2022-02-03 Calvert County Times

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E E Committee Curry Unveils CSM Holds Winter

F R REdraws Districts proposed Budget Commencment



Catholic Schools
True to Tradition
2 The Calvert County Times Thursday, February 3, 2022



Del. Mark Fisher makes a point.




Catholic Schools Week is celebrated at Our Tournament raises funds and awareness about cancer.
Lady Star of the Sea in Solomons and all around
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 16 Southern Maryland. Father Ken Gill pictured.




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St. Mary’s County ● Calvert County
For staff listing and emails, see page 23
Thursday, February 3, 2022 The Calvert County Times Local News 3

Redistricting Committee Redraws Election Districts

Change Impacts 5,600 People Anne
Arundel District Lines

By Dick Myers


Plan 3 with



The Calvert County Redistrict- DUNKIRK

OWINGS 03-004 Precincts
ing Committee will be recom- 03-006


mending to the county commis- 3




sioners a plan that reconfigures

the county’s three election dis- 02-007
tricts by moving 5,600 people LOWER MARLBORO
State Roads

from one district to another. 02-006
County Roads

The plan selected on a 7-2 vote BREEZY POINT

Polling Precincts
HUNTINGTOWN County Commissioner District Lines
at the committee’s Jan. 28 meeting

Chesa pe
02-003 District 1 (Population = 30,253)
modifies somewhat an earlier plan IN
RD 02-005


UM District 2 (Population = 31,158)
suggested by the county’s Elec-



District 3 (Population = 31,359)

tions Administrator Gail Hatfield

that would only have changed the Charles
02-008 DARE

boundary line between the 1st and County PRINCE FREDERICK

2 nd districts.

Under the proposed plan, there




would be 30,253 people in the 1st


District, 31,5870 in the 2 nd and



31,259 in the 3rd .


Calvert County Redistricting Committee

Under the plan, the 2 nd District

Chairman Wilson Parran

would have the largest minority Pa
population, at 7,895. compared to said, “Unfortunately, the redis- xe

tricting committee has shut us


7,641 in the 1st District and 7,224

in the 3rd . down at every turn. They’ve ig- BROOMES ISLAND

nored similar calls by non-par-

The committee at the meeting

tisan groups like the League of


rejected an alternate plan which 01-006


Women Voters and the NAACP. 

would have more drastically re-


configured the 2 nd and 3rd dis- Enough is enough.” St. Mary's


However, Calvert County County 01-007

tricts, with the 2 nd district hugging


NAACP Branch President Mi-


the Chesapeake shoreline and in-

cluded the twin beaches, and the chael Kent, a member of the re-
Map approved by Redistricting Committee
3rd district hugging the Patuxent districting committee, has vehe-
shoreline. mently denied any such statement

Bowen's Grocery
That alternate plan would have was ever made. He said, “Under
created a slightly majority Demo- NAACP bylaws, only the branch
cratic 2 nd District, with more mi- president or his/ her designee may
nority population in it. make statements to the press. I Family Owned & Operated Since 1929
At the beginning of the Jan. 28 did not make a statement and nei- The Charm and Quality of the Past with the Convenience and Variety of Today
meeting, Commission Chairman ther did my designee, Michael
Wilson Parran, a former county Hawkins. Further, the NAACP is USDA Choice Beef
non-partisan and whoever the ref-
commissioner, criticized com-
ments from the Democratic Party erenced Democrat was, does not “Our Own” Freshly Ground Chuck
speak for us.  The statement we
in an email sent out to members
and reported on in last week’s will make at this time is: It is the Steaks • Pork Chops • Fresh Chicken
desire of the Calvert Branch of the
County Times. The email called
NAACP to see that the local dis-
for the creation of five election
districts and in-district voting in- trict lines are drawn fairly and eq-
uitably, accounting for population
Berger & Otterbein's Fresh MD Crab Meat
stead of county-wide as it now ex-
ists. The email criticized the com- growth, but not limiting access of Specialty Cookies Lump • Jumbo Lump
any person to exercise their right
mittee for not considering those
options. to vote.” Frozen Crab Cakes
Parran said neither the commit- Dawn Collins, the League of
Women Voters representative on
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tee nor the county commissioners Full Service Meat Department Hand-Dipped Ice Cream
had the authority to establish five the redistricting committee, also
denied any knowledge of a league Custom Orders Welcome 12 Taste Tempting Flavors
election districts or make them in-
statement. Fresh Rolls
district voting. He said that was
The redistricting committee is Chicken Half Gallons - 30 Flavors!
the purview of the Maryland Gen- Hot Soups
eral Assembly and if anyone was expected to meet a final time on
Feb. 4 to finalize their letter of
Salad Pints • Ice Cream Cakes
interested in those options, they Sandwiches
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should contact their legislators. recommendation to the county
The email sent out Jan. 24 also commissioners.
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4 Local News The Calvert County Times Thursday, February 3, 2022


CLOSEOUT SALE Legislative Map
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All Perennials Delegate Mark Fisher (R: 27-C) speaking on the House floor with the legislative map for Calvert County.

Christmas sale
By Guy Leonard River to get to the rest of the yel-
Staff Writer and low (color on the map) in Prince
Dick Myers George’s County for District 27-
Editor B. There is no bridge on the Patux-
Along party lines Democrats in ent River in that district, not even

FiNal WeeK
the Maryland General Assembly close. In fact, in order for people
have voted to approve a new re- in this part of Calvert County to
districting map for senate and del- get to the other side of the district
egate districts. in Prince Georges County, they

The structure of the map has have to drive between 35 and 40
All Christmas Decor some minor changes, but Repub- minutes to get to a bridge to get to
lican lawmakers are already pre- that district.”
All Artificial Wreaths dicting the map will bring legal He said it violates state code,

action to overturn it. which says, “due regard will be
All Greens

“Bring on the lawsuit,” said St. given to natural boundaries and
All Ornaments Mary’s County Del. Matt Morgan the boundaries of political subdi-
in a social media post. “One man, visions. This county, Calvert only
All Sales Final. No Returns one vote is a principle our democ- has 92,000 people. There’s no rea-
racy is built upon. son we can’t have two full House
Christmas Sale at Charlotte Hall
“But unfortunately, the new member districts.”
and Prince Frederick Only state legislative map violates that Democrat Rachel Jones, who
principle and disenfranchises lives in Calvert, currently repre-
P RO F E S S I O N A L L A N D S C A P E D E S I G N & I N S TA L L thousands of people across Mary- sents District 29-B.
land. That is unfair, and I hope the The redistricting also continues
Treat Your Landscape court strikes down this nonsense.” to have a shared delegate in south-
To Something Special Calvert County Delegate Mark ern Calvert and middle St. Mary’s
This Year! Fisher (R: 27-C), in an impas- and also continues to share one
sioned speech on the House f loor, senator (District 27) with Prince
said the approved map violated George’s and another with St.
state law. Mary’s. The two current senators
Pointing to a map of Calvert are Michael Jackson, who lives in
County showing District 27-B’s Prince George’s and Jack Bailey
split between Calvert and Prince who lives in St. Mary’s.
George’s, Fisher said, “Here’s Dis- [email protected] and
trict 27-B in Calvert County. And [email protected]
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Thursday, February 3, 2022 The Calvert County Times Local News 5

Gowen Running For

District 29C Delegate
By Guy Leonard
Staff Writer
The commander of Maryland’s
National Guard wants to be the
next delegate for District 29C in
St. Mary’s and Calvert Counties.
Maj. Gen. Timothy Gowen, a
Republican and Leonardtown res-
ident, filed for election Jan. 24; he
said if elected he would resign as
the state’s Adjutant General.
“I feel like I want to help out and
add a stronger voice to the people
in the General Assembly,” Gowen
told The County Times. “I think
an effective conservative voice in
Maryland can make a change.
“I think I can help change some
minds with evidence and data
driven arguments.”
If elected Gowen wants to try to Maj. Gen. Tim Gowen
find ways to end the alleged ger- will not seek reelection. Gowen is
rymandering for which Maryland currently the only candidate who
is famous by arguing that contin- has filed for the seat and if elected
ually playing to just one political would be the first St. Mary’s resi-
party in a state will ultimately be dent to hold the seat in almost 15
to its detriment. years.
“It really bothers me,” Gowen District 29C spans the mid-
said. “The supermajority makes dle section of St. Mary’s, across
too many emotionally based the Patuxent River and much of
decisions. Southern Calvert County.

“The way we’ve reacted to CO- Locally, Gowan wants to ensure

t o
VID is one of them.” St. Mary’s and Calvert counties

g e
Gowen said his long experience

are “getting our fair share out of

i i v
as a general staff officer in the

Annapolis” and wants to solve

ex c
U.S. Army and National Guard traffic congestion problems.

L ark ulA
making data-driven decisions and He also wants to promote poli-
dealing with risk management cies that would make for a com-

make him a strong candidate for petitive business environment in

P Ad
the job of state delegate. St. Mary’s and Calvert, he said.
m u
The current incumbent, Del.
Gerald “Jerry” Clark has said he
[email protected]
t Com

Detectives Make Arrest cial

in Lusby Homicide in Spe
Movedeposit &EE
$99 onth FR
Calvert County Sheriff’s Office
deputies responded to a residence
was made with
Ridgely who
1st M
in the 8300 block of Cedar Lane was incarcer-
in Lusby on Jan.28 shortly after 8 ated at the
p.m. after receiving report of an Charles County
unresponsive subject. Upon ar- Detention Cen-
rival, officers located an adult fe- ter on unrelated
male identified as Selene Noelle charges, where
Persinger, 38, of Lusby, deceased he admitted
inside the residence. Travis Benjamin to the crime.
Preliminary investigation re- Ridgely, 34 of Lusby Ridgely has
All Ut
vealed Persinger had suffered been charged
trauma to her body and foul play with Second-Degree Murder,
was suspected. Detectives from
the Criminal Investigation Bureau
First-Degree Assault, Second-De-
gree Assault and Unlawful Taking ed
(CIB) assumed the investigation. of Motor Vehicle and is being held
Detectives identified Travis on a no bond status.
Benjamin Ridgely, 34 of Lusby Press Release from CCSO.
as a person of interest. Contact 21895 Pegg Road • Lexington Park, MD 20653 • (240)725-0111
6 Local News The Calvert County Times Thursday, February 3, 2022

Curry Unveils His

For personal

Proposed Budget
Asks $9 Million More from County

personal injury By Dick Myers

Calvert County Superintendent
of Schools Dr, Daniel Curry has

& car crashes

proposed a $246.4 million budget
for the next fiscal year. The bud-
get unveiled at the school board’s
Jan. 27 meeting will be Curry’s fi-
nal before his retirement later this
Whereas the school system used
more than $7 million in fund bal-
ance to close the gap in the cur-
rent year’s budget while asking
the county for just a dollar more,
the tables have been reversed by
Curry for this year’s Superinten- Superintendent of Schools Dr. Daniel Curry
dent’s Budget. There is very little
fund balance available for use • CCPS has committed

(only $440,000) so Curry is seek- $1,035,050 to summer school
ing more than $9 million more programs for all levels
from the county for his parting • CCPS has committed $767,002
for after-school tutoring for

“I hope the county is not too all levels
surprised that the need has come • CCPS has committed $217,822

lexington park, maryland around,” Curry said. for Saturday School for all
The budget features a one- levels
percent cost of living adjustment • CCPS has committed $193,928

Sell it - Buy it (COLA) and a one-step increase

for teachers and support staff.
for mental health enhancing
• CCPS has committed
at Calvert ranks fourth in the state
in “Bachelors, Step 1 Starting
Teacher Salary.” They are fifth in
$3,000,000 to the purchase of
an HVAC system for the new
“Master’s, Step 10” and third in Beach Elementary School
maximum for a master’s degree. • CCPS has committed
Tri County Livestock Auction $2,000,000 for the health suite
1st & 3rd Wednesdays of the Month – Auction begins at 4 PM Starting teacher’s salary at Step
1 will be $50,500. upgrades for 18 schools
Located Off MD Rt. 6 West – Charlotte Hall, MD • CCPS has committed $272,473
(closest physical address is 9033 Glock Place – Look for auction sign at entrance)
There are no new positions in
the budget although staff request- for our nurses and staff to do
This auction is managed/conducted by the Tri-County Livestock Auction committee. contact tracing.
ed 40. That fact caused regret
Enrollment was 15,220 students
ONLINE PUBLIC AUCTION from several school board mem-
in grades kindergarten through 12
bers. School Board Vice President
Immaculate Conception Church Inez Claggett said she would have as of December 2021, up 300 from
last year’s pandemic lows but still
www.FarrellAuctionService.com liked to see more positions in or-
der to lower class sizes. below pre-pandemic levels.
Demographically, the school
Variety of items will be offered for online biding beginning on Increases over the current fiscal
system is:
or about Thursday, February 4, 2022. year, include:
• Transportation Costs - $3.9 • 67.5 percent White
Auction in-person, on-site preview: million • 13.3 percent African American
• Future Ready (technology up- • 9.9 percent Two or More Races
Saturday, February 5th from 4 pm to 7 pm. • 7.5 percent Hispanic
grades) - $1.3 million
Immaculate Conception Church Parish Center • Contracted Psychologists -$.5 • Less than 5 percent Asian
28299 Old Village Road – Mechanicsville, MD million • Less than 5 percent American
• Special Education Salaries Indian.
Auction will close FRI, FEB 11, 2022 beginning at 6 PM. The full budget proposal is avail-
(Staff previously in State
grant) $1.4 million able on the school system website
ONSITE STORAGE UNIT AUCTION • Operations and Facilities - and public comment is being so-
$1.9 million licited for the next 30 days. The
Smart Box of Maryland board will then review the writ-
• Salaries - $2.5 million
9900 Fallard Court, Upper Marlboro, MD 20772 • Benefits (Retirement Health ten comments through March 24.
February 12, 2022 @ 9:30 Insurance and Social Secu- The Board of Education Proposed
rity): $2.1 million Budget must be approved and sub-
For More Info: Contact Smart Box @ 301-965-0729 mitted to the County Government
Curry says CCPS operations
have received extra help recently for inclusion in the County’s bud-
get on March 24.
www.FarrellAuctionService.com from federal grants, such as:
[email protected]
Thursday, February 3, 2022 The Calvert County Times Local News 7

State Studying Bridge for Suicide Prevention Measures

By Guy Leonard jects from completing a lethal fall.
Staff Writer The bridge is 140 feet tall at the height
The recent deaths of jumpers from the of its span.
Thomas Johnson Bridge that connect Cal- That idea already has some support from
vert and St. Mary’s counties has prompted elected leaders.
the State Highway Administration (SHA) “No family should experience the loss of
to consider options that could prevent a a loved one from suicide,” said Del. Brian
person from ending their life from a bridge Crosby (D-Dist.29B) “The simple act of
plunge. installing nets could save a family from ex-
“Our Office of Structures will per- periencing a tragedy.”
form a study to determine if there are ad- The father of the high school student,
ditional viable countermeasures for the Andrew Sukhram, who took his own life
Thomas Johnson Bridge,” said Tina Re- last year signed that petition along with
gester, assistant director of public relations Crosby.
for SHA. “SHA’s number one priority is “I’m signing this petition because we all
safety along the state highway network and can’t just stand by hoping this tragedy won’t “We need to talk more about it, so peo- to prevent such occurrences, she said, but
takes suicides and attempted suicides very happen again,” David Sukhram said. “Un- ple know there’s help,” Cameron told The residents should be mindful of other ways
seriously.” fortunately, we can’t expect all our loved County Times. “Money is secondary to to help prevent all suicides.
The state has already taken some steps ones to recognize and get or accept the nec- what we’re talking about [saving lives.]” “Creating a protective environment is
in an effort to prevent suicidal jumps from essary help needed to prevent suicide.” Calvert Sheriff Mike Evans concurred. one important part of a comprehensive
the bridge but still fatalities have occured in “Yes, we need more and accessible “Something to make it more difficult approach, and can be advanced by reduc-
one of the most public places locally. mental health services and we also need [to jump from the bridge] would probably ing access to lethal means among persons
“In 2007, call boxes were installed on the medicine, family, love, support, fellowship, help,” Evans said. “I’m willing to try any- at risk of suicide,” Brewster said. “This
Thomas Johnson Bridge to offer a direct church, sports, community, self-care, all thing to keep people alive.” may include safer storage of firearms and
link to the state’s suicide hotline for those these things, but when they aren’t enough St. Mary’s health officer, Dr. Meena medications in households, as well as
seeking help, and in 2008 cameras were in- and a person decides to take their life, a Brewster, said suicide affected more than implementing a Suicide Deterrent System
stalled to monitor activity on the bridge,” community is left with questions,” the just the person who took their own life. at higher risk sites (such as netting on a
Regester said in a prepared statement. grieving father continued. “What if? What “Suicide is a serious public health prob- bridge).
There have been two suicides from the could we have done better? What could I lem that can have lasting harmful effects on “Reducing access to lethal means is im-
bridge so far this year and there was anoth- have done better?” individuals, families, and communities,” portant because many suicide attempts take
er in October of last year involving a Leon- Sukhram said that the cost of implement- Brewster said. “As the cause of suicide is place during an acute or short-term crisis.”
ardtown High School student that struck ing netting would be worth the expense if it complex and determined by multiple fac- The latest data from the state, from 2019,
the community deeply. saved just one life. tors, the goal of suicide prevention is to re- shows there were 13 suicides in St. Mary’s
The recent spike in deaths has prompted St. Mary’s Sheriff Timothy K. Cameron duce risk factors and enhance factors that and 11 in Calvert County.
a petition locally to install some kind of said the issue of suicide had to be discussed, promote resilience.” [email protected]
netting on the bridge to catch suicidal sub- like it or not. Netting at the bridge was a possible way

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8 Local News The Calvert County Times Thursday, February 3, 2022

Commissioners Poised Courthouse Access Limited

to Act on Police
Accountability Board
Final Public Hearing Held on Jan. 25
By Dick Myers sone places in the country, “Members
Editor of our department have become tar-
About a dozen people spoke at gets of hatred.”
what is expected to be the final pub- And Clare Hill said there should be
lic hearing before the Calvert Coun- more discussion about oversight of Due to the recent surge in Maryland for Calvert County website at http://
try Board of County Commissioners law enforcement administration in- of COVID-19 cases as a result of the circuitcourt.co.cal.md.us.
(BOCC) votes to establish the legis- stead of the police officers. Omicron variant, and consistent with Further, Judge Chandlee has de-
latively mandated Police Accountabil- According to a briefing last year by the guidance issued by the Centers termined that all currently scheduled
ity Board (PAB) and the companion County Attorney John Norris, the Po- for Disease Control and Prevention matters, excluding jury trials, in the
Administrative Charging Commit- lice Accountability Board’s role is to: (CDC), the Maryland Department of Calvert County Circuit Court will
tee (ACC). The BOCC is expected to • Hold quarterly meetings with Health (MDH) and local health agen- remain as scheduled. All jury trials,
make a decision at their Feb. 8 meet- heads of law enforcement agencies cies, the Maryland Judiciary is revert- however, will be suspended until the
ing after leaving the record open for and otherwise work with law enforce- ing to Phase III emergency operations. Judiciary is able to reenter Phase V of
comments for 10 days after the Jan. 25 ment agencies and the county govern- On Dec. 27, 2021, Chief Judge Joseph its reopening plan.  
hearing. ment to improve matters of policing; M. Getty of the Court of Appeals for Accordingly, civil and criminal tri-
While there were still sone calls • Appoint members to the Adminis- Maryland issued an Interim Admin- als currently scheduled to commence
for more citizen representation on the trative Charging Committee, and any istrative Order Restricting Statewide between Dec. 29, 2021, and Feb. 8,
nine-member PAB and fewer persons Trial Boards; Operations in Light of Omicron Vari- 2022, shall be converted to status con-
with law enforcement ties, there also • Receive complaints of police mis- ant of the COVID-19 Emergency. ferences. All hearings will be heard in
was considerable general support for conduct filed by the public; The interim operational plan took ef- person at the Calvert County Circuit
the work done in the process to date • Review, quarterly, outcomes of fect Dec. 29, 2021, and will continue Courthouse. Any party/litigant and/or
and changes made to accommodate disciplinary matters considered by through Feb. 8, 2022, pending further attorney appearing in a matter sched-
concerns. charging committees; and order.   uled on or after Dec. 29, 2021 through
Calvert County NAACP Branch • By December 31, submit a re- Accordingly, Mark S. Chandlee, Feb. 8, 2022, may file an appropri-
President Michael Kent said, “We are port to the County Commissioners Administrative Judge for the Circuit ate motion in writing to advise the
happy with the work done,” adding “It and recommend policy changes that Court for Calvert County, has issued Court of any issue that may prevent
is a very good document you have put would improve police accountability an Administrative Order requiring a party, attorney, and/or witness
together.” He noted, however, that in in the county. the Calvert County Sheriff’s Office to from appearing in person for their
the county “young black males and fe- The Calvert County Administrative restrict access and screen individuals scheduled hearing or make a request
males are fearful of being hauled over Charging Committee’s role is to: entering the Courthouse located at 175 to appear remotely for their scheduled
by police.” • Review findings of a law enforce- Main St. in Prince Frederick, and is hearing. The Circuit Court will rule
But a League of Women Voters ment agency’s investigation; authorized to continue to conduct ther- on any requests for conversions to
representative said, “The role of law • Review any body camera foot- mal temperature checks of all individ- remote hearings and continuances on
enforcement should be to serve as re- age that may be relevant to the mat- uals entering the Courthouse; ensure a case-by-case basis.
sources but in a non-voting capacity.” ters covered in the complaint of proper implementation of the screen- Court offices are fully staffed. Court
The draft ordinance presented at the misconduct; ing protocol and receipt of responses personnel will be available to the pub-
public hearing said: • Determine whether or not to ad- to screening questions propounded by lic by telephone between the hours of
• The Chairperson of the CCPAB ministratively charge the police officer entrants; inquire about the purpose 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Maryland Elec-
shall have experience relevant to who is the subject of the investigation; of an individual’s visit to the Court- tronic Court (MDEC) continues to
the position. • If the police officer is charged, house; limit the number of individuals be available for electronic filing and
• To the extent practicable, mem- recommend discipline in accordance entering the Courthouse at any given is required to be used for all MDEC
bers of the CCPAB shall reflect with that officer’s agency’s disciplin- time to ensure the health and safety of counties. The courts shall be open to
the racial, gender, and cultural ary matrix; all individuals in the Courthouse, and the public, and no appointment shall
diversity of Calvert County and • Issue a written opinion that de- DENY entry to any individual whose be necessary (although preferred) for
include, with not less than two scribes in detail its findings, determi- screening results require refusal of access.   
members from each County Com- nations, and recommendations; entry to the Courthouse for the health Any questions or concerns relative
missioner District: • Forward the written opinion to the and safety of all individuals in the to cases or proceedings should be di-
• Two members shall be retired, chief of the law enforcement agency, Courthouse. Any individual denied rected to:
sworn law enforcement officers the police officer, and the complainant. entry with an affirmative response to Circuit Court: 410-535-1600
who retired in good standing at The Administrative Charging Com- the screening inquiry in consultation District Court: 443-550-6700
least five years prior to appoint- mittee may also: with the Administrative Judge will be Calvert County Government con-
ment on the CCPAB, with suf- • Request information or action provided with information regarding tinues to take precautionary measures
ficient time and responsibility of from the law enforcement agency; alternative means to address the pur- to slow the spread of COVID-19 and
service…. to adequately represent • Find that the allegations against a pose of that person’s intended visit to limit the number of people infected.
a law enforcement perspective; police officer are unfounded, or exon- the court. All individuals entering the Residents, employees and media are
• Not less than three members shall erate the police officer, if the officer Circuit Court for Calvert County shall encouraged to monitor Calvert Coun-
be from minority populations isn’t administratively charged; wear face masks indoors regardless ty’s virtual resource center for updates
within Calvert County; and • Record, in writing, any failure of of vaccination status or other related and information resources: www.Cal-
• One Member should be a mental supervision that caused or contributed health measures.   vertCountyMd.gov/Coronavirus.
health practitioner to a police officer’s misconduct. The courthouse will continue re- Find information on Calvert County
At the hearing Ed Baylor told the At the Jan. 25 public hearing, Cal- strictions to limit the concentration of Government services online at www.
BOCC, “We should not liberalize this vert County State’s Attorney Robert individuals and allow social distanc- CalvertCountyMd.gov. Stay up to date
to appease those with an anti-police Harvey noted the importance of his ing, consistent with state and federal with Calvert County Government on
agenda.” agency in the process because crimi- guidance. Facebook at www.facebook.com/Cal-
And Calvert County Sheriff’s Of- nal charges could be the outcome of The new administrative orders can vertCountyMd and YouTube at www.
fice (CCSO) Fraternal Order of Po- an investigation and his office would be viewed on the Maryland Judiciary youtube.com/CalvertCountyGov.
lice (FOP) Lodge 109 President Nick have to prosecute them. website at https://mdcourts.gov/coro- Press Release from
DeFelice said because of the mood in [email protected] navirusorders and the Circuit Court Calvert County government.
Thursday, February 3, 2022 The Calvert County Times Cops & Courts 9


During the week of January 17, 2022 – January 23, 2022, deputies of the Calvert County Sheriff’s Office responded to 1, 378 calls for service throughout the community.
Damaged Property: 22-02884 MD for the report of an armed firmed that Paxton was wanted on MPH). A traffic stop was attempt-
On January 19, 2022, Deputy robbery. The complainant ad- an open warrant thru Maryland ed, but the suspect vehicle failed
Morrison responded to the 3300 vised two black male subjects, State Police and Cecil County. As to stop. The operator continued to
block of Holland Cliffs Road in one armed with a handgun, the Paxton was being detained, DFC travel at a high rate in an attempt
Huntingtown, MD for the report other armed with an aluminum Wilson observed two syringes to f lee law enforcement. After a
of damaged property. The com- baseball bat rushed toward the on Paxton’s person in addition brief pursuit, deputies lost sight
plainant advised his mailbox was victim demanding the keys to to a glass container containing a of vehicle. At approximately 3:16
damaged by unknown suspect(s). his truck that was running in the leafy substance that was emitting a.m., the suspect vehicle was lo-
Deputy Morrison observed a large driveway. The subject armed with a strong chemical odor (suspected cated traveling northbound on
hole in the victim’s mailbox and a the bat struck the victim in the Phencyclidine (PCP). A search of Rt. 4 in the area of Calvert Cliffs
rock nearby. The estimated value leg. The male subjects then f led Fatzinger revealed a Ziploc bag State Park in Lusby, MD with
of damaged property is $280.00. the house into the nearby woods. containing suspected marijuana its lights off. DFC Idol and Cpl.
Damaged Property: 22-03240 Suspect #1 (armed with handgun) and a plastic wrapper contain- Robshaw conducted a felony traf-
On January 21, 2022, Deputy is described as black male with a ing suspected Methamphetamine. fic stop and the operator, Ericson
Newton responded to the Gi- stockier build, 5 feet 9 inches tall, Both Fatzinger and Paxton were Paul Brown, 22 of Waldorf, MD
ant Food grocery store located wearing a black wind jacket, black transported to the Calvert Coun- was placed under arrest. Brown
at 655 N. Solomons Island Road pants, wearing an orange/red ty Detention Center. Paxton was admitted to the earlier pursuit as
in Prince Frederick, MD for the skull cap with dreadlocks down to charged with CDS: Possession- he was f leeing due to his registra-
report of damaged property. The his lower back. Suspect #2 (armed Not Marijuana. Fatzinger was tion being suspended. Brown was
complainant advised an unknown with bat) is described as a lighter charged with CDS: Possession- detained and transported to the
female hit the victim’s vehicle skin black male, wearing all black Not Marijuana and CDS: Posses- Calvert County Detention Center
with a shopping cart. The estimat- with a black ski mask covering sion-Marijuana 10GM+. where he was charged with Neg-
ed value of damaged property is his face. Anyone with informa- On January 23, 2022 at 2:44 ligent and Reckless Driving along
$300.00. tion about this incident, is asked a.m., Cpl. Pounsberry responded with other traffic related charges.
Theft: 22-02929 to please contact Deputy McCourt to a traffic complainant south- Editor’s Note: The above arrests
On January 19, 2022, Deputy at Richard.McCourt.Jr@Calvert- bound Rt. 4 in the area of Sixes are not an indication of guilt or
Aurich responded to the 2600 countymd.gov. Road in Prince Frederick, MD for innocence as the cases have not
block of Manor Court in Owings, a vehicle travelling with no lights been adjudicated.
MD for the report of a theft. The ARRESTS at a high rate of speed (over 100
complainant advised sometime be- On January 22, 2022, Deputy
tween Jan. 5 and Jan. 19, unknown Tavares and Cpl. Kampf conduct-
suspect(s) stole the rear registra- ed a traffic stop on Hidden Spring
tion plate for a trailer parked on Trail in Prince Frederick, MD.
the side yard of his residence. The Contact was made with the driver
estimated value of stolen property Thomas Lynn Fatzinger, 58 of
is unknown at this time. Port Deposit, MD and passenger
Armed Robbery: 22-02775 Lukus Lee Paxton, 32 of Colora,
On January 19, 2022, Deputy MD. Cpl. Kampf advised Fatz-
McCourt responded to the 12000 inger that the registration on the
block of Susan Lane in Lusby, vehicle was suspended and con-

If you would like to place a

[email protected] imes Calver
27, 202






Genilitary Ser
St. Mary’s County ● Calvert County COUNTYTIMES.NET
10 In Our Community The Calvert County Times Thursday, February 3, 2022

Pink & Blue Tournament State Begins Sending

Raises Record Funds Mail-In Ballot Request
Supports Prostate and Breast Cancer
Sent in Advance of 2022 Primary Election

Members of the Pink and Blue Committee joined CalvertHealth staff to pres-
ent a check from their annual golf tournament. Pictured from left to right are:
CalvertHealth Vice President Kasia Sweeney; Dr. John (Jack) Cooper; Pink and
Blue Committee Member Mickie Frazer; CalvertHealth Foundation Staff Amber The Maryland State Board of ballot request form.
Carroll; Pink and Blue Co-Chairs Ron Thomas and Dr. Duncan Frazer; Pink and Elections is mailing ballot request Voters who want to vote in per-
Blue Committee Members Sue Dippel, Beverly Ingraham and Margaret Owens; forms for mail-in ballots to over 3 son should not fill out and return
CalvertHealth Vice President Theresa Johnson; and CalvertHealth President and million registered Maryland vot- the form.
CEO Dean Teague ers in advance of the State’s 2022 This first phase of request forms
The 11th Annual Pink and Blue cancer and we want to honor their Primary Election. Ballot requests for the primary election are ad-
Memorial Tournament was held memory by giving back to our forms will begin arriving in mail- dressed to registered Democrats
on October 11 at The Cannon Club local hospitals cancer treatment boxes later this week. and registered Republicans.
in Lothian, MD. The tournament facilities.” Maryland’s 2022 Primary Elec- Voters registered with other po-
celebrated the life of Anthony In the past, proceeds from the tion will be held Tuesday, June 28, litical parties, such as the Green
Williams and raised $45,000 for Pink and Blue tournament have 2022. Party and Libertarian Party, and
the CalvertHealth Foundation to helped CalvertHealth expand This year, Maryland state law unaffiliated voters will receive a
invest in the latest breast cancer patient education, the nurse (HB1048 and SB683) requires that request form in a second phase of
and prostate cancer treatment and navigation program and purchase election officials send all voters mailers if there is a primary elec-
equipment. Since the event began equipment related to treating a form to request a mail-in bal- tion in their school board district.
in 2010, the tournament has raised breast cancer, prostate cancer lot. After filling out the request Request forms for these voters
more than $400,000 benefitting and genetic testing. This year, the form, sign and seal it and return it will be mailed after the deadline
CalvertHealth and Anne Arundel donated proceeds will benefit the in the postage paid envelope that for candidates to file for office, so
Medical Center. CalvertHealth’s Giving for Gifted accompanies the form. To receive that election officials will know
“Giving back to the community Hands Campaign, a $2.5 million a mail-in ballot for the primary where there are contested school
in honor of friends we have lost multifaceted project to expand election, return envelopes must be board elections.
means everything to the Pink and surgical services and provide received by June 21, 2022. There will be a final phase of
Blue Committee,” said Dr. Dun- our patients and our community Alternatively, voters can request mailers after the primary election
can Frazer, Pink and Blue Com- with access to the most advanced a mail-in ballot online if they have for all other registered voters.
mittee Co-Chair. “We all know surgical options - close to home. a Maryland driver’s license or To vote by mail, you must be reg-
people who have been touched by Press Release from CalvertHealth MVA-issued ID card. To complete istered to vote in Maryland. Visit
an application online, visit vote. elections.maryland.gov to register
md.gov/NeedBallot. Voters may or update your voter record.
also visit their local board of elec- Press Release from Maryland
State Board of Elections.

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Thursday, February 3, 2022 The Calvert County Times In Our Community 11

Input Sought for New Buy Local Guide

Harriet E. Brown Accepting Listings
Community Center
The Calvert County Depart-
The Southern Maryland Agricultural
Development Commission, (SMADC),
is updating the annual ‘So. Maryland,
farm foods. Farmers markets located in
greater Maryland, Washington DC and
Virginia that host one or more Southern
So Good’ Buy Local Guide featuring re- Maryland farm vendor are eligible to be
ment of Parks & Recreation in- gional farmers markets, farm stores and included in the Buy Local Guide.
vites citizens to participate in a stands, and new this year farm CSAs. The guide also indicates which mar-
brief survey to provide input on Applications are now being accepted kets, stores, stands and CSAs accept
the new Harriet E. Brown Com- for the 2022 edition of the online ‘So. federal nutrition program benefits, and
munity Center and Park. The sur- Maryland, So Good’ Buy Local Guide. those that offer Maryland Market Mon-
vey offers a glimpse of potential Listings are open to farmers markets ey (MMM) matching dollars. Farm-
site and f loor plan options for the and Southern Maryland farms that host ers markets, or farmers (hosting farm
potential facility. a farm store or farm stand, and farms stands/stores and CSAs) looking to aug-
The public is encouraged to that offer CSAs located in the 5-coun- ment and diversify their revenue stream
provide input on the center’s ty region (Anne Arundel, Calvert, by accepting federal nutrition benefits
amenities, outdoor space, f loor tyMd.gov/ParksandRecreation. 
For updates on Parks & Rec- Charles, Prince George’s and St. Mary’s are encouraged to apply to the MMM
plans and more. The new com- counties). program. For more details visit mary-
munity center will be located on reation services, park avail-
ability, field closures and more The intent of the Buy Local Guide is landmarketmoney.org.
Fairground Road and will replace to provide a region-wide directory of To submit a Buy Local Guide list-
the existing community center visit Parks & Recreation at www.
Facebook.com/CalvertCountyP- farmers markets and farm retail options ing, find the Application under ‘News
building located at 901 Dares (in-person or on-line) that can be easily and Events’ on the SMADC web-
Beach Road in Prince Frederick. arks and follow @CalvertCoun-
tyParks on Instagram. accessed by consumers without prior site. Listings are due by February 28,
The Calvert County Depart- appointment. 2022. There is no charge to be listed. To
ment of Parks & Recreation Find information on Calvert
County Government services on- Eligible listings include farm CSAs, request a ‹paper› application form call
strives to enhance the health, farmers markets, farm stores and farm Susan McQuilkin: 240-528-8850 Ex.
economy and well-being of the line at www.CalvertCountyMd.
gov. Stay up to date with Calvert stands open to the public with regular 327. The 2022 ‹So. Maryland, So Good›
Calvert County community business hours/days (seasonal or year- Buy Local Guide will be published in
through sustainable practices, County Government on Facebook
at www.facebook.com/Calvert- round), offering predominantly produc- the early spring and available view on
leisure opportunities and envi- er only farm raised, or farm made97val- online on the ‹Get Our Guides’ page
ronmental stewardship. For more CountyMd and YouTube at www.
youtube.com/CalvertCountyGov. ue-added products (meats, dairy, veg- at www.SMADC.com.
information about Parks & Rec- gies, plants and flowers, jams, pickles. Press Release from SMADC. 
reation facilities and programs, Press Release from Cal-
vert County government. etc.) and other Maryland grown/sourced
visit online at www.CalvertCoun-




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12 The Calvert County Times Thursday, February 3, 2022


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Thursday, February 3, 2022 The Calvert County Times Feature 13

Celebrating Catholic Schools Week: Spotlighting

Our Lady Star of the Sea School in Solomons

Principal Jennifer Thompson

By Dave Spigler luxury most families could not afford as Catholic educator for 23 years and been who remains on top of all issues involv-
Contributing Writer children were put to work on the farms a teacher and principal at “Our Lady” ing the COVID situation. She conducts
National Catholic Schools Week is an and the shops out of necessity at a very for 16 years. The curriculum, as in all regular tests of the students. All visi-
annual celebration of Catholic education early age. Catholic schools, is founded on basic tors are required to wear masks when
in the United States. Beginning in 1974, Southern Maryland with its large Christian values, however the educa- entering the school and will have their
this celebration is held the last week Catholic population has several primary tion provided is considered to be non- “temperature” taken as they come to the
in January and offers opportunities to schools sponsored by the many parishes denominational as enrollment is open to entrance doors that are locked. So far, the
showcase the values of a Catholic educa- scattered throughout the Tri-County area. all students, Christian or non-Christian, wearing of masks has not been a problem
tion and the opportunities it provides Some of the more well-known elementa- regardless of race, sex or ethnicity. And, although not all parents like this require-
young people. ry schools include Father Andrew White, contrary to the common belief, students ment but comply without complaint. A
The week “highlights the contributions Mother Catherine Academy, Little are not forced into participating in re- small infirmary is available when a stu-
this education provides the church, our Flower, Saint John Regis, Saint Peter’s, ligious activities and may be exempted dent complains of feeling ill and immedi-
communities, and our Nation.” It is typi- and Cardinal Hickey Academy. One in from them. Currently, 83 percent of the ate attention is provided to that child.
cally celebrated with Masses, assemblies, particular, the Our Lady Star of the Sea school’s student enrollment is Catholic. When asked about the school facility,
and activities for the students, families, School located on the scenic Solomons But according to Thompson, the children Thompson smiles and says they recently
school staffs, parishioners, and members waterfront is one of the oldest parochial really don’t seem to pay attention to each have had a new roof installed and a new
of the community. Importantly, it offers schools in the area. It was established by other’s religion as the school experience kitchen put in for serving lunches. The
Catholic schools a chance to leverage Father Maurice Alexander, the Parish’s fosters inclusiveness and sharing. floors have been recarpeted and the
their good news with a national initiative first Pastor in 1933 with a handful of She, with her staff, promote a rigorous computer lab has been upgraded with
by permitting the curious a chance to Sisters of Divine Providence he brought academic curriculum that includes her protective screens to safely separate the
learn how the combination of a religious to Maryland from Covington, Kentucky. “4 Rs” of education including the well- students as they work at the computer
education coupled with secular subjects The school began in the church basement known “Reading, Riting, and Rithmetic” stations. And amazingly they have incor-
in the curriculum has successfully pro- and the first few years were a struggle plus her own personal “R” for “Respect” porated the very latest in technological
duced well rounded young adults over financially. Father Alexander was a ter- which is at the focal point for all of their advances with the purchase of a system
the past 200 years! rific fund raiser having raised monies for teaching. Her students all get along well called “Touch It” that utilizes a large
The Catholic Church operates the building the church through an extensive and rarely display any negative behavior LED flat screen with each student issued
world’s largest non-governmental school national write-in campaign. Gradually with one another. When asked why a a “Tablet” to use in class. Their work
system. As of 2016 the church supported the school grew through the hard work family should consider sending a child with using the Tablet is automatically
43,800 secondary schools and 95,200 pri- of the parishioners. With the advent to her school, she states new students are displayed on the large screen and greatly
mary schools. These figures do not take of World War II, the parish rapidly in- welcomed in as “family members” and aids both the teacher and the students’
into account the large number of Catholic creased in size due to the number of folks will receive a vigorous concentration in understanding in the classroom especial-
sponsored colleges that are found in most coming to the naval complexes built in the recognition and growth of the “whole ly when conducting math lessons.
Christian countries. These distinguished Solomons and eventually Pax River to individual.” They often enjoy “Tag Day” Thompson admits they are nearly out
institutions of higher education are well support the war efforts. when they are not required to wear their of floorspace, but expansion plans are
known for their high standards and the Today, the Our Lady Star of the Sea uniforms. And in observing the children being looked at for anticipated future
demanding curriculum they offer as well School is a thriving, robust learning at recess, they show a great amount of growth.
as the quality learning experience they institution with nearly 200 students in exuberance with a genuine sense of hap- For additional information about Our
provide. Pre-K through 8th grade. Principal Jen- piness with one another. Maybe recess is Lady Star of the Sea, call the school of-
It is interesting to note, the American nifer Thompson heads up a dynamic still their favorite subject? fice 410 326-3171 or plan to attend one
Catholic school system has its roots here “Can DO” team of teachers and special- Like all schools, “Our Lady” has of the Open Houses at any Catholic
in Maryland dating back to the early 18th ists in developing these young students been faced with challenges created by School mentioned earlier during Catholic
century. Saint Elizabeth Seton, one of intellectually, physically, socially, emo- the “Pandemic problem.” This school is Schools Week January 30 through Febru-
America’s first saints and Archbishop of tionally, and spiritually. She has been a fortunate to have their own School Nurse ary 5.
Baltimore John Carroll, rhe first Ameri-
can Bishop, are credited with establish-
ing the first parochial schools in the New
World here. Mother Seton founded the
“Sisters of Charity,” a group of young
nuns organized to provide for educating
young Catholic children in their faith in
addition to working with the poor and the
sick. There were very few government-
sponsored schools at the time; the schools
that did exist were usually found in the
larger cities and towns with the occasion-
al one-room schools in smaller populated
villages with one teacher providing for
all. In those times, an education was a
14 Education The Calvert County Times Thursday, February 3, 2022

CSM Holds 23rd Winter Commencement

The College of Southern Maryland and then change her degree direction.   more open and inclusive society. I salute
(CSM) celebrated 572 candidates for 487 “I’ve learned that no one path is a you for teaching us that.”
associate degrees and 252 certificates straight shot to the finish line, and that no Create Your Own Legacy
during its virtual 23rd Winter Com- matter how many mistakes, hiccups or CSM Senate Faculty President and
mencement Ceremony Jan. 13. The grad- bumps you’ve endured – you … we … Communications Professor Dr. Sarah
uates were recognized for several excep- me … all of us, all of us must just keep Merranko reminded students that while
tional characteristics. going,” said Smith. the work to earn their certificate or de-
Of the students being celebrated today “Today’s commencement ceremony gree was certainly hard, it was also an
during a Facebook live broadcast, 209 has been a long time coming and today amazing opportunity, because college
are from Charles County, 182 are from we can finally say we’ve made it,” she changes lives and creates legacies.
St. Mary’s County, 141 are from Calvert said. “Through trials and tribulations, She shared the story of chemist Alfred
County and 40 are from outside of the highs and lows, those butterflies in our Nobel who combined a new substance
region. About 67 percent of the gradu- stomach we just can’t seem to shake, called nitroglycerin with a paste and fin-
ates are women and 32 percent are men. those scared, nervous, and anxious feel- ished it with a blasting cap and a fuse to
Twenty-three percent of the students ings or whatever else may come your way call it dynamite.
graduated with honors. – even if you must do a complete course  “In 1888, his brother Ludvig died in
CSM winter aniyah and kia grad speakers
The majority of degrees, or 27.3 per- change like I did – many successes await France,” she continued. “Assuming the
cent, are in the fields of Arts and Sci- said Gabriel. “Going to college during us. dead Nobel was his brother Alfred, the
ences, Nursing (10.9 percent), Business a pandemic to gain credentials that will “You WILL make a positive impact newspaper wrote an obituary stating,
Administration (9.2 percent), and So- require us to work in a world navigating on the world,” Smith stressed to the stu- ‘The merchant of death is dead.’  It stated
cial Sciences (6 percent). General Study the ongoing COVID virus – some of us as dents. “You all have a purpose in life, and that he was a man who made money off
transfers, Accounting, Business Manage- first line responders – has been daunting. part of that purpose is why we are here inventions that would kill more people
ment, and Emergency Medical Services But we didn’t give up. We got up every today. I am grateful to CSM (and you – faster than ever before. He read every
(EMS) and Paramedic are the primary day to study and work and we earned ev- my fellow class members) for opening up word, and he could not stop thinking
certificates awarded. The oldest graduate ery second of joy we feel in this moment. so many doors and opportunities for me about it. He had no wife. No kids. His
is 67 years young and the youngest is 17 Gabriel shared that her mother passed so that I could open my mind and pursue work was his life and was to be his leg-
years old. away in May 2020 and she was left not what makes me truly happy.” acy. Is this how the world would remem-
The virtual ceremony began an knowing how to financially finish her Smith shared she was excited awaiting ber him? As the merchant of death?” she
inspirational performance of the national nursing degree. “My mom’s advice to me for Dr. Murphy’s call for the graduates asked.
anthem sang by CSM student Andrea always was to ‘never give up,’” she said. to turn their tassels. “Always remember, Eight years later, Alfred Nobel did die.
Williams, of Bryans Road. And then “And the day after [mom] died, as if she to keep going. Afterall, how can any of “However, he ensured that he would
more than 1,070 Facebook viewers en- was repeating herself and making sure I us say the sky is the limit when there are be known for something other than the
gaged with the live premier to leave more would listen to her words even after she footprints on the moon?” inventor of dynamite,” Merranko ex-
than 534 comments, shares and reactions was gone, I got a phone call from Ms. ‘Your Desire to Learn Made Us Better’ plained. “Instead, he left the bulk of his
in the first hour. Vic at the Educational Systems Federal “I am so very happy to recognize your estate to establish a trust that would give
‘Pioneers in New Post-Pandemic Credit Union telling I had been awarded accomplishments on today,” said CSM’s awards that we know as Nobel Prizes.
World’ the 2020 Community College scholar- Provost and Vice President of Learning Alfred Nobel did not want his name to
“The students gathered here at gradu- ship.  I don’t think I ever cried so hard as Dr. Rodney Redmond. “Your tenacity, be most associated with an invention
ation today navigated a global pandemic, I did that day on the phone. And Ms. Vic resilience, and perseverance remind me that brought great pain, so he created
along with the rest of the world, that con- cried with me. If you’re out there listen- of a proverb that says, “someone said that an award used to honor men and wom-
tinues to turn our lives upside down,” ing today Ms. Vic ~ thank you; and thank it couldn’t be done, but he with a chuckle en from around the world for outstand-
CSM President Dr. Maureen Murphy you Educational Systems Federal Credit replied, may it could not, but he would not ing achievements in physics, chemistry,
told the viewers. “But, graduates, you Union. You are the reason I am standing be the one to say so until at least he tried. medicine, literature, and work in peace.
decided what success would look like here today.” You will discover that the very thing Thereby changing the way, we use his
for you. You worked hard and you have Gabriel thanked several members which seems impossible can be done; it name to this day.”
earned the right to feel pride in your suc- of the CSM Nursing faculty including can be overcome; it can be accomplished, She also quoted former U.S. President
cess. You embraced new realities and instructors Linda Goodman, Amber just as you have accomplished earning John F. Kennedy: “For those to whom
persevered. I am enormously proud of Hutchins, Sarah Cano, Jeanne Hill and your degree and are now at the edge of much is given, much is required.”
each and every one of you. Turner Coggins. “All of you, and your starting a new life.” “Not only does [attending college]
“Our graduation ceremony is a transi- colleagues, taught me so much more than Redmond praised the graduates for have the ability to impact your ability to
tion and an honor to those who will turn just the science of nursing,” she said. their fortitude during the pandemic. earn more money and have a more stable
their tassel today. We’ve entered a new “You grew me as a person and as a car- “Even when you didn’t start out to be a career, but it also impacts your children
world and I find hope in you – all of you. ing patient advocate. You supported me, remote learner, you found ways to engage and your children’s children. Individu-
You are the role models for those who pushed me, and motivated me. And for with your professor and your peers to be- als who attend college are far more likely
come after you. You have rewritten the that I will always, always be grateful.” come successful remote learners,” he told than their counterparts to have children
story of success, and you are now unique- Gabriel reminded her fellow students graduates. “You adjusted and adapted who attend college and pass down that
ly prepared to become the pioneers in our that everyone was going to have bad days. your style to what you needed to suc- down through remaining generations.”
new post-pandemic world. It is with great “I know now that my mom will always ceed. When the times got hard because She then asked the students to remem-
excitement that I will watch where you be there for me – showing me the way – you had to manage staying safe in this ber, “that what is passed down from gen-
will lead us.” and leaving reminders for me to ‘never global pandemic along with work, fam- eration to generation is far more valuable
‘Never Give Up, Just Keep Going – give up,’ she offered. “And I am going ily and school, you found the strength to than what is written on a piece of paper
The Tale of Two Nursing Students to pay my mother’s hope, and love, and keep going.” we call a diploma; it is the opportunity
Graduates Aniyah Gabriel, of Fairfax, knowledge forward to you. When you are He also thanked the grads. to take what you have learned here and
Va., and Verkia Smith, of Waldorf, of- struggling, I hope you hear my voice, re- “Your steady movement forward will create your own legacy.”
fered similar thoughts and advice with minding you of this moment, and telling continue to teach us how to co-exist in To see the full list of graduates, visit
their graduating class as they shared you: Never. Ever. Give. Up.” many positive ways,” he shared. “Your https://www.csmd.edu/news/2022/csm-
the honor of being Winter Commence- Smith took to the podium to advise her movement forward required us to learn announces-2022-winter-commence-
ment class speakers. Both started their fellow students to “just keep going.” Her new skills for work and engagement. ment-candidates-for-graduation.html
academic careers at CSM as nursing stu- CSM experience included a journey that Your desire to learn made us better pro- To read more stories about CSM’s
dents, but crossed the graduation finish started when she enrolled at the age of 15 fessors, counselors, advisors, and sup- recent graduates, and to read letters of
line in distinctly different places. as a talented and gifted student and con- porters of learning and of you— our congratulations from state and local poli-
“Though each of us had our own indi- tinued to see her accepted to the college’s learners. It is your steadfastness that I see ticians, as well as CSM leadership, vis-
vidual struggles and successes these past nursing program, become the college’s as I gaze into the future of CSM and the it https://www.csmd.edu/csmgrad2022/
semesters during a global pandemic, I bet assistant cross-country coach, be elected Southern Maryland region. It is your suc- index.html
that many of our stories are very similar,” to the student government association, cess that is helping to lead that way into a Press Release from CSM
Thursday, February 3, 2022 The Calvert County Times Sports 15

Youth, Veteran, and

Military Waterfowl
Hunting Day Set
Special Hunting Opportunity Offered Statewide PROFESSORS
By Ronald N. Guy Jr.
Contributing Writer
Noll, was booed regularly by Steel-
ers fans and, after four seasons, had
A river runs this way; another thrown only 48 touchdown passes
runs that way. They converge at a and an astonishing 81 interceptions.
magical peninsula to form a third, The former number-one overall pick
which meanders west and flows into in the 1970 looked like a complete
one of the nation’s most romanti- bust, not someone who would one
cized arteries. It reminds of bit of day have a bust in the Pro Football
this place, our peninsula, where the Hall of Fame. And even after his
Patuxent and Potomac Rivers empty, career took off, Bradshaw held a
not too far apart, into the Chesa- decades long grudge against the
peake Bay. fans and Noll for the perceived
Other than the confluence of wa- mistreatment.
terways and geography, Pittsburgh, Pirates fans grew to adore Cle-
Pennsylvania, with its massive mente for his play on the field; his
buildings, sports stadiums and sur- impact off the diamond transcended
rounding mountainous terrain, ap- Pittsburgh and baseball through
pears to have little in common with his passionate commitment to hu-
St. Mary’s County, Maryland. But manitarian efforts, a calling that
something happened in Pittsburgh, tragically cost him his life in a plane
many decades ago, that applies crash in December 1972 while trans-
broadly to the human experience, no porting aid to Nicaragua. Clemente
matter where on this precious globe was just 38 years old.
one resides. While Pittsburgh and white
Roberto Clemente and Terry America had to get over itself
Bradshaw were both born with rock- to finally appreciate Clemente,
et right arms and brought six com- Bradshaw’s catharsis came only
bined championships to Pittsburgh after years of introspection and ac-
– Clemente won two World Series ceptance that his perceived slights
Photo by Larry Hindman, Maryland DNR
with the Pirates and Bradshaw won were rooted in his own pride and
Maryland’s youth hunters, vet- tory Game Bird Stamp and a Fed- four Super Bowls with the Steelers. immaturity. When Bradshaw finally
erans, and military personnel can eral Duck Stamp. Youth hunters, Beyond that, and like the aforemen- unclenched his fist and returned to
experience the thrills of hunting including those possessing an ap- tioned peninsulas, they appeared Pittsburgh in 2002 after a multi-
the state’s fields and wetlands prentice license, must purchase a wholly dissimilar. Clemente ar- decade absence, he found a city and
during the winter special water- Maryland Migratory Game Bird rived in Pittsburgh in 1955, a full 15 coach waiting to embrace a long-
fowl hunting day on Feb. 5.  Stamp but do not need to purchase years before Bradshaw. Clemente estranged son.
“This special hunt gives youth a Federal Duck Stamp if under 16 hailed from Puerto Rico; Bradshaw There is much to absorb from
and veterans a final opportunity years of age. made his way to the steel town from these two stories. It’s easy to imag-
this season to get afield and par- The bag limits for the Shreveport, Louisiana. Bradshaw ine Clemente and Bradshaw, two
ticipate in Maryland’s waterfowl hunting days are the same as the was outspoken, flamboyant and great professors of life, standing at
hunting traditions,” Wildlife and regular seasons except: white; Clemente, a Latino, was more the front of a crowded lecture hall
Heritage Service Director Paul Two black ducks may be taken; reserved and rightfully suspicious sharing timeless wisdom. Clemente
Peditto said. “Including both our One Canada goose may be tak- of a country that was, suffice to say, would speak of the importance of
youth hunters and our military en when hunting within the At- very much struggling to reflect its inner strength, pride in oneself and
personnel in this hunting day cel- lantic Population (AP) Canada touted creed of human equality. a relentless determination to give
ebrates the future of wildlife con- Goose Hunting Zone; and Appearances can deceive. In ad- more to the world than it returns, no
servation and the service our vet- Five Canada geese may be taken dition to sharing powerful arms and matter how fundamentally it fails
erans have provided.” when hunting within the Atlan- championship mettle, both Clemente you. Bradshaw’s lecture would focus
Those 16 years of age or younger tic Flyway Resident Population and Bradshaw struggled to adapt to inward – to understand ourselves,
and military veterans (as defined (AFRP) Canada Goose Hunting life in professional sports and to a how our psychological wiring im-
in section 101 of title 38, United Zone. city that must have felt like a foreign pacts relationships, the trappings
States Code) of any age and mem- For information on public hunt- land. Clemente’s troubles were root- of immaturity and hubris, and the
bers of the Armed Forces on active ing lands and Wildlife Manage- ed in overt and subtle racism. Early burden of harboring grudges. From
duty, including members of the ment Areas, please see pages 56- in his career he experienced the both, the lesson is this: It is never too
National Guard and Reserves on 59 of the 2021-22 Maryland Guide shameful injustices of a segregated late. People can change. The world
active duty (other than for train- to Hunting and Trapping. America. The press often shortened can change. We are all, individually
ing), may hunt ducks, geese, and Licenses, stamps, and permits his first name from Roberto to the and collectively, a work in progress.
coots on public and private land may be purchased online, by more Anglo-American sounding And with that, a distant bell
on Feb. 5. Youth hunters must be phone at 855-855-3906, at a Natu- “Bob” and printed unflattering tran- sounds, students quietly exit the
accompanied by an unarmed adult ral Resources Service Center or scripts of interviews he would give lecture hall, all with a mountain of
at least 21 years old or by eligible at any one of the more than 250 in English (Clemente’s first language notes and a lot to consider - per-
military personnel also participat- Sport License Agents statewide. was Spanish…I wonder how many haps during a quiet afternoon while
ing in the hunt. All eligible hunt- Hunters with questions may media members who mocked him watching water drift along on either
ers and adult mentors must pos- contact the Maryland Department could speak a word of Spanish?). side of their favorite peninsula.
sess Maryland hunting licenses or of Natural Resources Wildlife and Bradshaw was lost early in his Send comments to RonaldGuyJr@
be exempt from hunting license Heritage Service at 410-260-8540. career. He had an acrimonious re- gmail.com
requirements. Any adult partici- Press Release from MD lationship with head coach Chuck
pating in this hunt will need to DNR.
purchase both a Maryland Migra-
16 Letters to the Editor The Calvert County Times Thursday, February 3, 2022

Raise The Line, Pt. 2: The Voice for Change

To the Editor other jobs within the last two years. Deputies are leaving our agency
According to a 2019 study by the Police Executive Research Forum, early because the pay is not worth the risk or are leaving for one of
more police officers are leaving the profession before the set retirement the higher-paying agencies and for better opportunities with other ju-
age, and the number of new applicants is steadily declining. This fall risdictions. That takes away from the manpower that Calvert needs to
off can easily be blamed on the current stressful work environment, as maintain a safe and sound community.
officers find themselves dealing with nationwide social unrest, strug- The initial taxpayer investment for hiring and training a rookie
gling for adequate resources and training, all the while feeling under- Deputy is over $178,000. It takes approximately 6-8 months of acad-
appreciated and underpaid. The solution - fix the pay discrepancies emy instruction and additional time field training to produce a Deputy
which will ultimately alleviate tensions and provide the structure that that can respond to calls for service in our community. If that Deputy
communities are searching for. chooses to leave that is a significant investment of time and money that
When agencies can provide competitive pay and benefits for their of- walks out the door in addition to the time and money it takes to recruit
ficers, they ultimately equip our community with more highly trained a replacement. It’s not as simple as “If you don’t like it then leave” as
and diverse officers, stronger community relationships, and increased one Currently Elected County Commissioner has stated.
agency morale. Additionally, it has been found that an increased num- TRAINING
ber of visible officers around our community acts as a crime deterrent Training has been the leading request in recent years for law enforce-
thus resulting in fewer crimes committed. The Deputies of the Calvert ment agencies nationwide. For good reason. As situations consistently
County Sheriff’s Office (CCSO) Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) Lodge evolve, so should officers’ ability to learn, adapt, and expand their pro-
109 recognize these correlations and the need for change. ficiency in a number of areas pertaining to their job. Training is also an
In part one of this series, we revealed the vast differences between incentive to those who are looking to advance in their careers.
pay and benefits amongst deputies of the CCSO and those of its neigh- Taking the time to train officers takes - well, time. Something our
boring agencies. Now, we will share with you how the Deputies of FOP current Deputies do not have much of. If the CCSO Deputies were paid
Lodge 109 are dedicated to closing that gap and why. more, they could fill their force with more individuals who can prop-
RECRUITMENT erly balance their schedules to accommodate the needs of the commu-
The Calvert County Sheriff’s Office has struggled over the last de- nity and the ability to become subject matter experts in a number of
cade to attract new and qualified recruits. By competing in the same fields including de-escalation, medical care, firearms, scenario-based,
“talent pool” as other Southern Maryland agencies, CCSO often loses and tactics.
to these better-paying neighbors who entice the skilled, competent, and RELATIONSHIPS
professional cadets with higher pay, enhanced training opportunities, Living where you work allows officers to know more people in their
and more benefits. Thus, creating a void that CCSO must work to fill. community and lets those same individuals know the officers outside
A void that results in overworked officers with low morale. of their uniform. It also shows that the officers greatly value their fel-
Applicant Stats - (Year/ Applied/ Tested) low community members because they choose to live side-by-side.
2013 - 1116 / 249 Over 90 percent of the Deputies currently work and live in Calvert
2014- 693 / 159 County, with 82 percent of them having children who attend Calvert
2015- 202 / 51 County Public Schools and who play in the local parks. With these
2016 - 290 / 50 statistics, it is easy to make the assumption that the members of CCSO
2017- 278 / 65 are dedicated to making a difference in their own neighborhoods and
2018 - 241 / 65 continuing to grow those positive connections.
2019 - 289 / 66 “Working in MY community” | “Protecting where I live” | “Keeping
2020 - 93 / 36 OUR community great”
2021 - 96 / 31 It is important to the Deputies of FOP Lodge 109 to maintain this
Roughly 80 percent of the Calvert Deputies work an average of 18 work/live relationship. Improving CCSO’s working benefits will allow
hours of part-time/overtime each pay period in addition to regularly for more future candidates, who are also Calvert residents, to make the
assigned shifts; 75 percent of these same Deputies admit to not hav- easy decision to remain in the county to serve those that sleep, shop,
ing a normal sleep schedule, and 82 percet are contacted off-hours for and reside in our community.
work-related issues. If CCSO was able to increase their Deputies pay, The Deputies of the CCSO know that change begins with them. But
they would be able to attract those quality candidates and supply their it comes at a cost. They need you. They need the assistance - that is
community with more diversified workforce and who could relieve and currently lacking - from elected officials to address this issue. Will you
assist the current dedicated team serving our community. Over 77% help push for the county to Raise The Line and provide for these Depu-
percent of our members feel that our patrol bureau is currently under- ties so they can continue providing for you and your (our) community?
staffed despite the best efforts of the current administration to request The next part of this series will reiterate FOP 109’s on-going commit-
additional personnel. Those staffing requests for school resource of- ment to the individuals, businesses, and organizations we serve. Stay
ficers and other law enforcement tools have taken priority over pay tuned.
parity for our members. #RaiseTheLine
Additionally, increased pay would help the retention rate within the Nick DeFelice, President
agency. With such low pay, 80 percent of our Deputies have considered Calvert County Sheriff ’s Office (CCSO) Fraternal Order of Police
leaving law enforcement with 20 percent of those members seeking out (FOP) Lodge 109
Thursday, February 3, 2022 The Calvert County Times Calendars 17

Community Calendar
To submit your event listing to go in our Community Calendar, please email [email protected] with the listing details by 12 p.m. on the Monday prior
to our Thursday publication.
This lecture series is sponsored available to chat with students and
Thursday, February 3 Saturday, February 5 by the Bayside History Museum, help navigate their future transfer
Sea Squirts New Volunteer Orientation Calvert Library Prince Frederick, experience. RSVPs are required
Calvert Marine Museum Freedom Hill Horse Rescue, and John Hanson Chapter NS- to access Zoom information. Free.
10:15 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. 7940 N. Flint Hill Rd., Owings, DAR. A special birthday cake in ht t ps://w w w.csmd.edu /st udent-
Children 18 months to 3 years, MD 20736 honor of Alex Haley’s 100th birth- ser vices/transfer-ser vices/trans-
with an adult, are invited to 1-3 p.m. day, which would have been cel- fer-fairs/index.html
discover the museum together Must be at least 13 years of age. ebrated on February 10th, will be
through music, stories, and spe- We are looking for dedicated offered.
cial activities. Join us for story people to join either our morning UPCOMING
time and a carryout craft, avail- or afternoon feed shift teams. The Thursday, February 10 Great Backyard Bird Count
able while supplies last. Sessions orientation covers our specific Sea Squirts Calvert Marine Museum,
are 25-40 minutes. Sign up at the feed shift routine, a barn tour and Calvert Marine Museum Saturday, Feb. 19 – Sunday Feb.
Admissions Desk when you ar- a meet and greet with our horses. 10:15 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. 20,
rive. This month's theme is Ani- This is a hands on class, so please Children 18 months to 3 years, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
mal Tracks! wear closed shoes, preferably with an adult, are invited to Participate in a Citizen Science
boots. If you are interested in at- discover the museum together activity that provides data to the
Transfer Thursdays tending our new volunteer orien- through music, stories, and spe- Cornell Lab of Ornithology and
College of Southern Maryland  tation, please contact us at: free- cial activities. Join us for story the National Audubon Society.
1 a.m., Zoom. [email protected] time and a carryout craft, avail- The Great Backyard Bird Count
CSM hosts transfer institutions w w w.f reedom hillhorserescue. able while supplies last. Sessions engages bird watchers in counting
virtually each Thursday from 11 com/ are 25-40 minutes. Sign up at the birds to create a real-time snap-
a.m. – 1 p.m. Representatives from Admissions Desk when you ar- shot of bird populations. Check
two different institutions will be Wednesday, Feb. 9 rive. This month's theme is Ani- out a pair of binoculars and a bird
available to chat with students and mal Tracks! count tally sheet in the museum
Winter Lecture
help navigate their future transfer lobby to assist us with this pro-
Calvert Library in Prince
experience. RSVPs are required Transfer Thursdays gram. For adults and children in
to access Zoom information. Free. College of Southern Mary- third grade or older who are inter-
6:30-7:30 p.m.
ht t ps://w w w.csmd.edu /st udent- land, 1 a.m., Zoom. ested in assisting with research.
Speaker: Chris Haley on Alex
ser vices/transfer-ser vices/trans- CSM hosts transfer institutions Children must be accompanied by
Haley, the Father of African-
fer-fairs/index.html virtually each Thursday from 11 an adult. Included with museum
American Genealogy - We Called
Him Palmer! a.m. – 1 p.m. Representatives from admission.
two different institutions will be

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18 Calendars
Obituaries The Calvert County Times Thursday, February 3, 2022

In Remembrance
The Calvert County Times runs complimentary obituaries as submitted by funeral homes
and readers. We run them in the order we receive them. Any submissions that come to
[email protected] after noon on Mondays may run in the following week’s edition.

Suzanne Mary C. Wingenter and Lacey A. Wing-

enter; and her brother, John M. Grud
the First Baptist Church of Calvert
County. She loved to shop and have
755 Solomons Island Road, S, Prince
Frederick, MD 20678, Link:
Hornecker (Ursula).  She was preceded in death fellowship with her friends. http://www.pfvrs.org/
by her brother, Thomas A. Grud. Survivors include daughter, Tricia
Family will receive friends on
Friday, February 4, 2022 from 10:30
Weeks (Mark) of Mechanicsville,
MD and step-daughter Lauren,
John James Cooke III
a.m. until 11:30 a.m. at Our Lady brother Roy Daniels of Lothian, MD,
Star of the Sea Catholic Church, two nephews Kay Stark (Phyllis) of
Solomons, MD. A Mass of Chris- Oxford, North Carolina, and Allen
tian Burial will be celebrated at Moorefield of Macungie, Pennsylva-
12 p.m. Interment will follow in nia, along with step granddaughters,
Chesapeake Highlands Memorial nieces, nephews, grand nieces and
Gardens, Port Republic, MD.  The nephews, and a number of wonderful
Funeral Mass will be live broad- friends.
cast on youtube starting at 12:00 Visitation will be Monday, Feb-
PM EST at https://m.youtube.com/ ruary 14, 2022, 10-11 a.m. at First
watch?v=2etJjBwb_Mg Baptist Church of Calvert County,
In lieu of f lowers memorial con- 155 German Chapel Road
tributions may be made to Calvert Prince Frederick, MD 20678
Hospice, P.O. Box 838, Prince Fred- Funeral Service will follow at 11
Suzanne Mary Hornecker, 69, of erick, MD  20678. a.n. at the churh.
Lusby, MD passed away on Janu- Burial will be at Washington
ary 29, 2022 at her residence. Born
April 16, 1952 in Evanston, IL, she Helen D. Stamp National Cemetery, 4101 Suitland
Road, Suitland, MD 20746
John James Cooke III, 51, of Ow-
ings passed away January 27, 2022.
was the daughter of the late Walter J. Memorial Contributions may be He was born September 23, 1970 to
Grud and Agnes P. (Babits) Grud. made to Alzheimer’s Association, John James, Jr. and Kathleen Helen
Suzanne graduated from Western National Capital Area Chapter, Cooke. John grew up in Prince
Illinois University with a degree 8180 Greensboro Drive, Suite 400, George’s County, moved to Calvert
in Fashion Merchandizing. She McLean, VA 22102l Link: County in 1984 and graduated from
started her career as a department https://act.alz.org/site/ Northern High School in 1989. John
manager at Lord & Taylor and later Donation2?df_id=39209&mfc_ served his country in the United
transitioned to education once her pref=T&39209.donation=form1 States Navy. He was employed at
children were of school age. Su- Funeral arrangements by Rausch Pohanka Honda in Capitol Heights
zanne had an infectious laugh and Funeral Home. for 29 years where his supervisor
an amazing way of making people
states John was the most dedicated,
feel good.  She enjoyed travel, the
sun, and being with family.  The Robert Louis Short, efficient and respected parts repre-
sentative he had ever seen during
most important thing to her was Bob his 40 years at Pohanka. John was
spoiling her grandchildren.  Family
a perfectionist, and everyone knew
was everything to her.  Celebrating
they could count on him to help with
holidays with family around was the
Helen D. Stamp, 88, of Hunting- anything. John enjoyed going to the
only way she wanted it.  Suzanne
town, MD, passed away on January gym and competitive weight lifting.
also enjoyed going to the casinos
29, 2022 at Calvert County Nursing He currently holds the Maryland
and playing the slot machines.  She
Center in Prince Frederick, MD. state record in his weight class for
loved her fur babies, mostly poodles. 
Born in Stem, North Carolina, she dead lifting, which he set in 1994.
Her favorite quote was “I love you to
was the daughter of the late Da- John had a great love for his family
the moon and back.”
vid Lee Daniel and the late Emma and pets. He was a very meticulous
Suzanne is survived by her hus-
Meadows Daniel. Helen was pre- and neat person and took great pride
band, Barry Hornecker whom she
ceded in death by her first husband in his yard and home. He enjoyed
married on July 12, 1975; her son,
Willie Edward Wallace in 1966 and riding his Harley-Davidson, and
Thomas M. Hornecker (Lori) and
her husband Raymond A. “Pete” spending time with his friends,
daughter, Kathryn A. Hornecker
Stamp in 2009. Helen retired from especially at his friend’s cabin in
Wingenter (Timothy); grandchildren,
the Bakery and Confectionary Union Pennsylvania. John loved the Red-
Natalie G. Hornecker, Olivia R. Hor-
(Safeway Bakery) after working skins and was an avid sports fan.
necker, Kaleb M. Wingenter, Tyler
for 30 years. She was a member of John is survived by his mother
Robert Louis Short, Bob, 79, of Kathleen Cooke, sisters Michele
Prince Frederick, Maryland pass Walker (Terry Dorr) and Pamela
Where Life and Heritage are Celebrated away on January 29, 2022 in Solo- Wise-Corridean and her spouse Paul
mons, Maryland. Corridean, nieces Jessica Wise and
Visitation will be Saturday, Febru- Claudia Killerlane, nephew Michael
ary 5, 2022, 10-12 p.m. at Rausch
During a difficult Funeral Home-Port Republic, 4405
Wise, great nephew Lawrence “LJ”
Nocente, Jr., and numerous aunts,
time… still your best choice. Broomes Island Road, Port Republic,
MD 20676. Service will follow at
uncles, cousins, and friends. He was
preceded in death by his grandpar-
noon at the funeral home. ents, father John James Cooke, Jr.
Affordable Funerals, Caskets, Vaults, Interment will be at Chesapeake and niece Erica Killerlane.
Highlands Memorial Gardens, 3270
Cremation Services and Pre-Need Planning Broomes Island Road, Port Republic,
Mass of Christian Burial will be
Family Owned and Operated by Tuesday, February 8, 2022, 12 Noon
MD 20676.
Barbara Rausch and Bill Gross at St. Anthony’s Catholic Church,
Memorial Contributions may ve 8816 Chesapeake Avenue, North
www.RauschFuneralHomes.com made to Prince Frederick Volunteer Beach, MD 20714.
Fire Department, 450 Solomons Is- Burial will be in Jesus the Good
Owings Port Republic Lusby land Road South, Prince Frederick,
MD 20678; Link:
Shepherd Cemetery, 1601 W Mt Har-
8325 Mt. Harmony Lane 4405 Broomes Island Rd. 20 American Lane mony Road,
https://www.pfvfd.org/ or Prince
410-257-6181 410-586-0520 410-326-9400 Owings, MD 20736.
Frederick Volunteer Rescue Squad, Memorial Contributions may ve
Thursday, February 3, 2022 The Calvert County Times Calendars
Obituaries 19

made to ASPCA, P.O. Box 96929,

Washington, DC 20090-6929; Link:
https://secure.aspca.org or St. Jude
Children’s Research Hospital, 501
St. Jude Place, Memphis, TN 38105;
Funeral arrangements by Rausch
Funeral Home.

John Mark Brown

loved wife Loretta (Cleary) Groves, Anderson. Carolyn was raised in to family time and was the happiest
his son-law Marty Spelman, his Upper Marlboro and attended Fred- when surrounded by her siblings,
granddaughter Alyssa (Spelman) erick Sasscer High School. Carolyn children, grandchildren, and great
Hall and her husband Joseph (Joe) married John Andrew Tucker on grandchildren.
Hall.  He leaves behind 4 daughters: September 22, 1962, and they lived Kathie loved to garden, read books
Cynthia Miller (Mark Todd), Su- in Suitland for 20 years before mov- and spend time with her family.  She
san (Su) Crutchfield (Alan), Diane ing back to Upper Marlboro, where was a loving and caring person, de-
Spelman and Linda Gregory (Rich- they resided for the remainder of voted wife, mother and friend.  “To
ard); grandchildren Tim and Lori their lives. In her leisure time, Caro- know her was to love her.”
Miller, Tommy and Michelle Miller, lyn enjoyed playing cards, cutting Kathie married the late Pasquale
Christie and Justin Barrick, Mi- the grass on her John Deere lawn “Pat” Morrone on December 31,1972
chael Gregory and Camille Leclerc- mower while smoking her Newport and moved to Chesapeake Beach in
John Mark Brown, 58, of Hunting- Gregory, Mary Spelman  (Joel cigarettes, and drinking her bottle of 1986, where she has lived up until
town passed away January 27, 2022. Garner) and Jon Crutchfield;  and Mountain Dew. But most of all, she her time of death. She worked as an
He was born June 16, 1963 in Wash- great-grandchildren Brooke, Mor- enjoyed taking trips, vacations, and executive administrative assistant
ington, DC to Charles William and gan and Olivia Miller, Thomas and spending time with her family. for the International Brotherhood of
Patricia Ann (Trimble) Brown. Mark Madison Miller, Cody Hise, Jr. and She is survived by her daughter Teamsters Union for many years be-
was raised in Lanham and attended Maya and Emma Garner, Maryssa Ginger Higgs and her husband James fore going to work with the Commu-
Fairmont Heights High School. He and Aireonna Hall, Lillian, Macayla of Upper Marlboro and her son John nications Workers of America Union
married his wife Tammy Dowell on and Austen Barrick and 4 month old Tucker, Jr. “Andy” and his wife and ultimately retiring in 2013.
February 25, 2008 and they moved Theo Gregory, as well as countless Kimberly of Dunkirk. She is also Kathie was preceded in death
to West Virginia where they built relatives in the Groves, Cleary and survived by grandchildren Amanda by her husband Pasquale Morrone,
a cabin. They later moved back to Ellmore families.  and Cody Higgs, Ashley Kent and daughter Erin Legreco, brother Jo-
Maryland for work and settled in Jimmy enjoyed trivia, crossword her husband Justin, Andrew and seph LaPlaca, and parents Francis
Huntingtown. Mark was employed puzzles, Western movies, and watch- Alyssa Tucker and her future great- and Monica Brazell.
as an autobody technician for New ing golf, bowling and the Washing- grandson to be, Lincoln Kent and She leaves to cherish her loving
Designs Autobody in Hyattsville. ton baseball and football teams.  He sisters Mary Jane Smith and husband memory her children, Jason Morrone
He enjoyed fishing, hunting, wolves, was a gifted musician, singing and Ronald of Prince Frederick, Robin and Michael Morrone Sr (Jessica).
being outdoors and was known for playing lead guitar for the army Rawlings of Prince Frederick, and Her grandchildren Kaitlyn Moreira
making the best deer jerky. band, The Buckskins and with many Wanda Anderson of Prince Freder- (Nuno), Courtney Morrone, Michael
Mark was preceded in death by groups in the Washington DC area.  ick and brother-in-law Ernest Carter Morrone, Jr. (Alexis), Conner Mor-
his father, Charles W. Brown. He He had the privilege of meeting and of Cheltenham. She was preceded in rone, Ashleigh Lagreco, Jorja Lagre-
is survived by his loving wife, playing with local musicians who death by her parents and sister Kath- co, Maddox Morrone, Olivia James,
Tammy Lynn Brown and step chil- went on to successful careers in erine Carter. Ivy James, Joseph Foley, and Nicho-
dren Thomas England (Amber) Nashville and Hollywood, includ- Memorial Contributions may be las Foley, 8 great-grandchildren,
of Edgemere, Richard England of ing Danny Gatton, Charlie Daniels, made to American Heart Associa- sisters Maggie Webb (Eddie), Cindy
Greenbelt and Brenna Lauer and her Roy Clark and Jimmy Dean, who tion, 217 E. Redwood Street, 11th Lamb, Ann Myers (Jim), and Casey
significant other, Jake of Greenbelt. remained a life-long friend until his Floor. Gignac (Ed), brothers John Brazell
Also surviving are his mother Pa- death in 2010.  Jimmy especially Baltimore, MD 21202; Link: and Mark LaPlaca (Billie), as well as
tricia Brown, siblings Jackie Fox of loved to share stories of his musical https://www.heart.org/ many nieces, nephews, cousins, and
Bushnell, FL and Joyce Fletcher and adventures with friends and family, Funeral arrangements were by friends.
husband Billy of Owings, grandchil- and he could hardly pass a guitar Rausch Funeral Home. Visitation will be Friday, February
dren Abigail, Sylas and Ari, as well without picking it up and playing 4, 2022, 10 a.m. to Noon at Rausch
as numerous nieces, nephews and a few of his famous “hot licks”. 
Memorial services will be private. 
Kathleen “Kathie” Funeral Home-Owings, 8325 Mt.
Harmony Lane, Owings, MD 20736.
great-nieces and nephews.
A Life Celebration Visitation will Condolences for the family may be Patricia Morrone A Memorial Service will follow at
ne Thursday, February 3, 2022. sent in c/o Su Crutchfield, PO Box noon at the funeral home.
6-8 p.m. Rausch Funeral Home- 1111, North Beach, MD 20714 and Kathleen “Kathie” Patricia Mor-
rone, 68, of Chesapeake Beach
Owings, 8325 Mt. Harmony donations may be made in his name
to Calvert Hospice: https://calvertho- passed on Monday January 24, 2022 Amanda Lorusso
Lane,Owings, MD 20736
spice.org at University of Maryland Baltimore “Manders” Wilson
James E. (Jimmy) Kathie was born December 1, Amanda Lorusso “Manders” Wil-
Groves Carolyn Mary Tucker 1953 in Washington, DC and raised son, 33 of Lusby, MD and formerly
in Oxon Hill, where she graduated of Odenton, MD, passed away on
Carolyn Mary Tucker, 77, of Up-
James E. (Jimmy) Groves of Hun- from Oxon Hill High School. January 23, 2022. Born June 22,
per Marlboro passed away January
tingtown, MD (formerly of Lusby, Kathie is the oldest of seven chil- 1988 in Morgantown, WV, she was
26, 2022 at Southern Maryland Hos-
MD) passed away at his home on dren, one of which preceded her in the daughter of Pete James Lorusso
pital Center. She was born on June
January 26, 2022 at the age of 91.  death. Growing up in a large fam- and Kathryn Marie Lorusso.
1, 1944 in Baltimore City to Golden
He was preceded in death by his be- ily meant she was always devoted Amanda graduated from Howard
Vance Anderson and Mary Olive
20 Calendars
Obituaries The Calvert County Times Thursday, February 3, 2022

In Remembrance
The Calvert County Times runs complimentary obituaries as submitted by funeral homes
and readers. We run them in the order we receive them. Any submissions that come to
[email protected] after noon on Mondays may run in the following week’s edition.

puters and worked as an IT Security Cardinal. She loved to collect (and Born outside of Pittsburgh in
Specialist with ZeniMax Studios. give) angels and birdhouses. Betty McKeesport, PA in 1947, she grew
She married Steve Burton on No- loved to travel, visiting Tennessee, up being nurtured in life and faith
vember 13, 2015. Jess loved play- Florida, Maine, and the campground by her parents Helen and Arnie
ing video games and cosplay. She at Bethpage in Urbanna, VA, the Bergstrom – a teacher and an engi-
traveled to Japan and Australia to Grand Canyon, and more, but was neer – and in every stage of her life
participate in cosplay and was spon- happiest when at home surrounded she discovered and explored God’s
sored by Wizards of the Coast. Jess by her children, grandchildren, design in nature and in Scriptures.
also had a love of Japanese culture, great grandchildren, and great- great Bev explored “inner space” and
enjoyed shopping with her mom, and grandchildren, 86 in total. conducted pioneering research using
spending time with her dog Freyja. Betty was predeceased by her an electron microscope to discover
Most of all, Jess loved being a mom, parents, her husband Benjamin new parts of cells’ structures, hav-
and wanted the best for her fam- W. Cochrane. Her second husband ing obtained degrees from Penn
ily, especially her son Stevie. She Benjamin May, her brother Robert State University (BS), Peabody Col-
was focused on Stevie’s education Conner, her daughters, Pat Coyle lege in Nashville (MS), and the Uni-
and wanted him to grow up to be as and husband Mike, Barbara Linehan, versity of North Carolina (PhD). Her
High in 2006 and from James Madi- smart as possible. son in law Ed Morgan and daugh- exploration of God’s Word led her to
son University in 2010.  She was Jess is survived by her husband ter in law Betty Cochrane and her participate in numerous Bible stud-
a data analyst for the Department Steve and son Stevie, parents Greg- grandsons Billy Copsey, and Lance ies and churches through the years,
of Homeland Security for twelve ory and Terry Horning of Dunkirk, Copsey. where she made many close friends
years. Amanda enjoyed being out- brother Nicholas Horning and his Betty is survived by her brother and eventually met her husband,
side and learning. She enjoyed going wife Stephanie of Sedro Woolley, Glenn Conner, her children, Frankie David, where they taught Sunday
for walks, the beach, animals, and WA, nephew Jozef Horning, grand- Cochrane, Sandra Morgan, Ann School together. Bev and Dave were
Christmas lights. father Joseph Horning, aunts and Lundregan, Billy Cochrane (Vickie), married in April 1977, and were
Amanda is survived by her par- uncles Debbie and David Bourget, Kay Atwood, (John), and Dale Co- blessed to have two sons – Jonathan
ents, Pete and Kathryn Lorusso of Dana and Robbie Carr, David Horn- chrane, (Marie). and Chris.
Elkridge, MD; her husband, Jeremi- ing and his fiancé Polly Houge, Nor- The family will receive friends As a mother, Bev found joy in
ah Jole Wilson whom she married on man and Jackie Walker, Gene Walk- on Thursday February 3, 2022 from raising two strong Christian men –
June 9, 2012 in Harrisonburg, VA; er, and Brenda and Robert Rountree, 10 until the time of her funeral at who also ministered to her through-
sister, Ashley Lorusso Buchanan of mother and father-in-law Cynthia 12 noon at Trinity United Methodist out her life; sharing her love of
Lusby, MD; niece, Gracelyn M. Bu- and Steve Burton of Lothian, sister- Church in Prince Frederick where cooking – especially her family’s
chanan; and nephews, Brody Tipton, in-law Rachel Burton, and grandfa- Betty has been a life time member. traditional Swedish Christmas Smor-
Sawyer Tipton and Everette Tipton ther-in-law Larry Bogemann. Interment will follow in Mt Har- gasbord; teaching at numerous Bible
of Harrisonburg, VA. Visitation will be Saturday, Feb- mony United Methodist Church studies everywhere she lived; and
In lieu of f lowers, donations may ruary 5, 2022, 10 a.m. to Noon at Cemetery, Owings MD. Memorial playing her f lute for many church
be made to the Johns Hopkins car- Rausch Funeral Home-Owings, 8325 contributions may be made to either services – including The Messiah
diology or genetic testing depart- Mt. Harmony Lane, Owings, MD Calvert Hospice, Trinity United and other services where Jonathan
ments at www.hopkinsmedicine.org/ 20736. A Funeral Service will fol- Methodist Church or Linda Kelly was the Music Director. And in each
support/. low at noon at the funeral home. Animal Shelter. activity, she learned more about
Funeral arrangements were by Burial will be in Cedar Hill Cem- Funeral arrangements by Rausch what it means for God to love us and
Rausch Funeral Home–Lusby. etery-Suitland, 4111 Pennsylvania Funeral Home. discovered new ways to show His
Avenue, Suitland, MD 20746. love to others.
Jessica Nicole “Jess” Beverly Helen Her constant desire was to see how
Burton Betty Louise May (Bergstrom) Porter
God designed and worked through
each of us and through His Word,
and to show how “all the Scriptures”
spoke of salvation through Jesus.
Her desire is that all who knew her
would experience the envelopment
of God’s love, as she did, and be
with her forever with Jesus!
A Celebration of Life Service will
be held on Saturday, February 12,
2022 at 2 pm at Patuxent Presbyte-
rian Church, 23421 Kingston Creek
Road, California, MD 20619 with
Rev Matthew Pooley officiating.
In lieu of f lowers, memorial
contributions may be made to Sa-
maritan’s Purse:https://www.sa-
Jessica Nicole “Jess” Burton, 34, Betty Louise May, 90, passed beverly-porter-solomons-md
Beverly Helen (Bergstrom) Porter,
of Lothian passed away January 22, away January 26, 2022, at her home
74, of Solomons, MD, passed into
2022 at home surrounded by fam- surrounded by her loving family.
the arms of Jesus on January 26, Robert Jay “Bob”
She was born May 14, 1931, in the
ily. She was born August 18, 1987
in Cheverly to Gregory and Terry family home on Mac’s hollow Road 2022. She was surrounded by her Danvers
husband, David, and her two sons,
(Walker) Horning. Jess grew up in in Prince Frederick, MD to the late
Jonathan and Chris. Robert Jay “Bob” Danvers, 79 of
Dunkirk and attended Mt. Harmony James Edward Conner and Georgia
Beverly lived a life filled with a Prince Frederick, MD passed away
Elementary, Northern Middle, and Jeanette (Denton) Conner.
love of family and friends, a love of on January 23, 2022 at his residence.
graduated with honors from North- Betty had a love for animals, es-
science and of service, and most of On a very somber and chilly re-
ern High School in 2005. She then pecially her numerous dogs over the
all, a love of Jesus. With a passion cent morning the spirit of Robert Jay
attended Anne Arundel Community years and the many stray cats that
for learning, teaching, and nurtur- Danvers, “The Bob” of all Bob’s, has
College and graduated with an As- she took care of and loved. She loved
ing, she constantly desired to see transferred from this mortal plain
sociate’s Degree in information tending to her many f lowerbeds
more of God’s design and live as a to explore new and higher planes of
technology. Jess had a love for com- and watching all the birds around
winsome witness for Him. existence and has surely dovetailed
her home, her special bird was the
Thursday, February 3, 2022 The Calvert County Times Calendars
Obituaries 21

to the rank of Master Sergeant and
retired after 23 years of service. It REFUND AND FIVE
was not the rank that he achieved
that he was most proud of, but the
job he did as an instructor and later
as the Commandant of his own
NCO/PME Academy at Homestead Contributing Writer:
AFB where he helped countless Lynda J. Striegel
others to learn and grow into bet-
ter versions of themselves and how You worked hard in 2021 and have of a job, expensive car repairs, medical
to become leaders within the US now paid your taxes and are expecting emergencies and other catastrophes.
Air Force. He went on after retir- a refund. Keep in mind that your re- Generally, the amount you need to
ing from the Air Force to continue fund money is not a gift from the gov- save for emergencies should represent
service to his country as a civilian ernment—it is your money. This ar- at least six months of living expenses
working for US Customs and Border ticle makes some suggestions on how plus whatever it takes to make you
Patrol. He retired from this career you can use your tax refund money. feel secure. Setting up an emergency
with warm steady breezes des- also after serving as a staff assistant Some people purposely withhold fund will take away that fear of the
tined to push the leaves of the trees to the Trades Ombudsman’s office as too much money from their pay- unknown and put you in the position
throughout the world as he seeks well as other distinguished positions checks, knowing that they will receive of being able to cope with whatever
greater harmony with nature and within US Customs in Washington, a larger lump sum tax refund. A type happens.
a new understanding of the world DC. of forced savings. But, why do that Take Care of Your Loved Ones
around him. He left this physical Throughout Bob’s life he and his when the government provides you The vast majority of people have
existence early on the morning of wife Virginia traveled the world with no interest on your money? You done absolutely no estate planning.
January 23, 2022, while at the home both while in the service of their would be better off to take the money Everyone needs to have a Will or a
that he shared with his beloved wife country as well as throughout retire- in your paycheck and set some aside Trust, a Power of Attorney that cov-
of 48 years, Virginia Lee Danvers, ment making fast lifelong friends at in an interest bearing investment. ers medical and financial needs, and
who has given her all to be his all, every destination. And taking great Even if the interest amounts are small, a Living Will. Why? To protect your
and that she was. Bob, self-admit- joy in seeing both wonders made by your money will be earning some- loved ones and yourself. Once you
tedly, would have been lost without man and, much more so, wonders thing. If you are receiving a huge tax have organized your estate plan, you
her, his other half, his counselor, and made by nature. Bob welcomed new refund, take a look at your W-4 form will feel a great burden has been lifted
the one constant pillar in his life. experiences and learned from the and adjust your federal income tax from your shoulders. Whether this
Virginia hopes to be able to have many relationships and friendships withholding. relates to appointing guardians for
many more adventures to share them that he enjoyed through his many What are the smartest ways of deal- your minor-aged children, designat-
with her loving husband when she years and travels. Everyone who ing with a tax refund? Making a plan ing someone to take care of you if you
rejoins with him much later in the knew Bob truly did benefit from for your refund money is always a can’t do that for yourself, or deciding
breezes of the trees. their association with him even if good idea. Without a plan, that money how your assets will be divided on
 We hope that Bob will be reunited just by his good humor and cheery can easily disappear into a cloud of your death, taking steps to put your
with his mother and father, John, disposition. He was always willing buying whatever suits your fancy. strategy into writing is well worth the
better known as “Jack” and Freda to help a friend in need and did his You will be better off if you make a effort. This year, make an effort to get
Danvers as well as his older Brother very best to always be there for his plan to handle the tax refund. yourself organized.
Jack Danvers. Bob is survived by his family. He was a student of people To get you started, here are five Invest in Yourself
younger brother Mike and his wife and philosophy, always looking for suggestions on how to use your tax If you have been putting off career
Laurie Danvers and his sister-in-law greater wisdom and knowledge. Bob refund: or skills training because of the cost, it
Eunice Danvers. Bob has 5 surviv- had a great affinity for trees, dogs, 1. Pay down your consumer debt. may be time to use your refund to help
ing children, James, Genevieve, children, and the sun. He never met 2. Set up an emergency fund. you start a new career. College cours-
Joseph, Gregory, and Christopher to a tree he didn’t like, a dog whose 3. Protect your loved ones. es, technology skills improvement,
whom he loved and did all he could ears he wouldn’t scratch, a child he 4. Invest in yourself. books to help you help yourself, all of
do to teach and provide for. Each of wouldn’t kid around with, or a sunny 5. Plan a vacation. these are part of a strategy to improve
their spouses were loved just as his day where he would not spend more Pay Down Your Consumer Debt. your skills and your job prospects. Or,
own, especially his, as he often said, than a few minutes basking in the High-cost consumer debt is a killer. consider joining a health club or pur-
“favorite daughter” (or only daugh- warmth of the sun’s bright light. Times have been tough and many chasing a piece of exercise equipment
ter) and her recently departed hus- Indeed, in the latter season of his people have lived on their credit cards, to improve your own health. Taking
band Kevin who was one of Bob’s life, one of his favorite pastimes was racking up huge balances at very steps to improve yourself will always
favorite people in this world. Of people watching
Honor theand
memoryoneof ofyourhis most
cherished high cost borrowing rates. For many pay dividends.
A Tribute to the Loved One
those 5 children Bob took great joy one by sharingistheTMPNET
fervent philosophies story of their life
with friends, neighbors and associates
people, the amount of the debt is so Have Fun-Take a Vacation
in knowing and loving 20 grandchil- (To Many People Not hereEnough Trees). large, it is intimidating. Don’t be dis- This is the fun part of using the
Whose Memory Lives
dren, and 4 great-grandchildren.
in the community.
Memorial services will be held at
details and tothis
couraged. Try to stop charging on the refund and since the money you are
Bob lived a long life, at 79 years a warmer, later your datenotice
sometime credit cards and use all excess funds, receiving is money you have already
On Forever in Your Heart
young, he experienced many things spring or summer.
call 301-373-4125
of remembrance,
For anyforwho may
assistance. including your income tax refund, to earned, why not use it to take that va-
to include love, heart break, and love wish to make any kind of donation, pay down the debt. The smartest thing cation you have always planned? Yes,
again. He was loved by everyone we the family, ask that you either you can do is to pay off that consumer you can buy that big screen TV but
that took the time to get to know make a donation to The Arbor Day debt so that when you do use a credit over the long term you will probably
him and he made it easy to get to Foundation, plant a tree on your card, you can afford to pay off the en- benefit more from the memories you
know him as he was not so shy to own, adopt a dog, be kind to your tire credit card bill within one month. make on a great vacation.
start a conversation with anyone neighbor, or just smile and enjoy the Create a Fund Just for Whatever you decide to do with
willing to give him the time of day. sunshine on your back. Emergencies. your tax refund, take your time and
He did his best to be a positive in- Condolences to the family may be Many people live in fear of hav- make a plan of action for that refund
f luence on those around him which made at www.rauschfuneralhomes. ing an emergency because they have money so that you can use it wisely to
lent well to his career in the United com. saved nothing to help them. In most your advantage.
States Air Force where he ascended cases, giving yourself some financial Join us for a no charge seminar on
peace of mind is all that is required to this and other topics at 11am on the
make life much more enjoyable. By third Wednesday of every month at
setting aside your tax refund money in 8906 Bay Avenue in North Beach.
REMEMBRANCES an emergency fund, you will be able
to weather the downturns like the loss
Call 301-855-2246 to reserve your
22 The Calvert County Times

Thursday, February 3, 2022

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Thursday, February 3, 2022 The Calvert County Times Fun & Games 23

CLUES ACROSS 47. Part of surgery 22. Cabbage

1. _ _ de Mornay, (abbr.) 25. Least frequent
actress 48. Type of wrap 27. Change slightly
8. Surrenders 49. Church seating 28. A country in NE
13. Omission 50. Mathematical Africa
14. The white figure 29. Metric units of
poplar 51. College football measure
15. They become conference 30. More coherent
butterflies 55. Turkish officer title 32. Make uninteresting
19. Used to chop 57. Organized body of 34. Nausea
20. Select knowledge 35. Institution of
21. Volcanic 58. Smooth and glossy Oceanography
craters 59. Left 36. Of little value
22. Consumer 37. Hindu model of the
price index CLUES DOWN ideal man
23. Utilize 1. Get back 38. Biblical
24. “True Blood” 2. Pass or go by exclamation
actress Paquin 3. Having a sharp 40. You throw it at a
25. Got up taste board
26. Sank in 4. Midway between 41. Be about to
30. Retail east and southeast happen
31. Giants 5. Cairo Regional 42. Brutal
32. Most bald Airport 43. Opened one’s
33. Changes color 6. Peace officer mouth widely
34. Unit of 7. Brings to life 45. 19th letter of
loudness 8. Automotive Greek alphabet
35. Undresses vehicles 48. Saturate
38. Fathers 9. One point south of 51. The woman
39. Learned skill due east 52. Someone who is
40. Remove 10. Football position highly skilled
qualification 11. Goes by 53. A way to launch an
44. Covered with 12. Most attractive attack on
frost 16. Road divisions 54. Where golfers
45. Speak up 17. Not the sea begin
46. Nowhere to 18. Small, faint 56. Atomic number 58
be found constellation


Publisher Thomas McKay The Calvert County Times is a weekly newspaper providing news and information for the
residents of Calvert County. The Calvert County Times will be available on newsstands
Associate Publisher Eric McKay
every Thursday. The paper is published by Southern Maryland Publishing Company,
General Manager which is responsible for the form, content, and policies of the newspaper. The Calvert
Al Dailey [email protected] County Times does not espouse any political belief or endorse any product or service
in its news coverage.
Jen Stotler [email protected]
Tim Flaherty timf [email protected] To be considered for publication, articles and letters to the editor submitted must include
the writer’s full name, address and daytime phone number. Submissions must be deliv-
Editor ered by 4 p.m. on the Monday prior to our Thursday publication to ensure placement
Dick Myers [email protected] for that week. After that deadline, the Calvert County Times will make every attempt
possible to publish late content, but cannot guarantee so. Letters may be condensed/
Staff Writer
Guy Leonard [email protected] edited for clarity, although care is taken to preserve the core of the writer’s argument.
Copyright in material submitted to the newspaper and accepted for publication remains
Graphic Designer/Layout Artist
Jim Lucke

Contributing Writers
[email protected]
with the author, but the Calvert County Times and its licensees may freely reproduce it
in print, electronic or other forms. We are unable to acknowledge receipt of letters. The
Calvert County Times cannot guarantee that every letter or photo(s) submitted will be
County Times
Ron Guy, Shelby Opperman, Dave Spigler published, due to time or space constraints.
24 The Calvert County Times Thursday, February 3, 2022

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