Aagapay: Alalay at Gabay Sa Pag-Unlad NG Pamayanan

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295-E P. Tuazon Street

Cubao, Quezon City

[email protected]
Freedom, justice and dignity remain to be our deepest social yearning as we
struggle to achieve a society that is truly Filipino – progressive, peaceful and
As a people, Filipinos are bonded by ties of kinship continue to be a primordial
fundamental valuesThus,whichthe have
of AAGAPAY.the concern beingofthe
The entirety the foundation
advocacy of ourmotivation
took society.
bedrock of Philippine
in thesociety.
and values The spirit of “bayanihan” remains
valor displayed by our heroes like Jose Rizal, Andres kindled as
as deep religious Bonifacio,
faith, strong family and
Lapulapu, ties,evenvarious
ordinary sectors try whose
Filipinos to worklives
wereand unifyto
respect for authority,
our country.helpfulness
Their fight their efforts to achieve common
and for sovereignty and freedom has become the goals. Even
cooperation, foundation of our continuing our
smooth interpersonal good interpersonal
advocacy towards peacefulcharacterandhas earned
relationships, and, societal
and adaptability us worldwide recognition as a warm and
are positive traits passed on by our friendly people distinguished by a unique sort
ancestors. But the realization of such grand of “Filipino hospitality”.
aspirations entails a catalyst that must spur
all Filipinos to mobilize towards that dream. What could be more stirring than
Our history is replete with accounts
an ideology inspired of how During previous
by our indigenous culturalyears of colonization,
heritage, our
our fine societal
these traits were mirrored
values, andin the
mostlivesof of
all,our great capacity to adjust and
our deep belief and faith in the Almighty God. adapt to
ancestors. To name some, ancient prevailing physical and social environments
adherence to a Supreme
This isBeing was featured
the AAGAPAY allowed
ideology us to cope
- truly Filipino andwith disorienting
proud changes.
to be Filipino. It is a
in their belief to fervent
that created
we must find Enhanced
strength in by ourourGod,
natural creativity
endeavor and
to cultivate
“Malakas” and “Maganda”.
national pride, The socially adeptness at learning novel
smooth and economically empower our citizens, and things, adjusting
running of the primitive “balangays”
aggressively protect our to foreign
wasenvironment. As a culture
people,and assimilating
we must celebratenew our
characterized by the speciallegacy
national honorand paidcontinue
to knowledge come not as a daunting
to live by the fundamental values task.ofIt our
the elder membersforefathers.
of their family
These including
will serve toonly when
be the alien culture
collective aspirationmisconstrues
of AAGAPAY ourin
anyone in a position of power.
recreating The tradition
a new inherent fundamental values
Philippines that is peaceful, progressive, and a respected that
of “bayanihan” enabled olden communal
member of the League of Nations. opportunists get a chance to exploit our
settlements to develop kinship and people. Like when manifesting respect is
camaraderie. Today, a new breed of Filipinos being interpreted
is born. Collectively, aswe subjugation, and
shall call ourselves
PINOY! – a people working cooperating together formeans surrender.
a better Philippines under the
Today, these values remain omnipresent in
spiritual and infallible guidance of the Great and Almighty God.
our society. We Filipinos continue our Indeed, Filipino culture and society is not
spiritual adherence towards a one true God, wanting in quality. But imprints of centuries of
in whatever religion He represents. Taking colonial rule are reminiscent and seemingly
good care of our families and strengthening hampering national growth and prosperity.
Freedom, justice and dignity remain to be our
Education and Training Program:
AAGAPAY firmly believes
OUR BELIEF 1. To promote a humanitarian To establish
that we amust rely on
an effective and responsible
that respects the worth, uniqueness, organization
harmonious that
potential for a
and environment
development of each others
conducive to strengths
all its the
are a nurturing race. We highly
and their
to every member of the
and weaknesses and
value togetherness offamilies.
developmentour families and our
relationship with others. Filipinos continue to
society by encompassing
allow ourselves to
2. To augment creative and
treasure and practice the worth of collective a actively
commonparticipate goal of with
productive work habits of its members by
efforts or cooperation as the OURfinest MISSION way to attaining peace and
our membersthe goalsfamilies and objectives
harnessing their enthusiasm, sovereignty
achieve common aspirations consistent with its
and flexibility.
age-old tradition of “bayanihan”.
To enable order and theirby
of economically way
other sectors of of the
to beInspiritually
adversity, strong and
we always 3. To risefurther
up touphold thestablechallenge
fine bypersonal with
their potentials and
immersion society
equanimity and overcome
characteristics of individual them peacefully.
capabilities We
in activities.
of effective co-operation
believe that we are
which responsibilities are andat par with one
visualized another.
networking and that would uplift their overall
Thus, we freely participate
practiced in a supportive well-being. in any
& conscientuous creative
manner. of self-determination. Despite
Networking Program:
generations of foreign rule, our unique cultural
4. To develop the ofOUR GOALS
identity remains. Because our strong and
deep of itsin members
God, we continuethru various training
to be optimistic 1. To actively
AAGAPAY is a participate
broad allianceand align of
programs thatbecome
would enable 1. To launch meaningful
it organization programs
with other organizations
combining the that whoefforts
share of a
about life and resilientthem to theto difficulties
would cultivate our intrinsic cultural strength and
a small
and to medium
hardships borne scale
from business.
a societygood
promote with common
rife Filipino individual vision with AAGAPAY.
values aimed at developing
national government
tribulations. national pride and commitment agencies 2. towards
To (NGAs), link
social itself with
and non-government other
5. To promote spiritual growth OUR PROGRAMS
economic empowerment. marginalized
agencies (NGOs), sectors cooperatives,
of the societybusiness (urban
through various seminars and symposiums
The current financial economic crisis being poor, sector, workers,
religious farmers
sector, and fishermen),
political groups, civilby
suited for
felt byAAGAPAY each
the populace individual
and the country member
being2. To as and
an aforge
wholean helping
active effective
improving coordination
and build
the or
other effort entrants
financial theirtoown
efficiency the
cannot affiliations.
be totally following the basic principles
cause of alliance
productivity, thru isother
and/or building
bonded related government
increasing by a
the financial
organization in solved
promoting from the “dole-outs”
programs that
and subsidies being offered by andthenetworking
government. which is strengthened
capacity vision
and and abycommon
capability team
of its understanding
seeks to 6. create
To inculcate
the atmosphere inbuilding
theof minds
safe and of
More so, it cannot be solved by going into and the guided by3.existing
to commit To rules
itself oflinks
in service law andto ourcontinuous
every member that the family is
and of the vehicle
thetheholy of
tenets “liaisoning”
asand inscribed 3. To facilitate
in the bookwith of the variousthe
and support
streets environment,
to stage worthy
protest mass-actions and cause,
blame our people.activities
change for the transmission of moral members in theand endorsement/promotion
its members as theandroottheirGod.
cause of all these
families. Our government non-government of
standards. their business thus persuading others in
hardships. Instead, the rise of our economy organizations, Above all, political
AAGAPAY groups,
valued programs are as follows:3. To significantly
starts from 7. the To very basic foundation
establish a harmonious of our sectors,inpatronizing
the various
spiritual locally
and the services,
civil society
towards a one
society a. Livelihood
– our FAMILY Assistance Program:
economic projects that products
true or produce
could made available
provide religion
protecting bythey
and solving other
relationship to every inmember
our home. of the society
opportunities for its individual membersthat
represent. inand
Ittheis network.
would uplift to
dedicated organizational
work with a
by encompassing
1. To create a common goal of attaining
a their
healthy working
In order standard of living.
deep senseofofitspride, members equaland AAGAPAY
justice for all
peace and toorder
build by
a stronger
way the
from ofbond of unity,
network set- asand 4. To encourage and harness
immersion firmly believes that we must rely on a whole.
enduring freedom for the succeeding
eachup thru its activities.
others members.
strengthsThis andwillweaknesses
be4. done
To to linklink-
and people’s
its spiritual andTo
socio-economic in every economic
be an aggressive and
to cherish.
up various
allow ourselves opportunities
to actively for services
participate and activity, atwhich is geared towards the
8. To open the hearts projects towith
and minds the dependable
of changes the grassroots
partner in aligning itself with the
and objectives not toofmention
level sectors
the neededofway the of development of people’s
the community and their
its members in makingby their various encouraging
sector of our society that seeks to
start-up Through
capital fundeach individualprojects
for livelihood effort families, exercised through self-assistance
decisions/choices and opinionsempowerment
not in terms in its advocacy
strengthen drive.our democratic processes
conceptualized in a collective approach,
not only to its members but to their families towards the and self-reliance.
of political loyalties
organization but in thea light progressive
envisions of values a peaceful and suitable
as well.
of truth, justiceworthy
environment and commonof thegood. cause in the environment.
furtherance of achieving a shared vision.
2. To launch various small to
medium scale livelihood projects aimed at
AAGAPAY will be accomplished relying on the BEAT APPROACH
strategy of Basic-Exclusive-Accelerated-Teamwork with its new
formulated definitions as follows:

a. Basic Services to be Addressed

The current financial economic crisis being felt worldwide

hampers the development of the country as a whole. But due to various
reasons (from budgetary constraints to differences in focus and targets),
the government’s efforts are normally put into a vicious cycle of various
recovery efforts.
It is for this reason that the AAGAPAY is designed to initially
address the basic services needed by its members. It will include the
basic reforms towards spiritual growth, economic development and social
protection. AAGAPAY will take the lead in establishing alliance building
through organized networking designed to cater to the various needs and
requirements of its members. The funding source will be initially coming
from the seed money collected from various donors and its members and
will be augmented by additional and applicable aid from other local
counterparts. Spearheaded by the National Council under a strong
commitment to serve the organization as a whole, the program will be
subjected to the normal accounting laws and principles for transparency
of funds. This will be known as the “AAGAPAY Funds”.
b. Exclusive Membership
d. Teamwork between Government Agencies and Civil Society

It is exclusive because the organization will focus mainly on its

Over and above
individual the AAGAPAY
members efforts,
and affiliated affiliated NGAs
organizations and LGUs
/ groups. It will
seeksalsotobe tapped

ensure the concentration of its efforts towards the needs and wants of these
The process of choice of individual members starts from adherence
to its advocacy. These members will then encourage others (individuals and
groups) to join the cause. Parameters to be used in the process of
accepting new entrants should include social, political, economic,
environmental concerns which is aligned with AAGAPAY. It is then
submitted to the Major Island Directorate (Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao)
for its recommendation to the National Council (NC). After which, the NC
conducts its own strategic level process. Other factors of strategic
concerns will then be considered to keep the result aligned with the
organizational vision and objectives. These areas now become the focus of
concern for future strategic and operational planning and programming of
the organization as a whole.

c. Accelerated effort in addressing the pressing needs

The organizational focus is accelerated because the strategy

responds immediately to the most pressing problems and issues of its
members. Once determined, appropriate projects will be directly initiated
utilizing the AAGAPAY funds to answer its pressing needs. The said initial
support for development will come directly from the AAGAPAY funds and
will not run through a long bureaucratic process, thus, it is accelerated.
Sustainment efforts will be part of the pre-planning process. In the end,
AAGAPAY will be the initial entry of basic socio-economic needs for its
members and sustainment efforts will be done by the other stakeholders
involved (NGAs, LGUs, etc.).

In order to accomplish the BEAT approach strategy, its Key Result

Areas (KRAs) will be formulated and characterized following a
STREAM Goal setting which is Specific, Time-limited, Realistic,
Energetic, Attainable, and Measurable. The STREAM pact will be
made public so that the level of commitment will be reinforced in
meeting the perfect fit for its goals.

The goals should be clearly defined making it easier to change

something along the way if it should become necessary. The STREAM
Goal setting will challenge the Key Result Areas using the following

WHAT? Value Added?

S pecific What must be done?

T ime-limited When it must be done?

R ealistic Results What’s in it for me? Can it be
E nergetic Who can ably do it?
A ttainable Why can I do it?
M easurable When is it done?


In order to manage the performance, the following basic steps can
be followed at regular intervals:
1. Review regularly - Keep an updated Calendar of Activities

2. Key guide Questions.

a. Has the job focus changed?

b. Has the cooperative focus changed?

c. Drop unfocused Key Result Areas and add new ones.

3. Regularly check progress.

a. Are you on target to reach your goals?

b. Who can help?

c. What can be done to assist you?

4. Obtain feedback or reply mechanism

5. Manage your relationship with your cadre.

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