Pocket Edition: 1. Choose A Style 2. Choose A Role

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pocket dice results

1-3: danger
4+: hit

Alien Mystic Agent Explorer

Atomic psychic commando pilot
Ghost Robot daredevil professor
Intrepid 2-Fisted ability dice detective warrior

3. assign style abilities 4. assign role abilities

On your Style card, assign 5 On your Role card, assign 5

levels to these four abilities: levels to these four abilities:
daring power max: 2 danger dice
action cunning max: 2
heart weird min: 0 battle science min: 0

5. bonus dice 6. name & Uniform

Your Style and Role each get Make up a fun, pulpy name
two bonus dice (d8s). Write threat dice or code name for your hero
a cool super power, item, and choose the colors for
weapon, vehicle, etc. to their two-tone Danger Patrol
represent these bonus dice. uniform.

how to save the day bonus dice & threat dice

Choose one of the threats on bonus dice

You can add as many of
the board and say what your your bonus dice (d8) as you
1-3: nothing
hero does to stop it. Pick two 4+: hit
want to your roll. If you have
abilities that match the move collected any threat dice (d4),
your hero is doing; one from add them to your roll, too.
your Style and one from your Role. Bonus and threat dice are expended
Grab ability dice (d10) equal to the when used. Bonus dice never count
total ability levels (0-4). Then tell the for danger results.
other players what’s dangerous about
defeating a threat
your move and grab 1 or 2 danger
dice (d6). Is there more danger? Each If you do 6 hits at once to a threat,
player can tell you another dangerous it’s defeated! If you do less than 6 hits,
thing and give you an additional the threat remains. Leave your hits
danger die (up to a total of 5 danger behind on the threat as bonus dice
dice). Now roll all your dice to see how (d8s) for the next player to use when
it turns out! (see dice results) they attack that threat.

helping out of action

You can help another hero by giving If you roll 6 danger at once, you get
them one of your bonus dice. taken out!

by John Harper & team danger v.17.5 april, 2012 www.dangerpatrol.com

d6 Style Role Strength / Weakness

1 Inter-Dimensional or Alien Marauder or Construct Action or Daring

2 Stygian or Electro Infiltrator or Terror Battle or Heart
3 Quantum or Etheric Time-Bomb or Infection Cunning or Power
4 Netherworld or Neuro Monstrosity or Creature Science or Weird
5 Psionic or Ancient Armada or Swarm Roll or pick two
6 Radioactive or Robotic Soldier or Vortex None!
threats danger results

Starting number of threats = number 1 Player takes 1 threat die

of heroes + 3. Roll on the Threat-O- Player takes 2 threat dice
Matic table to generate the threats or
make up your own. 3 Add a new complication
At the end of each round (after all 4 Player takes 3 threat dice
the heroes have acted) roll a d6 for
each threat still in play. For each hit Player takes 2 threat dice + add a
(4+) advance the DANGER METER by new complication
one. If the danger meter reaches 10, Hero is taken out!
the threats win! If the threats win, the
next action scene is more desperate. complications
Start with some complications in play.
A complication (raging fire, gravity-
strengths and weaknesses flux field, electrical storm, etc.) makes
things more dangerous. When you
If a threat has a weakness to your add a complication, put 2 threat
attack, you do +1 hit for each max dice on its card. Whenever that
result you roll on a die (10 on a d10, 8 complication makes a hero’s move
on a d8, 6 on a d6, 4 on a d4). more dangerous, add the threat dice
If a threat has a strength against your to their roll.
attack, you take +1 danger for each 1
A complication (and its dice) sticks
you roll. A threat can have a strength
around until it takes 3 hits at once.
and weakness against the same ability.

recovery action countdowns

A hero can take a recovery instead A threat can have a countdown timer
of attacking a threat. Clear the threat from 1 to 3. At the end of each round,
dice off one hero and recover 2 tick down the timer. When it reaches
expended bonus dice. You can still 0, the threat achieves its goal and
help on the same round you recover. advances the danger meter by 3.

by John Harper & team danger v.17.5 april, 2012 www.dangerpatrol.com

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