MAKALAH Learnes' Learning Styls
MAKALAH Learnes' Learning Styls
MAKALAH Learnes' Learning Styls
Praise and gratitude we pray to God Almighty, because with His grace we was
able to finish this paper. With great ease, without your help this paper could not be c
The purpose of writing this paper is to add knowledge about Learnes Learning
Styles. we thank the lecturers who have guided me in learning so that this paper can
be compiled.
we realize that this paper is still far from perfect, therefore constructive critici
sm and suggestions from all parties are always expected for the perfection of this pa
PREFACE ................................................................................................. i
TABLE OF CONTENTS ..............................................................................ii
1.1 Backgraund of the paper .......................................................................................... 1
1.2 Formulation of the paper ......................................................................................... 1
1.3 Pupose of the paper .................................................................................................2
1.4 Benefits of the paper ............................................................................................... 2
2.1 What is learning styles ............................................................................................ 3
2.2 The types of learning styles ..................................................................................... 4
2.3 Know how student learn styles .................................................................................6
2.4 .Factors that influence student learning styles .........................................................6
Bibliography ........................................................................................ 10
1.1 Backround
Consistent learning style is shown by individuals to absorb information, organize, ma
nage information easily in the process of receiving, thinking, remembering, and solving
problems in dealing with the teaching and learning process to achieve maximum results
according to abilities, personality, and attitudes.
A person's ability to understand and absorb lessons is of course different levels. Som
e are fast, some are very slow. Therefore they have to take different ways to understan
d the same information or lesson. Sometimes students like their teacher to teach by wri
ting everything on the board, so they can read and try to understand it.
There are also students who prefer that the material presented by the teacher can b
e maximally absorbed to teach by delivering the subject matter orally, just as a lecturer i
s expected to tell a long story about various theories and lots of illustrations, while stud
ents only listen while explaining the contents. lectures in a form they understand for the
mselves. Therefore, as prospective educators, we must know how to recognize or know
student learning styles and the factors that influence student learning styles
4. What are the factors that influence student learning styles?
According to Fleming and Mills (1992), learning style is the tendency of students to a
dapt certain strategies in learning as a form of responsibility to get a learning approa
ch that is appropriate to learning in class and from subjects.
Drummond (1998: 186) defines a learning style as, "an individual's preferred way an
d desired learning conditions." That is, learning styles are considered as ways of learn
ing or learning conditions that are preferred by learners.
Willing (1988) defines learning styles as learning habits favored by learners. Keefe (1
979) views learning style as the way a person accepts, interacts, and views his enviro
nment. Dunn and Griggs (1988) view learning styles as innate biological characteristic
(NASSP in Ardhana and Willis, 1989) learning style or learning style is a characteristic
of cognitive, affective and psychomotor behavior, as an indicator that acts relatively
stable for students to feel interconnected and react to the learning environment
b . Auditory
Auditory learning style has the ability to absorb information from the ear/hearing.
Students who have an auditory learning style can learn faster by using verbal discussion and
listening to what the teacher has to say. Auditory students have a sensitivity to music and
are good at oral activities, they speak with a patterned rhythm, usually fluent speakers, like
to discuss and explain things at length. Students with this type of learning style are easily
distracted by noise and are weak in visual activities.
c. Verbal ( Linguistic )
Various learning styles such as verbal are characterized by a preference for using
words. People who have this learning style are usually more comfortable learning by
reading, speaking, and writing a lot while studying.
d. Phicykal (Kinetick)
This kinesthetic learning style is usually able to quickly understand a problem and
accept a material with the presence of teaching aids and imagine himself in the learning
process or place himself in a problem. This kinesthetic learning style is easier to accept
material when he actually experiences the incident or is invited directly so that he can really
understand it. In essence, this learning style is a learning style that is done by learning by
e. Logical ( Mathematical )
Learning in this type is a learning style that mostly uses logic. The type of person with
this learning style will usually quickly notice a pattern, see a connection and quickly relate
one piece of information to another. In addition, this learning style can arrange things in an
organized manner such as playing puzzles, and other logical things.
f. Social ( Interpersonal )
Interpersonal learning style is usually a style that is done by discussing. People who
have an interpersonal learning style will be more comfortable consulting and discussing with
others to understand a material and add new points of view.
g. Solitary ( Inrapersonal )
This last learning style is solitary or alone. Usually people with this type of learning
style prefer to study alone in a quiet place. They don't like crowded places because it's hard
to concentrate. Not that they are anti-social, yes. They are just more comfortable to study
independently in order to better understand the material being taught .
tested methodology, usually surveys or learning style tests of this kind have high
accuracy, making it easier for teachers to immediately recognize the learning styles of
Someone who learns will receive influence from the family in the form of the way parents
educate, the relationship between family members, the household atmosphere and the
family's economic situation.
b) School Factor
School factors that will affect the way or style of student learning include teaching methods,
curriculum, teacher-student relationships, student-student relationships, school discipline or
discipline, learning atmosphere, lesson standards, building conditions, school location, and
others. Teacher factors, for example, the personality of the teacher, the ability of the
teacher to facilitate students and the relationship between the teacher and students also
influence the way or style of student learning.
c) Community factors
Society is an external factor that also affects students' learning styles. Community factors
that affect the way or style of student learning include the activities of students in the
community, mass media, friends and forms of community life.
3.1 Conclusion
From the explanation above we can conclude that learning style is the easiest
way to learn and understand a lesson. By understanding the trend student learning
styles can improve the quality of the process learning. Therefore we as prospective
educators must be able to properly understand the learning style that a student has
so that students can accept, or understand the explanations that we give.
3.2 Suggestion
Student learning styles are important for us to know. our advice, for prospective educators
to better understand the differences in learning styles that each student has, and be smarter
and more selective in choosing how to teach so that students can understand