Model 2020
Model 2020
Model 2020
.50 IPS
.25 IPS Slightly Rough - Balance for ride
.15 IPS Fair - Maximum after Dynamic
.07 IPS Good - Not felt by occupants
Fundamentals of Balancing
When to Balance
• McCauley Service Letter 1989-4D
• Revised July 20, 2001
• Endorses dynamic balance on propellers installed on piston
and turbine powered aircraft.
• Over 0.8 IPS initial reading - list of corrective actions.
• “McCauley Propeller Systems agrees that 0.15 – 0.2 IPS is
an acceptable level, but our experience has shown that
0.07 IPS or lower is noticeably smoother.”
Fundamentals of Balancing
When to Balance
• Hartzell Service Letter HC-SL-61-165/Prop Owner’s Manual
147/Standard Practices
• Warns that all propellers need to be inspected for abnormal
grease leakage or vibration.
• Perform Troubleshooting and evaluate possible sources of
vibration IAW engine/airframe mfr. instructions.
• Sets Balance limit at 0.2 IPS
Fundamentals of Balancing
Equipment Required
• A device to collect
vibration and phase
• A phase angle /speed
sensing device
• A vibration sensing
• Accessories: Cables,
balance weights, hand
Fundamentals of Balancing
Equipment Required
• Approved reference
• Airframe manual
• Propeller Manual
• Engine manual (in some
• FAA-approved “Guide
to Propeller Balancing”
Fundamentals of Balancing
Equipment Required
• Make sure the approval letter
is attached to the Guide and
references the material being
used (document number,
date, revision, and change
numbers if applicable.)
Fundamentals of Balancing
Equipment Required
AC20-37E Chapter 3 Paragraph 300.C.2.(d)
When approved aircraft or propeller manufacturer’s procedures are not available,
there are other acceptable dynamic propeller balancing procedures. These include
but are not limited to the Chadwick-Helmuth Publication No. AW-9511-2, entitled
“The Smooth Propeller”, and ACES Publication No. 100-OM-01, entitled “ACES
Systems Guide to Propeller Balancing”. Dynamic balancing of propellers using FAA-
approved or -accepted dynamic propeller balancing procedures is not considered a
major propeller repair unless the propeller static balance weights are altered or
when using the Chadwick-Helmuth or ACES type documents on propeller
installations of 500 horsepower or more.
(emphasis added)
Fundamentals of Balancing
Before Equipment Setup
• Propeller Inspection Prior to Balancing
• Ensure all Airworthiness Directives have been complied with
for the propeller you are going to balance.
• Determine if there is a balancing procedure published by the
airframe, engine or propeller manufacturer; if there is, it will
take precedence.
Fundamentals of Balancing
Before Equipment Setup
• Inspect the propeller blades for damage, nicks etc. refer to FAA
Advisory Circular 20-37E which outlines care of metal propellers,
and to applicable propeller manufacturers maintenance
• If balancing composite propeller blades, refer to the
propeller manufacturer's procedures for repair of the
• Inspect propeller assembly for proper installation and
Fundamentals of Balancing
Before Equipment Setup
• Perform a visual inspection of the spinner and spinner bulkhead
for cracks, stop drills and welding. Mass trim weights MUST NOT
be attached to a part with any of these conditions.
• To prevent an excessive number of weights from being attached
to the spinner, remove any mass trim weights attached from
previous dynamic balance jobs.
Fundamentals of Balancing
Before Equipment Setup
• Static balance weight attached to the propeller hub by a certified
propeller shop MUST NOT be removed.
Fundamentals of Balancing
Setting Up the Equipment
• Always attach the vibration • The vibration sensor should
sensor as near as possible to the not be in line with a cylinder
forward most point of the and should be positioned at
engine supporting the prop 12:00 or 6:00 whenever
shaft. The base of the sensor possible.
should always point to the
center of the prop shaft.
Fundamentals of Balancing
Setting Up the Equipment
• If using a Phototach, attach it so • The reflective tape should be
as to be between 12 and 18 3M brand 7610, and not less
inches from the surface of the than 1 inch wide. It should be
target blade and not installed no more than 14
perpendicular (90 degrees) to inches out the prop blade
the surface of the blade. A 5- from the center
degree offset is best. of the prop shaft.
Fundamentals of Balancing
Setting Up the Equipment
• Cables should be routed • Do not close windows or
away from electrical and high doors on the cables as this
temp components. Attach may pinch or cut them. Make
with wire ties or tape to sure connections at the
prevent excessive movement analyzer are secure.
and possible damage.
Fundamentals of Balancing
Setting Up the Equipment
• If using an onboard vibration • Always obtain your interface
monitoring system, cables for these onboard
synchrophazer or other signal applications from a qualified
sources, make sure you know source.
the sensitivity and voltage
outputs of the system.
Fundamentals of Balancing
Setting Up the Equipment
Fundamentals of Balancing
Data Collection & Processing
• The vibration sensor is installed on
the engine as near the front
bearing as possible. The Phototach
is mounted on the cowling, behind
the propeller. The reflective tape is
applied to the back side of the
target propeller blade in line with
the Phototach beam. The mass is
located by the relative occurrence
of tach trigger and mass passage at
the radial sensor location.
Fundamentals of Balancing
Data Collection & Processing
• The Reflective tape triggers a
response as it passes the
Phototach, which then sends an
electrical signal to the analyzer.
As the heavy spot on the
propeller passes the location of
the vibration sensor, the sensor
generates and sends an electrical
pulse to the analyzer.
Fundamentals of Balancing
Data Collection & Processing
• In this illustration, the
vibration sensor and
Phototach beam are
co- located at the 12:00 or 0-
degree position. Rotation is
clock-wise from the viewer's
position. This is our starting
point, elapsed time = 0
Fundamentals of Balancing
Data Collection & Processing
• The speed is 1 RPM. Fifteen
seconds (90 degrees) of
travel has occurred. In this
sequence, the reflective tape
has just entered the
Phototach beam to trigger
the tach event. Elapsed time
= 15 seconds.
Fundamentals of Balancing
Data Collection & Processing
• In this sequence, the mass
(heavy spot) is passing the
accelerometer position, 15
seconds (90 degrees) after
the tape passed the
Phototach beam. Elapsed
time = 30 seconds (180
degrees of travel).
Fundamentals of Balancing
Data Collection & Processing
• The tape and mass have both
passed the 0 degree location.
The unit now waits for the
exact sequence to repeat for
averaging. Elapsed time = 45
seconds (270 degrees of
Fundamentals of Balancing
Data Collection & Processing
Fundamentals of Balancing
Data Collection & Processing
• The process is repeated while
the analyzer averages out
errors caused by momentary
vibration events outside the
running average.
Fundamentals of Balancing
Data Collection & Processing
• When sufficient data has
been collected, the process is
stopped by the operator and
the averaged data displayed
on screen. Notice that you
have the option to Retake the
data if desired.
Fundamentals of Balancing
Data Collection & Processing
• A solution is then provided by
the instrument based on a
stored influence coefficient
or a calculated test weight. If
required, the process is then
repeated for refinement of
the solution.
Fundamentals of Balancing
The Balancing Process
• With the equipment installed
and all previously installed
trim weights removed, head
the airplane into the wind (10
KTS maximum) and begin the
data collection.
Fundamentals of Balancing
The Balancing Process
• On run 1, allow the analyzer
to collect and average data
until the bars in the scale
stop converging on the
center. This should take
between ten and thirty
seconds under ideal
Fundamentals of Balancing
The Balancing Process
• When the ENTER key is
pressed to stop data
collection, the Review Job
screen shows the averaged
amplitude and the phase
angle of the out of balance
Fundamentals of Balancing
The Balancing Process
• REMOVE the previously
installed trim weights
before installing the new.
Enter the “Actual Weight
Installed” as near as
possible to what you
weighed and at the angle
Fundamentals of Balancing
The Balancing Process
• Where to place the weights
• Test weights can be placed under the spinner retention
screws. It may be necessary to use longer screws for the test
weights. If doing so, account for the delta between the
normal and the longer screw. Be sure you are measuring the
angles in relation to the sensor or tape as you specified in
the setup being used.
Fundamentals of Balancing
The Balancing Process
Permanent weights may be installed under the flange or on the
bulkhead. If installed under the flange, offset from spinner attaching
screws by four times the diameter of the spinner screws.
Fundamentals of Balancing
The Balancing Process
DO NOT use the spinner
attachment screws for
permanent weight applications.
Apply an equal number of
washers to each side of the
bulkhead and compensate for
the shortened arm when moving
weight(s) to the spinner
Correction Calculation