Empanelment of Agency For Below-The-Line (BTL) Promotional Materials
Empanelment of Agency For Below-The-Line (BTL) Promotional Materials
Empanelment of Agency For Below-The-Line (BTL) Promotional Materials
Bank of Baroda, Chennai Metro Region, Chennai invites sealed proposals from reputed
well established agencies based at Chennai having sound financial status and minimum
-3- years of experience in the field of printing, display, installation of point of purchase
displays, promotional materials viz. flex banners, display boards (vinyl and flex),
posters, leaflets etc. The proposal document should be submitted in sealed envelope
containing technical details strictly as per the Annexure-A. The envelope may be clearly
marked / super scribed as “Application for Empanelment of Agency for BTL
Promotions – Bank of Baroda, CMR 2019” The sealed proposal containing the
required details as per prescribed application format be sent in an envelope addressed
to the Regional Head, Bank of Baroda, Chennai Metro Region, 10, IInd Floor,
C.P.Ramaswamy Road, Alwarpet, Chennai-600 018, latest by 1400 hrs up to
30.04.2019. The tender document containing details of applying agencies, eligibility
criteria, scope of work and other terms & conditions can be downloaded from the bank’s
website www.bankofbaroda.co.in and be submitted within the given time schedule.
Submission of application in any other format will not be entertained & will be summarily
rejected. Relevant information / copies of certificates as specified should be annexed to
the application. Non-receipt of any information / certificates may entail rejection of the
Scope of Work
Printing, Fabrication & Installation:
The Bank from time to time, requires printing, fabrication, installation of signage boards,
gate arches, point of purchase displays & promotional materials incl. flex banners,
standees, posters, leaflets etc as per given size and quality specifications. The
agency/ies selected for empanelment have to print &/or fabricate &/or install &/ or
supply the various promotional items as per Bank’s requirement from time to time.
Bank will invite sealed quotations from all the empanelled agencies for awarding
different jobs including annual rate contract (for standard promotional items under
different quantity slabs with different size, quality specifications etc.). The job / jobs shall
be awarded to the bidder / bidders found L-1 in quotes.
Installation of various displays within Chennai city will be free of cost and outside
Chennai City will be chargeable on actual upon submission of transport bill etc.
The Annual Turnover: Minimum Gross Annual Turnover of Rs 15 Lacs for last 2
The bidder should not have incurred loss in the past two years.
The candidacy of any agency who was earlier empanelled by the Bank in any
part of the country and whose past performance is not in accordance with the
requirements prevalent at that time, shall be rejected at the discretion of the
Confidentiality Clause:
The bidder shall keep confidential all the information relating to Bank's business that
comes into its possession as a result of or in connection with its work under this work.
Discretion Clause:
The Bank reserves the right to reject any / all applications without assigning any
reasons thereof. Mere submission of an offer to the Bank does not entitle an applicant
to any benefits / rights / preference. Canvassing is prohibited and will lead to
disqualifications. Fulfilling the minimum eligibility does not entitle the bidder to consider
him for Bank empanelment. Bank may consider as many agencies in the panel as it
wants at its sole discretion. If any of the empanelled agencies fails to respond to any
call for quote during the empanelled period, Bank reserves its right to not call for any
further quotes from the agency, remove the agency from the panel and not consider the
agency for future empanelment also.
Enclosures to the Application
Copy of PAN Card
Copy of GST Registration
List of top 5 clients served during the last two years (Bank’s / PSUs / Reputed
Ltd. cos. supported by work orders/ certificates from clients for work done in FY
16-17 & FY 17-18 only
General Terms:
The Bank reserve the right to reject any or all applications without assigning any
reason whatsoever.
The Bank reserves the right to scrap the tender at any time at its discretion
without assigning any reason whatsoever.
Relevant information / copies of certificates called for should be annexed to the
tender. Non-receipt of any information / certificates with the tender may entail
rejection of the tender.
Bank may inspect your office/ premises during any point of empanelment for
verifying the details submitted.
Successful bidders for empanelment shall sign an agreement with Bank for
undertaking the printing, fabrication and installation of display boards (vinyl and
flex) incl. signages and gate arches etc, point of purchase displays & promotional
materials incl. flex banners, standees, umbrellas, kiosks, posters, leaflets etc jobs
for a period of three years.
In case of any clarification in the matter, the bidder may contact on telephone
numbers (044) – 2346 7021 (Mr. T Suresh, Sr. Manager) or Mrs. S Srlakshmi on
any working day during office hours.
This tender will remain valid and open for evaluation for a period of three months from
the date of closure of the tender submission date.
Regional Manager,
Bank of Baroda,
Chennai Metro Region
Date 09.04.2019