Project Management

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Introduction to

Project Management
Project Management

Why do we need project management?

Management increases the productivity through technological innovation taking into account
human factors involved in these advances.

Each project, whether big or small has three objectives:

i. The project should be completed with a minimum of elapsed time.
ii. It should use available manpower and other resources as sparingly as possible, without
iii. It should be completed with a minimum of capital investment, without delay.

Project management involves following three phases:

Project Planning

Project Scheduling

Project Controlling
Project Planning

What is Project Planning?

It involves defining objectives of the project, listing of tasks or jobs that must be performed,
determining gross requirements for materials, equipment and manpower and preparing estimates of
costs and durations for the various jobs or activities to bring about the satisfactory completion of the
It is the most important phase of project management.


i. It provides direction
ii. It provides unifying framework
iii. It helps to reveal future opportunities and threats
iv. It provides performance standards

In the planning phase, plan is made and strategies are set, taking into consideration the company’s policies,
procedures and rules.
1. Plan – It is the statement of intent, i.e. what is to be done. It is interpreted in terms of what has to be
done to resources to achieve the intent.
2. Strategies – It is one important type of plan. It specifies the central concept or purpose of the
enterprise as well as the means by which it intend to carry that purpose.
3. Policies, procedures and rules – They differ in degree of specificity.
Policies usually set broad guide-lines for the enterprise. Procedure specify how to proceed in some
situation. A rule is even more specific guide for action.
Project Planning

Steps in Project Planning:

1. DEFINE : the objectives of the project in definite words

2. ESTABLISH : goals and stages intermediate to attain the final target.

3. DEVELOP : forecast and means of achieving goals, i.e., activities.

4. EVALUATE : organization’s resources – financial, managerial and operational – to carry out activities and to
determine what is feasible and what is not.

5. DETERMINE : alternatives – individual courses of action that will allow to accomplish goals.

6. TEST : for consistency with company’s policy

7. CHOOSE : an alternative which is not only consistent with its goals and concept but also one that can be
accomplished with the evaluated resources.

8. DECIDE : on a plan

During the planning phase, the information needed is about all those operations and activities, which have to be carried
out before the project is completed, their sequence and their logical inter relationship.

i. Material resources (what)
Resources are the starting point of many problems
ii. Equipment resources (how)
that have to be solved by the manager in the
iii. Space resources (where)
planning phase, before proceeding for scheduling
iv. Effort or manpower resources (who)
phase of the project.
v. Time resources (when)
Project Scheduling

What is Project Scheduling?

Scheduling is the allocation of resources. These resources, in conceptual sense, are time and energy, but
in practical sense are time, space, equipment and effort applied to material.

Scheduling is the mechanical process of formalizing the planned functions, assigning the starting and
completion dates to each part (or activity) of the work in such a manner that the whole work (or project)
proceeds in a logical sequence and in an orderly and systematic manner.

In other words, it is the laying out of the actual activities of the project in time order in which they are to
be performed, and calculating the manpower and material requirements needed at each stage of
production, along with the expected completion time of each activity.

Steps in Project Scheduling:

1. CALCULATE : detailed control information.

2. ASSIGN : timings to events and activities.
3. GIVE : consideration to the resources. The manager is generally concerned with those resources
whose availability is limited and which thereby impose a constraint on the project. The important ones
are usually skilled, technical and supervisory manpower and capital investment.
4. ALLOCATE : the resources
Project Controlling

What is Project Controlling?

As told earlier, the planning and scheduling phase of the project are undertaken before the actual project
starts while the controlling phase is undertaken during the actual project operations.

Controlling consists of reviewing the difference between the schedule and actual performance once
the project has begun.

Project control is the formal mechanism established to determine deviations from the basic plan, to
determine the precise effect of these deviations on the plan, and to replan and reschedule to compensate for
the deviations.

Steps in Control Process:

1. ESTABLISH : standards or targets. These targets are generally expressed in terms of time.
2. MEASURE : performance against the standards set down in the first step.
3. IDENTIFY : the deviations from the standards.
4. SUGGEST AND SELECT : correcting measures. This will involve all the problems-identifying,
decision-making and organizing and leadership skill of the decision-maker.
Operation Research

What is Operation Research?

It is a technique for analyzing alternatives.

Generally we have several alternatives, and it is essential to evaluate them before we can choose best out
of these. This can be successfully done through operation research.

The term operation research generally refers to a set of mathematical techniques through which a variety
of organizational problems can be analyzed and solved.

Steps in Operational Research Techniques :

1. FORMULATE: the problem.

2. CONSTRUCT : a mathematical model to represent the system under study.
3. DERIVE : a solution for the model.
4. TEST : the model and solution derived from it.
5. ESTABLISH : controls over the solution.
6. PUT : the solution to work and implementation.
Methods for Planning and Programming

Various complex research and development projects can be managed effectively if project managers have
the means to plan and control the schedules and costs of the work required to achieve their technical
performance objectives.

When the planning of a project is undertaken a host of questions arise :

How should the work be accomplished ?

What resources will be needed ?
How long will it take ?
How much will it cost ?

The answer to all these questions can be found by following the modern techniques of project

Managers at all levels need improved techniques at all stages in a project to :

i. Define the work to be performed.

ii. Develop more realistic schedule and cost estimates based on resources planned to perform the work.
iii. Determine where resources should be applied to best achieve the time, cost and technical performance
iv. Identify those areas developing potential delays or cost overruns, in time to permit corrective action.
Techniques of Project Management

Tools or techniques of project management:

1. Bar charts and Milestone charts

2. Network Diagrams

Bar Charts:

Bar charts were introduced by Henery Gantt around 1900 AD.

Bar charts represent pictorial representation in two dimensions of a project by breaking it down into a
number of manageable units or activities for planning and control shown on one dimension or axis and the
durations assigned to these activities on the other dimensions or axes.

Bar charts were later modified to yield the milestone charts.

While the bar chart represents activities, a milestone chart represents the events which mark either the
beginning or the end of an activity.

The bar of the bar chart are broken into a number of pieces, each one of which represent an identifiable
major event.

It should be noted that each event is a point in time which the management has identified as important
reference point during the completion of the project.
Tools of Project Management

Tools or techniques of project management:

1. Bar charts and Milestone charts

2. Network Diagrams

Bar Charts and Milestone charts:

Bar charts were introduced by Henery Gantt around 1900 AD.

Bar charts represent pictorial representation in two dimensions of a project by breaking it down into a
number of manageable units or activities for planning and control shown on one dimension or axis and the
durations assigned to these activities on the other dimensions or axes.

Bar charts were later modified to yield the milestone charts.

While the bar chart represents activities, a milestone chart represents the events which mark either the
beginning or the end of an activity.

The bar of the bar chart are broken into a number of pieces, each one of which represent an identifiable
major event.

It should be noted that each event is a point in time which the management has identified as important
reference point during the completion of the project.
Bar Charts

Bar Chart

A project generally consists of a number of well defined manageable units or activities which should be
performed or completed in a definite sequence, for a successful completion of the project.

These activities or jobs are those operations of the project plan which take time to carry out and on which
resources are expanded.

Out of the various tools or techniques or project management, bar charts technique was probably one of
the earliest one.

A bar chart consists of two co-ordinate axes, one usually (the horizontal axis) representing the time
elapsed and the other (the vertical axis) represent the jobs and activities to be performed. Each bar
represent one specific job or activity of the project.

The beginning and end of each bar represent the time of start and time of finish of that activity ; the length
of bar, therefore, represents that time required for the completion of that job or activity.
Bar Charts

Activities or jobs

0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (Unit Days)
Bar Charts

This figure shows the bar chart for a project which has seven distinct jobs or activities (P,Q,R,S,T,U,V) to
be performed for its completion.

The time durations required for the completion of these activities are 10, 5, 10, 7, 5, 8 and 15 unit days

From the chart, we conclude the following:

i. Activity P and Q can start simultaneously, at zero time. Both the activities are independent. However,
activity Q is completed much earlier than activity P.

ii. Activity R starts only when activity Q is complete.

iii. However, activity S is independent of activity R. It starts earlier than R and is completed earlier.

iv. Activity T starts only when activity S is complete.

v. Activities U and R can start simultaneously, when activity Q is complete.

vi. Activity V can start when activity P and S are complete. End of activity V marks the completion of
the project.
Bar Charts

Illustrative examples:
1. Draw a bar chart for ‘finalization of designs and work order’ for a building project.

Activity Description Time for completion

A Site selection and survey 4 weeks
B Design 6 weeks
C Preparation of drawings 3 weeks
D Preparation of specifications and tender documents 2 weeks
E Tendering (N.I.T) 4 weeks
F Selection of Contractor 1 week
G Award of work order 1 week

In the above project, activities A and B can start concurrently, since some parts of the architectural and
structural designs can be done even if complete survey data is not available. Similarly, drawing work
can also be started, as soon as survey work is over, though all the designs are still not complete.
Specifications can be finalized when once the designs are complete. Activity E can be started only when
activity D is complete. Activities E,F and G are to be completed in sequential order.

The bar chart representing the above sequence of activities is shown in next slide. From the figure, we
conclude that the total time required for this phase in 14 weeks.
Bar Charts

A. Site Selection and Survey

B. Designs

C. Drawings

D. Specifications and Tender Document

E. N.I.T

F. Selection of Contractor

G. Award of Work Order

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Time (Weeks)

Bar Charts
2. The activity breakdown for a certain project is as under :

Activity No. Duration (weeks)

1 1
2 2
3 4
4 3
5 1
6 2
7 4

Activity 2 and activity 3 can be done concurrently, and both must follow activity 1.
Activity 2 must precede activity 4.
Activity 5 cannot begin until both activities 2 and 3 are completed.
Activity 6 can be started only after activities 4 and 5 are complete.
Activity 7 is the last activity which can be started only after completion of activity 5.

Prepare the bar chart for the project.

Bar Charts

Activity Number

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (Weeks)
Bar Charts
3. A typical small house construction project consists of the following operations along with the time set for its
S. No Operation Time (in days)
1. Survey, design and layout 3
2. Construction of foundations 5
3. Construction of superstructure 11
4. Roofing 5
5. Fixing doors and window frames 2
6. Plumbing and house drainage 3
7. Electric fitting 3
8. Plastering 4
9. Flooring 4
10. Carpentry work 4
11. Construction of boundary wall and other minor items 3
12. Landscaping and clearing 2
13. Whitewashing of walls and painting of doors 3
14. Inauguration 1

The project commences on Wednesday, 14th October. Assuming five working days in a week, prepare
bar chart of the project. State the assumptions made. Also determine (a) total time, and date of
completion of the project (b) expected progress by 10th November.
Bar Charts






Dates 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Days T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T
Months October November
Bar Charts

The bar chart shown here, prepared with the following assumptions regarding the sequence of various

i. Activity 2 can start only after activity 1 is over.

ii. Activity 3 can start even when half the work of activity 2 is over.
iii. Activity 4 and 5 can start concurrently, but only after activity 3 is over.
iv. Activity 6 and 7 can start concurrently, but only after activity 5 is complete.
v. Activity 8 can start only after activities 6 and 7 are complete.
vi. Activity 9 can start even when half of activity 8 is over.
vii. Activity 10 can start only when activity 9 is over.
viii. Activity 11 can start only when activity 8 is over.
ix. Activity 12 can start only when activity 11 is over.
x. Activity 13 can start even when activity 10 is half over.
xi. Activity 14 is the last activity which marks the completion of the project.

From the bar chart we find that the project will be completed on 30th November – 48 days after it starts.

Progress upto 10th November will be as follows:

1. Activities 1, 2, 3 and 5 will be completely over.
2. Activities 4, 6 and 7 will have 2 days of work left.
Bar Charts

Shortcomings of bar chart and remedial measures

Lack of degree of details:

On bar chart, only major activities are shown. If too many activities or tasks are separately shown, it
becomes clumsy. Due to this bar charts are not useful for big projects.
A particular activity, whether big or small, is shown by one bar, without any details of sub activities
contained in it. These sub activities cannot be separated out.
In this example consider the activity ‘dispose of existing
machine’. In the bar chart prepared for the task of
obtaining a new machine, this item will be represented in
the chart by one bar, though the following functions
control the completion time for the activity:
A. Dumping the machine in store
B. Notice inviting bidding
C. Finalization of highest bid
D. Final disposal of the machine.

For effective completion of the main activity, these sub activities should be scheduled properly. The above
information can be shown effectively by marking stages (called mile stones) on the activity bar, shown in
the next slide. Similarly, sub activities of other activities of each bar can be marked with stages or mile
stones 1, 2, 3 etc. A’, B’, C’ etc.
Bar Charts
Bar Charts

Review of project progress

A bar chart does not show the progress of work and hence it cannot be used as a control device. For proper
control of the project, information of the progress made at a particular instant of time should be available.
Controlling is essentially for re scheduling the remaining activities. However, an existing bar chart can be
modified to depict the progress made. This can be done by showing the progress of each activity, by
hatched lines along the corresponding bar of the activity. Generally, hatching is done in half the width of
the bar.
For example, let us mark the progress
made on bar chart of this figure, after 8
weeks of the start of the progress.
Activity 1 had a total time allocation of 6
weeks. At the end of 8th week, only 4
week’s work has been done; that means
that activity 1 is 4 weeks behind
schedule. Activity 5 is dependant on
completion of activity 1; the beginning of
activity 5 will now be delayed by 4
weeks. Hence, rescheduling of activity 5
is essential. Activities 2 and 3 are
perfectly as per schedule. However,
activity 4 is 1 week ahead of the
schedule. Sometimes, different colors are
filled in the bars to show various ‘control
Bar Charts

Activity inter relationships

As indicated earlier, there are some activities of a project which are taken up concurrently, while there are
others which can be taken up only after completion of some other activity. The concurrent activities are
represented by bars which run parallel to each other, or which overlap. The activities whose start and end
depend on other activities are shown serially. In a project, there may be large number of activities which
can start with a certail degree of concurrency. By merely depicting them by parallel lines, the inter
relationships between them cannot be clearly depicted. One cannot draw the conclusion that if two
activities are scheduled for simultaneous or overlapping times, they are inter-dependent or completely
independent. For example, take the project of laying a pipeline, consisting of following activites:
A. Excavating the trench - 12 weeks
B. Laying and jointing the pipe – 10 weeks
C. Refilling and compacting – 6 weeks

Activity C is dependent
on B and A, while
activity B is dependent
on activity A. If all the
activities are scheduled
serially, it will take a
very long time – 28
weeks for completion.
However the activities
can be staggered as
shown below.
Bar Charts

From the bar chart , we find that if activity B is started 4 weeks after activity A, activity B has 2 weeks
work left after completion of activity A. Similarly, activity C has 2 weeks works left after completion of
activity B. Now, if due to some circumstances, time of completion of activity A is delayed by 1 or 2
weeks, how will the activities B and C be affected?
This is not clearly portrayed by bar chart, since inter dependencies of the activities are not clearly indicated
by bar charts.
This difficulty can be partly overcome by breaking each activity into a number ofsections, so that the
corresponding sections of various activities are precisely depicted inter-dependently. For example, let the
jobs of figure below be divided into 4 sections. Since activity B is faster than activity A and C is still
faster, the shifting or staggering of these activities can be for more than 1 section. The modified bar chart
is shown by depicting the completion of each section by milestones 1,2,3 and 4

For activity A
(excavate), each
section will require
3 weeks time. For
activity B, each
section will require
2.5 weeks time
while for activity
C, each section will
require 1.5 weeks
time of completion.
Bar Charts

Time uncertainties:
Bar charts are not at all useful in those projects where there are uncertainties in determination or estimation
of time required for the completion of various activites. Such uncertainities are always there in research
and development projects and for space vehicle launch projects. Because of uncertainties in time
determination in these projects, some of the activites may require rescheduling. Such rescheduling
flexibility cannot be reflected in the bar chart diagrams. Hence bar chart diagrams are useful only for small
size conventional projects, especially construction and manufacturing projects, in which time estimates can
be made with fair degree of certainty.
Milestone Charts

Milestone Charts

Milestone chart is a modification over the original Gantt chart. Milestones are key events of a main
activity represented by a bar: these are specific points in time which mark the completion of certain
portions of the main activity. These points are those which can be easily identified over the main bar. We
have already seen that when a particular activity, represented by a bar on a bar chart is very long, the
details lack.

If however, the activity is broken or sub divided into a number of sub activites, each one of which can be
easlity recognized during the progress of the project, controlling can be easily done and inter relationships
between other similar activities can be easlity established.

The beginning and end of these sub divided activities or tasks are termed as milestones.
Milestone Charts

Figure on right in the previous slide shows some milestones on each bar. Each main task contains some
specific points in time which can be recognized, and through which controlling can be achieved. Each
milestone can be considered to be specific event along the main activity or job or task. The chart is,
therefore called the milestone chart. Each milestone is represented either by circle or by a square, and is
serially marked.


Though controlling can be better achieved with the help of milestone chart, it still posses the same
deficiency contained by the bar chart – it doesnot show the inter dependencies between the events. Within
a task, the relationship between two specific milestones is revealed, but the relationship between and
among milestones, contained in different task is not indicated on the chart.

For example fig on right does not indicate whether milestone 6 can be started before milestone 2 has been
completed, or whether milestones of task C are all dependent on milestones of task A.

This brings us to the beginning of PERT Network.

Milestone Charts
A project consists of 8 activities A,B,C,D,E,F,G and H with their times of completion as follows:
S. No Activities Time (in weeks)
1. A 2
2. B 4
3. C 2
4. D 4
5. E 6
6. F 4
7. G 5
8. H 4
The precedence relationships are as follows:
A and B can be performed in parallel
C and D cannot start until A is complete
E cannot start until half the work of activity C is complete
F can start only after activity D is complete
G succeeds C
H is the last activity, which should succeed E.

1. Draw the bar chart

2. What is the total time of completion of the project?
3. If there is increase of 2 weeks in time of completion of activity A, what will be the corresponding
increase in the total time of the completion of the project?
4. Based on the assumptions, draw the milestone chart for same and reschedule the project time as per
the situation in 3rd part of the question.
Milestone Charts

Development of PERT Network

The deficiency of milestone chart (i.e. its

inability to depict the relationships
between milestones of different tasks) has
been removed effectively by developing
the milestone chart into a network
diagram. Since the milestone chart has
milestones which can be considered as
‘events’ along a main task, since a PERT
network is always event oriented, the
resulting network diagram is called the
PERT network.

The first figure shows the milestone chart,

in which the milestones of each bar (or
task) have been joined serially by arrows,
since these are to be accomplished one
after the other, serially.
The next transition step is achieved by
joining those milestones of different bars
which are inter related, by arrows, so that
it may clearly show the necessary flow of
Elements of Network

What is a network?

A network is a flow diagram consisting of activities and events, connected logically and sequentially. In
the network diagram, an activity is represented by arrows while events are represented, usually by circles.

Event Ac
vity tiv
Acti ity

Event Event Event

ty i vity
A ct


Networks are of two types: PERT network and CPM network.

PERT network is event oriented, while CPM network is activity oriented.

Elements of Network

Basic elements of a project network:

1. Event
2. Activity

Side Boards



1 2 3 4
Excavate Fix Side Concrete
Foundation Boards Foundations
Elements of Network


The commencement or completion of an activity is called an event. An event is that particular instant of
time at which some specific part of a plan has been or is to be achieved. More specifically an event is a
specific definable accomplishment in a project plan, recognizable at a particular instant of time.


An activity is the actual performance of a task. It is the work required to complete a specific event. An
activity is a recognizable part of a work project that requires time and resources for its completion.


Which of these are events and activities?

Design completed –
Prepare Budget-
Excavation completed-
Parts assembled-
Excavate Foundation-
Pipe line laid-
Excavate trench-
Mix concrete-
Elements of Network

Specifying the events and activities

1. Tail Event

A tail event is the one which marks the beginning of an activity. If a particular tail event represents the
commencement of the project, it is known as the initial event.

10 1

Type 1 Type 2
ty A
Activity B

Type 3

Type 1 – Shows the tail event representing the beginning of certain activity
Type 2 – Shows the initial event
Type 3 – Shows the tail activity marking the beginning of 3 activities.
Suppose Activity A commences at 6 units of time, Activity B at 4 units and Activity C at 7 units.
Thus the earliest occurrence is 4 units of time. A tail event representing the beginning of more than one
activity, is said to occur when the first activity starts from it.
Elements of Network

2. Head Event

All activities have an ending i.e. again a specific point of time and is marked by an event. Such an event is
known as head event, because in a network diagram, it is connected to the head or barbed end of arrow. If
a particular head event marks the completion of the project it is known as the final or end event.

10 n

Type 1 Type 2
ty A
Activity B

Type 3

Type 1 – Shows a head event

Type 2 – Shows the final or end event
Type 3 – Shows a head event, marking the completion of three activities.
Here activity A is completed at 20 units of time, activity B is completed at 16 units of time and activity C is
completed at 22 units of time, the earliest occurrence time for event 30 is 22 units of time.
Elements of Network

2. Dual Role events

Almost, most of the events serve dual function i.e., they are head events to some activity and tail event to
other activity. All events except initial and final events are dual role events.

Activity A Activity B

Activi ty P
ty A Activi
Activity B
Activit Activit
Elements of Network

Identify head, tail and dual role events -


1 3 5

Elements of Network

Interrelationship between

Successor events
The event or events that follow
another event are called 2
successor events to that event. E
Also, the event or events that A
immediately follow another
event without any intervening
ones are called immediate B F
successor events to that event. 1 3 5

Predecessor events
The event or events that occur C
before another event are called G
predecessor events to that
event. Also, the event or events
that immediately come before 4
another event without any
intervening ones are called
immediate predecessor events.
Elements of Network

Inter relationships

Parallel activities
Those activities which can be performed simultaneously and independently to each other are known as
parallel activities.

Serial activities
Serial activities are those which can be performed one after the other, in succession. These activities
cannot be performed independently to each other.

Predecessor activity
Activity or activities that are required to be performed before another job or activity can begin are called
predecessor activities to that activity. The activity or activities that are required to be performed
immediately before another activity, without an intervening activity are known as immediate predecessor
activities to activity.

Successor activity
Activity or activities that can be performed after the performance of other activity are known as successor
activities to that activity. The activity or activities that immediately follow another activity, without any
intervening activity are known as immediate successor activities to that activity.

Redundancy exists when among the number of predecessor activities of any given activity, one of the
activity is a predecessor to some other activity in the same set.
Elements of Network

Activity Predecessor Successor

A - C* ; E
B - D* ; E
C A* E*
D B* E*
E A ; C* ; B ; D* -


Elements of Network

Draw a network diagram for the project having 9 activities, with the following inter – relationships:

i. C follows D but precedes F

ii. C follows B but precedes H
iii. G follows F but precedes I
iv. E follows A but precedes I
v. D follows A
vi. H and I terminate at the same time
vii. A and B start at the same time
Elements of Network

i. C follows D but precedes F D C F

ii. C follows B but precedes H
iii. G follows F but precedes I
iv. E follows A but precedes I
v. D follows A B H

vi. H and I terminate at the same time C

vii. A and B start at the same time




Elements of Network




Elements of Network



2 4

1 D 5 7

3 6
Elements of Network

The maintenance project of a building consists of 10 jobs. The predecessor relationships are identified by
their node numbers, as indicated below:

Job Identification Job Identification

A (1, 2) F (4, 5)
B (2, 3) G (4, 7)
C (2, 4) H (5, 8)
D (3, 6) I (6, 8)
E (3, 5) J (7, 8)
Elements of Network
Elements of Network
Elements of Network
Elements of Network
Elements of Network
Elements of Network
Elements of Network
Elements of Network
Elements of Network
Elements of Network
Elements of Network
Elements of Network
Elements of Network
Elements of Network
Elements of Network

Earliest Time Latest Time

Activities (ij) tij Start Finish Start (LST) Finish Total Float
tij /(LST-EST)
1-2 4 0 0+4 = 4 9–4=5 9 5
1-3 1 0 0+1 = 1 1–1=0 1 0
2-4 1 4 4+1 = 5 10 – 1 = 9 10 5
3-4 1 1 1+1 = 2 10 – 1 = 9 10 8
3-5 6 1 1+6 = 7 7–6=1 7 0
4-9 5 5 5+5 = 10 15 – 5 = 10 15 5
5-7 8 7 7+8 = 15 15 – 8 = 7 15 0
5-6 4 7 7+4 = 11 16 – 4 = 12 16 5
6-8 1 11 11+1 = 12 17 – 1 = 16 17 5
7-8 2 15 15+2 = 17 17 – 2 = 15 17 0
8-10 5 17 17 + 5 = 22 22 – 5 = 17 22 0
9-10 7 10 10 + 7 =17 22 - 7 = 15 22 5
Elements of Network
Elements of Network
PERT : Time Estimates

A building project consists of 11 activities as shown below. The normal duration required to perform
various activities is also given:

1. Calculate Event time

2. Critical Path
3. Float at various events


8 10 12
4 5 7 8

3 6

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