Impact of CSR On Brand Attention: A Study On Tesco
Impact of CSR On Brand Attention: A Study On Tesco
Impact of CSR On Brand Attention: A Study On Tesco
study on Tesco
Impact of CSR on brand attention: A study on Tesco...........................................................................1
Chapter 1: Introduction....................................................................................................................3
Research Background..................................................................................................................3
Research Questions......................................................................................................................3
Research Rationale......................................................................................................................3
Chapter 1: Introduction
Research Background
Tesco plc is a renowned retailer of groceries and lots of consumer products in the UK. This
company has been performing extraordinarily since its beginning in 1919. The firm has many
subsidiaries that make a contribution in different sections. The firm secured around 65 billion of
revenue last in 2020 maintaining proper growth. Tesco plc is a big company employing over 400
thousand employees in different countries (Tesco Plc, 2018). The company has a great reputation
in the market and among its customers for effective operation and management. The brand image
of the company can be improved through the application of Corporate Social Responsibilities in
its operations. The study focuses on understanding the use of Corporate Social Responsibility in
Tesco plc and how it can elevate the image of the brand through a systematic approach.
Research Questions
This research project would answer some questions relating to the objectives. They are discussed
What are the traits of CSR?
How does CSR impact the brand image and attention?
How does Tesco plc manage CSR in its activities?
How can Tesco plc develop the CSR approaches?
Research Rationale
Corporate Social Responsibilities are the approaches that a firm takes to manage proper ethics
and morale in its activities. CSR has become one of the strongest strategies of companies around
the globe. This practice is demonstrated in the annual reports of the company and the
promotional contents of the company (Rasche, 2017). This project would analyse the aspects of
CSR and its use in Tesco plc. This study can be related to the context of business management in
this era of tenacious business practices. The outcome of this result is crucial to understand the
proper procession of CSR that can bring effective brand identification.
Chapter 2: Literature Review
A business firm has the primary goal to gain profit and growth in the market. The core tasks of
the firm involve product management, marketing sales and others. Corporate Social
Responsibility has become a revolutionary part of firms to engage with society and make
contributions outside of their ordinary course of work, reports Fernando (2021). The main driver
behind the approaches of CSR is the perception that a business gets many benefits from society.
Therefore, CSR is considered to be a way to give back to society and the environment. In fact, a
firm can gain a better image in the market with wide opportunities to grow and develop.
Ethical Responsibility: At this stage in the pyramid of Carroll, firms try to express their morale
through their actions. There are many situations where a company fall into a moral dilemma and
falls into difficulty to find the correct decision. Sometimes, following all legal aspects might
become hard. In those cases, firms need to follow the ethical aspects properly, states Tipton
(2019). For example, if any employee gets harmed physically on their way of coming to the firm,
the legal directions might not allow any sort of compensation to the company. But the firm can
act ethically and provide financial and psychological support to the injured employee. An ethical
approach is a great way to serve society and stakeholders.
Philanthropic Responsibility: The final stage of Carroll’s pyramid of CSR contains
philanthropic responsibilities. This stage has the most direct relation to CSR where firms put
efforts and resources keeping the target of helping others in mind. Peppemexpect companies to
do something positive for the community. There are many ways for firms to become
philanthropic, report Lee, Kim and Roh (2019). This includes supporting charities, leading
movements for social and environmental issues and others.
or in times when any specific incident hurts the reputation of the company to gather support from
Stakeholder Theory: The last part of the western approach is the stakeholder theory. This
process solely concerns the rights and demands of the stakeholders. The firms identify the need
of stakeholders and focus on making them happy which can also lead to better support from
great strategies to gain attention and trust from the investors which help the company in the long
Smart and Efficient Business: Business firms use CSR as the core strategy of their brand
recognition process. Almost all big firms are now contributing through CSR and being
considered as role-model for others. For example, Coca-cola has got succeeded in being one of
the global leaders in employing women and empowering them. This has made the firm more
noticeable than ever, reports Grosser, Mccarthy and Kilgour (2016). Unilever is going green in
almost every section of its activities and contributing to the environment. This helps the firm
stand out among competitors.
Competitive Advantage: Competitive advantage indicates having some specific trait and aspect
that is uncommon in the market and allows firms to overcome the competitors in the race.
Corporate Social Responsibility works as the source of gaining a competitive advantage in the
market. According to Grover (2014), Firms can attract customers, satisfy stakeholders, reatain
employees and promote CSR as the main strategy of their marketing campaign. Therefore, firms
can gain more attention and praise than their competitors through the proper utilisation of CSR.
The planning and implementation of CSR must be effective so that the contribution of the firm is
noticed by all to gain a competitive advantage.
Brand Awareness: Brand awareness indicates the level of recognition of a brand among the
customers and how people think of the firm by hearing its name. According to Blaszkiewicz
(2017), Corporate Social Responsibility can help firms gain brand awareness which is important
for increased sales and profitability. The process can also make a negative impact on people’s
minds. For example, Volkswagen promoted environment-friendly cars but knowingly avoided
the emission control regulation which actually harms the environment so much. This led to so
many criticisms and lower market value. Therefore, it is important for companies to be honest
with their CSR strategies and applications if they want to gain long-term positive brand
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