Job Safety Analysis: Vibration Analyzer, Rag
Job Safety Analysis: Vibration Analyzer, Rag
Job Safety Analysis: Vibration Analyzer, Rag
1. Inform area operator Which 1.1 Miscommunication 1.1.1 Ensure operator is present during test period, LOW
activity going to carried out Operator must sign TBT.
2. Attach the magnetic Sensor to 2.1 Rotating machinery 2.1.2 Check safety guards are fitted to rotating shafts and LOW
the bearing casing and take the discs
vibration parameters. And Visual 2.1.3 Only trained and competent persons to carry out the
checks for the equipment in case task, operate equipment or handle the substances involved.
of any leaking and take the 2.1.4 Machine and/or equipment not to be run with safety
parameters such as (suction and devices tied or locked on.
discharge pressures ,bearing
temperatures, mechanical seal 2.2.1 Tripping hazard to be mechanically removed or
pressure and temperature) 2.2 Tripping hazards bridged and marked.