soil done for sampling between 3.36 – 3.55 m of depth
Results of Atterberg limits test for sampling between 0.27-0.47 m of depth
Results of Atterberg limits test for sampling between 3.30-3.55 m of depth
For the sieve analysis and the results of Atterberg limits test, the nature of the soil is given by the table
Depth of Material
% Gravel % Sand % Silt % Clay PL LL PI
sampling Description
0.27 - 0.47 m 1 55 44 Silty Clay soil 24 58 34
3.36 - 3.55 m 1 48 51 Silty Clay soil 30 71 41
Relationships between the swelling potential and plasticity index of soil proposed by Gibbs and Holtz in
1956 are shown in the table below. The parameters shown in this table enable for finding the swelling
behavior of clay soils
Holtz and Gibbs relationships led to the followed results for Gönyeli clay soil.
From now, all results of 0.27 - 0.47 m sampling will be considered for the top layer and those for 3.36 -
3.55 m sampling depth will be considered for the second silty clay layer.
On the basis of field observations, it appears reasonable to standardize the field SPT number
as a function of the input driving energy and its dissipation around the sampler around the
surrounding soil. The variations in testing procedures may be at least partially compensated
by converting the measured N to N60 as follows (Skempton, 1986)
η H η B ηs η R N
N 60=
η H : Hammer efficiency in %
η S: Sampler correction
Since this correction must be done and due to the lack of information, a guess will be made in order to
do this correction as follows.
Since the soil is clayed, no need to do an overburden pressure correction and due to the lack of water,
there is not any water correction to do for N-values even if N>15 for silt soils.
The correlation between N 60 value, the consistency index and the unconfined compression strength of
clay soils is shown in the table below as follows.
Penetration Resistance and Soil Properties on the Basis of SPT (Cohesive Soil) (Peck et. al.
1974; Bowles)
16 to
SPT N-value 0 to 2 2 to 4 4 to 8 8 to 16 >32
very very
Consistency soft medium stiff hard
soft stiff
Unconfined Compressive 25 to 50 to 100 to 200 to
kPa 0 to 25 >400
stress q u 50 100 200 400
Unit Weight Saturated 15.7 to 17.3 to 18.1 to 18.8 to
kN/m3 <15.7 >20.4
γ sat 18.8 19.6 20.4 22.0
For Clay soils, the same authors proposed the following correlation to compute the angle of internal
friction φ and the unconfined compressive stress q u given by:
Φ=27+0.3 ( N 1 ) 60
q u=12.5 N 60
The undrained shear stress c uof cohesive soil can be computed as c u=
Moreover, a correlation between the saturated unit weight γ sat of cohesive soil and the SPT- value N 60 is
given as:
γ sat =16.8+0.15 N 60
of N 60 Consistency q u (kPa) c u(kPa) ϕ (°) γ sat (kN/m3)
0.20 m 25 Very stiff 312.5 156.25 34.5 20.55
3.00 m 7 Medium 87.5 43.75 29.1 17.85
The observation of undrained cohesive shear stress of both soil layers show that the top soil is stronger
( c u )top layer
than the bottom one since >1 .
( c u )bottom layer
As any test in order to determine the bulk unit weight of soil, a first approximation is going to be made
for this problem.
γ¿ ≈ and knowing that γ ¿ =γ sat −γ w
→ γ =2( γ sat −γ w )
Kulhawy and Mayne (1990) suggested two approximate correlations to compute the over consolidation
ratio and the preconsolidation pressure σ c of clay soils.
N 60 pa
OCR=0.58 '
σ c =0.47 N 60 p a
-Consolidation index C c
Skempton (1944) gave an empirical correlation for the compression index in which
C c =0.009(¿−10)
-Swelling index C s
A correlation based on SPT allows to determine the Young modulus of a silty clay is expressed as
E s=300(N 55 +6)
The author Bowles suggested to multiply this empirical relationship by the factor √ OCR (the root
square of the over consolidation ratio) in order to take in account of the consolidation of the soil
because the formula presented above is intended to compute the Young modulus E s for normally
consolidate soils. Accordingly,
E s=300 ( N 55 +6 ) √ OCR
Knowing the relationship between N 60 and N 55 which is N 55= ( 5560 ) N 60, the modulus of Elasticity of
The results are presented in the table below for both soil layers.
Summary table of N 60, PL, LL, PI, C c, C s and E s parameters of soil layers
The allowable bearing capacity of the soil will be determined while the designing of foundation of CTC
building will be done.
Indeed, in this step of the project, it is not possible to decide the type of foundation. The choice and the
design of foundation will be made after determining the load transmitted by the superstructure to the
foundation. In the section which is going to be dedicated to this task, first a geotechnical analysis of the
foundation will be carried out followed by the structural design of the foundation.
The type of construction adopted for CTC building is a reinforced concrete building, accordingly the
Turkish Standard part which deals with such a structure is the TS500 and for loading considerations for
the design purpose the TS498 will be used. As recall, North Cyprus is an Earthquake zone accordingly
used in addition of TS500. In fact, the Specification for Structures to be Built in Disaster Areas is the
third part of the Turkish Earthquake code which is provided by the Ministry of Public Works and
The site of construction is classified in the Group Z2 since the topmost thickness layer hl is 1.8 m and the
soil group of soil is Group C. Accordingly, the site chosen for the CTC project is classified in the local site
class Z2 referring to the requirement given in the table referred to as Local site classes.
Soil Groups
Local site classes
Based on the Turkish standard code for earthquake, the CTC which is a commercial building has an
importance factor I = 1.2 (Intensively but short occupied buildings).
Based on engineering properties computed while the soil analysis, the bearing capacity and the
settlement of the building will be computed, accordingly, the safe bearing pressure will be determined
for foundation and this parameter will be important in the choice of the type of the foundation to be
To start, an analysis will be performed by considering a spread footing as chosen. The maximum and
minimum service load of foundation will be determined, following by the estimation of the depth of
foundation. Those preliminary steps done, an analysis of settlement will be performed on the foundation
by using the maximum service load, this analysis will lead to the calculation of the bearing capacity. After
this step, a bearing capacity analysis will be performed to determine the allowable bearing capacity by
using this time the minimum service load. At the end of this analysis the minimum value of bearing
capacity computed by those methods will be considered as safe bearing pressure for the structural
design of foundation. The safe bearing pressure will help to compute the section of footing of all
columns, if the total of area of all footing is greater than 50 % of the footing area, then mat foundation
could be used instead of spread or isolated footing.
The column which has the maximum axial (F ¿¿ z )¿ load (service load) is the column 101:
Pservice =3968.1249 KN
Pdesign =5801.3808 KN
The column which has the minimum axial (F ¿¿ z )¿ load (service load) is the column 17:
Pservice =721.4676 KN
Pdesign =1042.259 KN
Column 97 and 1677 are not considered because their axial loads are too low compared to others
Based on the table above from Foundation design: principles and practices book (Donald P Coduto,
William A. Kitch and Man-Chu Ronald Yeung), the depth of the foundation can be estimated for a spread
footing based on the range of loads. The range of load for CTC building is 721.4676 KN -3968.1249 KN,
accordingly the depth of foundation D f can be estimated to 1m.
The total allowable settlement for office building foundation is estimated between 25 and 50 mm but in
this analysis for isolated footing, 25 mm which is the common value (see the table below) will be used
has total allowable settlement.
For the settlement calculations, the Poisson ratio ν is estimated to be 0.35 and the initial void ratio
e o=0.80 for the silty clay soil.
-Setting parameters
-Definition of methods of analysis for spread footing and settlement
-Setting of soil profile
-Setting of top soil layer information
-Geometry of footing
-Bearing capacity analysis
After analysis, a total settlement equal to 25 mm is reached for a square foundation of width B = 28 m
which is unacceptable. Don’t need to performed more analysis in order to determine the safe bearing
pressure for isolated footing. Accordingly, spread footing can’t be used for the CTC building. The
alternative of foundation to be used is a mat foundation.
- Foundation Dimensions
The structural plan of the CTC building has been provided below:
At the edges of foundation 40 cm are added in order to allow to the edges and corners columns to be
inside the foundation.
- Foundation Loads
Pservice =¿ 48074.3675 KN (Total service load)
The total allowable settlement used in the design of raft foundation (O’Brien, 2012, Skempton and
MacDonald 1956) in clay soil is 100 mm which is greater than the one provided by Terzaghi and Peck
(1948) i.e 50 mm for raft foundation. For this project the total allowable settlement which will be used is
δ a=100 mm . Beyond the total settlement, the differential settlement needs to be checked while the
In order to check to compute the safe bearing pressure of the mat foundation and the settlement, the
software GEO5 2022 will be used for this task. Unless the load case (this time the analysis is performed
by considering only axial force columns on the foundation) and the geometry of foundation, all the input
data stay the same in GEO5. The results of the analysis are presented as follows:
The vertical allowable bearing capacity of mat foundation q all =101.63 kPa
This analysis showed an excessive settlement of the soil due to the building is carried by a strong silty
clay soil underlayed by a weak silty clay soil. Due to the size of foundation the influence zone extents to
the weak soil layer reducing the bearing capacity of the soil and increasing excessively the settlement.
Accordingly, the mat foundation is not a suitable foundation for the building. One solution to be used in
order to reduce the settlement is to use the pile foundation. The skin pile foundation is an excellent
alternative because the weak soil layer is thick and according to the soil analysis, any bedrock is observed
under the silty clay soil layers for transferring the foundation load to this strong stratum.