Design of Suspended Two-Way Slab, S-2

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Design of Suspended Two-Way Slab, S-2 (t = 100 mm)

1. Design Criteria

1.1. Specifications:
1.1.1. Design References
NSCP Volume I, Fourth Edition 2015
1.1.2. Design Aids
Microsoft Excel

1.2. Material Property:

1.2.1. Concrete
Compressive strength for concrete, f'c = 20.70 MPa
Modulus of Elasticity for concrete, Ec = 21,384.00 MPa
Unit Weight of concrete, Yc = 24.00 KN/cu.m

1.2.2. Steel
Yield Strength, fy = 273.00 MPa
Modulus of Elasticity for steel, Es = 200,000.00 MPa

1.2.3. Factors
Compressive block depth, β = 0.85
Reduction factor, Φ = 0.90

1.3. Loadings:

1.3.1. Dead load:

Floor finishes
Ceramic tile = 1.10 KPa

Ceiling finishes
Suspended steel channel = 0.10 KPa
Gypsum board = 0.05 KPa
Electrical wirings = 0.10 KPa

Partition Load
Partition 1.50 KPa
Weight of wall and parapet 3.20 KPa

1.3.2 Live load:

Basic Floor Area 1.90 KPa

2. Slab Thickness Computation

2.1. Type of Slab

Analyze panel at Ground Level as critical panel

Long span/Short span = 1.43 Two-Way Slab

2.2. Slab Thickness

Short span, a = 3.50
Long span, b = 5.00
t min. = 2 (a + b) /180 = 100.00 mm

3. Load Computation:

3.1. Considering 1m strip

Dead Load:

Floor Finish = 1.10 KPa

Partition = 1.50 KPa
Ceiling = 0.25 KPa
Self weight = 2.40 KPa

DL = 5.25 KPa

Live Load:

LL = 1.90 KPa

3.2. Load Combination

1.2 DL = 6.30
1.6 LL = 3.04
1.2 DL + 1.6 LL = 9.34 KN/m

4. Analysis

4.1. Moment coefficient: Case 4

Coefficient for Negative Moment

Ca = 0.071 Short direction
Cb = 0.024 Long direction

Coefficient for Dead Load Positive Moment

Ca DL = 0.039 Short direction
Cb DL = 0.016 Long direction

Coefficient for Live Load Positive Moment

Ca LL = 0.048 Short direction
Cb LL = 0.020 Long direction

4.2. Negative and Positive Moment

Negative Moment at continuous edges

- Ma = (Ca)(Wu)(La^2) = 8.12 KNm
- Mb = (Cb)(Wu)(Lb^2) = 5.60 KNm

Positive Moment along short direction

+ Ma DL= (Ca DL)(DL)(La^2) = 3.01 KNm
+ Ma LL= (Ca LL)(LL)(La^2) = 1.79 KNm
+ Ma = 4.80 KNm

Positive Moment along long direction'

+ Mb DL = (Ca DL)(DL)(Lb^2) = 2.52 KNm
+ Mb LL = (Ca LL)(LL)(Lb^2) = 1.52 KNm
+ Mb = 4.04 KNm

4.3. Design of Reinforcement

4.3.1 Reinforcement at continuous edge along short direction

concrete cover for slab, cc = 20.00 mm
bar ø = 10.00 mm
width, b = 1,000.00 mm
da = t - c - 0.5(bar Φ) = 75.00 mm
db = t - c - 1.5(bar Φ) = 65.00 mm

Mu = (Ф)(f'c)(b)(da^2)(ω)(1-0.59ω)
solve for ω
ω2 - 1.69ω + 0.131 =0
ω= 0.0814
Actual steel ratio, ρ act
ρ act = (ω)(f'c/fy) = 0.0062 Compliant

Minimum steel ratio, ρ min

Use actual steel
ρ min = 1.4/fy = 0.0051
ratio for design

Maximum steel ratio, ρ max

ρ bal = {(0.85)(β1)(f'c)/fy}{600/(600+fy)} = 0.0377
ρ max = 0.75(ρ bal) = 0.0282 Compliant

Therefore use, ρ govern = 0.0062

t= 100.00 mm is safe for FLEXURE

Steel area, As
As = ρ (b)(d) = 462.96

Steel spacing
S = (1000)(.25π)(D^2)/*As = 169.65 mm

Spacing limits for slab reinforcement

s>t 169.65 > 100.00
s < 3(t) 169.65 < 300.00
s < 450 169.65 < 450.00

mm ø spaced
Adopt 10.00 170.00 mm

4.3.2. Spacing for Short and Long Direction

Panel B, Short direction

` a= 3.50
da = 75.00
Mu 8.12 4.80 0.00
ω 0.0814 0.0471 0.0000
ρ act 0.0062 0.0036 0.0000
ρ min 0.0051 0.0051 0.0051
ρ use 0.0062 0.0051 0.0051
As 462.96 384.62 384.62
S 170.00 205.00 205.00

Panel B, Long direction

b= 5.00
db = 65.00
Mu 5.60 4.04 0.00
ω 0.0744 0.0530 0.0000
ρ act 0.0056 0.0040 0.0000
ρ min 0.0051 0.0051 0.0051
ρ use 0.0056 0.0051 0.0051
As 423.37 384.62 384.62
S 185.00 205.00 205.00

4.4. Check for Shear

4.4.1. Consider Short span

Vs = (w)(s) / ((3)(1m)) = 10.89 kN

Actual Vc = Vs / ((0.85)(b)(d)) = 0.17 MPa

Allow Vc = .17 √ f'c = 0.77 MPa

t= 100.00 mm is safe for SHEAR

4.4.2. Consider Long span

Vs = (w)(s) / ((3)(1m)) = 15.56 kN

Actual Vc = Vs / ((0.85)(b)(d)) = 0.28 MPa

Allow Vc = .17 √ f'c = 0.77 MPa

t= 100.00 mm is safe for SHEAR

5. Summary
5.1. Slab Thickness, Two way (S2)
Adopt t = 100 mm for S2

5.2. Bottom Bar, Short Span

Use 10 mm diameter spaced at 205 mm -- > Bar 1
Bottom Bar, Long Span
Use 10 mm diameter spaced at 205 mm -- > Bar 2

5.3. Top Bar @ Continuous End, Short Span

Use 10 mm diameter spaced at 170 mm -- > Bar 3
Top Bar @ Continuous End, Long Span
Use 10 mm diameter spaced at 185 mm -- > Bar 4

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