3-8 - CRACK WIDTHS - PART 2 - Atkinson

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Min Reinft (7.1)

Crack Spacing (7.11)

Crack Inducing
Strain (7.9)

Crack Width (7.8)

Min Reinforcement (3.12)

Crack Spacing (3.13)

Edge Restraint 
Crack  Inducing
Strain (3.6)

Crack Width (3.14)

Min Reinforcement (3.12)

Crack Spacing (3.13)

End Restraint Crack Width 
= Crack  Inducing Strain
x Sr,max (3.16)
Concrete Stiffening:

Mean Concrete Strain
Crack Inducing Strain
Concrete Strain Adjacent to Crack
Concrete Strain Adjacent to Crack

The following diagrams show that at a crack all the force is carried by 
the rebar and there is a complete loss of bond between the rebar and 
the concrete.  The bond will be restored over a distance from the crack 
depending on the fct/fb factor and the % reinforcement, the bar size 
and the cover.  This distance equates to half of the maximum fully 
developed crack spacing but will also apply to single cracks.

At the point where the bond is fully restored, there will be strain 
compatibility between the rebar and the concrete and the strain will 
be in proportion to the modular ratio.  So for a typical MR,eff of 15 say
and a concrete strain of 3 μStrain, the steel strain will be 45 μStrain.
Strain Diagram

(fct,eff/ρp,eff) / Es Average Strain Reduction =

kt (fct,eff/ρp,eff) / Es

Sr,max Sr,max

Average Strain Reduction =

fct,eff αe / Es
kt fct,eff αe / Es

Steel Strain at Crack Mean Steel Strain Steel Strain

Mean Strain Min Mean Strain Uncracked Strain
Conc Strain Mean Conc Strain Crack

The crack width = Average Steel Strain x Crack Zone Sr,max. The Concrete Tensile Force Fc,eff is
transferred to the steel at the crack. The concrete reduces the steel strain between the cracks.

Fc,eff = Teff fct,eff (1 + αe ρp,eff) Steel Strain = εs = Fc,eff / (As Es) As = ρp,eff Teff αe= MR = Es / Ec
εs = (fct,eff / ρp,eff) (1 + αe ρp,eff)/Es = (fct,eff / ρp,eff)/Es + fct,eff αe/Es

The INCREASE in Steel Strain at crack = (fct,eff / ρp,eff)/Es. This REDUCES to 0 between cracks.
The average REDUCTION is kt (fct,eff / ρp,eff)/Es, where kt is 0.6 Long Term and 0.4 Short Term.
The average Strain REDUCTION due to residual un-cracked concrete strain is kt (fct,eff αe/Es)
So the TOTAL REDUCTION in Crack Width is Sr,max kt ( (fct,eff / ρp,eff) + (fct,eff αe) ) / Es
The standard formula makes sense when kt = 0.6.

However for the long term case, kt is 0.4 which does not match
a convex area.

So it may be better to consider the factor combined with fct,eff

and the standard creep factor k = 0.65 applied to fct,eff for
Long Term.

Short Term factor is 0.6 x fct,eff

Long Term factor is 0.6 x (k = 0.65) x fct,eff = 0.4 x fct,eff

C660 Strain Diagram

(fct,eff/ρp,eff) / Es Average Strain

= 0.5 (fct,eff/ρp,eff) / Es

Sr,max Sr,max

Average Strain
fct,eff αe / Es
= 0.5 fct,eff αe / Es

The CIRIA C660 crack width calculation is based on the Steel Force exactly equalling Fc,eff and a
kt value of 0.5. Also, As = Area of Steel per face and ρp = As / Teff & Teff = H/2

Therefore the average steel strain INCREASE = the average steel strain REDUCTION

εs = 0.5 ( fct,eff / Es )( 1 / ρp ) + αe ) = ( 0.5 αe fct,eff / Es )( 1 / ρp ) + 1 )

It also includes kc which equals 1.0 and k which depends on the section depth.
Adding in kc and k and re–arranging gives Equ 3.16 of C660

Wk = Srmax ( 0.5 αe kc k fct,eff / Es ) ( 1 + 1 / ρp ) x Sr,max


BS  Uses a maximum concrete tensile strength of 1 N/mm2 for a 
0.1mm max crack width and for larger cracks uses 2/3 N/mm2.  
The tensile stress profile is assumed to match the stress profile 
of the applied forces and uses the same NA point.  There is no 
limit to the concrete stiffening deduction to the basic rebar strain.

EC2 Uses a rectangular stress block over a depth T,eff and a concrete 

tensile stress =  αct x Fct,eff N/mm2 – typically 1.0 x 3.0 N/mm2. 
The maximum deduction due to the average concrete stiffening 
to the rebar and the average residual concrete strain is 0.6 x the 
basic rebar strain.
BS Crack Calculation EC2 Crack Calculation
Mean Strain Mean Strain
W = Crack Spacing x ( Steel Strn at crack - Stiffening ) W = Crack Spacing x (Steel Strn at crack - Stiffening - Mean Conc Strn)
= 3 acr / (1 + ( 2 x (acr - cov) / (H - X) ) ) x = ((k3 * Cov) + (k1 * k2 * k4 * φ / ρp,eff)) x
( Fs1 x R / Es - (Fct x 0.5 x B x (H - X) x R / As1) / Es ) ( Fs1 / Es - (Kt * fct,eff / ρp.eff) / Es - Kt * fct,eff / Ec,eff )
W = Crack Spacing x Mean Steel Strain W = Crack Spacing x (Mean Steel Strain - Mean Conc Strain)
Strains calculated at surface of Face 1 Strains are at the centre of As1 Mean Strain >= 0.6 Fs/Es
R = (H - X)/(d1 - X) converts strain at As1 to strain at Face 1 UK Nat Annex αct = 0.80 k3 = 3.4 k4 = 0.425
acr = ((Cov + φ/2)² + (Ctrs/2)²)½ - φ/2 B = Section Width k1 = Bond Factor. Good = 0.8, Poor = 1.14 k1 = 0.80
Auto CC due to age & exposure 1.385 CC Specified Auto Strain Factor k2 (below) k2 = 0.50 φ = 32.0
Strain Factor (below) = 0.868 CC Used 1.385 kt = 0.4 Long Term or 0.6 Short Term. kt = 0.4
Fct = 1 N/mm² for W =0.1mm or 2/3 N/mm² for w = 0.2mm Conc in tension fct,eff = fctm,(t crack) = 3.21 N/mm²
Es = 200000 N/mm² Ec,t = 26.1 N/mm² Es = 200000 N/mm² Ecm,t = 30.7 kN/mm²
Mr = Es / Ec,eff = Es / (Ec,t / (1 + CC) ) = 18.28 MR = Es/(Ecm,t/(1+CC)) = 15.55 αe = Es / Ec,eff 15.55
Load at
Cross Section Serv Reinf & 100xConc in Tension Stress
28 100
Creep Yrs
60 -50
Crack -150
W at t -200
Days Reinf EC2 BS Axis Stress

H B F1 φ1 Sp, nr Cov Exp φ2 Sp, nr Cov φE Fact Diag L or S CC Ns Ms K1

600 1000 ext 32 150 60 1 & 85 25 150 60 0 0 EC2 L Auto -137 296 0.80
H B F1 φ1 Sp, nr Cov Exp φ2 Sp, nr Cov φE Fact Diag L or S CC Ns Ms K1
600 1000 ext 32 150 60 1 & 85 25 150 60 0 0 EC2 L Auto -137 296 0.80
If Concrete Acts In Tension:- Face 1 Concrete Stress = -3.7 N/mm² < - αct fctm Cracked
Basic Strain BS W1 = 0.158 mm Basic Strain EC2 W1 = 0.138 mm
Neutral Axis Dist from Face 2 to Face 1 X= 195 mm Neutral Axis Dist from Face 2 to Face 1 X= 186 mm
Reinforcement Stress Fs1 -134 N/mm² Reinforcement Stress Fs1 -133 N/mm²
Strain at Reinf Due to Forces εs = Fs1 / Es -669 με Crack Strain at Reinf εs = Fs1 / Es -666 με
Stiffening Strain ε2 Stiffening Strain (εc) & Mean Conc Strain (εcm)
Effective Depth to As1 = d1 524 mm Kt x fct,eff = Kt x Fctm(t = time at crack) 1.284 N/mm²
fct at Face 1 -0.67 N/mm² A = (H - X) / 3 138 mm
fct at Face 2 or X = Min(0 or - fct1 X / (H - X)) 0.00 N/mm² B = 2.5 x ( Cov + Dia / 2 ) 190 mm
Fct = 0.5B(fct1+fct2)(H - Max(X or 0)) -135 kN C = H / 2 300 mm
Fct1 = Fct Fs1 As1 / (Fs3s1 + Fs3As3 + Fs2As2) -135 kN T,eff = Min of A, B or C 138 mm
Fct3 = Fct Fs3 As3 / (Fs3s1 + Fs3As3 + Fs2As2) 0 kN ρp,eff = As1 / (Aceff = B x T,eff) 0.039
Fct2 = Fct Fs2 As2 / (Fs3s1 + Fs3As3 + Fs2As2) 0 kN Stiffening εc = ( kt x fctm,t / ( ρp,eff ) ) / Es -165 με
Stiffening Strain at As1 = Fct1 / As1/ Es -126 με Mean Conc Strain εcm = kt x fctm,t x αe / Es -100 με
Stiffening Strain at Face 1 Surface = ε2,F1 -155 με Stiffening & Mean Conc Strain = εc + εcm -265 με
Average Strain εm Average Strain εm
Strain ε1,F1 = εs (H - X) / (d1 -X) -824 με Average (εm) = Mean (εsm = εs - εc) - εcm -401 με
Strain ε1,F2 = Min of:- 0 or - εs X / (d1 - X) 0 με F1 Limiting Strain = 0.6 * εs -400 με
Average Strain at Face 1 εm = ε1,F1 - ε2,F1 -669 με F1 εm = Min of (εsm - εcm) & (0.6 * εs) -401 με
Crack Spacing Smax Crack Spacing Srmax
acr = ((((Cover+φ/2)^2+(ctrs/2)^2)^0.5)-φ/2) 91 mm Strain ε1 = εs (H - X) / (d1 -X) -816 με
1 + 2(acr -Cover) / (H - X) 1.152 Strain ε2 = Min of:- 0 or - εs X / (d1 - X) 0 με
Strain Factor = 1 / (1+2(acr-Cover) / (H - X) ) 0.868 Strain Factor K2 = (ε1 + ε2) / (2ε1) 0.500
3acr = Pure Tension Smax where Fs1 = Fs2 272 mm K1 * K2 * 0.425 * φ / ρp,eff 140 mm
Smax=3acr / (1+2(acr-cmin) / (H - X) ) 236 mm Sr,max = 3.4*Cov + K1*K2*0.425*φ/ρp,eff 344 mm
Crack Width W1 Crack Width W1
F1 Crack Width = - εm x Smax 0.158 mm F1 Crack Width = - εm x Sr,max 0.138 mm
Example Comparing End & Edge Restraint
3 Day Ult με (3D με) 76.0 End 3D με x GR / FOS 76.0 Edge 3D με x GR x 50% 38.0
28 Day Ult με (28D με) 109.0 28D με / FOS 109.0 28 με x 50% 54.5
LT Ult με (LT με) 119.1 LT με / FOS 119.1 LT με x 50% 59.5
LT-28D Ult με (LT-28D με) 10.1 LT-28D με / FOS 10.0 LT-28D με x 50% 5.0
Aggregate Strain Factor 1.00 3D Autogenous με 14.6 28D fctm N/mm² 2.90
28 Day Cyl Fck N/mm² 30 28D Autogenous με 32.6 28D Modular Ratio 6.09
Coeff of Exp x 10-6 12.0 3D fctm N/mm² 1.73 LT fctm N/mm² 3.40
Bond Factor k1 1.14 3D Modular Ratio 7.11 LT Modular Ratio 5.67
Section Type - Position Slab - Top Binder Kg/m³ 350 28 Day Cube Fcu N/mm² 37
Formwork Ground GGBS % 50 Class N
Aggregate Type Default PFA % 0 Show Cracked Strain Y
Section Depth H mm 600 PC or SR PC End Restraint FOS 1.0
LT Drying Period 60 Yrs Reinf fyk N/mm² 500 Exposed Faces 1
LT fctm & MR taken at 60 Yrs Creep Coefficient K1 0.65 % RH Value 85
LT Strain Cap taken at 60 Yrs Conc Tension Coeff αct 0.80 Mean Daily Temp Tm ºC 15
End Restraint Lr or N/A N/A Free T1 x α Coeff με 357 Placing Temp Tp ºC 20
T2 Temp Drop °C 20 Free Autogenous1 με 15 Edge R1crit 0.157
Crack & Strain Diagram End-LT Free T2 x α Coeff με 240 Edge R2crit 0.000
Chart Shows Restraint All Free Autogenous2 με 18 Edge R3crit 0.000
Wk Limit mm 0.2 Free Drying με 138 3 Day Temp Drop T1 29.7

RS = Free Strain x Restr x Creep Fact

- Full Strain Cap For End Restr
- 50% Strain Cap For Edge Restr
End R1crit 0.315 W3D 0.254
End R2crit 0.197 W28 0.421
End R3crit 0.112 WLT 0.492
3D (T1 & AG1) Restr R1 0.316
28D (T2 & AG2) Restr R2 0.260
LT (Drying) Restr R3 0.114
Crack & Strain Diagram
Crack & Strain Diag Ratio 0.8 Reinf Max Uncracked Strain Cracked Strain Crack
R1 End Restr Strain Ratio 0.8
Example Concrete C 30 / 37 Aggregate Default

Crack Width = Crack Spacing Srmax x Crack Inducing Strain CIS x Lr Factor

End Crack Inducing Strain CIS = (1 / Es) x ( 0.5 x kc x k x αct ) x ( ( fctm x MR) + ( fctm x 0.5 x H x 1000 / As1) )

Concrete in Tension Coefficient αct = 0.8 Mod Ratio MR = Varies - See Below

For kc & k - Ref C660 Table 3.1 If H <= 300, k = 1. If H >= 800, k =0.75 H = 600 For external restraint
Or k = 0.75 + ( 0.25 x ( 800 - H) / 500 ) k = 0.85 kc = 1.0

At 3 Days fctm = 1.73 MR = 7.11 End Restraint CIS If Cracked = 291 με

End Strain Capacity / ( FOS = 1 ) = 76 με
T1 Curing Temp Drop = 29.7 Deg Edge Strain Capacity (50% End Cap) = 38 με
Free Strain = 3 Day Autogenous + (T1 x α) = 15 + ( 29.7 x 12 ) = 371 με W
K1 x Free Strain = 0.65 x 371 = 241 με End
R1 x K1 x Basic Strain = 0.32 x 241 = 76 με mm

Strain - Capacity End 76 - 76 = 0 με Cracked, So 3 Day CIS = 291 με 0.254

Edge 76 - 38 = 38 με CIS = 38 με

At 28 Days fctm = 2.9 MR = 6.1 End Restraint CIS If Cracked = 481 με

End Strain Capacity / ( FOS = 1 ) = 109 με
T2 Seasonal Temp Drop = 20.0 Deg Edge Strain Capacity (50% End Cap) = 55 με

Free Strain = 3 to 28 Day Autogenous + (T2 x α) = 18 + ( 20.0 x 12 ) = 258 με

K1 x Free Strain = 0.65 x 258 = 168 με
R2 x K1 x Basic Strain = 0.26 x 168 = 44 με
R1 x K1 x Strain1 + R2 x K1 x Strain2 = 76 + 44 = 120 με
Uncracked 3D End Strain + 28D End Strain = 0 + 44 = 44 με 28D
CIS Uncracked Strain End
Strain - Capacity End 44 - 33 = 11 με 481 or 0 = 481 με mm
Extra CIS 0 x( 481 - 291 ) / ( 109 - 76 ) = 0 με
28 Day CIS = 481 με 0.421

Edge 120 - 55 = 65 με CIS = 65 με

Long Term fctm = 3.4 MR = 5.7 End Restraint If Cracked CIS = 563 με
End Strain Capacity / ( FOS = 1 ) = 119 με
Edge Strain Capacity (50% End Cap) = 60 με

Free Strain = Drying Strain = From Table or Charts ) = 138 με

K1 x Free Strain = 0.65 x 138 = 90 με
R3 x K1 x Basic Strain = 0.11 x 90 = 10 με
R1K1xStrain1 + R2K1xStrain2 + R3K1xStrain3 = 76 + 44 + 10 = 130 με
Uncracked 28D End Strain + LT End Strain = 0 + 10 = 10 με LT
CIS Uncracked Strain End
Strain - Capacity End 10 - 10 = 0 με 563 or 0 = 563 με mm
Extra CIS 0 x( 563 - 481 ) / ( 119 - 109 ) = 0 με
LT CIS = 563 με 0.492

Edge 130 - 60 = 71 με CIS = 71 με

Crack Spacing Srmax = 3.4 x Cov + 1.14 x (K2=1) x 0.425 x φ / (As1 / (1000 x MIN (H/2 , 2.5 x (H - d))))
For End Restraint Reinf = 204 + 671 = 875 mm
For Edge Restraint Reinf = 204 + 983 = 1187 mm

Asmin per m width = kc k Act fctm(t) / fky Act = 0.5 x H x 1000 Zone Depth = 0.5 k H 255
For First Cracking At 3 Days 884 mm² 28 Days 1477 mm² Long Term 1735 mm²

Lr Factor Using 28 Day MR = 1 / ( 1 + ( Srmax / Lr ) ( k x kc / ( MR x As1 / ( 0.5 x H x 1000 ) ) ) )

1 / (1+( 9E-05 x 0.85 / ( 6.1 x 0.011 ) ) )
1 / (1 + ( 7E-05 / 0.066 ) ) = 0.999

Reinforcement Bars Cov Ctrs φEq As Asmin Srmax με 1 W1 με 2 W2 με 3 W3 Wk

End Restraint 25 60 150 25 3272 884 874.9 291 0.254 481 0.421 563 0.492 0.492
Edge Restraint 20 60 150 20 2094 884 1014 38 0.039 65 0.066 71 0.072 0.072
BS8007 20 60 150 20 2094 866 795.8 73 0.058 123 0.098 0 0.000 0.098

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