NCM 116 SIDEnotes Leonoras

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Gastroesophageal Reflux ❖ Hematemesis- vomiting of

Disease ● Changes in bowel
❖ Diarrhea- color of the stool
● LES- Lower Esophageal Sphincter is
❖ Constipation- last time client
also known as cardiac sphincter
had bowel movement
❖ The tone is decreased that is
❖ Is there medication taken?
why it is affected in GERD
❖ The factor that reduce the
❖ Semi loose, Loose, Soft,
LES pressure are the ones
that would cause the reflux
❖ Assess if px takes meds
● Stomach- located in upper portion of
● Physical Assessment
abdomen, left of the midline and
❖ Inspection
under the left diaphragm
❖ Auscultation
● 1500 cc capacity of stomach
❖ Palpation
● Sympathetic - inhibitory effect,
❖ Percussion
constrict the sphincters and blood
❖ Usually IPPA but ma alter
vessels (gastric secretion and GI
Ang bowel motility that is why
motility decreased)
IAPP is use in abdominal
● Parasympathetic- causes peristalsis,
increased secretory activities,
● Supine position and knees flexed-
sphincters are relax, increase GI
abdominal examination position
● Tympany sound- percussion
Acetylcholine- neurotransmitter of
● Dull sound- liver
● Resonance- normal sound (Lung
● Pain
❖ Assess the location
❖ Type of pain
Medications that cause gastric irritation
❖ Severity of pain- pain scale
● Aspirin (ASA-acetylsalicylic acid)-
of 1-10
should not be taken in peptic ulcer
❖ Factors that trigger by pain
disease and gastritis, NSAID
● Indigestion
● Ibuprofen
Upper abdominal discomfort
● indomethacin
associated with eating
● Colchicine- anti gout medication,anti
Assess what the patient eat,how
inflammatory, drug,
long and ano kadamo
–Fatty acids stays longer in the
● Corticosteroid - prone to infection,
● Intestinal Gas
● Cancer chemotherapeutic agents
❖ Will cause discomfort
● anticoagulant
❖ Can expel through the mouth
in the form of belching
laboratory/diagnostic procedure
❖ Can expel through lower GI
● Abdominal X Ray
tract in the Form of flatulence
❖ Intestinal gases
❖ Check for bowel sounds- 15
❖ Fluid masses
to 20 sec or 5 to 20 sec
❖ Size and position
❖ Assess bowel sound-high
● Abdominal CT scan - T scan – x-ray
pitch and gurgling sound
images taken at different angles,
❖ Hyperactive- every 3
then synthetized by computer to
produce an accurate picture of the
❖ Hypoactive-1 for every
structure that is assessed; contrast
material may be used orally, rectally
❖ absent - no bowel sounds for
or intravenously.
3-5 minutes
Sodium Bicarbonate- medication to
● Nausea and Vomiting
protect the kidney
❖ Odor and color
Check for allergy for iodine prep
❖ Color of vomitus
(give antihistamine and
❖ Volume of vomitus
❖ What trigger
❖ Is there blood?
Serum creatinine will be used to ❖ Barium- has the constipating
assess effect
Fasting for 2-4 hours ❖ Client has given laxatives
Risk - allergic reaction and kidney ❖ Increase fluid intake to
injury. Before ct scan, client may be prevent dehydration (NS)
given premedicated (antihistamine ● Barium Enema- lower GI study
and corticosteroid) corticosteroid has ❖ Cleansing of the bowel
anti allergic properties. Client may ❖ Clear liquid diet
also be given sodium bicarbonate ❖ NPO
and mucomyst ●
● Ultrasound ● Oral cholecystography – oral
❖ Fluid and air will hinder the ingestion of a radiopaque dye is
soundwaves administered to a client and then
❖ Fluids and air will hinder the x-rays are taken of the gallbladder
travel of waves ● Stool analysis- assess blood
❖ 8-12 hrs fasting pathogen or fats
❖ Sound waves cannot travel in ● Schillings test- used in pernicious
the bony tissue because anemia
bones prevent the sound ❖ evaluates small bowel
waves to travel deeper. absorption of vitamin B12
❖ FAT FREE MEAL is and possible lack of intrinsic
appropriate for the client factor
cause fat will stimulate the ● Hydrogen breath test- evaluate CHO
release of bile through the absorption
action of cholecystokinin ● Antacids- neutralize gastric acid
● MRI ❖ Commonly taken 1 hour after
❖ Magnetic Resonance meal (best taken) and at
Imaging bedtime
❖ Remove metal object on the ❖ Aluminum based- can cause
client (watch, earrings) constipation
● Endoscopy ❖ Magnesium based- can
❖ direct visualization of an area cause diarrhea
of GIT with a fiberoptic ❖ Also given for GERD
scope; ● Combination antacids- composed of
❖ Midazolam- medication magnesium and aluminum
given. Throat anesthetic ● Antidiarrheal agents
spray induce temporary loss ❖ Slows intestinal motility and
of gag reflex prevent peristalsis
aspiration ❖ Expected effect: decreased
➢ Amnestic Effect- episodes of diarrhea
patient tend to forget ❖ Loperamide (Imodium)
➢ Provide written ❖ Increase fluid intake to
instruction to the prevent dehydration
client (Nursing res.) ❖ Instruct client not to drive it
A. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy can cause drowsiness
(EGD)– esophagus, stomach and ● Antiemetics
duodenum ❖ Prevent decrease nausea
B. Proctosigmoidoscopy–rectumand and vomiting
sigmoid colon ❖ Ex. Prochlorperazine
C. Colonoscopy–entire length of the (Compazine)
colon ❖ Warn client for drowsiness
D. Endoscopic Retrograde and avoid driving
Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) machineries
– esophagus, stomach and ● Inhibitor of gastric secretions
duodenum visualized; dye injected ❖ H2 receptor- reduce GI
into pancreatic and bile ducts and secretions
x-rays taken ❖ Can cause drowsiness and
● Barium Swallow- upper GI study headache and constipation
❖ Commonly taken 30 minutes A- ADMINISTER on an empty
before or just prior to meals stomach
and at bedtime R- RISK for aluminum toxicity
❖ Ex. cimetidine (tagamet) A- ADMINISTER ANTACIDS 30
❖ Ranitidine (zantac) mins before or after medications
❖ Omeprazole (prilosec)-
proton pump inhibitor Melena ano to sa melena basta Ang smell
(decreases the GI sang stool langsa (difference between dark
secretions) stool caused by Iodine)
❖ Omeprazole- decrease the gi
secretions para ma stop ang melena - blood in the stool ( black color)
❖ Proton pump- inhibit the Meat Protein Dark brown
❖ Take medication within the Spinach Spinach
gap of 30 minutes per
Carrots and Beans Red
● Laxatives Cocoa Dark red and
❖ Used to prevent or treat Brown
constipation or to prepare for
bowel examination Senna Yellow
❖ Magnesium Citrate- Bismuth, Iron, Black
commonly used as to prep Licorice, Charcoal
before lower GI x-rays
❖ Assess for bowel sounds or Barium Milky white
Melena Black tarry stools
❖ Increase fluid intake to
prevent dehydration
● Anticholinergics
❖ Inhibit the action of
● Regurgitation of stomach contents
❖ Effects: decrease the GI
into the lower esophagus
● Etiology:
❖ May cause drowsiness and
● alcohol
blurred vision
● Anticholinergic drugs
❖ Increase fluids, bulk and
● Caffeine
roughage to counteract the
● Increased estrogen levels
constipating effects of the
● smoking
❖ Can’t pee, can’t see, can’t CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS
spit, can’t shit
● Mucosal Healing agents HEARTBURN – midsternal area – MOST
❖ Adhere ulcer to protect from COMMON FEATURE
❖ Sucralfate- Take the ● -May become more severe with
medication on an empty vigorous exercise, bending, or
stomach 40-45 mins before ● lying down; relieved by antacids or
eating sitting upright
❖ Avoid antacids within 30 mins ● pain radiation into the back, neck,
of taking the drug jaw, or both arms
❖ Prostaglandin E2- cause in ● Discomfort changes to an aching
the production of mucus so feeling
that it will not easily eroded ● Usually relieved within 3- 5 minutes
❖ Stimulate prostaglandin to ● Relieved with liquid antacids
increase mucosal defense
❖ Pepsin- secreted by the chip
cells in the stomach
C- CONSTIPATION undesirable
effects ● Aspirin-NSAID
● Naproxen- is an ibuprofen also ● Aging is one of the factors-
irritating in the stomach the elasticity or tone of
● ASA -acetylsalicylic acid - aspirin muscles is weakened
● Fats- are the last digested in the ● Trauma- due to heredity,
stomach. Would cause reflux in the surgery
stomach. ● Obesity- the muscle will be
❖ Low fat milk or not fat milk is overstretched
the recommended diet in the
patient. Types of Hernia:
❖ Highly acidic food should
also be avoided ● Type 1 (Sliding)- portion of upper
● Anti flatulence medication is stomach and the gastroesophageal
prescribed junction are DISPLACED UPWARD
● Simethicone- used to treat into the thorax.
symptoms of gas such as ❖ Presence of incompetent
uncomfortable or painful pressure, gastroesophageal spincter
fullness or bloating. ❖ Pyrosis (Heartburn)- occurs
● Low dose ethanol- accelerate the form 1-4 hours after eating
gastric emptying time or can improve ● Type 2 (Paraesophageal)- the reflux
motility. This is not indicated. does not occur
● Chocolate- affect the sphincter tone ❖ Client is asymptomatic
gastric acid secretion beb gna ❖ The sphincter is in place
increase ya
Diagnostic Procedure:
● Lying on right or left- increase in
intra abdominal pressure ● Chest Xray
● Mint- increase in acid production ● Barium study
● Carbonated beverages- can produce ● Endoscopy and Biopsy- beneficial in
increase production of carbon hiatal hernia, can determine other
dioxide lesions. Can visualize if there is
● Constricting clothing- will increase herniation
intra abdominal pressure
● Avoid anticholinergic medications- Treatment:
delay the stomach emptying, slow
down GI motility ● Antacids
● Pharmacologic goal: Neutralize acid ❖ Modify the reflux into the
● Nursing Goal: decrease esophagus
intra-abdominal pressure ● H2 blockers
● Stress hormones- increase acid ● Cholinergic agents
production ● Surgical repair- in some cases.
● Exercise moderately not vigorously- Depending on the type of hernia
vigorously can cause reflux and
pressure Interventions:
● Antacids
● Small feedings
❖ Tums
● Not to RECLINE for 1 hour after
❖ Riopan- can help in reflux
❖ Mylanta
● Elevate the head of the bed on 4-8
● Anticholinergic
❖ Betanechol (urecholine)-
● Avoid acidic food
increase LES pressure,
stimulates smooth muscle
❖ Atropine sulfate Omeprazole given to GERD patient -
omeprazole is a proton pump inhibitor and it
Hiatal Hernia works by decreasing the GI secretions

● Protrusion of a portion of the Suggested action to patient with hiatal

stomach hernia - avoid lying after eating

● Absent or ineffective peristalsis ● Watch out for bleeding
● The defect is in the lower esophagus ● Prostaglandin protects the mucosa
● Failure of the esophageal sphincter prostaglandin E2 protective
to relax mechanism of the mucosa
● Esophageal constriction- defect ● If there is no prostaglandin- Factor
● Aspiration- need to watch out that would cause loss protection of
● Manometry- esophageal pressure is the stomach
measured ● Prostaglandin synthesis- production
❖ Confirmatory of achalasia that would inhibit prostaglandin
❖ Goal standard for achalasia release
● Gastritis- can easily be treated by
Interventions: medications in a week or day
● Reduce size of stomach cells or
● Drink fluids with meals mucosa cells which lead to scaring
● Instruct client to eat slowly formation
● Calcium channel blockers and
nitrates Causes:
❖ decrease the esophageal
pressure ● Alcoholic intake- effect in gi motility
❖ improve swallowing ● Bile reflux- would cause gastritis
● Injection of botulinum toxin- injected ● Radiation therapy- around 2/9
in the quadrants of esophagus to months, some patient develop acute
relax the esophageal sphincter. gastritis
❖ Block the signal of the nerve ● Ingestion of strong acid or alkali-
impulse that would cause the mucosa become gangrenous or to
contraction of esophageal perforate
muscle. ● Dietary indiscretion
❖ Relax the esophageal ❖ Helicobacter pylori gastritis
sphincter infection (the person eats
❖ Inhibits the contraction of food that is contaminated or
smooth muscle that is irritating or too highly
● Surgical approach seasoned)
❖ Pneumatic dilatation
● Client will be given tranquilizer and Common Causes:
● Pneumatic (forceful) dilation or ● Benign or malignant ulcers in
surgical separation stomach that have been infected
● Perforation- sudden sharp lead to helicobacter pylori
abdominal pain ● Autoimmune disease like pernicious
anemia (lack of vitamin b12)
TREATMENT ● Dietary factors- hot or irritating
foods, spices
Calcium-nitrate-botulinum ● Drugs- NSAIDS (advil, ibup, aspirin)
-goal is to relax sphincter, ● Alcohol
● Smoking
-decrease pressure in the esophagus ● Reflux or intestinal contents into the
stomach- intestinal contents contain
-improve swallowing
● DrPresence of fats in the duodenum
Gastritis will stimulate (cholecystokinin)-
● Inflammation of the gastric mucosa ❖ Steatorrhea- increase in fat
● Maybe acute or chronic excretion in the stool.
❖ Acute- self limiting, the ❖ Pancreastatin- stimulate the
symptoms are sudden pancreatic juice
❖ Chronic- resulting from ❖ Pancreas down to duodenum
repeated exposure to to digest the protein increase
irritating agents or recurring bicarbonate secretion
episodes of acute gastritis
❖ If Wala bicarbonate there will 1. Endoscopy- provide definitive
be gastritis diagnosis
2. Upper Gi series- esophagus down to
3 major types of chronic gastritis: stomach for any inflammation that it
is present
● Helicobacter pylori gastritis 3. Biopsy
● Autoimmune gastritis- own 4. Serologic testing for antibodies for h.
antibodies will destroy gastric Pylori antigen
mucosa 5. Urea breath test- carbon labeled
● Chemical gastropathy- urea; test to determine the presence
destroy by NSAIDS and of h.pylori in the stomach
aspirin ● Carbon labeled urea is given
to ingest and the expired
Signs and symptoms:
breath (amount of carbon
● What will happen to the motility? it dioxide) is going to be
will decrease expect indigestion, measured as the h.pylori
inflammation metabolizes the UREA faster.
● What happens to the gasses ? there (10-20 mins)
will be abdominal distension and ● The client should not take
bloating antibiotics before 1 month
● Is there is inflammation you will
Medical Management
expect burning sensation, abdominal
discomfort ● Dietary modifications
● Anorexia and vomiting- imbalance in ● Maintenance of blood volume
the chemicals ● Fluid replacement
● Neutralization of the acid
1. Instruct the client to refrain from
alcohol until symptoms subside.
Acute Gastritis Chronic Gastritis 2. Non-irritating diet
Gastrointestinal ● Belching 3. Adequate hydration (IV fluids)
symptoms: ● Early satiety 4. If bleeding is present, management
● Anorexia ● Intolerance is the same with GI hemorrhage.
● Epigastric of spicy and ● Hemoglobin and hematocrit
pain (rapid fatty foods decrease- laboratory findings
onset) ● Nausea and need to assess
● Hematemes vomiting
5. If gastritis is due to ingestion of
is ● Pyrosis
● Hiccups ● Sour taste strong acid, alkali, treat consists of
● Melena or in mouth diluting and neutralizing the
hematochez ● Vague offending agent.
ia epigastric ● Corrosive agents- can cause
● Nausea and discomfort burning from the throat down
vomiting relieved by to the stomach. Do not
induce vomiting.
Systemic ● Anemia ● For stronger acid that ingest-
symptoms: ● fatigue take antacids like aluminum
● Possible ● For alkaline- neutralize those
signs of highly alkaline, dilute lemon
juice with water or dilute
● More severe symptoms will be 6. Nasogastric intubation (NPO)
present in acute gastritis than ● For acute phase the stomach
chronic gastritis should rest
● Acute gastritis: GI symptoms + ● Lavage- draining the
bleeding accumulated secretions
● Chronic GI atrophy of the mucosa 7. Sedatives
cells 8. Antacids
Assessment findings and Diagnostic MEDICAL MANAGEMENT
10. Emergency surgery – remove statements made by the nurse is
gangrenous or perforated tissue TRUE for chronic gastritis?

a. gastrojejunostomy for gastric resection -"You may experience indigestion and

may be necessary to treat pyloric symptoms of food intolerance"
obstruction (narrowing of pyloric orifice)
2. Which of the following tests can be
CHRONIC performed to diagnose hiatal hernia?

1. Diet modification -Barium swallow

2. Promoting rest- gusto ko na ● Chip cells- pepsinogen

magleaveeeee ● Hydrochloric secretions-
parietal cells
3. Reducing stress- trigger acid production ● Proton pump is also known
as the H+/K+/ATPase
4. Pharmacotherapy- transporter
● Histamine- stimulate the
a. H. pylori – antibiotics (tetracycline or
parietal cells
amoxicillin) and bismuth salts
Peptic Ulcer Disease
● Billroth II- gastrojejunal
reconstruction ● Term used to depict the disorders
● Billroth I- gastroduodenal known as the gastric ulcer and
reconstruction duodenal ulcers
● Pylorus and Antrum- ● Causes:
● Pyloroplasty- repair of pylorus to ❖ NSAIDS
widen the of the stomach ❖ H.pylori


1.Reducing anxiety GASTRIC- 30 mins after eating

2.Promoting optimal nutrition ● NSAIDS

● Alcohol
● ice chips -- offered when the ● Cigarette smoking
symptoms subside,followed by clear ● INHIBIT PROSTAGLANDIN
● solid food is introduced as soon as ● RESULTING TO ALTERED
● Discourage intake of caffeinated
beverages DUODENAL- 1.5 to 3 hours

3. Promoting fluid balance ● INCREASED GASTRIN RELEASE

● assess electrolyte values every 24 ● RESULTING TO INCREASED
hours to detect imbalance ( ● PRODUCTION OF HCl
potassium, sodium, chloride) ● INCREASE IN ACID FLOW
● watch out for indications of
hemorrhagic gastritis ( PATHOPHYSIOLOGY
hematemesis, tachycardia,
hypotension) GASTRIC ULCER

4. Relieving pain Mostly found – distal half of the stomach or

in area of the lower curvature
-failure of the defense mechanisms of the
1. A client with chronic gastritis asks mucosa from gastric acid
the nurse what to expect for his
condition. Which of the following -inhibition of prostaglandin production
vomiting occurs common;
● Increased parietal cell mass ---

increased acid release Which of the medications is probably a

cause of concern for a client with gastric
● Increased gastrin ---stimulates ulcer: COLCHICINE


● increased emptying time of the
● The client may be awaken because
stomach---increases acid load in the of the pain- duodenal
duodenum and lowers the duodenal
pH---not enough buffer in the duodenum to STRESS ULCERS
protect it
● Occurs after physiologically stressful
Chronic gastric ulcers – tend to occur in the events
lesser curvature of the stomach near the ● Initiated by- stressful conditions such
pylorus as burns, chock, severe pepsis,
multiple trauma
H. pylori
Cushing's Ulcer
-gram-negative bacteria
● Common with client with trauma to
-present in 70% of patients with gastric ulcer the brain
● Cushing's Triad- changes in the vital
-present also in 95% of patients with signs, with increase intracranial
duodenal ulcer pressure

-not associated with esophageal ulcer Curling's Ulcer

-ages 40-60 yrs old ● Frequently observed about 72 hours

after extensive hours
Zollinger Ellison syndrome (ZES)-
● Involves the antrum of the stomach
and duodenum
● Severe peptic ulcer
● Extreme gastric hyperacidity
● Gastrin secreting benign or ● Esophagogastroduodenoscopy
malignant tumors of the pancreas (EGD)
● Gastrinoma- refer to islet cell tumor ❖ Visualization of ulcer
● Barium swallow
Assessment of peptic ulcer disease
❖ Identification of ulcer x ray

concerns gastric duodenal MEDICAL INTERVENTIONS

Type of Aching, same 1. Antacids- neutralize acids

pain burning, ● Given for 7 doses daily
● One hour after meals and at
Placement Epigastric, Epigastric, bedtime
of pain slightly left slightly right 2. H2 receptor antagonist
3. Mucosal healing agents
Cause of food Empty 4. Diet
pain stomach
● Remove diet those foods that cause
What Vomiting Food or discomfort
relieves may help antacids, ● Frequent small feedings
pain; anorexia normal ● Milk stimulates gastric acid
eating and weight appetite production
effects loss 5. Surgery:
Belching, Occurs; More ● Billroth II-
● Billroth II-
● Vagotomy and pyloroplasty- ● Remove metals like jewelries,pins
severing parasympathetic from the client's body
stimulation and opening of pylorus to
compensate for resultant decrease The client complains of constipation. Which
in gastric emptying of the following medications is expected to
be given to the client?
KANA LNG ● Laxative

The nurse is preparing to give an antacids Antacids are usually given to patient with
to the client. She knows that this medication upper GI disorders. Which of the following is
is best given the action of these medications?

● 1 hour after eating ● Neutralize gastric acid

Magnesium hydroxide (Milk of Magnesia) is The order of physical examination in

an assessing the abdomen is

● Antacid ● Inspection, auscultation, percussion,

Which of the following is true about
endoscopy A client with history of gastric ulcer ask the
nurse as to which of the following
● Colonoscopy is a type of endoscopy medications should be avoided?
in which the entire colon is being
viewed ● Aspirin

The nurse should know the anatomical Aluminum hydroxide is classified as

location of the stomach in order to assess
better the location of part. She knows that ● Antacid
the stomach is found in
A client with gastric ulcer was prescribed
● Left of the midline (mid epigastric) with sucralfate. The nurse was correct if she
instructed the client to take medication.
The physician informs the client that he has
hypoactive bowel sounds.which of the ● On an empty stomach 45-60
following statements describe what minutes before meals
hypoactive bowel sound means
Which of the following test evaluates small
● One or two high pitched or gurgling bowel absorption of Vitamin B12 and
sound heard every 2 minutes possible lack of intrinsic factor?

Parasympathetic stimulation has which of ● Schilling test

the following effects on the GI tract? Select
The sphincter near the pylorus is the
all that apply
● Pyloric sphincter
● Increased GI motility & Increased GI
secretion A client is scheduled for an abdominal CT
scan with contrast agent in assessing the
Which of the following is TRUE about lower
client for allergy to the contrast agent, it is
GI series or barium enema? Select all that
important for the nurse to ask the client if
allergic to which of the following foods or
● Preparation is focused on emptying medications?
and cleansing bowel & It involves
● Shellfish
rectal instillation of barium
The client was concerned about her stool
The client was scheduled for MRI. Which of
color; it was green. Which of the ff foods or
the following nursing actions is CORRECT
medication that the client might have taken
in relation to this procedure?
to cause the stool color?

● spinach
The client was prescribed with ● Loperamide (immodium)
cimetidine(tagamet). which of the ff
classification of drug belong Sympathetic stimulation has which of the
following effects on the GIT?
● histamine 2 receptor antagonist
● Decreased GI secretion
The client is to undergo a test to evaluate
small bowel absorption of Vitamin B12 and The client is scheduled for EGD. Which of
possible lack of intrinsic factor. Which test is the following statements is correct about the
probably prescribed for the client? procedure?

● Schilling test ● Before inserting the endoscope

client is given a local anesthetic
Which of the following foods can be a cause gargle or spray
of indigestion? Select all that apply

● Fried bacon & fresh spinach

The client was prescribed with a laxative

this drug is to

● Treat or prevent constipation

Which of the following are the side effects of

anticholinergic agents?

● Blurred vision & urinary retention

Omeprazole (Prilosec) belongs to which of

the following drug classification

● Proton-pump inhibitor

which of the ff diagnostic procedure uses

sound waves to produce image

● ultrasonography

the nurse should expect that the client with

diarrhea should be given which med.

● Loperamide (immodium)

sympathetic stimulation has which of the ff

effects on the GIT

● decreased GI secretion

Which of the following are the expected side

effects of Pro-Banthine? Select all that

● Blurred vision & constipation

A client for discharge was given a set of

medications.Which of these are irritating to
the stomach. Select all that apply

● Aspirin & Corticosteroids

The nurse should expect that the client with

diarrhea should be given which

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