Facilitator Manual

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Post Box No. 3142, CTI Campus, Guindy, Chennai - 600 032
Employability Skills

Employability Skills
Facilitator Manual - 1
Common for all trades

Developed & Published by

Post. Box. No. 3142,

Guindy, Chennai - 600032
Email - [email protected]
Website: www.nimi.gov.in

Printed in India at

Post. Box. No. 3142,

Chennai - 600032
First Edi�on: August 2019,

Employability Skills

Instructional Design
The content is envisaged to be developed with VARK (Visual Aural (Auditory) Read (Reading/writing) Kinesthetic)
learning styles with customized strategies to improve communication and learning generally. Hence, the
content has been structured in the form of workbooks to build meaningful learning experiences assuming that
the ITI trainees need to start learning English and communication from scratch. A facilitator guide has also been
developed to enable the Employability Skills course instructors deliver the lessons in the structured format for
effective internalization of the content by the ITI trainees.
Structure of the lessons
The Employability Skills content is designed with lessons in an hourly structure. The lessons are designed to enable
learning from the simple to complex concepts in an activity based format. The lessons shall provide adequate
scope for internalization of concepts through illustrations and meaningful activities structured from guided,
controlled to free use. Formative assessment shall be built in at appropriate intervals to facilitate consolidation
of the learning. Cohesion between the lessons shall ensure that concepts are revisited all along the learning
process thereby making the learning process meaningful, rewarding and enjoyable.
The lessons are structured using the ICARE model of instructional design. ICARE model is an end-user oriented
model that facilitates meaningful learning in an activity-based approach. The acronym ICARE stands for:

I – Introduce – lesson objectives, concepts

C – Connect – through illustrations (visuals and verbal with appropriate examples, wherever needed)
A – Apply – opportunities to practice the concepts in the form of activities
R – Reflect – through KWL chart (what was Known, Wanted to be known and eventually Learnt), recap
E – Extend – opportunities to explore alternative resources/materials (optional), project

Module refers to the 4 topics dealt with in workbook 1 and 8 topics to be dealt with in workbook 2 for 80
hours duration in each workbook.

Lesson refers to the content developed for training for specified number of hours for each of the 12
modules in the workbooks. Each lesson is for one hour duration.

Objectives shall be outcomes based restricted to three per lesson as the duration of each lesson shall be
one hour only.

Concept refers to the specific topics that the lesson is based on.

KWL chart chart is a tool used to enable learning with visible transition from recognition of prior knowledge
to acquisition of new knowledge. What the trainees want to know serves as an intermediary step between
what they know and what they eventually learn.
Illustration provides contextual examples to make the learning meaningful and internalize the concept

Context setting refers to preparing the classroom environment conducive to impart the training.

Activities provide opportunities to put the new concepts into active use in a guided, controlled and free
manner. The activities are designed for collaborative learning in pairs and groups.
Let’s Learn introduces additional concepts, as required.

Recap enables the trainees review their learning and proceed to learn the next lesson.

Employability Skills

Extension provides scope for furthering the learning by application of the concepts in wider contexts than
those dealt with in the workbook. It fosters learner autonomy and collaborative learning.

Recall is a chunking strategy that has been included at regular and meaningful intervals to consolidate
the learning and help smooth transition between lessons and topics. The recall section is designed with
multiple choice questions with due emphasis on application of the concepts learnt than on the theory
underlying them. This may be used by the instructors for periodical formative assessments to check
progress. Alternately, it may be used by the trainees to test their own learning levels.
Project Project refers to the extension of the classroom into the world of work like market scan, job search,
preparation for entrepreneurial ventures. Trainees may put the skill acquired through employability skills
training to effective use here. (optional)
Corpus is the vocabulary on which the content is built on refers to the range of words that ITI trainees
need to internalize to be able to productively use (active vocabulary) and understand using contextual
clues (passive vocabulary) for social and professional communicative purposes.
The vocabulary base for the content has been built on corpora (samples) of real world in tune with
the requirement of ITI trainees in real-life (realia). The words are categorized into high-frequency and
low-frequency words. Words that the trainees may be familiar with are in normal font and those that they
need to learn and internalize to use (some words) and recognize (most words) are in bold font.

Employability Skills


The National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI) sincerely acknowledges and appreciates the invaluable
contribution made by the following content developers without whose support the Employability Skills Student
Workbook would not have been completed in a very short span of time.
Facilitator Manual Development & Coordination
Dr. T. Jayasudha, Deputy Director, NIMI

Facilitator Manual Development Team

Ms. Shivani Sharma, Program Development & Impact Evaluation, Medha
Ms. SushmithaSridhara, Manager – Facilitator & Content Development, My Quest, Quest Alliance
Ms. Sonali Gupta, Specialist – Facilitator & Content Development, Quest Alliance
Design & Layout
Mr. S. Gopalakrshnan, Assistant Manager, NIMI
Mr. Gowtham Krishna, Media Consultant, NIMI
NIMI appreciates the Data Entry operators and CAD staff for their valuable contribution to bring the student
workbook in its present form.
NIMI is happy to thank all the other staff members who have helped in the development of this book.

Employability Skills

Welcome, Employability Skills Facilitators

With the surging population and massive development in the industry in many sectors like production,
manufacturing, services, etc., the demand for skilled craftsmen is on the rise. India is to occupy an enviable
position with the youngest employable population for the next few decades. In order to capitalize on the
demographic dividend, it is important to enable employability of the craftsmen within the country and foster
their mobility to the industrialized countries of the world. Hence, there is a felt need to customize the training
in the ITIs to match the needs of the industry with the necessary skills to communicate and perform on the job.
The employability Skills content for training the ITI trainees has been re-structured into user-friendly student
workbook(s) to enable the get trained effectively tobecome employable on completion of the training.
The content has been developed with active industry contribution. ITI instructors need to follow the guidelines
in this manual developed in alignment with the student workbook and effectively impart the training. Also,
ensure to make the maximum use of the manual to facilitate the training to help the ITI secure jobs in the
relevant industries.
Why are Employability Skills needed?
India needs to attract resources to meet the changing needs of the industry, increase access to labour market
relevant qualifications by focusing on sectors that have the potential for high-productivity by creating a range of
job opportunities alongside enabling employment prospects and mobility across the world.
A great number of ITI trainees comprise youth from the lower-income groups and opt for vocational education
to become skilled workforce. While the focus of vocational education is to provide access and equity to all
sections of the population, the quality of vocational education and training is also of paramount importance.
Hence, upgrading of technical and pedagogical competencies of ITI trainees/instructors with adequate exposure
to specialized skills is the need of the hour. In the light of these circumstances, the employability skills content
has been developed to meet the needs of the ITI trainees/instructors and the industry requirements.
Communication skills and the ability to perform on the job are fundamental requirements for getting placement.
ITI trainees hail from socio-economically disadvantaged strata of the society and are mostly first generation
trainees. Therefore, it is necessary to scaffold English literacy along with relevant 21st century skills to enable
upward mobility through employment. There is demand-supply mismatch with respect to the employability of
ITI trainees as knowing something and knowing how to do something are not the same.

Employability Skills

What are ITI Employability Skills?

The Employability Skills curriculum is common to all the trades under the Craftsmen Training Scheme. The
curriculum has been restructured to meet the demands of the industry. The number of hours of instruction of
the Employability Skills training has been enhanced from 110 to 160 hours to provide a comprehensive training
for ITI trainees.
It is envisaged that India has the potential to emerge as the Skill Capital of the world by introducing various
schemes, interventions and programmes to bridge the demand-supply mismatch and render the skilled
workforce employable. The employability skills content caters to the emerging needs of the ITI trainees. It shall
help to build the requisite skills essential for procuring jobs in the relevant industries.

Year 1 – Workbook 1 – 80 hours

Module Topic Duration in hours

1 Behavioural Skills 10
2 English Literacy 30
3 Communication Skills 20
4 IT Literacy 20

Year 1 – Workbook 2 – 80 hours

Module Topic Duration in hours

5 Entrepreneurship 20
6 Maintaining Efficiency at Workplace 10
7 Occupational Safety, Health and 10
Environment Education
8 Essential Skills for Success 10
9 Labour Welfare Legislation 05
10 Quality Management 05
11 Preparation to the World of Work 10
12 Customer Interaction/Service 10

Note: Behavioural Skills module is meant to lay the foundation for Employability Skills. The trainees will be
able to build rapport with the instructor and benefit from the training to find a suitable job on completion of
the course. Hence, the 6 lessons developed may be used effectively to impart training for 10 hours.

Employability Skills

How to deliver Employability Skills?

Learning by doing:
The content for Employability Skills is designed with an end-user pedagogical orientation. The exposure to
concepts is very minimal while adequate opportunities to internalize the concepts through meaningful activities
is built in. The activities are graded as the guided, controlled to free activities to help the trainees learn at their
own pace. The transition from one lesson to another is smooth with recall sections to check progress. The
activities are designed for experiential learning. The simplest definition of experiential learning is “learning by
doing”. In the experiential model, Kolb described two different ways of grasping experience: Concrete Experience,
Abstract Conceptualization. He also identified two ways of transforming experience: Reflective Observation,
Active Experimentation. These four modes of learning are often portrayed as a cycle.

Ways to facilitate Learning by Doing:

Classroom activity: Simulated in-class activities that help trainees share gain relevant experience about the given
topic, enabling them to draw their own takeaways.
Interactions: Direct the trainees to work in pairs and groups as required as peer learning and collaboration make
learning easy, meaningful and fun.
Trainee Autonomy: Examples: Extension activities at the end of the lessons and project at the end of IT literacy
are meant to foster inquiry-based or project-based learning. Ensure to help the trainees explore it outside the

Employability Skills

How to prepare yourself to deliver employability skills?

What does the trainee already know about the topic?

Why should they be interested in the learning outcomes?
Think of the trainee How are the learning outcomes aligned with the trainee’s life and
future career?
What are your trainees’ preferred learning styles?

Read Employability Skills facilitator manual – know everything about

the topic!
Prepare lesson plan material.
Prepare your plan
Write clear instructions in your own words for all activities.
Plan your learning space.

Be a Guide:
Do not prescribe right and wrong answers.
Each mistake is an opportunity to learn!

Encourage trainees to be Explorers:
Enable an ‘I can learn’ attitude.
Encourage collaborative learning and problem solving!
Instead of just knowledge, give them the tools to be lifelong learners.

Ensure student handbook is complete.

Follow-up Create opportunities for one-on-one interactions after class.
Seek feedback from trainees!

Employability Skills



No. Topic Page No.

1. Orientation to Employability Skills 6

2. Learn Together! 7
3. Know Yourself - 1 8
4. Know Yourself - 2 11
5. Ethics and Values - 1 11
6. Ethics and Values - 2 16
7. Social Etiquette - 1 18
8. Social Etiquette - 2 20
9. Role Modelling - 1 22
10. Role Modelling - 2 24


1. I Can and I Will 28

2. Word Building 29
3. Naming Words 30
4. Naming Words - Singular and Plural 31
5. Action Words 32
6. Action Words - Tenses 33
7. Recall 34
8. Describing Words 35
9. Describing Objects, Surroundings and Processes 36
10. Pronouns 37
11. Introduction to Punctuation 38
12. Kinds of Sentences - Introduction 39
13. Practice in Framing Sentences 40
14. Recall 41
15. Greetings and Self-Introduction 42
16. Asking and Responding to Questions 43
17. Sharing Information with Others 44
18. Recall 45
19. Formal and Informal Communication 46
20. Speak and Share Information about Workplace 47

Employability Skills

No. Topic Page No.

21. Discussions on Current Happenings 48
22. Telephone Skills 49
23. Telephone Skills – Role Plays 50
24. Let’s Read 51
25. Recall 52
26. Writing Simple Sentences 53
27. Speaking 54
28. Listening 55
29. Productive Use of Skills 56
30. Recall 57
Assessment Rubric 57


1. Importance of Communication 62
2. Components of Communication 63
3. Recall 64
4. Practising Effective Communication 65
5. Mastering Effective Communication 66
6. Assessing your Communication Ability 67
7. Recall 68
8. Verbal Communication – Speaking 68
9. Verbal Communication – Writing 69
10. Non-verbal Communication 70
11. Being Aware of Good and Bad Touch 71
12. Recall 72
13. Workplace Communication 73
14. Workplace Communication Activities 74
15. Decoding Interview 75
16. Handling Rejection and Failure 76
17. Professional Networking 77
18. Recall 78
19. Mock Interviews 79
20. Job Search and Mock Interviews 80
Assessment Rubric 81

Employability Skills


No. Topic Page No.

1. Basics of Computers 86
2. Exploring a Computer 87
3. Basics of Operating System 88
4. Exploring Windows Operating System 89
5. Using Storage Features on Windows 90
6. Basics of MS-Word 91
7. Exploring MS-Word 92
8. Creating Documents on MS-Word 93
9. Recall 94
10. Basics of Excel 94
11. Simple Functions on Excel 96
12. What is Internet? 97
13. Searching for Information on the Internet 98
14. Best Practices to Follow on the Internet 99
15. Communicate Using Email 100
16. Internet Safety 101
17. Introduction to Mobile Applications 102
18. Simple Mobile Applications 103
19. Exploring Popular Sites for Learning and Career Growth 104
20. Recall 105
21. Project 105
Assessment Rubric 106

A. Answer Key for English Literacy 107
B. Corpus 122


Behavioural Skills

Why is ‘Behavioural Skills’ in Employability Skills?

Behavioural skills often mean good character, friendliness, adaptability, common sense, attitude, maturity,
discipline, etc. It is assumed that it is a natural skill and one does not get it through formal training. On the
contrary, it has to be acknowledged that these skills must be learned and practised. It is noteworthy that it is
possible to develop behavioral skills at any time. The world of employment expects candidates to demonstrate
good behaviour and professional etiquette. This module is designed to serve the purpose of building behavioural
skills in ITI trainees to help them identify personal traits to follow, develop and nurture for success in the world
of work and as citizens with social responsibility.
Understand the topic
In this module, you will introduce the trainees to know themselves better. Trainees will be helped to be identify
their own personal traits, strengths and abilities. The trainees will be sensitized to identify gender, cultural and
religious diversity to recognize the need to be secular and inclusive. Salient features of social etiquette and how
to practise them, recognizing the importance of role modelling and emulating role models, building ethics and
values are the topics that the trainees are to be trained in.
How to deliver ‘Behavioural Skills’
The main task for the trainer is to build a sense of excitement and confidence in trainees about learning
Behavioural Skills. It can be done by creating an awareness about their own selves, enabling interaction amongst
the trainees to work on the activities which are meant for character building for their personal and professional
growth. Also, help them understand that this module is not meant for testing but for grooming them.
How the lessons have been organized?
The content has been organized into lessons that can be taught in one-hour duration. The flow of the lessons and
what each step means is elaborated here: The lessons are divided into three sections:
i. exposure – objectives, concepts, KWL, illustration
ii. immersion – activities, let’s learn, KWL completion, recapitulation
iii. extension (optional).
The lessons have been structured from objectives to recapitulation. Enough care has been taken to restrict
the concepts introduced to as much that is necessary for the ITI level. A let’s learn section is included only for
those topics that need further elaboration. A KWL chart is introduced for instructors to assess RPL about the
particular lesson by eliciting responses from the trainees. Trainees need to fill in what they already know, what
they want to know in the first two columns. Illustration gives visual and verbal examples of the concept dealt
with in the lesson. The development of guided, controlled and free activities will make learning easy, fun and,
therefore, a rewarding experience. The learned column of the KWL chart will be completed by the trainees after
the completion of all the activities. The final section recap will sum up the outcomes of learning the particular
lesson which shall be aligning with the objectives of the lesson. Extension given at the end of each lesson is for
further learning and is optional.
At periodic intervals, the lessons have been chunked to include a section called recall which may be used to
consolidate the learning and for formative assessment.
If the session is going well, you will see trainees:
• actively engaged in the activities
• clarifying their doubts by asking questions without fear
• speaking with peers in small groups.

Behavioural Skills

How to prepare yourself to deliver behavioural skills?

Do your trainees have any experience of the job market?

Think of your region, your institute, and your classroom – what is
the relevance of skills like team learning, social etiquette, ethics, role
Think of the trainee
modeling for your trainees?
Have they been using these skills without knowing the names? Are
some of the skills very new to their culture?

Read Employability Skills facilitator manual – know everything about

these skills!
Prepare your plan Prepare lesson plan material
Write clear questions for reflection!
Arrange classroom seats in a manner that enables group discussion.

Be a Guide:
Your trainees will not learn to be good team players, if you give them
a list of dos and don’ts of working in a team. They will learn only from
experience ! Let them experience and draw their own takeaways.
What if they make a mistake? What if somebody simply does not
understand what role modeling means? It is an opportunity for them to
learn through more examples and activities.

Encourage trainees to be Explorers:
Enable an I can learn attitude.
This is the first module of ES! Help your class become a team during
this time.
If this module is a success, trainees’ attendance in your classes will
improve and they will learn better in all the other modules – make the
most of these days!

Cultivate the habit of your trainees to complete the handbook.

Interact with reticent trainees after the class and encourage them to
Seek feedback from trainees – pay attention to their body language
in the class, ask them how they feel about your sessions, act on

Behavioural Skills

Key learning outcomes

At the end of this module, you shall be able to:
• get an awareness about your own strengths and values
• identify and use expressions to express yourself
• recognize your latent skills and abilities
• practise equality of culture, religion and gender
• identify the importance of ethics and values and practise positive social etiquette
• identify what role modeling is and choose a role model to emulate.

Behavioural Skills

Behavioural Skills
First step on the path to become a life-long learner

Why is Behaviour Skills a part of Employability Skills?

Employability Skills is delivered via experiential learning, i.e. learning by doing. For this approach to be effective,
the learners / students must develop the confidence in their ability to learn new skills, learn to contextualize new
concepts and identify their application in daily life, practice learning as a team and view the classroom as a safe
space to learn.
These objectives are achieved through the 10-hour Behaviour Skills module. The module is designed as a 10-
hour capsule that will transform the Employability Skills classroom into a fear-free, and joyful learning space, if
executed right!

What are the parts of Behaviour Skills?

Create a fear free environment in class! Demonstrate what it means for students to learn
by doing. And, encourage the class to come together as a team!
Know Yourself:

The student will assess their own strengths and areas of improvement! If executed well,
this module will increase the motivation to learn and make students attend the class
Ethics and Values:

An important first in enabling life-long learning is to encourage reflection of values! Once

the students understand ‘why’ they learn, it will be easier for them to understand – what
do they want to learn
Social Etiquettes:
To become citizens of a democracy – it is vital for students to learn (by doing and reflection)

what are the behaviour that make it easier for all citizen to live and grow in the same
community, and what are the behaviours that make some groups uncomfortable, harassed
or even deprived of their basic rights.

Role Modelling:
This is a powerful tool to learn life skills! If the students are able to identify powerful
role models from their environment, these role models will motivate them to pursue

Behavioural Skills

How to conduct Formative assessments?
There are no formative assessments for behaviour skills module.
How to facilitate Projects?
Project name: Create a account on any professional networking website like LinkedIn
Duration: 2 hours
Facilitate: Ask the students to book a time in the institute’s computer lab, and perform the following tasks:
Create an email id
Create professional networking website profiles
Add summaries to each profile
Send requests to you
Track progress:
Share a timeline with students for completing each task.
Follow-up in the classroom for deadline of each task
Seek submissions:
The submissions for this project are – the networking invites are sent to you.
Project name: Form Learning Buddy teams
Duration: 2 hours
Ask the students to form a learning buddy group with any 5 members of their class.
Each group has to create a self-study schedule, and complete all of their student handbook activities
Track progress:
Follow-up in the class about which of the groups undertook the extension activities together
Seek submissions:
Plan a learning buddy debrief and presentation day –recognize the teams that worked together and have
completed all of their extension activities!

Behavioural Skills

1. Orientation to Behavioural Skills

At this end of this lesson, the trainees shall be able to:

• identify why employability skills are needed, what they are and how they can be learned
• know your employability skills facilitator
• set personal learning goals.

Why Orientation to Employability Skills?

This is the first day of training.
This should be as charged with energy as possible. Today is the day to communicate to the students,
a) What is Employability Skills and what it means to be a ES student!
b) Who are you? and
c) What can they expect from this classroom space and this training every day.?
On this day, you will also get to know your trainees and we recommend that you take your time to break the ice
and listen to them.
What are the parts of Orientation to Employability Skills?
Employability Skills is rigorous, but fear-free: These classrooms are joyful places – nobody is ever bored in an
Employability classroom. That said, Employability Skills is a rigorous training – the trainees are expected to come
to each class prepared to push their limits and practise key takeaways at home.
Employability Skills will be activity-based: Each ES session begins with an activity and ends with reflection. ES
trainers are not expected to speak in the class for more than 15 minutes at any time! There are no lectures – only
activities and reflection.
How to deliver the lesson?
While taking Orientation of Employability Skills, always keep in mind:
Energize yourself before the class: If you are a movie fan, think that you are going to host the Oscars and if you
are sports fan, think that you are hosting the World Cup award ceremony. Your energy should be infectious! This
is your first impression on the trainees – leave a positive one.
Carefully script your introduction of Employability Skills: A summary of all of the key modules of ES should be
communicated through your short, yet power-packed introduction of Employability Skills. Refer to ES student
handbook for more details!
Communicate the activity-based learning approach: You can do so by, a) Directly telling the students that it is
so, b) demonstrating a strong activity-based approach. Make it fun-filled and do not give lectures!
If the session is going well, you will see:
The trainees smiled a lot: The classroom was a happy place, the trainees smiled and enjoyed the session.
You were prepared with material: Do not show up on the first day of the class without the material required as
per Session Plan

Behavioural Skills

Session 1
Material needed: Employability Skills student Workbooks

20 mins Context Setting: Simple Simon, why are you here? Energiser
5 mins Introduce yourself, and welcome the trainees Take your time with this
15 mins Share that before starting anything – it is a good idea to energiser – do not rush, break
get to know each other better – so, let’s begin the class ice, make trainees comfortable,
with introducing each other, but with a twist! let them really talk about why
they chose to be in this ITI
The twist is: trade or in an ITI. Encourage
When you introduce yourself – give yourself a title that them to speak by creating a
you think describes your personality and this title should relaxed environment
rhyme with your name or it should, at least, begin with Let trainees introduce
same letter. For example, I am sincere Suman. themselves from their desk.
And after introducing yourself, quickly tell us why did Do not make them nervous by
you come to the ES class. For example, I am Sincere calling them on stage on day
Suman and I came to the class today because... one!

30 mins Session Activity: Let’s being ES Facilitation

10 mins Introduce Employability Skills to class. At this point, also remind the
20mins Share Student Workbooks with the trainees. Guide trainees who have not yet
them through the structure of workbook: created an email to make one.
Ask them to turn to the index.
Explain each module / topic briefly

10 mins Wrapping Up: Reflection + next steps Reflection

What? Ask, how was the session? Ask trainees to complete the SH
So, what? Why do you think Employability Skills activities + extension
training is part of your curriculum?
Now, what? What would you most like to learn in this

2. Learn Together
Session 2
Material needed: Coins, notes with names of topics in separate modules of ES

20 mins Context Setting: Matching Pennies Energiser

5 mins Gather coins of different years and keep them together in Ensure you have coins from 1995
15 mins a box. Pass the box to all trainees and ask each of and beyond since any year previous
them to pick up one coin. to this would be irrelevant to our
Next, ask trainees to find a person who has the same / age group.
previous / next year coin as theirs. Once they have found
a partner, they need to introduce themselves and share a
story/incident that happened in the year on their coin
Each trainee should speak to at least one other trainee.

Behavioural Skills

30 mins Session Activity: Hang it up

Divide the trainees into groups of 5-6.
Place the labels of each module name in Book 1 –
Behavioural Skills, English Literacy, IT literacy and
Communication Skills in different corners. Explain
each of them to the trainees.
Share chits with topic names, and ask the trainees
to guess as a group – which topic falls within
which section.
Each group stick their topic list in the chosen
The team with the closest arrangement wins.

10 mins Wrapping Up: Reflection + next steps Reflection

Lead reflection
What? How was today?
So, what? How can our peers help us learn
Now, what? Share the project of learning buddy

3. Know Yourself - 1
At this end of this lesson, the trainee shall be able to
• recognize that people have unique strengths which could be qualities, abilities or talents
• identify strengths, talents and skills in self as well as others
• learn English words to describe people’s qualities, abilities and talents.

Why is Know Yourself in Employability Skills?

Too often, when students are in school or college, they are not recognized for their strengths; rather, the focus
is on remedying their deficits. This is rarely a source of inspiration for anyone.
What ends up happening is that kids’ strengths and passions are either hidden from their educators or worse,
they become hidden from themselves because they do not get encouraged. It is important to know what you
enjoy doing, things that you do well, and events or experiences that make you proud and that you feel passionate
about. Help the trainees reflect on things about themselves that classmates or teachers might find surprising
and impressive.
What are Know Yourself?
Personal strengths are a mixture of talents, knowledge and skills. Everyone has strengths they are born with but
few people know what these are. By identifying your strengths and matching them to the right career, you will
enjoy it more and perform better. When you are using your strengths, you demonstrate flow. When you are in
‘flow’, you:

Behavioural Skills

• have a sense of energy and engagement

• often lose your sense of time because you are so engrossed in the task
• rapidly learn new information and approaches
• show high levels of performance
• do things that use your strengths: even when you are tired or stressed.
How to deliver lesson name?
During the Know Yourself sessions, the facilitator:
1. encourages and ensures participation from all the trainees
2. asks non-leading questions to elicit reflection
3. encourages each trainee to ask questions.
If the session is going well, you will see:
Observable indicators for success in class. For example, students will attempt speaking in English, and making a
mistake will not stop them from continuing.
Session 1
Material needed: Colourful chits, and prints of strength statements (refer next page)

20 mins Context Setting: Name tags Facilitation

5 mins Begin the session by asking the trainees to create their Example – Shireen (trainer, music,
10mins name tags with 3 words written on it that describe them friendly)
the most.
Give them time to decorate their name tags and stick
them on their chest/shoulder.
Next, ask the trainees to mingle and share their name
tags with others talking about why they chose these
words to describe them.
Set context – the words we like using to describe
ourselves are our ‘strengths’. Today’s session is about
finding personal strengths.

30 mins Session Activity: Shuffle your strengths Activity and feedback

Each trainee must sit with a notebook and paper. Student assessment
Circulate the strength chits to each group and ask Material: Strength List
them to spread it among themselves.
Each trainee makes a list of all the statements that
they relate to on the chits.
Ask them to choose statements that they immediately
relate to. Once the trainees have a list of the
statements, ask them to mark the ones they see as
their strength with S.
Take up the trainer’s copy of trainee strength
handout and lead a reflection on the points most
trainees in your class have selected on how a set of
few strengths translate into future goals.

Behavioural Skills

10 mins Wrapping Up: Reflection Reflection

What? What did we do in today’s session? Why?
So, what? Did we learn anything new about ourself?
Now, what? How can we keep finding more strengths?
How can we create more strengths? Do we have a
wish list?

I am always on time. I finish all my tasks on I enjoy team games. I enjoy travelling in
Time management time. Team work groups.
Time management Team work

I often resolve conflict in I always stay well- I like to know the reason I care deeply for others.
groups. groomed. behind things. Empathy
Counselling Organised Analytical

I follow rules. I obey teacher and I follow the timetable. I write a journal / diary
Organised elders. Time management everyday.
Following instructions People-centric

I am often well-dressed. I like sharing my I can easily share my

Presentable thoughts with others. thoughts in front of an I like building drawings
Good communication, audience. and models.
orator Confident, customer Creative

I keep my things in the I set goals. I solve puzzles. I often think about
right place. Planning Problem-solving/ Design society’s problems.
Organised Empathy

I always go out to buy I enjoy creating new I do not feel ashamed of I love reading / listening
grocery items for my things using waste crying when I am sad. to stories.
house. material. Empathetic / expressive Creative
Organised Creativity / design jobs

I love buying gifts. I enjoy meeting new I love making new I enjoy leading a team
People-centric people. friends. for any task.
Adventurous People-centric Leadership / business

Behavioural Skills

4. Know Yourself - 2
Session 2
Material needed: Chart papers (6-7), sketch pens 20 mins

20 mims Context Setting: Facilitation

Skip the context setting, and directly proceed with session Example – Shireen (trainer, music,
activity. Introduce the topic at the end of reflection. friendly)

40 mins Activity: FanstastiCat Activity-based

5 mins Begin the session by talking about a FantastiCat that Let them be as creative and
you have and what makes your cat fantastic. Can imaginary as they want to
it fly? Can it sing and dance? Can it speak different be. Give minimum input or
languages? Tell them today they will also create their directions.
own fantastiCat and give it all the super qualities and
powers that will turn it fantastic.
10 mins Divide students into teams of 5-7 people.
15 mins Explain that each team has to create their very own
fantastiCat and also decide what powers (strengths)
their cat is going to have.
Provide the teams with resources (charts and sketch
Encourage each member’s participation and take
notes during their discussions.
10 mins
Ask the teams to present the cats, they have created.
Make note of all the strengths described!

10 mins Wrapping Up: Reflection + next steps Reflection

What? How was it? Ask each team to share their
experience of creating a cat.
So, what? Do you have fantastic strengths too? How
can you become fantastic like your cat ?
Now, what? What will we do after the class to imbibe
some fantastic qualities?

5. Ethics & Values - 1

At this end of this lesson, the trainees shall be able to
• identify unique traits of those from different cultures/religion/gender
• practice recognizing and celebrating the unique traits across cultures/religions/genders
• recognize what ‘stereotypes’ are and how to break them.
Why is Ethics and Values in Employability Skills?
What do you do when faced with a big decision to which you don’t know the right answer?
Do you opt for the middle road that marginally meets everyone’s needs? Do you sacrifice your needs for others?
Do you randomly pick an option, and simply hope for the best? Do you pick what seems to be the most logical,
even though you are not 100 % sure? Do you put off the decision-making process and hope everything will sort
itself out eventually?

Behavioural Skills

Values always guide our decision-making process. Being aware of what these values are helps us be more
What are Ethics and Values?
A dilemma is a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or more alternatives and it is a
part of everyone’s life. Every decision has different dimensions and are affected by individual judgement.
Our objective here is to make the trainees learn to analyse various situations, understand various dimensions
of a decision and become better decision makers. There is never a universally “right decision”, but the aim is to
reach the “best decision” or an “informed decision” given the constraints.
The ‘determining factors’ in this decision process are termed Ethics and Values.
How to deliver the lesson name?
1. Fear-free environment: The trainees may share not only the responses expected, but also they were bored /
disinterested / confused about the session.

2. Reflection: The trainer shall to make time and space for reflection at the end of each activity in the sessions.

3. The session was NOT prescriptive: Trainer encourages the trainees that there are no right or wrong answers
and they should freely share their opinions in front of the class. Trainer is not prescriptive at any point or
trying to lead them in any desired direction but also, keeps questioning as to how they came up with their
decision. The trainees are as expressive as they wish to be.
If the session is going well, you will see:
• trainees will be able to articulate values • Trainees will ask many questions!

Session 1
Material needed: Rope or brown tape, case studies (for facilitator reference)

25 mins Context Setting: Bus Stop Facilitation

5 mins Create an imaginary bus by laying the two ropes on This is a perfect time to discuss
the ground and in a parallel formation. Ropes should the choices with the team
be about 10-15 feet apart. You will be the bus driver
for this task and standing at the front of the bus
facing the group (your passengers).
5 mins Word pairs are read out by the bus driver and as the
driver reads them, points to one side and the other.
For example; the bus driver says, “talk” (pointing to
left) and “listen” (points to right).
5 mins Group members walk to the side of the bus (rope)
they associate with. Pause and allow the two groups
to see who chose what.
10 mins Then the bus driver says, “Back on the bus!” and
everyone steps back on – standing in between the
ropes again.The next words are given, the process is
repeated several times.

Behavioural Skills

25 mins Session Activity: Dear Diary Facilitation

Make the trainees sit in a circle and tell them that Keep encouraging them that there
15 mins in today’s class they are going to hear a few stories are no right or wrong answers
and at the end of each story, they will be asked and they should share their
questions. opinions . Do not or try to lead
Share a series of case studies based on dilemmas them in any desired direction.
with the trainees and at the end of every case study, Keep questioning as to how they
reflect on what they would have done if they were came up with their decision. Let
10 mins them be expressive.
stuck in a similar situation.
You can have 3-4 rounds of case studies depending on
the time available. Make sure to have a healthy and
open reflection, encouraging everyone to participate
equally and enthusiastically.

10 mins Wrapping Up: Reflection Reflection

What did we learn about ourselves from today’s
Have you faced similar situations in your life? Is
it easy for you to take decisions? Who usually
guides your decisions?

How do we become better decision makers?

Facilitator Material for Session 1

For bus stop activity – word pairings
Day/Night, Shark/Dolphin, Cat/Dog, Tea/coffee, Mountain/seaside, Triangle/Square, Read/TV, Comedy/Thriller,
Run/Walk, Sun/Rain. Listen/Talk, Spend money /Save money, Math class/art class, Problem solver/problem
maker. Student/teacher, Father/mother, School/college
Case studies:
Sadaf is a student in high school and a member of a local theater group in a nearby city. She likes school, but her
passion for singing and acting is huge.
Lately, there has been talk going around that some members have been exempt from auditions for the last few
productions. Sadaf knew in the “real world” that can happen sometimes. Some productions have such huge
numbers of applicants and so little time that the more experienced, well known actors and singers sometimes
get bumped up into the cast without having to try out. But, this was a local teen theater group and the whole
idea was to give everyone a chance to prove himself or herself. She and her friends talked about the rumour
and how, if it was true, how unfair it was. It is one thing to know someone probably deserves to be cast in the
production, but another to just put that person in without letting others compete for the same role. They felt
close enough to their choir director to talk to him about it. He said he could not imagine that applicants were
being exempt. Sadaf’s friends talked about going to the director, but didn’t want to risk their relationship with
him. He was scary and, after all, what if he took offense or got mad? Their future chances for good roles could
be compromised.

Behavioural Skills

For, the first week of tryouts for the next musical production Sadaf was called into the director’s office. He told
her she was in for one of the main singing parts. She was overjoyed at first. It was the role she had wanted more
than any other. It was a starring spot and would set her up for amazing roles in the future. Then, she realized
the director meant she did not have to audition. He explained that they simply did not have enough time to see
every performer’s audition. They knew her work and knew she was right for the role.
Sadaf was conflicted. What would she say to her friends? How would she explain this to them? What is more,
the choir director agreed with her and her friends that everyone should audition. What would she tell him? She
decided she would raise the question to the head director before she left his office. She asked, “What do I tell
my choir director or the rest of the cast?” He replied, “They do not need to know. This is often done with the
strongest performers. Just skip the audition and we will take care of the rest”.
Now what was Sadaf supposed to do? What if her choir director asks her how her audition went? And what
about her friends? She was the one who talked about how unfair it was to do this. But, what if she insisted on
auditioning? First, she might not get the role. There were over thirty kids who wanted her role. Second, the
director might not want to work with her again. You do not rock the boat and keep a good reputation with
directors. Everyone knows that.
Note for the facilitator:
This is a helpful case to get students to talk about dilemmas they know are unfair when the odds are stacked in
their favour. Youngsters love to talk about what is unfair. They can do it for hours. It is when we make them argue
the other side, or come up with a personal experience where they have benefited from an unfair situation, that
the discussion hits a bump in the road.
Discussion questions:
o What should Sadaf do? What would you do?
o What position did the director put Sadaf in? Do you think it was fair of him?
o Do you think she should tell her choir director about all this? What about her friends?
o What do you think are the possible outcomes if Sadaf were to tell her choir director? What if she were to tell
her friends?
o Have you or someone you know ever been put in an uncomfortable position by an adult where you were
supposed to keep something quiet? What was the situation? Were you happy with how you handled it?
Would you handle the situation in the same way again?
Jai said good-bye to his friends and started heading for home. He was in a great mood. He had two weeks off
from school for winter break and with no homework he could hang out with his friends whenever he wanted
to. Things could not be better. He turned his radio up and smiled. As he passed the last row of stores before
the street leading to his house, something caught his eye at the bank. Something was sticking out of the ATM
machine. As he got closer, he saw it was cash.
Jai looked around. There was nobody. No cars, nobody walking nearby. Someone must have just used the machine
and then forgotten to take the money. Whoever it was, was gone now. He walked over to the machine and took
the money out. Six hundred rupees. There was also a receipt sticking out.
Jai looked around again. Still no one. He could turn the money in at the bank tomorrow. But, really, it was six
hundred bucks! Probably not much to the customer, but it would make a difference as to how many gifts he
could get for his family or new bat for cricket.
Does it really count if you only do something like this once? Jai thought this over. It is not like he is a thief or
anything. Someone messed up by leaving the cash there in the first place. He felt pretty good about taking it. It is
a one-time deal. And no one ever needs to know. He put the money in his pocket, crumpled up the receipt, and
walked away.
As the next song started playing, Jai remembered something his grandfather always said, “Every time you lie, you
get closer to being a liar”. But this was not the same thing. Was it? He turned up the volume and headed up the
street to home.

Behavioural Skills

Note to the facilitator:

There is a great scene in the film, “To Die For” where Nicole Kidman’s character says, “What’s the point of doing
something good if no one is watching.” This case is classic because, while predictably trite, we have ALL been
here. Something like this has happened in some form to all of us. And in that moment, in some sense we all
made a choice to be a hero or a liar. Besides, Jai seems like a good kid, sort of like us. Does that make us want to
excuse him, or does it make us feel more frustration at his choice?
Discussion questions:
• Trade places with Jai. What would you do?
• Would your choice be different, if there had been no receipt?
• Would your choice be different, if you knew the money belonged to the bank, and not to an individual?
• Would your choice be affected, if there were other people walking by?
• Would your choice be different, if you were with friends? How so?
• Have you ever done something you knew was wrong because nobody was watching? How did you feel when
you did it? Would you do it again? Why? Why not?
• What do you think about what Jai’s grandfather says about being a liar? Do you think the same principle
applies to Jai’s actions?
Maya knew something was strange when her parents greeted her after school by saying, “Nice report card,
Honey! We knew you could do it!” She put her school bag down and picked up the report card from the kitchen
table. English: A, Math: A-, History: B+, Chemistry: A-. Maya looked again. And again.
The chemistry grade was wrong, there was no doubt about it. Erin thought back to last week. She went into the
final exam with an A-, but she received a C- on the exam. She had been devastated. So much so, that she did not
say anything about it to her parents.
So, what happened? Her teacher must have either miscalculated Maya’s grade, or hit a wrong key when he was
entering the grades. The science final was worth forty per cent of her grade. That would make her chemistry
grade a B-. The real question was, “Now what?”
For better or worse, today was the first day of semester break. Maya had a week before she would see her
teacher again. She had a week to figure out if she should tell the teacher about the mistake. She called her best
“Why should you say anything?” was her friend’s response. “It was the teacher’s mistake, not yours. That grade
could decide whether or not you get into the college you want.” Maya could see her friend’s point of view, but
something did not sit well with her. Could she live with the idea of always knowing that grade was a lie? The truth
was, maybe she could.
The week crawled by. By Sunday, Erin was feeling a bit more clear around her decision, but she was still uneasy.
That night at dinner she told her parents about her dilemma. She told them how she knew the “right thing” to
do was probably to tell her teacher about the mistake, but she also knew how competitive grades and college
applications were at her school. Even despite the lower grade in chemistry, she worked hard as a student and
deserved to go to a good school as much as anyone, and that grade would affect her overall percentage. At the
same time, how would it feel to finish off the year seeing that teacher in the hallway every day, or how will it feel
next year looking back on this choice?
What should Maya do?
Note for the facilitator:
This is a case that almost everyone can relate to. We have either known someone who has experienced a similar
situation, experienced one ourselves, or imagined what we might do if something like this were to happen to
us. Students get frustrated with the current system of highly competitive tests and grades determining so much
of their future. They might question the effectiveness of such a system that simply because one might not test
well on multiple-choice tests, they may lose a spot in college to someone who may not truly be a better overall
student. There is also, usually, a tight group of friends who get amazed that one would even consider telling the
teacher. This makes the decision even more difficult.

Behavioural Skills

Discussion questions:
• What might make this decision a hard one for Maya? Would this be a difficult decision for you? Why? Why
• Why do you think Maya waited almost a week to talk to her parents about her dilemma? If you were in her
shoes, how long would you wait? Would you tell them at all? Would your choice depend on whether you told
your parents or not?
• What would you do in Maya’s place? Explain how and why you would. do so.
• Maya’s friend had a strong opinion about what she should do. How much would your friends’ input affect
your choice?
• If you were Maya’s friend, what points might you tell her that might help her make her decision?

6. Ethics & Values - 2

Session 2
Material needed: Value-tree cards

15 mins Context Setting: Recap Facilitation

Do a quick recall of the previous session! Share with
the class that today will be spent in reflection and
articulation of values that are important to us!
Remind the class that like yesterday there are no right
or wrong answers in class today. Everyone will create
their own definition, and respect other’s opinion as

35 mins Session Activity: Value Tree Facilitation

10 mins Give instructions. Trainees get 15 mins to make
20 mins You have been given a bunch of chits. On one side of their value tree. Invite 5-10
the chit - there is a word. And, on the other side, there volunteers to share their
trees with the class!
is an explanation of that word!
You have to make a value tree for yourself using these Remember, there are no
words. right or wrong answers.
How to make a value tree?
Draw a tree with fruits.
The values that are most important to you should be
written on the fruits that are on the top and the ones
that are less important can be written on the fruits
hanging from the lower branches.
What if two values are equally important to you?
Then, you can just draw two fruits that are on the
same branch!
10 mins Share your value tree with the class!

Behavioural Skills

10 mins Wrapping Up: Reflection Reflection

How was today’s session?
Why did we spend so much time discussing these
If a person understands what his/ her values, are how
would it help him / her?

Facilitator Material for Session 2

Values – and descriptions
Everybody says that ‘honesty is the best policy’. But, when your parents refuse to give you permission to go out
with your friends, does it still seem like the best policy to you? Think about it! And, after careful thought, give
honesty the right place in your value tree.
The elders in your family always appreciate responsible kids, but do you really like being responsible? Or do you
try your best to not become responsible for any task? Think about it! And, after careful thought, give responsibility
the right place in your value tree.
If your friends have done something wrong, would you see ‘loyalty’ as more important than honesty? If a political
leader whom you have supported in the past is proven guilty of a corruption charge, would you still vote for him
/ her? How far do you remain loyal to your role models and friends? How important is loyalty for you? Give it the
right place in your value tree.
If you receive a job offer that pays really well, but to do this job you would have to live away from your family for
3-5 years! Would you still accept this job offer?
Are you a slave to your habit, or do you hate being tied to a routine? If you are asked to be in a new environment
every day with new people and new type of cuisine for meals, would you miss your home? Or would you enjoy
the new experiences?
How much do you care for yourself? Do you take care of your health, happiness, sleep? Is this more
important than success, praise or freedom?
To hear your praise from others!
All of us love to hear our praise. Would you remain honest, if being honest meant that everybody would come
to know about your failure? If nobody praises you for it, would you still remain hardworking?
Success means different things for all of us. To some of us, it is more money, and to some others, it means more
fame. How important is success for you? Is it more or less important than honesty and loyalty?
Freedom means to take our decisions and shape our own lives, sometimes, being in a job may mean that you are
very successful, but it can also reduce your freedom? How important is freedom for you?

Behavioural Skills

Would you speak the truth at absolutely any cost? What if the truth would cost you loss of love, friendship and
respect from your family?
Do you prefer a routine over constant change? Do you want your life to remain the same as it is now? Or, do you
want it to change often and bring new adventures?
Would you be happy to start something (like, travel) without having any plan or knowledge? Would you be
willing to take risks like driving fast bikes for the sake of fun? Do you prefer adventure or stability?
Safety and prosperity
Suppose, you were given two job offers, one job has a low salary, but the job contract says that you can never be
fired from this positon. Another job pays a much higher salary, but there is no gaurantee of job security. Which
job would you choose? Why?
Peace of mind
Peace of mind is achieved by removing stress from our life. Some of the examples of stress are anticipation of
failure, exam pressure or humiliation after being scolded by parents. Sometimes, we take action which we know
would disrupt our peace of mind, because we value those activities more than our peace of mind. What are the
things for which you are willing to give up your peace of mind?
To gain more knoweledge, to learn about new things, and to develop new skills - these are all examples of
growth! How important is it for you to keep learning new things?
Helping others
We are taught as children that ‘helping others’ is a virtue. At the same time, we see that we do not always help
others. For example, someone in your acquaintance must be in the habit of always giving beggars food, but
perhaps that same person hesitates to share his / her notes with his/ her classmates. Why is that so? Do you
always help others?

7. Social Etiquette - 1
At this end of this lesson, the trainees shall be able to
• identify and distinguish positive and negative social etiquette
• recognize the impact of negative social etiquette on people
• find ways to implement positive social etiquette.

Why is Social Etiquettes in Employability Skills?

Social etiquettes form the foundation of a happy society! While ethics and values are deeply personal, social
etiquettes are norms created by the society. If all people were to follow these norms, it would be very easy
for us to share common public services and live in harmony with people from different gender, religions and
During this unit, the trainees will explore through examples and role plays, the effects of ignoring or following
social etiquettes!
What are Social Etiquettes?
For the purpose of Employability Skills, social etiquettes have been divided into three simple categories:
Duty of care towards vulnerable groups: Making public and private spaces safe and nurturing for women,
children and elderly people!

Behavioural Skills

Respecting diversity: Respecting people from all faiths, social groups and communities.
Caring for public property: To cause no harm to public facilities like transport etc., and to pay the usage fee for
all public amenities like public toilets, local trains, state / national highways, etc.
How to deliver the lesson name?
Do not be prescriptive: Simply giving the trainees the list of ‘right and wrong’ etiquettes slows down their
learning. It is only by exploring and understanding the ‘why’ behind social etiquettes that the trainees will find it
easy and natural to follow social etiquettes.
Encourage empathy: Ask the trainees to participate in role plays which involve characters from different gender
or religion. Actively demand the trainees to ‘step into the shoes’ of a group that is not similar to their own.
If the session is going well, you will see:
Arguments / doubts / questions: Trainees might question some of the social etiquettes as ‘impractical’. Questions
are good! They are the first steps towards reflection.
Active participation from all the trainees: All the trainees will engage in a healthy discussion about what are
social etiquettes, and what are not social etiquettes.

Session 1
Material needed: Chart papers, sketch pens

15 mins Context Setting: Recap Facilitation

Ask the trainees to make a list of all the times when Prompt the class with examples
they disliked being out in public, because someone – traffic, using public urinals,
was doing something that annoyed them / made transport, etc.
them feel unsafe / made the experience very

35 mins Session Activity: The perfect city! Facilitation

Instruction: Keep encouraging them that
15 mins Divide the class into groups of 4-5 trainees. there are no right or wrong
answers and they should
Each group has 20 minutes to create different aspect
share their opinions. Do
of a perfect city. Give each group, one of the following
not or try to lead them in
any desired direction. Keep
Traffic light questioning as to how they
Local train / metro / bus came up with their decision.
Residential area Let them be expressive
Government school
Government hospital
Each group has to present a perfect version of each of
these situations / facilities / services. What would it be
like to have a perfectly working traffic light / crossing?
A perfect local train / metro / bus?
10 mins Preparation time: 10mins | Presentation: 5 mins
Invite each group to present their topic. At the end,
through each group’s presentation – we have created
one perfect city!

Behavioural Skills

10 mins Wrapping Up: Reflection Reflection

What can we do make our city perfect? What were the
people doing differently in your perfect scenarios?
How many of those factors, which created a perfect
service / experience are outside of our control /
What can you do every day to bring your city closer to

8. Social Etiquette - 2
Session 2
Material needed: Role play script

5 mins Context Setting: Taking ownership Facilitation

Ask the class to make a list of all the times when they
have been the cause of making it difficult for other
people to share a public space / amenity.
How many of us have littered before?
How many of us have drawn on the walls of their
school or college?
How many of us have made fun of someone who was
different from us in terms of gender or colour or any
other way?

45 mins Session Activity: Let’s fix it Facilitation

5mins Divide the trainees into groups of 4-5. Keep encouraging them that
Choose any 4 role plays from the role play list in the there are no right or wrong
trainer reference. answers and they should share
their opinions. Do not or try
10mins Ask each group to perform one of the role plays.
to lead them in any desired
Give the groups 10 minutes to discuss and plan the direction. Keep questioning
role play. as to how they came up with
30 mins
Begin role plays. One group performs in front of the their decision. Let them be

class, while others sit and watch as audience. expressive
At the end of each role play, lead a reflection using the
reflection points shared with role plays.

10 mins Wrapping Up: Reflection Reflection

What did we learn about ourselves from today’s
What are the biggest obstacles in following social
etiquettes? How can these obstacles be overcome?
How can we become better citizens? What are the
every day acts that can make us all better citizens?

Behavioural Skills

Facilitator Material for Session 2

Role play:
1. Birthday bash – at midnight!
Sarita has been studying very hard for the exams all day long. Finally, she decides to go to sleep at midnight. She
is very tired! But, suddenly, from her window, she hears a song, which is playing at top volume in her neighbour’s
home. They are having a surprise birthday party!
The group has to come up with a 5-minute skit based on this scenario. Ask the group members to come up with
a conclusion to this problem on their own. What will Sarita do now? How will the neighbours react?
Reflection points:
Do we always think of how our actions are affecting the peace / safety of other people? What are scenarios in
which we should follow the rules of a residential society? Why?
2. Horn is not okay, please!
Khalid is sitting in an autorickshaw with his old grandmother. The auto stops at the traffic light, and there is a long
line of vehicles in front of it. As soon as the light turns green, the car behind the auto starts blowing its horn. It
keeps doing so for a full 5 minutes.
The group has to come up with a 5-minute skit based on this scenario. Ask the group members to come up with
a conclusion to this problem on their own. What will Khalid do now? How will the rickshaw driver and grandma
react? How will other bystanders respond?
Reflection points:
Do you ever feel your temper rising when you are stuck in a traffic jam for long? According to your observation,
how does the noise and wait affect other people? What can we do to minimize instances of fights / accidents
involving drivers?
3. Where to draw the line?
Christie goes to her workplace and gets into an elevator. She presses the button for floor 5. Three men get into
the elevator with her. They start sharing lewd jokes with each other. They get out on floor three. And she remains
in the elevator and gets out on floor five. She felt very uncomfortable with the behaviour of those men, but she
is having difficulty deciding what should be her next step!
The group has to come up with a 5-minute skit based on this scenario. Ask the group members to come up with a
conclusion to this problem on their own. What will Christie do now? If she does not complain, how will she feel?
If she does complain, who will she complain to? How will her superiors react?
Reflection points:
Do you ever feel uncomfortable due to the actions of the opposite gender? How do you normally deal with the
situation? How can we help others feel safer in public spaces? What can men do to avoid making any woman feel
unsafe or harassed? How can women help each other?
4. The train belongs to everyone
Rameela, Jai and Ratna are going on a train journey to New Delhi. They are travelling by the sleeper coach. They
notice that a family is travelling with them, and the grandfather of the family is in the habit of chewing tobacco.
He spits it under the seat. In a few hours, there is a thick red stain on the wall beside the window. The three
friends find it difficult to tolerate this behaviour. They are also concerned that the grandfather is unknowingly
causing permanent damage to the compartment.
The group has to come up with a 5-minute skit based on this scenario. Ask the group members to come up with
a conclusion to this problem on their own. What will Rameela, Jai and Ratna do now? If they do not complain,
how will they feel? How can they communicate their concern to grandfather? How will he and other members
of his family react?

Behavioural Skills

Reflection points:
Have you ever witnessed anyone causing damage to public property? How do you normally deal with these
things? What can be done to reduce the instances of damaging public property?
5. Clean city is made up of citizens with clean habits!
Tara and Maryam travel to college every day in a shared auto. They see that their fellow passengers are in the
habit of carrying breakfast with them, and they often toss out the packaging of their breakfast from the window.
This disturbs both Tara and Maryam who see that many people from their town are in the habit of just tossing
away fruit peels, packets of tobacco, food, etc., on the road. They don’t know what to do about this.
The group has to come up with a 5-minute skit based on this scenario. Ask the group members to come up with
a conclusion to this problem on their own. What will Tara and Maryam do? How will members of their family,
fellow students and teachers react?
Reflection points:
Have we ever littered on the street? Why or why not? If a dustbin is not close by, how can we dispose of the
garbage in our hands without making the streets dirtier?

9. Role Modeling - 1
At this end of this lesson, the trainees shall be able to
• identify the meaning of ‘role model’
• describe your role model
• map the qualities that you have in common with your role model, and identify the ones you want to follow.

Why is Role Modeling in Employability Skills?

It is important to understand that a role model is different from someone to whom we are a fan. For instance,
we may be huge fan of a sportsperson or a movie star, but we would know little of who they are as people, as we
have never met them. Role models are people about whom we know more, and from whose behaviour we can
draw life lessons.
Identifying a role model and learning from his/ her behaviour is a very effective way of learning life skills. However,
it is crucial that we identify role models whose actions are aligned with our values.
What is Role Modeling?
In order to choose a role model, the trainees must apply the takeaways from all of the previous topics covered
in Behavioural Skills.
While choosing a role model, a trainee must keep in mind:
Personal strengths and areas of improvement: To know yourself is to know how you can improve yourself!
Trainees should choose a role model whose strengths are similar to their areas of improvement.
List desired personal growth goals: What is it that a trainees want to learn from his / her role model? Making a
clear list will help him/ her gain clarity.
Build confidence: It is also important for a trainee to have faith in his/her own abilities before choosing a role
model. Identifying a role model will not be helpful without confidence in their own ability to learn.
Choose a role model with a sense of purpose: Choose a role model who has clear goals laid out for his / her

Behavioural Skills

How to deliver the lesson name?

Deliver instructions, keeping in mind the trainees’ background: This session needs to be designed keeping
in mind the specific context of your trainees! Do your trainees have access to role model figures within the
institution or their community? Who are the celebrity figures known to your trainees who may form good role
If the session is going well, you will see:
• participation from all trainees • multiple examples of positive role models.
Session 1
Material needed: Role model character list (details below)

15 mins Context Setting: Share an anecdote Facilitation

Share a personal anecdote of having a role model,
and the impact the role model had on your life. This
role model can be someone you knew professionally
or personally. Share the qualities that you learned
from your role model, and also share the reason you
chose that person to be your role model

35 mins Session Activity: The Perfect Role Model Facilitation

10 mins Divide the trainees into groups of 5-6 each. Each group
has to prepare a skit in today’s class, which they can
present in the next session. Share instructions for the
5mins Choose one of these people as the lead character of
your story. Keep in mind that each of these characters
is a woman:
a very skilled orator
a brilliant team leader
a very popular athlete
an empathetic social worker
a hardworking craftsperson
Each group has to prepare a skit about an incident in
the lives of their chosen role model of a time when
she had to face a failure / difficulty. The group can
decide the details on the story on their own. They
have to ideate and decide how their character deals
with challenges.
Presentation time: 5 mins for each team.
20 mins
Time to prepare and rehearse.

10 mins Wrapping Up: Reflection Reflection

What were some of the scenarios that you thought
as challenges for your chosen character?
Had it not been asked for you to portray these
characters as women, would you still do so? Is it
acceptable for a male trainee to have a female role
model? Who are the some of the strong female role
models from our country’s present and past?

Behavioural Skills

10. Role Modeling - 2

Session 2
Material needed: none

5 mins Context Setting: Get, set.. Facilitation

Give teams 5 minutes to prepare themselves. Seat
the class in a manner that it is easy for everyone to
view the skit.

35 mins Session Activity: Role Model

35 mins Invite each team to present their role model.
At the end of each, presentation, lead a quick reflection
5mins about the character and their special strengths.
Ask: What were the challenges faced by this character?
Why is it important to know how your role model can
deal with challenges? What can we learn from such a
role model?

15 mins Wrapping Up: Reflection Reflection

Invite the trainees to think about who can be a role
model for them. Give them 2 minutes to think, and
then ask them to share the names of their role model
and their reason for making that choice.
Conclude with key points about choosing a role
model and learning from them.

English Literacy

Why is ‘Introduction to English Literacy’in Employability Skills?

Language skills are important to acquire language proficiency. Many trainees who enroll in ITIsneed to be trained
to communicate with one another as lack of exposure and opportunities to improve English Literacy is a major
issue toward employability. Trainees may have rarelyhad the chance to use the language for practical purposes
inside the classroom and in the world outside.
ITItrainees need to learn basic English Literacy in the communicative way so that they can use the language
confidently to fulfill simple tasks in life and work. Need to learn how to communicate over the telephone and be
able to share key information in personal and professional contexts is also essential.
Understand the Topic
In this session, you will introduce the importance of learning the English language. You can also talk to trainees
about the problems they may have and help them build confidence in learning English. Finally, you can tell them
that you will help them learn this topic in an activity-based practical way. Assure them that they will trulybenefit
from learning both the language and the effective ways of communication.
How to deliver ‘Introduction to English Literacy’?
The main task for you as a trainer is to build a sense of excitement and confidence in trainees about learning
English Literacy. That can be done by telling them that this is not an impossible task and that it can be mastered
easily! You also need to tell them that they will learn this topic through simple activities. Encourage your trainees
to enjoy, ask questions and take your help while learning this topic, which has really been made easy and practical
for their benefit.
How the lessons have been organized?
The content has been organized into lessons that can be taught in one-hour duration. The flow of the lessons and
what each step means is elaborated here: The lessons are divided into three sections:
i. exposure – objectives, concepts, KWL, illustration
ii. immersion – activities, let’s learn, KWL completion, recapitulation
iii. extension (optional).
The lessons have been structured from objectives to recapitulation. Enough care has been taken to restrict
the concepts introduced to as much that is necessary for the ITI level. A let’s learn section is included only for
those topics that need further elaboration. A KWL chart is introduced for instructors to assess RPL about the
particular lesson by eliciting responses from the trainees. Trainees need to fill in what they already know, what
they want to know in the first two columns. Illustration gives visual and verbal examples of the concept dealt
with in the lesson. The development of guided, controlled and free activities will make learning easy, fun and,
therefore, a rewarding experience. The learned column of the KWL chart will be completed by the trainees after
the completion of all the activities. The final section recap will sum up the outcomes of learning the particular
lesson which shall be aligning with the objectives of the lesson. Extension given at the end of each lesson is for
further learning and is optional.
At periodic intervals, the lessons have been chunked to include a section called recall which may be used to
consolidate the learning and for formative assessment.
If the session is going well, you will see trainees:
• actively engaged in the activities
• clarifying their doubts by asking questions without fear
• speaking with peers in small groups.

English Literacy

How to prepare yourself to deliver English literacy?

Do your trainees have any experience in learning English?

Think of your region, your institute, and your classroom – what is the
relevance of learning to communicate in English?
Think of the trainee
Are the trainees motivated to speak in English? Do they know about
the opportunities available to them if they can communicate in English
for formal purposes?

Read Employability Skills facilitator manual – know how the lessons are
Prepare your plan Prepare yourself to instruct in an activity-based approach.
Ensure to identify activities that are to be done in pairs/groups!
Arrange classroom seats in a manner that suits collaborative learning.

Be a Guide:
Your trainees will not learn when they work in isolation where the
instructor talks more with no opportunities for them to interact.
Help the trainees collaborate. Let them experience the journey of
working with peers and at their own pace.
Deliver Allow them to make mistakes and share their views without inhibitions.
Encourage trainees to be Explorers:
Enable an ‘I can learn’ attitude.
Tell them that making mistakes is the first step in learning.
Observe how the trainees work in pairs/groups and do not interfere.

Ensure that the lessons are completed during the hour.

Consolidate the lesson and check if all the trainees have completed the
lesson within the hour.
Follow-up Interact with trainees who seem to need more attention after the class
and encourage them to participate.
Seek feedback from trainees. Ask them how they feel about the
sessions and customize them as per their recommendations!

English Literacy

Key Learning Outcomes

At this end of this module, you shall be able to:
• Identify the importance of communicating in English
• Recognize the need to learn to use English words
• Learn new and essential English words for everyday communicative purposes
• explore various words, expressions and sentences to communicate effectively
• gain confidence and practise to use English words in speech and writing
• Role play in simulated contexts and communicate
• Distinguish and use formal and informal expressions
• Speak effectively over the telephone
• Speak without fear in simulated real-life professional situations.

English Literacy

1. I Can and I Will

Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser. 10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there
is no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.

40 mins
1 Ask the trainees to work independently on activity 1 to reflect ontheir mother tongue learning
2. Instruct them to identify the different modes of communication in pairs in activity 2.
3. Elicit problems that the trainees face with respect to communicating in English. Make them
mark those that are relevant to them independently in activity 3.
4. Instruct the trainees to reflect and complete activities 4 and 5 independently.
5. Make them read and interpret the let’s learn section – Akbar-Birbal story. Elicit what they
understood? How can that apply this to their communication in English?
6. Elicit solutions to problems identified in activity 3. Fill in the solutions in the space provided in
activity 3.
7. Tell them the importance of planning – short-term and long-term. Guide them to complete the
“to do list” and complete activity 8 on why and where they need to use English.

10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson.Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
4. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.

English Literacy

2. Word Building

Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser. 10 mins
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there
is no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.

40 mins
1. Ask the trainees to identify in pairs what they see in the pictures. Note that one picture may
have more than one answer. For example, picture g. may be mason or wall or man.
2. Elicit responses from the trainees about the places they see in the picture and ensure that
they are able to fill in the blanks in groups.
3. Help the trainees in pairs to identify the actions depicted in activity 3 & 4.
4. Guide the trainees describe the objects in activities 5 and 6.
5. Instruct the trainees to complete activities 7 & 8 with suitable pronouns in pairs.
6. Consolidate the learning from activities 1 to 8 by facilitating the completion of activities.
Ensure that the trainees’ doubts are clarified with the illustrations given in the lesson. Do not
give out the answers. Help the trainees internalize the concepts and complete activities.

10 mins
1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.
2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
4. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.
Encourage the use of a small pocket vocabulary notebook to take down any new words.

English Literacy

3. Naming Words

Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser. 10 mins
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there
is no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.
Warm up game
Tell your trainees that you are going to play a ‘Name it’ game, i.e., when you say the use of the
thing, they will have to guess its name. You can create groups and conduct this like a quiz too.
This warm up game helps the trainee to tune themselves to the lesson of the day. Conduct the
game in a friendly and competitive manner.

40 mins
1. Help the trainees in pairs recognize the parts of the body in English.
2. Guide the class to fill in the names of objects around them and play name, place, animal and
thing in groups. Have one or two groups share their answers to the class.
3. Guide the trainees with identifying the names of parts of the plant in English.
4. Instruct the trainees to identify the jumbled words to form the words given and find out the
hidden tools in activities 5 & 6.
5. Introduce to the trainees that sometimes one word has two meanings. Help them in pairs to
match the words with the given clues. You may help them refer a manual dictionary or one
6. Motivate them to refer to a dictionary to complete activity 8 in pairs.
7. Give the trainees freedom to complete the activity 9 by identifying and naming the objects
in the image.

10 mins
1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.
2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
4. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.
Once the activities are completed, ask the trainees to reflect on the number of new naming
words they had learned. Ask trainees to share any 5 new words they have learned today.

English Literacy

4. Naming Words – Singular and Plural

Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser. 10 mins
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about the
topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have them
fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there
is no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.

40 mins
1. Help the trainees to identify the difference between singular and plural through activities 1
& 2 in pairs.
2. Guide the trainees to work in groups to recognize the appropriate ways for forming plurals for
the given words in activities 3 & 4.
3. Instruct the trainees to identify the singular and plural words in the word search table in
4. Elicit the name that can be given to the words given in the two columns in activity 6.
5. Based on the effective learning from activities 1 to 5, help the trainees match the singular and
plural forms in pairs.

10 mins
1.Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.
2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
4. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.
Once the activities are completed, ask the trainees to reflect about the new forms they have
learned, check if their assumptions on forming plurals is correct.

English Literacy

5. Action Words

Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser. 10 mins
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there
is no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.
Warm up game
Washing the Elephant is a great activity to teach action words and also encourage their
observation and thinking skills. The instructor asks for 4 volunteers and three of them leave the
classroom and stand outside. One trainee observes the instructor miming the action of filling
a bucket with water, rinsing a cloth, squeezing the water out, wiping the front, back, tail and
trunk. The trainee who observed calls one trainee from outside and repeats the instructor’s
action. This cycle continues till the last trainee comes in to find out what the entire action is. It
is natural that trainees will leave out some actions which will lead to a completely different final
action. The other trainees who are present throughout know the action and its variations. This
activity creates a lot of laughter and fun in the classroom and towards the end the instructor
can brainstorm how actions need to be observed carefully. This can also be related to how
trainees involved in technical work learn more by observing their superiors in action.

40 mins
1. Help the trainees identify the actions in the pictures in pairs.
2. Guide the trainees identify the given action words in the word search table in pairs.
3. Facilitate to identify the action words in activity 3 and to identify the actions in activity 4.
Instruct them to work in pairs.
4. Instruct the trainees to work in pairs and fill in the appropriate action words for activities 5,
6, 7 & 8.
5. Check the answers and clarify doubts, if any.

10 mins
1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.
2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
4. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.
Once the activities are completed, ask the trainees to reflect about the different action words
learned in the session.

English Literacy

6. Action Words - Tenses

Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser.

10 mins
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there
is no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes
is the best way to learn a skill.
Warm up activity
As modelling can be an extremely useful way to learn, the instructor can make a short narration
about what he usually does every day, what he did yesterday and what he plans to do tomorrow.
This can be shared in short sentences. Now the instructor asks a few trainees to volunteer and
share similar experiences. This will give trainees to shed inhibitions and come forward to speak
in class.

40 mins
1. Help the trainees distinguish actions from the time of action to know what tenses are to
complete activity 1.
2. Instruct the trainees to complete the crossword puzzle by guessing the action using the
given clues.
3. Help the trainees identify the form and meaning of progressive forms to be able to complete
activity 3.
4. Guide the trainees to give a running commentary of the action of fixing a bulb using present
progressive form and then show them how to convert the present progressive form into the
past progressive form to complete activities 4 & 5.

10 mins
1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.
2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
4. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.
Once the activities are completed, ask the trainees to reflect and share in pairs the warm up
activity using various tenses. The instructor can monitor and suggest changes if any.

English Literacy

7. Recall
Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, pencil, eraser.

10 mins
Prepare the class for formative assessment of the 6 lessons that have been covered.
The questions are meant to assess the learning and not to test the rote memory. Instruct the
trainees on the purpose of the formative assessment (recall).
Make them recognize that it is meant for their benefit and will help them recognize areas that
they need to improve/focus more.

40 mins
Conduct the test ensuring that the trainees answer the questions independently.
Assess the trainees learning based on their performance and ensure that suitable remedial
measures are taken for trainees to continue learning without any impediments.
Record the assessment in a descriptive format to track progress during the next recall session.

10 mins
Discuss with the trainees about their performance suggesting methods to improve their
Ensure to offer positive feedback followed by one or two suggestions ONLY.
Focus may be more on the positive aspects than on what went wrong.

English Literacy

8. Describing Words

Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser. 10 mins
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about the
topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have them
fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there
is no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.
Warm up game
Ask trainees to think of a word that best describes them. Also, that word should begin with the
same alphabet as their name. Trainees can use English words or words in their mother tongue as
well. They cannot repeat the describing word used by another trainee.

40 mins
1. Help the trainees match the words and pictures to identify describing words and fill in the
blanks in activities 1 & 2. Let them work in pairs.
2. Encourage the trainees to work in groups to identify and write down the describing words in
activity 3 and chose the appropriate description to be filled in activity 4.
3. Trainees can have fun describing themselves in activity 5.
4. Instruct the trainees to work in pairs and identify the opposites as describing words in activity
5. Help the trainees describes themselves with the clues given in activity 7.
6. Guide the trainees to work in pairs to describe the objects given along with the clues and
complete activity 8.

10 mins
1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.
2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
4. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.
Once the activities in the workbook are completed, ask the trainees to reflect and think about
the new describing words they have learned in the class. Encourage them to note them down in
the vocabulary note book.

English Literacy

9. Describing Objects, Surroundings and Processes

Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser. 10 mins
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about the
topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have them
fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there
is no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.
Warm up activity
Create a situation like a chemistry laboratory or a movie theatre. Tell trainees to work in groups
of 5. Trainees should now imagine that they are in the particular place and come up with at least
10 sentences also including objects, surroundings and processes. Give them sample sentences
like ‘It is cold inside the theatre’, ‘There is a round flask on the wooden table.’ The trainees can
then read out the sentences and the instructor can brainstorm how specific words are used in
those contexts. The instructor can then start explaining the function of the words and gradually
move on to the workbook.

40 mins
1. Guide the trainees identify the objects with the given descriptions in activity 1 nd help them
complete the description in activity 2.
2. Work along with the trainees to describe the items in the list with the specifications given in
activity 3 and write them in sentences in activity 4.
3. Instruct the trainees on how to complete the description with the given clues and picture for
activities 5 & 6.
4. Facilitate the completion of the process given in activities 7, 8 & 9. Ensure that you ONLY
support the trainees in completing the activity.

10 mins
1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.
2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
4. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.
Once the activities in the workbook are completed, ask the trainees to reflect and think about
the new describing words they have learned in the class for describing objects, surroundings and

English Literacy

10. Pronouns

Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser. 10 mins
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about the
topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have them
fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there
is no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.
Warm up activity
The instructor can choose a famous person like Gandhiji or Mother Teresa. The instructor shares
a few facts about the celebrity but every time the instructor uses the name of the person instead
of he or she. Ask trainees if they are comfortable listening to it. Then use pronouns and repeat
the same facts. Check which sentences were more fluent and what words made the difference.

40 mins
1. Help the trainees to work in groups and match the appropriate pronouns and fill in pronouns
in activities 1 & 2 ensuring that they have recognized what pronouns are from the illustrations
2. Guide the trainees’ complete activities 3 & 4 with the suitable pronouns in pairs.
3. Instruct trainees to work in pairs to choose the correct pronoun and fill in pronouns in activities
5, 6 & 7.
Ensure that you do not give away the answers without giving trainees the opportunity to try it
out themselves. Discuss the answers in the class and clarify doubts, if any.

10 mins
1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.
2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
4. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.
Once the activities in the workbook are completed, ask the trainees to reflect and think about
the use of appropriate pronouns for naming words. Trainees should be encouraged to refer to
the website links of YouTube videos related to the use of pronouns.

English Literacy

11. Introduction to Punctuation

Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser. 10 mins
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about the
topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have them
fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there
is no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.
Warm up activity
The infographics used in the illustration section of the lesson can be used engage the trainees in
discussion in pairs about the rules and usage.

40 mins
1. Walk the trainees through the identification of the punctuation marks in activity 1 and lead
them to identify the missing full stops and mark them in activity 2.
2. Guide the trainees to identify the correct punctuation marks in activities 3, 4 & 5.
3. Encourage the trainees to mark/write the correct punctuation in activities 6, 7, 8 & 9. They
may look at the illustration, if necessary.

10 mins
1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.
2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
4. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.

English Literacy

12. Kinds of Sentences

10 mins
Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser.

Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups
when you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic
to the activities.
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson
focusses on.
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know
about the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column.
Then, have them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a
better understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that
there is no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making
mistakes is the best way to learn a skill.
Warm up activity
Explain to trainees that sentences are the basic structures. The infographics used in the
books can be used to internalize the rules and usage.
40 mins

1. Guide the trainees to identify the kinds of sentences in activities 1, 2 & 3. Trainees may
be encouraged to work in groups/pairs.
2. Help the trainees to identify the sentence kind in activity 4 and 5 in pairs.
3. Instruct the trainees on how to rearrange the jumbled words to form the kind of
sentence as directed in activity 6. Trainees may be allowed to work in pairs.
4. Trainees may be helped to complete activity 7 to fill in the appropriate question word in
the interrogative sentences from the answers and clue words given. Trainees may work
in pairs to complete the activity.

10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities
and close.
4. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.
Traineesneed to be able to understand that different kinds of sentences are used though
declarative sentences are common. Interrogative sentences are used ask questions and
get doubts clarified. Imperative sentences are used to give instructions/command.

English Literacy

13. Practise in Framing Sentences

10 mins
Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser.

Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there
is no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.
Warm up activity
Explain to trainees that the session is to help them write sentences and make effort to use
simple sentences in speaking and writing. Use the illustration section of the lesson to explain.

40 mins

1. Guide the trainees to rearrange the jumbled words to frame meaningful sentences in activities
1, 2 & 3.
2. Encourage the trainees to frame as many sentences possible from the substitution table given
in activities 4 & 5. Tell them that there are many possible sentences that can be framed and
all meaningful sentences are correct as long as they convey some meaning. Also tell them
that you are expecting correct grammatical sentences.
3. Tell them that they may punctuate the sentences as appropriate, if possible.
4. Ask the trainees to mark the naming and action words in the sentences written for activity 5
to complete activity 6.
10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
4. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.
Ask trainees to write 4 sentences of their own to describe the learning so far.

English Literacy

14. Recall
Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, pencil, eraser.
10 mins

Prepare the class for formative assessment of the lessons (8 – 13) that have been covered.
The questions are meant to assess the learning and not to test the rote memory. Instruct
the trainees on the purpose of the formative assessment (recall).
Make them recognize that it is meant for their benefit and will help them recognize
areas that they need to improve/focus more.

40 mins

Conduct the test ensuring that the trainees answer the questions independently.
Assess the trainees learning based on their performance and ensure that suitable remedial
measures are taken for trainees to continue learning without any impediments.
Compare the performance of the trainees with the previous recall. Track the improvement
Record the assessment in a descriptive format to track progress during the next recall session.

10 mins

Discuss with the trainees about their performance suggesting methods to improve their
Ensure to offer positive feedback followed by one or two suggestions ONLY.
Focus may be more on the positive aspects than on what went wrong.

English Literacy

15. Greetings and Self-introduction

10 mins
Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser.

Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about the
topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have them
fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there
is no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.
Warm up activity
Ask your trainees to think about the first day you met them in the classroom. If you did not greet
them with a smile or introduce yourself, would it be possible for all to establish a good rapport?
What impression would that have created? Elicit responses from the trainees.
40 mins

1. Elicit the difference between formal and informal situations with the help of the illusttrations.
Help trainees identify and sort formal and informal expressions in activities 1 & 2.
2. Help the trainees work in pairs and introduce each other using the clues given in activity 3
and encourage them to model on the given examples in activity 4 to introduce themselves in
3. Using the clues given in activity 5 organize the trainees into pairs and help them introduce
themselves. Ensure that you do not correct them while they are speaking to each other.
Observe their interactions and note down your suggestions.
4. Guide the trainees complete activity 6 in two steps – self-introduction of each of the trainees in
pairs along with making notes about the partner while he/she is introducing himself/herself.
10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
4. Give feedback to trainees on how they interacted to introduce themselves. Focus mostly on
what went well as this is the first time that they have made an attempt to interact and speak
using the given clues.
5. Offer your suggestions to the whole class. Remember not to single out trainees’ errors. 6.
Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.
Let your suggestions be lesser than your positive feedback.
Ask trainees to sum up the key ideas of the lessons, for a change. It will be an additional
opportunity to speak in class.

English Literacy

16. Asking and Responding to Questions

10 mins
Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser.
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about the
topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have them
fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is
no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is the
best way to learn a skill.
Warm up activity
Asking questions and responding to them appropriately is the basic premise in all communication.
Ask your trainees to think about the first time they entered the institute. They would have asked
questions about location, buildings, routes, etc. What will happen if they cannot do it using
appropriate words? Tell them that this is the key reason why they need to master this skill. Help
them examine the illustrations in the lesson.
40 mins

1. Elicit the difference between a question and response. You may use the illustrations to clarify
the difference.
2. Help the trainees in pairs distinguish questions and responses in activity 1.
3. Explain how negative and positive responses are different using the illustrations. Guide trainees
to distinguish them in activity 2 in pairs.
4. Help the trainees independently fill in their personal responses to the checklist given in activity
5. Guide the trainees to fill in positive and negative responses in full sentences with the help of
the example in activity 4. Ensure that you facilitate the completion of the activity and do not
end up giving out the answers. Let then work in pairs.
6. Instruct the trainees to fill in the appropriate question word in activity 5 from the given clues
for the responses. Let them work independently.
7. Help the trainees match the 2 sets of questions and responses in activity 6 in pairs.
8. Facilitate the completion of activities 7, 8 & 9. Note that there are more possible answers to
the questions as they are based on the individual trainee’s interpretation and understanding.
Give them freedom to answer to their choice ensuring that they make use of the words given
in the activity to frame their answers.
10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
close. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.
4. Ask trainees to sum up the key ideas of the lessons.

English Literacy

17. Sharing Information with Others

10 mins
Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser.
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about the
topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have them
fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there
is no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.
Warm up activity
Imagine you request a trainee to share an information regarding a time table change with all the
other trainees of the class. Make the trainee do it in the class. Check the phrases the trainee uses
and help him/her use appropriate expressions. Use this context to create interest among the
trainees to learn how to share information.
40 mins

1. Organize the trainees in pairs. Help them role play the conversation in activity 1. Encourage
one pair perform in front of the class.
2. Instruct the trainees to work in pairs and fill in the blanks in activities 2 & 3.
3. Discuss the poster given in activity 4 and explain it to trainees on how to fill in the blanks
with the help of the content given in the poster. Remember that you need to only guide the
trainees and not complete the activity for them. Let trainees work in pairs.
4. Help the trainees complete the dialogue in activity 5 with the help of the given clues and make
them role play in pairs.
5. Using the content given in the picture in activity 6, help the trainees work in pairs to complete
the dialogue and role play.
6. Encourage the trainees to fill in the blanks in activity 7 with the information given and engage
in conversation in groups of 3.
7. With the information about the job mela, help trainees engage in conversation in groups of 3.
Ensure to go around the class while the trainees are engaged in the activity and note down
the good points and areas that need to be improved to give feedback. While giving feedback
ensure that you highlight the positive to the maximum extent possible and offer very minimal
suggestions. This will motivate the trainees to interact better.
10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
close. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.
Summarize the activities and close. Ask trainees to sum up the key ideas of the lessons.

English Literacy

18. Recall
Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, pencil, eraser.
10 mins

Prepare the class for formative assessment of the lessons (15 – 17) that have been
The questions are meant to assess the learning and not to test the rote memory. Instruct
the trainees on the purpose of the formative assessment (recall).
Make them recognize that it is meant for their benefit and will help them recognize areas
that they need to improve/focus more.

40 mins

Conduct the test ensuring that the trainees answer the questions independently.
Assess the trainees learning based on their performance and ensure that suitable remedial
measures are taken for trainees to continue learning without any impediments.
Compare the performance of the trainees with the previous recall. Track the improvement
Record the assessment in a descriptive format to track progress during the next recall
10 mins

Discuss with the trainees about their performance suggesting methods to improve their
Ensure to offer positive feedback followed by one or two suggestions ONLY.
Focus may be more on the positive aspects than on what went wrong.

English Literacy

19. Formal and Informal communication

10 mins
Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser.
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about the
topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have them
fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there
is no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.
Warm up activity
Ask your trainees about how they would communicate with their family members and friends.
Also ask them if they use the same words with the instructor or principal. Brainstorm various
reasons, elicit and tell the importance of differentiating both contexts.

40 mins

1. Elicit responses to ascertain the difference between formal and informal communication. Help
trainees to work in pairs to select the appropriate expression to be used in formal written
communication in activity 1.
2. Guide the trainees to sort formal and informal expressions in activity 2 and help them recognize
verbal and non-verbal modes of formal and informal communication to complete activities 3 &
4. Let them work in pairs/group.
3. Encourage and guide the trainees to write a formal letter to apply for apprenticeship training
in the format given in activity 6 using the expressions given in activity 5. Trainees may work in
Ensure that the trainees are given opportunity to write on their own. Offer your suggestions for
further improvement. Remember to give more positive feedback.

10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
close. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.
Ask trainees to sum up the key ideas of the lessons. They should be able to understand that
communication can be verbal or non-verbal. The purpose of communication determines whether
communication should be formal or informal. Formal communication follows prescribed format.
There is no format for informal communication. It is more spontaneous.

English Literacy

20. Speak and Share Information about Workplace
10 mins

Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about the
topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have them
fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there
is no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.
Warm up activity
Ask your trainees to think about the first day you met them in the classroom. If you did not greet
them with a smile or introduce yourself, would it be possible for all to establish a good rapport?
What impression would that have created? Elicit responses.
40 mins

1. Elicit from the trainees the importance of speaking and contexts in which they may have to
compulsorily speak. Find out if they are aware of job descriptions. Help them compete activity
1 by matching the jobs with the descriptions and place of work in pairs.
2. Encourage the trainees to fall into pairs and complete the dialogue in activity 2 with the help
of the job descriptions given in the earlier activity.
3. Reinforce the importance of jobs and job descriptions by instructing them to work in pairs
and engage in a discussion to complete activity 3. The job roles for the discussion may be the
trainees’ choice.
4. Observe the trainees’ role play activity 4 and note down your positive feedback and suggestions.
Ensure that you walk around the class and observe trainees.
5. Guide the trainees to form pairs and complete the dialogue in activity 5 and then role play.
Observe and note down your remarks.
6. Explain how to interpret visual prompts. Help the trainees’ role play after filling the blanks in
activities 6, 7, 8 & 9. You may give clues wherever required. Remember that the trainees need
to complete the activity and you need to ensure that you only facilitate.

10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
close. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.

English Literacy

21. Discussions on Current Happenings

10 mins
Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser.
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about the
topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have them
fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there
is no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.
Warm up activity
Create a roleplay in which a trainee asks his/her father for a mobile phone. The mother, sibling,
grandparents are also present. Some of the family members support while others oppose the
request. Ask your trainees to effectively participate in the mock discussion. Use this activity as a
springboard to start the lesson.
40 mins

1. Encourage the trainees to go through the illustration and ask questions to get their doubts
clarified. Tell them that it is necessary for them to know them to complete activity 1 in pairs.
2. Elicit from the trainees what the images in activity 2 mean to them. Let them work in pairs/
groups. Guide trainees complete the activity using the visual clues.
3. Explain what MUDRA loan is with the help of the information provided in activity 3 and help the
trainees engage in discussion in groups of 3.
4. Guide the trainees to read and interpret information given in the table in activity 4 on hydraulics
and pneumatics to complete the conversation between John and Rakesh.
5. Brief what apprentice training is and how to apply for it. Instruct the trainees to complete the
conversation in activity 5 with the information.
6. Instruct the trainees to read the information on overseas internships in activity 6 to complete
7. Guide the trainees to submit innovative ideas to NSDA in activity 7 with the information given.
8. Inform the trainees on the variety of career options they have if they are skilled in CAD. Help
them complete activity 8 with the information from the visual provided.
Remember to monitor the trainees while they are engaged in the activity. Help them as required to
complete the activities. Provide positive feedback and suggestions.
10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
close. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.

English Literacy

22. Telephone Skills
10 mins
Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser.

Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there
is no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.
Warm up activity
Ask your trainees to think about the possibility of living without a phone. Elicit responses.
Telephones have made lives easier but have also create a lot of problems. Misunderstanding
and miscommunication happen over the phone and can be avoided. As the person cannot see
you, your voice, tone and words are very important.
40 mins

1. Sensitize the trainees on what it means to make a telephone call. Help them identify the different
phrases related to speaking on the telephone. Guide them complete activities 1 & 2 with the
help of the illustration provided. Organize the trainees to read independently and discuss in
2. Guide the trainees sort different parts of expressions used in telephone conversations given in
activity 3. Make them fill up the relevant columns. Let them work in pairs.
3. Enable the trainees fill in the columns in activities 4, 5, 6 & 7 with suitable expressions to be
used during telephone conversations. Have them practise in pairs.
4. Help the trainees identify expressions to use with instructor on the telephone in activity 8.
5. Guide the trainees to read and respond to the questions in activity 9 with respect to how they
would introduce themselves over the telephone. This activity will help to assess the trainees
level of understanding of the topic.
6. Help the trainees compete activity 10. This will help you assess their ability to identify expressions
to make calls at work.
Ensure to observe trainees are actively engage in the activities and make a note of your remarks
to provide feedback and offer suggestions.

10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
close. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.
Ask trainees to sum up the key ideas of the lessons.

English Literacy

23. Telephone Skills – Role Plays

10 mins
Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser.
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there
is no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.
Warm up activity
Elicit fromtrainees the challenges and difficulties they face while speaking to others on the
telephone. Explore what might be the outcome when trainees know how to respond or speak
in limited contexts and what their silence or hesitation can mean. Emphasis the need to learn
the right phrases.
40 mins

1. Help the trainees identify the expressions to use and to avoid from the given illustration.
Guide them to complete activity 1 in pairs by identifying the correct expressions.
2. Instruct the trainees to read the contexts given in activity 2 in pairs and choose the correct
responses to be given.
3. Guide the trainees fill in the blanks with the appropriate expressions from the options given.
They may either work independently or in pairs.
4. Make the trainees role play the telephone conversations in activities 4, 5 & 6 in pairs. Observe
how they perform and note down points to offer feedback and suggestions.
5. Help the trainees complete activity 7 & 8 in pairs. It is a role play to be practised after filling
in the blank spaces.
10 mins

1.Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
4. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.
Ask trainees to sum up the key ideas of the lessons. They should be able to understand
that positive and polite words are to be used while speaking on the telephone.

English Literacy

24. Let’s Read

10 mins
Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser.
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there
is no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.
Warm up activity
Elicit from trainees’ information about their reading habits. Find out why it is important to read
regularly. Elicit what kind of material they read. Explore contexts in which trainees’ may have to
read content in English. Use the illustration, if necessary.
40 mins

1. Conduct a review of the earlier lessons by making the trainees complete activity 1 in identifying
highlighted words as naming, action or describing words.
2. Instruct the trainees to identify the odd words in the given list in activity 2.
3. Help the trainees interpret the meaning of the highlighted words in activity 3 with the help
of the visual clues given.
4. Make the trainees fill in the blanks with their interpretation of the visual clue given in activity
5. Make the trainees interpret the poster on fire safety in activity 5 to complete it.
6. Instruct the trainees to interpret the information on power tools, hand tools and use of proper
tools in activity 6 to complete it by filling the blank spaces with the relevant details.
7. Guide the trainees to match the causes and effects given in activity 7 and assess their reading
8. Assess the trainee’s ability to identify sequence words in activity 8 where he/she will identify
the sequence words. Trainees can work independently.
9. Assess the trainee’s ability to interpret reading content (visual) and use of sequence word in
activity 9 while he/she retells the steps to fix a bobbin. This activity is to be done in pairs.
Ensure to observe the trainees as they interact and note down your feedback and suggestions.
Remember not to complete the activities for the trainees.
10 mins

1.Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
close. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.

English Literacy

25. Recall
Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, pencil, eraser.
10 mins

Prepare the class for formative assessment of the lessons (19 – 24) that have been covered.
The questions are meant to assess the learning and not to test the rote memory. Instruct the
trainees on the purpose of the formative assessment (recall).
Make them recognize that it is meant for their benefit and will help them recognize areas that
they need to improve/focus more.

40 mns

Conduct the test ensuring that the trainees answer the questions independently.
Assess the trainees learning based on their performance and ensure that suitable remedial
measures are taken for trainees to continue learning without any impediments.
Compare the performance of the trainees with the previous recall. Track the improvement
Record the assessment in a descriptive format to track progress during the next recall session.

10 mins

Discuss with the trainees about their performance suggesting methods to improve their
Ensure to offer positive feedback followed by one or two suggestions ONLY.
Focus may be more on the positive aspects than on what went wrong.

English Literacy

26. Writing Simple Sentences

10 mins

Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about the
topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have them
fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is
no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is the
best way to learn a skill.
Warm up activity
Ask your trainees about the most challenging thing they feel about writing. Elicit a few challenges.
It might narrow down to the basic structure of sentences. If trainees can get the structure of
sentences right, they can write with confidence. Tell them that this lesson will help them to
overcome this challenge.
40 mins

1. Motivate the trainees to attempt writing – phrases, expressions, small sentences. Tell them
that they need to frame sentences with the given words in activity 1 to initiate writing on their
2. Guide them to frame sentences with the help of the visual prompt and verbal clues in activity
2. Tell them that they are going to describe things that are happening now and so the present
tense is to be used. Give them the clue word, if required (is).
3. Now tell them that to complete activity 3 they need to change the present tense into past
tense. Give them the clue word, if required (was).
4. Help the trainees frame sentences with the given visual prompts, clue words and example
sentences in activities 4 & 5. Instruct them to frame as many sentences possible.
5. Instruct the trainees to frame questions to complete activity 6 with the visual prompt and clues
given for activities 4 & 5.
6. Elicit the structure of sentences to make requests, order, command, etc. Then, make trainees
frame sentences making requests, giving order/command with the given words.
7. Help the trainees rearrange the jumbled words to make meaningful sentences to complete
activity 8.
Ensure that trainees get adequate guidance and support throughout the lesson as writing is the most
difficult of all skills. Help trainees to internalize the structure of sentences and write meaningful
sentences. Remember to consolidate the lesson by offering feedback and suggestions.
10 mins

1.Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
close. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.
Ask trainees to sum up the key ideas of the lessons. Writing simple sentences is essential for
success in jobs. Practice in framing sentences for use in familiar contexts will help in developing
written communication.

English Literacy

27. Speaking
10 mins
Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser.

Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about the
topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have them
fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there
is no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.
Warm up activity
Elicit fromtrainees if someone will believe them if they say that they know a language but cannot
speak in it. What does speaking help us in? Why is it important to speak in English?
40 mins

1. Help the trainees read and interpret the illustration section of the lesson. It will help them
realize the importance of speaking in English. Help them fill in their personal responses in
activity 1. Follow it up with enabling them match the questions with the responses in activity
2. Trainees may be allowed to work in pairs or independently.
2. Explain to the trainees that speaking involves not only giving replies to questions raised, but
also asking questions, ordering, requesting, etc.
3. Guide the trainees to in pairs identify expressions used in activity 3 to express opinions, agree
and disagree. Help them fill the responses in the columns provided in activity 4.
4. Instruct the trainees to complete activity 5 & 6 with their individual responses. Trainees may
be allowed to share their responses in pairs.
5. Brief the trainees about the importance of having views and opinions of their own. Instruct
them to complete activities 7, 8 & 9 on their own.
Facilitate the completion of the activities. Ensure that the trainees are engaged and are
interacting with one another. Observe the trainees, note down your remarks, offer feedback and
10 mins

1.Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
close. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.
Ask trainees to sum up the key ideas of the lessons. They should be able to understand
that speaking is essential to express their views/opinions appropriately in real-life and in
the workplace.

English Literacy

28. Listening
10 mins
Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser.

Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups
when you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic
to the activities.
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson
focusses on.
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know
about the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column.
Then, have them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a
better understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that
there is no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making
mistakes is the best way to learn a skill.
Warm up activity
Listening is mostly understood as a passive skill and many listeners practically switch off
while others talk. In order to avoid this, tell your trainees that in pairs they have to ask
a simple question and let their partner answer and vice versa. Tell the trainees that they
need to share it with the class later. Find out how many trainees are willing to participate
in this activity. Elicit the reasons.
40 mins

1. Help the trainees go through the illustration section of the lesson. Ask the trainees to work
in pairs. One trainee will read and the other will answer the questions at the end. Help
the trainees’ complete activities 1 & 2 in this manner. The instructor may demonstrate the
activity, if needed.
2. Instruct the trainees to listen to you reading the passage on safety in activity 3. Make them
answer the statements that follow as True/False as they listen to you independently.
3. Make them write the correct statement for those that they marked as false in pairs.
4. Instruct the trainees to listen to the emergency evacuation passage from activity 4 that
you are going to read. Tell them that they need to identify the correct statements and
correct the incorrect statements. Trainees may work independently for this activity.
Observe that all the trainees are listening to you as you read the content for listening. Repeat
reading the content, in case some trainees need to listen to it more than once.
Elicit responses from the trainees with respect to how they liked the listening activity. Elicit
what aspect of the activity made them feel that it was difficult.
10 mins

1.Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities
and close. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.
Ask trainees to sum up the key ideas of the lessons. They should be able to understand
that listening involves both hearing, understanding and responding to the listened

English Literacy

29. Productive Use of Skills

Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser. 10 mins

Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there
is no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes
is the best way to learn a skill.
Warm up activity
As this will be the last class of learning for English literacy, you can begin with a talent showcase
activity. Encourage trainees to give feedback, share learning experiences about the lessons and
40 mins

1. Instruct the trainees that they need to write the answers to the questions as they listen
to you reading the content for activities 1 & 2. It is better to make the trainees read the
questions before they listen to you as they will be able to answer better when they know
the questions beforehand.
2. Encourage the trainees to read the questions in activity 3 to be able to interpret the details
from the visual and answer them correctly independently. Encourage the trainees to check
the answers in pairs.
3. Instruct the trainees to interpret the process of manufacture of paper given in the visual in
activity 4 and then answer the questions for the activity.
4. Guide the trainees to interpret the visuals on the process of manufacture of tea in activity 5
and write down the steps in the space provided in pairs.
5. Guide the trainees to interpret the visual on the behaviour of employees in activity 6. Instruct
them to share their views/opinions in pairs.
6. Explain to the trainees the visuals given under activity 7 on interviews. Guide them to give
interview tips in pairs.
7. Help trainees’ role play as the supervisor of ABC manufacturing company. Instruct them to
introduce themselves in pairs with the details given in activity 8. Tell them that they should
give feedback to their partner on the best things they observed during the self-introduction
10 mins

1.Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
close. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.
Ask trainees to sum up the key ideas of the lessons. They should be able to understand
that it is essential to listen and read to compete tasks, use information to speak and
write in real-life contexts and finally make productive use of English in speaking and
writing in given contexts to be successful both in their job and in life.

English Literacy

30. Recall
Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, pencil, eraser.
10 mins

Prepare the class for formative assessment of the lessons (25 – 29) that have been
The questions are meant to assess the learning and not to test the rote memory. Instruct
the trainees on the purpose of the formative assessment (recall).
Make them recognize that it is meant for their benefit and will help them recognize areas
that they need to improve/focus more.
40 mins
Conduct the test ensuring that the trainees answer the questions independently.
Assess the trainees learning based on their performance and ensure that suitable remedial
measures are taken for trainees to continue learning without any impediments.
Compare the performance of the trainees with the previous recall. Track the improvement
Record the assessment in a descriptive format to track progress during the next recall
10 mins

Discuss with the trainees about their performance suggesting methods to improve
their performance.
Ensure to offer positive feedback followed by one or two suggestions ONLY.
Focus may be more on the positive aspects than on what went wrong.

Assessment Rubric for English Literacy

Basic Shows very limited ability in the use of oralcommunication (during 40-55%
Level 1 role plays) and writtencommunication (applying for jobs/CV)
anddemonstrates minimal ability to use English in familiarcontexts with
adequate support
Basic Shows some degree of ability in the use of oralcommunication 56-65 %
Level 2 (during role plays) and writtencommunication (applying for jobs/CV)
anddemonstrates ability to use English in familiar contextswith some
IntermediateLevel 3 Shows good degree of ability in the use of oralcommunication 66-75 %
(during role plays) and writtencommunication (applying for jobs/CV)
anddemonstrates ability to use English in familiar contexts

IntermediateLevel 4 Shows a good degree of control and ability in the useof oral 75 % and
communication (during role plays) and writtencommunication (applying above
for jobs/CV) anddemonstrates good control to use English in a range

Level 1 – dependent users mostly with good amount of supervision

Level 2 – dependent users with some amount of supervision
Level 3 – independent users
Level 4 – confident users

Communication Skills

Why is ‘Communication Skills’ in Employability Skills?

A great number of ITI trainees comprise youth from the lower-income groups and opt for vocational education
to become skilled workforce. They have not had the access to get exposure to the world of work and have
had little opportunities to hone their communication skills. Hence, creating opportunities to give them the
necessary inputs and training to develop their communication skills is of paramount importance. In the light of
these circumstances, the employability skills content has been developed with thrust on hands-on training and
immersion into imbibing employability skills of which communication skills is one.
Understand the Topic
In this session, you will introduce the components of communication and provide help the trainees engage in
interactive communication through role plays and involving in mock sessions. You can also talk to trainees about
their fears, hesitation etc., and help them build confidence about learning this topic. Finally, you can tell them
that you will help them learn this topic in a practical way, so that they truly benefit from getting exposure to the
world of work.
How to deliver ‘Communication Skills’?
The main task for you as a trainer is to build a sense of excitement and confidence in trainees about learning
Communication Skills. That can be done by telling them that this is not difficult if they are willing to actively
participate! You also need to tell them that they will learn this topic through simple activities, projects and
self-learning tasks. Encourage your trainees to enjoy, ask questions and take your help while learning this topic,
which has really been made easy and practical for their benefit.
If the session is going well, you will see:
• trainees are sharing answers to questions, without much fear
• trainees are curious and excited
• trainees are able to have conversations in small groups.

Communication Skills

How to prepare yourself to deliver Communication Skills?

Have your trainees had the chance to express themselves?

Think of your region, your institute, and your classroom – what is the
relevance of learning communication skills?
Think of the trainee
Are the trainees motivated to interact and develop their communicative
abilities? Do they know about the opportunities available to them if they
communicate well?

Read Employability Skills facilitator manual – know how the lessons are
Prepare your plan Prepare yourself to instruct in an activity-based approach.
Follow the guidelines in the manual to enable the trainees work in pairs/
groups, use appropriate expressions, body language when they communicate.
Ensure that the activities in this module are done effectively to enable the
trainees use the productive skills of speaking and writing better!
Follow the step by step instructions to help the trainees complete the
activities in the lesson and encourage them to interact well.

Be a Guide:
Your trainees will have to learn verbal and non-verbal communicative
features. The practise of communication in the given situations in the
activities is important.
Role plays and mock sessions are built in to enable greater opportunities for
Deliver interactions in groups/pairs. Ensure that you facilitate effectively and develop
confidence in the trainees.
Help the trainees collaborate. Let them work with peers and at their own
pace and become autonomous learners.
Demonstrate the activities whenever required.
Encourage trainees to be Explorers:
Enable an ‘I can learn’ attitude.
Tell them that making mistakes is the first step in learning.
Observe how the trainees work in pairs/groups and do not intervene unless it
is required.

Ensure that the lessons are completed during the hour.

Ensure that all the trainees get an opportunity to participate.

Follow-up Talk to trainees who seem to need more attention after the class and
encourage them to participate.
Seek feedback from trainees. Ask them how they feel about the sessions and
customize them as per their recommendations!

Communication Skills

Key learning outcomes

At the end of this module, you shall be able to:
• recognize the components of communication and master effective communication to communicate effectively
in speech and writing in given real-life contexts
• identify and use appropriate non-verbal communication features like eye contact, space, facial expressions,
gestures, tone and voice
• distinguish good touch from bad touch
• identify appropriate communication methods to adopt in the workplace and solve problems
• decode interviews and be able to write letters of application and resume
• participate in mock interviews, face interviews and handle rejection and failure.

Communication Skills

Introduction to Communication Skills

Why is Communication Skills a part of Employability Skills?
Communication Skills are the ticket to growth in all careers, across all industries! If an employee can
communicate confidently, he / she would easily stand out and be identified for greater responsibilities and
higher-paying roles that involve managing teams and interacting with customers.
In the next 20 hours, students will get an opportunity to overcome their fear to communicate, remove all
hesitation and master the basics of language learned in English literacy.

What are the parts of Communication Skills?
Set the tone for the next 20 hours –share with students the roadmap to mastering professional
communication, and reiterate the importance of learning by doing and celebrating failures!
Know Components to communication:
We are always communicating something or the other. When we are not using words, our body language
and expressions continue to express our intent. Let’s learn what comprises ‘communication’.
Practicing effective communication:
Communication can only be learned by practicing – again and again! Students will undergo a variety of
exercises to practice using the various components of communication.
Mastering effective communication:
Students will assess their strengths and areas of improvement. And, practice some more!
Mastering non-verbal communication:
The biggest component of communication is non-verbal, i.e. volume, tone, pace, body language and
expressions! Students practice using these components to improve their communication.
Decoding Interviews:
Students will learn about commonly asked interview questions, and practice introducing themselves in an
interview through one-on-one mock interviews with the ES facilitator.
Workplace Communication:
The rules of interpersonal communication and conduct follow a set of etiquettes and rules. Students will
learn about these etiquettes through role play.
Networking is a powerful tool for all of us drive our own career growth. Students will learn about popular
means of creating and maintaining a professional network!

Communication Skills

1. Importance of Communication

10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident and
Divide the class into pairs and groups. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when you
want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses on.
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about the
topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have them
fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is no
correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is the best
way to learn a skill.

40 mins
1. Instruct the trainees to work in pairs. Help them understand the purpose of the lesson with the
help of the illustration given.
2. Demonstrate how to do the activity (sitting with their back turned against one another) in front
of the class to help trainees understand what they are expected to do in steps 2-4.
3. Help trainees reflect on the challenges they faced. Ensure that they understand the inadequacy
of listening to only the words.
4. Elicit how to improve communication. List some measures that they can take to communicate
5. Direct trainees read the anecdote in activity 2 and discuss in pairs. Help them share views and
note down their responses.
6. Introduce the trainees to read and interpret visual prompts in activity 3. Help them think
independently and share their views in pairs. Elicit a few responses from the class.
7. Direct the trainees to interpret the 2 situations given in activity 4. Ensure to help them work in
groups and share their views. As the trainees answer the questions that follow, observe their
interactions and note down your suggestions and feedback.
Remember to focus on the positive aspects of the discussion in your feedback and provide tips for
improvements as suggestions. Motivate and encourage the trainees to actively participate in the

10 mins
1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.
2. Review the outcomes of the lesson.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and

Communication Skills

2. Components of Communication

10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when you
want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about the
topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have them
fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is no
correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is the
best way to learn a skill.

40 mins
1. Instruct the trainees to work in groups of 3. Help them run through the illustration section to
be able to actively engage themselves in the activities.
2. Direct the trainees to list the emotions they come across in real-life. Emotions may be listed by
the trainees in the groups in the mother tongue if they are not able to do so in English.
(You may use mother tongue clues to help them identify some emotions, if needed. The
emotions may be elicited in the mother tongue and translated into English equivalents and
written on the blackboard, at the end of the activity.)
3. Instruct the trainees to mime – use gestures, facial expressions but no words to make the
trainees from other groups identify them. Let the groups take turns until all groups have
completed miming.
4. Engage the trainees in a discussion on how one shows confidence and nervousness through
5. Elicit the other ways in which we convey messages when we do not use words to express.
Discuss the role of one’s body in the communicative process. You may make some gestures
like “happiness, sorrow, hurt, anger” to show how you are able to communicate without the
use of words. Consolidate the steps done in activity 1.
6. In the same groups, have the trainees list their favourite dialogues from movies for activity 2. Do
not restrict the use of mother tongue. Help them imitate the actors and deliver the dialogues
with the appropriate emotions, tone of voice and style. Ensure that best performances are
7. Direct them to deliver the same dialogue in the opposite manner – sad dialogues in happy
mood and vice versa. Ensure that the tone remains the same.

Communication Skills

8. Elicit the difference between the two types of performances they did. Help them reflect and
relate to real-life situations to understand the importance of emotions in communication.
9. Direct the trainees to practise communication. As a first step, guide them to make notes for
the speech on their happiest memory.
10. Instruct the trainees to go through the checklist to assess their performance. As they complete
the assessment of their performance, explain to them the importance of checklists to prepare
for the activity and also the usefulness of reflection on one’s performance.
Ensure to provide valuable suggestions for improvement with some amount of feedback on what
went well with the trainees’ engagement and performance for activity 3.

10 mins
1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.
2. Review the outcomes of the lesson.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and

3. Recall
Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, pencil, eraser.

10 mins
Prepare the class for formative assessment of the 2 lessons that have been covered.
The questions are meant to assess the learning and not to test the rote memory. Instruct the
trainees on the purpose of the formative assessment (recall).
Make them recognize that it is meant for their benefit and will help them recognize areas
that they need to improve/focus more.

40 mins
Conduct the test ensuring that the trainees answer the questions independently.
Assess the trainees learning based on their performance and ensure that suitable remedial
measures are taken for trainees to continue learning without any impediments.
Record the assessment in a descriptive format to track progress during the next recall

10 mins
Discuss with the trainees about their performance suggesting methods to improve their
Ensure to offer positive feedback followed by one or two suggestions ONLY.
Focus may be more on the positive aspects than on what went wrong.

Communication Skills

4. Practising Effective Communication

10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when you
want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about the
topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have them
fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is no
correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is the
best way to learn a skill.

40 mins
1. Direct the trainees to get into pairs and go through the illustration in the lesson and get doubts
clarified, if any.
2. Introduce verbal and non-verbal forms of communication. Help the trainees identify formal
and informal settings. Guide the trainees to complete step 1 of activity 1 with the help of the
clues given in the given table.
3. In step 2 of activity 1, facilitate the trainees to identify the components of non-verbal
communication. Some of the non-verbal components may be demonstrated to the trainees.
4. Elicit the importance of and the salient features of verbal and non-verbal communication.
Guide the trainees to read the interpret the descriptions and rate them in pairs.
5. Check if the trainees have reasons for the rating they have given.
Ensure to close with positive feedback and one or two suggestions for improvement.

10 mins
1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.
2. Review the outcomes of the lesson.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and

Communication Skills

5. Mastering Effective Communication

Materials needed – newspaper – local language and English

10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when you
want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about the
topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have them
fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is no
correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is the
best way to learn a skill.

40 mins
1. Instruct the trainees to read and interpret the illustration given. Have them read independently
and then engage in discussion in pairs.
2. Help the trainees explore the importance of expressing emotions with the voice in activity 1.
Help them fall into groups of 6.
3. Direct the trainees to select 6 news articles. Instruct each trainee to prepare a breaking news
piece using the selected news articles. Guide them to deliver the news imitating popular news
readers. Demonstrate imitating a familiar regional news reader, if you can.
4. Discuss the effectiveness of the news delivery highlighting the features that made some their
deliveries stand out. Elicit the reasons for the effectiveness. Consolidate throwing light on the
importance of voice in the process of communication.
5. Introduce the importance of learning how to give directions. Organize the trainees to work
in pairs in such a manner that two trainees who have not been to each other’s homes are
6. Direct one trainee to give directions to his/her home while the other one listens and draws a
tour map to the first trainee’s home. Instruct the trainees to give landmarks like bus stops,
banks, schools, shops, etc.
7. Make the trainee who gave directions check the map. Let both of them reflect on what they
could have done better to draw the map properly.
8. Elicit from the class about the new learning. Give constructive feedback and offer suggestions
for improvement.

10 mins
1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.
2. Review the outcomes of the lesson.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and

Communication Skills

6. Assessing your Communication Ability

Materials – mobile phone for recording 10 mins

Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when you
want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about the
topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have them
fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is no
correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is the
best way to learn a skill.

40 mins
1. Direct the trainees to identify the skills needed for their career from the illustration and discuss
about it in pairs.
2. Explain the importance of identifying one’s strengths, abilities through a questionnaire
which enables reflection. Ensure the trainees that the activity 1 on reflection is only to know
themselves better and there is no right or wrong answers.
3. Instruct the trainees to award marks to each of their responses to the items in the questionnaire
and find their total score. Tell them that the score is indicative of their level of communication
and shall help them to take efforts to improve the same.
4. Check if the trainees have mobile phones to record before moving on to activity 2. If they do
not have, help them use the available phones.
5. Set the class to work in pairs. Organize the trainees to engage in self-introduction. When one
trainee introduces himself/herself, the other trainee records it and vice versa.
6. Guide the trainees to view the recorded self-introductions and note what they like, what could
have been done better, their voice and expressions, etc. Let the trainees reflect and respond
on how they may improve.
Do not give feedback and suggestions until you have listened to all their reflections. If all the
points you wanted to make are covered in the trainees’ reflections, skip giving suggestions.
Remember to give your positive feedback to encourage the trainees.

10 mins
1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.
2. Review the outcomes of the lesson.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and

Communication Skills

7. Recall
Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, pencil, eraser.

10 mins
Prepare the class for formative assessment of lessons 4-6 that have been covered.
The questions are meant to assess the learning and not to test the rote memory. Instruct the
trainees on the purpose of the formative assessment (recall).
Make them recognize that it is meant for their benefit and will help them recognize areas
that they need to improve/focus more.

40 mins
Conduct the test ensuring that the trainees answer the questions independently.
Assess the trainees learning based on their performance and ensure that suitable remedial
measures are taken for trainees to continue learning without any impediments.
Record the assessment in a descriptive format to track progress during the next recall

10 mins
Discuss with the trainees about their performance suggesting methods to improve their
Ensure to offer positive feedback followed by one or two suggestions ONLY.
Focus may be more on the positive aspects than on what went wrong.

8. Verbal Communication - Speaking

10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when you
want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about the
topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have them
fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is no
correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is the
best way to learn a skill.

Communication Skills

40 mins
1. Facilitate the reading and interpretation of the illustration. Instruct the trainees that they shall
work in pairs to answer the questions in activity 1 and note down their responses as a pair
after discussions in the space provided. Tell them that if the answers of the two trainees is
different, they need to negotiate on the most suited response.
2. Make the trainees share their responses along with where they had different views too. Help
all the pairs share their responses.
3. Orient the trainees towards interpreting the visual information to complete the activity
2. Guide them to fill in the blanks with the suitable expressions.
4. Guide the trainees to work in pairs to sort the problem in not being able to deliver a customer’s
vehicle on time for activity 3. The trainees may make notes and role play, if they want.
5. Instruct the trainees to complete the activity 4 using the visual information given. Tell the
trainees that referring the illustration section of the lesson may help.
6. Explain the importance of follow up while applying for jobs. Give directions on the tone, voice,
expressions to be used. Help the trainees make notes and role play the activity with a pair.
Consolidate the lesson with good amount of positive feedback along with a few suggestions for
improvement. Ensure that you go around the class while the trainees are at work to observe and
note down the best aspects and possible suggestions.

10 mins
1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.
2. Review the outcomes of the lesson.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and

9. Verbal Communication - Writing

10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when you
want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about the
topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have them
fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is no
correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is the
best way to learn a skill.

Communication Skills

40 mins
1. Help the trainees identify the features and structure of formal letters and resume through the
2. Direct the trainees to complete activity 1 by filling in the needed details in the letter. Note that
it is a guided writing activity and requires support of the instructor to be able to complete it.
3. Motivate the trainees to imitate the letter completed in activity 1 in order to be able to
complete activity 2. Help them notice that the structure is the same and can be adapted
for different subjects on which one has to write leave letters on. Help the trainees infer how
the structure of the formal letter is the same while the changes are only with respect to the
subject of the letter.
4. Guide the trainees through the process of applying in response to the advertisement given
in activity 3 along with resume. Ensure that they use the structure of the letter and resume
given and complete it as a guided activity. Let the trainees work in pairs.
5. Instruct the trainees to complete the letter and resume in activity 4 independently. Tell them
that they may refer to activity 3, if necessary. Make the trainees exchange the letter and
resume they have written and instruct them on how to mutually offer positive feedback and
suggestions to their partner.
Formally close the lesson offering your appreciation of what went well and give one or two
suggestions for improvement.

10 mins
1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.
2. Review the outcomes of the lesson.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and

10. Non-verbal Communication

10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when you
want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about the
topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have them
fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is no
correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is the
best way to learn a skill.

Communication Skills

40 mins
1. Explain the illustration in the lesson for the trainees to understand the concepts better.
2. Instruct the trainees to get into pairs to work on activity 1. Guide the trainees to reflect on
the questions given independently and note down their responses. Encourage them not to
restrict to one response and tell them that responses can be different and both can be written
down in the space given. Discuss the responses and offer feedback and suggestions.
3. Help trainees fill in the blanks in activity 2 to identify the appropriate appearance they need to
sport when they come to the ITI. Explain the importance of neat turn up and introduce verbal
and non-verbal behaviour.
4. Instruct the trainees to read the details given in activity 3 on verbal and non-verbal behaviour
to identify the dos and don’ts. Guide them to sort them in the table given. Let the trainees
work in pairs.
5. Encourage the trainees to work in pairs. Let them refer to the information given in activity 3
and the illustration section to complete activities 4 and 5. Ensure to observe the trainees and
note down points for feedback and suggestions. Discuss the responses to the activities with
the whole class and mime/act out some aspects, if possible.
6. Explain the activity 6 to the trainees and have them work in pairs. Trainees need to identify
inappropriate behaviour and correct it with the appropriate behaviour for the given situations.
Trainees may also be instructed to role play the same in the class. First the trainees may role
play inappropriate behaviour and then present the appropriate behaviour. Demonstrate the
actions for the class, if necessary.
7. Guide the trainees to identify the essential behaviour to appear for interviews. Instruct the
trainees to work in pairs and make a checklist of appropriate behaviour for interviews using
the clues given.
Close the lesson with enough positive feedback and offer suggestions for improvement.

10 mins
1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.
2. Review the outcomes of the lesson.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and

11. Being Aware of Good and Bad Touch

10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when you
want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about the
topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have them
fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.

Communication Skills

4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is no
correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is the
best way to learn a skill.
40 mins

1. Introduce what good and bad touch are. Create an awareness that the trainees need to distinguish
good from bad touch. Use the illustration and try to elicit responses from the trainees on the
2. Instruct the trainees to identify good and bad touch in the activity 1 in the visuals given.
3. Explain the contexts given in activities 2 and 3 and guide the trainees to complete the activity in
pairs. Discuss the responses with whole class.
4. Encourage the trainees to discuss in pairs. The visual prompt given in activity 4 may be used. Tell
the trainees that more points may also be added for the discussion.
5. Direct the trainees to fall into groups of 4 members. Instruct them to read and interpret the
visual information on good and bad touch in activity 5 to fill in their responses in the table given.
Help them if they need support to complete the activity.
Consolidate the lesson and offer your suggestions to help the trainees be aware of what is happening
to them.
10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and

12. Recall
Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, pencil, eraser.
10 mins

Prepare the class for formative assessment of lessons 8-11 that have been covered.
The questions are meant to assess the learning and not to test the rote memory. Instruct the
trainees on the purpose of the formative assessment (recall).
Make them recognize that it is meant for their benefit and will help them recognize areas that
they need to improve/focus more.
40 mins

Conduct the test ensuring that the trainees answer the questions independently.
Assess the trainees learning based on their performance and ensure that suitable remedial
measures are taken for trainees to continue learning without any impediments.
Record the assessment in a descriptive format to track progress during the next recall session.
10 mins

Discuss with the trainees about their performance suggesting methods to improve their
Ensure to offer positive feedback followed by one or two suggestions ONLY.
Focus may be more on the positive aspects than on what went wrong.

Communication Skills

13. Workplace Communication

10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when you
want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about the
topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have them
fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is no
correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is the
best way to learn a skill.

40 mins
1. Introduce what workplace communication is. Use the illustration to help the trainees
understand it better. Help them identify the barriers and what body language mistakes they
need to avoid. Demonstrate some of them through miming.
2. Explain the situations given in activities 1 and 2. Orient them about how one needs to behave
in the workplace with the help of the situations. Do not give the solutions to the problems in
the activities as they need to be resolved by the trainees. Help them work in groups of 4 and
respond to each question given in both the situations. Have the groups present their solutions
to the problem to the class.
Close the lesson with your input and remember to give enough positive feedback. Give one or
two suggestions for improvement.

10 mins
1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.
2. Review the outcomes of the lesson.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and

Communication Skills

14. Workplace Communication Activities

10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when you
want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about the
topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have them
fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is no
correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is the
best way to learn a skill.

40 mins
1. Inform the trainees that this lesson is a continuation of the earlier one. Help them refer to the
illustration section before plunging into the activities.
2. Explain the situations given in activities 3, 4 and 5. Orient them about how each workplace
and situation is different. Tell them that they may have to present their views and opinion and
need to be careful to suggest something that is both good for the organization and does not
hamper the hierarchy in the workplace when one’s superiors are also present. Ensure that
you do not give the solutions to the problems in the activities as they need to be resolved by
the trainees. Help them work in groups of 4 and respond to each question given in both the
situations. Have the groups present their solutions to the problem to the class.
Close the lesson with your input and remember to give enough positive feedback. Give one or
two suggestions for improvement.

10 mins
1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.
2. Review the outcomes of the lesson.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and

Communication Skills

15. Decoding Interview

10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when you
want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about the
topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have them
fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is no
correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is the
best way to learn a skill.

40 mins
1. Introduce the trainees on how to get prepared for the interview. Orient them about things to
be done before the interview, how to conduct oneself during the interview and what to do
after the interview. Use the illustration to help them recognize and orient themselves.
2. Discuss the importance of knowing about oneself, immediate surroundings like city, town,
village one comes from, the trade one has been trained in to be able to share details about
them when interacting with people, especially during interviews. Guide the trainees to
complete activity 1 in pairs with the possible responses. Ensure that you go around and help
the trainees, when needed.
3. Organize the call into groups of 4 members. Guide them to discuss the items given in the table
in activity 2 and fill the blanks appropriately. Encourage the trainees to seek your support, if
Consolidate the lesson with feedback on what were the best things that you noticed the trainees
doing and offer a few suggestions for improvement.

10 mins
1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.
2. Review the outcomes of the lesson.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and

Communication Skills

16. Handling Rejection and Failure

10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when you
want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about the
topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have them
fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is no
correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is the
best way to learn a skill.

40 mins
1. Elicit from the trainees about their personal experiences when they have failed in something.
Ask if they have ever made an attempt to reflect on what would have gone wrong on such
circumstances that led them to fail. Share an incident from your experience on how you failed
and what steps you took to bounce back. Give them the confidence that failure is a lesson to
reflect on our shortcomings and get back to our work with more planning, knowledge and
2. Instruct the trainees to go through the illustration to identify that one should not give up when
one fails. Let the trainees work independently on activity 1 which is a reflection on their own
experiences of the past. Discuss the responses that the trainees have for the questions in the
activity. Ensure that each trainee gets to speak and share their experiences.
3. Direct the trainees to interpret the visual information in activity 2 and share their views in pairs.
Have a whole class discussion of the views by making the trainees share their views.
4. Tell the trainees that they need to learn what goal setting is and how to do it. Recall the activity
they had done in English Literacy on creating a “to list”. Tell them that they should start one
now if they already haven’t created a to list as they need to get into jobs soon. Guide the
trainees to fill in their goals in the three columns given in the table in activity 3. Warn them that
they need to identify only goals that can be achieved in the specified time in the columns and
also that they need make efforts and to follow the table every day in order to reach their goal.
Discuss what the trainees have set as their goals.
5. Introduce the trainees to the difference between short-term and long-term goals. Inform them
that in the previous activity they planned for short-term goals that can be completed in a year.
Orient them towards long-term goals for life. Explain what long-term goals can be through the
visual given in activity 4. Help trainees discuss their goals for long-term with the help of the
visual in pairs. Make a few pairs share their long-term goals with the class.

Communication Skills

Consolidate the lesson with positive feedback. Clarify any doubts that the trainees may have. Give
a few suggestions for improvement.

10 mins
1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.
2. Review the outcomes of the lesson.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and

17. Professional Networking

10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when you
want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about the
topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have them
fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is no
correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is the
best way to learn a skill.

40 mins
1. Introduce the trainees what networking is, why is it important, how can one network, with
whom to network, what are the benefits, etc. Give examples of how you network and what
professional benefits you have had from the people you networked with. Help them read and
interpret the illustration to get a better understanding of networking.
2. Explain what job fairs are, how they are useful for ITI trainees, what happens in a job fair and how
one must go to the job fair so that the trainees may work on activity 1. Let the trainees work in
pairs. Remember to discuss the responses once the trainees have completed the activity.
3. Orient the trainees towards being in touch with their seniors and on how it can help them.
Encourage the trainees to work in groups to complete activity 2. Discuss some responses after
the activity.
Elicit the checklist of items to take for job interviews and importance and benefits of networking
from the trainees. Offer your positive feedback and some suggestions to network effectively.

Communication Skills

10 mins
1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.
2. Review the outcomes of the lesson.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and

18. Recall
Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, pencil, eraser.

10 mins
Prepare the class for formative assessment of lessons 13-17 that have been covered.
The questions are meant to assess the learning and not to test the rote memory. Instruct the
trainees on the purpose of the formative assessment (recall).
Make them recognize that it is meant for their benefit and will help them recognize areas
that they need to improve/focus more.

40 mins
Conduct the test ensuring that the trainees answer the questions independently.
Assess the trainees learning based on their performance and ensure that suitable remedial
measures are taken for trainees to continue learning without any impediments.
Record the assessment in a descriptive format to track progress during the next recall

10 mins
Discuss with the trainees about their performance suggesting methods to improve their
Ensure to offer positive feedback followed by one or two suggestions ONLY.
Focus may be more on the positive aspects than on what went wrong.

Communication Skills

19. Mock Interviews

10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when you
want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about the
topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have them
fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is no
correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is the
best way to learn a skill.

40 mins
1. Introduce the trainees to the idea of what mock interviews are, how they can be conducted,
what are the benefits, etc. Help the trainees recognize the importance of mock interviews
through the illustration section in the lesson.
2. Orient the trainees towards reflection with specific reference to the things they have been
asked to respond to in activity 1. Tell them that the questions are to be answered after
careful reading. Help the trainees work in pairs, if required. Discuss some responses without
discouraging the trainees. Instead of pointing out to their errors, indicate what the correct
approach/response would be.
3. In pairs, make the trainees discuss and complete activity 2 on the preparatory measures
before, during and after the interview. Ensure to support the trainees to complete the activity
as and when need.
4. Direct the trainees to work in pairs and note down the importance of mock interviews to
complete activity 3. Discuss the responses and add any points that the trainees may have
missed out.
5. Explain activity 4 to the trainees and instruct them to work in groups. Tell them that the mock
interview will be done as a demonstration in which the placement coordinator and 3 trainees
will be the interview panel and one trainee will be the interview candidate. Tell the trainees
that the interview will be conducted for 15 – 20 minutes and a follow-up of debriefing for
15 – 20 minutes on what went well with suggestions on how it can be improved. Give a pre-
interview briefing on how the mock session will happen for 15 – 20 minutes and start the
mock interview session. Remember to explain how the assessment will be done.

Communication Skills

At the end of the session, provide constructive feedback highlighting the best aspects of the mock
interview and offer suggestions for improvement. Tell them that the activity will be continued in
the next lesson too along with job search. Orient the trainees on how to search jobs (help them
recall what they learnt in IT literacy) so that the next activity can be done effectively. Trainees
may be asked to get their resume ready before the session so that only the letter of application
for the next lesson is written in the classroom.

10 mins
1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.
2. Review the outcomes of the lesson.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and

20. Job Search and Mock Interviews

10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when you
want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about the
topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have them
fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is no
correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is the
best way to learn a skill.

40 mins
1. Introduce what job search is. Divide the class into 2 groups. Help the trainees interpret the
illustration to conduct job search and role play in the mock interview.
2. Make the trainees do the activity 1 in a step by step process:
3. Step 1: Instruct that each group will bring a list of 3 jobs that are relevant to their trade to
apply for in 10 minutes. Go to the next step once the search for the jobs is completed.
4. Step 2: Tell the trainees that in the next 10 minutes, theyneed to quickly draft a letter of
application and resume. (Trainees may be asked to get their resume ready before the session
so that only the letter of application is written in the classroom.)

Communication Skills

Ensure that the trainees have completed the letter and resume before proceeding to the mock
5. Step 3: Set up the classroom to conduct mock interview for candidates from the groups. Tell
them that while trainees from group one are engaged in the mock interview, group two will
be the interview panel.
Instruct them that group two will give feedback to group one in the form of a consolidated
group feedback in the format given by you and will not exceed 5 minutes.
Help the groups change roles quickly for the next step.
6. Step 4: Inform that the second mock session will be for 15 minutes. Tell them that while
trainees from group two are engaged in the mock interview, group one will be the interview
Tell them that group one will give feedback to group two in the form of a consolidated group
feedback in the format given by you and will not exceed 5 minutes.
Consolidate the lesson with constructive feedback and remember to give tips on ways to
improve their performance in real interviews. Clarify the doubts that the trainees my raise.

10 mins
1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.
2. Review the outcomes of the lesson.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and

Assessment Rubric for Communication Skills

Basic Shows very limited ability in the use of verbal and 40-55%
Level 1 non-verbal communication in familiar contexts and
demonstrates the ability to face interviews with adequate
Basic Shows some degree of ability in the use of verbal and 56-65 %
Level 2 non-verbal communication in familiar contexts and
demonstrates the ability to face interviews with some

IntermediateLevel 3 Shows good degree of ability in the use of verbal and 66-75 %
non-verbal communication in familiar contexts and
demonstrates the ability to face interviews

IntermediateLevel 4 Shows a good degree of control and ability in the use 75 % and
of verbal and non-verbal communication in a range of above
contexts and demonstrates the ability to face interviews

Level 1 – dependent users mostly with good amount of supervision

Level 2 – dependent users with some amount of supervision
Level 3 – independent users
Level 4 – confident users

IT Literacy

Why is ‘Introduction to IT Literacy’ in Employability Skills?

• Many students who enroll in ITI may have never used a computer or have exposure to the machine. Due
to this, there can be a lot of fear, doubts, hesitation to use a computer or to even learn about it. Student
may feel learning a computer is a very tough job and that only engineers need to use it at a workplace.
• ITI students need to learn basic IT Literacy so that they can use computers for simple tasks in life and
work. They also need to learn how to be safe while using internet and to use the computer for positive
Understand the Topic
• In this session, you will introduce the computer as a simple machine that can help us in the workplace. You
can also talk to students about their fears, hesitation etc., and help them build confidence about learning
this topic. Finally, you can tell them that you will help them learn this topic in a practical way, so that they
truly benefit from learning about computers and the internet.
How to deliver ‘Introduction to IT Literacy’?
The main task for you as a trainer is to build a sense of excitement and confidence in students about learning IT
Literacy. That can be done by telling them that this is not difficult rocket science! You also need to tell them that
they will learn this topic through simple activities, projects and self-learning tasks. Encourage your students to
enjoy, ask questions and take your help while learning this topic, which has really been made easy and practical
for their benefit.
Lessons in this module are to be taught in the computer lab. As the module progresses, the need to directly work
on the computers is needed. Further, internet facility is also needed for the trainees to learn the concepts dealt
with by practically using internet. Ensure that the facility is made available for successful implementation of the
IT literacy module.
If the session is going well, you will see:
• Students are sharing answers to questions, without much fear
• Students are curious and excited
• Students are able to have conversations in small groups.

IT Literacy

How to prepare yourself to deliver IT literacy?

Have your trainees had the chance to use a computer before?

Think of your region, your institute, and your classroom – what is the
Think of the trainee relevance of learning IT literacy?
Are the trainees motivated to use computers? Do they know about the
opportunities available to them if they are computer literate?

Read Employability Skills facilitator manual – know how the lessons are
Prepare your plan Prepare yourself to instruct in an activity-based approach.
Follow the guidelines in the manual to enable the trainees work in pairs/
Ensure that the activities in IT literacy are practised hands-on in the computer
lab with internet connectivity!
Follow the step by step instructions to help the trainees complete the
activities in the lesson.

Be a Guide:
Your trainees will not learn the concepts with the workbook alone. Practically
working on the computer in the lab is essential. Internet facility is also
Help the trainees collaborate. Let them experience the journey of working
Deliver with peers and at their own pace.
Demonstrate the steps for the trainees to follow by parallel doing the
activities on your computer.
Encourage trainees to be Explorers:
Enable an ‘I can learn’ attitude.
Tell them that making mistakes is the first step in learning.
Observe how the trainees work in pairs/groups and do not interfere.

Ensure that the lessons are completed during the hour.

Consolidate the lesson and check if all the trainees have completed the
lesson within the hour.
Follow-up Interact with trainees who seem to need more attention after the class and
encourage them to participate.
Seek feedback from trainees. Ask them how they feel about the sessions and
customize them as per their recommendations!

IT Literacy

Key learning outcomes

At the end of this module, you shall be able to:
• learn the basics of computers like operating system, MS-Word, MS-Excel
• create and print documents using the formatting and print features in MS-Word, MS-Excel
• recognize the use of the internet, browsers, email and about safe and best practices
• learn the importance of mobile applications in learning and making transactions
• explore popular sites for learning and professional growth
• learn how to search for jobs, apply for apprenticeship online.

IT Literacy

Material needed: A computer, a laptop Introduction to IT Literacy

10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be beneficial
for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when you want
them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses on.
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about the
topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have them fill
the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is no
correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is the best
way to learn a skill.

40 mins
PART 1: Show the students the different parts of a desktop computer and a laptop.
1. Take the students to the IT lab (or admin office) so that students can see a computer.
2. Ask them to identify different parts.
3. Ask students if they know what these different parts do.
4. Next, show a laptop and say that all the different parts they see in a desktop computer have
been compressed to build a laptop. A laptop is a compact computer, with a monitor screen,
mouse pad and CPU all built into one machine.
5. Now ask students to guess what the smallest computer is. (Give a clue – You have all used or
seen it for sure)
6. The answer is – Mobile phone
7. A mobile phone is also a computing device which is small and has lesser features than a
computer, but it is also a IT machine!
PART 2: Let’s take an oath before we begin learning computers
1. Tell the students that all of you will take an oath or promise so that we are able to learn this
topic together and learn it really well. This is a fun activity, so don’t make it very serious.
2. Ask them to stretch their hands like a giving a promise
3. Now ask them to recite after you:
“A computer is a simple machine, just like any other machine. I am greater than a computer.
The computer is not greater than me. I can learn IT Literacy topic easily because I will learn
about computers, internet and mobile phones. In these classes, I will learn from my teacher,
from my friends, from the book and also on my own. By the end of these classes, the internet
and computer can be my best friend and teacher! A computer is cool, and I am cooler. So
together, we make a great team”
4. Encourage the class to have fun while taking this oath. Let them make different kinds of
handshakes with each other and tell one another:
“Friends, I will help you learn about computers. You also help me. Together we can be awesome.
All the best.”
5. Finally, tell the students that they can use the Student Workbook to read fun stories and see
pictures to understand exactly how to use a computer. Tell them that they can ask you any
doubts or discuss their fears with you. You will be their guide and friend.

IT Literacy

10 mins
1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.
2. Review the outcomes of the lesson.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and

1. Basics of Computers
Material needed: Student Workbook, A Computer (if possible) 10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when you
want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about the
topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have them
fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is no
correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is the
best way to learn a skill.

40 mins
1. Introduce the lesson to the trainees highlighting the importance being computer-literate in
today’s world. Elicit from the trainees about their awareness/exposure to computers. Identify
trainees who are familiar with computer basics so that they can help the other trainees. Direct
the trainees to go through the illustration section in the lesson.
2. Instruct the trainees to work in pairs and name the parts of a computer in 2 minutes to
complete activity 1. Check the pair that comes out with the maximum number of parts and
applaud them.
3. Guide the trainees through the process of identifying the different parts of the computer with
the help of the visuals and descriptions given in the let’s learn section of the lesson. Explain
the difference between input and output devices.
Try to handle the session in a computer lab to help the trainees learn better.
Close the lesson with a recapitulation of the concepts learnt.

10 mins
1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.
2. Review the outcomes of the lesson.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and

IT Literacy

2. Explore a Computer
Material needed: Student Workbook, A Computer, Mobile phone, Pen Drive, Speaker,
USB Wire
10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when you
want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about the
topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have them
fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is no
correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is the
best way to learn a skill.

40 mins
1. Elicit from the trainees the purposes for which a computer can be used. Find out how using a
computer will make us complete the task better.
2. Make the trainees interpret the illustration and discuss with the class.
3. Guide the trainees identify steps in activity 1 with respect to starting and shutting down the
4. Introduce the trainees to what ‘booting’ a computer means. With the help of the visual clues,
help the trainees boot and start the computer in the lab. Let the trainees work in pairs for
activity 2.
5. Explain to the trainees that different devices can be connected to the computer. Introduce the
devices they are going to learn to connect to the computer – mobile phone, USB or Pendrive,
speaker. Help the trainees connect the devices to effectively learn how to connect the devices
in activity 3. Help them locate files and folders in the devices they connect and also transfer
the files, if necessary. You may use the visuals given in the activity in the workbook to help the
trainees learn better.
6. Tell the trainees the importance of ‘shutting’ down the computer after completing the work.
Brief them about the 2 simple steps to be followed to shut down the computer. Use the visuals
in the activity to make the trainees understand what you are saying. Ensure that they learn to
shut down the computer in the lab.
Discuss with the trainees to elicit what they learnt and how useful it was. Give the trainees
feedback based on tour observations while they were working on the computer and offer one or
two suggestions to use the computer in a better manner.

10 mins
1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.
2. Review the outcomes of the lesson.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and

IT Literacy

3. Basics of Operating Systems

Material needed: Student Workbook, chits with sentences 10 mins

Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when you
want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about the
topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have them
fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is no
correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is the
best way to learn a skill.

40 mins
1. Introduce to the trainees what operating systems are using the illustration in the lesson. Find
out if they are able to identify and sort the parts of the computer in the illustration into input
and output devices. Explain the features of an operating system.
2. Instruct the trainees to work in pairs to read and interpret the visual in activity 1 to identify the
basics of an operating system. Elicit from the class about their idea of an operating system
after the activity is completed.
3. Introduce to the trainees that operating systems are of different types. Help them read the
visual prompts and identify the different types of operating systems.
Consolidate the lesson reviewing what the trainees learnt and clarify doubts, if any. Tell them that
the next lesson will them opportunity to learn more about the Operating System.

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.
2. Review the outcomes of the lesson.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and

IT Literacy

4. Explore Windows Operating Systems

10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when you
want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about the
topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have them
fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is no
correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is the
best way to learn a skill.

40 mins
1. Introduce the idea of a self-learner. Discuss the traits that a self-learner will possess. Help
the trainees interpret the visual in the illustration section to identify the different modes of
self-learning. Elicit the predictions that the trainees have made.
2. Explain to the trainees that from this lesson they will be getting hands-on experience as they
shall work on a real computer. Organize the class to work in pairs or groups of 3 depending
on the number of computers available. Remember that it shall never exceed 3 members per
group and within the group all the trainees should be given equal opportunity to work on the
computer. As instructor, ensure that every trainee gets to work on the computer.
As a first step, help the trainees read the descriptions given in activity 1 to identify the different
between Windows OS 7 and Windows OS 8.
Guide the trainees to identify the features of Windows OS 10. Make them use the visual information
to understand and alternately, help they browse the internet to get the information.
Recapitulate the lesson with what the trainees enjoyed in the lesson. Offer feedback and suggest
improvement, if any. Remember that feedback is always positive and suggestions are limited to
one or two per lesson with scope for furthering the learning and performance of the trainees.

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.
2. Review the outcomes of the lesson.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and

IT Literacy

5. Using Storage Features on Windows

10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when you
want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is
no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.

40 mins
1. Review the types of storage and how to store in the computer from the previous lesson.
Elicit how files are stored physically. Find out if they know why storing in computers is
better and what the benefits are.
2. Introduce the trainees to the different types of storage devices. In the computer lab, help
them in a step by step process on how to open files from storage devices ensuring that
they are aware of how to connect storage devices. Help the trainees work in groups not
exceeding three trainees per group. Teach those who still find it difficult to connect storage
devices as you go around the class. Run through activity 1 to make the trainees open files
from CD/DVD, UBS Drive. If a laptop is available, tell them how to open files in the laptop.
3. Explain the different types of storage devices and their characteristics as you help them
complete activity 2. Explain external and internal storage devices. If possible, bring some
external storage devices and display.
4. Orient the trainees on how to create new folders/files in Windows. Direct them as they try
the same on the computer. Let them complete the activity 3 in a step by step process as
given. Introduce Word, Excel, PowerPoint and demonstrate how to compress files/folders.
Give positive feedback highlighting what you observed while the trainees were working on the
computer and suggest a few points to consider for improvement.

10 min
1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.
2. Review the outcomes of the lesson.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and

IT Literacy

6. Basics of MS-Word

10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when you
want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is
no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.

40 mins
1. Introduce the purposes for which MS-Word can be used and how it helps to organize and
save files in a systematic way. Use the illustration to help them understand better.
2. Instruct the trainees to boot the computer and work in groups of 3. Orient them on the two
ways in which a Word programme can be located on the computer. Instruct the trainees
to identify a Word document with the help of the step by step process given in the activity
1. Ensure that each trainee gets the opportunity to do the activity himself/herself on the
3. Explain the purpose of shortcuts, toolbar icons, how to save, save a copy, open an existing
document, what is quick access toolbar as you guide them while they work on the
Elicit what the trainees were able to learn from the lesson, offer your suggestions for
improvement and give constructive feedback. Inform them that the next lesson will help them
enjoy working with Word.

10 mins
1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.
2. Review the outcomes of the lesson.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and

IT Literacy

7. Exploring MS-Word

10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when you
want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is

40 mins
1. Introduce the trainees to the features on MS-Word and how they can be used. Remember
to instruct the trainees to boot the computer before you begin the activities also ensuring
that the trainees are in groups of 3 to access a computer to work on.
2. Instruct the trainees on how to add text in Word to complete activity 1. Tell them what
the blinking vertical line indicates, how to start typing, add spaces, identify paragraph,
recognize how to use front/back/up/down arrows to move, what Ctrl+Left and Ctrl+Right
mean. Ensure they use the same on the computer as you guide them through the process.
3. Direct the trainees on how to format texts in Word. Guide them through the process to drag
and release the mouse to select text, change font, font colour, font type, font size, bold,
italics and underline features using the toolbar icons. Let the trainees stay in groups of 3 for
all activities with each trainees getting the chance to use the computer for all activities.
4. Instruct the trainees to complete the activities 3 and 4 using steps given in the activities to
select and delete texts. Ensure that you move around the lab as the trainees are at work
and help, if necessary.
5. Explain the functions in the formatting toolbar with respect to cut, copy and paste. Instruct
the trainees to work on activities 5 and 6 to copy and move text and format text following
the step by step instructions given.
6. Review what the trainees have learnt so far and ensure that all the trainees got the chance to
use the computer for all the activities. Introduce what text alignment is and the use of the
insert tab with the help of the computer. Help the trainees’ complete activities 7 and 8 with
the step by step instructions given in the activities. Guide them to familiarize themselves
with the shortcuts given in activity 9 to be able to work effectively on the computer.
Ensure that all the groups and all the trainees in the groups were able to complete the activities
on the computer before reviewing what they have learnt from the lesson. Give positive
feedback on what the trainees did well offering one or two suggestions for improvement.

IT Literacy

10 mins
1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.
2. Review the outcomes of the lesson.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and

8. Creating Documents on MS-Word

10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when you
want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is
no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.

40 mins
1. Elicit from the trainees what aspects of Word they remember, what aspects they find useful,
how did they feel working on the computer, etc. Instruct the trainees to boot the computer
so that they may start the activities to create documents on Word.
2. Explain what a resume is. Tell them that they are going to use the Word feature to type their
resume. Help the trainees open a Word document to create a file on the computer. Run them
through the steps given in the activity and help them draft a resume with the help of the
sample given in the activity 1.
3. Instruct the trainees on how to print the document that they have created with the help of
the step by step process given.
Ensure that all the trainees have created a Word file, typed a resume and printed it. Review what
the trainees learned through the lesson. Consolidate the lesson with tips for improvement.

10 mins
1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.
2. Review the outcomes of the lesson.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and

IT Literacy

9. Recall
Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, pencil, eraser.

10 mins
Prepare the class for formative assessment of the 8 lessons that have been covered.
The questions are meant to assess the learning and not to test the rote memory. Instruct the
trainees on the purpose of the formative assessment (recall).
Make them recognize that it is meant for their benefit and will help them recognize areas
that they need to improve/focus more.

40 mins
Conduct the test ensuring that the trainees answer the questions independently.
Assess the trainees learning based on their performance and ensure that suitable remedial
measures are taken for trainees to continue learning without any impediments.
Record the assessment in a descriptive format to track progress during the next recall

10 mins
Discuss with the trainees about their performance suggesting methods to improve their
Ensure to offer positive feedback followed by one or two suggestions ONLY.
Focus may be more on the positive aspects than on what went wrong.

10. Basics of Excel

Material needed:
• Chart papers • Pen (1 per student) • Markers/sketch pens

10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when you
want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.

IT Literacy

4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is
no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.

40 mins
1. Introduce spreadsheets to the trainees. Help them recognize the benefits of using MS-Excel.
Use the illustration to help the trainees understand better.
2. Instruct the trainees to work in groups of 3 members and boot the computer to work on
activity 1 to locate MS-Excel on the computer. Walk them through the different components
of Excel – workbook, column, row, cell address, cell, formula bar, ribbon, worksheet, etc.
Use the visuals and the descriptions in the activity to help the trainees understand better.
3. Explain the functions used on Excel to the trainees to complete activity 2. Elicit from the
trainees if there are any similar functions in Excel that they learned in Word. (Answer: font,
bold, italics, underline, cut, copy, paste, save, delete, print) Tell them that all MS-Office
programmes have similar functions and so when you learn to use one programme it is easy
to transfer the skills to all other programmes that you intend to learn in MS-Office.
4. Orient the trainees to create a new Excel document, choose font, alignment, bold, italics,
underline features on Excel to complete activities 3 and 4. Ensure that each trainee gets the
opportunity to use the computer and work on all the activities.
5. Instruct the trainees to create a new Excel document to complete activity 5. Tell them that
they may work as a group and refer to the earlier steps to create the Excel document.
Inform them that all the trainees need to work hands-on on the computer.
Sum up the concepts learned in the lesson. Clarify doubts, if any. Provide positive feedback
and offer suggestions for improvement.

10 mins
1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.
2. Review the outcomes of the lesson.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and

IT Literacy

11. Simple Functions on Excel

10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when you
want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is
no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.

40 mins
1. Review what the trainees learned in the previous lesson on MS-Excel. Instruct the trainees
to work in groups of 3 members on a computer. Ask them to boot the computer.
2. Let the trainees know that they are going to learn to save a workbook, ways of saving it,
how to print a workbook, how to add and find average in Excel. Guide them to refer to the
last lesson if they need to recall what a workbook is. Help them go through the illustration
section to identify what the lesson will help them learn.
3. Ask the trainees to follow the instructions in activity 1 to create a workbook. After creating
a workbook, direct the trainees to print it using the instructions in activity 2. Tell them what
portrait and landscape orientation of the layout mean, what active sheets and selection
mean before they print. Shos them how to view a print preview and its purpose.
4. Instruct the trainees to type some data with values and help them to add and find the
average using the functions in the formulatoolbar. Ensure all the trainees have done the
activity on their own on the computer.
Review the concepts that the trainees have learned and clarify doubts, if any. Give suggestions
on how Excel can be used for day to day purposes (budgeting, planning for some function).

10 mins
1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.
2. Review the outcomes of the lesson.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and

IT Literacy

12. What is Internet?

10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when you
want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is
no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.

40 mins
1. Elicit from the trainees about their familiarity with the internet. Explain what it is and why it
is useful. With the help of the illustrations guide the trainees to identify the requirements
for an internet connection, what wireless internet connections & bandwidth are, types of
connections like dialup, DSL, cable, wireless, internet browsers. Ensure that the trainees
work in groups of 3 to read the content, interpret it and get doubts clarified.
2. Direct the trainees to read and interpret the story given in activity 1 in their groups and
interpret it. Guide them to answer the questions that follow in their groups and discuss the
responses in the class.
3. Explain the benefits of the internet given in the let’s learn section and help the trainees list
the benefits at the end. Discuss the benefits identified by the trainees and remember to
appreciate any new benefit that the trainees have identified.
Review the lesson and inform the trainees that they will get to use the internet from the nest
10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and

IT Literacy

13. Searching for Information on the Internet

10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when you
want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is no
correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is the
best way to learn a skill.

40 mins
1. Elicit from the trainees what internet is and what are the advantages of using the internet.
Direct them to get into groups of 3 members and boot the computer. Find out if they already
know about internet browsers.
2. Introduce the idea of website, webpage and search engine. Help them go through the
illustration section to identify what a search engine is and recognize the importance of the
address bar in the search engine. Ask them to choose a search engine (icon) and double-click
the right mouse button on it to open the browser. Guide them through the instructions to
search a website for which the address is known to complete activity 1.
3. Instruct the trainees on how to search a website for which the address is not known with
the help of keywords. Explain how to form the keywords with the given example in activity
2. Elicit a few more searches that the trainees want to perform and help them identify the
keywords, type it and search a website to find its address.
Consolidate the lesson with the best things that the trainees feel that they were able to learn.
Give tips on how best the internet may be used.
10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and

IT Literacy

14. Best Practices to follow on the Internet

10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when you
want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to
the activities.
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then,
have them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is
no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes
is the best way to learn a skill.

40 mins
1. Elicit from the trainees about the internet, search engines and keywords. Observe to know if
all the trainees are able to recognize them. Recapitulate what they learned in the previous
session before plunging into the lesson for the day.
2. Introduce the trainees to the need to be careful on the internet and use it safely. Use the
illustration section to help them understand what you mean by safe use of the internet. Help
them recognize user identification, secure passwords, locking the computer, use of protective
software and antispyware, securing emails, protecting against online predators. Ask them to
read and interpret the illustration section and get doubts clarified, if any.
3. Help the trainees read and interpret the situation given in activity 1 in groups of 3 and share
their views and opinions for the questions that follow. Tell them that they need to keep what
they learned from the illustration section in mind when they answer the questions. Discuss
the responses with the whole class and offer feedback and suggestions.
4. Explain what fake news is and how it can be harmful. Instruct the trainees to read and interpret
the visual information given in the let’s learn section on fake news. Let the trainees discuss
in groups and present their views to the whole class. Encourage the trainees to speak freely
and present their views.
Summarize the lesson and clarify doubts, if any.

10 mins
1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.
2. Review the outcomes of the lesson.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and

IT Literacy

15. Communicate Using Email

10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when you
want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about the
topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have them
fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is no
correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is the
best way to learn a skill.

40 mins
1. Elicit from the trainees about their familiarity with email. Find out if anyone has used it before.
Introduce email and its features. Use the illustration section to help them understand what
email is better.
2. Instruct the trainees to get into groups of 3 members and boot the computer. Ask them to
open a web browser. Move around to check if all the trainees have logged into the internet
and if some trainees need support. Direct them on how to create an email account. Tell them
that for the sake of uniformity you are going to create a Gmail account. Guide them through
the step by step process on creating a Gmail account to complete activity 1. Ensure that all
the trainees are given the chance to create an email account.
3. Introduce the format of an email message to the trainees and help them understand the
structure better. Use the visual to enable better understanding. (activity 2) Ask trainees to
type an email in the given format. Let each trainee type an email message to a friend or
4. Teach the trainees how to attach documents to an email and also what kinds of attachments
can be made. Help them understand using the visual and hands-on by attaching files to the
mail typed. Trainees may be asked to attach the resume they created while working with
MS-Word to the email message they created in activity 2 in order to successfully complete
activity 3. Check if all the trainees have created an email account, typed a message, attached
their resume and sent it to a friend or you.
5. Direct the trainees to learn to manage their email by checking their inbox, sent, drafts, junk/
spam folders in the email. Ensure that the trainees complete activity 4 by checking their
email and sending a reply to the mail they find in their inbox.
Check if all the trainees have completed all the 4 activities in the lesson independently even
though they are in groups. Check if the trainees have any doubts before closing.

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart. 10 mins
2. Review the outcomes of the lesson.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and

IT Literacy

16. Internet Safety

10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when you
want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to
the activities.
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then,
have them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is
no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes
is the best way to learn a skill.

40 mins
1. Elicit from the trainees what they know about safety on the internet. Give them the clue
that they have been introduced to safe practices in an earlier lesson on best practices on
the internet. Introduce the concept of safety while using the internet.
2. Find out from the trainees’ responses to the questions in activity 1. Let the trainees work in
groups of 3 members. Discuss the responses and offer feedback and suggestions.
3. Guide the trainees to read and interpret the let’s learn section on how to safeguard
the personal computer/mobile, username and passwords, email account, from false
information, while shopping on the internet. Make the trainees discuss the points in their
groups and with the whole class.
Consolidate the lesson by informing the trainees on how to identify if a site is safe. Review the
points discussed in the lesson and close with feedback and suggestions.
PS: Get to know a few mobile apps for ITI trainees along with the website information to
be able to help them to complete the activities in the next lesson. Ask trainees who have
smartphones to bring them to the class for the next two lessons.

10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities
and close.

IT Literacy

17. Introduction to Mobile Applications

10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when you
want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to
the activities.
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is

40 mins
1. Elicit from the trainees if they know what smartphones are and their uses. Introduce the
purpose of including mobile applications highlighting the availability of various online
resources and mobile apps that help the trainees learn at their own pace while also keeping
themselves updated on the latest in the field. Elaborate on the learning apps that help the
trainees learn independently. Use the illustration section to enable better understanding.
2. Help the trainees get into groups of 3 and try to find possible responses to the situations
given in activity 1. The trainees may use the given clues and also add more points.
3. Direct the trainees to complete activity 2 with the help of the internet to identify the
different apps and websites that help access online resources on the internet and use them
on mobile phone for learning purposes. Ensure that the trainees get adequate support to
complete the activity.
4. Guide the trainees to read and interpret the visual and information on the types of apps for
daily life. Move around and observe to ensure that the trainees are on task and also clarify
their doubts. Encourage active participation of the trainees.
End the lesson with positive feedback and remember to give one or two suggestions. Ask the
trainees to find out some mobile applications that help them learn English, communication
skills, any other topic they are interested in and bring it with them for the next class.
10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and

IT Literacy

18. Simple Mobile Applications

10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when you
want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about the
topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have them
fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is no
correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is the
best way to learn a skill.

40 mins
1. Elicit what they learned from the previous lesson on mobile applications. Check if the trainees
have brought information on some mobile applications that they were asked to in the
previous class. Review if the trainees know the distinction between an ordinary phone and a
2. Instruct the trainees to identify the differences between an old mobile and a smartphone
to work on activity 1 in groups of 3. Encourage them to use the internet and with the use of
keywords explore the differences.
3. Introduce BHIM UPI applications to the trainees. If you are using Paytm/google pay, you
may show a demonstration of how to use it. Guide the trainees to read and interpret the
information given in activity 2 on how to use UPI. Discuss with the trainees and clarify doubts,
if any.
4. Ask trainees to follow the steps to be followed by first-time UPI users to work on activity 3.
Guide them through the step by step process given with the use of the internet on the mobile
phone. If the trainees do not have mobile phones, connect your device to the projector and
make them see how to connect. Give them the opportunity to try if on their own, if mobiles
are available. Move around the class to monitor that the trainees are at task and offer support,
if necessary.
5. Help trainees through the instructions to scan and use QR code. Ensure that the trainees have
hands-on training and give opportunity to all the trainees.
Elicit from the trainees on what they learned through the lesson, what aspects they enjoyed.
Give constructive feedback on their performance and offer some suggestions.

10 mins
1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.
2. Review the outcomes of the lesson.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and

IT Literacy

19. Exploring Popular Sites for Learning and Career Growth

10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when you
want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is
no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.

40 mins
1. Elicit from the trainees the benefits of identifying and using popular sites. Ask them if they
can name a few sites that may be of use to the ITI trainee. Give them some clues – to get
details on ITI training, to search for jobs, for internship, etc. Have them add more to the list,
if they can. Instruct the trainees to boot the computer and log into the internet. You may use
one computer and project your search on the screen with the help of a LCD projector for the
trainees to follow.
2. Introduce the lesson and help the trainees read and interpret the information in the illustration
on the benefits of apprenticeship training, eligibility, duration, etc. Lead the discussion with
the trainees organized in groups of 3 members. List the benefits the trainee may get from
the popular sites.
3. Ask the trainees to look for jobs online with the instructions given in activity 1. Let each
trainee have the chance to use the computer and search for jobs online. Check if all the
trainees have completed the search and move to the next activity.
4. Ask the trainees to look for self-employment opportunities using the internet to search
the relevant sites. Guide the trainees to complete activity 2 to identify self-employment
opportunities. Check if the whole class has completed.
5. Elicit from the trainees if they know about apprenticeship training. Give them information on
who offers it, which organizations offer it, how to apply, what the basic requirements are,
etc. Lead the trainees to log into the apprenticeship portal and help them apply for it online
with the help of the instructions given in activity 3. Ensure that the trainees work in groups
and that all trainees are engaged in the hands-on training. Ensure that everyone completes
the activity.
6. Introduce what a job search hackathon is. Direct the trainees to complete the activity in
groups of 3 and report in the given format. Assign roles to the trainees as per the instructions
in the activity 3 and orient them to complete the activity.

IT Literacy

Check the outcomes of the 4 activities and the reports generated. Check if the trainees have
any doubts and clarify them. Give constructive feedback and a few ways in which they can

10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and

20. Recall
Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, pencil, eraser.

Context Setting
Prepare the class for formative assessment of the 8 lessons that have been covered. 10 mins
The questions are meant to assess the learning and not to test the rote memory. Instruct the
trainees on the purpose of the formative assessment (recall).
Make them recognize that it is meant for their benefit and will help them recognize areas
that they need to improve/focus more.

Session Activity
Conduct the test ensuring that the trainees answer the questions independently. 40 mins
Assess the trainees learning based on their performance and ensure that suitable remedial
measures are taken for trainees to continue learning without any impediments.
Record the assessment in a descriptive format to track progress during the next recall
Reflection / Wrap up
Discuss with the trainees about their performance suggesting methods to improve their 10 mins
Ensure to offer positive feedback followed by one or two suggestions ONLY.
Focus may be more on the positive aspects than on what went wrong.

21. Project

This is an activity to be done outside the curriculum to enable project-based learning for the trainees. It will
pave the way to inculcate a spirit of inquiry and autonomous learning, thereby fostering the application of
critical thinking and problem solving in real-life contexts in the trainee. It will open up a plethora of avenues for
employment and upward mobility for the trainee.
You may identify a few trainees and motivate them to take up the projects individually, if they are willing to do
so or in teams. Ensure that the team members contribute equally and work together.

IT Literacy

Assessment Rubric for IT Literacy

Basic Shows very limited ability in the use of IT tools (MS-Word, 40-55%
Level 1 Excel, Internet, Email) in familiar contexts with adequate

Basic Shows some degree of ability in the use of IT tools 56-65 %

Level 2 MS-Word, Excel, Internet, Email) in familiar contexts with
some guidance

IntermediateLevel 3 Shows good degree of ability in the use of IT tools 66-75 %

MS-Word, Excel, Internet, Email) in familiar contexts

IntermediateLevel 4 Shows a good degree of control and ability in the use of 75 % and
IT tools MS-Word, Excel, Internet, Email) in a range of above

Level 1 – dependent users mostly with good amount of supervision

Level 2 – dependent users with some amount of supervision
Level 3 – independent users
Level 4 – confident users

Answer Key

A. Answer Key for English Literacy

Answers for activities in the lessons are given here. Some activities do not have a right or wrong answer and are
more to do with the trainees’ ability to use language fluently and confidently. Hence, answers for such activities
are not given in this section. It is left to the discretion of the instructor to facilitate fluency and assess the trainee
based on the confident responses given.
1. I Can & I Will
2. Spoken- b,c,f,g,i,k,l,o, Written- d,e,h,j,m,n
2. Word Building
1. b. nut c. needle d. tester e. plumber f.electrician g. mason h. carpenter i. tailor j. beautician
k. fitter l. nurse
2. b. library c. Central avenue d. Second street e. Drugstore f. Store / bank / police station &
main street g. Restaurant / movie theater & central avenue h. Bank/police station & Main street
i. School & train station j. Hospital / Church
3. extinguish, climb, clean, pull, cut, push
4. cutting, welding, plumbing, connecting, install
5. a. blue/ small b. round/brown/smooth c. many/shiny d. many/rough
6. Open, dirty, pretty, interested (no wrong answer as far as they describe the image)
7. a. he b. you c. it d. she e. we f. it g. she h. you
8. They, They, it, He, it, his, She
9. Naming word, Action word, pronoun, Describing word
10. Naming word – container, nitrogen, energy, liquids, vapour
Action word – fill, dropped, develop, heating, drew
Pronoun – it, we, us, he, they
Describing word – cylindrical, dry, pungent, tight, soft
3. Naming Words
2. Answers given are only indicative. It can include a lot more.

Place Names of things

Home fan tubelight refrigerator table cupboard
Classroom benches blackboard duster Chalk piece door
Library Books shelves Chair newspaper notebook
Bus stand Timekeeper bus shops luggage restrooms
Grocery Frozen food pulses Dry fruits cereals biscuits
Mobile shop Mobile phones SIM cards Chargers Headphones Memory Cards
Cinema theatre Screen Speakers Air Conditioning Popcorn Projector
3. Answers given are only indicative. It can include a lot more.
Letters Names Places Things Animals Birds
H Hyder Ali Hyderabad Hammer Hyena Humming bird
M Modi Mumbai Mango Monkey Macaw
S Steve Srinagar Screwdriver Snake Stork
P Peter Punjab Puncher Panther Parrot

Answer Key

R Rahul Rajasthan Ring Rabbit Raven

K Karan Kolkata Kite Kangaroo Kingfisher
L Lokesh Ludhiana Lock Lion Lovebird
B Bruce Bengaluru Bolt Bull Brown Pelican
W Wade Wayanad Wrench Walrus Woodpecker
C Clint Chennai Cracker Cat Cuckoo
E Emily Ernakulam Ember eel eagle

criekeocor rice cooker utctre cutter

fecofetreilf coffee filter eplere peeler

ximie mixie lceris slicer

crmiovewa microwave rngidre grinder

frgreietroar refrigerator ndutonicitvoes induction stove

ednbelr blender taewruprifeir water purifier

uiejcr juicer msteare steamer

tirokamer roti maker leectircetlkte electric kettle

6. a. cutting plier b. screw driver c.spanner d. tester e. torch

7. b. unit of weight / to beat c. a band on a finger / something circular in shape d. correct / direction
opposite of left e. a genre of music / a stone f. to have gotten up / a flower g. a season / coiled
metal h.flat piece of wood / to get into a vehicle, plane or ship i. gentle / offer of money
j. to grow tired / a part of a wheel k. in good health / a source for water in the ground
8. b. bat– a small mammal/a wooden equipment used to play cricket
c. bright– smart/presence of light
d. circular– in the shape of a circle/ a notice
e. current– in the present moment/ electricity
f. express– to say or show one’s feeling/fast
g. fair– lighter in complexion/honest
h. kind– type of / being considerate and helpful
i. lie– not true/ stay flat on ground
j. match– suit something / a game
k. mean– being unkind / average
9. umbrella, children, raincoats, bags, water, cat, postbox, car, book, cap, tree, leaves, drain, boots,
windows, door, road, pavement, puddles

Answer Key

4. Naming Words - Singular and Plural


6. singular, plural
7. clutches, bananas, classes, machines, teams, brushes, roses, apparatuses
5. Action Words
1. weld, repair, plant, dance, service, stitch, teach, sow, flow, drive, fly, build, jog, fall, burn, lift, calculate,
play, install, skate
2. H L J W C F G H W I A U I T R

3. a. operates b. gave c. is d. has e. appreciated f. delivered g. drove h. barked

i. found j. is k. is l. worked
4. fix, connect, stitch, remove, repair, paint, hit, cut, smoothen, sharpen, walk, build, install, fasten, mix
(Answers given are only indicative. It can include a lot more.)
5. a. is b. help c. is d. assists e. do f. looks g. are h. are i. has j. is
6. a. repair b. install c. are d. work e. is f. cuts g. apply h. recruits i. erects j. is k. are
l. is m. blows n. grows o. complained
7. a. asked b. repaired c. fixed d. follow e. are f. is g. wear h. are i. ensure j. try
8. comes, looks, likes, asks, tells, asks, shows, are, are, requests, asks, informs, is, gives, asks, gives.

Answer Key

6. Action Words – Tenses

1. loaded, came, fitted, soldered, kept, hunted, cut
2. 1.inspect 2. spoke 3. connected 4. shut 5. hit 6. supplied 7. insulated 8. apply 9. gave 10. Made
3. a. I am installing Windows 10 in my Laptop. b. Jothi is installing an app in her mobile.
c. They are installing antivirus in all the computers. d. I was installing new software in my laptop yesterday.
e. They were installing firefox in the office systems.
4. He is twisting the old bulb in the anticlockwise direction.
He is removing the bulb from the socket.
He is pushing the new bulb gently into the socket.
He is turning the bulb in the clockwise direction.
He is switching the power on.
He is disposing the old bulb.
5. He was twisting the old bulb in the anticlockwise direction.
He was removing the bulb from the socket.
He was pushing the new bulb gently into the socket.
He was turning the bulb in the clockwise direction.
He was switching the power on.
He was disposing the old bulb.

8. Describing Words
1. a. reflective jacket b. wet floor c. sharp tools d. safety signs e. electrical shock
2. a. He put the small plug in the socket. b. He is tightening the screw with a small screwdriver.
c. The round rings are on the pink cloth. d. The plumber has fixed the blue pumps.
e. Wires of many colours are seen in the picture. f. The young man was walking on the broken pavement.
4. The man in the picture is wearing a yellow reflective jacket.
He is wearing green shoes.
His hands are protected with green gloves.
His head is protected from injury with a hard hat.
He is wearing a yellow reflective jacket.
His safety shoes are red in colour.
His ears are protected with the help of ear protection equipment.
His hands are protected with gloves.
He is wearing nose mask for nose protection.
He eyes are protected by the goggles he wears.
The hard hat protects his head from injury.
6. bright x dark cold x hot correct x incorrect right x wrong clean x dirty slow x fast wet x dry
before x after hard x soft healthy x sick loud x quiet curly x straight new x old young x old
open x shut smooth x prickly sweet x sour.

Answer Key

9. Describing Objects, Surroundings and Processes

2. a. is made, used
b. three, square, round, used, third, for, used, made.
3. Fill in the columns with the details of the given objects.(Answers given are only indicative. It can include a lot

Object Shape Size Colour Material Use

Doughnut round small brown maida snack
TV rectangle various black screen silicon watch programs
Mud pot round both big or small brown clay store water, cook
Bed rectangle big brown wood or metal sleeping
Water bottle cylindrical small various plastic metal carry water
Tool box cuboid small different plastic, metal store tools
colours fibre
Speed square triangle small no colour plastic draw lines
water heater cylindrical big different ceramic heat water
Hammer cylindrical small metallic iron and wood hit nails
Washing machine cuboid big metallic plastic, metal wash clothes
Microwave oven cuboid big white/black metal, glass cook
Induction stove square medium black metal, glass cook
Needle cylindrical small metallic metal sew
bobbin cylindrical small metallic metal wind thread

4. Trainees can frame suitable sentences using the above words and other linking words.
5. an electrician/service mechanic, airport/warehouse, consists, many, airport, There are, bank, There,
is, warehouse, near
6. Trainees can complete the sentences with suitable items using the picture.
7. Trainees can frame suitable sentences using the given picture clues and other linking words.
8. female moth, eggs, larva, Next the caterpillars come out, mulberry, the caterpillars, cocoon, the caterpillar,
pupa, finally.
9. First, take a blending jar or a juice jar. Then, put the apple slices into the jar. Next, add some ice cubes and
sugar. After that, pour boiled chilled milk into it. Finally, close the lid and blend it well for 2-3 minutes. Now,
pour it into serving glasses.
10. Pronouns
2. I know her.
I know him.
Vimal sold it.
It is on her face.
Kishore has it.
Treat others the way you want to be treated.
They are all one family.
They / We work together happily.
They had a teacher. He was Mr. Karim.

Answer Key

3. a. This is a spanner. b. These are spanners. c. This is a screwdriver. d. These are screwdrivers.
4. I know Ramesh. Ramesh knows me.
We know Ramesh. Ramesh knows us.
You know Ramesh. Ramesh knows you.
He knows Ramesh. Ramesh knows him.
She knows Ramesh. Ramesh knows her.
They know Ramesh. Ramesh knows them.
5. a. Yes, it is his. b. They are theirs. c. No, it isn’t theirs. d. They are ours. e. Yes, it is his.
6. b. his. c. mine. d. my e. mine f. mine g. theirs h. yours i. his
7. they, They, They, They, It, them, She, She, She, She, It, She, She her, her
11. Introduction to Punctuation
1. capital letter, period/fullstop, question mark, comma
2. b, c, d, i, j
3. Do you know what happened in the meeting yesterday? All the workers were called for a meeting. The chief
engineer Ramesh convened the meeting. He spoke about the safety measures that have to be taken in the
factory. The employees gave their suggestions to improve safety in the company. The chief engineer stated
the problems, analysed them, heard employee’s suggestions and gave recommendations. He also distributed
goggles, masks, gloves and shoes to the workers. Will you come for the next meeting? It is on August 29,
4. a-. b-. c-. d-? e-? f-. g-? h-? i-? j-.
6. a-? b-. c-. d-? e-. f-? g-? h-? i-. j-?
7. a-. b-? c-. d-? e-? f-. g-? h-? i-. j-.
8. a. I bought apples, mangoes, and grapes from the shop.
b. The box is full of nuts, bolts, screws and nails.
c. She has pens, papers, manuals and a few tools.
d. The job got over on June 16, 2019.
e. Welders, plumbers, fitters and engineers were called for a meeting.
f. The company will work on 6th, 7th, 11th and 12th of this month.
g. The exam is on December 7, 2019.
h. There are ten days left for the conference.
i. Keep away from acids, gas, cylinders and fire.
j. They are offering training on embroidery skills.
9. b. When is it safe to remove or replace fuse?
c. What is the use of a micrometer?
d. What will happen when kerosene comes into contact with fire?
e. The company has opened its branch offices in Mumbai, Kolkata, Bangalore and Shimla.
f. Remove fuse grips while working on dead circuits.
g. Turn an adjustable wrench toward the movable jaw.
h. Don’t you have shoes to wear in the workshop?
i. The training was conducted on February 24, 2019 in Delhi.
j. The chest has cutting pliers, screwdrivers, drilling machine, hammer and nails in it.

Answer Key

12. Kinds of Sentences-Introduction

3. b. Imperative c. Interrogative d. Interrogative e. Exclamatory
4. a. wrong, Imperative b. wrong, Interrogative c. correct d. wrong, Declarative e. wrong, Imperative
5. a. Imperative b. Interrogative c. Declarative d. Declarative e. Imperative f. Interrogative g. Declarative
h. Imperative i. Exclamatory j. Interrogative
6. a. Use only correct capacity fuses in the circuit.
b. We don’t know how to manage our machines.
c. What kind of a machine is this?
d. Is it important to know how to switch off a circuit?
e. Make sure all plugs are correctly wired.
7. a. Where b. How c. What d. Why e. Which
13. Practice in Framing Sentences
1. a. I speak English.
b. We received the parcel.
c. Welder uses welding gun.
d. I love homemade food.
e. I finished the work.
2. a. Peter worked in BHEL as supervisor.
b. We wish you happy new year.
c. The Principal gave the medal.
d. They want money immediately.
e. I met Sam at the theatre yesterday.

Naming word Action Word (Verb) additional information

Peter in BHEL as supervisor
We you a happy new year
They money immediately
I at the theatre yesterday

3. Call him.
Try it.
Be quiet.
Watch out.
Standup straight.
Don’t move.
Be careful, don’t trip.
Somebody answer the phone.
Don’t drive after drinking.
Cut the onions into small pieces.
4. Trainees can frame as many sentences as possible.
5. Trainees can frame as many sentences as possible.

Answer Key

15.Greetings and Self-Introduction

Expressions Formal / informal Used to greet … Response
Hi, how are you? Informal Friends Hi, am good.
Good morning. Formal Boss, elders, teachers Good morning
Hello! Informal Friends Hi/hello
How have you been? Informal Friends good
How are things? Formal Colleagues good
How do you do? Formal / Informal Friends / Colleagues good

Hi, how’s life?

How are you?
Good evening, Jerry.
Hey, come and join us.
I am Satish from Ranchi.
Hello, this is Janaki from Nagpur.
Hey, it’s long time since we met.
My name is Ranjith.

16. Asking and Responding to Questions

1. b. Q c. R d. Q e. Q f. R g. Q h. Q i. R j. R k. R
Responses /X
Yes, he is.
No, we are not. X
Not possible. X
She hasn’t come. X
I won’t. X
You can.
I don’t know. X
Yes, I am.
No, he is not a fitter. X
Never. X
None. X
Of course.
She hasn’t. X

Answer Key

Are you safe? Yes, I am.
Are you an engineer? Yes, I am./No, I am not.
Can you check the fuse? No, I can’t./Yes, I can.
Do you know how to use a No, I don’t./Yes, I know.
Vernier Caliper?
Can you measure the height of Yes, I can./No, I can’t.
an object?
Does your friend know No, he doesn’t. Yes, he knows.
Did you read the newspaper? No, he didn’t. Yes, he read.
Can you ride bikes? Yes, I can./No, I can’t.
Did you pay the examination Yes, I paid./No, I didn’t.
Will you attend the training in Yes, I will./No, I won’t.
your institute?
Have you finished? Yes, I have./No, I haven’t.

5. b. Who is the plumber?

c. When is the training?
d. Where is the training?
e. How many spanners do you need?
f. What do you want?
g. Why do you want the cutting plier now?
6. A . a. By Walk. b. Blue. c. Excellent! d. Bus broken down. e. In 2021. f. It’s on the first floor.
B. a. He is a fitter. b. It wasn’t. c. No, never. d. None. e. Not sure. f. Mumbai.
9. A: Hi! How are you?
B: I’m fine. How about you?
A: Is it raining?
B: Yes, it is.
A: Then, take the umbrella.
A: Do you want to read the manual?
B: Yes, I want to.
A: Can you fix the pipe?
B: Yes, I can.
A: Where is your ITI?
B: My ITI is near the park.
A: When does your class start?
B: It starts at 09:00 a.m.
A: Do you have the lunch break?
B: Yes, it is from 01:00 p.m. to 02:00 p.m.

Answer Key

17. Sharing Information with Others

All answers are open and fluency and use of appropriate words may be noted by the instructors.
19. Formal and Informal Communication
1. a. iii b. iii c. ii d. iii e. ii,iii
2. Formal – Thank you, sir!; With reference to your mail …; I wish to bring to your kind notice …; You are
requested to complete the given assignment by Monday.; I look forward to …; Let me congratulate
you on …
Informal – What’s up?; Listen, I wanted to tell you something.; No Problem.; Guess what?
20. Speak and Share Information about the Workplace
1. b. Desktop publisher-DTP center c. Plumber-Buildings/Plumbing unit d. Fitter- Machine Workshop
e. Customer representative-front office
2. Cut or drill holes in walls or floors to accommodate the passage of pipes. And also measure, cut, thread and
assemble new pipe, placing the assembled pipe in hangers or other supports.
A customer representative
A customer representative has to interact with customers in order to provide information about
products and services, to take orders or cancel accounts, or to obtain details of complaints.
Is it that difficult?
people with different cultural backgrounds.
2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 – Trainees can frame appropriate sentences and speak or write as directed in the activity.
What do you see in the first picture? I think in the first picture, friends walk off because they are
unhappy or have disagreed on something.
Don’t you think it’s a negative attitude? Definitely! We should avoid such behaviours in discussions.
What do you see in the second picture? The second one is positive. The lady listens carefully to the
How do you say that she’s listening? She maintains a good eye contact. It is an essential skill
required in discussions.
Correct, but if you don’t listen…? You may lose the track of discussion. You will not be able to
speak sensibly.
Exactly! What about the next picture? The third one looks like an argument. Their body language
seems to be aggressive.
Won’t impolite behaviour affect discussions? Yes, it will. They should sort out their differences to have a
healthy discussion.
21. Discussions on Current Happenings
3. The details about MUDRA loan are given for reference.
4. Trainees can frame appropriate sentences and speak and write as directed in the activity. Details given in the
tabular column on hydraulics and pneumatics may be used.
5. Trainees can frame appropriate sentences and role play as directed in the activity.
6. Using the information given in the activity, trainees can engage in discussion.
7. Using the information given in the activity, trainees can engage in discussion.
8. Using the information given in the activity, trainees can engage in discussion.

Answer Key

22. Telephone Skills

1. telephone, caller, receiver, telephone
2. dial, disconnect, on hold, engaged

Sl. No. Greeting Identifying Self Purpose of Call

a. Hello! My name is Ramesh. I would like to speak to
Anju, please.
b. Good afternoon! This is Shanthi. May I speak to Arti?
c. Hi! I’m Ajith. Is Anu at home?
d. Hello! My name is Rajesh and I would like to speak
I’m calling from HSBC. to Mr. Chetan from the
marketing division.
e. Good morning! I am calling from Harsha Could you connect me to
Trading Company. your accountant?
f. Good evening! Rakesh Sharma here. I would like to speak to
Ms. Rekha.
4. Good Morning, Sir.
I’m X calling from Room 34.
I’m calling to report about the leaking tap in my room.
Can you please come and fix it immediately because water is being wasted?
Thank you, Sir.
See you soon.
5. Good afternoon, Sir.
I’m X calling from the ITI Workshop.
There’s no power in our building here for the past 30 minutes.
Can you please check the problem because all the other buildings here have power?
Thank you, Sir.
See you soon.
6. Hello, Sir.
I’m X calling from AB Construction at Guindy site.
I’m calling to request you to erect scaffolds for working at heights here.
Can you please come and install the scaffolds by tomorrow?
Thank you, Sir.
See you soon.
7. Hello, Sir.
I’m X calling from AB Garment unit. Is this Quick Cargos?
Is ....... ready?
Can you please transport them to the client by this evening?
Thank you, Sir.
See you soon.
8. The statements 4,7,8,9,12 are correct.

Answer Key

9. Correct statements are

Dos for Caller Always Sometimes Never

Give your name
Give a greeting
Give your telephone
Say why you are calling
Give your address
Give the name of your
Explain your relationship
to the person you are

10. Answer with ‘Hello’.

Answer with your number.
Answer with your name.
Answer with the name of your company.
Answer with the name of your department.
23 Telephone Skills – Role Plays
1. a. Would you mind speaking louder?
b. I am, sorry. He/She is not available now.
c. Just a moment please. Let me get ready to take notes.
d. Could you please tell me your name and where you are calling from?
e. Could you repeat what you just said, please?
f. Would you like to leave a message?
g. I am afraid that the person you want is in a meeting now.
2. a. The person is on another call. - I’m afraid he/ she is busy at the moment.
b. The person is on leave.- I’m sorry he/ she is not available.
c. The person is busy at the moment. - I’m afraid he/ she is busy at the moment.
d. The person is not in his seat. -I’m afraid he/ she is away/ not in at the moment/ in a meeting.
e. The person is in a meeting and will be free at 4 -I’m afraid he/ she is away/ not in at the moment/ in a
f. The person is available.- I’ll put you through. Hold the line, please.
3. hold, May, hold, who, calling, louder, transfer, section
7. Hello, this is Seema. - I’m calling from ICF. Good morning ma’m. - Is this PT industries? Check the company
name.- Repeat the company name. Yes, you are right - May I speak to Ms. Durgadevi Introduce yourself and
ask for someone.-Respond and check B’s name. Of course, It’s Ms. Durgadevi you want to speak to, right?-Yes,
please tell her I’m Seema from ICF - Clarify who you are.Ask B to wait. Please wait while I connect her.
8. Good Morning, HR Industries. - Good morning, I’m Sandeep from JK Manufacturers. - How can I help you sir?
I want to speak to Mr. Venkat please. - I’m sorry. He is unavailable at the moment as he is in a meeting till 12.
May I note a message? Case 1: Thank you. Can you please note it down? Case 2: That’s okay. I will call later.
Case 1: Sure, let me take it down Case 2: Thank you.

Answer Key

24. Let’s Read

1. a. N b. N c. N d. N e. N f. A g. - h. N i. N j. N k. N l. A m. N n. N o. N p. N
2. b. Box c. French d. carpenter e. cycle f. start g. paper h. shirt i. bank j. engine k. forklift
l. ball m. bake n. cookery o. book
3. a. empty b. fast c. order d. warning bell e. warning f. walker g. safe h. attractive
i. building for storing goods j. path
4. a. true b. false c. no d. blue e. no f. green and yellow
5. a. iii b. i c. ii d. i e. iii f. i
6. A. a. proper b. sharp c. yes d. no e. unsafe f. true
B. a. manually b. yes c. danger d. unsafe e. good f. do not
C. a. no b. no c. yes d. no e. no f. yes
7. a. There is fire in the factory. Entry is restricted.
b. He played football regularly. He won the match.
c. The pipe was repaired. Water problem is solved.
d. She reads books and visits places. She is knowledgeable.
e. The instructor started to talk. The trainees listened.

a. The surveyor measured the land. Plotting of land was done.

b. The small object has to be measured. She brought the micrometer.
c. The car broke down. The Mechanic arrived.
d. The steel gate is broken. The welder is called.
e. He used the file on metals. The surface became smooth.
8. First, then, next
26. Writing Simple Sentences
1. She gave the book. He gave an apple. She eats an apple. They are coming.
(Answers given are only indicative. It can include a lot more.)
2. Gita is painting a plant. Guru is eating biscuit. Sheela is lifting the chair. Deepak is listening to a song. Mac is
crawling on the floor. Rita is sleeping on the bed.Mukesh is singing a song.
(Answers given are only indicative. It can include a lot more.)
3. Gita was painting a plant. Guru was eating biscuit. Sheela was lifting the chair. Deepak was listening to a song.
Mac was crawling on the floor. Rita was sleeping on the bed.Mukesh was singing a song.
(Answers given are only indicative. It can include a lot more.)
4. There are screws next to the nut. There is a screwdriver above the bradawl. There is a wrench next to the
screws. The bradawl is between the nails and the handsaw.
(Answers given are only indicative. It can include a lot more.)
5. The pair of scissors has a blue handle. The bucket contains yellow paint. The colour of the tin is grey. The
pencil is colourful. There is a white towel.
(Answers given are only indicative. It can include a lot more.)
6. What is the colour of the pair of scissors’ handle? What is the colour of the paint in the tin?
(Answers given are only indicative. It can include a lot more.)
7. Come to help me tomorrow. Write this sentence in 30 seconds. Walk fast to catch the train. Close the door
now. Can you say the name of this place please.
(Answers given are only indicative. It can include a lot more.)

Answer Key

8. a. Rearrange
b. The dogs run very fast.
c. She came late to class.
d. The lorry driver was caught.
e. The children were playing with ball.
f. The aircraft is taking off.
g. The police were searching for the thief.
h. The woman was speaking to the Principal.
i. Many butterflies are flying in the garden.
j. The old man was reading the newspaper.
27. Speaking
1. My name is Shankar.
My name is spelt as S-H-A-N-K-A-R.
I am from Delhi.
My contact number is 99999 99999.
My house is situated near the government school.
Yes, I shall come.
(Answers given are only indicative. It can include a lot more.)
2. How do you get to work? – Normally I drive.
How long is the drive? – About 40 minutes.
Do I need to wear a tie? – You’re supposed to, but not everyone does.
Why are you late? – I got struck in the traffic.
Where is your car? – It’s been repaired.
3. Expressing Opinion: In my opinion, To my mind, I think, I am sorry to say
Agreeing: I completely agree, You are right
Disagreeing: I totally disagree, I don’t agree
4. a. I finish my homework. I brush my teeth.
b. I try to do well in studies, in maintaining good relationships, in helping others.
c. I take others’ pieces of advice seriously. I seriously take medicines when I am sick.
d. I do not fear to face the crowd. It is so difficult to stay awake in the class.
e. I volunteer to lead the team. I take chance to meet new people.
f. I go early to stations to catch the bus. I go early to exam halls.
(Answers given are only indicative. It can include a lot more.)

Answer Key

5. a. I hate walking long distances.

b. I am worried about my mother who is sick.
c. I hope to be a better trainee next year.
d. The last time I helped my friend was during the Annual exam.
e. My parents don’t allow me to waste money.
f. Last year I promised to visit my cousin at her home and then I forgot.
g. Reading books is the best thing I do now which I wasn’t doing before.
h. My parents ask me to help them in shopping.
(Answers given are only indicative. It can include a lot more.)
6. Discuss the following
I seriously believe that the reason for Rahul’s absence is because he is sick. I remember him feeling so weak
yesterday during football game. I hope he has been taken to the hospital for treatment. I pray that he will be
back soon to the college.
(Answers given are only indicative. It can include a lot more.)

28. Listening
1. d
2. 1-c 2-a 3-c
3. a. F b. F c. F d. F e. T f. T g. T h. T i. T j. T k. T l. T m. T
4. a. F b. F c. T d. F e. T f. F g. T h. T i. T

29. Productive Use of Skills

1. a. Lalpur b. IGNOU c. Rs. 4025 d. Rs. 25 e. State Bank of India f. 30.09.2016
2. a. 239658 b. 30. Apr 2013 c. Mr. Ramesh Sharma d. HDFC Bank e. JP Nagar f. 30 Apr 2013 g. 126985
3. a. wood b. pulping c. pulp d. pulp, paper
4. Meaningful sentences may be written/given based on the infographic given in the activity.
5. Meaningful sentences conveying the process of the production of tea may be written using the two infographics
in the activity.
6. Using the infographic and expressions trainees may engage in expressing their views.
7. Using the clues given, trainees may engage in giving tips on interviews.
8. Introduce your company to Mr. Ramesh using expressions you have learnt so far.



B. Corpus
The content has been developed in the VARK learning styles with emphasis on “look and say”, “listen and repeat”
mode of learning. The vocabulary base for the content has been built on corpora (samples) of real world in
tune with the requirement of ITI trainees in real-life (realia). The words are categorized into high-frequency and
low-frequency words. Words that the trainees may be familiar with are in normal font and those that they need
to learn and internalize to use (some words) and recognize (most words) are in bold font. An ITI trainee shall be
able to internalize 600 – 800 words on successful completion of the course provided the trainee takes effort to
complete all the activities built into the workbook.
A actor align anything
a few aspire
actual alignment anytime
a little assemble
add alive anywhere
ability assembly
addition all apologize
able assembly point
additional all-clear apparatus
about assess
address allocate appear
above assign
adjacent allocating appearance
abroad assignment
adjust allow applaud
absence assist
adjustable almost applause
absolute assistant
administrative alone applicant
absolutely at
admire along application
academic at least
adult alphabet apply
accept attach
advantage alright appoint
access attachment
advertisement also appreciate
accident attempt
advice alter apprentice
accommodate attend
advise although apprenticeship
accompany attitude
advisor always approach
according attract
affect amazing appropriate
account attraction
afraid ambulance architectural
accountable attractive
after amount are
accountant audience
afternoon an area
accurate audio
again analyze argue
accurately aunt
age and argument authority
aggressive anger arise auto rickshaw
ago animal around automobile
agree announce arrange automotive
agricultural announcement arrive avail
acquire agriculture announcer arrow available
across aid another art store average function
action air answer article avoid
active aircraft anticlockwise artist award
active sheet airplane antispyware as awareness
actively alarm antivirus ask away
activity alert any aspect axis


beginning board browser canteen

B begun bobbin brush capability
behave body budget capacitor
behaviour body language budgeting capacity
behavioural boil build capital
behind bold building car
being boldly built in carbon copy
belief bolt bulb cardboard
believe book bunch care
belong boost bundle career
below boot burn careful
belt bore bury cargo
bench bored bus caring
benefit boring bush carpenter
best born business carpentry
bet boss busy carry
better bottom but cash
between bought butterfly cassette
bicycle box button caste
bare hands
big bracelet buttoned casual
bigger brain buy casually
biggest brake buzz cause
base line
bike branch bye caution
bing brand ceiling
basis C
birthday brave celebrate
bat cable
blackboard bravery celebrity
bathe cache memory
blame break cell
be calculate
blank breakage cell address
beach calculation
blend breakfast centered
beat calendar
blender breathe central
beautiful call
blending bridge ceramic
became call back
blind carbon bright certainly
because copy caller
brilliant certificate
become blink calm
bring chain
becoming blinking camera
broad chain wear
bed block campus
broadcast chair
bee blow can
broke down chalk piece
before blow case cancel
broken challenge
beforehand blowing candidate
brother champion
began blue candy
brought chance
begin blueprint cannot
brown change


character clerk communicate continuous crisis

characteristic clever communicating continuously critical
charity click communicative contribute critically
chart client communicator control crush
chat climb company convene cube
cheap clock compare conversation cultivate
cheaper clockwise competitive converse culture
cheapest close complain convert cup
cheat closer complete convertible curiosity
check closest completion convey curly
checkbox closing component convince current
checklist clothing compound cook currently
cheetah clue compressor cursor
chemicals clutch computer customer
cheque coal conceive cut
child coat concentrate cutter
childhood coffee concentration cutting
children coffee maker concept cutting plier
chill coin concern cycle
chip cold conclude cylinder
chisel collaboration conclusion
corridor cylindrical
chocolate colleagues condition
choose collect conditioner D
cinema theatre college conduction damage
circle colour conductor dancer
circuit colourful confidence danger
circular column confident dangerous
circular saw combed confuse dark
citizen combination congratulate data
court database
city combine connect
courtesy date
claim combustible consist
cousin day
clamp combustion constant
co-workers dead
clarification come constantly
craftsman deal
clarify come back constituent
crane dealer
class comma construct
crease dear
classify command construction
create debark
classmate commerce consult
commercial credit debit
classroom contact
commit cricket debrief
clean container
committee cricket debris
clear context
common crime debut


decide diet divide ear emotion

decision difference division earlier empaneled
declaration different do earliest emphasis
declarative differently- doctor early employability
declare abled document earth employable
decline difficult documenter easier employee
decoding dig does easiest employer
deep digital doing easily employment
default dignity donate eastern enable
definite dimension done easy encoding
definitely dinner door eat encounter
delay diploma door ebook encourage
delete direct doubt economic endanger
deliver direction doubtful edge energize
demand directly down edit energy
democracy director download editing engage
demonstrate directorate downstairs educate engaging
depend dirty drafter education engine
depict disagree drain effect engineer
describe disagreement draughtsman effective english
describing disappear draw effectiveness enjoy
description disappoint drawing sheet efficient enormous
design discharge dress code effort enough
designation discipline drew either ensure
desk disclose drill elbow enter
desktop disconnect drink elder enterprises
destroy discount drive electric kettle enthusiasm
details discourage driver electrical entire
determine discover drop electrically entrepreneur
develop discuss drop-down electrician entry
development disgust drove electrolysis environment
device disinterest dry electronics equipment
devoted dislike dual-learning element erect
devotion display duration elevator error
diagnose disposal during eligible essential
diagram dispose dust else establishment
dial distance duty email ethics
dialog box distinguish embroidery etiquette
dialogue emergency evacuate
distribution each
dial-up emergency exit eventual
disturb eagle
did emoticon eventually


every eye feet food garden

everyday eye contact felt foot gardening
everyone few for garment
everything fidgeting foreign gas
evidence field forget gate
exact fighter forgive gather
exactly file forgot gauge
face shield
exam fill forklift gear
example film form gender
excel final formal general
excellence finally format generate
excellent financial formula generous
excessive find formula bar genius
exchange finger forward gentle
exciting finish found gesture
exclamatory fire frame get
excuse firm free gift
execute firm freedom gigabyte
fake handshake
exercise freelancer girl
fall first
exhibit freeze up give
false fish
exit fresh given
family fit
expand fresher glass
famous fitter
expect friend glasses
fan fix
expensive friendly global
far flammable
experience from gloves
farmer flat
explain front gloves
farmhouse flew
explore fuel go
fast flexibility
export fulfill goal
fasten flexible
exposure full stop godown
faster flood
express fun goggles
father flow
expression function going
fault flower
expressive fundamental good
favourable fluent
expressively furniture goods
favourite fluid
extension further google
fear fly
extent fuse google chrome
feather flying
external future google play
feature focus
extinguish gossip
fee folder G government
feed follow
extra gadget gradation
feedback following
extreme gain graduate
feel font
extremely game grandmother


graph happy hit identity informal

graphic hard hitting if information
grass hard disk hobby ignition ingredient
great hardware hold illustration inhibition
greater harm hold on image initiate
greatest harmful holes imitate injure
green harmony holiday immediate injurious
greet harvest home impact injury
grinder has home page imperative innovation
grip hat home screen implement inquire
grocery store hatch home tab impolite insert
grooming hate homemade importance insertion
ground have homemaker important inside
group hay hometown impossible inspect
grow hazard honest impress inspire
growth hazardous honey impression inspiring
guard head hope improper install
guess heading horizontal improve installation
guessing health horn improvement instance
guidance health care hospital in instead
guide healthy hostel in front of institute
guideline hear hot inability institution
gym heart hour inappropriate instruct
heat house inappropriately instruction
H heater housefly inch instructor
habit heavy housekeeping incident instrument
hackathon height housewife incline insulate
had helmet how inclining insulation tape
hall help hub include insult
hammer helpful huge incorrect intelligent
hand her human increase intend
handle heritage humble independence interact
handsaw hesitate hungry independent interested
handy hesitation hydraulic indicate interesting
hang high indifferent interface
hang up higher indirectly interfere
hanger highlight I induction stove interfering
happen him ice-cream influential intermediate
happier hinge icon influentially intern
happiest hint ideal infographic internal
happiness hire ideas inform internalize


international layout load many

K map
internet lazy locate
internet explorer leader location margin
internship leaf lock mark
interrogative leak log out marker
interrupt leaning logic market
interview learn logical marketing
intimate learning long-term married
intimidate lather look mask
into leave look at mason
kick start
introduce lecture loose massage
invitation left-align lorry master
invite leg loss mastering
involve lend lost match
iron lens lot material
is lent loud mathematics
issue less louder matter
it let loudest may
italics letter low me
item L level lower mean
itself lab library loyal measure
lack lid lunch mechanic
ladder life medal
J lady
lifelong medium
jail lake lift machine meet
jar land light machinist meeting
jeep landscape like madam member
jet language limited magic memory
job laptop line magnet men
jobs large lines mail mend
jog largest link main mental
join last lips maintain menu
joke later liquid maintenance message
journalist latest list man metal
journey lathe listen manage metallic
joystick laugh listening manager method
juicer launch literacy manner metro
jumble launcher litter manual micro
junction law little manually micrometer
just lay live manufacture microphone
justified lay emphasis lively manufacturing microwave oven


midnight mother net occupant outline

might mother tongue network occupation output
milk motivation networking occupational overall
mill motor neutral occur overcome
mind mount never of overseas
mine mouse new of course own
mingle movable newspaper offer oxygen
minimize move next officer
minister movement nice official P
minute movie night offset pack
miscommunication mozilla firefox nitrogen often package
miserable much no oiled paid
mishandle multinational nodding okay pain
mishandling multiple noise old paint
mislead multitasking noisy on painter
miss mumble non-corporate on floor painting
missile musical none oneself pair
mist must non-farming online pallet
mistake my non-technical only palm
misuse non-verbal open paper
N northern open up paragraph
nail paramedical
mixer nose openness
naming parcel
mixture not opera
narrow parent
mobile notches operate
narrower park
mobile apps note operating
narrowest part
mock interview notebook opinion
national participant
mode notes opportunity
native particular
model nothing opposite
natural partner
modem notice option
nature party
modify now or
naughty pass
module nozzle order
near pass on
moisture nuisance ordinary
neat pass out
moment nurse organization
neatly passage
money nut organizational
neatly cut passport size
monitor organize
necessary O organizer password
need obey past
monument orient
needle object paste
moon orientation
negative objective pat
more other
neighbour observe patience
morning ourselves
nervous obtain patient
most out


patting pixel poster produce question

pavement place posture production quick
pay placement potential productive quick access
pay attention plain pound profession quicker
pay-in-slip plane pour professional quickest
payment plank powder professionalism quickly
peaceful planning powerful programme quiz
pedestrian plastic practice progressive quotation
peel platform project
peeler play
praise projector
pen player radiation
precaution promise
pendrive please ragging
precise promote
people pleasure rail
precisely promotion
perception plier railway
predator pronoun
perfect plot rain
predict propagate
perfectly plug raining
prefer proper
perform plug in raise
preference property
performance plumb random
prepare proposal
permit plumb line rate
prepared prospective
person plumber raw
preparedness protect
personal plumbing reach
present protection
personality plural read
presentation protective
persuasion pneumatics reading
press provision
petal point ready
pressure public
petrol point out real
pressurize publicize
phone pointed realize
prestige publish
photocopy pole real-life
pretty publishing
photograph police really
prevent pull
phrase policy rear
preview pump
physical polite rearrange
previous punctuation reason
picnic pollution
primary puncture recall
picture poor
principal pungent receive
piece popular
pierce principle purchase receiver
pierce portal print pane purpose recent
pillar portrait printer pursue reception
pilot position privacy push recipient
pins positive private Q recognize
pipe possession probably QR code recommendation
pipe fitter possible problem qualify record
pipe line possibly process quantity recruit


recruiting resolve rules Search engine Service

rectangle resource rumour Searcher Serving
rectangular respect run Season Session
red respond S Seat Set
reduce response Safari Secondary Setup
reference responsibility Safe Secretarial Several
reflect responsible Safeguard Secretary Sew
reflective restaurant Safer Section Sewage
refrigerator restrict Safest Sector Shaft
regard result Said Secure Shaking
register resume Salary See Shall
registration retell Salt Seek Shape
regular retrieve Sample Resume Segment Share
relation return Sand paper Select Sharp
relationship review Sanitary Selection Shed
relax revolve Save Self Sheep
relaxing ribbon Save a Copy Self-control Sheet
relevant rice Save As Self-development Shift
reliable ride Saw Self-employed Shiny
relief right Say Self-employment Ship
religion right-align Saying Self-esteem Shirt
rely ring Scaffold Shock
remain riot Scan Shoes
remarks risk Scanner Shop
remember river Scared Shop floor
remote road Scenery Shopping
remove rock Schedule Shortage
repair role Scheme Shortcoming
repeat role play School Shortcut
replace roll Science Shorten
reply rolling Scientist Shortlist
report room Scissors Short-term
represent root Scoop Shoulder
republic rose Score Shout
request rotate Scream Shovel
require roti maker Screen Show
re-read rough Screw Shut
reservation round Screwdriver Shut down
reservoir row Scribe Shy
residential rubbish Scribing Shyness
resolution rude Search Sick


Side Smartest Special Straight Supply

Sign Smartphone Species Strain Support
Signal Smell Specify Stranger Supportive
Simple Smoke Speech Strategy Sure
Simply Smoking Spell check Stream Surface
Simulate Smooth Spill Street Surface mount
Simulation Snow Spin Strength Surprise
Simultaneous So Spiral Stress Surrounding
Simultaneously Social Spit String Surveyor
Sincere Society Spray Strive Suspend
Singer Socket Spread Strong Suspension
Singing Soft Spreadsheet Structural Sweep
Singular Software Spring Structure Sweet
Sip Sold Square Stubborn Swim
Sir Solder Stack Student Swinging
Sister Soldering Stainless Study Switch
Sit Sole Staircase Style Switch off
Site Solution Standard Subject Switch on
Situate Solve start Submit Symbols
Situation Solvent State Subordinate Sympathy
Size Some Substance System
Skate Someone Static Substitute Systematic
Sketch Sometimes Station Subtle Systematically
Soon Stay updated Succeed
Sorrow Steamer Success T
Skipping rope tab
Sorry Steel Suck
Slant table
Sort Steering Suction
Sleep tablet
Sound Stem Suddenly
Sleepy tailor
Sour Step Sugarcane
Sleeve take
Source Stick Suggest
Slice take off
Southern Sticker Suggestion
Slicer talent
Sow Stitch Suit
Slide tall
Space Stock Suitable
Slightly tank
Spacebar Stock room Sum function
Slim tape
Spanner Stone Sum up
Slip taper
Spare Stop Summary
Slow task
Spatial Storage Sunrise
Small taskbar
Speak Store Superior
Smart tea
Speaker Story Supermarket
Smart screen teach
Speaking Stove Supervisor
Smarter teacher


team threat tractor

team up through
U valid
trade valuable
technical throw traffic
unable value
technician tick train
unauthorized vane
technique ticket trainee
unclear vapour
technology tickle trainer
uncomfortable variety
teeth tie-up training
under various
television tight transaction
underline vary
tell tighten transfer
underneath vehicle
tender tile saw translate
understand verbal
tension tilt transmit
understood verification
terabyte time transport
unhappy verify
terminal tin trash
unimaginable vertical
terrible tip travel
unit very
terrify tired traveling
unity video
tertiary to treasure
universal view
tester tobacco trench
unlimited village
textile today trend
unmarried violence
thank toe triangular
unrelated visible
thanks together trick
unsafe vision
that told trip
unsecure visit
the tolerance troubleshoot
unwell visitor
theft tomorrow true
up visual
their tone trunk
upright vocabulary
them tonight trusted
upset vocational
then too trustworthy
urinate voice
theory tool truth
us voltage
there toolbar try
use volume
these toolkit tucked in
useful voting
they tooth turn
thick top turn out
useless W
thief topic tutorial wait
thin topography twice walk
thing topped twist walkable
think touch type walkway
this touchscreen typewriter walls
thorough tough typing warehouse
thoroughly towards typist warm
those towel tyre V warn
thought town vacancy warning
thread track vacation was


washing widest yes

waste will yesterday
watch willing yet
water willingness yoga
water purifier window you
wave wire young
waving wireless younger
way wishes your
we with yours
weakness without yourself
wear witness youtube
weave woman
weaving women Z
web page won zoo

website wonder
week wonderful
weekend wood
weight wooden
welcome word
weld work
welder workbook
welding working
welfare workplace
well worksheet
went workshop
were world
western worldwide
wet worry
what worth
whatever worthless
whatsapp would
wheel wrapper
when wrench
where wrist
which write
whistle writing
white wrong
whole Y
why yahoo
wide yard
wider year


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