Ingles 9 Modulo 3

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English Are we taking care

Pedagogical Module 3 of our planet?

Curricular Threads: Communication and Cultural Awareness,
Oral Communication, Reading, Writing, Language Through the Arts

Ninth Grade EGB

and superlatives 4
Natural disasters: causes
5 and consequences

Future tenses: will,

going to, continuous Deal with
6 an emergency


Simple past &


Present perfect 7

Ernest Hemingway

La Lite

ng ra

ua tur
Our World

ge e
8 Famous paintings
Imperatives 1


Democratic Human Natural environment

12 participation 11 mobility 10 Responsibility 9 conservation

Our world, our home

This is our world, our home, and the only one we People also need information about natural disasters
have. It’s everybody’s responsibility to take care to face them. Communities need an emergency plan
of it. To protect the environment, people have to because it can save lives, and it is also interesting to plan
know everything about it, so it’s essential to recycle. one. If people join to organize these kind of projects,
Remember to use cloth bags instead of plastic bags. everybody can learn something new. Prevention is the
best way to protect people.
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• What can you do to protect our environment?

• What do you know about recycling?

Lesson A

Communication and Cultural Awareness

What superstitions do people have in your community?

Incas and Natural Disasters

1. Read this article about the Inca Empire.
In some cultures, natural
disasters and weather are related Many years ago, during the Inca Empire, the emperor thought that
to a belief or a superstition, natural disasters - like earthquakes and floods - were messages from
which can mean something the earth, angry messages because of all the destruction they caused.
positive or negative in a The Emperor wasn’t calm, he was extremely scared. People had a plan
community’s life. Many years to face these disasters. The emperor and the priest offered ceremonies.
ago, our ancestors strongly In those ceremonies, they killed little children and animals as a gift
believed that a natural disaster to relieve the earth's anger to avoid natural disasters. They didn’t use to
was a sign of punishment choose young women. Children and animals were considered “pure.”
because people had done People strongly believed that this ceremony helped them with their
something bad. crops, and Mother Earth blessed them during the year. This is one of
the main reasons why Mother Earth was one of the deities for Incas
and the Andean region in general. Every season they had religious
ceremonies with sacrifices.

2. Choose if the sentences are True(T) or False(F).

a. Natural disasters were peaceful messages.

b. People didn’t have a plan for earthquakes.

c. They assassinated women in ceremonies.

d. Sacrifices were like presents for the Earth.

e. They had ceremonies every year.

3. Answer the questions with your own words:

a. Why was the Inca Emperor afraid of natural disasters?


b. What were the two main natural disasters Incas had to face?

c. What did priests sacrifice in religious ceremonies?

d. How did people think sacrifices would help them?

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crops. cultivated plant e. What do you think about these ceremonies?

to face. deal with something

Oral Communication

What do you know about earthquakes in Japan?

Breaking News in Japan

1. Listen to a radio broadcast about an earthquake in Japan.
2. Complete the chart. What's happening in each place? Listen to the dialogue.

City Refuge

3. Listen to the conversation again and complete the dialogue.

a. The rescue team that there are

about a thousand injured people.

b. This the largest earthquake in Japan.

c. Rescue teams from all over the world


d. The school’s principal some parents
to inform about their children.

e. The whole school community already

a plan in these cases, and everything
all right.

4. Answer these questions. Ask your partner.

a. What’s the worst part of an earthquake?

b. What advice can you give people who face an earthquake?

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supplies. food and other goods


refuge. shelter


What different types of natural disasters are there?

Types of Natural Disasters

Value: Natural environment
conservation 1. Read this article about natural disasters.

Take care of the environment. A natural disaster is an event, it’s a natural process of the Earth.
During summer, make sure The most common are:
you don’t throw garbage Floods: This natural disaster is the most common on the coasts
in green areas, especially of the USA. The heaviest rains cause this, and as a result the cities
glass bottles. They can cause or villages get full of water.
a forest fire and are very
dangerous. If you go camping, Earthquakes: These have caused the a lot of damage in many
take your garbage with you countries. It happens when the ground shakes. Japan has the highest rate
when you leave. It’s good for of earthquakes.
the planet. Hurricanes: It is the strongest storm with a violent wind. They are
very common in Florida, USA and the Caribbean.
Wildfires: A huge fire which destroys a great area of land, especially
in forests and green areas. In summer, it is the most dangerous disaster
for wildlife and people.

Grammar Tip
Drought: It is a long period of time when it doesn’t rain at all.
This causes people to lose their crops, and it causes hunger.
General Rules: 2. Match the picture and the sentences.
• One syllable: add “-est”
The longest.

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• Two or more syllables: add
The most dangerous.
• Adjectives ending in “-y”:
change to i and add “-est”
The happiest. a. The longest drought was in the Atacama desert in Chile.

b. The worst earthquake was in Japan in 2011.

c. The biggest flood was in the USA in 2005.

d. The most dangerous hurricane was in Mexico.

e. The most recent wildfire was in Portugal.

3. Complete the questions with one word. The first letter is there. Use
superlative adjectives.

a. What was the most d earthquake in America?

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Vocabulary b. When was the l drought in your city?

huge. extremely big c. Where was the w hurricane in America?

land. geographic area 4. Ask your partner the questions in the previous activity.

What can you do to prepare for a natural disaster?

Tips and Recommendations

Grammar Tip
1. Let’s write a recommendation with some tips in case of a natural disaster.
You can write recommendations in blogs. You can use imperative forms
to give advice. Imperatives
2. Read this blog entry.
are commands or orders.
Use imperatives to:

What to do in case of a natural disaster? • Give orders

The last earthquake in Japan was extremely dangerous, but luckily, Be quiet.
people knew what to do, and they followed a plan. These are some Sit down.
tips you can follow in case of an earthquake: Come here.
• Be calm. Don’t run and shout because because it makes things • Give advice
worse, people can be more afraid. Have a plan.
• Keep away from windows. You can get hurt. Call your parents.
• Find a safe place. Organize with your community a safe place Be careful.
to meet.
• Give instructions
• Have a first aid kit. This could be the most useful thing that
Open your book.
you have.
Close the window.
A natural disaster can be the most dangerous event people can Don’t do that.

face; just remember to be calm and have a plan.

Imperatives are easy.
For negative, add don’t.
3. Answer these questions:

a. What are some natural disasters that people have to face in Ecuador?

b. Do people have an emergency plan in case of them?

4. Write recommendations for a blog. What to do before and during

a natural disaster?

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Language Through the Arts

Who usually helps in a natural disaster?

Topos de Tlatelolco, the Real Heroes

1. Read this biography about Topos de Tlatelolco.

The rescue team Topos de Tlatelolco is a Mexican group of people

who help people in case of natural disasters in Mexico or any part
of the world. They work for free, so they are a non-profit organization
created in Mexico. The organization started when the most terrible
earthquake happened in the capital of Mexico on September 19, 1985.

Nowadays, there are about two hundred volunteers - including rescue

dogs- and every year it’s a bigger group.
They say it’s easier to help in an emergency with a big group than
with a small one. Each year, they train volunteers to be part of this
Grammar Tip team. They are all professional and willing to help. Some volunteers
say they feel satisfied when they collaborate in a rescue mission. They
Comparatives: look for people under destroyed buildings, give survivors emotional
When you compare two support, and provide food.
things. This non-profit organization can travel from one place to another
General Rules: faster than before because they have some help from the Mexican
• One syllable: add “-er” longer
• Two or more syllables:
add “more”
2. Complete the sentences about the reading. Choose one word from
more dangerous the box.
• Adjectives ending in “-y”:
change to “-i” and add “-er” non-profit rescue program volunteers

a. Topos de Tlatelolco is a team.

b. This is a Mexican organization.

c. and dogs are part of the team.

d. This rescue group has a training for new volunteers.

Value: Human mobility

3. Answer these questions with your own words.
There are a lot of people
a. How did this organization start?
in the world willing to help
others without regard for their
nationality. Be respectful with
everybody, someday they can b. How many people are in this group?
give a hand.

c. What do they do to help people in an emergency?

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d. Do you know about other rescue teams?
non-profit. work for free

Oral Communication

What is your plan in the event of an emergency?

Let’s Organize a Plan

1. After listening to the audio, check the things Japanese children learn
in school about natural disasters. Audio
Listen to the dialogue.
Read on the internet
Evacuation drills
Learn about natural disasters
Learn first aid techniques
Organize an emergency plan

2. Choose if the sentences are True(T) or False(F).

a. Children in Japan were injured.

b. Schools in Japan have an emergency plan.

c. Children rarely do evacuation drills.

3. Match the pictures and the sentences in the previous activity. Write
the letters next to the pictures.

a. Some people
got injured
in the accident.

b. My mom bought
a first aid kit for
my brother and me.

c. We need an
emergency plan
at school.

d. We need to be ready
for an evacuation drill.
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evacuation drill. practice


in case of an emergency

Lesson B

Communication and Cultural Awareness

What is the weather like in your city?

How is the Weather?

1. Read this article about the weather in Quito.
How to dress for Quito,
Ecuador? Since the weather is Until the 2000s, Quito and Ecuador in general used to have predictable
so unpredictable, what do you weather in light of the fact that the two constant seasons, summer
think people who visit Quito (also known as dry season) and winter (also known as wet season),
for the first time should know never happened at the same time. However, in the last few years, people
regarding clothing? in Quito don’t know what to wear, due to the fact that you never know
This unpredictability is whether it is going to be chilly or sunny. Regardless of where you are
because of changes in the and what the weather looks like, take into account that Quito is still
atmosphere. Some of them a conservative city; therefore, it is socially acceptable to dress fairly formal
are because of deforestation. and carry a light coat with you. People also say it is a good idea to carry
a small umbrella just in case.

2. According to the reading, answer the questions below in complete

sentences using your own words.
a. How was the weather in Quito and Ecuador in general back in the

b. How has been the weather lately?

3. Pair up and ask you partner the question below. Make sure to write down
their ideas.
What do you wear during the week? What do you think people should
Value: Responsibility always carry due to the unpredictable weather? Why has this climate
change happened?
Before blaming others for
the climate change, accept
your moral responsibility for it,
and do something about it!
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conservative. resistant

to be changed or modified

Oral Communication

How conservative are people in your city? What do you think about it?

Grandma Was Right

1. Listen to Felicia and Kimberly talk and decide whether the following
statements are True(T) or False(F). Audio
Listen to the dialogue.
a. Kimberly is a teenager.

b. Felicia knows the weather has changed.

c. Kimberly humbly accepts her grandma’s suggestions.

d. It was sunny all the time

2. Listen again and answer the following questions in complete sentences.

a. Complete the sentence below with information from the audio.

Kimberly is wearing… Felicia suggests that Value: Responsibility

Kimberly take…
It takes a strong person to say
sorry; however, it goes two
ways, for it takes a stronger
person to forgive. Take
responsibility for your actions.
b. How can you describe Kimberly’s personality at the beginning
of the conversation? Do you agree with her behavior?

c. Do you think it is easy or difficult to apologize? What does it take to

make an apology? Be honest. What steps do you think are involved?


jumper. sweater
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It’s raining cats and dogs.

to rain heavily

wisdom. to be wise

Language Through the Arts
Language and Literature

Have you ever heard of Ernest Hemingway? What do you know about him?

Ernest Hemingway
1. Read this biography about Ernest Hemingway.

It’s not new that the weather has inspired great masterpieces
like songs, books and paintings. Ernest Hemingway’s masterpieces
are some of these examples. He won The Nobel Prize in Literature
in 1954. He was born in Illinois and was very famous for novels
such as ‘The Old Man and the Sea’, ‘The Sun Also Rises’, ‘A Farewell
Pixabay / Antonio Salgueiro

to Arms’, ‘For Whom the Bell Tolls’, ‘The Nick Adams Stories’
and ‘To Have and Have not’. Interestingly, he wrote in the bedroom
of his house! Once in an interview, he said that rainy days inspired
him the most. He used to sit down in his house, and look through
the window… Ideas came to him, and the result was amazing literature
masterpieces. What about you? Do you have a diary or something like
that? Do you like writing when you are in your bedroom? Why don’t
you start writing on a daily basis? Maybe you could be the next Nobel
Prize winner.

2. Circle the correct answers based on the reading.

• Ernest Hemingway won:

a. The Oscar b. The Nobel c. The Emmy

Award Prize Award

• Ernest Hemingway was born in:

a. Toronto b. London c. Illinois

• Ernest Hemingway was a:

a. singer b. actor c. author

3. According to the reading, why did he win a Nobel Prize? Would you like
to win one? If so, what would be your book about? What do you think
you need to accomplish that goal?

4. Get into groups and talk about a similar author. Does he or she have
masterpiece. an extremely something in common with Ernest Hemingway? If so, what are the similar
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excellent piece of art, features? If not, what makes them different from each other? Brainstorm
particularly in literature as many ideas as you can. Then, share your ideas with the whole class.
and painting

on a daily basis. everyday

Oral Communication

Do you think you can reuse your old clothes and stay fashionable?

Getting Rid of Your Old Clothes?

1. Listen to the conversation between Kimberly and Alisha.
2. Now, listen to the conversation and answer these questions in your own Listen to the dialogue.
a. What is the weather like?

b. What does “vintage style” refer to?

c. Describe Alisha’s initial attitude towards old clothing. Did she change
her mind? Why?

3. What do you think about the phrase “Don’t judge a book by its cover”?
Do you think it is related to the listening exercise? Answer the question
and then share your opinions with your partners.

4. What can you do if you see someone judging someone? Talk to your
partner and give some advice.
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vintage. retro


How reliable do you think weather forecasts are?

Weather Forecast Reliability

1. Read this weather forecast.

Weather forecasting is a method to predict the weather. According

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to the BBC News, Admiral Robert FitzRoy created a way to predict

the weather in the 1860s. He was the first who used the word “forecast”
to refer to weather predictions. He was a sailor, and he observed
the clouds and bird’s behavior to predict rains.
However, in real life, everything said by forecasters does not always
It is a sunny day happen. There is proof that they are not always accurate. What they
present is not 100% accurate but around 80%. It is interesting that it
all started by using people’s naked eyes. In all honesty, people have
always used their eyes to predict the weather and it has surprisingly
worked out. So, next time you watch the weather forecast, don’t rely
on everything they say, be wise and take some precautions in case
the day turns out to be sunny, cloudy, rainy, stormy, windy, cold,
It is a cloudy day It is a rainy day snowy, foggy or hot. You never know.

2. Based on the reading, decide whether the following statements are

True(T) or False(F).

a. A sailor invented a way to predic rainy weather.

It is a stormy day It is a windy day
b. Weather forecasting has been scientifically proven.

c. Weather forecasting is always correct when predicting.

d. Some people use their naked eyes to predict the weather.

e. Always rely on everything forecasters say.

It is a cold day It is a snowy day

3. Answer the following questions in your own words.

a. How accurate is weather forecasting in your city?

It is a foggy day It is a hot day

b. Do you think forecasters are fully reliable?

4. Do you like to talk about the weather? If so, do you think it is one of the
best ways to start out a conversation? If not, why? Share your answers
Vocabulary with your partners.
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to predict. to say what will

happen in the furture

accurate. exact or precise


Has the weather been crazy in your city lately? Why?

Weather Blog
1. Write a paragraph about how crazy the weather is. Your paragraph
is expected to include the following information:
a. What was the weather like yesterday?

b. What has the weather been like lately?

Take the following paragraph as an example. Make sure to focus on the

present perfect that is in italics font and the simple past that is underlined.
Read this weather forecast.

Yesterday, the weather was crazy because in the morning I enjoyed
a beautiful sunny day, but in the afternoon everything changed all of
the sudden. It started to rain and lasted for two to three long hours!
Lately, the weather has been so unpredictable, in the last five months
I have changed my outfit in the same day three times.

2. Now, it's your turn! Use your own information, be sure to use modal verbs.

Grammar Tip

Present perfect:
(have/has + verb in past
3. Once you are done, hand in your book to your classmate and give It is used to talk about recent
yours to your partner as well. Check your classmate’s paragraph by past events that are not
providing feedback. Make sure to verify your partner answers the finished. Therefore, the time
questions provided. Improve your paragraph by following your partner’s is unspecified. It is also used
suggestions. to talk about repeated actions
in the past until now, and,
as seen in the context of this
lesson, it is used to focus
on the change over time.
The time expressions that
are used are the following:
4. Prepare a five-minute presentation about your paragraph. During your
Today, this week, this year,
presentation, you may ask some questions to be sure everyone is paying
this year, so far, until now,
attention. recently, lately, already, since,
just, yet, ever, never, how long
(once, twice, three times, etc.)
Simple past: (verb in past
form: regular and irregular
It is used to talk about
a specific finished event
in the past.
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1 Interview a classmate about natural disasters and

weather. Ask them the following questions and create
two of your own. Take notes.

a. Do you have an emergency plan in case of an


b. What’s your favorite weather? Why?

c. What do you know about floods?

d. What do you usually do on a rainy day?



Share with the class.


2 Compare these pictures about the weather. Use

comparatives to write about the pictures. Listening
3 Listen to people talk about activities they do on
rainy and sunny days.

4 Write (H) for Henry and (M) for Milena.

a. This person loves summer.

b. This person prepares food.

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c. This person takes a walk on cold days.

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d. This person goes out with colleagues.

Assessment Are we taking care of our planet?
1 Read this email: 2 Write Paul an email. Answer his questions.
• Include the essential things needed to pack
regarding clothing.
• Write between 50-70 words.

From: Paul
[email protected]
To: (your name)
Subject: Weather and packing checklist
Hi there,
Subject: Weather and packing checklist
How are you doing? I hope all is well. As you
know, I am going to Ecuador for a holiday in
April. So, I am planning to go to Quito. In light
of the unpredictable weather, what essential
things am I supposed to pack regarding
I just can’t wait to visit you in Ecuador next
See you soon,

I’m completing this self-evaluation based on what I learned in the module.

Self-evaluation I check the box that most applies to me

I do it very I do it I can I can’t do it
Topics well somewhat well improve without help
I can talk about natural disasters and how to prevent them.
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I can write a blog to advice about natural disasters.

I can talk about the weather.
I can write about the weather.

Project 1
Rain, Sun, Snow!
Let’s become weather forecasters!

Step 1

• Get into groups of four students. Brainstorm some ideas on how you can
make some weather predictions by using just your naked eyes and write
some notes on the lines below:

Step 2

• Come to an agreement with each other on the best way to predict the

weather by using your naked eye. You can rely on elderly people's advice.

Step 3

• Prepare a 10-minute oral presentation with pictures, to explain the way

you predict the weather.

• Don’t forget to use all the new vocabulary you have learned so far,
especially the words related to the weather.

Step 4

• Once all the presentations are over, compare the ways you predict the
weather with your classmates’ proposals. Do they have a lot in common?
Yes/no, why?

Step 5

• Finally, decide on the best forecasters as a group. Make a video about it

and share it with your friends.
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Let's Review

1 Complete the sentences with one word from the c. What do people do in case of an emergency?
box. There is one extra word.

drill hurricane aid

flood evacuation d. What’s Karin’s last recommendation?

a. In case of an emergency, you should have your

first kit with you.
b. A is when there are heavy winds
and rain.
c. Everybody at school participated in the
emergency .
d. A is when there is a lot of water
from the sea or rivers in the city.


2 Read about a birthday celebration.

Hi! I’m Karin and I’m Colombian but I’ve Complete the sentences with simple past or present
lived in Chile since I was eight years old. In perfect. Choose one verb from the box.
my country, there are many earthquakes.
I’m sharing my experience with you, and
I'll give you some advice so that you can cook be rain (x2) play live
be prepared in case of an emergency.
In Chile, to face a natural disaster, we have
a plan to evacuate to safe zones. In each a. I born in Guayaquil, but I
neighborhood and school, we all know in Quito for ten years.
where to go in case of an earthquake.
Moreover, we have a backpack with b. My mom soup yesterday,
some necessary things including, water, it was delicious.
cans of food, medicine, lantern, blankets,
etc. Finally, the most important advice
c. My brother soccer for five
I can give you is to be calm and follow
the rescue team’s recommendations. years.
We know this is not predictable, but we
need to know what to do. d. The weather is cold these days. It
yesterday, it a lot lately.
3 Answer the questions.
a. Where is Karin from?
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b. What happens all the time in Chile?


Lesson C

Communication and Cultural Awareness

Is there such a thing as a recycling culture in your city? Is recycling worth it?

Culture Recycling
1. Read this article about recycling.
In some countries in
the world, recycling is
mandatory. Even in schools, All around the world, recycling campaigns have been promoted
children learn how to recycle. to do something about pollution and global warming. However, despite
This good habit is not new, living under these circumstances, few countries have decided to recycle
but not everybody does it and some others have tried to, but all in all, there is a lot of work
because of many reasons. One to be done on that subject. For example, Ecuador has started to recycle
of them is lack of information metal junk and plastics, among other things. Nevertheless, few people
or interest. People used to take this matter seriously. On the other hand, there are other countries
waste a lot, and that is one of like Switzerland where recycling is a must and part of their culture.
the causes of pollution. It’s For example, waste sorting is seen everywhere you go in Switzerland.
easy to recycle and the planet
will be thankful.

Value: Natural environment


Pixabay / mohamed_hassan
Every time you finish drinking
a bottle of water, think carefully
of placing it in the correct place!
Remember, it is up to all of us
to take care of the planet we
all live on! Stop killing our
2. According to the reading, answer the questions below in complete
beautiful planet!
sentences using your own words.
a. In general terms, is there such a thing as a recycling culture in Ecuador?

b. What has been done regarding recycling in Ecuador?

3. Pair up and ask you partner the question below. Make sure to write down
their ideas.
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Vocabulary a. Do you recycle? If so, what do you recycle? Do you think people
should recycle? What can you do to make Ecuador a better place
on that subject. about
the particular topic to live by means of recycling?

Oral Communication

How conservative are people in your city? Give examples of people being conservative.

Oh Dear!
1. Listen to Miguel and Marco talk and decide whether the following
statements are True(T) or False(F). Audio
Listen to the dialogue.
a. Miguel judges people.

b. Marco corrects his friend without hesitation.

c. Miguel will ask people to throw garbage in its place.

d. Marco will recycle as many plastic bottles as he can.

2. Listen again and answer the following questions in complete sentences.

a. How can you describe Miguel's attitude at the beginning of the
conversation? Do you agree with his behavior?

b. Do you find it is easy or difficult to ask people to be more organized Tip
when it comes to recycling and throwing the garbage in its place?
Why is it important? How should you explain the situation to them? How to ask for things politely?
Use modal verbs such as: could
and would.
For example:
Could you please give me that bottle?
Would you mind giving me that
bottle? (When you use this
structure, use a verb in “-ing”
form after the word mind).

Value: Democratic participation

In a democracy, citizens have the right to express themselves and their

desires. You can be an example in your community, by being organized
and doing what needs to be done. Being involved, is showing what is
important to you, and it influences others.

to point the finger

at someone. to judge
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and accuse someone

to lead by example. to act

in the correct way, doing what
you say you will do


What does recycling involve? Is it possible to recycle anything?

Do you like recycle? If so, What on Earth Is Recycling?

what do you think is one 1. Read this article about recycling materials
of the best ways to start
recycling? If not, why?
Share your answers with The key to recycling has to do with sorting materials. Once they are
your partners. sorted, the idea is to turn them into new products. Therefore, from this
point of view, recycling keeps us from greenhouse gas emissions which
affect our planet dramatically. Now, one could wonder, is it possible
to recycle anything? In theory, it is possible, but in practice there are
some materials such as Styrofoam which is reduced to almost nothing
after being recycled. Consequently, there isn’t enough material left
to start making new products. Simply put, recycling these kind
of materials ends up being a waste of energy which goes against
the recycling principle itself. As it happens, recyclable materials can
include paper, plastic, aluminum, cardboard and glass. Overall, recycling
reduces the amount of waste accumulated in landfills.

2. Based on the reading, decide whether the following statements are
True(T) or False(F).

a. The key to recycling has to do with classifying materials.

b. The recycled materials are not used to make new products.

c. Theoretically speaking, anything is recyclable.

d. In practice, not everything is recyclable.

e. Styrofoam is a material that can be easily recyclable.

f. Paper, plastic, aluminum, cardboard cannot be recycled.

Vocabulary g. Waste in landfills is reduced thanks to recycling.

to sort. to classify 3. Answer the following questions in your own words.

to wonder. to ask yourself a. How many people recycle in your city?
styrofoam. foam
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simply put. in other words

b. How does recycling help the environment?
cardboard. carton

landfill. waste disposal site

Why should beople be interested in recycling? How can they start?

Giving Advice on How to Recycle

Grammar Tip
1. Write a paragraph about how to recycle. Your paragraph is expected
to include the following information: Will: (will + verb in base form)
• What will you do in order to recycle? It is used to talk about the
future based on instant
• What materials are you going to recycle? decisions and promises.
2. Take the following paragraph as an example. Make sure to focus on the use Expressions such as “I think”
of will that is underlined and going to that is in italics. and “maybe” are commonly
From now on, I will recycle plastic • I’ll go to the party with you.
bottles. It's a decision and a promise • She’ll come here as soon as
I'll keep for the rest of my life. In order possible.
to do this, I have to plan how I am going • They’ll bring the food and the
to do it. In August, I am going to start drinks.
college, and from the very first day
Notice that the modal “will”
of class, I am planning to keep every single
is the same for all the subject
plastic bottle I use daily in order to put it
the right recycling container. I will do it
for at least 8 days, so it becomes a habit. Going to: (going to + verb
I think, I will sell some plastic bottles too. in base form)
I will do my best to support and promote

It is used to talk about future

• I’m going to call you when
I get home.
Now, it is your turn! Use your own information, be sure to use modal • She’s going to travel abroad
verbs. next year.
• • We’re going to organize
a party.

Notice that the only verb
• that you congujate is the verb
to be.!

3. Once you are done, hand in your book to your classmate and give yours
to your partner as well. Check your classmate’s paragraph by providing
feedback, that is, opportunities to improve the paragraph itself. Make
sure to verify your partner answers the questions provided. Then,
return the books. Improve your paragraph by following your partner’s

Prepare a five-minute presentation about your paragraph. During your

presentation, you may ask some questions to make sure everyone
is paying attention.
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Language Through the Arts

What do you think dumpster diving means?

Dumpster Diving
1. Read this article about dumpster diving.

As you could imagine, dumpster diving involves more than

just looking for items of value through the trash, for it is seen as
part of the culture in some developed and developing countries.
Moreover, it is an activity that takes a lot of patience and time,
because one never knows what is going to be found. As a matter
of fact, it is said that sometimes people are not aware of what they
throw in the trash. Aside from making some money by selling
the things they might find, dumpster divers help the environment

in the sense that they do a sort of recycling-related activity. However,

it is not an easy task because one cannot randomly go to a dumpster and
start diving. Before doing that, people not only need to be sure to wear
protective clothing but also be sure what kind of dumpster they have
in front of them and what kind of garbage it contains.

2. Circle the correct answers based on the reading.

• Dumpster diving basically involves:

b. saving c. looking for items of

a. swimming
money value in the garbage

• Dumpster diving is done in:

a. developing b. developed
c. both
countries countries

• In order to perform this activity, one should:

a. wear protective
b. be confident c. be fearless

3. According to the reading, why do you think people perform this kind
of activity? Would you say these people deserve the same respect
for what they are doing as in any other way of making a living?

4. Get into groups and talk about dumpster diving as a way people earn
a living. Brainstorm as many ideas as you can. Then, share your ideas
with the whole class.
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fearless. not to be afraid

of anything

Oral Communication

Have you ever made a promise? Did you keep it? Did you break it?

Don’t Make Promises You Can’t Keep!

1. Listen to the conversation between Miguel and Marco and answer these
questions in complete sentences. Audio
Listen to the dialogue.
a. Has Miguel kept his promise so far? What was his promise? (see pg 19)

b. What is Miguel trying to prove to himself?

c. Describe Marco’s attitude at the end of the conversation.

d. Why is Miguel motivated?

2. What does the phrase “prove to yourself”mean? Write an example

of when you had to prove to yourself something.
Value: Responsibility

Keep your promises. Prove to

yourself that you are more than
what you think and what others
Being responsible includes
doing what you say you're
going to do.
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to pull someone’s leg. to fool



Lesson D

Communication and Cultural Awareness

Are you interested in fashion? Why? Why not?

Weather Rules Fashion

1. Read this article about shopping and seasons.
Countries in Europe and
in North America have four Can you imagine going
seasons in the year: winter, shopping every change of season?
summer, autum, and spring. Do you like the idea? Well, this
This is the main reason why is possible if you live in any part
people usually buy clothes, of Europe or in any country which
at least four times a year. has the four seasons during specific
People need light clothes periods. For example, Argentina
for summer and warm clothes is one of the countries in South
for winter. For autumn they America, which has four seasons;
need a raincoat and for spring people spend a lot of money on

Pixabay / AhmadArdity
something colorful. clothes every two or four months.
The shops usually offer great sales
with discounts for people who
buy in advance, for people who
buy summer clothes in winter and
Write the name of each vice-versa. Moreover, weather rules fashion and fashion designers
person under each season. play with colors and textures. They usually combine bright colors with
a. “I usually wear a light
light clothes; a pink short skirt is perfect for summer. On the other
green skirt, a blouse, and hand, a heavy brown coat is fashionable for winter; and a raincoat
sandals.” – Gina is the best piece of clothing for autumn; a hat or a cup is necessary
for the wind in spring.
b. I prefer a warm coat, scarf,
globes and a woody hat.” – The fashion industry knows this, and each season, they design new
Mike collections, and they organize fashion events. Weather changes are
a great excuse for making people invest money to look in fashion in
c. “I always use a cap, shorts, any season.
and a T-shirt.” – Juan

d. “I like to put on my raincoat, 2. Read the article. Write if the sentences are True(T) or False(F).
boots, and an umbrella.” –
Lucia a. Spain has four season in the year.
Summer Winter b. People don’t spend too much on clothes.

c. People buy clothes twice a year.

d. The fashion industry plans events to sell clothes.

Spring Autumn
3. Read the article again. Complete the sentences with one word from the

rainy warm windy light

a. In winter, people need clothes, while in summer,

Vocabulary they buy clothes; such as skirts or T-shirts.

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design. create clothes b. In autumn, the weather is , and people buy

collection. a set of pieces umbrellas and raincoats. In spring, it’s a season

of clothing. with a lot of flowers.

Oral Communication

How often do you go shopping?

Let’s Go Shopping!
1. Listen to the audio. What do the girls want to buy? Complete the chart.
Listen to the dialogue.

Value: Responsibility

It’s important to have clothes

to wear – of course– but you
don’t have to demand that
2. Answer these questions with complete sentences. your parents buy you the most
expensive clothes or a specific
a. Where is the shopping center? Be specific. brand. Being responsible
includes only asking for
the things that you need
and will use.

b. How far away is the shopping center?

c. How do they get to the shopping center?


d. In the shopping center, are there cheap or expensive stores? How

does Dayana know the stores are expensive?

3. Brainstorm with your partner. Micaela and Dayana are going to look
for some stores in the shopping center. What can they find in each shop?
Book store Shoe store Clothes store
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go window-shopping. don’t
buy, but walk by stoes to see

sale. reduced prices


How much do you and your family spend on clothes?

Fashion Consumers
1. Read this article about fashion consumers.

It isn’t news that every season of the year, fashion industries sell
new clothes designed for, everybody. Although the prices are high,
people buy them, they sometimes don’t care about the costs and how
that affects their financial situation. Big companies have noticed that,
and they try to adapt to the situation. Through the years, they have
changed some materials. They used animal fur to make the most
expensive coats and hats. Thanks to some laws which protect animals
in danger, those companies now use other materials for clothes.
Nevertheless, the prices are still high, and it’s a vicious circle: new
season, new clothes, new customers, new debts. It doesn’t end. Some

people, especially young people, think that to "be cool" is to wear

fashionable clothes and always be informed about the latest fashion
news, but it’s dangerous for everybody’s financial situation.

2. Say if the sentences are True(T) or False(F).

Brainstorm adjectives for a. Brand new clothes aren’t expensive.
customers and fashion
industries. b. People only buy cheap clothes.

Customers: friendly, interested, c. Industries use artificial materials.

d. Fashion is a vicious circle with no end.

3. Answer these questions. Use your own words:

a. Why did fashion industries stop using animal fur?
Fashion industries: ambitious,

b. Why do people keep buying expensive clothes?

c. Explain this vicious fashion circle.

4. Create five sentences related to the fashion industry.



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fur. hair of animals

debt. money you have to pay e.


What clothes do you use for summer and winter?

A traveler Asking for Advice

1. When people travel to a new place, they usually ask for advice from
local people. Below is an example of an email answering some questions Before writing an email,
to a traveler. answer these questions.

a. What city are you from?

From: Candy
To: Mike b. What’s the weather like
Subject: Advice in your city?

Hi Mike,
c. What other city in Ecuador
I hope you are well. I’m happy for your visit this summer. Well, do you like?
I’m from Manabi, and in February we’re in summer, so it’s really hot.
You have to bring light clothes, and yes, don’t forget a sunscreen.
The sun in Ecuador can cause you serious injuries. Quito is a cold city. d. What’s the weather like
It’s usually windy and sometimes rainy, but there are nice places you there?
can visit. You are going to have fun. Call me when you are in Manta.
Best regards,


2. What questions did Mike ask Candy to answer?

3. Write the names of each piece of clothing. Choose one word from
the box. In your notebook, write an
email to a friend who is
skirt scarf coat sandals visiting your city and another
city in Ecuador. Tell him/her
T-shirt shorts boots gloves what clothes to bring, and
the weather in both cities.
Use your notes above.
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Language Through the Arts

How can you represent a season in a painting?

Artists and Four Seasons

1. Read the article about masterpieces.

Salvador Dalí was a surrealist painter. He was from Spain.

This artist has painted thousands of masterpieces. Some of them are
in the most important museums in Europe, a few are in America.
Many sources from life and nature inspired him to create his paintings.
A clear example is the collection of four paintings. Dalí represented
the four season of the year in four fantastic paintings of different
landscapes. Arcimboldo is an Italian artist who painted the four seasons
using different elements from the nature like, fruit, vegetables, trees,
lakes, and so on.
These artists are an example of how nature and weather can be
a source of inspiration to create beautiful masterpieces.
Pixabay / falco

Adapted from:

2. Read the article again. Complete the sentences with one word from
the box.

• Answer the questions inspiration Italian food Spanish Europe


a. Have you ever gone to an a. Dali was a painter.

art museum?
b. Most of Dali’s paintings are in .

c. Arcimboldo was an painter.

b. When was the last time you d. Arcimboldo included some in his paintings.
went to a museum?
e. Weather is a great source of .

3. Answer the questions. Use your own words.

c. Where is the museum you a. What elements did each artist use in their paintings?
visited? Dali:


b. In your opinion, what else can nature inspire?

• Ask your partner these
questions about art.
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masterpiece. an especially
excellent work of art

Oral Communication

What’s your favorite shopping center? Why?

In the Shopping Center

1. Listen to the conversation. Complete the sentences.
a. Hi, can I you? Listen to the dialogue.
b. I’m for a sweater.
c. Can I this on, please?
d. Will you be paying with or credit card?

2. Listen to the conversation again. Decide if the sentences are True(T)

or False(F).
a. There isn’t a place to eat in the mall.

b. The girls go to the jewelry store first.

c. The clothing store is next to the jewelry store.

What types of stores can you
d. Dayana buys jeans. find in a shopping center?
e. Dayana pays with credit card.

3. Use the phrases in activity 1. Create a similar conversation.


4. Pair up. Look at the pictures. Write the name of each type of store.
The first letter is already there.

s_ _ _ s_ _ _ _ j_ _ _ _ _ _ s_ _ _ _ c_ _ _ _ _ _ s_ _ _ _

b_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ f_ _ _ c_ _ _ _ d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

5. Give one example of each each store near where you live.
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Speaking Listening
1 Interview a classmate about seasons, fashion and 3 Listen to the conversation.
recycling. Ask them the following questions and
create two of your own. Take notes. 4 Write if the sentences are True(T) or False(F).

a. Mia loves to recycle.

a. How often do you go shopping with your friends?
b. Luis doesn’t know anything about
b. Who buys clothes in your house?
c. There aren’t any trash cans near.

d. There are three different cans to recycle.

c. What do you do to recycle?
e. Luis isn’t interested in recycling.

d. Do Ecuadorians recycle? Why? 5 Answer these questions.

a. What’s Mia doing?

Share with the class.

2 Describe these pictures about recycling. b. What’s Mia’s opinion about recycling?

c. Does Luis know something about recycling?

6 Clasify these vocabulary words for each trash can.

bottle of wine plastic bag

old notebooks plastic bottle
jar or marmalade boxes of pizza


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Assessment Are we taking care of our planet?
Reading Writing
1 Read this email: 2 Write Paul an email. Answer his questions.
a. Include:
• How recycling is handled in Ecuador.
b. Write between 30-35 words.

From: Paul
[email protected]
To: (your name)
[email protected] From:

Subject: Recycling in Ecuador

Hi there, Subject: Recycling in Ecuador

How are you doing? I hope all is well. My

teacher asked me to write an essay related to
the topic of recycling in Ecuador. Could you
help me with that info?
Thank you in advance.

See you soon,


I’m completing this self-evaluation based on what I learned in the module.

Self-evaluation I check the box that most applies to me

I do it very I do it I can I can’t do it
Topics well somewhat well improve without help
I can talk about recycling.
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I can use expressions to ask for things politely.

I can talk about clothes and seasons of the year.
I can write about the weather and clothes.

Project 2
All You Need is Taking Care
of the Environment
Let’s become recyclers!

Step 1

Get into groups of four students. Brainstorm some ideas on what you can
do to take care of the environment to start a campaign in your school.



Step 2

Come to an agreement with each other on the best campaign to motivate

your classmates to be aware of the environment. Campaign ideas might
include proposals such as:

a. Coming up with phrases like “I am not going to tell you what to do,
I am going to show it how it gets done”. Walk the talk!

b. Make posters for your campaign.

c. Invite your classmates to participate actively.

Step 3

Prepare a 10-minute oral presentation with pictures to explain your ideas.

Don’t forget to use all the new vocabulary you have learned so far.

Step 4

Once all the presentations are over, compare your ideas with your
classmates’ proposals.

Do they have a lot in common? Yes/no, why?

Step 5

Finally, decide on how to start the campaign by taking into account all
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the proposals. Make a video about it and share it.



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