WISAdmin Guide
WISAdmin Guide
WISAdmin Guide
Administration Guide
Revision D
Last Revision: 07/04/06
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taken in the preparation of this documentation, the publisher and the author
assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed
for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.
The information in this documentation is subject to change without notice and does
not represent a commitment on the part of Invensys Systems, Inc. The software
described in this documentation is furnished under a license or nondisclosure
agreement. This software may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms
of these agreements.
All terms mentioned in this documentation that are known to be trademarks or
service marks have been appropriately capitalized. Invensys Systems, Inc. cannot
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should not be regarded as affecting the validity of any trademark or service mark.
Alarm Logger, ActiveFactory, ArchestrA, Avantis, DBDump, DBLoad, DT Analyst,
FactoryFocus, FactoryOffice, FactorySuite, FactorySuite A2, InBatch, InControl,
IndustrialRAD, IndustrialSQL Server, InTouch, InTrack, MaintenanceSuite,
MuniSuite, QI Analyst, SCADAlarm, SCADASuite, SuiteLink, SuiteVoyager,
WindowMaker, WindowViewer, Wonderware, and Wonderware Logger are
trademarks of Invensys plc, its subsidiaries and affiliates. All other brands may be
trademarks of their respective owners.
Welcome.......................................... 11
Documentation Conventions.............................................12
Technical Support .............................................................12
Glossary.......................................... 289
Documentation Conventions
This documentation uses the following conventions:
Technical Support
Wonderware Technical Support offers a variety of support
options to answer any questions on Wonderware products
and their implementation.
Chapter 1
Getting Started
• Menu Bar
• Content Pane
• Footer Bar
• Launch Pad
Banner Pane
The banner is located at the top of the page and constantly
appears unless the user double-clicks on the title bar of a
given page. This maximizes the window to use all of the
available space in the browser.
You can customize the banner by either replacing the logo
that appears in the banner or replacing the entire banner
itself. For more information, see Customizing the Home Page
on page 107.
Menu Bar
The menu bar is located immediately below the banner area
at the top of the home page:
Option Description
The menu bar also shows a Show Launch Pad link visible at
the far left when the Launch Pad is hidden.
For more information about the Launch Pad, see Launch Pad
on page 18.
Content Pane
The content pane shows all the information for the site. You
can maximize and minimize the content pane by
double-clicking on the title bar.
You can customize the content on the home page. For more
information, see Customizing the Home Page on page 107.
Footer Bar
The footer bar shows the copyright information. You cannot
change this information.
Launch Pad
The Launch Pad is located at the left side of the home page.
The Launch Pad allows you to select access panels assigned
to you and navigate to the various configuration pages,
applications, and custom links.
Navigation Trees
A navigation tree consists of top-level nodes, "child" nodes,
and "leaf" nodes. For example:
top-level node
"Child" nodes are nodes that do not sit at the top level, but
contain other nodes. A "leaf" node is a child node that
contains a URL to a document, web page, web site, or other
object, such as an InTouch browser-based windows, a chart, a
data table, and so on.
To expand a collapsed node, either double-click it or select the
plus sign icon to the left of the node name. You can collapse
an expanded node by double-clicking on it or by selecting the
minus sign icon.
Link Description
Link Description
Chapter 2
Installing Wonderware
Information Server
Hardware Requirements
The following web server hardware requirements are
recommended to handle a load of 50 concurrent users:
Minimum Suggested
Minimum Suggested
Software Requirements
The following software must be installed on the web server
computer before installing Wonderware Information Server:
• Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 or later
• ASP.Net 2.0
• Microsoft SQL Server 2005 SP1
Microsoft SQL Server is used by Wonderware
Information Server to store vital configuration
information, such as administrative passwords. Also,
Wonderware Information Server needs continuous access
to the SQL Server to run properly. Wonderware
Information Server supports Microsoft SQL Server 2005
only. Apply the latest service packs and patches.
Also, check the Microsoft web site for updates and patches
that you may need to install.
4 Click OK. The Task Status shows green check boxes for
all tasks.
5 Turn the SQL Server node firewall back on.
Note During the installation, you can leave the Windows firewall
on, but you must enable “File and Printer Sharing” in the Windows
firewall configuration to permit backup and restore to work when
a second node hosts the Wonderware Information Server and
reporting databases. The backup process may require UNC access
to the Wonderware Information Server node.
Chapter 3
Managing Licensing
Tip The SQL Server administrator can trim the licensing history
table by deleting records that are older than a given date.
3 Select the start and end dates for the query by using the
calendars. You can also type in dates in the Start Date
and End Date boxes. The valid format is: YYYY-MM-DD.
Note You must have enabled license logging to use this feature.
For more information, see Configuring License Usage Logging on
page 44.
Enter the name of the tag server node in the New tag
server node field and click Add.
• Disabled
This is the default option. Tag server writeback is
disabled for all Wonderware Information Server
server nodes.
4 Click Save.
Changes to the tag server writeback do not go into effect
until the sessions are ended and restarted.
For more information on how to use the ArchestrA License
Manager, see the ArchestrA License Manager guide.
Chapter 4
Managing Security
• Anonymous access
Authenticated access
Wonderware recommends that you use authenticated access
to protect your web site from unknown users. The
authenticated access method is divided into the following
additional options:
• Basic authentication
Basic authentication sends passwords over the network
as clear text. This type of authentication transmits the
passwords across the network unencrypted, making it
easier for hackers to intercept usernames and passwords.
This type of authentication is not recommended.
To make this secure, Wonderware recommends that you
use SSL and client certificates to authenticate users
when using basic authentication. Client certificates are
issued by trusted third-party organizations. This option
may be required for some brands of proxy servers. For
more information, see Using Proxy Servers on page 56.
Anonymous access
Important Wonderware does NOT recommend that you use
anonymous access authentication, because this allows anyone to
access your site.
Firewall/DMZ Compatibility
The Wonderware Information Server is designed to be
"firewall compatible." It supports connections between itself
and one or more clients through port 80 in a firewall, the
standard HTTP port.
It is also DMZ-compatible. The web server can exist between
one outward facing firewall and one inward facing firewall.
In this configuration, the inner firewall needs to open the
SuiteLink port 5413 to access the plant floor I/O Servers on
the secure plant floor network.
If SSL is enabled on the node, you must open port 443.
If a remote database server is being used, the SQL TCP port
1433 should be opened.
Role Privileges
2 In the Role list, click the role to which you want to add a
user(s). A list of all users who are currently assigned to
that role appears in the Role Users window.
3 In the Domain list, click the domain that contains the
user(s) to add. A list of all users in that domain appears
in the Domain Users window.
4 Select the user or user group you want to add.
5 Click << Add to assign the user to the role.
To enable write-back
1 In the System access panel, expand Administration and
then click License Manager. The License Manager page
2 Click Tag Server Writeback. The Tag Server Node Writeback
Configuration page appears.
6 To add a node, type the name of the node in the New tag
server node box and click Add.
The node name is the computer name on which the data
source is running. You can also specify the IP address.
7 To remove a node, select the node in the Selected tag
server nodes window and click Delete.
8 Click Save. A confirmation dialog box appears.
9 Click OK.
Chapter 5
• Historian
• Production
• Other
Each data source type can have multiple named data source
instances. However, only one of each data source instance can
be defined as the default. The default data source is used by
ArchestrA Reporting. For more information on ArchestrA
Reporting, see Using ArchestrA Reporting on page 217.
3 In the Data Source Type list, click Alarm. The Add New
Shared Data Source window appears.
3 In the Data Source Type list, select OLEDB. The Add New
Shared Data Source window appears.
3 In the Data Source Type list, select, select Other. The Add
New Shared Data Source window appears.
2 Click the name of the data source you want to delete. The
information for the data source appears at the bottom of
the Data Source Manager window.
Chapter 6
Note If you are working in http: mode and you want to switch
your alarms to https: mode, open the Data Provider page and
change the URL in the WSDL field from http: to https:, then click
Chapter 7
top-level node
"child" nodes
leaf nodes
Note If you are working in http: mode and then switch to https:
mode, items added to the panel that have been defined to use
http: protocol will no longer work. To fix these broken links,
someone with administrator privileges must delete the items from
the panel and then re-add them so that they have the https:
2 Click New Panel. In the box that appears, type the access
panel name that will appear on the tab (button) in the
Launch Pad.
3 Press Enter on your keyboard. The new access panel
appears in the list.
4 Go to Configuring the Navigation Tree for a Custom
Access Panel on page 88.
Chapter 8
Configuring MultiViews
Editing a MultiView
You can add, change, or delete the Web Parts in a Multiview.
Web Parts are stored in galleries which are collections of Web
Parts that are grouped together. For example, all of the Web
Parts in a gallery may relate to a specific function or be
published by a particular company.
The MultiView Manager lets you:
• Rearrange Web Parts within the layout.
To edit a MultiView
1 Expand the Administration pane.
2 Click MultiView Manager. The MultiView Manager
appears in the right pane of the browser window.
3 Select the MultiView you want to change and click Edit.
The MultiView Manager pane opens.
Use the MultiView Editor to do any of the following tasks.
Note You can drag a Web Part to a zone that already contains
another Web Part. In that case, both Web Parts are arranged
horizontally or vertically in the same zone.
Importing a MultiView
You can import MultiViews from SuiteVoyager 2.5 only.
SuiteVoyager MultiView files targeted for import must be in
.ddb format. In addition, Sub-MultiViews and Content Web
Parts are ignored in imported MultiViews.
To import a MultiView
1 Open the MultiView Manager from the Administration
2 Click Import MultiView. The Import panel appears.
3 Click the InTouch Web Part Menu arrow and click Modify
Shared Web Part.
4 When the InTouch Toolpart appears, click the Web Part
Menu arrow on the InTouch WebPart.
5 Click Connections and do the following:
a Click Consumes Parameter 1 and select your web part
from the menu. In the following graphic, Test List is
the web part we want to connect.
2 With the Trend Tool Part open, click the Web Part Menu
arrow on the Trend WebPart and select Connections.
Configure Tags
When you configure tags, you can select any IndustrialSQL
Server from the top list. This list contains Named Data
Sources of the InSQL type. The data source is configured in
the Shared Data Source Manager.
For more information about trend properties, see the
ActiveFactory User’s Manual.
The following connections are supported:
• Provides InSQL Server: Provides the InSQL Server node
name to any other web part.
Chapter 9
• Banner pane
Tip Use a banner that coordinates with the color scheme that you
pick for the web site. For more information on available schemes,
see Changing the Color Scheme on page 109.
• Content pane
4 In the Node Name box, type the name of the node as you
want it to appear in the navigation tree. For example,
5 In the Node Type box, click LEAF if this node is the bottom
node in the branch. If you are planning on adding
additional levels under this node in the hierarchy (one or
more "child" nodes), click NODE.
Chapter 10
Maintenance Tasks
Viewing Errors
Wonderware Information Server logs error messages to the
Wonderware ArchestrA Logger, which is installed by default
when you install Wonderware Information Server. You can
customize the types of messages that are reported to the
ArchestrA Logger using the LogFlag Editor utility.
For information on using the ArchestrA Logger and the
LogFlag Editor, see the ArchestrA Logger documentation.
Monitoring Usage
IIS automatically creates a log file to track user access to the
site. This log file tells who was on the site, where they went
in the site, how long they were on each page, and anything
they looked at in the site. This file could be helpful for
determining site usage and which areas are used more than
others. The log file is stored under your
\WINNT\System32\LogFiles directory.
However, the log file gets very large very quickly and you
need to put a standard operating procedure into place for
either purging or archiving this file. You can also turn the
logging feature off if it is not helpful to you. For more
information on IIS log files, see your IIS documentation.
Also, it is essential that you monitor site usage to determine
if you have enough client licenses installed. If not, you may
want to determine if the people that are logging on to the site
during busy times could be asked to log in during slower
times or if you need to purchase additional licenses. The
License Manager is located under the Administration section
of the Wonderware Information Server. For more information
on the License Manager, see Chapter 3, Managing Licensing
Obtaining Feedback
As the administrator, provide users with an easy way to send
feedback. This can easily be accomplished by creating an
e-mail link using the Configuration area of the site. For more
information, see Creating Custom Links for Users on page
110. Most intranet/Internet users are familiar with an e-mail
link labeled "Contact Us." Creating this link provides a way
for users to comment on the usefulness of the information
they obtain, additional information they want to see, speed to
access information, and any problems they encounter while
navigating through the site.
Obtaining good feedback helps you to design a useful,
functional, and informative tool for the casual users in your
company and help you tailor the information that
Wonderware Information Server delivers to the organization.
6 In the Session timeout box, type the new timeout limit for
client connection sessions.
7 In the ASP Script timeout box, type the new timeout limit
for scripts.
8 Click OK.
Chapter 11
The Backup/Restore Manager for Wonderware Information
Server 3.0 is not compatible with previous versions of the
You can host the Wonderware Information Server
configuration database on a remote SQL server node. The
SQL server must be running under a network account with
the correct permissions. These permissions are network
share privileges that allow the Backup/Restore Manager to
access the remote node’s file system.
You must also be a local administrator of the Wonderware
Information Server computer. In addition, the user
credentials must also have SQL Server system administrator
You must install the SQL Server client connectivity
components on the Wonderware Information Server
• aaReports database
• ActiveFactory reports
• ActiveFactory configuration
• InTouch WindowSets
Creating a Backup
The Wonderware Information Server is accessible by clients
during the backup process.
To create a backup
1 On the Start menu on the Windows Taskbar, point to
Programs, Wonderware, then to Information Server, and
then select Backup and Restore. The Backup/Restore
dialog box appears.
Restoring a Backup
Before you restore, make sure you all open connections to the
database are closed.
To restore a backup
1 On the Start menu on the Windows Taskbar, point to
Programs, Wonderware, then to Information Server, and
then select Backup and Restore. The Backup/Restore dialog
box appears.
2 Select Restore.
3 Specify the complete path to the backup file or click the
button next to the Backup File box to browse for the
backup file. Select the .Cab file and click Open.
4 Select either Windows Authentication or SQL Server
5 Click Backup/Restore.
When the restoration process begins, the Restoration
Status dialog box appears.
If the restoration program could not restore an item, a
message appears in the dialog box.
6 When the Restore is complete, click Close.
The following list describes the error messages that can occur
during the backup process.
Chapter 12
Introduction to TableWeaver
• Displays
• Links
• Web Content
• Filter Entry
• SmartSymbol
4 In the Folder Name box, type a name for the folder. This
name appears on the definition unit list page. The folder
name must be unique in the current folder and cannot
contain spaces or special characters (\ / : * ? < > & | ' ").
5 Click Save.
Deleting a Folder
To delete a folder
1 In the System access panel, expand Administration and
then click Table Weaver Manager. The Table Weaver
Manager page appears.
2 Select a Table Weaver definition unit page. The
corresponding definition unit list page appears.
3 Select the check box next to the folder(s) you want to
delete. You can delete folder(s) and definition unit ID(s)
at the same time. For more information on deleting a
definition unit ID, see Deleting a Definition Unit on page
4 Click Delete. You are prompted to verify the deletion.
5 Click OK.
Chapter 13
Note You can edit query, link, display, and KPI definition
components by using the browse button placed next to each
definition component list. To edit data sources, you must go to the
Data Source Manager. For information on using the Data Source
Manager, see Chapter 5, Configuring Data Sources.
Note You must refresh the Table Weaver node on the navigation
panel to view newly created content unit folders and/or primary
content units.
5 In the Export Name box, type a name for the export. This
name is the folder name for the exported content located
at <Wonderware Information Server Program files
Installation Directory>\Export. The export name(s)
import content unit(s).
6 Select the Export Image check box if you want to export
the images selected in the content unit/folder files.
Images are exported to <Wonderware Information Server
Program files Installation Directory>\Export\ImageLib.
7 Click Export.
Chapter 14
Defining Queries
Using the Query area of the Table Weaver, you can define
queries for a specific data source type.
About Queries
A query describes the particular information to be retrieved
from a data source. For example, a query includes the data
source type (database or web content), SQL statement, and
parameters to pass. A query is one of the two mandatory
definition units required to define a content unit.
To use a query in a content unit, there must be a
corresponding data source with the same type. Use a
database query with a database data source, and a web
content query with a web content data source. Database and
web content queries allow parameter variables to be passed
to the query or data source.
Note If you are working in http: mode and then switch to https:
mode, items added to the panel that are defined to use http:
protocol no longer work. To fix these broken links, someone with
administrator privileges must delete the items from the panel and
then re-add them so that they have the https: protocol.
Defining a Query
To define a query
1 In the System access panel, expand Administration and
then click Table Weaver Manager. The Table Weaver
Manager page appears.
2 Click Query. The Query List page appears.
3 Click New. The Query page appears.
4 In the Data Source Type list, select a data source type. The
properties from the selected data source type appear.
5 For more information on defining queries for each type of
data source, go to Defining a Database Query on page
146, and Defining a Web Content Query on page 149.
2 In the Query ID box, type a name for the query. The name
must be unique in the current folder and not contain
spaces or special characters (\ / : * ? < > & | ' "). This
name appears in the Query List page.
3 In the Description box, type a description for the query.
This description appears in the Query List page.
4 In the SQL Query box, type a script or statement to be
executed by the database. For information on SQL
queries, see Examples of Database Queries on page 148.
5 In the Field Captions box, type a caption that replaces the
field name, which is provided by the data source.
Captions must be separated by a semicolon. If the Field
Captions box is left blank, the field name provided by the
data source used. Information is taken in the same order
as provided by data source. Another option is to set the
field caption in the SQL query. Most OLE DB providers
support using the AS clause within the query to set the
displayed name.
For example, the following SQL query from the
Northwind database includes the field caption name
within the query:
SELECT ProductId as [Product ID], SupplierId as
[Supplier], UnitPrice as [Price] from Products
2 In the ID box, type a name for the query. The name must
be unique in the current folder and not contain spaces or
special characters (\ / : * ? < > & | ' "). This name appears
in the Query list page.
3 In the Description box, type a description for the query.
This description appears in the Query list page.
4 In the Link Type list, select List or Page to define the link
• A List link type defines the link as a link, allowing
multiple web content links within a query definition.
• A Page link type defines the link as content, allowing
only one link definition per query.
2 In the Method list, select GET or POST for the http method
of the link.
3 In the URL box, type the http URL of the link.
4 In the optional Parameters area, type the name and value
of the parameter to pass to the URL. Parameters for the
GET method are passed as a query string. Parameters for
the POST method are passed as a form post. Click More to
add more parameters to the query.
5 Click Save.
3 In the Name box, type a name for the link. This name
appears in the web link collection for the defined web
4 In the Method list, click GET or POST for the http method
of the link.
5 In the URL box, type the http URL of the link.
6 In the optional Parameters box, type the name and value
of the parameter to pass to the URL. Parameters for the
GET method are passed as query a string. Parameters for
the POST method are passed as a form post. Click More to
add more parameters to the query.
7 Click Save. To add more links, click New Link from the
Web Link Collection area.
Chapter 15
Defining Displays
About Displays
TableWeaver displays support:
• Hyperlinks to related information
• Filter Entry
• SmartSymbol
• Tabular
• Web Content
Defining a Display
To define a display
1 In the System access panel, expand Administration and
then click Table Weaver Manager. The Table Weaver
Manager page appears.
2 Click Display. The Display List page appears.
3 Click New. The Display page appears.
• Default Chart
All outputs are plotted on a graph with an x-axis and
y-axis, except for the pie chart. The chart types for
multiple series graph are limited to bar, horizontal bar,
stacked bar, stacked bar percentage and fast line. The
chart default is set to line.
5 In the X-Axis Data Field box, type the data field name from
the data set that is used for the x-axis. The name appears
in the chart results.
6 In the Y-Axis Data Field box, type the data field name from
the data set that is used for the y-axis. The name appears
in the chart results.
7 In the Series Data Field box, type the data value to group
the data for a multi-series chart. This option is only
applicable for multiple series charts.
• Header
Specifies the header of the chart. You can type in a
name or include a parameter value with #param#
syntax. This header appears above the chart.
• X-Axis Caption
The caption that appears on the x-axis of the chart.
• Y-Axis Caption
The caption that appears on the y-axis of the chart.
• Size %(Width, Height)
Sets the size of the width and height of the chart to be
displayed in percentage. The value must be positive
integers. The default size is (100, 100)
9 Configure the View Options for the chart.
• Show Legend
Shows or hides the chart legend to the right of the
chart. The legend lists all item values in the chart.
• 3-D View
Specifies the chart as a three-dimensional graphic.
• Zoomable
Zoom in or out on the chart display.
• Show Marks
Shows or hides the marker for each data point on the
• Show Timestamp
Shows the data retrieval timestamp on the chart in
client time zone.
10 Click Save.
The user can type in a parameter value and find any related
information based on the data inputted. If you click Go
without inputting a value, the filter result shows data
dependent on the configuration of the default parameter.
5 To show the date and time the display was viewed, click
Show Timestamp. The date and time is displayed in the
client’s time zone.
Note All web display configuration options after Title are only
used for a web query with a list link type.
Chapter 16
Defining Links
Using the Links node of the Table Weaver Manager, you can
define links to connect to various contents.
About Links
A link is the way of connecting various contents to the
content unit. Links are an optional definition unit of a
content unit definition.
While processing a content unit that has a link association,
Table Weaver processes the link definition and put the link
information into the data obtained by running a query on the
data source. The display definition unit takes the processed
data and provide hyperlinks to access related contents.
Defining a Link
Note If you are working in http: mode and then switch to https:
mode, items added to the panel that have been defined to use
http: protocol will no longer work. To fix these broken links,
someone with administrator privileges must delete the items from
the panel and then re-add them so that they have the https:
To define a link
1 The link must be part of a link collection. Click a defined
link collection from the Link Collection list page.
3 In the Name box, type a name for the link. The name
must not contain spaces or special characters (\ / : * ? < >
& | ' "). This link appears on the selected link collection
list page.
4 In the Description box, type a description for the link.
This description appears on the selected link collection
list page and as mouse-over text in the display.
5 In the Binding list, click the type of the link. The link can
be bound to a Record (data row), a Field (specific data
column), or a KPI.
• Name
Name of the parameter in the SQL query.
• Value
Value that you want to pass in the parameter. To
pass a value from the associated data source, specify
the appropriate column name enclosed with the #
15 Click Save.
Editing a Link
To edit a link
1 In the System access panel, expand Administration
and then click Table Weaver Manager. The Table
Weaver Manager page appears.
2 Click Link. The Link Collection List page appears.
3 In the Link Collection List page, select a link collection ID.
4 Click the link name and start editing.
5 Click Save.
Deleting a Link
To delete a link
1 In the System access panel, expand Administration and
then click Table Weaver Manager. The Table Weaver
Manager page appears.
2 Click Link. The Link Collection List page appears.
3 In the Link Collection List page, select the link collection
ID that contains the link(s).
Based on the link definition, hyperlinks are listed for all the
countries listed in the table. The hyperlinks connect to
another tabular display that shows specific information
about the suppliers for the selected country. The links are
configured in the link definition which specifies the binding,
entity, and target of the link.
Chapter 17
Defining KPIs
Using the KPIs area of the Table Weaver Manager, you can
configure the KPI and target conditions to display visual
indicators in the displays when the target conditions are met.
About KPIs
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are visual indicators that
express a value as either a color or an image. Each KPI has
one or more targets with their own set of target conditions
that display visual indicators associated with the target
when all target conditions are met.
Creating a KPI
A KPI is part of a KPI collection. You can configure multiple
KPIs in a KPI collection.
To create a KPI
1 Select a KPI collection from the KPI Collection List page.
3 In the Name box, type a name for the KPI. The name
must be unique in the current KPI Collection. The name
appears in the KPI Collection page.
4 In the Description box, type a description for the KPI. The
description appears in the KPI Collection page.
5 In the Position list, click First, After or Last to indicate the
position of the KPI in the view. If the After position is
selected, the Column Position box is enabled for you to
type the name of the field column for the KPI to be after.
In this example, the KPI named SalesPerCategory is
positioned after CategoryName.
Editing a KPI
To edit a KPI
1 Select a KPI collection from the KPI Collection List page.
2 Select the KPI you want to edit. All information in the
KPI definition can be modified except the KPI name. You
must define a new KPI to modify the KPI name.
3 Click Save.
Deleting a KPI
To delete a KPI
1 In the System access panel, expand Administration and
then click Table Weaver Manager. The Table Weaver
Manager page appears.
2 Click KPI. The KPI Collection List page appears.
3 In the KPI Collection List page, select the KPI collection
ID that contains the KPI(s).
4 Select the check box next to the KPI(s).
5 Click Delete. You are prompted to verify the deletion.
6 Click OK.
8 Click Save.
Chapter 18
ActiveFactory Reporting
• aaManualTagSingleValueInsert
• aaDiscreteTimeInState
These tables and stored procedures are for internal use only.
Do not modify them.
• Hourly
• Daily
• Weekly
<DESCRIPTION>First static folder</DESCRIPTION>
<DESCRIPTION>Second static folder</DESCRIPTION>
<DESCRIPTION>Static folder nested under
Note Test the SQL statement in the file using a database query
tool and verify the results before publishing the query to the
<ArchiveID />
4 Set the <ApplicationType> element to 4.
5 Save the ReportParameters.xml file.
6 In the reporting website, expand the On Demand Reports
folder. The custom SQL report is added to the list of
• Scripttimeout
• Session.timeout
• Executiontimeout
• Responsedeadlockinterval
Connecting to a Historian
Use the following parameters to connect to an IndustrialSQL
Server historian.
Name Description
Server The server name of the IndustrialSQL
Server historian.
User The user name to connect to the historian.
If omitted, Windows integrated security is
Name Description
Password The password to connect to the historian.
BaseURL The base URL to use when accessing the
historian via HTTP.
VirDir The virtual directory to use when
accessing the historian via HTTP.
Trend uses HTTP to access the historian whenever you
specify values for both the BaseURL and VirDir parameters.
Otherwise, it uses a regular SQL Server connection.
Name Description
Start The start time in the following format:
YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.s
End The end time in the following format:
YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.s
Duration The duration in seconds.
DateMode Determines whether to show absolute or
relative times. Specify 1 for relative time, 0
for absolute time.
Value Description
TagPickerVisible Hide the Tag Picker.
TimebarVisible Hide the time toolbar.
ToolbarVisible Hide the main toolbar.
AllowGridEditing Hide the Tag List.
AllowContextMenu Hide the shortcut menu.
For example, to hide the Tag Picker and main toolbar, pass
the following:
Managing Licensing
The ActiveFactory Reporting Website software supports
session-based licensing for clients. Each connection to the
ActiveFactory Reporting Website from a web browser counts
as a session, unless the computer from which the connection
is made has an ActiveFactory desktop license installed.
If all available client sessions are being used, no sessions are
freed up until:
• A website user logs off using the Logoff link in the menu
bar. If the user simply closes the web browser, the session
is still in use.
• The IIS session timeout for a current logon lapses. A
session is automatically terminated if the website user
has not requested or refreshed a web page by the end of
the timeout period. By default, the session timeout is 20
minutes. You can configure the session timeout by using
the Internet Information Services console that is
available within the Windows Administrative Tools
program group.
Chapter 19
SQL Query
v_view1 MyView2 in
DB2 on Host2
select * from LinkedServer1.DB1.dbo.v_MyView1
MyView1 in
select * from LinkedServer2.DB2.dbo.v_MyView2
DB1 on Host1
Linked server definitions: LinkedServer1
points to Host1, LinkedServer2 to Host2
Viewing Reports
All reports in the ArchestrA Reporting base folder that the
current user is authorized to view are available as nodes in
the Launch Pad of Industrial Application Server. The
SnapShot Reports are displayed as a node followed by
datatime format items. To view a report, navigate to it just
like you would access any other node.
To view a report
1 In the Launch Pad, expand the Reports node. A tree of
reports and/or subfolders appears.
2 Navigate to the report you want to view. If a report is
configured for snapshots, expand it to see the available
3 Click the report or snapshot you want to view. If the
report requires parameters, a parameter input page
4 Enter parameter values as required. Depending on how
the report is configured, the Tag Picker and/or Time
Picker may be available.
• If the report contains cascading parameters, select
the “Parent” parameter, for example, a tag group.
• Press the Tab or Enter keys, or click outside the field.
The tags in that group appear in the next field.
Tags pane
Server pane
Filter pane
• Filter pane
To add a group
1 Right-click on the folder under which you want to create
a group and then click New Group.
A new folder appears in the Tag Picker.
2 Type a name for the folder and press ENTER.
To rename a group
Note You can rename a group that you have created in the Tag
Picker. However, you cannot rename a public folder.
To add or remove tags from the Selected Tags list, use the >
and < buttons. You can also drag the tags between the list
Character Filter Function
Character Filter Function
• [abcdef]
[^] Any single character not within the
specified range or set. For example:
• [^a - f]
• [^abcdef]
For example, to find all tagnames ending with "level," type
When the Server pane and the Filter pane are both visible,
the filter conditions apply to the selected group in the Server
pane. When the Server pane is hidden, the filter applies to all
tags on the IndustrialSQL Server historian.
To apply a filter
1 In the Tag name box, enter the string to match for the
2 In the Description box, enter the string to match for the
3 In the I/O Address box, enter the string to match for the
I/O address.
4 Select the Exact match check box to search for tags that
exactly match the entire string that you provided for the
tagname and/or description options.
For example, if you specify "level" as the tagname and do
not select Exact match, any tagname that contains the
string "level" appears. For example, "ReactLevel,"
"ProdLevel," and "$AccessLevel."
The Exact match option does not apply to the I/O address.
5 Click Apply to apply the filter criteria.
6 Click Clear to clear the Filter pane.
Managing Reports
You can manage reports from Industrial Application Server
using the standard functionality of SQL Server Reporting
Services. For example, you can delete reports, configure
default parameter values, set snapshot options, and so on.
To manage reports
In the Launch Pad, expand the Administration node and
click on Report Manager.
The SQL Server Reporting Services management page
appears in the content pane. Use it just as you would use
it when accessing it directly. For more information, see
the Microsoft documentation.
Option Description
EncryptedSysAdminUs The password for the user name
erPassword specified by the
SysAdminUserName option. This
value is stored in an encrypted
format. If you want to change this
value manually, you must use the
encrypted version of the password.
To get the encrypted version,
configure a shared data source in
Industrial Application Server with
the desired user name and
password. Then, copy the
encrypted password from the
DataSources table in the
SuiteVoyager database on the
Industrial Application Server
system and paste it as the value
for this option.
HiddenReportPrefix The prefix character for hidden
reports. If a report’s name starts
with this character, it is not shown
in the Launch Pad.
Option Description
PrinterMapping A mapping of Windows printer
names to logical printer names.
Logical printer names are used
when you print a report from an
Industrial Application Server or
IndustrialSQL Server script. To
map a printer, specify a value in a
format of “Logical name=Windows
name.” For example, a value of
“Default=ACME Corp.
SuperWriter” makes the printer
that is installed under the name
“ACME Corp. SuperWriter”
available under the logical name
“Default.” To map multiple
printers, separate the mappings
using commas.
ReportManager The URL of the Microsoft SQL
Server Reporting Services website.
For example,
Depending on your environment,
you may need to use a
fully-qualified URL. For example,
By default a relative URL is used,
/Reports. This is a client-side
redirection to /Reports.
SysAdminUserName The user name that is used to
connect to the ArchestrA
Reporting database and configure
the corresponding linked server
when adding or editing a shared
data source in Industrial
Application Server.
Developing Reports
Because Industrial Application Server uses the SQL Server
Reporting Services infrastructure, you can use it to execute
and view any report developed using SQL Server Reporting
Services. There are, however, a number of additional
features that extend standard Reporting Services. This
section explains what these features are and how you can use
them in your custom reports.
Creating Reports
You have two options for creating a new report for Industrial
Application Server: creating a simple ad-hoc report based on
a semantic model, or developing a customized report in an
external development environment and deploying it to
Industrial Application Server.
To add or remove tags from the Selected Tags list, use the
> and < buttons. When you execute the report, Industrial
Application Server passes all tagnames from the Selected
Tags list to the TagName parameter.
Note The Time Zone lists in the client and server Registry files
must absolutely match. For example, orders, numbers, and names
must be the same.
Note The TimeZoneId parameter only shows the Time Zone picker
when the Time Picker is also shown.
• CalculateStartTimeUtc
• DateTimeLocalToUtc
• DateTimeToFileTime
• DateTimeUtcToLocal
• FileTimeLocalToUtc
• FileTimeToDateTime
• FileTimeToDateTimeLocal
• FileTimeToString
• FileTimeToStringLocal
• FileTimeUtcToLocal
• IsDaylightSavingTime
• StringLocalToFileTime
• StringToFileTime
• TimeZoneDisplayName
• TimeZoneId
• TimeZoneName
• TimeZoneToUtc
• UtcToTimeZone
Returns the end time of a specified relative duration at the
Report Server node.
CalculateEndTimeUtc(@when datetime, @duration int,
@timeZoneID int)
The time to be returned if no valid duration parameter is
The relative duration. Valid values are:
Value Description
Value Description
Related Topics
Returns the start time of a specified relative duration at the
Report Server node.
CalculateStartTimeUtc(@when datetime, @duration int,
@timeZoneId int)
The time to be returned if no valid duration parameter is
The relative duration. For more information on valid
values, see CalculateEndTimeUtc on page 235.
The time zone to return the end time for. -100 can be used
to indicate ServerLocal.
Return Value
Returns the start time of the specified duration as a
datetime value in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).
Related Topics
Converts a datetime value that represents the local time on
the ArchestrA Reporting database server to UTC
(Coordinated Universal Time).
DateTimeLocalToUtc(@dateTime datetime)
A datetime value representing the local time on the
ArchestrA Reporting database server.
Return Value
Returns a datetime value.
Related Topics
Converts a datetime value to a FILETIME value that
represents the local time on the ArchestrA Reporting
database server. FILETIME is a SQL Server bigint value
representing the Microsoft Windows 32 FILETIME (the
number of 100 nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601)
DateTimeToFileTime(@dateTime bigint)
A bigint value representing the local time on the ArchestrA
Reporting database server.
Return Value
Returns a bigint value.
Related Topics
Converts a datetime value that represents UTC
(Coordinated Universal Time) to the local time on the
ArchestrA Reporting database server .
DateTimeUtcToLocal(@dateTime datetime)
A datetime value representing UTC.
Return Value
Returns a datetime value.
Related Topics
Converts a FILETIME value that represents the local time on
the ArchestrA Reporting database server to UTC
(Coordinated Universal Time).
FileTimeLocalToUtc(@fileTime bigint)
A FILETIME value representing the local time on the
ArchestrA Reporting database server.
Return Value
Returns a bigint value.
Related Topics
Converts a FILETIME value to a SQL datetime value.
FileTimeToDateTime(@fileTime bigint)
Return Value
Returns the corresponding datetime value. No time zone
conversion is applied. The "corresponding datetime value" is
rounded to the nearest available SQL Server time value,
which has an accuracy of 3.33 milliseconds.
Related Topics
Converts a FILETIME value to a SQL datetime value. The
result represents the local time on the ArchestrA Reporting
database server.
FileTimeToDateTimeLocal(@fileTime bigint)
A FILETIME value representing Coordinated Universal
Time (UTC).
Return Value
Returns the corresponding datetime value rounded to
nearest 3.33 ms.
Related Topics
Converts a FILETIME value to a date/time string.
FileTimeToString(@fileTime bigint, @format
The format for the date/time string. This must be a valid
.NET Framework DateTime format string. If you pass
NULL, the default format is used (yyyy-MM-dd
Return Value
Returns the value as a string. No time zone conversion is
Related Topics
Converts a FILETIME value to a date/time string. The result
represents the local time on the ArchestrA Reporting
database server.
FileTimeToStringLocal(@fileTime bigint, @format
A FILETIME value representing Coordinated Universal
Time (UTC).
The format for the date/time string. This must be a valid
.NET Framework DateTime format string. If you pass
NULL, the default format is used (yyyy-MM-dd
Return Value
Returns the value as a string.
Related Topics
Converts a FILETIME value that represents UTC
(Coordinated Universal Time) to the local time on the
ArchestrA Reporting database server.
FileTimeUtcToLocal(@fileTime bigint)
A FILETIME value representing UTC.
Return Value
Returns a bigint value.
Related Topics
Returns whether a specific date/time falls within daylight
saving time in a time zone.
IsDaylightSavingTime(@when datetime, @timeZoneId int)
The date/time value to check.
The time zone ID. -100 can be used to indicate
Return Value
Returns True if the date/time falls within daylight saving
time in the specified time zone. Returns False otherwise.
Converts a date/time string to a FILETIME value that
represents the local time on the ArchestrA Reporting
database server.
StringToFileTime(@timeString nvarchar(max))
A date/time string representing the local time on the
ArchestrA Reporting database server. The date/time format
must be valid in the current .NET Framework culture.
Return Value
Returns a bigint value.
Related Topics
Converts a date/time string to a FILETIME value that
represents UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).
StringToFileTime(@timeString nvarchar(max))
A date/time string representing UTC. The date/time format
must be valid in the current .NET Framework culture.
Return Value
Returns a bigint value.
Related Topics
Returns the long name of a time zone based on the time
zone’s ID.
TimeZoneDisplayName(@timeZoneId int)
The time zone ID. -100 can be used to indicate
Return Value
Returns the name of the time zone as a string. For example,
“(GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada); Tijuana.”
Related Topics
Returns the ID of a time zone based on the time zone’s short
TimeZoneId(@timeZoneName nvarchar(255))
The time zone’s name. For example, “Pacific Standard
Return Value
Returns the time zone’s ID as an integer.
Related Topics
Returns the short name of a time zone based on the time
zone’s ID.
TimeZoneName(@timeZoneId int)
The time zone ID. -100 indicates the time zone of the server
hosting the ArchestrA Reporting database.
Return Value
Returns the name of the time zone as a string. For example,
“Pacific Standard Time.”
Related Topics
Converts a UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) time to the
local time in the specified time zone.
TimeZoneToUtc(@when datetime, @timeZoneId int)
The UTC time.
The time zone ID. -100 can be used to indicate
Return Value
Returns the local time in the specified time zone as a
datetime value.
Related Topics
Converts a local time in the specified time zone to UTC
(Coordinated Universal Time).
UtcToTimeZone(@when datetime, @timeZoneId int)
The local time.
The time zone ID. -100 can be used to indicate
Return Value
Returns the UTC time as a datetime value.
Related Topics
Deploying Reports
Conceptually, deploying a custom report on a Industrial
Application Server system involves the following tasks:
• Create a default data source for a data source type in
Industrial Application Server. This automatically adds a
linked server.
• Use a SQL script to create any database objects needed
for the report. For example, a view might be replicated in
the ArchestrA Reporting database that points to the
views in the target database through the linked server.
• Deploy the report to the SQL Server Report Server.
Note To deploy the report package, you must select the XML file
contained in the existing deployment package.
Placeholder Description
Placeholder Description
Note Changing the database name only works for views using
OPENQUERY to specify the database.
9 Click Deploy.
The ArchestrA Reports Deployment utility deploys your
report(s) based on the information specified in the
deployment file.
Configure Printers
You can print your reports from the local printer or from one
or more network printers. Add a local or network printer
using standard printer configuration steps, on the portal
ArchestrA.Reports.ReportServer Class
ReportServer objects have the following methods:
• Dispose Method
• GetParameterizedReport Method
• GetSnapshotReport Method
• Open Method
Dispose Method
This method disposes of the internal data structures for a
ReportServer instance.
This method has no parameters or return value.
GetParameterizedReport Method
This method returns an report instance of the
ParameterizedReport class.
GetParameterizedReport(string reportPath);
The full path to the report. For example, "/ArchestrA
Reports/Alarms/Alarm History Report".
Return Value
If successful, a ParameterizedReport instance of the
requested report is returned.
GetSnapshotReport Method
This method returns an report instance of the
SnapshotReport class.
GetSnapshotReport(string reportPath);
The full path to the report. For example, "/ArchestrA
Reports/Alarms/Alarm History Report".
Return Value
If successful, a SnapshotReport instance of the requested
report is returned.
Open Method
This method specifies the report server node and base URL
used to generate reports. Use this method to initialize the
connection before requesting a report instance.
Open(string url);
The URL to the base folder used for ArchestrA Reporting.
For example:
Return Value
Returns True if the connection was established; otherwise,
returns False.
Archestra.Reports.SnapshotReport Class
SnapshotReport objects have the following properties and
• Dispose Method
• LastErrorString Property
• Status Property
• Timestamp Property
• Trigger Method
Dispose Method
This method disposes of the internal data structures for a
SnapshotReport instance.
This method has no parameters or return value.
LastErrorString Property
This property returns an error message when a report
creation request has failed (that is, if the Status property
contains Fail or the Trigger method returns False).
Return Value
Returns a string.
Related Topics
Status Property
Trigger Method
Status Property
This property returns the current state of the
SnapshotReport instance.
Return Value
Returns a ReportStatus value. For more information, see
ReportStatus Enumeration on page 264.
If the status is Fail, check the LastErrorString property for
detailed error information.
Related Topics
LastErrorString Property
Timestamp Property
This property returns the timestamp of the report snapshot if
it was successfully created (that is, if the Status property of
the report instance contains Success).
Return Value
Returns a string.
Related Topics
Status Property
Trigger Method
This method triggers the creation of a report snapshot on the
report server.
Return Value
Returns True if a request for a report snapshot was
successfully submitted to SQL Server Reporting Services.
Returns False if an error occurred, for example, a snapshot is
already in progress for this object. In case of an error, check
the LastErrorString property for the error message.
Each SnapshotReport instance allows only one report to be
in progress at a time. That is, you can’t generate multiple
snapshots concurrently. To check if the creation of a snapshot
has been completed, use the Status property.
Related Topics
LastErrorString Property
Status Property
Archestra.Reports.ParameterizedReport Class
ParameterizedReport objects have the following properties
and methods:
• Dispose Method
• FileSave Method
• FileSaveServer Method
• LastErrorString Property
• PrintServer Method
• SetParameter Method
• Status Property
Dispose Method
This method disposes of the internal data structures for a
ParameterizedReport instance.
This method has no parameters or return value.
FileSave Method
This method executes the report and saves the results on the
local computer.
FileSave(ReportFormat format, string fileName);
The format in which the report should be saved. For more
information, see ReportFormat Enumeration on page 264.
The full path and file name, including extension, where the
report should be saved on the local computer. For example:
C:\Reports\Summary.pdf. If no path is specified, the report
is saved in the default directory of the owner of the
ArchestrA Bootstrap service. Usually, this is the
<Windows>\System32 folder. If no extension is specified, an
appropriate extension is added based on the specified report
Return Value
Returns True if a request for executing the report was
successfully submitted to SQL Server Reporting Services.
Returns False if an error occurred, for example, report
generation is already in progress for this object. In case of an
error, check the LastErrorString property for the error
Each ParameterizedReport instance allows only one report
to be in progress at a time. That is, you can’t generate
multiple reports concurrently. To check if the creation of a
snapshot has been completed, use the Status property.
Related Topics
LastErrorString Property
Status Property
FileSaveServer Method
This method executes a report and saves the results in a
folder on the Industrial Application Server website.
FileSaveServer(ReportFormat format, string fileName,
string folderName);
The format in which the report should be saved. For more
information, see ReportFormat Enumeration on page 264.
The file name, including extension, under which the report
should be saved. For example: Summary.pdf. If no
extension is specified, an appropriate extension is added
based on the specified report format.
The folder name on the server. For example: SavedReports.
Specify NULL to save the report in the default folder. To
save the report, the folder must exist on the web site and
the user must be a member of the aaReportsPowerUsers or
aaReportsAdministrators groups. For more information,
see Understanding Reporting Security on page 227.
Return Value
Returns True if a request for executing the report was
successfully submitted to SQL Server Reporting Services.
Returns False if an error occurred, for example, report
generation is already in progress for this object. In case of an
error, check the LastErrorString property for the error
Each ParameterizedReport instance allows only one report
to be in progress at a time. That is, you can’t generate
multiple reports concurrently. To check if the creation of a
snapshot has been completed, use the Status property.
Related Topics
LastErrorString Property
Status Property
LastErrorString Property
This property returns an error message when a report
creation request has failed (that is, if the Status property
contains Fail or one of the methods involved in generating
reports returns False).
Return Value
Returns a string.
Related Topics
FileSave Method
FileSaveServer Method
PrintServer Method
SetParameter Method
Status Property
PrintServer Method
This method executes a report and prints the results on a
specified printer.
PrintServer(string printerName, bool landscape, Margins
The logical name of the printer where the report should be
printed. The printer mapping is defined in the web.config
file. For more information, see Configuring Reporting
Options on page 225.
The orientation of the printed report. Specify True for
landscape, False for portrait.
The margins of the printed report. This parameter requires
an object of the Margins system class. The Margins object
has four properties: Top, Bottom, Left, and Right. Each
property specifies the width of the respective margin in
hundredths of an inch.
Return Value
Returns True if a request for executing the report was
successfully submitted to SQL Server Reporting Services.
Returns False if an error occurred, for example, report
Related Topics
LastErrorString Property
Status Property
SetParameter Method
This method is used to set a report parameter, supply the
parameterName, and the parameterValue.
SetParameter(string parameterName, string
The name of the report parameter.
The value for the report parameter.
Return Value
Returns True if the parameter was set successfully. Returns
False if an error occurred. In case of an error, check the
LastErrorString property for the error message.
To specify more than one value for a multi-value parameter,
call this method once for each value.
The parameter name and value are not validated until the
report is executed.
Character-type parameters with a fixed length may require
trailing spaces to be considered valid.
If a report parameter has a list of available labels and values,
you must specify the value as the parameter name, not the
To specify a date/time value, use any format supported by the
Microsoft .NET 2.0 DateTime structure.
Related Topics
LastErrorString Property
Status Property
This property returns the current state of the
ParameterizedReport instance.
Return Value
Returns a ReportStatus value. For more information, see
ReportStatus Enumeration on page 264.
If the status is Fail, check the LastErrorString property for
detailed error information.
Related Topics
LastErrorString Property
ReportFormat Enumeration
This enumeration specifies available formats for saving an
executed report.
Value Description
ReportStatus Enumeration
This enumeration specifies status codes for a report instance
that is being processed.
Value Description
' Note:
' For parameterized reports add default parameters to the report.
' User data source credentials required to execute this report must be stored
' in the report server database, configure in the aaReports data source.
statusCounter = true;
statusDelay = 3000;
snapshotReport = reportServer.GetSnapshotReport(reportNamePath);
ret = snapshotReport.Trigger();
statusMaxPasses = 40;
statusDelay = 3000;
nodeName = "<YOUR WIS NODE NAME>";
' make connection
reportServer = new ArchestrA.Reports.ReportServer;
reportServerName = "http://" + nodeName + "/Wonderware/ArchestrAReports";
ret = reportServer.Open(reportServerName);
LogMessage("******** Connecting to Report Server node");
IF(ret) THEN
LogMessage("Successfully connected to: " + nodeName + ".");
LogMessage("Unable to connect to: " + nodeName + ".");
' Save file local storage location
storageDir = "C:\Archestra\";
LogMessage("******** Execute Local Save");
LogMessage("Executing to Report Server: " + reportServerName);
doStatusPass = true;
' report name path
ELSEIF(parameterReport.Status ==
ArchestrA.Reports.ReportStatus.Unknown) THEN
LogMessage("Save - Pass#" + statusPassCount.ToString() + " Status:
ELSEIF(parameterReport.Status ==
ArchestrA.Reports.ReportStatus.NotStarted) THEN
LogMessage("Save - Pass#" + statusPassCount.ToString() + " Status:
Not Started");
LogMessage("Save - Pass#" + statusPassCount.ToString() + " Status:
Unknown - " + parameterReport.Status.ToString() + " -
Error Detail: " + parameterReport.LastErrorString);
' delay between each status check
' check if status takes too long to get a successful save
statusPassCount = statusPassCount + 1;
IF(statusPassCount > 40) THEN
doStatusPass = false;
LogMessage("Aborted status check..... ");
statusMaxPasses = 40;
statusDelay = 3000;
nodeName = "<YOUR NODE NAME>";
folderName = null;
' make connection
reportServer = new ArchestrA.Reports.ReportServer;
reportServerName = "http://" + nodeName + "/Wonderware/ArchestrAReports";
ret = reportServer.Open(reportServerName);
LogMessage("******** Connecting to Report Server node");
IF(ret) THEN
LogMessage("Successfully connected to: " + nodeName + ".");
LogMessage("Unable to connect to: " + nodeName + ".");
LogMessage("*********** End of Script Execution ");
Note Ensure the Network Account User is the same on both the
GR node and the Wonderware Information Server node.
Note See detailed import steps: To import the reports library for
Industrial Application Server on page 256
statusMaxPasses = 40;
statusDelay = 3000;
nodeName = "<YOUR WIS NODE NAME>";
landscape = true;
' DateTimes
dateNow = System.DateTime.Now;
dateStart = dateNow;
dateStart = dateStart.AddHours(-24);
' set report margins
margins = new Archestra.Reports.aaReportingService.Margins();
' set report name and path
reportName = "Group Period";
reportNamePath = "/ArchestrA Reports/Historian/" + reportName;
reportServer = new ArchestrA.Reports.ReportServer;
reportServerName = "http://" + nodeName + "/Wonderware/ArchestrAReports";
' open a connection to the report
ret = reportServer.Open(reportServerName);
IF(ret) then LogMessage("Successfully connected to: " + nodeName + ".");
ELSE LogMessage("Unable to connect to: " + nodeName + ".");
sMsg = sMsg + " - Error: " + parameterReport.LastErrorString;
retFileSave = parameterReport.SetParameter("StartDateTime",
sMsg = "Report [Group] parameter saved, command returned: " +
retFileSave.ToString() + " - ";
sMsg = sMsg + "System Time: " + System.DateTime.Now.ToString();
IF (retFileSave) THEN
IF (retFileSave) THEN
sMsg = sMsg + " - Error: " + parameterReport.LastErrorString;
' Replace <PRINTERNAME> with the name of the printer set in the web.config file
' delay between each status check
margins = null;
This function executes a report and saves the results on the
local computer.
ReportsFileSave(@url nvarchar(255), @path
nvarchar(255), @parameters nvarchar(4000),
@reportFormat nvarchar(10), @localPath nvarchar(255))
The URL to the base folder used for ArchestrA Reporting.
For example:
The path of the report to be executed. For example:
/ArchestrA Reports/Alarms/Alarm History Report
A comma-separated list of parameters to pass to the report.
Parameter values containing commas must be enclosed in
double quotes. To pass a double quote as part of a value,
prefix it with a backslash (\). To pass a backslash, use two
backslashes (\\). To specify multiple parameter values,
specify the parameter multiple times. To specify a date/time
value, use any format supported by the Microsoft .NET 2.0
DateTime structure.
The following example parameter string specifies four
TagName values (SysTimeHour, SysTimeMin,
Has,Comma,Tag and Has\Backslash\Tag), a StartDate
value of 7:42 AM on August 12, 2006, and a Text value of
"Hello, World!":
07:42:00,Text="\"Hello, World!\""
The format in which the report should be saved. Valid
values are 'CSV', 'Excel', 'MHTML', 'PDF' and 'XML'. For
more information, see ReportFormat Enumeration on
page 264.
The full path and file name, including extension, where the
report should be saved on the local computer. For example:
C:\Reports\Summary.pdf. If no path is specified, the report
is saved in the default directory of the owner of the InSQL
Event service. Usually, this is the <Windows>\System32
Return Value
Returns True if the report file was created. Returns False if
an error occurred.
This function executes a report and saves the results in a
folder on the Industrial Application Server website.
ReportsFileSaveServer(@url nvarchar(255), @path
nvarchar(255), @parameters nvarchar(4000),
@reportFormat nvarchar(10), @serverFile
nvarchar(255), @serverFolder nvarchar(255))
The URL to the base folder used for ArchestrA Reporting.
For example:
The path of the report to be executed. For example:
/ArchestrA Reports/Alarms/Alarm History Report
A comma-separated list of parameters to pass to the report.
Parameter values containing commas must be enclosed in
double quotes. To pass a double quote as part of a value,
prefix it with a backslash (\). To pass a backslash, use two
backslashes (\\). To specify multiple parameter values,
specify the parameter multiple times. To specify a date/time
value, use any format supported by the Microsoft .NET 2.0
DateTime structure.
The following example parameter string specifies four
TagName values (SysTimeHour, SysTimeMin,
Has,Comma,Tag and Has\Backslash\Tag), a StartDate
value of 7:42 AM on August 12, 2006, and a Text value of
"Hello, World!":
07:42:00,Text="\"Hello, World!\""
The format in which the report should be saved. Valid
values are 'CSV', 'Excel', 'MHTML', 'PDF' and 'XML'. For
more information, see ReportFormat Enumeration on
page 264.
The file name, including extension, under which the report
should be saved. For example: Summary.pdf. If no
extension is specified, an appropriate extension is added
based on the specified report format.
The folder name on the server. For example: SavedReports.
Specify NULL to save the report in the default folder. To
save the report, the folder must exist on the web site and
the user must be a member of the aaReportsPowerUsers or
aaReportsAdministrators groups. For more information,
see Understanding Reporting Security on page 227.
Return Value
Returns True if the report file was created. Returns False if
an error occurred.
This method executes a report and prints the results on a
specified printer.
ReportsPrintServer(@url nvarchar(255), @path
nvarchar(255), @parameters nvarchar(4000),
@printerName nvarchar(255), @landscape bit,
@reportMargins nvarchar(255))
The URL to the base folder used for ArchestrA Reporting.
For example:
The path of the report to be executed. For example:
/ArchestrA Reports/Alarms/Alarm History Report
A comma-separated list of parameters to pass to the report.
Parameter values containing commas must be enclosed in
double quotes. To pass a double quote as part of a value,
prefix it with a backslash (\). To pass a backslash, use two
backslashes (\\). To specify multiple parameter values,
This function triggers the creation of a report snapshot on
the report server.
ReportsTriggerSnapshot(@url nvarchar(255), @path
The URL to the base folder used for ArchestrA Reporting.
For example:
The path of the report to be executed. For example:
/ArchestrA Reports/Alarms/Alarm History Report
Return Value
Returns True the report snapshot was created. Returns False
if an error occurred.
--SET @reportFormat='CSV'
--SET @reportFormat='XML'
--SET @reportFormat='Excel'
--SET @reportFormat='PDF'
SET @timePart=convert(nvarchar(23), @endTime, 120)
SET @timePart=replace(@timePart, ':', '-')
SET @serverFile='InSQL_SavedReports_' + @timePart + '.' + @reportFormat
--SET @serverFile='InSQL_SavedReports_' + @timePart + '.XLS' -- if excel
EXEC dbo.ReportsFileSaveServer @url, @path, @parameters, @reportFormat,
@serverFile, @serverFolder
web.config file
Change the ReportServer and ReportManager values
from http://... to https:/...
Change the following value to https://:
1 Change the following value to https://:
2 Remove the ReportServerVirtualDirectory value.
access control list A list of user accounts and user groups and their privileges
that is associated with a particular resource.
Active Server Pages Active Server Pages (ASP) is an environment that allows you
(ASP) to build applications that include scripts, HTML pages, and
ActiveX components. Active Server Pages do not have to be
compiled before they run. The Wonderware Information
Server uses Active Server Pages for the visualization of
distributed alarms over the intranet/Internet and for ad-hoc
IndustrialSQL Server queries for reports and trending.
Component Object The Component Object Model (COM) is a way for software
Model (COM) components to communicate with each other, even between
different computers using different operating systems. COM
is based on the use of encapsulated objects that communicate
through defined interfaces.
content unit The basic unit that could be processed to get the defined
content. A self contained definition unit comprising of an
instance of a data source, a query, optionally a link, a KPI,
and a display.
default web site A default web site is the web site that is bound to port 80.
definition unit list The list of definition unit names for one of the six
subcomponents of the content unit.
key bit-length (or The key bit-length is the length, in binary bits, of a key.
bit-strength) Messages encrypted by longer keys are significantly harder
to break than with shorter keys.
key pair A key pair is a pair of unique values that establish an SSL
connection, encrypt data being transmitted, or both. In public
key cryptography, there is a private key and a public key.
Messages that the private key encrypts can only be decrypted
with the public key, and vice-versa.
KPI A visual indicator that indicates the specific state of the data.
With the context of Wonderware Information Server, a KPI is
an image or an color cube that indicates the condition of each
panel access list The panel access list is the list of users or groups assigned to
a particular access panel instance. The list defines which
domain users see and have access to that panel.
report package An XML file that defines the various report items that need
to be deployed to the SQL Reporting Server.
roles A role is a single unit against which you can apply user
permissions. System roles are used throughout the site to
define and limit a functionality for users. System roles may
also be used by integrated applications, along with the
specific application roles. An application role specifies what
user can use a particular integrated application. These roles
are configured and assigned to users just like any other role
in the web site, but they are unique to the application that
defined them; they cannot be used with any other application
or by the main web site security mechanism.
Secure Socket Layer Secure Socket Layer (SSL) is a protocol for secure
(SSL) connections over the intranet/Internet. SSL provides server
and client authentication, data encryption, and message
session key A session key is an encryption key created during the SSL
connection establishment. This key is known only to the user
and the server and is used for symmetric encryption.
subnet mask A subnet mask is a number that specifies which bits of the
network ID is used in a bit-wise AND operation with IP
addresses that accompany requests.
B about 137
backups defining 137
included items 120 exporting 142
restoring 120 previewing 141
banner copying
about 17 displays 166
customizing 108, 203 KPI collection 180
localizing 205 link collection 172
logo 203 queries 153
menu items 204, 205 Table Weaver Manager 133
banner page 16 creating
banner pane 17 groups 220
customizing 17 creating a configuration file 247
basic authentication 51, 56 creating a custom report 229
before installing Wonderware creating an ad-hoc report 228
Information Server 33 Creating Custom Folders for Static and
blocked popups 15 On Demand Reports 201
browser creating database objects 245
about 220 creating folder, Table Weaver
Manager 132
C creating reports 228
CalculateEndTimeUtc 235 creating, KPI 181
CalculateStartTimeUtc 236 custom dynamic report
cascading parameters 219, 229 adding 209
chart, display types 156 Custom Links 19
child nodes 19 custom logo
client computers adding 203
requirements 32 custom reports 206
clients adding 206
access during restoration 121 custom static report
requirements 32 adding 206
color scheme Customizing the ActiveFactory Reporting
Website Banner 203
customizing 109
concept example D
common reporting database 219
data source
configuration file structure 247
alarm 84
configuration information for scheduled
data sources
reports 192
alarms 68
configure tags 106
service 117
configuring HTTPS access 215
configuring reporting options 225
alarm history 84
connecting to a historian 212
query types 146
connecting with SharePoint Web Parts
Database Entities for Report
example 102
Publishing 189
content builder, overview 127
DateTimeLocalToUtc 237
content pane 16, 18
DateTimeToFileTime 237
customizing 108
DateTimeUtcToLocal 238
content units
GetParameterizedReport Method 257
GetSnapshotReport Method 257
U software requirements 25
Understanding Reporting Security 227 web server requirements and
recommendations 24
uninstalling Wonderware Information
Server 37 web.config file 286
upgrading from SuiteVoyager 38 Windows 2003 Server 25, 27, 32
URL parameters Windows 2003 Server R2 25
controlling ActiveFactory Trend 212 Windows authentication 52
use published trend 106 Windows security 50
using a domain controller with WindowSets 120
Wonderware Information Server 31 Wonderware Alarm Consumer 117
Using Add-On Functions 234 Wonderware Application
using an existing domain controller 32 Requirements 27
Using Wonderware Information Server Wonderware Information Server
Web Parts in Windows SharePoint 99 about 23
using Wonderware Information Server before installing 33
without a domain controller 32 configure for report printing 277
using,Servers pane 220 configure for snapshot reports 255
UtcToTimeZone 243 default URL for 16
home page 15
V installing 23, 33, 35
virtual directory name 16 reinstalling 38
screen layout 16
W uninstalling 37
web content using a domain controller with 31
display types 168 using without a domain controller 32
query types 149 Wonderware License Manager 117
Web Part Wonderware Runtime DB Handler 117
adding to a MultiView 96 writeback capabilities 61
importing 96 WSDL 84
Web Part Connections 102
web part connections 102 X
InTouch 102 XML element
Trend 105 reporting 249
Web Parts 19, 120 ReportServer 249
in Windows SharePoint 99 ReportSources 248
web server SourceDatabase 248
hardware requirements 24 WebConfig 249