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22 - 12 – 2021

Make a list of 5 things in your house which can be recycled or reused.

1. Plastic Water Bottles

2. Newspapers
3. Aluminium Cans
4. Cardboard
5. Plastic Product Bottles

State some ways in which these things can be recycled or reused.

1. Plastic Water Bottle – You can reuse it by filling it with water continously instead of
buying new plastic bottles.
2. Newspapers – You can mix used/old newspapers with water or chemicals to break it
down. Then chop and heat it to break it into further strands of celluose, a type of organic
plant material.
3. Aluminum Cans – You can send it to a recycling center where they clean, sort and crush it
and send it to an aluminum manufacturing plant, where they are shred, remelt and
solidify it again.
4. Cardboard – You can just put it in a recycing bin and you need to ensure that the
cardboard is dry.
5. Plastic Product Bottles – Here are some ways to recycle it – You can make it into a
terrarium, watering containers, piggy bank, hanging basket, pencil case, food storage,
watering can, sprinkler, vase, etc.

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