Turner: 4 Semester
Turner: 4 Semester
Turner: 4 Semester
4th Semester
Post Box No. 3142, CTI Campus, Guindy, Chennai - 600 032
Sector : Production & Manufacturing
Duration : 2 - Years
Trades : Turner 4th Semester - Assignment/Test NSQF (Level - 5)
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The Government of India has set an ambitious target of imparting skills to 30 crores people, one out of every
four Indians, by 2020 to help them secure jobs as part of the National Skills Development Policy. Industrial
Training Institutes (ITIs) play a vital role in this process especially in terms of providing skilled manpower.
Keeping this in mind, and for providing the current industry relevant skill training to Trainees, ITI syllabus
has been recently updated with the help of Media Development Committee members of various stakeholder's
viz. Industries, Entrepreneurs, Academicians and representatives from ITIs.
National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI), Chennai has come up with instructional material to suit the
revised curriculum for Turner 4th Semester Assignment/Test NSQF Level - 5 in Production &
Manufacturing Sector under Semester Pattern required for ITIs and related institutions imparting skill
development. The NSQF Level 5 will help the trainees to get an international equivalency standard where
their skill proficiency and competency will be duly recognized across the globe and this will also increase
the scope of recognition of prior learning. NSQF level 5 trainees will also get the opportunities to promote
life long learning and skill development. I have no doubt that with NSQF level 5 the trainers and trainees of
ITIs, and all stakeholders will derive maximum benefits from these IMPs and that NIMI's effort will go a long
way in improving the quality of Vocational training in the country.
The Executive Director & Staff of NIMI and members of Media Development Committee deserve appreciation
for their contribution in bringing out this publication.
Jai Hind
Director General / Addl. Secretary,
Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship,
Government of India.
The National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI) was established in 1986 at Chennai by then Directorate
General of Employment and Training (D.G.E & T), Ministry of Labour and Employment, (now under Directorate
General of Training, Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship) Government of India, with technical
assistance from the Govt. of the Federal Republic of Germany. The prime objective of this institute is to
develop and provide instructional materials for various trades as per the prescribed syllabi NSQF (Level 5)
under the Craftsman and Apprenticeship Training Schemes.
The instructional materials are created keeping in mind, the main objective of Vocational Training under
NCVT/NAC in India, which is to help an individual to master skills to do a job. The instructional materials are
generated in the form of Instructional Media Packages (IMPs). An IMP consists of Theory book, Practical
book, Test and Assignment book, Instructor Guide, Audio Visual Aid (Wall charts and Transparencies) and
other support materials.
The trade theory book provides related theoretical knowledge required to enable the trainee to do a job. The
test and assignments will enable the instructor to give assignments for the evaluation of the performance of
a trainee. The wall charts and transparencies are unique, as they not only help the instructor to effectively
present a topic but also help him to assess the trainee's understanding. The instructor guide enables the
instructor to plan his schedule of instruction, plan the raw material requirements, day to day lessons and
IMPs also deals with the complex skills required to be developed for effective team work. Necessary care
has also been taken to include important skill areas of allied trades as prescribed in the syllabus.
The availability of a complete Instructional Media Package (IMP) in an institute helps both the trainer and
management to impart effective training.
The IMPs are the outcome of collective efforts of the staff members of NIMI and the members of the Media
Development Committees specially drawn from Public and Private sector industries, various training institutes
under the Directorate General of Training (DGT), Government and Private ITIs.
NIMI would like to take this opportunity to convey sincere thanks to the Directors of Employment & Training
of various State Governments, Training Departments of Industries both in the Public and Private sectors,
Officers of DGT and DGT field institutes, proof readers, individual media developers and coordinators, but for
whose active support NIMI would not have been able to bring out this materials.
Chennai - 600 032 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI) sincerely acknowledges with thanks for the co-operation and contribution
extended by the following Media Developers and their sponsoring organisation to bring out this IMP (Assignment/
Test) for the trade of 4th Semester Turner NSQF Level - 5 under Production & Manufacturing Sector for
Craftsman Training Scheme.
NIMI records its appreciation of the Data Entry, CAD, DTP Operators for their excellent and devoted services in
the process of development of this Instructional Material.
NIMI also acknowledges with thanks, the invaluable efforts rendered by all other staff who have contributed for the
development of this Instructional Material.
NIMI is grateful to all others who have directly or indirectly helped in developing this IMP.
This contains Assignment/Test concerning to the trade theory topic of each exercises of the
4th semester Turner NSQF Level-5 Trade under Production & Manufacturing Sector. It may be noted that
the assignments have direct relationship with the knowledge objectives given in the manual on Trade Practical
and also with the contents presented in the manual on Trade Theory. The results of the assignments/tests
indicate how far the objectives which are predetermined have been achieved by the learners.
The trade practical manual is intented to be used in workshop . It consists of a series of practical exercies to
be completed by the trainees during the Fourth Semester course of the Turner trade supplemented and
supported by instructions/ informations to assist in performing the exercises. These exercises are designed
to ensure that all the skills in the prescribed syllabus are covered.
The manual is divided into six modules. The distribution of time for the practical in the six modules are given
The skill training in the computer lab is planned through a series of practical exercises centred around some
practical project. However, there are few instance where the individual exercise does not form a part of project.
While developing the practical manual a sincere effort was made to prepare each exercise which will be easy
to understand and carry out even by below average traninee. However the development team accept that there
if a scope for further improvement. NIMI, looks forward to the suggestions from the experienced training faculty
for improving the manual.
The manual of trade theory consists of theoritical information for the Fourth Semester course of the Turner
Trade. The contents are sequenced according to the practical exercise contained in the manual on Trade
practical. Attempt has been made to relate the theoritical aspects with the skill covered in each exercise to
the extent possible. This co-relation is maintained to help the trainees to develop the perceptional capabilities
for performing the skills.
The Trade Theory has to be taught and learnt along with the corresponding exercise contained in the manual
on trade practical. The indicating about the corresponding practical exercise are given in every sheet of this
It will be preferable to teach/learn the trade theory connected to each exercise atleast one class before
performing the related skills in the shop floor. The trade theory is to be treated as an integrated part of each
The material is not the purpose of self learning and should be considered as supplementary to class room
7 Response Sheet 41 - 50
Production & Manufacturing Assignment for Exercise 4.1.111
Turner - Introduction to CNC
Choose the correct answer
1 What started in the second phase of Industial 7 What is the use of Servo machanism in a CNC
automation after 1950? machine?
A Using with simple production machines A Correction of feed by motors
B Using simple automatic machines B Quick indexing
C Using simple copying machine C Heavy load movement of slides
D Physical work are placed in the controle of D Velocity error correction
8 Which part of a CNC machine assist accurate
2 Which year, the commercial industrial robot was friction free, backlash free, movement. ?
manufactured along with CNC systems ?
A Servo mechianisam
A 1961
B Curvic coupling
B 1950
C Linear ball screw
C 1972
D Encoder and tacho generator
D 1958
9 How rapid movement is achieved through a servo
3 What is the expansion of CAD ? feed back motors while keeping idle time as
minimum in a CNC machine. ?
A Computer Aided Development
B Computer Aided Design A By loading / unloading
5 Which one is not the advantage of numerical controle D Linear ball screw
machines ?
11 Name the system shown ?
A High production rate
B Less component rejection
C Accuracy is achived
D Editing of the program is easy
12 Which type of chuck is used in a CNC lathe ? 13 What is the maximum machining length in a CNC
lathe ?
A Two jaw chuck
A 320 mm
B Three jaw chuck
B 245 mm
C Hydraulic chuck
C 200 mm
D Four jaw chuck
D 340 mm
4 In the CNC machine spindle taper is.... 9 CNC machine motor power is....
A ISO 40 A 1.0 kw
B Morse taper B 1.5 kw
C Jarno toper C 2 kw
D Pin taper D 3.7 kw
5 In CNC machine rapid Traverse of feed is... 10 In a CNC machine what is the hydraulic oil
capacity ?
A 20 /m min
A 20 ltr
B 0.8 m /min
B 10 ltr
C 4 m/ min
C 30 ltr
D 3 m/ mm
D 90 ltr
A Contouring control
B 3 - D contouring control
C 2 - D contouring control
D 2 1/2 - D contouring control
1 Identify the part marked as ‘X’ in Feed back system 3 What is the polar coordinate system used in CNC ?
of CNC machine ?
A System using pair of coordinate from origin
B Rectangalar coordinate system
C System following cartesian coordinate
D System using a pole and polar axis length
1 Which quadrant in cartesian coordinate will have 3 A 5 meter pole, kept 3 meters from origin in x axis
positive value both in X and Y axis ? and 4 meters from y axis, how do we represent the
pole peak in 3 coordinates?
A Fourth
B Second A (5,4,3)
B (3,4,5)
C Third
D First C (4,5,3)
D (4,3,5)
2 In which directions, cartesion wordniates can be
located in a 3 axis machine ? 4 Which quadrant will have negative & positive value
A Left - right, up / down in rectangular coordinate system ?
A first
B Left - right, up / down / forward - backround
C Left - right only B second
C Third
D Updown / left right
D Fourth
5 What is the name of the plane perpendicur to x & y 8 If the index finger points x axis using right hand rule,
axis respectively ? what does the thumb indicats
A Primary A X axis
B Secondary B Y axis
C Tertiary C Z axis
D supplementary D XYZ axis
6 Which quadrant in cartesian coordinate system will 9 How is the co-ordinate represented in a three
have negative & positive valves in X and Y axis dimensional space ?
A (x,y)
A First
B (y,Z)
B Second
C (Z,n)
C Thid
D (x,y,z)
D Fourth
1 Which operational mode is used for moving the turret 6 How should be the tool nose radius and the feed rate
in X and Z direction in CNC system ? controlled toget a very good job finish ?
A Single block mode A Very high feed rate, & higher nose radius
B Auto mode B Very high feed rate, & lesser nose radius
C Jog mode C Low feed rate, and very small nose radius
D Edit mode D Very low feed rate, medium nose radius
2 Which mode input the programm command manually 7 How will be the surface finish of a job turned in CNC
and execute the programm ? lathe, with a very high feed and high tool nose
radius ?
A Edit mode
A Coarse
B Jog mode
B rough
C MDI mode
C medium
D Auto mode
D very smooth
3 What is the function of incremental jog mode in a
CNC system ? 8 What forumula for fixing the spindle speed in a CNC
machine ?
A Execute the programm continuously one by one
B Input the programm command manually V.1000
C Moving the turret in X and Z direction ΠD
D Move the turret in micron level
4 What factors are recommended for improving the 1000
wear life of a tool in a CNC lathe?
A Machine vibrations controlled
B Higher cutting speed V.S.A Ks
C Lower cutting speed 6000N
VSA ks 18 In which mode the data can be fed into the programe
D manually for execution ?
A Auto mode
12 In which mode we can move the turret, by 1 micron, B MDI mode
10 micron or 1000 micron level in a CNC lathe ?
C JOG mode
A Incremental Jog mode
D Single block mode
B Edit mode
19 When a Single block switch is in OFF position, how
C Auto mode
does the programe get executed ?
D MPG mode
A Only one block gets executed
B Programe gets executed continously
C One block and the next block executed
D Programme stops after two or three blocks
A Work offset
B Geometric offset
C Wear offset
D Tool offset
4 The dimensionof the job may increase or decrease 9 Program for coolant off, spindle stop, end of the
the original programmed dimension, to rectify this program is
defect is called A N 008 401 X - 2.5
A Wear offset B N 009 G 01 Z -30
B Work offset C N 010 G 01 X 52-30
C Machine offset D N 012 M 09 M 05 M 02
D Geometrical offset
10 Write the programe Taper turning operation for the
5 Write program for depth of cut of 2.5 mm is given length of -30 mm in performing
A N 008 G 01 X -2.5
B N 009 G 01 Z -30
C N 010 G01 X 5Z -30
D N 011 G00 X 020
12 Explain the programe N0 11 M 02 13 Write the program for threading operation for a length
of 52 mm (50 + 2) with pitch length of 3 mm
A Set the tool
A N 008 400 X - 1.5 F 100
B End of programe
B N 002 G 00 X 020 M035 1000 F 100
C Tool goes back by 2 mm
C N 006 G 00 X 1 F 300
D Tool rapidly moves to position
D N 005 G 33 Z -52 K 3 M035100
A G 01 A Facing cycle
D G 98 D Turning cycle
3 In a step turning operation, which preparatory code 8 What is word R represent in the facing cycle syntax
is used to remove material to the drawing size from G 72 P - Q - U - X - W - F ?
the original stock ? A Depth of cut
A G 70 B Finishing allowance
B G 73 C Relief amount
C G 90 D Depth of cut / pass
D G 71
9 Where the canned cycles are used in CNC
4 In a canned cycle format G 71 P - Q - U - W - F what programming ?
does work P indicates ? A Stock removal
A Finishing allowance B Machining operation
B Starting block C Drilling operation
C Ending block D tapping operation
D Depth of cut per pass
5 In the canned cycle G 71 P - Q - U - W - F what does
the word ‘W’ stands for ?
A Ending block no
B Depth of cut
C Relif amount
D Finishing allowance ‘Z
C 179 rpm B 80
dn B speed
B C depth of cut
D rpm
C X1000 10 The difference between machined and un machined
surface is known as
πD A rpm
D X1000
n B depth of cut
5 Calculate the circumference of the job if the cutting C feed
speed is 120 m/min and rpm is 756 D cutting speed
A 157.12
11 Write in Fanuc for cutting speed of 250 m/min ?
B 70 .56
A G 96 S 250
C 235.68
B G 00 X 38
D 120.57
C G 97 S 600 M04
D G 92 S 3000
12 Cutting speed of carbide tools are Higher than the 16 Name the type of interpolation
H.S.S state how many time higher ?
A 2 to 3 times
B double the time
C 3 to 4 times
D 6 times
19 c = Vt n formula denotes
A Tool life
A Straight line interpolation B Cutting speed
B Linear interpolator C Cutting feed
C circular interplator D Depth of cut
D Helical interpolation
8 In stellite alloy, element, cobalt range is 14 Ability to retain hardness under severe working
conditions is.....
A 40 % to 48%
A Hardners
B 30% to 35%
B Toughness
C 25% to 28%
C Frictional co-efficent
D 35% to 38%
D High resistance wear
9 In stellite alloy elements, the chromium range is
15 Ability to retain hardness under severe working
A 30% to 35%
B 25% to 30%
A hardness
C 28% to 30%
B Toughness
D 37% to 40%
C Frictional co - efficicent
10 What is the stellite metal alloy composed of ?
D high resistance
A Cobalt, chromium tungsten
16 As per ISO inserts tool specified of CNMG 12040 8
B Cobalt, chromum ,tin what does 4 th letter (M) indicates
C Cobalt, carbon, chromium A shape
D Cobalt, carbon, tungsten B Bent tail carrierangle
A Approalh angle
B Cutting angle
C Top rake - negative
D Siderake
Production & Manufacturing Assignment for Exercise 4.3.126
Turner - Tool Setting and data input
Choose the correct answer
1 Which type of tool holder is called cartidges in a throw 3 What is the name of the part marked as ‘X’ in the Fig
away tool holder ? shown ?
A Internal boring work
B External plain turning
C External threading
D Grooving tool holder
A Work piece
B chasing rest
C chaser
D Tool post
4 What is the important point to be noted in the selection
of tool holder in throw away tips ?
A Tool holder should have correct size of shape of
tool bit
A Clamp
B Tool holder material
B chip braker
C Tool holder length
C shim pin
D Tool bit to be over hange
D clamp screw
Production & Manufacturing Assignment for Exercise 4.3.128
Turner - Tool Setting and data input
Choose the correct answer
1 Name the tool shown in the fig ? 2 Name the part marked as ‘X’ in the shown Fig ?
Production & Manufacturing Assignment for Exercise 4.3.130
Turner - Tool Setting and data input
2 Tool holder selection parameter which para meter is 5 Name the part marked as ‘X’ in the figure shown
decision based, on the part of Geometry ?
A Shank width
B Shank height
C Holder length
D Holder style
3 Name the part marked as ‘X’ in ISO designation of a A Shank height
lathe tool holder ? B Shank width
C Shank length
D Tool length
2 In the structure of a part programe, Where should 6 Inpart programming which dimension words
the miscellaneous command code appear ? represents angular motion to x,y, z
A Immediatly after sequence No A ovw
B After coordinate words B pqr
C End of the format C abc
D Any where in the format D ijk
3 What does a block should include in preparing a NC 7 In the preparation of part programming, if the machine
part programe ? uses origin to represent the values ,what system does
A destination of move it follow ?
1 For training operator, editing, marking X estimate etc, 3 How does a simulation takes place in a CNC
which of the following is useful ? machine ?
A Encoder A by hardware device
B Demodulator B through a software
C Simulater C through mechanical device
D Programer D through electronic device
2 When does a simulation program starts in a CNC 4 What does the simulation process in a CNC
machine ? machine ?
A Programe is wrong
A a planning function
B Programe is correct
B an implementing function
C When a machine is OK
C a verification activity
D When control device is OK
D a correcting function
2 What is the ‘Q’ word represent in a canned grooving 5 In a Fanuc system the grooving cycle is given by
cycle ? G 75 X _ Z _ I_ K_ D_ F; what does the word ‘D’
stands for ?
A Groove diameter
A Last groove position in Z axis
B Groove length
B Depth of each cut
C depth of cut
C Stepping in Z axis
D Shift value in Z axis
D Relief amount in the end of cut
3 In CNC operation, What is the preparatery code used
for grooving cycle ? 6 In Fanuc system grooving cycle, the syntax for
grooving program is given by G75 X - I - K - D - F;
A G 75 what does the word K indicates ?
B G 76 A Last groove positionin Z axis
C G 74 B Depth of each cut
D G 73 C Stepping in Z axis
D Relief amount in the end of cut
2 Which code in CNC programming refers tapping 5 In Fanuc tapping cycle syntax was given as G 84 X_
cycle ? Y _ Z _ R _ P _ F_ K _ ; What does the word P
represents ?
A G 72
A Position of R plane
B G 84
B No of cycle repetition
C M 29
C Dwell time
D M 08
D Depth of tapping from R plane
3 Which G code is used for tapping LH threads with
M4 in CNC programming ? 6 In a tapping cycle the block format indicates G84 X
_ Y _ Z _ R _ P _ F_ K _ ; What does the ‘K’ word
A G 74 means ?
B G 84 A Position of R plane
C G 28 B Number of cycle repetition
D G 97 C Dwell time
D Depth of tapping cycle.
C Stepping in Z - axis C G 75
5 What is the main cause of failure in Electrical devices 7 What remedial action should be initiated if the CNC
in a CNC system ? machine gets crashed ?
A Poor earthing A Check up battery
B Loose connection B Check up the noise
C blocked air circulation C Power down & then backup
D Dust particles in contacts D Check all bearing, belts
6 What is the main problem relating to the failure of 8 What should be the immedicate remedy if the actuator
controls in CNC system ? of hydraulic pump is not functioning ?
A Low voltage problem A Clean air path
B Zero return problem B Check interlock keys
C PLC trouble problem C check ladder diagram
D Hydraulic system problem D check for leak
3 What are the likely main causes of an accident in 6 In G 75 grooving cycle X _ Z _ P _ Q _ R_ F What
parting operation ? does the word ‘Q’ indicates ?
A Low feedrate A Relief
B Tool quality B Groove length
C Tool not set to exact centre C groove depth
D Not using coolant D Shift valve in ‘Z axis
Production & Manufacturing Assignment for Exercise 4.5.146
Turner - CNC Turning Operations
3 Selecting (EDIT) mode, turn off (Key - 1) press D Outputting part programe
function key then soft keys (OFFSET) (OPRT)
(INPUT) (EXEC) is the execution of operation for ...? 8 Proces function key, continuous menu key than soft
key (Macro), press (OPRT) and then press (Output)
A In putting part programe (Exec) is meant for the operation....?
B In putting customer macro variable A Pitch error compensation
C In putting pitch error compensation B tool compensation
D In putting tool compensation C outputing custom macro variable
4 Selecting EDIT mode (Parameter code =1) on setting D Output part programe
screen press key (PITCH) (OPRT) (INPUT) & exec 9 In selection of I/O channel 0020 which number
then reset “para meter write 1 to 0 “ is the procedure indicates the memory card interface ?
for executing ....?
A 1
A Inputting CNC para meter
B 2
B In putting pitch error compensation
C 4
C In putting custom mean variable
D 5
D In putting tool compensation
5 Select MDI mode, select 3202 NE9, EDIT press 10 Selecting EDIT, confirm para meter write press
(Program) then press (OPRT), given input program function key, menu key than press soft key (PITCH)
number press (Output) & (Exec) is the operation then press keys (OPRT) (INPUT) (Exec) is the
procedure for ..... executing procedure for...?
11 In Fanuc system, under the I/O system 0139 what 12 In selection I/O channel the number 5 indicates inder
does the key # represent ? selection of channel (0020)
A Output with EIA code A Channel / Rs 232
B Output with ISO code B Memory card interface
C ASC put / input/ output C Data service inter face
D ISO code input / output D Channel 2 serial port
2 Which steel structure is very hard and brittle but not 7 What is the property of normalising ?
strong ?
A Refine the grain structure
A Ferrite
B imporve machinability
B Pearlite
C Increase toughness
C Cementite
D Induce hardness
D Austenite
8 Identify the steel structure
3 What is the temperature at which change in structure
commences and the new structure formed ?
A 723 ° C
B 780° C
C 710° C
D 719° C
A 7 % to 12 % A Surface hardness
B 5 % to 10 % B Surface texture
11 What is the purpose of using abrasive diamond ? 16 What is an epicyclic gearing system which includes
an outering gear, is called as ?
A Lapping tungston carbide
A Herringbone gear
B Lapping hardesed steel
B Spiral gear
C Lapping for quality finish
C Planetary gear
D Lapping dies and gauges
D Bevel gear
12 Identify the x marked part in lapping operation mark
‘x’ on grooves 17 What is the cylindrical flat bottomed hole, which
enlarges the diameter of an existing pilot hole ?
A Bore
B Counter bore
C Counter sink
D Counter shoulder
14 What is the special device used to guide the cutting 20 What is the origin of the coordinate measuring system
tool and hold the job for operation ? of the machine is known as ?
15 What is the mechanism used to regulate the tension 21 What do you call the velocity of a cutting edge of a
betwee belt/ chain or driver / follower and maintains tool relative to the work piece ?
direction of rotation ? A Cutter offset
A Controller B Cutter tolerance
B journal C cutting speed
C Idler D Cutter geometry
D Fastener
A Flatness
B Curved surface
C Squaretness
D Augularity
A to a curved surface
2 Which symbol indicate total runout in geometrical
tolerance B to a convex surface
C to a cruvave surface
D to a taper surface
Production & Manufacturing Assignment for Exercise 4.6.152- 156
Turner - Advance Turning
Choose the correct answer
1 Which type of cam is useful in controlling the 7 Identify the type of tool holder used on turret lathe ?
movements of tool, specifically in fixture design ?
A Radial / plate cam
B Cylindrical / barrel cam
C Pivot beam cam
D Ordinary general purpose cam
1 Read the question in the Assignment/Test, choose the correct answer and mark appropriate option in
the Response Sheet.