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WISAdmin Guide

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Wonderware Information Server™

Administration Guide

Invensys Systems, Inc.

Revision D
Last Revision: 07/04/06
All rights reserved. No part of this documentation shall be reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of
Invensys Systems, Inc. No copyright or patent liability is assumed with respect to
the use of the information contained herein. Although every precaution has been
taken in the preparation of this documentation, the publisher and the author
assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed
for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.
The information in this documentation is subject to change without notice and does
not represent a commitment on the part of Invensys Systems, Inc. The software
described in this documentation is furnished under a license or nondisclosure
agreement. This software may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms
of these agreements.

© 2002-2007 Invensys Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Invensys Systems, Inc.

26561 Rancho Parkway South
Lake Forest, CA 92630 U.S.A.
(949) 727-3200
For comments or suggestions about the product documentation, send email to
[email protected].

All terms mentioned in this documentation that are known to be trademarks or
service marks have been appropriately capitalized. Invensys Systems, Inc. cannot
attest to the accuracy of this information. Use of a term in this documentation
should not be regarded as affecting the validity of any trademark or service mark.
Alarm Logger, ActiveFactory, ArchestrA, Avantis, DBDump, DBLoad, DT Analyst,
FactoryFocus, FactoryOffice, FactorySuite, FactorySuite A2, InBatch, InControl,
IndustrialRAD, IndustrialSQL Server, InTouch, InTrack, MaintenanceSuite,
MuniSuite, QI Analyst, SCADAlarm, SCADASuite, SuiteLink, SuiteVoyager,
WindowMaker, WindowViewer, Wonderware, and Wonderware Logger are
trademarks of Invensys plc, its subsidiaries and affiliates. All other brands may be
trademarks of their respective owners.


Welcome.......................................... 11
Documentation Conventions.............................................12
Technical Support .............................................................12

Chapter 1 Getting Started .................................. 15

About the Wonderware Information Server
Home Page......................................................................15
Banner Pane ......................................................................17
Menu Bar ...........................................................................17
Content Pane .....................................................................18
Footer Bar ..........................................................................18
Launch Pad ........................................................................18
Navigation Trees ............................................................19
Getting Started with Administrative Tasks ....................20

Chapter 2 Installing Wonderware Information Server. 23

About the Wonderware Information Server ....................23
Web Server Requirements and Recommendations..........24
Hardware Requirements................................................24
Operating System Requirements ..................................25
Software Requirements..................................................25
Guidelines for Microsoft Windows 2003 Server............27
Wonderware Application Requirements .......................27
Installing SharePoint Services ......................................28

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

4 Contents

Installing SQL Server Reporting Services....................29

Using a Domain Controller with Wonderware
Information Server........................................................31
Using an Existing Domain Controller...........................32
Using Wonderware Information Server without a
Domain Controller .....................................................32
Requirements for Client Computers ................................32
Before Installing Wonderware Information Server.........33
Installing the Wonderware Information Server ...........35
Installing the Product License.......................................37
Uninstalling Wonderware Information Server................37
Reinstalling Wonderware Information Server ................38
Migrating from a Previous Version ..................................38

Chapter 3 Managing Licensing ..............................41

About Wonderware Information Server Licensing..........41
Viewing Active Licenses....................................................42
Configuring License Usage Logging.................................44
Querying License History .................................................44
Viewing License History ...................................................45
Enabling Tag Server Writeback .......................................46

Chapter 4 Managing Security................................49

Securing Access to the Wonderware
Information Server.........................................................50
Types of Access for Internet Information Services.......51
Configuring Security for Internet
Information Services..................................................53
Firewall/DMZ Compatibility..........................................55
Using Proxy Servers.......................................................56
Giving Users Privileges Via Roles....................................58
Adding a User to a Role .................................................60
Removing a User from a Role ........................................61
Enabling Write-Back Privileges .......................................61
Updating the Windows Login for Wonderware
Information Server Components ...................................63

Chapter 5 Configuring Data Sources .......................67

About Wonderware Information Server Data Sources....67
Adding Data Sources.........................................................67
Adding Alarm Data Sources ..........................................68
Adding Historian Data Sources.....................................70

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Contents 5

Adding Production Data Sources...................................73

Adding OLEDB Data Sources........................................75
Adding Other Data Sources ...........................................77
Editing Data Sources ........................................................79
Deleting Data Sources.......................................................80

Chapter 6 Configuring Factory Alarms ................... 83

Configuring Factory Alarms .............................................83

Chapter 7 Configuring Access Panels ..................... 85

About the System Access Panel........................................86
About Custom Access Panels ............................................86
Creating a Custom Access Panel ......................................87
Configuring the Navigation Tree for a Custom Access
Panel ...............................................................................88
Configuring User Access for a Custom Access Panel ......90
Renaming a Custom Access Panel....................................91
Deleting a Custom Access Panel ......................................91
Hiding the System Access Panel from
Non-Administrators .......................................................91

Chapter 8 Configuring MultiViews ......................... 93

About MultiViews and Web Parts ....................................93
Using the MultiView Manager ......................................93
Editing a MultiView ..........................................................96
Importing a MultiView...................................................99
Using Wonderware Information Server Web Parts in
Windows SharePoint......................................................99
Using Web Part Connections with the Wonderware
Information Server Web Parts ....................................102
Connecting the InTouch WebPart ...............................102
Connecting the Trend Web Part ..................................105

Chapter 9 Customizing the Wonderware Information

Server ........................................... 107
Customizing the Home Page...........................................107
Changing the Color Scheme............................................109
Creating Custom Links for Users...................................110

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

6 Contents

Chapter 10 Maintenance Tasks ........................... 113

Viewing Errors ................................................................ 113
Monitoring Web Server Performance............................. 113
Monitoring Usage ............................................................ 114
Obtaining Feedback ........................................................ 114
Changing the Wonderware Information Server
Timeout Values ........................................................... 115
Viewing Wonderware Information Server
Service Details.............................................................. 117
Viewing Wonderware Information Server Version
Information................................................................... 118

Chapter 11 Creating and Restoring Backups ........... 119

Requirements .................................................................. 119
What Is Contained in a Backup .................................. 120
About Restoring Backups ............................................... 120
Creating a Backup........................................................... 121
Restoring a Backup .........................................................122
Troubleshooting Backup Failures .................................. 123
Troubleshooting Restoration Problems.......................... 125

Chapter 12 Introduction to TableWeaver............... 127

About the Table Weaver Manager.................................. 127
Getting Started with Table Weaver Manager ............... 130
Common Definition Unit Options................................... 131
Creating a New Folder ................................................. 132
Deleting a Folder .......................................................... 133
Copying a Definition Unit............................................ 133
Editing a Definition Unit ............................................. 134
Deleting a Definition Unit ........................................... 135

Chapter 13 Defining Content Units ...................... 137

About Content Units ....................................................... 137
Defining a Content Unit ................................................. 137
Previewing a Content Unit .......................................... 141
Copying, Editing, Deleting a Content Unit ................... 142
Exporting a Content Unit ............................................... 142
Importing a Content Unit ............................................... 143

Chapter 14 Defining Queries .............................. 145

About Queries.................................................................. 145

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Contents 7

Defining a Query .............................................................146

Defining a Database Query..........................................146
Defining a Web Content Query....................................149
Configuring a Page Link Definition for ArchestrA
Reporting ..................................................................150
Copying, Editing, Deleting a Query ...............................153

Chapter 15 Defining Displays.............................. 155

About Displays.................................................................155
Defining a Display...........................................................156
Defining a Chart Display .............................................156
Defining a Filter Entry Display...................................163
Defining a SmartSymbol Display ................................165
Defining a Tabular Display..........................................166
Defining a Web Content Display .................................168
Copying, Editing, Deleting a Display .............................169

Chapter 16 Defining Links ................................. 171

About Links .....................................................................171
Defining a Link Collection ..............................................171
Copying, Editing, Deleting a Link Collection .............172
Defining a Link................................................................172
Editing a Link...............................................................175
Deleting a Link .............................................................175
Example of Link Parameters .......................................176

Chapter 17 Defining KPIs................................... 179

About KPIs.......................................................................179
Defining a KPI Collection ...............................................179
Copying or Deleting a KPI Collection .........................180
Creating a KPI.................................................................181
Editing a KPI ................................................................182
Deleting a KPI ..............................................................182
Defining a KPI Target.....................................................183
Editing a KPI Target....................................................184
Deleting a KPI Target ..................................................184

Chapter 18 ActiveFactory Reporting..................... 185

About Report Publishing.................................................186
Report Publishing Folders ...........................................188
Database Entities for Report Publishing ....................189

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

8 Contents

Reporting Support Files............................................... 190

About IndustrialSQL Server Connections ..................... 190
Logins for Predefined and Dynamic Reports .............. 190
Managing Scheduled Reports ......................................... 191
Scheduled Report Folders ............................................ 191
Configuration Information for Scheduled Reports ..... 192
Adding or Changing Scheduled Reports ..................... 194
Managing Report Archives ............................................. 194
About the Archival Rules ............................................. 194
Editing Format Strings for Scheduled Reports .......... 197
Adding a Default Archival Rule .................................. 198
Adding a Report-Specific Archival Rule...................... 199
Managing Temporary Files for Scheduled Reports ....200
Creating Custom Folders for Static and On Demand
Reports.......................................................................... 201
Customizing the ActiveFactory Reporting
Website Banner ............................................................ 203
Adding a Custom Logo ................................................. 203
Adding Menu Items...................................................... 204
Adding Multiple Menu Items ...................................... 205
Localizing Banner Customizations ............................. 205
Adding Custom Reports .................................................. 206
Adding a Custom Static Report ................................... 206
Adding an On-Demand, Custom SQL Report............. 207
Adding a Custom Dynamic Report .............................. 209
Triggering a Report using an IndustrialSQL Server
Event Action ................................................................ 210
Adjusting Settings for Report Generation ..................... 211
Controlling ActiveFactory Trend using
URL Parameters .......................................................... 212
Connecting to a Historian............................................ 212
Specifying the Tags to Show ........................................ 213
Specifying the Time Period .......................................... 213
Enabling User Interaction ........................................... 214
Opening a Trend File ................................................... 214
Configuring HTTPS Access............................................. 215
Managing Licensing ........................................................ 215

Chapter 19 Using ArchestrA Reporting.................. 217

What is ArchestrA Reporting?........................................ 217
Concept Example: Common Reporting Database....... 219
Viewing Reports .............................................................. 219

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Contents 9

Using the Tag Picker....................................................220

Using the Time Picker..................................................224
Managing Reports ...........................................................224
Configuring Reporting Options ......................................225
Understanding Reporting Security ................................227
Developing Reports .........................................................227
About Building Reports................................................228
Creating Reports ..........................................................228
Working with Report Parameters ...............................230
Using Add-On Functions..............................................234
Deploying Reports ...........................................................244
Creating Database Objects ..........................................245
Creating a Configuration File......................................247
Deploying Reports Using the ArchestrA Reports
Deployment Utility ..................................................251
Preparing for Report Execution from Industrial
Application Server and IndustrialSQL Server ...........253
Configure Printers........................................................253
Configure Snapshot Reporting ....................................254
Executing Reports from Industrial Application Server 255
Import the ArchestrAReportsScripts.dll .....................256
ArchestrA.Reports.ReportServer Class.......................256
Archestra.Reports.SnapshotReport Class...................258
Archestra.Reports.ParameterizedReport Class..........259
Industrial Application Server Report Execution
Script Samples ........................................................265
Executing Reports from IndustrialSQL Server Events.276
Executing Snapshots and Exporting Reports .............276
Printing IndustrialSQL Server Reports......................277
SQL Functions for Executing Reports.........................278
Examples for Executing Reports from
IndustrialSQL Server ..............................................283
Executing Reports via a URL .........................................286
Enabling Secure Socket Layer (SSL) for
ArchestrA Reports....................................................286

Glossary.......................................... 289

Index ............................................. 295

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

10 Contents

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide



This guide describes how to administer and maintain the

Wonderware Information Server™ (formerly known as
SuiteVoyager). This guide describes the tools available to
Wonderware Information Server administrators and the
steps required to accomplish administrative tasks.

The Wonderware Information Server builds on the existing

Wonderware Internet functionality, and provides even more
power and configurability. Wonderware Information Server
is tightly integrated with Microsoft® Internet Information

The Wonderware Information Server uses the latest

rendering technologies so that application windows
developed in InTouch can be viewed over the Internet with
better performance using only a browser. Working knowledge
of Microsoft Internet Information Services, Microsoft SQL
Server, and the Windows Server 2003 operating system is

This administrator's guide assumes that you are familiar

with administering an Internet Information Server and
using the administrative tools provided with the Microsoft
Windows Server 2003 operating system.

For more information on Internet Information Server,

Microsoft SQL Server, or your Microsoft Windows Server
operating system, see your Microsoft documentation.

The Wonderware Information Server documentation set

includes the following guides:

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

12 Welcome

• Wonderware Information Server Guide. This guide

describes how to install the Wonderware Information
Server, administer and maintain an installed
Wonderware Information Server, and how to access
factory information over the Internet/intranet via the
Wonderware Information Server. The installation section
includes hardware and software requirements and
migration instructions. The administration section
includes information on configuring data sources,
managing security, and performing customizations. The
user section includes information on accessing factory
information over the Internet/intranet via the
Wonderware Information Server, and using the
TableWeaver and reporting features.
• Wonderware Information Server Win-XML Exporter Guide.
This guide describes how to use the Wonderware
Information Server Win-XML Exporter to convert
InTouch application windows to web pages and publish
them to the Wonderware Information Server. This guide
also describes how to best design InTouch windows so
that they can be successfully converted.
All of these guides are provided in PDF form and can be
printed. Also, information included in these guides is
provided in browser-based online help, which can be accessed
from the Wonderware Information Server.

Documentation Conventions
This documentation uses the following conventions:

Convention Used for

Initial Capitals Paths and filenames.

Bold Menus, commands, dialog box names,
and dialog box options.
Monospace Code samples and display text.

Technical Support
Wonderware Technical Support offers a variety of support
options to answer any questions on Wonderware products
and their implementation.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Technical Support 13

Before you contact technical support, refer to the relevant

section(s) in this guide for a possible solution to any problem
you have with the IDE. If you need to contact technical
support for help, have the following information ready:

• The type and version of the operating system you are

using. For example, Microsoft Windows 2003 Server,

• Details of how to recreate the problem.

• The exact wording of the error messages you saw.

• Any relevant output listing from the Log Viewer or any

other diagnostic applications.
• Details of what you did to solve the problem(s) and your
• If known, the Wonderware Technical Support case
number assigned to your problem, if this is an ongoing

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

14 Welcome

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide


Chapter 1

Getting Started

Most of the administration of the Wonderware Information

Server can be accomplished via web pages on the site. From
the site, you can easily perform administrative tasks such as
setting up security for users, monitoring license usage,
configuring data sources, customizing the site to reflect your
company image, and providing access to a wide variety of
factory information in the form of web applications and links.

Note Report deployment and backing up and restoring are done

through separate applications. For information on report
deployment, see Using ArchestrA Reporting on page 217. For
information on backing up and restoring, see Creating and
Restoring Backups on page 119.

When you first open the Wonderware Information Server

from a client, you see a message that you need to download
and install the client setup. If you have popups blocked, you
need to allow popups in your browser.

About the Wonderware Information Server

Home Page
The Wonderware Information Server home page is
automatically created during Wonderware Information
Server installation. The home page has pre-configured links
to either administration and/or runtime functions. The links
displayed are based on the role of the user that is logged on.
For example, if you are currently logged on as an
administrator, you are granted access to a page of links that
administer the web site, as well as to the runtime functions.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

16 Chapter 1 Getting Started

The default URL to the Wonderware Information Server web

site is:
<WebServer> is the name of the web server on which
Wonderware Information Server is installed
<VirtualDirectoryName> is the virtual directory name chosen
for Wonderware Information Server at the time of
installation. The default name for this virtual directory is
The following is an example of the home page:

Banner Pane Menu Bar

Launch Pad Footer Bar Content Pane

The Wonderware Information Server home page consists of

five main areas:
• Banner Pane

• Menu Bar

• Content Pane

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Banner Pane 17

• Footer Bar

• Launch Pad

The Internet Explorer shortcut menu is not available when

you right-click on a page, with the exception of pages
pertaining to custom links or third-party applications. Also,
if you click a link in the navigation tree the link URL is not
stored in the browser history. The Back toolbar button or the
Back shortcut menu only enabled if there is a URL stored in
the browser history.

Banner Pane
The banner is located at the top of the page and constantly
appears unless the user double-clicks on the title bar of a
given page. This maximizes the window to use all of the
available space in the browser.
You can customize the banner by either replacing the logo
that appears in the banner or replacing the entire banner
itself. For more information, see Customizing the Home Page
on page 107.

Menu Bar
The menu bar is located immediately below the banner area
at the top of the home page:

The following table describes the menu bar options:

Option Description

Home Access the home page.

Help Access the site user Help file.
About Access the Wonderware Information Server
version and copyright information.
Log Off Log off the site. (This will close the session
and release any client licenses for
immediate reuse.)

The menu bar also shows a Show Launch Pad link visible at
the far left when the Launch Pad is hidden.

For more information about the Launch Pad, see Launch Pad
on page 18.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

18 Chapter 1 Getting Started

Content Pane
The content pane shows all the information for the site. You
can maximize and minimize the content pane by
double-clicking on the title bar.
You can customize the content on the home page. For more
information, see Customizing the Home Page on page 107.

Footer Bar
The footer bar shows the copyright information. You cannot
change this information.

Launch Pad
The Launch Pad is located at the left side of the home page.
The Launch Pad allows you to select access panels assigned
to you and navigate to the various configuration pages,
applications, and custom links.

Access panel tab


The Launch Pad can include one or more access panels,

which are collections of nodes that can be restricted to certain
users. By default, there is one access panel, the System access
panel. Each access panel includes a navigation tree, which is
simply a hierarchy of nodes. For more information on access
panels, see Chapter 7, Configuring Access Panels. For more
information on navigation trees, see Navigation Trees on
page 19.
The Administration node provides access to configuration
pages for all functionality. These nodes only appear to
members of the Administrators role. For more information on
administration nodes, see Getting Started with
Administrative Tasks on page 20.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Launch Pad 19

The Process Graphics and Factory Alarms nodes provide users

access to pages related to applications, such as the converted
and published InTouch browser-based windows and factory
alarm pages.
The MultiViews node lets you use pre-configured web
components, called Web Parts, to assemble custom
information displays, called MultiViews. For more
information, see Chapter 8, Configuring MultiViews.
The Custom Links node can be configured to include links to
Internet/intranet web pages or documents residing on the
web server. For more information, see Creating Custom
Links for Users on page 110.
The TableWeaver node provides access to the TableWeaver,
which lets you customize content and build content
relationships for information from databases and related web
pages. For more information, see Chapter 12, Introduction to
The Reports node provides access to the Microsoft Reporting
Services integrated reports.For more information, see Using
ArchestrA Reporting on page 217.
The ActiveFactory node provides access to the ActiveFactory
reporting website feature, a preconfigured Wonderware
Information Server component that lets you generate
reports, trend history data, and build and execute SQL
queries against data from IndustrialSQL Server historian
and other databases. For more information, see Chapter 18,
ActiveFactory Reporting.
Hide the Launch Pad by clicking the Hide button. To show it
again, click the Show Launch Pad link at the far left of the
menu bar.

Navigation Trees
A navigation tree consists of top-level nodes, "child" nodes,
and "leaf" nodes. For example:

top-level node

child nodes leaf nodes

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

20 Chapter 1 Getting Started

"Child" nodes are nodes that do not sit at the top level, but
contain other nodes. A "leaf" node is a child node that
contains a URL to a document, web page, web site, or other
object, such as an InTouch browser-based windows, a chart, a
data table, and so on.
To expand a collapsed node, either double-click it or select the
plus sign icon to the left of the node name. You can collapse
an expanded node by double-clicking on it or by selecting the
minus sign icon.

Getting Started with Administrative Tasks

The Administration nodes provide access to configuration
pages for security, data sources, applications, access panels,
MultiView windows, the license manager, customization, the
Win-XML Exporter, the TableWeaver Manager, the Factory
Alarm Manager, the Microsoft Reporting Services Report
Manager and the administration documentation.

Note None of these administration applications can be assigned

to a custom access panel.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Getting Started with Administrative Tasks 21

The following table briefly describes each link:

Link Description

Application Configure or manage custom

Manager applications that have been
integrated into the site.
User Manager Assign users to system or
application-specific roles. For more
information, see Chapter 4,
Managing Security.
License Manager View license and license usage
information. For more information,
see Chapter 3, Managing Licensing.
Configuration Customize the site. For more
information, see Chapter 9,
Customizing the Wonderware
Information Server.
Data Source Manage the factory data providers
Manager and factory data source writeback
privileges. For more information,
see Chapter 5, Configuring Data
MultiView Manager Create MultiView windows, which
are multi-pane displays of objects
and Web Parts. For more
information, see Chapter 8,
Configuring MultiViews.
Factory Alarm Configure the current alarm
Manager information from the InTouch alarm
Panel Manager Segregate objects, information, and
links into access panels for users.
For more information, see Chapter
7, Configuring Access Panels.
Win-XML Exporter Download the Wonderware
Information Server Win-XML
Exporter used for converting
InTouch application windows. For
more information, see your
Wonderware Information Server™
Win-XML Exporter Guide or Help

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

22 Chapter 1 Getting Started

Link Description

Documentation Access the complete Wonderware

Information Server documentation
TableWeaver Present and navigate information
Manager from databases and related web
pages in multiple formats. For more
information, see Chapter 12,
Introduction to TableWeaver.
Report Manager Configure Wonderware Information
Server reporting services and
administer and update reports.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide


Chapter 2

Installing Wonderware
Information Server

This chapter describes Wonderware Information Server’s

hardware and software requirements and then shows you
how to install it on your system.
• Using a Domain Controller with Wonderware
Information Server

• Requirements for Client Computers

• Before Installing Wonderware Information Server

• Uninstalling Wonderware Information Server

• Reinstalling Wonderware Information Server

• Migrating from a Previous Version

About the Wonderware Information Server

Wonderware Information Server (formerly known as
SuiteVoyager) provides enterprise-wide viewing of all
information from the plant floor over the Internet or
company intranet. Using Internet Explorer, Wonderware
Information Server can report from a variety of data sources,
including reports, documents, alarms, and historical and
real-time information.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

24 Chapter 2 Installing Wonderware Information Server

You can also use Wonderware Information Server to view

and interact with InTouch application windows that have
been converted with the Win-XML Exporter. These windows
show all graphics and animation with real-time links to the
factory floor, just as they do in InTouch WindowViewer™,
but they do not require InTouch installed on the client
Other features of Wonderware Information Server include
• MultiViews, web displays that contain web-based
content, such as HTML pages or Extensible Markup
Language (XML) code. This content is stored in handy,
reusable components called Web Parts.
• Access panels, a logical grouping of navigation nodes
(folders) and links that is only accessible to particular
users assigned to it.
• The ActiveFactory Reporting Website, a collection of
features that provide a wide array of reporting
capabilities from IndustrialSQL Server (InSQL).

• A reporting capability based on the Microsoft SQL Server

Reporting Services (SSRS). This new feature lets you
create, deploy, and execute SSRS reports within the
Wonderware Information Server. There are also interface
options available to trigger those reports from IAS and

Web Server Requirements and

The first step in deploying Wonderware Information Server is
to install or configure the web server computer that hosts the
Wonderware Information Server web site. In general, use a
fast server-class computer with sufficient power to handle the
expected load on the web site.

Hardware Requirements
The following web server hardware requirements are
recommended to handle a load of 50 concurrent users:

Minimum Suggested

2.5 GHz Pentium IV 3 GHz Pentium IV


Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Web Server Requirements and Recommendations 25

Minimum Suggested

5 GB of disk space (NTFS 10 GB or more of disk space,

required) depending on the number of
InTouch windows published
to the site.
For all software, apply the latest service packs and patches.
In addition, client users must be members of the same
Windows domain, or a trusted domain, as the web server.

Operating System Requirements

Wonderware Information Server 3.0 must be installed on a
server computer running Windows 2003 Server R2. This
operating system incorporates Internet Information Services
(IIS) v6.0 as part of the default installation, as well as the
Microsoft Data Access components. All the components of
Wonderware Information Server are optimized to work
properly in a Windows 2003 Server environment.

Software Requirements
The following software must be installed on the web server
computer before installing Wonderware Information Server:
• Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 or later

Note Do not install the Microsoft Front Page extensions.

• Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1 or later

• ASP.Net 2.0
• Microsoft SQL Server 2005 SP1
Microsoft SQL Server is used by Wonderware
Information Server to store vital configuration
information, such as administrative passwords. Also,
Wonderware Information Server needs continuous access
to the SQL Server to run properly. Wonderware
Information Server supports Microsoft SQL Server 2005
only. Apply the latest service packs and patches.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

26 Chapter 2 Installing Wonderware Information Server

Important For the Microsoft SQL Server installation, be sure that

you have mixed mode selected as the authentication mode.
Wonderware Information Server can run against case-sensitive

A single license for Microsoft SQL Server is included with

Wonderware Information Server. This license allows you
to install Microsoft SQL Server on either on the same web
server computer that is running Wonderware
Information Server or on a separate computer.
You can use an existing SQL Server located anywhere on
the same network. If the database resides on a SQL
Server system remote from the system where the WIS is
installed, then client-side TCP/IP connectivity must be
configured using the Microsoft SQL Server Client tools on
the Wonderware Information Server Server. This
requires an installation of the Microsoft SQL Server
Client tools on the Wonderware Information Server
server computer.
In addition, you must have the following software installed to
install and configure the associated Wonderware Information
Server features.
• Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 SP2 must be
installed and configured to install the MultiViews
feature. You can upgrade to SharePoint Services 3.0 after
installing Wonderware Information Server.

Note FrontPage Server extensions are no longer required for

Wonderware Information Server 3.0. In addition, the extensions
must not be enabled when SharePoint Services is installed.

• Microsoft SQL Server 2005 SP1(or later) Reporting

Services must be installed and configured on the same
node as Wonderware Information Server to install the
ArchestrA Reports feature.
• Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 or later and Microsoft
Office 2000 or later must be installed to install the
ActiveFactory Reporting and the ArchestrA Reports

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Web Server Requirements and Recommendations 27

Guidelines for Microsoft Windows 2003 Server

The following instructions are provided as a guide and do not
constitute the entire Windows 2003 Server setup that your
company guidelines may require, or that you may encounter
while installing the operating system software. These
instructions only document specific options you need to
configure during the installation.
• The operating system must be installed on an NTFS
partition to work properly with Wonderware Information

• Install the defaults for Windows 2003 components. The

following components of IIS must be selected.
• Common Files
• Documentation
• Internet Information Services
• Internet Services Manager (HTML)
• SMTP Service
• World Wide Web Service

Note If you are installing Wonderware Information Server on a

Windows 2003 computer that does not have IIS installed, you must
install it.

• If you have decided not to use a domain controller, set up

the local computer with users and passwords at this time.
For more information, see Using a Domain Controller
with Wonderware Information Server on page 31.

Also, check the Microsoft web site for updates and patches
that you may need to install.

Wonderware Application Requirements

The minimum required software to provide particular
functionality within Wonderware Information Server are:

Function Required Software

Provide data for InTouch 9.0 or later

browser-based windows
Provide IndustrialSQL IndustrialSQL Server 8.0 SP3
Server history data or later
Provide alarm data InTouch 9.0 or later
To use the Wonderware Information Server Win-XML
Exporter with InTouch, you must have the following
installed on the InTouch computer:

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

28 Chapter 2 Installing Wonderware Information Server

• InTouch 9.0 or later

• Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2, with the latest

service packs applied, or later

• Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1 or later

For deployment considerations for InTouch or IndustrialSQL

Server, see your Wonderware documentation for that
particular application.

Installing SharePoint Services

You must have SharePoint installed to install and run the
Wonderware Information Server MultiViews module.

Note When installing SharePoint Services, use the Server Farm

installation option, not the typical install.

Selecting the defaults during installation creates a new

instance of SQL Server Express on the system and configures
SharePoint Services for you. Selecting the Web Farm mode of
installation is more complex and requires you to have an
understanding of the various features of SQL Server.
You can use the following general procedure to install
Windows SharePoint Services. Depending on your
installation and configuration requirements, you may need to
make changes to the steps and information in this procedure.
See the Windows SharePoint Services documentation for
more information.
Immediately after running the Server Farm installation, do
the following to configure the SharePoint Services:
1 On the Configure Administrative Virtual Server page, select
Use an existing application pool. This should default to
Select a security configuration of NTLM and click OK. The
Application Pool Changed page appears.
2 Follow the instructions, then click OK. The Set
Configuration Database Server page appears.
3 Enter the name of the database server, which is the SQL
Server on which the databases will reside, and a database
name of SharePoint. If the firewall is enabled on this
server, you need to add exceptions for SQL TCP Port
1433, file and print sharing for the backup/restore
program, and port 80. For the database connection type,
use a SQL login that has CREATE DATABASE rights
within SQL Server.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Web Server Requirements and Recommendations 29

Note The NETWORK SERVICE account, which is used by the

StsAdminAppPool, does not have this right.

Click OK. The Central Administration page appears.

4 Select Extend or upgrade virtual server. The Virtual Server
List page appears.
5 Select Default Web Site. The Extend Virtual Server page
6 Select Extend and create a content database. The Extend
and Create Content Database page appears.
7 Select an application pool, which can be the same as the
default application pool selected earlier. Enter an email
address for the site owner (this can be a dummy address
such as [email protected]). Select Use default
content database server for the database information and
NTLM for the security configuration. Click OK, then OK
again on the Virtual Server Successfully Extended page

Installing SQL Server Reporting Services

You must have the SQL Server Reporting Services installed
to use the ArchestrA Reporting Services features of
Wonderware Information Server.
The following tips on installing SQL Server Reporting
Services may be helpful.
• It is best to select Reporting Services as part of the
original SQL Server installation, rather than trying to
add it later.
• Port 1433 must be open in your firewall on the remote
node to access the Reporting Service web pages.
You can use the following general procedure to install SQL
Server Reporting Services using a remote SQL Server
database. Depending on your installation and configuration
requirements, you may need to make changes to the steps
and information in this procedure.
For more information, see the set up file sqlsetup9.chm
(indicated in the RequirementsSQL2005.htm file) as well as
the SQL Server Reporting Services documentation.

To install and configure the SQL Server Reporting Services

using a remote SQL Server database
1 While installing the SQL Server Reporting Services, in
the Components to Install section, select Reporting
Services and click Advanced.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

30 Chapter 2 Installing Wonderware Information Server

2 Under Client Components, select Connectivity

Components and Management Tools.
3 Select Network Service as Service Account.
Next, configure the SQL Server Reporting Services by
running the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services
Configuration Manager and do the following:
1 On the Instance Selection page, enter the local report
server node as the machine name and MSSQLSERVER as
the instance name. Click Connect. Once the connection
has been established, the Report Server Status appears
as Running.
2 On the Report Server Virtual Directory page, click New,
then click OK on the Create a New Virtual Directory dialog
box to accept default values.
3 On the Report Manager Virtual Directory page, click
New, then click OK on the Create a New Virtual Directory
dialog box to accept default values.
4 On the Windows Service Identity page, select a service
name of Report Server and enter NT
AUTHORITY\NetworkService for the service account.
5 On the Web Service Identity page, click New in the Report
Server section to create a new app pool with a default
name of ReportServer. Set the security account for the app
pool to Built-in account Network Service. Select the Report
Manager to the same Report Server app pool. Click Apply.
Next, set up the database. You must turn off the SQL Server
node firewall prior to setting up the database; otherwise, the
Grant Rights script will fail. The SQL Server node firewall
must also have exceptions for TCP Port 1433, file and print
sharing for the backup/restore program, and port 80.
1 On the Database Setup page, enter the server name for
the remote SQL Server and click Connect. The SQL Server
Connection dialog box appears with the server name you
2 Select Integrated Security or SQL Server Account for the
credentials type. (If you select SQL Server Account, you
must also enter a valid username and password.) Click
3 For Database Name, click New. The SQL Server
Connection dialog box appears. The default value for the
database name is ReportServer. Click OK. Service
Credentials is selected by default for the credentials type.
If you select a different credentials type, enter a user
name and a password. Click Apply. The SQL Server
Connection dialog box appears.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Using a Domain Controller with Wonderware Information Server 31

4 Click OK. The Task Status shows green check boxes for
all tasks.
5 Turn the SQL Server node firewall back on.

Using a Domain Controller with Wonderware

Information Server
The purpose of a domain controller is simply to authenticate
users in a Windows domain for security reasons.
Wonderware Information Server is designed to take
advantage of a domain controller for the following security
• Grant/deny users access to the site. If a user logged
on to the company network and is authenticated by the
domain controller, the Wonderware Information Server
handles that user as an authenticated login and then
proceed to authorize the user according to the security
role to which the user has been assigned. However, if a
user attempts to access Wonderware Information Server
from a computer that is not logged onto the network, a
dialog box appears in which the user must provide a valid
user name and password for the domain. After entering
the appropriate information, the user is authenticated on
the network by the domain controller and is granted or
denied access. The use of domain logins to provide access
is made possible by the use of integrated Windows
security by Wonderware Information Server.
• Assign user privileges within Wonderware
Information Server. Since Wonderware Information
Server uses integrated Windows security, the product
automatically connects to all the domains that it is a
member of and returns a list of users already configured
in that domain. This enables the administrator to save
vast amounts of time and effort when assigning
role-based privileges for Wonderware Information
Server. In addition, users are able to have one account
and password to access the company network and
Wonderware Information Server, instead of multiple
names and passwords.

Also, if you do not use a domain controller, Wonderware

Information Server uses precious CPU resources to
authenticate users instead of serving them web pages.
Because of these benefits, it is recommended that you use an
existing domain controller or install a new domain controller.
This allows you to manage users in the company domain

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

32 Chapter 2 Installing Wonderware Information Server

For more information on domain controllers, see your

Microsoft documentation or visit their web site at

Using an Existing Domain Controller

If you already have a domain controller in place, the
Wonderware Information Server computer needs to be added
to the domain as a resource. This usually can be handled by
the department within your company that maintains the
domain controller.
Wonderware Information Server can be added to the domain
well in advance of the deployment. In addition, you want
someone who has knowledge of administering domain
resources present during the Wonderware Information
Server deployment to verify proper connections to other
domain resources, such as SQL Server, InSQL, Industrial
Application Server, and InTouch computers.

Using Wonderware Information Server without a

Domain Controller
If your company does not have a domain controller and does
not have plans to upgrade and install a domain controller,
you can still use Wonderware Information Server. However,
the web server that Wonderware Information Server is
installed on has to perform user authentication, and all users
need to be created in the local user store on the web server.
For information on adding local user accounts, see your
Windows documentation. For more information on security,
see Chapter 4, Managing Security.

Requirements for Client Computers

Client computers can consist of a variety of hardware
platforms running Windows XP SP2 or Windows 2003 Server
SP1 or R2. For all software, apply the latest service packs
and patches.
In addition, client users on an intranet must be members of
the same Windows domain, or a trusted domain, as the web

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Before Installing Wonderware Information Server 33

Before Installing Wonderware Information

Wonderware Information Server consists of a set of services,
a COM+ package of components, and a customizable web
application of ASP and HTML pages.
You do not need to be familiar with web building software to
install Wonderware Information Server. The Wonderware
Information Server installation program builds the entire
web application for you.
You cannot proceed with the Wonderware Information
Server installation without having the prerequisites
installed or configured. (The Wonderware Information Server
installation program installs .Net 2.0 if you do not currently
have it on your computer.) For more information, see
Hardware Requirements on page 24 and Software
Requirements on page 25.
Before you start the installation, be sure that you:
• Log into the web server computer using a valid domain
user ID that has administrative rights on the system.

• Verify that during the Wonderware Information Server

installation, no one accesses the web server, or any of its
services, via a browser. The Wonderware Information
Server installation program needs to be able to shut down
services appropriately.
• Know the administrative login for the Microsoft SQL
Server you are using. The SQL Server services need to be
configured to execute on a Network account.

• You must be an Administrator on all server nodes that

you are installing components on.
• Know the default language on the web server. The
Wonderware Information Server installation procedure is
in English only, but the product is localized for English,
French, German, Japanese, and Simplified Chinese.

WARNING! Leave ActiveFactory 9.1 Reporting Web Services on

your system. The Wonderware Information Server installation
program uses this for migrating ActiveFactory 9.1 reports to
the ActiveFactory Reporting Web Services in Wonderware
Information Server. If you uninstall ActiveFactory 9.1 Reporting
Web Services before installing Wonderware Information Server,
it will not migrate and you lose all your ActiveFactory 9.1

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

34 Chapter 2 Installing Wonderware Information Server

The person who installs Wonderware Information Server is

designated as the first administrator. This person is the only
one who has access to the administrative pages inside
Wonderware Information Server and is responsible for
adding additional users to roles, assigning access privileges,
customizing the product, configuring data sources and
deploying the licenses. As administrator, you must know the
names and passwords for the IndustrialSQL Servers and
InTouch Alarm System databases from which Wonderware
Information Server retrieves data.

Note Installing Wonderware Information Server creates an

administration database on an available SQL Server 2005. The
installation of this database also creates four login IDs used
exclusively by the Wonderware Information Server software to
access this database: svAdmin, svSysAdmin, svSuper and svUser. In
addition, a fifth login ID, aaReportsUser, is created if the
ArchestrA Reporting component is installed.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Before Installing Wonderware Information Server 35

Installing the Wonderware Information Server

The installation program:
• Copies all Wonderware Information Server files to the
web server.
• Installs and registers services and COM+ components.
• Creates the Wonderware Information Server
administration database in the specified Microsoft SQL
• Creates a virtual directory for Wonderware Information
Server in IIS.
• If the computer has Windows Firewall on, adds port 80
and TCP port 1433 to the exception list.
• The installation program prompts you for an admin user
name and password. This account information is only
used by the installation to create the administration
database. It is not stored on the computer in any way or
used by the Wonderware Information Server at any later
• The installation program installs the ArchestrA License
Manager on this computer. You must use the ArchestrA
License Manager to set up a license server for
Wonderware Information Server to work. For more
information, see the ArchestrA License Manager Guide.
Make sure that you meet all of the requirements listed in the
checklist before continuing with the installation.

To start the installation program

1 Exit all unnecessary Windows programs.

Note During the installation, you can leave the Windows firewall
on, but you must enable “File and Printer Sharing” in the Windows
firewall configuration to permit backup and restore to work when
a second node hosts the Wonderware Information Server and
reporting databases. The backup process may require UNC access
to the Wonderware Information Server node.

2 Insert the Wonderware Information Server 3.0 Server CD

into your CD-ROM drive. The Welcome dialog box
appears. Click Next. The License Agreement dialog box
3 Read the license agreement and then click Next. The
Preinstallation Information dialog box appears.
4 Verify that your computer is ready to install Wonderware
Information Server and then click Next. The Select
Features screen appears.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

36 Chapter 2 Installing Wonderware Information Server

5 Select the Wonderware Information Server features to

install. The default is to install all features on the hard
disk. Click Next. The System Information dialog box
appears with a report on the current version of IIS and
MTS and the IIS scripts folder.
6 Click Next. The User Information dialog box appears.
7 Enter name and organization, then click Next. The
Wonderware Information Server Portal Account dialog box
• Enter the Windows account information: the
computer to log on to, a user name with
administrative privileges, and the password. Click
Next. The Destination Folders and Virtual Directory
dialog box appears.
• Click Next to accept the default destination folder for
the software and the virtual directory name. The
virtual directory name is what you enter in Internet
Explorer to start Wonderware Information Server.
The Repository Authentication dialog box appears.

Important Your repository database collation must be consistent

with the database collation of Alarm and Historian databases.

8 Enter the server name and click Next. If you are

installing ActiveFactory or Archestra Reporting features,
the Alarm Data Source dialog box appears.

Important Wonderware Information Server can only be installed

with Windows (mixed mode) authentication.

9 Enter the alarm data source name, the alarm server

name, the alarm database, and the user name and
password for the database. Click Next. If you are
installing ActiveFactory or Archestra Reporting features,
the Historian Data Source dialog box appears.
10 Enter the historian data source, the InSQL server name,
and the InSQL user name and password. Click Next. If
you are installing the ActiveFactory features, the
ActiveFactory Reporting Website dialog box appears.
11 Enter the report web site name, and the MS-SQL admin
user name and password. Click Next. The Ready to Install
the Application dialog box appears.
12 To install the software with the options you’ve selected,
click Next.
13 The installation program installs the software on the
computer and configures the internal database. This may
take a few minutes.
14 When you are done, you are prompted to reboot. Exit any
applications you may have open and reboot.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Uninstalling Wonderware Information Server 37

Installing the Product License

Wonderware Information Server requires you to set up a
license server using the ArchestrA License Manager. The
license server can be set up on the same computer as the
Wonderware Information Server software or on a different
For information on licensing and how to install licenses,
including how to read license files and set up license servers,
see the ArchestrA License Manager Guide and the online
help. For additional information about specific licensing
issues for Wonderware Information Server, see Chapter 3,
Managing Licensing.

To start the ArchestrA License Manager

‹ On the Start menu on the Windows Taskbar, point to
Programs, Wonderware, then to Common, and then select
Archestra License Manager. The ArchestrA License
Manager main window appears.

Uninstalling Wonderware Information Server

You can use the standard Windows Add/Remove Programs
feature from the Control Panel to remove the Wonderware
Information Server.
Uninstalling Wonderware Information Server does not
require you to reboot the computer after the uninstall is
Language packs are installed automatically as part of the
Wonderware Information Server installation process, but
they must be uninstalled separately. This prevents an
automatic uninstall of language packs from a computer that
is also being used for ActiveFactory.
After you uninstall Wonderware Information Server, use the
Windows Add/Remove Programs feature to uninstall each
language pack. Language packs are named Wonderware
ActiveFactory <lang> Language, where <lang> is French,
German, Japanese, or Simplified Chinese.
You can not uninstall language packs if either Wonderware
Information Server or ActiveFactory are still installed on the

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

38 Chapter 2 Installing Wonderware Information Server

Reinstalling Wonderware Information Server

You can use the installation program to modify or reinstall
the Wonderware Information Server software.
During a reinstall, the Wonderware Information Server
installation program replaces any files that are not the
correct version or have been corrupted.
During reinstall, optional features can be selected or cleared
for installation. The installation program preserves as much
configuration information as possible. It also checks for the
condition of all prerequisite software.

To reinstall Wonderware Information Server

1 Exit all unnecessary Windows programs.
2 Insert the Wonderware Information Server 3.0 Server CD
into your CD-ROM drive. The Welcome dialog box
3 Follow the steps starting on page 35.

Migrating from a Previous Version

Migrating from a previous version involves upgrading the
Win-XML Exporter and upgrading the Wonderware
Information Server.
You can only migrate from SuiteVoyager 2.6 to Wonderware
Information Server 3.0 or ActiveFactory RWS 9.1 to
Wonderware Information Server 3.0 for the RWS content.
Chart applications and Table applications are no longer
supported and are automatically removed during the
migration process.

Important Do not uninstall a previous version of SuiteVoyager or

ActiveFactory until you are instructed to do so.

To migrate to Wonderware Information Server 3.0

1 Exit all unnecessary Windows programs.
2 Insert the Wonderware Information Server 3.0 Server CD
into your CD-ROM drive. When the installation detects
the correct previous version, you are prompted that you
are upgrading and may be prompted to remove prior
version components before continuing.
3 Follow the steps starting on page 35. Note the following
During the installation, if you have configured
Multi-Views then the Multi-View option is selected and

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Migrating from a Previous Version 39

you cannot clear the option. If the previous version does

not have configured Multi-Views, the Multi-View option
is selected but you can clear the option. If you clear the
option, the Multi-Views are not installed.
During the installation, if you have ActiveFactory 9.1
Reporting Web Site installed, the ActiveFactory
Reporting option is selected and you cannot clear it. The
reporting Web Site is installed for you.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

40 Chapter 2 Installing Wonderware Information Server

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide


Chapter 3

Managing Licensing

Using the License Manager area of the Wonderware

Information Server, you can view license details of Server,
Tag Server Write back and Client licenses and monitor who
is currently using a license.

About Wonderware Information Server

The Wonderware Information Server supports concurrent,
named user, and name device licensing; that is, the licensing
policy located on the server determines how many browsers
can access Wonderware Information Server at any given
time. All of the license information is managed by a dedicated
license management component. When a client attempts to
access Wonderware Information Server through Internet
Explorer, Wonderware Information Server checks to see if a
license is available and grants or denies access to the client
depending on license availability.
You need enough client licenses for the number of users
concurrently accessing the licensable areas of the
Wonderware Information Server. Client access to these areas
is on a first-come, first-served basis. For example, if the
Wonderware Information Server is licensed for ten
concurrent clients and an eleventh client attempts to access
the server, a message appears at the client stating that there
are no additional licenses available. However, if the eleventh
client is an administrator, then he/she can access the
administrative areas only.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

42 Chapter 3 Managing Licensing

A session is created when a client user accesses the

Wonderware Information Server home page, and a license is
issued for the use of the core Wonderware Information Server
applications, such as Process Graphics, Factory Alarms, and
Historical Data. A user can access these and all custom areas
and still only use one license. All licenses are released for the
user's session when the user clicks Log Off on the main
menu bar. If a user closes the browser without logging off, the
current license session times out after a certain length of
time. By default, this is set to 20 minutes and can be changed
by the web server administrator for the Wonderware
Information Server application using the Internet
Information Services console application.
The license management feature lets you monitor activity
and usage on the Wonderware Information Server. Licensing
information is displayed in text format to allow analysis of
peak usage times and personnel.
For more information on creating connections, see About
Wonderware Information Server Data Sources on page 67.

Viewing Active Licenses

You can view both the active licenses for the Wonderware
Information Server and for any applications that have been
integrated with the site. Active licenses indicate the license
usage at the current time for each application.

To view active licenses

1 In the System access panel, expand Administration and
then click License Manager. The Active Licenses page

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Viewing Active Licenses 43

Different categories of license use appear:

• Server Licenses
Shows various server licenses used by the
Wonderware Information server and their details
including their status, Date/Time of issue, Type,
License Server and Expiry Date.
• Tag Server Writeback
Shows the status (availability) of Tag Server
Writeback license
• Client Licenses
Shows the Wonderware Information Server client
licenses and ActiveFactory web client licenses in use
with details including the User, Host, License,
Date/Time of Issue, Type and Expiry
2 To change the maximum number of records displayed on
this page, type the new value in the Max records box and
then click Refresh.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

44 Chapter 3 Managing Licensing

Configuring License Usage Logging

Records of license use can be logged into the Wonderware
Information Server administration database.

To turn logging on/off

1 In the System access panel, expand Administration and
then click License Manager. The Active Licenses page
2 Click to select Log License usage to database.

Tip The SQL Server administrator can trim the licensing history
table by deleting records that are older than a given date.

Querying License History

The license history indicates prior license usage. It returns
information on whether a user was allowed or denied access
to an application, what time this occurred, how long a user
had a license, who the user of the license is and how many
licenses were available. This information enables the
administrator to correctly configure the Wonderware
Information Server with the appropriate number and type of
licenses for the users.

To query license history

1 In the System access panel, expand Administration and
then click License Manager. The Active Licenses page
2 Click Query License History. The Query License History
page appears.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Viewing License History 45

3 Select the start and end dates for the query by using the
calendars. You can also type in dates in the Start Date
and End Date boxes. The valid format is: YYYY-MM-DD.

Note All dates reflect the time of the Wonderware Information

Server web server.

4 To specify an exact time of day for the query, type the

start time and end time in the Time boxes. The valid
24-hour format is: HH-MM. You can use the arrow
buttons to adjust the time in ten minute increments.
5 In the Max records box, type the number of license records
to retrieve.
6 Click Show License History. The query is executed and the
License History page appears with the results.

Viewing License History

The Wonderware Information Server keeps track of all
license requests along with their response status

Note You must have enabled license logging to use this feature.
For more information, see Configuring License Usage Logging on
page 44.

To view license history

1 In the System access panel, expand Administration and
then click License Manager. The Active Licenses page
2 Click License History. The License History page appears.

This page shows historical data about license usage for

the dates specified on the Query License History page.
Column descriptions are:
• Start time

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

46 Chapter 3 Managing Licensing

The time at which the user accessed a licensed area of

the Wonderware Information Server.
• User Name
The Windows login ID of the license user.
• Denied
Specifies whether or not the requested license was
denied. This is based on availability, not security.
• Application
The name of the application that requested the

Enabling Tag Server Writeback

Tag server writeback is licensed by a separate license feature

WARNING! Enabling writeback allows users to change the state

of plant-floor devices. This can have potentially
LIFE-THREATENING consequences!

To enable tag server writeback

1 In the System access panel, expand Administration and
then click License Manager. The Active Licenses page
2 Click Tag Server Writeback. The Tag Server Writeback page

3 Click the appropriate option:

• Enabled for ALL tag server nodes
Click to enable tag server writeback for all nodes.
• Enabled for selected tag server nodes

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Enabling Tag Server Writeback 47

The New Tag Server Node page appears.

Enter the name of the tag server node in the New tag
server node field and click Add.
• Disabled
This is the default option. Tag server writeback is
disabled for all Wonderware Information Server
server nodes.
4 Click Save.
Changes to the tag server writeback do not go into effect
until the sessions are ended and restarted.
For more information on how to use the ArchestrA License
Manager, see the ArchestrA License Manager guide.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

48 Chapter 3 Managing Licensing

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide


Chapter 4

Managing Security

Wonderware Information Server can be deployed in an

Internet environment. Since this connects sensitive
industrial information to the Internet and allows for the
enabling of write-back to plant controllers, the need for tight
security is paramount. Wonderware Information Server
controls access to plant floor information at the site, user,
and data source levels.
The first level of security is access to the Wonderware
Information Server web server itself. Access to the
Wonderware Information Server is achieved by tight
integration with Microsoft Windows security (Kerberos) and
the security mechanisms employed by Internet Information
For additional security, the Wonderware Information Server
also supports Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), password
authentication, digital certificates, and Windows login dialog
boxes. Wonderware Information Server is installed in a "safe
state." This means that the user who installs Wonderware
Information Server will be the only person with privileges on
Wonderware Information Server. This user will have
administrative privileges and can add additional users.
However, by default, the "Everyone" Windows group (all
authenticated users from the same domain as the portal) is
given "Read-Only" access.
The second level of security determines what casual users (or
groups of users) will be able to do once they access the site.
The administrator can grant specific users (or groups)
privileges by assigning them to pre-configured security roles.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

50 Chapter 4 Managing Security

The third level of security is for write-back capability for

factory data sources, such as those used for InTouch
browser-based windows. Enabling write-back capability
requires you to have a specific write-back license installed in
the License Utility.

WARNING! Enabling write-back allows users to change the state

of plant-floor devices with potentially life-threatening

Securing Access to the Wonderware

Information Server
The Wonderware Information Server uses the integrated
Windows authentication (Kerberos) security mechanism
provided with Microsoft Windows Server and Internet
Information Services (IIS) to grant users access to the site
IIS also offers a variety of ways to further restrict access to
the web site. Using IIS, you can grant or deny access based
on IP address, domain name, or computer name. Using
NTFS, you can assign ACLs (Access Control Lists) to files
directly on the system.
When Wonderware Information Server is installed, a COM+
package for Wonderware Information Server is added to the
Windows 2003 Component Services administration console.
This package integrates to the Windows 2003 Active
Directory User database and authorizes users authenticated
within the Windows domain to perform actions or execute
links on the site through an MTS based role system attached
to the COM+ package. Users can be assigned to roles either
directly by using the Component Services console or by using
the Wonderware Information Server User Manager.
For additional security, the Wonderware Information Server
also supports Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), and digital
certificates. To use digital certificates, you need to install a
digital server certificate issued by a third-party company.

Tip The IIS documentation is located on the web server as an

online help file and provides helpful information on upgrading,
security settings, and other valuable information about the web
server. Become familiar with this information to personalize your
web server to your companies policies and requirements.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Securing Access to the Wonderware Information Server 51

Types of Access for Internet Information

Access to the web server is divided into two different
• Authenticated access

• Anonymous access

With authenticated access, users are allowed to access the

site if they are valid members of the same Windows domain
as the web server or a domain trusted by the web server
domain and are a member of at least the Read-Only security
With anonymous access, everyone has access to the site,
regardless of who they are, although they cannot access the
administrative functions or write-back to factory data

Important Wonderware does not recommend anonymous access.

The Wonderware Information Server supports both types of
requests, but uses authenticated access by default. Wonderware
Information Server also requires the default web site for the web
server to enable integrated Windows authentication before
write-back is allowed. This is configured automatically at the
time of installation.

Authenticated access
Wonderware recommends that you use authenticated access
to protect your web site from unknown users. The
authenticated access method is divided into the following
additional options:
• Basic authentication
Basic authentication sends passwords over the network
as clear text. This type of authentication transmits the
passwords across the network unencrypted, making it
easier for hackers to intercept usernames and passwords.
This type of authentication is not recommended.
To make this secure, Wonderware recommends that you
use SSL and client certificates to authenticate users
when using basic authentication. Client certificates are
issued by trusted third-party organizations. This option
may be required for some brands of proxy servers. For
more information, see Using Proxy Servers on page 56.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

52 Chapter 4 Managing Security

• Digest authentication for Windows domain servers

This method requires the support of a Windows domain
controller. This method sends a hash across the network,
rather than a password, and works across proxy servers
and firewalls.
• Integrated Windows authentication
This is the recommended and default setting for
Wonderware Information Server. Integrated Windows
authentication uses a cryptographic exchange with the
user's Internet Explorer web browser to confirm the
identity of the user. During installation, Wonderware
Information Server is automatically configured to use the
integrated Windows authentication security method.
Using integrated Windows authentication is a good way
to secure your web server and who has access to the
Wonderware Information Server.
When a client tries to access Wonderware Information
Server, IIS checks to make sure they are an
authenticated user in your Windows domain before
allowing them access to the site. Integrated Windows
authentication is very secure because it does not pass the
username and password over the network. Instead, the
user's browser provides the password to the web server
through a cryptographic exchange with hashing.
For information on configuring authenticated access, see
Configuring Security for Internet Information Services on
page 53.

Anonymous access
Important Wonderware does NOT recommend that you use
anonymous access authentication, because this allows anyone to
access your site.

Use the IIS administration console to configure the web

server to use anonymous access. For more information, see
Configuring Security for Internet Information Services on
page 53.
If you select anonymous access as the authentication method,
then writeback from the site to the plant floor devices is

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Securing Access to the Wonderware Information Server 53

Configuring Security for Internet Information

To configure security for Internet Information Services
1 On the Windows Start menu, point to Programs, point to
Administrative Tools, and then click Internet Services
Manager. The Internet Information Services console

2 Expand the computer name and then expand Default Web


Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

54 Chapter 4 Managing Security

3 Right-click Wonderware Information Server and then click

Properties. The Wonderware Information Server Properties
dialog box appears.

4 Click the Directory Security tab.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Securing Access to the Wonderware Information Server 55

5 In the Authentication and access control area, click Edit.

The Authentication Methods dialog box appears.

6 Configure the access type. For more information, see

Types of Access for Internet Information Services on page
7 Click OK to close the Authentication Methods dialog box.
8 Click OK to close the Wonderware Information Server
Properties dialog box.

Firewall/DMZ Compatibility
The Wonderware Information Server is designed to be
"firewall compatible." It supports connections between itself
and one or more clients through port 80 in a firewall, the
standard HTTP port.
It is also DMZ-compatible. The web server can exist between
one outward facing firewall and one inward facing firewall.
In this configuration, the inner firewall needs to open the
SuiteLink port 5413 to access the plant floor I/O Servers on
the secure plant floor network.
If SSL is enabled on the node, you must open port 443.
If a remote database server is being used, the SQL TCP port
1433 should be opened.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

56 Chapter 4 Managing Security

For more information, see About Wonderware Information

Server Data Sources on page 67. Using this technique, you
provide the most security to your plant floor SQL Server

For more information about your organization's firewall,

contact your Internet administrator.

Using Proxy Servers

Wonderware Information Server supports most up-to-date
proxy servers. In some cases, older proxy servers do not
support the SOAP protocol. If the Wonderware Information
Server web server resides on the Internet, and if the clients
are behind this type of proxy server, failures occur within
many of the applications that use XML method calls. Clients
in an intranet setting should bypass the proxy server, a
typical setting.
Wonderware Information Server is tested successfully with
Microsoft proxy servers. If you are using another type of
proxy server, you need to either configure the client to bypass
the proxy server or have basic authentication enabled. It is
recommended that you use SSL in this case. The bypass must
be configured on the client computer.
For information on enabling basic authentication, see Types
of Access for Internet Information Services on page 51.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Securing Access to the Wonderware Information Server 57

To configure Internet Explorer to bypass a proxy server

1 On the Tools menu, click Internet Options. The Internet
Options dialog box appears.
2 Click the Connections tab.

3 Click LAN Settings. The Local Area Network (LAN) Settings

dialog box appears.

4 Click Automatically detect settings.

5 Click Use a proxy server.
6 Click Bypass proxy server for local addresses.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

58 Chapter 4 Managing Security

7 Click Advanced. The Proxy Settings dialog box appears.

8 In the Exceptions window, type the name or URL of the

web server computer on which Wonderware Information
Server is installed.
9 Click OK.
10 Click OK to close the Local Area Network (LAN) Settings
dialog box.
11 Click OK to close the Internet Options dialog box.
The client now bypasses the proxy server when accessing
the Wonderware Information Server.

Giving Users Privileges Via Roles

The Wonderware Information Server administrator can give
users privileges to read, write, or configure the Wonderware
Information Server by assigning them to a pre-defined
security role. Roles are authorization mechanisms used by
applications within the site to determine user actions. A user
assigned to a particular role inherits the authorization
associated with that role, which may have a different context
for different applications.
The pre-defined system roles apply to the entire Wonderware
Information Server, except for the Reporting Services roles
which are managed from the Reporting Services panel. For
information on application-specific roles, see Adding a User
to a Role on page 60.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Giving Users Privileges Via Roles 59

The Wonderware Information Server includes the following

pre-defined security roles:

Role Privileges

Administrator Has access to all information and has full

administrative privileges, such as
configuring applications and data
sources, assigning users to roles, creating
access panels, and customizing the site.
Can write back values to factory data
sources when running browser-based
Engineer If the System access panel has been
enabled for all users, users in this role
have user-level access to the site, but no
administrative capabilities. Otherwise, a
user in this role has the access assigned
to them by the administrator (via custom
access panels) and can write back values
to factory data sources when running
process graphics.
Read Only Has user-level access to the site, but no
User administrative capabilities. Cannot
configure or customize the site, or create
objects or MultiViews. Cannot write back
values to factory data sources when
running process graphics.
No Access No access to the Wonderware
User Information Server. Cannot access the
home page, even if authenticated by IIS
as a valid Windows domain user.
The No Access User role overrides all the
other roles. This means that if a user is
assigned to both the Administrator role
and the No Access role, the user has no
access to the Wonderware Information

Wonderware Information Server automatically detects all

domain controllers on the network and lists users from each
Windows domain. You simply select the users or groups to
add to the pre-defined security roles. If you need to add a
user to the domain, contact the domain administrator. By
default, the Windows user group "Everyone" is automatically
added to the Read Only role. You may remove the "Everyone"
group and explicitly add users you want to have access to the
Wonderware Information Server.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

60 Chapter 4 Managing Security

If you do not have a domain controller in the network, the

"Everyone" group refers to all local users created on the
Wonderware Information Server server computer. To add
local users, see the Windows 2003 Server documentation.

Adding a User to a Role

Individual Windows users or groups may be added to each
role. Users and groups must exist in the Windows security
system, either in a trusted domain or on the local computer.
For instructions on creating new Windows users, see your
Microsoft documentation.
A single user or group can belong to multiple Wonderware
Information Server roles.

To add a user to a role

1 In the System access panel, expand Administration and
then click User Manager. The User Manager page appears.

2 In the Role list, click the role to which you want to add a
user(s). A list of all users who are currently assigned to
that role appears in the Role Users window.
3 In the Domain list, click the domain that contains the
user(s) to add. A list of all users in that domain appears
in the Domain Users window.
4 Select the user or user group you want to add.
5 Click << Add to assign the user to the role.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Enabling Write-Back Privileges 61

Removing a User from a Role

Changes to the users access rights do not take effect until the
user logs off. To effect changes immediately, you must stop
and re-start the Internet Information Services. The exception
to this rule is for process graphic windows. The user's
security role is checked each time a new window is opened.
The user does not need to log off to obtain a new role

To remove a user from a role

1 In the System access panel, expand Administration and
then click User Manager. The User Manager page appears.
2 In the Role list, click the role to which you want to remove
a user(s). A list of all users who are currently assigned to
that role appears in the Role Users window.
3 Select the user you want to remove.
4 Click Remove >>.

Enabling Write-Back Privileges

WARNING! Enabling write-back allows users to change the state
of plant-floor devices, with potentially LIFE-THREATENING

Wonderware Information Server allows you to give users

write-back privileges, such as a running WindowViewer
application or an I/O Server, when running InTouch
browser-based windows. Thus, you can put control of the
factory floor onto the Internet. By default, write-back
privileges are disabled.
Write-back privileges are only available if the Wonderware
Information Server site and the default web site of the web
server that supply the data are set to use integrated
Windows authentication. You must also have a separate
license that gives you write-back capabilities. If you enable
write-back, the ability to write is only given to users that are
assigned to the Administrator or Engineer roles.
You can enable the writeback privileges for all nodes or just
for selected nodes. Know the name of the node (computer
name) before you start. Also, verify that you can connect to
the node from the Wonderware Information Server.
Existing client sessions are not affected by writeback
changes until they are terminated and restarted. The
browser must be closed and restarted.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

62 Chapter 4 Managing Security

To enable write-back
1 In the System access panel, expand Administration and
then click License Manager. The License Manager page
2 Click Tag Server Writeback. The Tag Server Node Writeback
Configuration page appears.

3 To disable writeback for all nodes, click Disabled. Then, go

to step 8.
4 To enable writeback for all nodes, click Enable for ALL tag
server nodes. Then, go to step 8.
5 To enable writeback for specific nodes only, select Enable
for selected tag server nodes. The writeback options

6 To add a node, type the name of the node in the New tag
server node box and click Add.
The node name is the computer name on which the data
source is running. You can also specify the IP address.
7 To remove a node, select the node in the Selected tag
server nodes window and click Delete.
8 Click Save. A confirmation dialog box appears.
9 Click OK.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Updating the Windows Login for Wonderware Information Server Components 63

Updating the Windows Login for Wonderware

Information Server Components
Because Wonderware Information Server is designed to run
without anyone logged on locally to the server, its COM+
components must run under the authority of a valid
Windows account.
These components use the Windows login that was specified
during the Wonderware Information Server installation,
obtained from the installing user at the time of the
Wonderware Information Server installation. If the password
for this account expires, must be changed, or if the login
account itself is deleted, then you must set the COM+
package to run under the new identity. For security reasons,
this login is not automatically updated.
For Data Source Management a stored user,
svSysAdminUser, is provided for linked server management.
For example, in some organizations, Windows passwords are
set to automatically expire. Also, you may want to manually
change the Windows password from time to time for security
If the Windows login information has changed, you need to
reconfigure it for Wonderware Information Server using the
Windows Component Services console.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

64 Chapter 4 Managing Security

To reconfigure the login

1 On the Windows Start menu, point to Programs, point to
Administrative Tools, and then click Component Services.
The Component Services console appears.

2 Expand Component Services and then expand Computers.

3 Expand My Computer, and then expand COM+
4 Right-click Wonderware Wonderware Information Server
and then click Properties. The Wonderware Wonderware
Information Server Properties dialog box appears.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Updating the Windows Login for Wonderware Information Server Components 65

5 Click the Identity tab.

6 In the Password and Confirm Password boxes, type the

updated password.
7 Click OK.
For more information, see your Microsoft Windows

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

66 Chapter 4 Managing Security

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide


Chapter 5

Configuring Data Sources

Using the Data Source Manager area of Wonderware

Information Server, you can configure the different data
sources used by Wonderware Information Server.

About Wonderware Information Server Data

All external data sources configured for Wonderware
Information Server use a common definition and
configuration, called a shared data source, regardless of the
component accessing the database. Shared data sources are
shared by Wonderware Information Server components such
as ActiveFactory reports, TableWeaver, Factory Alarms, and
ArchestrA reporting. This lets you have a single data source
and use it in multiple components.

Adding Data Sources

Shared data sources are named and configured by the
administrator and can then be referred to by name within
Wonderware Information Server applications. Shared data
source names must be unique within a Wonderware
Information Server installation.
The Data Source Manager includes five predefined data
source types:
• Alarm

• Historian

• Production

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

68 Chapter 5 Configuring Data Sources


• Other

Each data source type can have multiple named data source
instances. However, only one of each data source instance can
be defined as the default. The default data source is used by
ArchestrA Reporting. For more information on ArchestrA
Reporting, see Using ArchestrA Reporting on page 217.

Note The ArchestrA Reporting Services use the default data

source for reporting. If the data source used for reporting is not
the default, the report fails. Be careful when changing the Default
Data Source setting. For more information, see Using ArchestrA
Reporting on page 217.

Adding Alarm Data Sources

Wonderware Information Server supports the Distributed
Alarm System, from the Wonderware Alarm Manager.
Alarms can originate from InTouch or the Industrial
Application Server.

To add an alarm data source

1 In the System access panel, expand Administration and
then click Data Source Manager. The Data Source Manager
window appears.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Adding Data Sources 69

2 Click Add. The Add Shared Data Source Manager window


3 In the Data Source Type drop-down list, select Alarm. The

Add New Shared Data Source window appears.

4 Enter information as follows:

• In the Data Source Name and Description fields, type a
unique name identifying the data source and a brief
description. The data source name is the name you
identify the database with (such as PrimaryAlarms or
AlarmsTank 3) but it is not necessarily the actual
database name.
• In the Server field, type the server name. The server
name is not preceded by backslashes.
• In the Database field, type the name of the database
as it appears on the server.
5 Select one of the following security settings:
• Check the Integrated Security box to enable integrated
Windows security for the data source.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

70 Chapter 5 Configuring Data Sources

• Type the SQL User Name and Password to access the

6 Check the Default for this Data Source Type box to make
this data source the default for this data source type. The
Default shared data source is the data source used by the
ArchestrA Reports component.
7 In the Connection Timeout(in Sec) and the Query
Timeout(in Sec) fields, type values for the connection and
query timeouts.
When you have typed the data source information in the
window, click Test Connection. The test results appear at the
bottom of the window. Click Save to save the data source and
return to the Data Source Manager window.

Adding Historian Data Sources

Wonderware Information Server uses the search engine, the
tag finder, and the real-time trend to access Historian data.
To use these features, you need to add an IndustrialSQL
Server as a data provider. These features depend on
IndustrialSQL Server for tag definitions and values.
Any tag for which you want to retrieve history data must be
defined in the IndustrialSQL Server database.

To add a historian data source

1 In the System access panel, expand Administration and
then click Data Source Manager. The Data Source Manager
window appears.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Adding Data Sources 71

2 Click Add. The Add Shared Data Source Manager window


3 In the Data Source Type list, click Alarm. The Add New
Shared Data Source window appears.

4 Enter information as follows:

• In the Data Source Name and Description fields, type a
unique name identifying the data source and a brief
description. The data source name is the name you
identify the database with (such as HistoryMain or
InSQL) but it is not necessarily the actual database
• In the Server field, type the server name. (The server
name is not preceded by backslashes.)
• In the Database field, type the name of the
IndustrialSQL Server Runtime database as it
appears on the server.
5 Select one of the following security settings:
• Check the Integrated Security box to enable integrated
Windows security for the data source.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

72 Chapter 5 Configuring Data Sources

• Type the SQL User Name and Password to access the

6 Check the Default for this Data Source Type box to make
this data source the default for this data source type.
7 In the Connection Timeout(in Sec) and the Query
Timeout(in Sec) fields, type values for the connection and
query timeouts.
8 Check the HTTP Mode box if you want to access the
database with HTTP. Enter the associated URL in the
URL Connection field.
After you type the data source information in the window,
click Test Connection. The test results appear at the bottom of
the window. Click Save to save the data source and return to
the Data Source Manager window.
If you are using the ActiveFactory Web reporting feature, you
must set the connection timeout for the data source to some
other value than 0 (the default) so that Internet Explorer
doesn’t time out when Wonderware Information Server tries
to connect to the IndustrialSQL Server database.

Using HTTP mode

You must also install SQLXML to provide access to the
IndustrialSQL Server database from the Wonderware
Information Server client computer. The SQLXML software
is not automatically installed as part of the Wonderware
Information Server installation process. Install it from the
Wonderware Information Server installation CD.
After installing SQLXML on the IndustrialSQL Server
computer, modify the data source in Wonderware
Information Server to enable HTTP mode and set the URL to
the IndustrialSQL Server database. The URL must
accessible from the client computer. For example, if the client
computer can only access the IndustrialSQL Server computer
through the IP address, specify the URL as http:// <IP

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Adding Data Sources 73

Adding Production Data Sources

Production data sources are InTrack or InBatch databases.
You can have one or more production data sources,
depending on your system configuration.

To add a production data source

1 In the System access panel, expand Administration and
then click Data Source Manager. The Data Source Manager
window appears.

2 Click Add. The Add Shared Data Source Manager window


Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

74 Chapter 5 Configuring Data Sources

3 In the Data Source Type list, select Production. The Add

New Shared Data Source window appears.

4 Enter information as follows:

• In the Data Source Name and Description fields, type a
unique name identifying the data source and a brief
description. The data source name is the name you
identify the database with (such as ProductionFloor
or AssemblyTrack 1) but it is not necessarily the
actual database name.
• In the Server field, type the server name. The server
name is not preceded by backslashes.
• In the Database field, type the name of the database
as it appears on the server.
5 Select one of the following security settings:
• Check the Integrated Security box to enable integrated
Windows security for the data source.
• Type the SQL User Name and Password to access the
6 Check the Default for this Data Source Type box to make
this data source the default for this data source type.
7 In the Connection Timeout(in Sec) and the Query
Timeout(in Sec) fields, type values for the connection and
query timeouts.
After you configure the data source information, click Test
Connection. The test results appear at the bottom of the
window. Click Save to save the data source and return to
the Data Source Manager window.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Adding Data Sources 75

Adding OLEDB Data Sources

OLEDB data sources are used for setting up data sources
using OLEDB compatible databases.

To add an OLEDB data source

1 In the System access panel, expand Administration and
then click Data Source Manager. The Data Source Manager
window appears.

2 Click Add. The Add Shared Data Source Manager window


3 In the Data Source Type list, select OLEDB. The Add New
Shared Data Source window appears.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

76 Chapter 5 Configuring Data Sources

4 Enter information as follows:

• In the Data Source Name fields, type a unique name
identifying the data source. The data source name is
the name you identify the database with (such as
LabMain or OracleMaintenance) but it is not
necessarily the actual database name.
• In the User Name and Password fields, type the user
name and password to access the database.
• In the Connection String field, type a connection string
for the database.
5 After you type the data source information in the window,
click Test Connection. The test results appear at the
bottom of the window.
6 Click Save to save the data source and return to the Data
Source Manager window.

OLE DB Database Connection String Examples

You can connect to various OLE DB providers such as Oracle,
standard SQL Server, and Access.

Connect to the Microsoft OLE DB provider for Oracle

Provider=msdaora;Data Source=MyOracleDB;User

Connect to the Oracle OLE DB provider

Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle;Data Source=MyOracleDB;User

Connect to the SQL Server OLE DB provider

Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=myServerAddress;Initial

Connect to the Microsoft Access OLE DB provider

Source=C:\mydatabase.mdb;User Id=admin;Password=;

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Adding Data Sources 77

Adding Other Data Sources

Other data sources are any Microsoft SQL databases.

To add an other data source

1 In the System access panel, expand Administration and
then click Data Source Manager. The Data Source Manager
window appears.

2 Click Add. The Add Shared Data Source Manager window


Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

78 Chapter 5 Configuring Data Sources

3 In the Data Source Type list, select, select Other. The Add
New Shared Data Source window appears.

4 Enter information as follows:

• In the Data Source Name and Description fields, type a
unique name identifying the data source and a brief
description. The data source name is the name you
identify the database with, such as ProductionFloor
or AssemblyTrack 1, but it is not necessarily the
actual database name.
• In the Server field, type the server name. (The server
name is not preceded by backslashes.)
• In the Database field, type the name of the database
as it appears on the server.
5 Select one of the following security settings:
• Check the Integrated Security box to enable integrated
Windows security for the data source.
• Type the SQL User Name and Password to access the
6 Check the Default for this Data Source Type box to make
this data source the default for this data source type.
7 In the Connection Timeout(in Sec) and the Query
Timeout(in Sec) fieldfields, type values for the connection
and query timeouts.
After you type the data source information in the window,
click Test Connection. The test results appear at the
bottom of the window. Click Save to save the data source
and return to the Data Source Manager window.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Editing Data Sources 79

Editing Data Sources

Data sources may need to be edited to update information.

To edit data source information

1 In the System access panel, expand Administration and
then click Data Source Manager. The Data Source Manager
window appears.

2 Click the name of the data source you want to modify.

The information for the data source appears at the
bottom of the Data Source Manager window.

3 Click Modify. The Modify Shared Data Source window

appears. This window is the same as the Add New Shared
Data Source window for that data type.
4 Change the information as needed.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

80 Chapter 5 Configuring Data Sources

After you type the data source information in the window,

click Test Connection. The test results appear at the
bottom of the window.
5 Click Save to save the data source and return to the Data
Source Manager window.

Deleting Data Sources

Outdated or unused data sources can be deleted. Deleting the
entry for a data source in Wonderware Information Server
only deletes the data source information; it does not delete
the data source itself.

To delete a data source

1 In the System access panel, expand Administration and
then click Data Source Manager. The Data Source Manager
window appears.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Deleting Data Sources 81

2 Click the name of the data source you want to delete. The
information for the data source appears at the bottom of
the Data Source Manager window.

3 Click Delete. Confirm the deletion.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

82 Chapter 5 Configuring Data Sources

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide


Chapter 6

Configuring Factory Alarms

Factory alarms let you browse your plant alarm systems,

either by querying the live alarm systems from the alarm
providers or the alarm history databases.

Configuring Factory Alarms

Wonderware Information Server supports both current and
historical alarms from configured alarm data sources.

To configure factory alarms

1 In the System access panel, expand Administration and
then click Factory Alarm Manager. The Factory Alarm
Manager page appears.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

84 Chapter 6 Configuring Factory Alarms

2 Click Add Distributed Alarms. The alarm configuration

page appears.

3 Enter information in the fields as follows:

Alias – Displayed name in the Factory Alarms Node.
Data Source – Select an alarm shared data source. This is
the connection to your alarm history database. For more
information on configuring an alarm shared data source, see
Chapter 5, Configuring Data Sources.
Distributed Alarm Query - The query string used to retrieve
the current alarm records from the alarm provider. The
Distributed Alarm Query can also be used as a filter. When a
user chooses to see alarms for this provider, he/she only sees
the alarms from the alarm groups specified in this query.
You can add as many providers as required, but you must
separate each query with a comma.
The syntax is:
\\<Server Name>\<Alarm Provider>!<Alarm Group>
For example:
4 Click Add.

Note If you are working in http: mode and you want to switch
your alarms to https: mode, open the Data Provider page and
change the URL in the WSDL field from http: to https:, then click

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide


Chapter 7

Configuring Access Panels

An access panel is a logical grouping of navigation nodes

(folders) and links that is only accessible to particular users
assigned to it. Access panels allow you to segregate objects
(for example, converted InTouch windows, alarm displays,
and history reports) into groups of related information.
Each access panel can be configured to allow access by
specific Windows users and user groups (for example, plant
maintenance personnel, operators, or managers), so that
each user or group sees only the objects that are pertinent to
their area of the plant or their user group.
For example, an Operators access panel shows InTouch
graphics for a particular portion of the plant floor to just the
plant operators assigned to that panel. A Maintenance access
panel shows only historical trends of plant equipment tags to
plant maintenance personnel.
An access panel is accessible via a wide button-like tab that
appears in the Launch Pad. By default, Wonderware
Information Server includes a System access panel. You can
add additional access panels and populate them with nodes
and links from the System access panel and include
additional customized links. By creating these additional
access panels and dropping relevant application and custom
links nodes into them, you can easily establish access panels
for different limited access groups of users throughout the
Each access panel consists of three parts: a display name, a
navigation tree, and a user access list.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

86 Chapter 7 Configuring Access Panels

About the System Access Panel

By default, Wonderware Information Server includes the
System access panel. The System access panel shows all of the
configuration and application folders and links that are
available on the web site. The System access panel can be
visible to all users or just to administrators, but the links
within it to administration functions are only accessible to
users assigned to the Administrators security role. Because
administrators have access to everything in the web site, the
entire hierarchy of configured folders and links are visible to
them within the System access panel.
This access panel can be considered the "master" list of
folders and links. The organization of the folders and links in
the System access panel is fixed, except for the links
pertaining to the applications installed on the Wonderware
Information Server.

System access panel tab

About Custom Access Panels

Custom access panels cannot contain nodes from under the
main administration node in the System access panel, but
may contain administrative nodes from other applications.
All role assignments still apply within the custom access
panels. That is, even if a user has access to a particular
access panel, he or she may not be able to see all of the
navigation tree nodes within the access panel if those
particular nodes require a certain role access that the user is
not in.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Creating a Custom Access Panel 87

Each access panel contains one navigation tree, which

consists of a hierarchy of nodes pertaining to links and web
site objects. However, all other access panels can have any
number or arrangement of custom nodes and links. For

access panel tab

top-level node

"child" nodes

leaf nodes

Creating a Custom Access Panel

Theoretically there is no limit to the number of custom access
panels you can create. However, it is highly recommended
that you not give any one user access to more than four
panels, for performance reasons.

Note If you are working in http: mode and then switch to https:
mode, items added to the panel that have been defined to use
http: protocol will no longer work. To fix these broken links,
someone with administrator privileges must delete the items from
the panel and then re-add them so that they have the https:

To create a custom access panel

1 In the System access panel, expand Administration and
then click Panel Manager. The Panel Manager page

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

88 Chapter 7 Configuring Access Panels

2 Click New Panel. In the box that appears, type the access
panel name that will appear on the tab (button) in the
Launch Pad.
3 Press Enter on your keyboard. The new access panel
appears in the list.
4 Go to Configuring the Navigation Tree for a Custom
Access Panel on page 88.

Configuring the Navigation Tree for a Custom

Access Panel
You must have already created a custom access panel to
configure the navigation tree for it.

To configure the navigation tree

1 In the Panel Manager page, locate the panel for which you
want to configure the navigation tree.
2 Click Edit in the Action column. The Panel Content page

Note The System access panel cannot be edited.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Configuring the Navigation Tree for a Custom Access Panel 89

3 Drag the desired navigation node(s) from the System

access panel node to the node in the user access panel
that you want it to appear under.

4 To create a new folder (also called a "node") in the user

access panel, right-click a folder in the tree and click Add
Folder. In the dialog box that appears, type a name for
the folder and click OK.
5 To delete a folder, right-click the folder to delete and click
Delete. This also deletes all folders under it.
6 When you are done configuring the tree, click Save Panel
7 Go to Configuring User Access for a Custom Access Panel
on page 90.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

90 Chapter 7 Configuring Access Panels

Configuring User Access for a Custom Access

It is highly recommended that you not give any one user
access to more than four panels, for performance reasons.

To configure user access for a panel

1 If you are not already in the Panel Manager for a specific
custom access panel, in Launch Pad, click Panel Manager.
In the list of configured access panels, locate the name of
the panel for which you want to configure access, and
then click Edit in the Action column.
2 In the Panel Manager page, click Users. The Panel User
Access page appears.

3 In the Domain list, click the domain that contains the

user(s) or Windows security group(s) to add. A list of all
users in that domain appears in the Domain Users
4 Select the user(s) or group(s) you want to give access.
5 Click Add to grant access to the panel.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Renaming a Custom Access Panel 91

Renaming a Custom Access Panel

To rename an access panel
1 In the System access panel, expand Administration and
then click Panel Manager. The Panel Manager page
2 In the list of configured panels, locate the access panel to
rename and then click Rename in the Action column.
3 In the box that appears, type the new name for the access
4 Press Enter on your keyboard.

Deleting a Custom Access Panel

Panel navigation trees are made up of custom folders, logical
references to System access panel nodes, or copies of
dynamically created System access panel nodes, so deleting a
panel does not delete any application nodes, static or
dynamic, in the System access panel.
To delete an access panel
1 In the System access panel, expand Administration and
then click Panel Manager. The Panel Manager page
2 In the list of configured panels, locate the access panel to
delete and then click Delete in the Action column.

Hiding the System Access Panel from

You can configure the System access panel so that it is hidden
from all users except for those who are members of the
Administrators security role. If you do not hide the System
access panel, any user can click an administration link, only
to see a message that he/she has no access.
If you have hidden the System access panel,
non-administrative users can only see the administrative
pages if they have been granted access through a custom
access panel, which you must create.
To hide the System access panel
1 In the System access panel, expand Administration and
then click Panel Manager. The Panel Manager page
2 For the System access panel, click to select Show to
administrator only.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

92 Chapter 7 Configuring Access Panels

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide


Chapter 8

Configuring MultiViews

Using the Wonderware Information Server MultiView Manager,

you can use pre-configured web components, called Web
Parts, to quickly and easily assemble custom information panes
called MultiViews.
When you create a MultiView, you first set options
pertaining to how the MultiView appears in the browser
window, then add the Web Parts for the MultiView to

Note To use MultiView Manager, Microsoft SharePoint Services

must be installed on the Wonderware Information Server node.

About MultiViews and Web Parts

MultiViews are collections of Web Parts arranged in a
specific layout. You can use the MultiView Manager to
generate MultiViews similar to the MultiViews created by
previous versions of Wonderware Information Server.
Web Parts can be created by Wonderware features, such as
Process Graphics or Alarm Windows. You can also use native
Microsoft Web Parts, and third party Web Parts.

Using the MultiView Manager

You can use the MultiView Manager to:
• Create a new Multiview.

• Edit or delete a MultiView.

• Import a MultiView created with a previous version of

Wonderware Information Server.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

94 Chapter 8 Configuring MultiViews

When you create a MultiView, Web Parts appear in different

locations called zones. The zones are assigned automatically
by the import process. You can move the Web Parts and
change their properties using the MultiView Manager edit
When you create a MultiView, you first set options pertaining
to how the MultiView appears in the browser window, then
add the Web Parts for the MultiView to display.

To create a new MultiView

1 Expand the Administration pane.
2 Click MultiView Manager. The MultiView Manager
appears in the right pane of the browser window.
3 Click the New MultiView button. The Settings for “New
MultiView” pane appears.

Type a name for your MultiView in the MultiView Name

4 Select a layout template from the Layout Template list. On
the right side you can see an animated preview of the
selected layout. You can select the following layouts:
• Full Page, Vertical
• Header, Left Column, Body
• Header, Right Column, Body
• Header, Footer, 3 Columns

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

About MultiViews and Web Parts 95

• Header, Footer, 2 Columns, 4 Rows

• Header, Footer, 4 Columns, Top Row
• Left Column, Header, Footer, Top Row, 3 Columns
• Right Column, Header, Footer, Top Row, 3 Columns
5 Configure the MultiView to refresh automatically by
selecting Yes on the Refresh automatically option.
• Type the number of seconds in the text field.
6 Add Web Parts by selecting from one of the Galleries
listed in the Add Web Parts pane.
Web Parts include
• InTouch Windows
• Alarms
• Table Weaver Content
When you select an option, the corresponding features
are configured in Wonderware Information Server.
The Web Part List shows the Web Parts contained in the
selected gallery. These can be:
• Names of the Windows contained in Process Graphics
• Historic or Current Alarms from the Distributed
Alarm Database
• Samples from Table Weaver
To import web parts into a selected gallery, click the
Browse arrow, locate the Web Part, then click the Import
7 Click Save to save a MultiView and its Web Parts.
The new MultiView appears in the Available MultiView
Windows list.
You can edit or delete it by clicking on the Edit or Delete
action links next to the MultiView.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

96 Chapter 8 Configuring MultiViews

Editing a MultiView
You can add, change, or delete the Web Parts in a Multiview.
Web Parts are stored in galleries which are collections of Web
Parts that are grouped together. For example, all of the Web
Parts in a gallery may relate to a specific function or be
published by a particular company.
The MultiView Manager lets you:
• Rearrange Web Parts within the layout.

• Add Wonderware Web Parts to the MultiView.

• Delete Web Parts from the MultiView.

• Change Web Part Properties.

• Change MultiView Properties, such as Title, Description,

Dimensions, Frame style, Visibility, Orientation, Order,
Icons and so on.
• Export a Web Part from a MultiView.

To edit a MultiView
1 Expand the Administration pane.
2 Click MultiView Manager. The MultiView Manager
appears in the right pane of the browser window.
3 Select the MultiView you want to change and click Edit.
The MultiView Manager pane opens.
Use the MultiView Editor to do any of the following tasks.

To rearrange Web Parts within a MultiView

1 Open the MultiView for editing.
2 Select the Web Part you want to move and click its title
3 Drag the Web Part to the new destination zone.

Note You can drag a Web Part to a zone that already contains
another Web Part. In that case, both Web Parts are arranged
horizontally or vertically in the same zone.

To add Wonderware Web Parts to a MultiView

1 Open the MultiView Manager for editing.
2 In the Tool area, select Virtual Server Gallery.
3 Drag the SuiteVoyager Content Viewer Web Part to the
destination zone.
4 Click the arrow down icon of the Web Part and select
Modify Shared Web Part.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Editing a MultiView 97

5 Select a Category from the Content ToolPart section. The

Categories are Intouch Windows, Alarms, or Table Weaver
Content. The Items list in each category shows the
available Web Parts.
6 Select a Web Part from the Items list.
7 Click OK. The selected Web Part appears in the layout.

To delete a Web Part from a MultiView

1 Open the MultiView you want to edit.
2 Locate the Web Part you want to delete.
3 Click the arrow down icon on the Web Part title bar.
4 Select Delete from the menu.
5 Click OK when you are prompted to remove the Web Part
from the layout.

To change Web Part Properties

1 Open the MultiView for editing.
2 Locate the Web Part for which you want to change the
3 Click the down arrow in the title bar and click Modify
Shared Web Part.
4 In the ToolPart section, expand any of these main
• Appearance
• Layout
• Advanced
5 Make the changes to the property. You can change the
following properties:
• Title: Specifies the title of the Web Part shown in the
Web Part title bar.
• Height: Specifies the height of the Web Part.
• Width: Specifies the width of the Web Part.
• Frame State: Specifies whether the Web Part
appears minimized as a title bar, or shows the full
• Frame Style: Specifies the frame style of the Web
Part (Default, None, Title Bar and Border, Title Bar
• Visible on Page: Specifies to show or hide the Web

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

98 Chapter 8 Configuring MultiViews

• Direction: Specifies the alignment of the content in

the Web Part (Default, Left to Right, Right to Left).
• Zone: Specifies the zone on the Web Part Page where
the Web Part is located. Changing this setting is the
same as dragging-dropping the Web Part into a
different Zone.
• Part Order: Specifies the position of the Web Part in
a zone when the zone contains more than one Web
Part. Every Web Part within a zone must have a
unique Part Order.
• Allow Minimize: Specifies whether or not the Web
Part can be minimized.
• Allow Close: Specifies whether or not the Web Part
can be removed from the Web Part Page.
• Allow Zone Change: Specifies whether or not the
Web Part can be moved to a different zone.
• Allow Export Sensitive: Controls whether Web
Part personal view property changes can be exported
to a Web Part description file (.dwp).
• Description: Specifies the URL of a file containing
additional information about the Web Part.
• Help Link: Specifies the location of a file containing
help information about the Web Part
• Icon File (Large): Specifies the location of a file
containing a large Web Part icon. A large icon is 32 x
32 pixels.
• Icon File (Small): Specifies the location of a file
containing a small Web Part icon. A small icon is 16 x
16 pixels.
• Missing Assembly Error: Specifies a message that
appears if the Web Part assembly file is missing or
6 Click OK.

To export a Web Part from a MultiView

1 Open the MultiView for editing.
2 Locate the Web Part to export, click the down arrow and
select Export from the menu. The File Download dialog box
3 Click Save. The Save As dialog appears.
4 Specify the location where you want to save the Web Part.
5 Click Save. A Web Part description file (.dwp) is created.
6 Click Close when the Download Complete dialog box

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Using Wonderware Information Server Web Parts in Windows SharePoint 99

Importing a MultiView
You can import MultiViews from SuiteVoyager 2.5 only.
SuiteVoyager MultiView files targeted for import must be in
.ddb format. In addition, Sub-MultiViews and Content Web
Parts are ignored in imported MultiViews.

Caution If there is a name conflict with an existing Multiview, the

imported MultiView file overwrites the existing MultiView file.

To import a MultiView
1 Open the MultiView Manager from the Administration
2 Click Import MultiView. The Import panel appears.

3 Click the Browse button to select a MultiView, or type the

location of the MultiView in the text field.
4 Click Import. The MultiView appears in the MultiView

Using Wonderware Information Server Web

Parts in Windows SharePoint
You can use Wonderware Information Server Web Parts
directly in Windows SharePoint, without using the
MultiView Manager and Editor.
You can create customized web pages with Windows
SharePoint that include Wonderware Information Server
Content. Wonderware Information Server provides three web
parts for use in Windows SharePoint.
• Content Viewer: Displays Process Views, Factory
Alarms, and Table Weaver Content.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

100 Chapter 8 Configuring MultiViews

• InTouch: For Process Views that have Industrial

Application Server References. Use this web part to allow
configuring or real-time Application Object Reference
switching through web part connections. This web part
uses InTouch applications that have been published to
Wonderware Information Server.
• Trend: Displays ActiveFactory Trends, and published
trends. You can also configure a trend. The Trend web
part allows real-time switching of published trends or
configuring the trend through web part connections.

Note The Wonderware Information Server Web Parts provide the

standard SharePoint Web part Appearance, Layout, and Advanced
options for configuration. For more Information see To Change
Web part properties in the Multiview Editor.

To add Wonderware Information Server Web Parts to Windows

SharePoint web pages
1 Open Internet Explorer and type the URL for your
configured Windows SharePoint Site.
2 Click Modify Shared Page in the top-right corner and select
Add Web Parts, then Browse. The Add Web Parts pane
appears on the right.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Using Wonderware Information Server Web Parts in Windows SharePoint 101

3 Select the Virtual Server Gallery and drag the

Wonderware Information Server Web part you want into
a target zone on the Shared Page.
4 Click the menu arrow on the Wonderware Information
Server Web Part you just added and select Modify Shared
Web Part. The right side of the screen shows the ToolPart
Tool pane.

To configure the Wonderware Information Server Content

Viewer Web Part
1 In the Web part ToolPart Pane, select a category such as
Table Weaver Content and an available Item.
2 Click OK to save the Web part configuration.

To configure the Wonderware Information Server InTouch Web

1 In the Web parts ToolPart Pane, select an InTouch
Window that has Industrial Application Server
References. The Tool pane shows a list of existing
References and a Text field for configuring new
2 Configure the ApplicationObject references.
3 Click OK to save the WebPart configuration.

To configure the Wonderware Information Server Trend Web

1 To configure the web part to use a Published
AcitveFactory Trend, click the Use Published Trend option
and select an available Trend.
2 Click OK to save the Trend configuration.

To configure a new trend

1 Click the Configure Tags option and configure the
a Select a Historian data source.
b Type the tag name.
c Select a Pen Color, Width, and Style.
d Configure a time offset and a Retrieval mode.
e Add the Tag to the configuration list.
2 Repeat steps a - e until all tags are configured for the
3 Configure the Trend Date mode by selecting Absolute or
Relative time.
4 Configure the Start Time and Duration for the Trend.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

102 Chapter 8 Configuring MultiViews

5 Configure the Update mode to be enabled or disabled.

• If Update mode is Enabled, configure the trend to be in
Live or Replay mode.
• For Replay mode, select a replay speed.
6 Configure the Trend Chart appearance by enabling or
disabling the Tag Picker, Tool Bar, Time Bar, Axis Label,
and Grid visibility options.
7 Click OK to save the Trend configuration.

Using Web Part Connections with the

Wonderware Information Server Web Parts
SharePoint technology supports communications between
web parts. This is achieved using web part connections. In
this context, one web part becomes a “provider” and one a

Connecting the InTouch WebPart

The InTouch web part supports InTouch Windows published
to Wonderware Information Server using the Win-XML
When you connect the InTouch WebPart, the first three tags
shown in the InTouch Toolpart are available for connections.
The following graphic shows an existing Connection for
Parameter 1 of the InTouch WebPart. Detailed configuration
steps are included in the following section.

Connecting with SharePoint Web Parts Example

You can use SharePoint connection configuration to provide
communication between web parts. This is done by adding a
SharePoint web part that connects with the InTouch
WebPart provider. This example shows you how.

Note The following steps are an example of how to connect web

parts. For more information about web part connections, see
Microsoft documentation.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Using Web Part Connections with the Wonderware Information Server Web Parts 103

To add a SharePoint web part

1 Open the default SharePoint Team Site where the
InTouch WebPart is located and click Documents and Lists
on the main navigation bar.
2 Click Create.
3 Click Custom List.
4 Type any name and click the Create button. The new list
appears as a blank panel.
5 Click Modify settings and columns in the left panel.
6 In the Columns area, click Add a new column. When the
Add Column panel appears, do the following:
a Type InstanceName in the Column name field and
ensure the Single line of text option is selected.
b Scroll down and ensure the Add to default view option
is selected.
c Click OK.
7 Click Documents and Lists and open your new list.
8 Click New Item and do the following:
a Type any title.
b Type the tag value in the InstanceName field. In this
example, the instance name is Tank_001.
9 Repeat the previous step and add more new items.
10 Click Save and Close.

To configure connections between web parts

1 Click Home in the main Team Web Site navigation bar.
2 Click Modify Shared Page and add the list you just created
to the site. It is located in the Team Web Site Gallery. The
following graphic shows the List web part added to the
Right zone, with two InstanceNames.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

104 Chapter 8 Configuring MultiViews

3 Click the InTouch Web Part Menu arrow and click Modify
Shared Web Part.
4 When the InTouch Toolpart appears, click the Web Part
Menu arrow on the InTouch WebPart.
5 Click Connections and do the following:
a Click Consumes Parameter 1 and select your web part
from the menu. In the following graphic, Test List is
the web part we want to connect.

The Edit Connection dialog box appears.

b Select the correct column from the Column list. In the
following figure, the column is called InstanceName.

c Click Finish. The List appears with the updated

Instance Names you entered in the List web part.
6 Close the Add Web Parts panel.
The following graphic shows the List web part after
completing the configuration.

7 When you want to switch tags, click an available

InstanceName option.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Using Web Part Connections with the Wonderware Information Server Web Parts 105

Connecting the Trend Web Part

Use the ActiveFactory Trend WebPart from SharePoint to
select and configure a published trend. The published trend
resides on the ActiveFactory Reporting Website of the
Wonderware Information Server.
When published trends are not available, you can select an
IndustrialSQL Server node from the Shared Data Source,
and create your own trend using standard Trend
The Trend WebPart connects by using a published Trend, or
by Configuring Tags.
The ActiveFactory functionality in Wonderware Information
Server uses SharePoint technologies. The SharePoint Team
Site and the Wonderware Information Server are installed on
the same server, and provide integrated connection through
the Trend WebPart.

To configure Trend WebPart connection options

1 On the Trend WebPart, click the Web Part Menu arrow
and select Modify Shared Web Part.

2 With the Trend Tool Part open, click the Web Part Menu
arrow on the Trend WebPart and select Connections.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

106 Chapter 8 Configuring MultiViews

Use Published Trend

When you connect to a published trend, the following
connections are supported:
• Provides Published Trend: Provides the Trend WebPart’s
URL as text to any other web parts within the SharePoint
• Consumes Published Trend: Consumes a published Trend
URL as text from other web parts within the SharePoint

Configure Tags
When you configure tags, you can select any IndustrialSQL
Server from the top list. This list contains Named Data
Sources of the InSQL type. The data source is configured in
the Shared Data Source Manager.
For more information about trend properties, see the
ActiveFactory User’s Manual.
The following connections are supported:
• Provides InSQL Server: Provides the InSQL Server node
name to any other web part.

• Provides Current Tag Name: Provides a tag name from an

InSQL Server node to any other web part.
• Consumes InSQL Server: Uses an InSQL Shared Data
Source provided by another web part.

• Consumes Current Tag Name: Uses a valid tag name from

the Shared Data Source as provided by another web part.

• Consumes Retrieval Style: Uses a valid retrieval style

value such as Cyclic, Averages, Time In State, and so on
as provided by another web part.
• Consumes Start Date and End Date: Uses a start and end
date provided by another web part.

• Consumes Trend Duration: Uses a duration value as

provided by another web part.
• Consumes Date Mode: Uses the Relative or Absolute time

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide


Chapter 9

Customizing the Wonderware

Information Server

You can completely customize the look and feel of the

Wonderware Information Server home page, such as:
• Adding a custom logo or replacing the site banner.

• Replacing the default home page content.

• Creating links to published reports, documents, other

web sites, or resources.

All of this is accomplished through a series of easy-to-use

menus, without leaving Wonderware Information Server.
Changes made to the look and feel appear when the page is

Customizing the Home Page

You can customize the following areas of the home page:
• Custom logo

You can specify a custom logo image to be placed in the

banner area. Make the height of the image 64 pixels
—anything smaller is stretched to 64 pixels and anything
larger is cut off. The width is resolution dependent.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

108 Chapter 9 Customizing the Wonderware Information Server

• Banner pane

The banner is located at the top of the home page and is

constantly displayed. You can customize the banner by
specifying a custom HTML or ASP page to appear in the
banner area. If you replace the banner with an HTML
page, then the page is resolution dependent on the width
only. If you replace it with an ASP page, the page scales
down to the banner pane. Make the height of the banner
page content 66 pixels to avoid distortion.

Tip Use a banner that coordinates with the color scheme that you
pick for the web site. For more information on available schemes,
see Changing the Color Scheme on page 109.

• Content pane

You can change the default content that appears in the

web site home page. You can specify an ASP or HTML file
for the content.
For more information on the areas of the home pages, see
About the Wonderware Information Server Home Page on
page 15.

To customize the home page

1 In the System access panel, expand Administration and
then click Configuration. The Configuration page appears.
2 Click Home Page. The Home Page customization page

3 To change the logo, click Custom Logo. In the File box,

type the path to the file to upload or click Browse to locate
the file. The uploaded file is saved in the

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Changing the Color Scheme 109

4 To change the entire top banner, click Custom Banner

URL. In the Banner URL box, type the path to a configured
banner .asp page.
5 To change the content pane for the home page, in the
Home Page URL box, type the path to a configured content
.asp page.
6 Click Save.

Changing the Color Scheme

You can change the color scheme to one of ten pre-configured
schemes. The scheme controls the background colors for the
menu bar, Launch Pad background, heading bars, and so on.
You can view how a sample page looks with the new scheme
before you implement your changes.
To apply the new color scheme, you must have
administrative privileges on the computer on which the site
is installed.

To change the color scheme

1 In the System access panel, expand Administration and
then click Configuration. The Configuration page appears.
2 Click Color Scheme. The Color Scheme page appears.

3 Click the color scheme you want. The sample page

thumbnail changes to preview your selection.
4 Click Save.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

110 Chapter 9 Customizing the Wonderware Information Server

Creating Custom Links for Users

You can create a customized hierarchy of hyperlinks that
appears in the access panel of the web site. These links can
point to other web pages, send e-mail to a specified account,
or open a document file. For example, to add a link to a legal
disclaimer page, also called a "terms of use" page.
Valid document file formats include: .html, .asp, .doc, .xls,
.bmp, and .dwg. When a user clicks a document link, the file
opens in the appropriate editor, if installed on the client
computer. Verify that your users have the appropriate editors
on their client computers to open the document links that you
post on the web site.
Client users must have a default e-mail application such as
Microsoft Outlook configured for Internet Explorer to use a
mailto link. If a user clicks on a mailto link in the navigation
tree, the client e-mail application starts and opens a blank
e-mail message with the sender address already configured.
For more information on the navigation tree, see Navigation
Trees on page 19.

To create a custom link

1 In the System access panel, expand Administration and
then click Configuration. The Configuration page appears.
2 Click Custom Links. The Custom Links page appears.

3 To add a new node to the hierarchy, right-click the tree

and click Add Node. The Node Name box becomes

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Creating Custom Links for Users 111

4 In the Node Name box, type the name of the node as you
want it to appear in the navigation tree. For example,
5 In the Node Type box, click LEAF if this node is the bottom
node in the branch. If you are planning on adding
additional levels under this node in the hierarchy (one or
more "child" nodes), click NODE.

Note A leaf node cannot have a child node.

6 Create a web page link.

• Click HTTP in the Link Type area.
• In the URL box, type the address of the web page.
When the user clicks the link, the web page appears
in the contents pane; a new browser window is not
opened. You can specify HTTPS in the URL.
7 Create an e-mail link.
• Click MAILTO in the Link Type area.
• In the URL box, type the e-mail address.
8 Create a document link.
• Click Upload Document.
• In the File box, type the path to the file to upload or
click Browse to locate the file.
• Click Upload. The file is copied to the correct location
on the web server and the URL box is configured for

9 Click Update Node. The new link appears under the

selected category in the sample navigation tree to the
right. Verify that the new link is correct.
10 To delete a link, right-click the link in the sample
navigation tree and click Delete.
When you are finished creating all of your custom links,
click Save.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

112 Chapter 9 Customizing the Wonderware Information Server

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide


Chapter 10

Maintenance Tasks

After you install and configure the Wonderware Information

Server, you need to monitor the system and perform general
maintenance tasks to ensure that your casual users continue
to have the best access possible to the information on the site.
Maintenance tasks include monitoring web server
performance, monitoring usage, and obtaining feedback
about the site itself.

Viewing Errors
Wonderware Information Server logs error messages to the
Wonderware ArchestrA Logger, which is installed by default
when you install Wonderware Information Server. You can
customize the types of messages that are reported to the
ArchestrA Logger using the LogFlag Editor utility.
For information on using the ArchestrA Logger and the
LogFlag Editor, see the ArchestrA Logger documentation.

Monitoring Web Server Performance

Microsoft provides some free web monitoring tools that you
can download from their web site. These tools allow you to
test the performance and connectivity of your web server. In
particular, they provide a web "stress" tool that enable you to
duplicate performance on your web server with multiple
users. The results enable you to plan for current and future
upgrades and enhancements to your hardware and
communications network.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

114 Chapter 10 Maintenance Tasks

Monitoring Usage
IIS automatically creates a log file to track user access to the
site. This log file tells who was on the site, where they went
in the site, how long they were on each page, and anything
they looked at in the site. This file could be helpful for
determining site usage and which areas are used more than
others. The log file is stored under your
\WINNT\System32\LogFiles directory.
However, the log file gets very large very quickly and you
need to put a standard operating procedure into place for
either purging or archiving this file. You can also turn the
logging feature off if it is not helpful to you. For more
information on IIS log files, see your IIS documentation.
Also, it is essential that you monitor site usage to determine
if you have enough client licenses installed. If not, you may
want to determine if the people that are logging on to the site
during busy times could be asked to log in during slower
times or if you need to purchase additional licenses. The
License Manager is located under the Administration section
of the Wonderware Information Server. For more information
on the License Manager, see Chapter 3, Managing Licensing

Obtaining Feedback
As the administrator, provide users with an easy way to send
feedback. This can easily be accomplished by creating an
e-mail link using the Configuration area of the site. For more
information, see Creating Custom Links for Users on page
110. Most intranet/Internet users are familiar with an e-mail
link labeled "Contact Us." Creating this link provides a way
for users to comment on the usefulness of the information
they obtain, additional information they want to see, speed to
access information, and any problems they encounter while
navigating through the site.
Obtaining good feedback helps you to design a useful,
functional, and informative tool for the casual users in your
company and help you tailor the information that
Wonderware Information Server delivers to the organization.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Changing the Wonderware Information Server Timeout Values 115

Changing the Wonderware Information Server

Timeout Values
The Wonderware Information Server automatically times out
the browser session after a default of 20 minutes without
usage. In addition, ASP pages time out after 90 seconds.
Typically, ASP pages contain form fields for user input.
These are the default settings that IIS issues to applications
running on the web server.

To change the browser timeout settings

1 On the Windows Start menu, point to Programs, point to
Administrative Tools and then click Internet Information
Manager. The Internet Information Services console
2 Expand the web server name and then expand Default
Web Site.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

116 Chapter 10 Maintenance Tasks

3 Right-click Wonderware Information Server (or the name

of the virtual directory you created during installation)
and then click Properties. The Wonderware Information
Server Properties dialog box appears.

4 In the Virtual Directory tab, click Configuration. The

Application Configuration window appears.
5 Click the App Options tab.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Viewing Wonderware Information Server Service Details 117

6 In the Session timeout box, type the new timeout limit for
client connection sessions.
7 In the ASP Script timeout box, type the new timeout limit
for scripts.
8 Click OK.

Viewing Wonderware Information Server

Service Details
The following Wonderware Information Server processes are
started as Windows services:

Task Service Name Description

wwsvalmsvc.exe Wonderware Handles distributed

Alarm Consumer alarm information
Rdbhandler.exe Wonderware Handles real-time
Runtime DB data coming from
Handler InTouch and
SuiteLink I/O sources
wwsvlicmgr.exe Wonderware Handles license
License Manager information.

To view service details

1 On the Windows Start menu, point to Programs, point to
Administrative Tools, and then click Component Services.
The Component Services console appears.

2 The status of each service appears in the Status column.

From this dialog box, you can start, stop, pause, or
continue a selected service.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

118 Chapter 10 Maintenance Tasks

3 To view or edit properties for a service, right-click the

service and click Properties.
For more information on services, see your Microsoft

Viewing Wonderware Information Server

Version Information
To view Wonderware Information Server version information
1 In the home page, click About on the menu bar. The About
Wonderware dialog box appears.

2 Click Wonderware Technical Support to send an e-mail to

the Technical Support team.
3 Click Wonderware eSupport to access the Technical
Support web site.
4 Click Close.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide


Chapter 11

Creating and Restoring Backups

The Backup/Restore Manager lets you create backups of the

Wonderware Information Server configuration. You can use
a backup to restore the original site.

The Backup/Restore Manager for Wonderware Information
Server 3.0 is not compatible with previous versions of the
You can host the Wonderware Information Server
configuration database on a remote SQL server node. The
SQL server must be running under a network account with
the correct permissions. These permissions are network
share privileges that allow the Backup/Restore Manager to
access the remote node’s file system.
You must also be a local administrator of the Wonderware
Information Server computer. In addition, the user
credentials must also have SQL Server system administrator
You must install the SQL Server client connectivity
components on the Wonderware Information Server

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

120 Chapter 11 Creating and Restoring Backups

What Is Contained in a Backup

A backup is a CAB file that contains:
• the Wonderware Information Server database

• MultiViews and Web Parts

• aaReports database

• Report Server database

• Report Server configuration

• ActiveFactory reports

• ActiveFactory configuration

• InTouch WindowSets

• Windows registry entries that pertain to Wonderware

Information Server

The Backup/Restore Manager does not back up:

• Any ActiveX control that runs within a Web Part or
process graphic

• The Wonderware Information Server license file

About Restoring Backups

You can only restore a backup to the Wonderware
Information Server with the same virtual directory name for
both the Wonderware Information Server and the
ActiveFactory Reporting Website from which it was created.
The restoration process is as follows:
• The existing Wonderware Information Server database is
deleted. If the database is corrupt, you must reinstall
Wonderware Information Server to fix the database
corruption before restoring the backup.
• A new Wonderware Information Server database is
• Information in the database is restored with information
from the backup.
• All site customizations that are contained in the backup
are restored. For more information, see What Is
Contained in a Backup on page 120.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Creating a Backup 121

You must first disconnect all clients from Wonderware

Information Server, then start the restoration process. The
Internet Information Services (IIS) is stopped during the
restoration process. Also, the Wonderware Information
Server database is inaccessible until restoration is complete.
However, all other databases in the same SQL Server
continues to function and provide data to clients.
Typically, a system reboot is not required after the
restoration process.

Note You cannot create a backup from a Wonderware Information

Server site on an operating system in one language and restore it
to a Wonderware Information Server site on an operating system
of a different language.

Creating a Backup
The Wonderware Information Server is accessible by clients
during the backup process.

Note If a backup already exists with the same name, it is

overwritten automatically.

To create a backup
1 On the Start menu on the Windows Taskbar, point to
Programs, Wonderware, then to Information Server, and
then select Backup and Restore. The Backup/Restore
dialog box appears.

2 In the Backup File box, type or browse to the CAB backup

3 Select either Windows Authentication or SQL Server

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

122 Chapter 11 Creating and Restoring Backups

4 Click Backup/Restore. The status of each phase of the

backup process appears in the Backup Status box.
For more information on error messages, see
Troubleshooting Backup Failures on page 123.
When the backup is complete, a log file is created in the
backup destination directory. The log file is named using
the following convention: <backupname>_Backup.log.
You can open the log file with any text editor.

Restoring a Backup
Before you restore, make sure you all open connections to the
database are closed.

To restore a backup
1 On the Start menu on the Windows Taskbar, point to
Programs, Wonderware, then to Information Server, and
then select Backup and Restore. The Backup/Restore dialog
box appears.
2 Select Restore.
3 Specify the complete path to the backup file or click the
button next to the Backup File box to browse for the
backup file. Select the .Cab file and click Open.
4 Select either Windows Authentication or SQL Server
5 Click Backup/Restore.
When the restoration process begins, the Restoration
Status dialog box appears.
If the restoration program could not restore an item, a
message appears in the dialog box.
6 When the Restore is complete, click Close.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Troubleshooting Backup Failures 123

Troubleshooting Backup Failures

A log file is created in the same location as the backup file.
The log file has the same name as the backed up file, with the
.log extension, such as MyBackup.log.
If a log file already exists with the same name, the existing
log file is overwritten. An example of the log file is as follows:

The following list describes the error messages that can occur
during the backup process.

MTS roles could not be backed up

CAUSE: You may not have the privilege to access the
Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS) package for
Wonderware Information Server.
SOLUTION: You must have the privilege to access the
Wonderware Information Server MTS package. Check
that you belong to the Administrators group on the
Wonderware Information Server site computer.

InTouch windows could not be backed up

CAUSE: You may not have the privilege to copy files from
the \inetpub\wwwroot\<site virtual directory>\winroot
SOLUTION: Make sure that you have the privilege to
access this directory.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

124 Chapter 11 Creating and Restoring Backups

The database could not be backed up

CAUSE: The Wonderware Information Server database
is currently locked.
SOLUTION: Make sure that the Wonderware
Information Server database is not locked.
CAUSE: The SQL Server client components are not
installed on the site.
SOLUTION: Make sure that the SQL Server client
components are installed on the site.

Version information could not be retrieved

CAUSE: The version table (the SVInfo table) in the
Wonderware Information Server database may be
SOLUTION: To fix a corrupted table, reinstall
Wonderware Information Server.

Registry entries could not be backed up

CAUSE: You may not have the privilege to access the
Windows registry.
SOLUTION: Make sure you have the privilege to access
the registry.

The .Cab file could not be created

CAUSE: The name for the backup is invalid.
SOLUTION: Make sure that the backup name does not
contain any of the following characters: | / < > : * ? "

The export clsid could not be retrieved

CAUSE: The clsid for the backup could not be created.
SOLUTION: If the problem persists, contact technical
support. You are asked to provide a detailed description
of your backup scenario.

The backup failed with an unknown error

CAUSE: No obvious cause.
SOLUTION: If the problem persists, contact technical
support. You are asked to provide a detailed description
of your backup scenario.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Troubleshooting Restoration Problems 125

Troubleshooting Restoration Problems

The restoration log file, named Backup file_Restore.txt, is
created in the same location where the backup file (.cab)
resides when you run the restoration program. This file
contains status messages for all of the major steps that occur
during the restoration process, so that you can troubleshoot
the point of failure.
If a log file already exists with the same name, the existing
log file is overwritten. An example file is as follows:

The RestoreSummary.txt file also includes a listing of any

site user accounts that could not be restored. A typical cause
for an unrestored user account is that the account is not in
the domain of the computer to which you are restoring the
backup. The user account may have been deleted from the
domain after you created the backup.
If an error occurs during the restoration process, an error
message is posted to the log file. These error messages are
typically generated by software other than the restoration
program, such as Microsoft SQL Server. Review any error
messages and consult the appropriate software
documentation to further troubleshoot the problem.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

126 Chapter 11 Creating and Restoring Backups

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide


Chapter 12

Introduction to TableWeaver

The Table Weaver feature makes it easy to present and

navigate information from databases and related webpages.
It provides you with the building blocks for customizing
contents, allowing you to establish content relationships,
provide contextual navigation, and configure information
displays in multiple formats. The Table Weaver Manager
consists of six components, each giving you the flexibility to
build the content according to your needs.

About the Table Weaver Manager

The Table Weaver Manager consists of the following
• Data sources
• Queries
• Content units

• Displays

• Links

• Key performance indicators (KPIs)

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

128 Chapter 12 Introduction to TableWeaver

Each component is defined to build the content unit

component which brings all the defined settings into one
content. These components are defined independently to
make it easy to reuse portions of definition units across
multiple content unit definitions.

Data source and query definition units are required to define

a content unit. The data source defines the source of data or
information. The query defines the conditions to retrieve the
data from the data source. These definition units can define a
content unit that displays the result in a display format or as
XML by default.
Display formats are defined in the display’s definition unit. It
defines how data retrieved from a data source is visualized to
the user. The display types supported are:
• Chart
• Tabular

• Web Content

• Filter Entry

• SmartSymbol

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

About the Table Weaver Manager 129

Each display type contains its own set of configuration

options that allow you to customize the display. For example,
the Sales per Category chart and table are both configured
from the same data source and query, but the different
display format configurations provide different
representations of the content.

Displays, links, and KPIs are optional components. Links

provide more navigation between a content unit and other
contents. They provide related information regarding the
selected item.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

130 Chapter 12 Introduction to TableWeaver

KPIs are visual indicators that express a value as either a

color or an icon. Each KPI has one or more targets with its
own set of target conditions that display visual indicators
when the target condition is met.

Getting Started with Table Weaver Manager

The Table Weaver Manager allows you to define data
sources, queries, displays, links, KPIs, and content units. The
Table Weaver Manager is located under the System access
panel in the Administration node.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Common Definition Unit Options 131

Each Table Weaver Manager component is separated into its

own subsection in the Table Weaver Manager node. For each
subsection, you can define the content for the specific
definition unit.

Note After clicking an Table Weaver component, the URL link is

stored in the Internet Explorer History browser.

For more information on how to define a specific Table

Weaver component, see Adding Data Sources on page 67,
Defining a Query on page 146, Defining a Content Unit on
page 137, Defining a Display on page 156, Defining a Link
Collection on page 171, Defining a KPI Collection on page

Common Definition Unit Options

All Table Weaver definition unit pages contain a common set
of options. The following table provides a brief description of
each option.

User Option Description

New Folder Creates a new folder in the current
definition list page.
New Create a new definition unit.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

132 Chapter 12 Introduction to TableWeaver

User Option Description

Delete Deletes the selected definition
unit(s) and/or folder(s).
Copy Copies the selected definition unit.
Copies can be placed in the same or
different folder.
Cancel Cancels all actions and returns to
the parent page.
Save Saves changes for a new or existing
definition unit. A dialog box appears
to confirm the save or inform you of
missing information that is
Reset Resets all properties to their
original values.
For more information on the common definition unit options,
see Creating a New Folder on page 132, Copying a Definition
Unit on page 133, Editing a Definition Unit on page 134, and
Deleting a Definition Unit on page 135.

Creating a New Folder

You can organize definition units by creating folders. As you
define different definition units, storing definition units
within folders makes it easier to later find what you are
looking for.

To create a new folder

1 In the System access panel, expand Administration and
then click Table Weaver Manager. The Table Weaver
Manager page appears.
2 Select a Table Weaver definition unit page. The
corresponding definition unit list page appears.
3 Click New Folder. The New Folder section appears.

4 In the Folder Name box, type a name for the folder. This
name appears on the definition unit list page. The folder
name must be unique in the current folder and cannot
contain spaces or special characters (\ / : * ? < > & | ' ").
5 Click Save.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Common Definition Unit Options 133

Deleting a Folder
To delete a folder
1 In the System access panel, expand Administration and
then click Table Weaver Manager. The Table Weaver
Manager page appears.
2 Select a Table Weaver definition unit page. The
corresponding definition unit list page appears.
3 Select the check box next to the folder(s) you want to
delete. You can delete folder(s) and definition unit ID(s)
at the same time. For more information on deleting a
definition unit ID, see Deleting a Definition Unit on page
4 Click Delete. You are prompted to verify the deletion.
5 Click OK.

Copying a Definition Unit

The copy option is available for all Table Weaver Manager
definition units. Folders cannot be copied. Copies can be
placed in the root folder or in another defined folder.

To copy a definition unit

1 In the System access panel, expand Administration and
then click Table Weaver Manager. The Table Weaver
Manager page appears.
2 Select a definition unit. The corresponding definition list
page appears.
3 Click the check box next to the definition unit ID you
want to copy.

Note Only one definition unit can be copied at a time.

4 Click Copy. The Copy Definition Object window appears.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

134 Chapter 12 Introduction to TableWeaver

5 You can copy the definition unit to the current folder or to

a different folder.
• To put the copy in the current folder, type a name for
the copied definition unit. The name must not contain
spaces or special characters (\ / : * ? < > & | ' "). Click
• To copy the definition unit to another folder, click
Browse. The list of available folders in the definition
unit list page appears.

6 Select a folder provided in the window. If no folders are

available, click Cancel and go back to step 5. Type in a
name in the definition unit ID box. The definition unit ID
must be unique in the selected folder. Click Save.

Note A definition unit can only be copied into a folder one at a


Editing a Definition Unit

To edit a definition unit
1 In the System access panel, expand Administration and
then click Table Weaver Manager. The Table Weaver
Manager page appears.
2 Select a definition unit. The corresponding definition unit
list page appears.
3 Select a definition unit ID and make edits.
4 Click Save.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Common Definition Unit Options 135

Deleting a Definition Unit

To delete a definition unit
1 In the System access panel, expand Administration and
then click Table Weaver Manager. The Table Weaver
Manager page appears.
2 Select a Table Weaver definition unit. The corresponding
definition unit list page appears.
3 Select the check box next to the definition unit ID(s) you
want to delete. You can delete definition unit(s) and
folder(s) at the same time.

4 Click Delete. You are prompted to verify the deletion.

5 Click OK.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

136 Chapter 12 Introduction to TableWeaver

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide


Chapter 13

Defining Content Units

Using the Content Unit area of the Table Weaver Manager,

you can select the data source, query, display, link, and KPI
definitions to define a content unit.

About Content Units

The content unit is a collection of associated data source,
query, display, link, and KPI definitions. It is the core
definition item of Table Weaver Manager. The content unit is
self-contained and ready for processing to render content to
its users.

Defining a Content Unit

A content unit requires a data source and query definition.
Other Table Weaver Manager definition units are options
that enhance the display of the content.

To define a content unit

1 In the System access panel, expand Administration and
then click Table Weaver Manager. The Table Weaver
Manager page appears.
2 Click Content Unit. The Content Unit List page appears.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

138 Chapter 13 Defining Content Units

3 Click New. The Content Unit page appears.

Enter the information for the new content unit as follows.

1 In the Content Unit ID box, type a name for the content
unit. The content unit ID must be unique in the current
folder and cannot have spaces or special characters (\ / ?
& : ""< > | * %). This name appears on the Content Unit
List page.
2 In the Description box, type a description for the content
unit. This description appears on the Content Unit List
page and on the Table Weaver navigation panel. Users can
see the description(s) of the content unit(s) on the Table
Weaver navigation panel.
3 In the Data Source list, select the data source to link to the
content unit. The data source list contains all defined
data sources from the shared data source configuration.
You can view the details of the selected data source using
the browse button placed next to the Data Source list.

Note You can edit query, link, display, and KPI definition
components by using the browse button placed next to each
definition component list. To edit data sources, you must go to the
Data Source Manager. For information on using the Data Source
Manager, see Chapter 5, Configuring Data Sources.

4 In the Query list, select the query to link to the content

unit. The query list contains all defined queries from the
query definition.
The selected data source and query must belong to the
same data source type.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Defining a Content Unit 139

5 In the Link Collection list, select the link collection to

attach to the content unit. The link collection list
contains all defined links from the link collection
definition. For more information on link collection, see
Defining a Link Collection on page 171.
The selected link matches the selected data source and
query combination.
6 In the Display list, select the display definition to link to
the content unit. The display list contains all defined
displays from the display definition. When no display is
selected, the content unit displays the data in XML.
Web content displays must be used for web content data
sources and queries. Table and chart displays can be used
for database data sources and queries, but the data for
chart displays must include the selected columns.
7 In the KPI Collection list, select the KPI collection to
attach to the content unit. The selected KPI collection
contains individual KPIs with target conditions for the
specific content unit. For more information on KPIs, see
About KPIs on page 179.
The selected link and KPI definitions match the selected
data source and query combination.

Note You cannot configure KPIs for SmartSymbol content units.

In addition to the required information, you can set a number

of options for content units.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

140 Chapter 13 Defining Content Units

1 In the Alternative Display list, select alternative displays

for the content unit. The alternative display allows you to
view your content unit in different display formats. You
must use the double right arrow button to move the
selected display format name(s) into the alternative
display box.
For example, the Sales Per Category content unit shows a
chart with an alternative tabular display available for the
same content.

2 To attach an image to the selected display format(s),

select the display and click Attach Image. The Select an
Image window appears.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Defining a Content Unit 141

3 Select an image from the list in the Image Library or

upload your own image. Only images with an extension of
.gif, .jpg, .jpeg are allowed to be uploaded. There is no
limit on the size of uploaded images. The uploaded
images are stored in /<Wonderware Information Server
Virtual Directory>/useng/main/contentbuilder/Imagelib.
Previews for both the images from the list and an
uploaded image can be viewed in the box to the right of
the list. Click OK to attach the image as an icon for the
selected alternative display.
4 Select the Primary check box to specify the content unit as
a primary content unit. Only primary content units are
listed in the Table Weaver navigation panel. A primary
content unit is a content unit that is self-contained and
does not require any information from other content
units. Secondary content units require parameter values
from an associated link collection and are only accessed by
"drilling through" from another content unit. The primary
check box is selected by default.

Note You must refresh the Table Weaver node on the navigation
panel to view newly created content unit folders and/or primary
content units.

5 In the Refresh Timing box, type a numeric value to

indicate the time interval (seconds) to refresh the content
unit. The browser refreshes the content automatically
based on the refresh timing value. If the box is left blank,
the browser does not refresh.
6 Click Save.

Previewing a Content Unit

A content unit can be previewed allowing you to verify that it
is properly defined.

To preview a content unit

1 In the Content Unit List page, select a content unit ID.
2 In the Parameters box, type in the parameters and their
values to pass to the query linked to the content unit.
Separate multiple parameters with a semicolon. For
example, param1 = foo&param2 = foobar. The
parameters are for preview only. The value in the
parameters box is not stored.
3 Click Preview.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

142 Chapter 13 Defining Content Units

Copying, Editing, Deleting a Content Unit

To copy a content unit, see Copying a Definition Unit on page
To edit a content unit, see Editing a Definition Unit on page
To delete a content unit, see Deleting a Definition Unit on
page 135.

Exporting a Content Unit

It is possible to export one or more selected content units
and/or content unit folders from the Content Unit List page.
Exporting a content unit exports all definition units
associated with the content unit. Exporting a folder exports
all contained folders, content units, and the associated
elements for each content unit.

To export a content unit

1 In the System access panel, expand Administration and
then click Table Weaver Manager. The Table Weaver
Manager page appears.
2 Click Content Unit. The Content Unit List page appears.
3 Select the check box next to the content units and/or
content unit folders you want to export. If a specific
content unit or folder is not selected, then all content
units and folders in the current folder are exported.
4 Click Export. The Export Content Units page appears.

5 In the Export Name box, type a name for the export. This
name is the folder name for the exported content located
at <Wonderware Information Server Program files
Installation Directory>\Export. The export name(s)
import content unit(s).
6 Select the Export Image check box if you want to export
the images selected in the content unit/folder files.
Images are exported to <Wonderware Information Server
Program files Installation Directory>\Export\ImageLib.
7 Click Export.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Importing a Content Unit 143

Importing a Content Unit

To import a content unit
1 In the System access panel, expand Administration and
then click Table Weaver Manager. The Table Weaver
Manager page appears.
2 Click Content Unit. The Content Unit List page appears.
3 Click Import. The Import Content Unit(s) window appears.

4 Select the export name(s) available from the Import From

5 Select the Overwrite Files check box if you want to
overwrite existing content unit/folder files with the
corresponding files from the selected export.
6 Select the Import Image check box if you want to import
the images from the selected export.
7 Click Import.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

144 Chapter 13 Defining Content Units

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide


Chapter 14

Defining Queries

Using the Query area of the Table Weaver, you can define
queries for a specific data source type.

About Queries
A query describes the particular information to be retrieved
from a data source. For example, a query includes the data
source type (database or web content), SQL statement, and
parameters to pass. A query is one of the two mandatory
definition units required to define a content unit.
To use a query in a content unit, there must be a
corresponding data source with the same type. Use a
database query with a database data source, and a web
content query with a web content data source. Database and
web content queries allow parameter variables to be passed
to the query or data source.

Note If you are working in http: mode and then switch to https:
mode, items added to the panel that are defined to use http:
protocol no longer work. To fix these broken links, someone with
administrator privileges must delete the items from the panel and
then re-add them so that they have the https: protocol.

For more information on the different query types, see

Defining a Database Query on page 146, and Defining a Web
Content Query on page 149.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

146 Chapter 14 Defining Queries

Defining a Query
To define a query
1 In the System access panel, expand Administration and
then click Table Weaver Manager. The Table Weaver
Manager page appears.
2 Click Query. The Query List page appears.
3 Click New. The Query page appears.

4 In the Data Source Type list, select a data source type. The
properties from the selected data source type appear.
5 For more information on defining queries for each type of
data source, go to Defining a Database Query on page
146, and Defining a Web Content Query on page 149.

Defining a Database Query

A database query includes information such as the data
source, the query ID, and the SQL statement, which is
executed against the database. Parameters can be defined for
the query that can be dynamically populated at execution

To define a database query

1 In the Data Source Type list, click Database. The ODBC
Query Properties area appears.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Defining a Query 147

2 In the Query ID box, type a name for the query. The name
must be unique in the current folder and not contain
spaces or special characters (\ / : * ? < > & | ' "). This
name appears in the Query List page.
3 In the Description box, type a description for the query.
This description appears in the Query List page.
4 In the SQL Query box, type a script or statement to be
executed by the database. For information on SQL
queries, see Examples of Database Queries on page 148.
5 In the Field Captions box, type a caption that replaces the
field name, which is provided by the data source.
Captions must be separated by a semicolon. If the Field
Captions box is left blank, the field name provided by the
data source used. Information is taken in the same order
as provided by data source. Another option is to set the
field caption in the SQL query. Most OLE DB providers
support using the AS clause within the query to set the
displayed name.
For example, the following SQL query from the
Northwind database includes the field caption name
within the query:
SELECT ProductId as [Product ID], SupplierId as
[Supplier], UnitPrice as [Price] from Products

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

148 Chapter 14 Defining Queries

6 In the Page Size box, type a numeric value to limit the

number of records that are returned from the result. For
example, if the numeric value 10 is typed in the box, only
the first 10 records are returned. The page size is only
considered if the value is a positive number.
This option has precedence over the transact SQL’s TOP
functionality. For example, the following transact SQL
query with page size set to 10 only returns the first 10
records of the query result.
SELECT TOP 50 * FROM products
7 In the Parameters area, configure the values to be passed
through the parameters defined in the SQL Query.
Parameter names are case sensitive. For more
information on configuring parameter name and value for
queries, see Examples of Database Queries on page 148
and Examples of Web Content Queries on page 151.
• Name Name of the parameter in the SQL
• Value Value that you want to pass in the
parameter. This is the default value for
a database query parameter. It can be
replaced by the value configured in a
link parameter.
It is possible to have multiple name-value parameter
pairs. Click More to add more parameters.
8 Click Save.

Examples of Database Queries

The database query allows you to pass in parameters defined
in the query. For example, you want to create a query that
retrieves the product names that start with a "c" using data
from the Products table in the Northwind database. Type in
the following values for the configuration options:
SQL Query: SELECT * From Products Where
ProductName Like '#ID#'
Parameter Name: ID
Parameter Value: c%
With no other defined parameters, the runtime query is:
SELECT * FROM Products Where ProductName Like 'c%'
SQL Stored Procedure:
EXEC custordersdetail #OrderParam#

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Defining a Query 149

Defining a Web Content Query

The web content query allows you to configure a query to
retrieve content from the Web. The web content can either be
in the form of web pages or a list of URL links.

To define a Web Content query

1 In the Data Source Type list, click Web Content. The Web
Link Definition area appears.

2 In the ID box, type a name for the query. The name must
be unique in the current folder and not contain spaces or
special characters (\ / : * ? < > & | ' "). This name appears
in the Query list page.
3 In the Description box, type a description for the query.
This description appears in the Query list page.
4 In the Link Type list, select List or Page to define the link
• A List link type defines the link as a link, allowing
multiple web content links within a query definition.
• A Page link type defines the link as content, allowing
only one link definition per query.

Defining a Page Link Type

When you are defining a query, you can pass parameters to
the target URL using the GET or the POST method. The
method you select is dependent on the target URL’s
requirements for passing parameter values.
• The GET method passes parameters as name-value pairs
as part of the URL query string. These parameters
appear in the URL and are visible when you open the
content unit.
• The POST method passes parameters through a
customized form. These parameter values do not appear
in the URL but they are available for the target URL
page to process.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

150 Chapter 14 Defining Queries

To define a page link type

1 The Web Link Definition area selects Page as the Link Type
by default. The Link Definition area appears.

2 In the Method list, select GET or POST for the http method
of the link.
3 In the URL box, type the http URL of the link.
4 In the optional Parameters area, type the name and value
of the parameter to pass to the URL. Parameters for the
GET method are passed as a query string. Parameters for
the POST method are passed as a form post. Click More to
add more parameters to the query.
5 Click Save.

Configuring a Page Link Definition for ArchestrA

Create a Link Definition that has WebSource as Target and
the type the following URL:

This string delivers the correct .aspx file, relative to the

content unit.
Do not use the relative path to the page from the Table
Weaver’s virtual folder.

In the Parameters area, add Parameters for each ArchestrA

Report parameter.
The Parameter’s Name and Value are appended to the URL.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Defining a Query 151

Defining a List Link Type

The web content query differs from the Custom Links feature
configured under Configuration in that it allows parameter
passing and includes the POST method to retrieve the web

To define a list link type

1 Select List from the Link Type list. Click Save. The Web
Link Collection area appears.

2 Click New Link. The Link Definition area appears.

3 In the Name box, type a name for the link. This name
appears in the web link collection for the defined web
4 In the Method list, click GET or POST for the http method
of the link.
5 In the URL box, type the http URL of the link.
6 In the optional Parameters box, type the name and value
of the parameter to pass to the URL. Parameters for the
GET method are passed as query a string. Parameters for
the POST method are passed as a form post. Click More to
add more parameters to the query.
7 Click Save. To add more links, click New Link from the
Web Link Collection area.

Examples of Web Content Queries

For web content queries that use the list type, you can define
multiple links in a query definition. For example, you want to
define a list of links of search engines. Type the following
values for the configuration options:
Link Type: List
Method: GET
URL: http: //www.google.com/search

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

152 Chapter 14 Defining Queries

Click New Link in the Web Link Collection properties to add

another link to the web content query. The Link Type list is
unavailable because the query definition is already defined
as a list type. There is no limit to the number of links defined
in a web content query.
The web content display of the web links displays the links in
a list. For more information on web content displays, see
Defining a Web Content Display on page 168

With an appropriate data source and display, this query

displays a tabular list of all links defined in the query. Each
link is identified by the name specified in the query. Clicking
on any item in the list launches the respective content.
For web content queries that use the page link type, only one
link definition can be defined in a web content query. For
example, to show the content of the Google search page in the
French language through the Table Weaver. Type in the
following values for the configuration options:
Link Type: Page
Method: GET
URL: http://www.google.com/search
Parameter Name: hl
Parameter Value: fr
With an appropriate content unit and display, this query
shows the Google search page in French.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Copying, Editing, Deleting a Query 153

Copying, Editing, Deleting a Query

To copy a query, see Copying a Definition Unit on page 133.
To edit a query, see Editing a Definition Unit on page 134.
To delete a query, see Deleting a Definition Unit on page 135.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

154 Chapter 14 Defining Queries

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide


Chapter 15

Defining Displays

Displays define the visual presentation of the data returned

by a query. They transform the raw data returned by the
query into a graphical representation, which is then
displayed to the user. You can configure different types of
displays supported by Table Weaver to display the content of
the content unit.

About Displays
TableWeaver displays support:
• Hyperlinks to related information

• Value-based color or image selection (KPIs)

• Reusable and parameterized queries
• Web data sources

Wonderware Information Server 3.0 provides the following

display types:
• Chart

• Filter Entry

• SmartSymbol

• Tabular

• Web Content

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

156 Chapter 15 Defining Displays

Defining a Display
To define a display
1 In the System access panel, expand Administration and
then click Table Weaver Manager. The Table Weaver
Manager page appears.
2 Click Display. The Display List page appears.
3 Click New. The Display page appears.

4 In the Display Type list, select and click a display type.

The properties from the selected display type appear.
Information on defining chart, filter entry, SmartSymbol,
tabular, and web content displays appear in the following

Defining a Chart Display

You can define several charts in Wonderware Information
• Single Series
The single series graph shows a graph with two data
fields (x-axis, y-axis). The single series graph can select
all of the chart types.
• Multiple Series
The multiple series graph shows a graph with three data
fields (x-axis, y-axis, series) with the option to display the
graph as a single or separate multi-series graph.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Defining a Display 157

• Separate Graph per Series

Identifies whether the series data is shown as a single
graph or separate graphs. This option is only applicable
for multiple series. For example, the Tee Chart shows a
multiple series single graph.

The Equipment Status bar chart displays a multiple series

graph with the separate graph per series option.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

158 Chapter 15 Defining Displays

• Default Chart
All outputs are plotted on a graph with an x-axis and
y-axis, except for the pie chart. The chart types for
multiple series graph are limited to bar, horizontal bar,
stacked bar, stacked bar percentage and fast line. The
chart default is set to line.

Type of Chart Description

Line Outputs all points by drawing a

line between them (that is, a
trend graph).
Bar Outputs a series of vertical
bars, with the top edge of each
bar indicating the point value.
Horizontal Bar Outputs a series of horizontal
bars, with the right edge of each
bar indicating the point value.
Stacked Bar Outputs a series of stacked
bars, with the height of each
bar indicating the point value.
Subsequent series are stacked
to the prior series. For example,
if the series values for a point
are 4, 5, and 11, then there are
bars from 0-4, 4-9, and 9-20.
Stacked Bar Percentage Outputs a series of stacked
bars, with the height of each
bar indicating the percentage of
the total from all series.
Area Outputs all points by drawing a
line between them and then
filling the area defined by the
line and the bottom side of the
Point Outputs all points by drawing
individual point markers.
Pie Outputs all points by drawing
slices that form an ellipse
(oblong circle).

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Defining a Display 159

Type of Chart Description

Fast Line Outputs all points by drawing a

line between them (that is, a
trend graph). A fast line chart
is drawn more quickly than a
normal line chart, but it is not
clickable and does not support
Volume Outputs a series of thin vertical
lines, with the top edge of each
bar indicating the point value.

To define a chart display

1 Click Chart from the Display Type list. The Chart
Properties area appears.
2 In the Display ID box, type a name for the display. The
name must be unique in the current folder and cannot
not contain spaces or special characters (\ / : * ? < > & | '
"). This name appears in the Display List page.
3 In the Description box, type a description that appears in
the Display List page.
4 Configure the Graph Type options for the chart.

5 In the X-Axis Data Field box, type the data field name from
the data set that is used for the x-axis. The name appears
in the chart results.

6 In the Y-Axis Data Field box, type the data field name from
the data set that is used for the y-axis. The name appears
in the chart results.
7 In the Series Data Field box, type the data value to group
the data for a multi-series chart. This option is only
applicable for multiple series charts.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

160 Chapter 15 Defining Displays

8 Configure the Appearance options for the chart.

• Header
Specifies the header of the chart. You can type in a
name or include a parameter value with #param#
syntax. This header appears above the chart.
• X-Axis Caption
The caption that appears on the x-axis of the chart.
• Y-Axis Caption
The caption that appears on the y-axis of the chart.
• Size %(Width, Height)
Sets the size of the width and height of the chart to be
displayed in percentage. The value must be positive
integers. The default size is (100, 100)
9 Configure the View Options for the chart.

• Show Legend
Shows or hides the chart legend to the right of the
chart. The legend lists all item values in the chart.
• 3-D View
Specifies the chart as a three-dimensional graphic.
• Zoomable
Zoom in or out on the chart display.
• Show Marks
Shows or hides the marker for each data point on the
• Show Timestamp
Shows the data retrieval timestamp on the chart in
client time zone.
10 Click Save.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Defining a Display 161

Single Series Chart Example

For charts that use a single series, provide data field names
for the X-Axis Data Field and Y-Axis Data Field. For example, to
create a chart that displays the sales per category using
sample Product Sales data. The SQL query defined for this
example is the following:
SELECT CategoryName, Sum(ProductSales) AS
CategorySales FROM "Product Sales for 1997" GROUP
BY CategoryName
In defining the chart display, type in the following values for
the configuration options:
X-Axis Data Field: CategoryName
Y-Axis Data Field: CategorySales
Header: Sales Per Category
X-Axis Caption: Category Name
Y-Axis Caption: Sales
Size %(Width, Height): 100, 100
The resulting chart displays Category Name values graphed
along the x-axis of the chart and the Sales values graphed
along the y-axis of the chart. The header appears at the top of
the chart and the captions are shown along the indicated
axis. In this display, the Show Marks, 3-D View, and Show
Legend options are selected.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

162 Chapter 15 Defining Displays

Multiple Series Chart Example

For charts that use a multiple series, you need to provide
data field names for the X-Axis, Y-Axis, and Series Data Field.
For example, you want to create a chart that displays the
sales per category using sample Product Sales. The SQL
query defined for this example is the following:
SELECT ProductName, ProductID AS _ProductID,
SupplierID AS _SupplierID,'ReorderLevel' AS
Series, ReorderLevel AS 'Measure', ReorderLevel,
UnitsInStock FROM Products
SELECT ProductName, ProductID,
SupplierID,'InStock', UnitsInStock, ReorderLevel,
UnitsInStock FROM Products
In defining the chart display, type in the following values for
the configuration options:
X-Axis Data Field: ProductName
Y-Axis Data Field: Measure
Series Data Field: Series
Size %(Width, Height): 100, 100
The resulting chart displays the count of InStock and
ReOrderLevel units for all the Products. This is a multiple
series single graph with links on each product bar to more
detailed product information.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Defining a Display 163

Defining a Filter Entry Display

The display is based on the links associated with the content
unit. It provides a user input box with a list of associated
links. Selecting a link from this list opens additional input
fields for each defined link parameter for the selected link.
The user must provide values for these parameters which are
then passed to the link target. The target content is filtered
based on the data received from the user.

To define a filter entry display

1 In the Display Type list, click Filter Entry. The Filter
Tabular Display Properties area appears.

2 In the Display ID box, type a name for the display. The

name must not contain spaces or special characters (\ / :
* ? < > & | ' "). This name appears in the Display List
3 In the Description box, type a description for the display.
This description appears in the Display List page.
4 Select the Show Timestamp check box to show the date
and time the data is retrieved. The date and time is
displayed in the site’s user time zone.
5 Click Save.

Filter Entry Example

The filter entry display filters the data in the content unit
based on user input. It shows the available links to filter and
provides an input box in which users can type the specific
value for the link parameter. For example, you want to define
a filter display for sample orders and suppliers. The number
of links available in the filter display depends on the link
definition unit. You want to create two links for the filter, one
for order, the other for supplier. For the order link, type the
following values for the configuration options:
Description: Order detail link
Binding: Field
Entity: OrderID
Parameter Name: OrderID

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

164 Chapter 15 Defining Displays

Create a supplier link in the same link collection as the order

link. Type the following values for the configuration options:
Description: Show suppliers details
Binding: Field
Entity: CustomerID
Parameter Name: CustomerID
Type in the following SQL query for the query definition unit:
SELECT Orders.OrderID, Orders.CustomerID,
Orders.EmployeeID, Orders.OrderDate,
Orders.RequiredDate, Orders.ShippedDate,
(convert(int, (Orders.ShippedDate -
Orders.OrderDate))) AS LeadTime, Orders.ShipVia,
Orders.Freight, Orders.ShipName,
Orders.ShipAddress, Orders.ShipCity,
Orders.ShipRegion, Orders.ShipPostalCode,
Orders.ShipCountry, Customers.CompanyName,
Customers.Address, Customers.City,
Customers.Region, Customers.PostalCode,
Customers.Country FROM Customers INNER JOIN Orders
ON Customers.CustomerID = Orders.CustomerID
With a general defined filter entry display, the links defined
in the link definition unit appear in the Select the Link to
apply filter list. Parameter names appears when a link is
selected. For this example, the OrderID and CustomerID
parameter names appears for the order and supplier links,

The user can type in a parameter value and find any related
information based on the data inputted. If you click Go
without inputting a value, the filter result shows data
dependent on the configuration of the default parameter.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Defining a Display 165

Defining a SmartSymbol Display

You can publish SmartSymbols from InTouch Windows. For
more information, see Publishing Symbol Sets in Win-XML
Exporter User’s Guide.
Before you start, make sure you published the SmartSymbol
set you want to use.

To define a SmartSymbol display

1 In the Display Type list, click SmartSymbol. The
SmartSymbol Display Properties area appears.

2 In the Display ID box, type a name for the display. The

name must be unique in the current folder and cannot
contain spaces or special characters (\ / : * ? < > & | ' ").
This name appears in the Display List page.
3 In the Description box, type a description for the display.
This name appears in the Display List page.
4 In the Symbol list, select a symbol.
5 In the Total Number of Symbols field, type the total
number of symbols. When the data returned by the query
is greater than this number, the data is truncated to this
6 In the Symbols in a Row field, type the number of symbols
to appear in each row. When the data returned by the
associated query is greater than this limit, the data
appears in the next row.
The Tagname field displays the tags defined in the
selected symbol. The Tagname field cannot be edited.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

166 Chapter 15 Defining Displays

7 In the Data Field field, type the name of the corresponding

data field. The Tagname acquires the value of the data
field and is used for animation of the symbol.
8 Click Save.

Defining a Tabular Display

To define a tabular display
1 In the Display Type list, click Tabular. The Tabular Display
Properties area appears.

2 In the Display ID box, type a name for the display. The

name must be unique in the current folder and cannot
contain spaces or special characters (\ / : * ? < > & | ' ").
This name appears in the Display List page.
3 In the Description box, type a description for the display.
This name appears in the Display List page.
4 To number the rows in the display, click Enable

5 To show the date and time the display was viewed, click
Show Timestamp. The date and time is displayed in the
client’s time zone.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Defining a Display 167

6 In the Rows per view box, type a numeric value that

limits the number of rows to be presented in a single
view. A zero value displays all data items in the table.
7 In the Color Scheme list, select a color scheme for the
display. The default color scheme is blue.
8 In the Hidden Columns box, type the name of the
column(s) in the table to hide from the table display. Hide
columns that perform KPI calculations. Separate each
column name with a semicolon.
9 In the Display Type list, select Horizontal or Vertical to
determine the orientation of the table. Use the vertical
orientation when there are lots of columns and few rows
from the query results.
10 Click Save.

Tabular Display Example

A tabular display distributes the data based on the
configuration options indicated in the Tabular Display
Properties area. For example, you want to create a horizontal
table that hides specific columns and displays only 4 rows per
table view. Type in the following values for the configuration
Rows per view: 4
Hidden Columns: Supplier
Display type: Horizontal
Using the Northwind database and query, the content unit
shows a table based on the configuration set in the display
definition unit.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

168 Chapter 15 Defining Displays

Defining a Web Content Display

A web content display uses a web content query to display
web content based on URL links. Web content displays can be
shown as a table list of web links or a web content page. For
more information on the difference between web link types,
see Defining a Web Content Query on page 149.

To define a web content display

1 In the Display Type list, click Web Content. The Web
Display Properties area appears.

2 In the Display ID box, type a name for the display. The

name must be unique in the current folder and cannot
contain spaces or special characters (\ / : * ? < > & | ' ").
This name appears in the Display List page.
3 In the Description box, type a description for the display.
This description appears in the Display List page.
4 In the Title box, type a title for the display. The title
appears on the top of the display.

Note All web display configuration options after Title are only
used for a web query with a list link type.

5 To number the rows in the display, select the Enable

Numbering check box.
6 Select the Open Link in New Window check box to open
each link in a new window instead of opening the web
content in the same window.
7 Select the Show Timestamp check box to show the date
and time the data was retrieved. The date and time is
displayed in the site’s user time zone.
8 In the No. of Links per view box, type the number of links
to be presented in a single view. A zero value shows all
links in the view.
9 Click Save.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Copying, Editing, Deleting a Display 169

Web Content Display Example

Web content displays can show the URL webpage or a list of
web links. For example, you want to show a list of search
engines web links.
Using the data from the web content query example from
Chapter 14, Defining Queries the resulting Search Engines
display shows the list of search engines web links with the
Enable Numbering, Open Link in New Window, and Show
Timestamp options selected.

Copying, Editing, Deleting a Display

To copy a display, see Copying a Definition Unit on page 133.
To edit a display, see Editing a Definition Unit on page 134.
To delete a display, see Deleting a Definition Unit on page

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

170 Chapter 15 Defining Displays

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide


Chapter 16

Defining Links

Using the Links node of the Table Weaver Manager, you can
define links to connect to various contents.

About Links
A link is the way of connecting various contents to the
content unit. Links are an optional definition unit of a
content unit definition.
While processing a content unit that has a link association,
Table Weaver processes the link definition and put the link
information into the data obtained by running a query on the
data source. The display definition unit takes the processed
data and provide hyperlinks to access related contents.

Defining a Link Collection

All links are part of a link collection. A link collection can
contain one or more links.

To define a link collection

1 In the System access panel, expand Administration and
then click Table Weaver Manager. The Table Weaver
Manager page appears.
2 Click Link. The Link Collection List page appears.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

172 Chapter 16 Defining Links

3 Click New. The Link Collection page appears.

4 In the ID box, type a name for the link collection. The

name must be unique in the current folder and cannot
contain spaces or special characters (\ / : * ? < > & | ' ").
This link appears on the Link Collection List page.
5 In the Description box, type a description for the link. This
description appears on the Link Collection List page.
6 Click Save. You can now define links within the link

Copying, Editing, Deleting a Link Collection

To copy a link collection, see Copying a Definition Unit on
page 133.
To edit a link collection, see Editing a Definition Unit on page
To delete a link collection, see Deleting a Definition Unit on
page 135.

Defining a Link
Note If you are working in http: mode and then switch to https:
mode, items added to the panel that have been defined to use
http: protocol will no longer work. To fix these broken links,
someone with administrator privileges must delete the items from
the panel and then re-add them so that they have the https:

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Defining a Link 173

To define a link
1 The link must be part of a link collection. Click a defined
link collection from the Link Collection list page.

2 Click New Link. The Definition area appears.

3 In the Name box, type a name for the link. The name
must not contain spaces or special characters (\ / : * ? < >
& | ' "). This link appears on the selected link collection
list page.
4 In the Description box, type a description for the link.
This description appears on the selected link collection
list page and as mouse-over text in the display.
5 In the Binding list, click the type of the link. The link can
be bound to a Record (data row), a Field (specific data
column), or a KPI.

Note If the content unit is SmartSymbol, you can only bind to a


Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

174 Chapter 16 Defining Links

6 To bind the link to a KPI, a KPI collection must be

selected for the content unit. The link is bound to a record
by default.

7 To bind to a specific column, type in the name of the

column in the Entity box. To bind to a KPI, type the name
of the KPI in a KPI Collection.
8 In the Target list, select Content Unit or Web Source to
indicate the target of the link. If content unit is selected,
a Content Unit list appears. If web source is selected, a
URL box appears for you to type the URL link.
9 In the URL box, type the URL of the target. If the target is
a content unit, select the name of the target content unit
from the provided list.
10 To attach an image to the link, click Attach Image. The
Select an Image window appears.

11 Select an image from the default list or upload an image

from the local drive or network path. Previews for both
the images from the default list and an uploaded image
can be viewed in the right-hand box. Click OK.
12 In the Position list, click First, After or Last to indicate the
position of the link in the view. If the After position is
selected, type the name of the column that the link(s)
place after in the PositionColumn box.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Defining a Link 175

13 Select the New Window check box to open the link in a

new window.
14 In the Parameters box, configure the values to be passed
through the parameters defined in the SQL Query. Click
More to pass multiple name-value parameter pairs.
Parameter names are case sensitive. For more
information on configuring link parameters, see Example
of Link Parameters on page 176.

• Name
Name of the parameter in the SQL query.
• Value
Value that you want to pass in the parameter. To
pass a value from the associated data source, specify
the appropriate column name enclosed with the #
15 Click Save.

Editing a Link
To edit a link
1 In the System access panel, expand Administration
and then click Table Weaver Manager. The Table
Weaver Manager page appears.
2 Click Link. The Link Collection List page appears.
3 In the Link Collection List page, select a link collection ID.
4 Click the link name and start editing.
5 Click Save.

Deleting a Link
To delete a link
1 In the System access panel, expand Administration and
then click Table Weaver Manager. The Table Weaver
Manager page appears.
2 Click Link. The Link Collection List page appears.
3 In the Link Collection List page, select the link collection
ID that contains the link(s).

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

176 Chapter 16 Defining Links

4 Select the check box next to the link(s).

5 Click Delete. You are prompted to verify the deletion.
6 Click OK.

Example of Link Parameters

Link parameters can pass multiple parameter values to
targeted queries to show detailed information in the display.
For example, you have a tabular display that shows the
number of suppliers from each country. You want to apply
links to all the country names to show an individual tabular
display of the details for each supplier in the selected

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Defining a Link 177

Based on the link definition, hyperlinks are listed for all the
countries listed in the table. The hyperlinks connect to
another tabular display that shows specific information
about the suppliers for the selected country. The links are
configured in the link definition which specifies the binding,
entity, and target of the link.

The link is bound to a field with the Country entity and

targets a content unit that passes a parameter value to a
database query.

The link parameter passes in the #Country# parameter value

to the targeted content unit database query. In the database
query properties, the SQL query searches through the
Country column for the value of the selected country. The
value of #Country# becomes the name of the country link
selected by the user.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

178 Chapter 16 Defining Links

The parameter value passed into the database query returns

a tabular display of the suppliers for the selected country.
Clicking the Australia hyperlink shows the supplier(s)
information for Australia.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide


Chapter 17

Defining KPIs

Using the KPIs area of the Table Weaver Manager, you can
configure the KPI and target conditions to display visual
indicators in the displays when the target conditions are met.

About KPIs
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are visual indicators that
express a value as either a color or an image. Each KPI has
one or more targets with their own set of target conditions
that display visual indicators associated with the target
when all target conditions are met.

Defining a KPI Collection

A KPI collection is a set of KPIs that is associated with one or
more content units. All KPIs must be defined in a KPI

To define a KPI collection

1 In the System access panel, expand Administration and
then click Table Weaver Manager. The Table Weaver
Manager page appears.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

180 Chapter 17 Defining KPIs

2 Click KPI. The KPI Collection List page appears.

3 Click New. The KPI Collection page appears.

4 In the ID box, type an identifier for the KPI Collection.

The KPI Collection ID must be unique in the current
folder and cannot contain spaces or special characters (\ /
? : * < > & | "" %). This ID appears on the KPI Collection
List page.
5 In the Description box, type a description for the
collection. This description appears on the KPI Collection
List page.
6 Click Save. The KPI List for the newly created KPI
Collection appears. For more information on how to
create a KPI, see Creating a KPI on page 181.

Copying or Deleting a KPI Collection

For information on copying a KPI Collection, see Copying a
Definition Unit on page 133.
For information on deleting a KPI Collection, see Deleting a
Definition Unit on page 135.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Creating a KPI 181

Creating a KPI
A KPI is part of a KPI collection. You can configure multiple
KPIs in a KPI collection.

To create a KPI
1 Select a KPI collection from the KPI Collection List page.

2 Click New KPI. The KPI Definition properties appear.

3 In the Name box, type a name for the KPI. The name
must be unique in the current KPI Collection. The name
appears in the KPI Collection page.
4 In the Description box, type a description for the KPI. The
description appears in the KPI Collection page.
5 In the Position list, click First, After or Last to indicate the
position of the KPI in the view. If the After position is
selected, the Column Position box is enabled for you to
type the name of the field column for the KPI to be after.
In this example, the KPI named SalesPerCategory is
positioned after CategoryName.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

182 Chapter 17 Defining KPIs

6 In the Display Type list, select Color or Image to indicate

the display of the KPI. The selected color or image
appears in the display as a default indicator when none of
the KPI targets are met. For more information about KPI
target conditions, see Defining a KPI Target on page 183.
7 If you selected Color in the Display Type list, the Default
Display opens a color picker dialog box for a default color
display. The selected color appears as default when the
KPI target condition is not met.
8 If you selected Image in the Display Type list, the Attach
Image button allows you to select an image for the KPI.
You can select an image from the default list or attach an
image from your local drive.
9 Click Save.

Editing a KPI
To edit a KPI
1 Select a KPI collection from the KPI Collection List page.
2 Select the KPI you want to edit. All information in the
KPI definition can be modified except the KPI name. You
must define a new KPI to modify the KPI name.
3 Click Save.

Deleting a KPI
To delete a KPI
1 In the System access panel, expand Administration and
then click Table Weaver Manager. The Table Weaver
Manager page appears.
2 Click KPI. The KPI Collection List page appears.
3 In the KPI Collection List page, select the KPI collection
ID that contains the KPI(s).
4 Select the check box next to the KPI(s).
5 Click Delete. You are prompted to verify the deletion.
6 Click OK.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Defining a KPI Target 183

Defining a KPI Target

A KPI can include multiple targets, each with its own set of
target conditions. You can configure the target display based
on the KPI display selection of color or image. The target
display appears in the content unit display(s) when the
target conditions are met.

To define a KPI target

1 Select a KPI collection from the KPI Collection List page.
2 Select a KPI definition from the KPI collection.
3 Click New Target. The Target Definition area appears.

4 In the ID box, type an ID name for the target. Target ID

name must be unique within the selected KPI definition.
5 In the Description box, type a description for the KPI
6 Based on the display type selected for the KPI, the Display
box provides the same display type with the proper
display options. If the KPI is defined with a color display,
a color picker dialog box appears for you to select the
color of the target definition. If the KPI is defined with
an image display, you can attach an image to the target
7 In the Conditions area, set target condition. Type a field
and value in the Field and Value boxes, respectively, and
select an operator from the list. Each target condition is
evaluated with the data returned from the data source.
Click More to add multiple conditions to the target.

Note Multiple conditions are linked together with an AND.

8 Click Save.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

184 Chapter 17 Defining KPIs

Editing a KPI Target

To edit a KPI target
1 Click a KPI collection from the KPI Collection List page.
2 Select a KPI definition from the KPI collection.
3 Select a target from the KPI target collection.

4 Edit the Target Definition properties. All information in

the target definition can be modified except the target
name. You must create a new KPI target to modify the
target name.
5 Click Save.

Deleting a KPI Target

To delete a KPI target
1 Click a KPI collection from the KPI Collection List page.
2 Select a KPI definition from the KPI collection.
3 Select the KPI target that you want to delete.

4 Click Delete. You are prompted to verify the deletion.

5 Click OK.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide


Chapter 18

ActiveFactory Reporting

The ActiveFactory Reporting Website is a preconfigured

Wonderware Information Server component that allows web
users to:
• Generate reports using data from IndustrialSQL Server
historian databases.

• Trend history data from IndustrialSQL Server historian


• Build and execute SQL queries against data from

IndustrialSQL Server historian and other databases.

The ActiveFactory Reporting Website can be accessed both

directly or through Wonderware Information Server. When
accessing the site directly, a custom starting page appears
from which users can access the various Reporting Website
features. When accessing through Wonderware Information
Server, the Reporting Website features appear under the
ActiveFactory node in the Launch Pad.
Although not required, you may want to change some of the
settings related to report publishing. This can be
accomplished by editing a set of .xml files.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

186 Chapter 18 ActiveFactory Reporting

About Report Publishing

The following components are used during the publishing of
reports to the ActiveFactory Reporting Website.
• Tables within the IndustrialSQL Server historian store
report information. For more information, see Database
Entities for Report Publishing on page 189.

• A set of folders located on the web server contain the

published reports. For more information, see Report
Publishing Folders on page 188.
• A set of XML files control the configuration and
parameters for published reports. For more information,
see Reporting Support Files on page 190.
• The Reporting Service (aaHistClientReportingService) is
a Windows service that handles all of the report
publishing tasks.

When a report is published to the website:

1 Information about the report is added to the
IndustrialSQL Server historian database.
2 The report file is copied to the appropriate report folder
on the Reporting Website computer by the Reporting
Service. The Reporting Service periodically checks the
IndustrialSQL Server historian database to see if new
reports need to be published.
3 The website is configured to include the new report.
• For a static report, the results are saved as an HTML
file. When accessing the report, client users see the
saved static data.
• For an on-demand report, only the report definition is
saved, but no data. Current data is retrieved from the
database whenever a client user accesses the report.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

About Report Publishing 187

The following diagram shows this process.







Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

188 Chapter 18 ActiveFactory Reporting

Report Publishing Folders

By default, all published reports reside in the following set of
folders on the web server:

Each type of report (static, on demand, and scheduled) has its

own folder. Within each of these folders are two subfolders:
Source and Target. When a report is published, the Report
Service copies the published report file to the \Source folder.
The \Target folder is used during the actual generation of the
report by the website user.
For scheduled reports, there is a subfolder for each time

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

About Report Publishing 189

Database Entities for Report Publishing

When the ActiveFactory Reporting Website or the
ActiveFactory client software package is installed for the
first time, three tables are added to the Runtime database of
the IndustrialSQL Server historian.

• The aaHistClientReport table contains one row for each

report that is published.

• The aaHistClientReportsFolder table contains one row

for each report folder that appears under the main
Published Reports navigation node.

• The aaHistClientReportSite table contains basic

configuration information for the Reporting Website,
such as the URL.

Also, the following stored procedures are created:

• aaManualTagInsert

• aaManualTagSingleValueInsert

• aaDiscreteTimeInState

These tables and stored procedures are for internal use only.
Do not modify them.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

190 Chapter 18 ActiveFactory Reporting

Reporting Support Files

The following XML files are used by the Reporting Website:
• ReportParameters.xml. This file stores information related
to the reports. There is a section for each report group
(Pre-Defined, System Status, Summary Reports, and so
on), as well as sections for each type of report in the
report groups. For published reports, additional sections
are included to contain information regarding the report
name, file names and paths, the report type, and so on.
• Configuration.config. This file stores basic information for
the website, such as schedules and archival rules for
reports and the folders for scheduled, static, and
on-demand reports.
• ReportsDefinition.xml. This file stores all of the query
definitions for the pre-configured reports, as well as
information regarding the style sheet files for these types
of reports.

About IndustrialSQL Server Connections

A connection to an IndustrialSQL Server historian is
• During the ActiveFactory Reporting Website installation.

• When a predefined or dynamic report is generated.

• When a report is published.

The nature of the connection for each of these cases is slightly

different, and it is important that you understand the
differences between them.

Logins for Predefined and Dynamic Reports

For generating reports, the ActiveFactory Reporting Website
can use any IndustrialSQL Server connection that is defined
as a data source for the “Historian” data source type in
Wonderware Information Server. By default, the
ActiveFactory Reporting Website uses the default Historian
data source that you specified during installation. Client
users can select any other Historian data source by clicking
the Select InSQL node in the Launch Pad.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Managing Scheduled Reports 191

Managing Scheduled Reports

A scheduled report is a published report that is periodically
re-generated according to a specified time schedule. For
example, you may want a particular report to be run every 15
minutes and posted to the website.
The following default schedules are available for reports:
• 15Minute (every 15 minutes)

• Hourly

• Daily

• Weekly

• Monthly (every 30 days)

Scheduled Report Folders

Reports are saved to files in folders on the website server.
Each time a scheduled report is run, the resulting file is
placed into a particular folder on the website. The following
schedule folders appear by default in the
<installation_path>\<report_website_name>\Output folder.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

192 Chapter 18 ActiveFactory Reporting

Configuration Information for Scheduled Reports

Folder names, time periods, and descriptions for scheduled
reports are stored in the Configuration.config file. There is a
section for each available time period.

The <TIMEINTERVAL> element controls how often the

report is run. The value notation for this element is:
Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds
A time interval of 7,0,0,0 is every 7 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes,
and 0 seconds. In other words, one time a week.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Managing Scheduled Reports 193

The <STARTTIME> element controls the time at which a

particular report runs for the first time. A published report
first runs at the start time and then periodically at the
interval specified using the <INTERVAL> element. The
value notation for the <STARTTIME> element is:
If you want a parameter to be ignored, use an asterisk (*) in
place of a value. If any of the parameters are blank, the
entire schedule is ignored.
Use the following values for the DayOfWeek parameter:
Sunday = 0; Monday = 1; Tuesday = 2; Wednesday = 3;
Thursday = 4; Friday = 5; Saturday = 6.
If the DayOfMonth parameter exceeds the number of actual
days in current month, then the maximum number of days in
the month is used. For example, if the DayOfMonth is set to
31, the scheduled report runs on the following dates:
1/31, 2/28 (or 2/29, depending if it is the leap year), 3/31,
4/30, 5/31, and so on
If you specify values for both the DayOfWeek or DayOfMonth
parameters, then they must not be in conflict, or else the
schedule does not run. For example, if you set the
DayOfWeek to Monday and the DayOfMonth to the first day,
there is a conflict if Monday is not the first day of the month.
In other words, the combination of these two parameters
must be true for the schedule to run.
Example report schedules are:
• Monthly at 5:00 p.m. on the last day of the month:
• Monthly at midnight on the first day of the month:
• Each Monday morning at 7:00 a.m.:
• Daily at 8:00 a.m.:
• Every eight hours starting at 6:00 a.m.:
• Hourly at 30 minutes past the hour:

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

194 Chapter 18 ActiveFactory Reporting

Adding or Changing Scheduled Reports

You can add a new schedule, change the default schedules, or
delete a schedule.

To add a new schedule

1 Use an XML editor to open the Configuration.config file.
2 Add a new entry in the <SCHEDULEDREPORTPATHS>
element. The <FOLDERNAME> element reflect the
name of the new schedule.
For example, to add a 45-minute schedule in a new
45Minute folder, add this element:
3 Save the file.
4 Optionally edit the archival rules for the new schedule
type. For more information, see Managing Report
Archives on page 194.
The new schedule is available for publishing from
To change a schedule, follow the same procedure, but edit
existing entries instead of adding to the files.
To delete a schedule, simply delete the entry from the file.

Managing Report Archives

When a scheduled report is run, the resulting report file is
saved to disk on the web server. You may or may not want to
keep every report that is generated. You can use the
archiving feature of the Reporting Website to configure which
scheduled reports to keep and for how long.

About the Archival Rules

The archival rules determine how long a report is kept and
what name is given to each result file for a scheduled report.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Managing Report Archives 195

The archival rules are set in the Configuration.config file in

the element between the <ARCHIVALRULES> and
element contains the <DEFAULT> and
<EXAMPLEREPORT> elements. To add archival rules for a
specific report, add another element under the
<ARCHIVALRULES> element and name it according to your
report. You can use the <EXAMPLEREPORT> element as a
starting point for your custom archival rules. For more
information, see Adding a Report-Specific Archival Rule on
page 199.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

196 Chapter 18 ActiveFactory Reporting

The <DEFAULT> element is only used if no other rules are


The <DIRECTORYNAME> and <FILENAME> tags control

the name of the directory in which the scheduled report is
saved and the name that is given to the report, respectively.
The <FORMATSTRING> tag controls the format of the
report name or the report folder. For more information, see
Editing Format Strings for Scheduled Reports on page 197.
Information in the <OLDERTHAN> element controls how old
a report must be before it can be deleted. The value notation
for this element is: days, hours, minutes, seconds.
The <KEEPCOUNT> tag controls how many versions of the
same scheduled report to keep at any one time. For example,
if you set this value to three, when the fourth scheduled
report is created, the oldest report is deleted, thus
maintaining a total of three.
The following archival procedure is followed:

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Managing Report Archives 197

1 All reports that are older than the <OLDERTHAN> time

interval are deleted first.
2 If, after all reports older than the <OLDERTHAN> time
interval are deleted and the number of remaining reports
is greater than the amount specified by the
<KEEPCOUNT> tag, then reports are deleted until the
number of remaining reports is equal to the amount
specified by the <KEEPCOUNT> tag. The reports are
deleted in the order of when they were published, oldest
to newest.
The <DEFAULT> element contains all of the information
about archival rules for reports, including default values. If
no archive information is found for a specific report, the
system uses the information in the <DEFAULT> element.
This allows for flexibility in the application of the archival
rules. For example, keep daily reports for one week and
weekly reports for three months.
The reports are published under the schedule that they were
published under. The saved reports are in the target folder.
Each report may have its own folder under the schedule as
specified in the configuration.config file.

Editing Format Strings for Scheduled Reports

The format string for a scheduled report controls the format
of the report name. For example.
<FORMATSTRING>'Generated on Day'
Any text that is contained in single quotes is output exactly
as is. The variables that can be used are any of the
culture-specific format characters. For example:
ss = second
mm = minute
hh = hour
dd = day
yyyy = year
The <FORMATSTRING > element can specify the folders
where published reports are saved. To use a nested folder
structure, each folder must be separated from its predecessor
by the / (forward slash) character.
You can change the format strings for scheduled reports by
editing the Configuration.config file. There are three options
for setting the format strings:

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

198 Chapter 18 ActiveFactory Reporting

• In the <DEFAULTRULE> element, change the

<FORMATSTRING> tag to have the format you want.
This is the lowest priority rule to be executed and only
executes if no other rules are found.
• For a preconfigured schedule rule (for example,
tag to have the format you want. This is the next to
lowest priority rule to be executed and only executes if no
other rules are found.
• Add a rule and edit the <FORMATSTRING> tag to have
the format you want. This is the highest priority rule to
be executed. For more information, see Adding a Default
Archival Rule on page 198.

Adding a Default Archival Rule

You may want to add a default archival rule for scheduled
reports. For example, create a "45 Minute" archival rule for
For more information on adding a scheduled report, see
Adding or Changing Scheduled Reports on page 194.

To add a default archival rule

1 Use an XML editor to open the Configuration.config file.
2 Add a new element in the <DEFAULT> element.
For example, the following element specifies an archival
rule for a 45Minute folder that deletes any files older
than 10 days:
<FORMATSTRING>'Generated on Day'
3 Save the file.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Managing Report Archives 199

Adding a Report-Specific Archival Rule

You may want to add an archival rule that only applies to a
single report folder. For example, you added a "Shift1"
scheduled report folder by editing the
Configuration.config file. For more information, see Adding
or Changing Scheduled Reports on page 194.
For example, the following element is an archival rule for a
Shift1 folder for an eight-hour shift report that deletes any
files older than 2 days:
<FORMATSTRING>'Generated on Day'

To add a report-specific archival rule

1 Use an XML editor to open the Configuration.config file.
2 Copy the entire <EXAMPLEREPORT> element and
paste it after the <EXAMPLEREPORT> element. Be sure
that the copied element is at the same level as the
original <EXAMPLEREPORT> element.
3 Rename the element tags in the new element to reflect
the report folder name.
For example, change <EXAMPLEREPORT>
4 Modify the entries as required.
5 Save the file.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

200 Chapter 18 ActiveFactory Reporting

Managing Temporary Files for Scheduled Reports

Each time a pre-defined report is generated, a tmpXXX.xml
file is created in the following default folder:
These temporary files are deleted according to rules that are
specified in the Configuration.config file.

Within the <ARCHIVALRULES> element of the

Configuration.config file, there is a <TEMPFILE> element.
Two rules govern how long temp files are kept in the \Temp
• <OLDERTHAN> specifies the age at which to delete a
temporary file. The value notation for this element is:
days, hours, minutes.
• <KEEPCOUNT> specifies how many files to keep at any
given time.

The OLDERTHAN element has higher priority.

KEEPCOUNT is always applied after OLDERTHAN.
In the following example, any temporary files older than a
day are deleted. Also, no more than two temporary files are
stored at any time.

The cleanup operation is handled by the

aaHistClientReportingService. The cleanup operates every
30 seconds or the same interval as what is specified in the
<INTERVAL> element. For more information, see Adjusting
Settings for Report Generation on page 211.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Creating Custom Folders for Static and On Demand Reports 201

Creating Custom Folders for Static and On

Demand Reports
By default, all static reports are saved to the following folder:
All on demand reports are saved to the following folder:
You can create custom folders for reports.

To create a custom static folder

1 Use an XML editor to open the Configuration.config file.
2 Add a new element called <STATICREPORTPATHS>
after the <SCHEDULEDREPORTPATHS> element. The
<STATICREPORTPATHS> element must be on the same
level in the XML hierarchy as the
3 In the <STATICREPORTPATHS> element, add an
element for the custom folder you want to create. The
element notation is as follows, where <report_name> is
the actual name of the report:
<FOLDERNAME>Type the folder name
<DESCRIPTION>Type the description
The description for the custom folder appears in the
publishing dialog box for ActiveFactory Trend and
ActiveFactory Workbook.
To create a nested subfolder, include a forward slash ( / )
in the folder name.
For example, the following element adds three custom
static folders to the list. The
aaHistClientReportingService creates these folders,
which are named STATICONE, STATICTWO, and
STATICTWOA. The second static folder (StaticTwo)
contains a nested subfolder called "A."
The source files for the published reports is stored in
…Output\Static\Source\StaticTwo and
…Output\Static\Source\StaticTwo\A for STATICONE,
STATICTWO and STATICTWOA, respectively. The
generated reports are stored in a similar structure under

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

202 Chapter 18 ActiveFactory Reporting

<DESCRIPTION>First static folder</DESCRIPTION>
<DESCRIPTION>Second static folder</DESCRIPTION>
<DESCRIPTION>Static folder nested under

4 Save the file.

To create a custom on-demand folder

1 Use an XML editor to open the Configuration.config file.
2 Add a new element called
<ONDEMANDREPORTPATHS> element must be on the
same level in the XML hierarchy as the
3 In the <ONDEMANDREPORTPATHS> element, add a
element for the custom folder you want to create. The
element notation is the same as for adding a custom
static folder. For example, the following element adds an
on-demand folder named “OnDemandOne”:
<DESCRIPTION>First on-demand

4 Save the file.

Any custom folders you create appears in the publishing
dialog box for ActiveFactory Trend and ActiveFactory
Workbook. The folder structure in the publishing dialog box
appears flat, but the reports are published to the hierarchy
that you created.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Customizing the ActiveFactory Reporting Website Banner 203

Customizing the ActiveFactory Reporting

Website Banner
Note The following customizations have no effect when accessing
the ActiveFactory Reporting Website through Wonderware
Information Server.

When accessing the ActiveFactory Reporting Website

directly, a navigation banner appears along the top of the
page. You can customize this banner by editing the
Header.xml file. You can replace the banner logo with your
own image, as well as add menu items. You can also localize
the banner settings.
The Header.xml file is located in the \Language\en-US
folder of the ActiveFactory Reporting Website virtual
directory. By default, the path for this directory is:

Important Any customizations that you make for the

ActiveFactory Reporting Website banner may not be preserved
during upgrades to future releases.

Adding a Custom Logo

To add a custom logo
1 Locate the <BannerImg> element within the Header.xml
2 In the <URL></URL> sub-element, type the URL of the
image you want to display in the ActiveFactory Reporting
Website banner.
The URL can be either an absolute or a relative URL. A
relative URL are relative to the ActiveFactory virtual
root directory. The recommended image size is 295x83
pixels. The maximum height is 83 pixels.
For example, to use the MyLogo.gif file located in the
graphics folder of the website, add the content as follows:

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

204 Chapter 18 ActiveFactory Reporting

3 In the <AlternateText></AlternateText> sub-element,

type the text to be displayed for the graphic.
This text appears when 1) a website user moves the
mouse over the image, 2) if image file is not found at the
specified URL, 3) the image file is being loaded, and 4) if
the image download option has been turned off in
Internet Explorer.
For example: <AlternateText>CompanyA
4 Save the .xml file.

Adding Menu Items

To add a new menu item
1 Locate the <MenuItem> element within the Header.xml
2 In the <Name></Name> element, type the name of the
menu item.
3 In the <URL></URL> element, type the relative or
absolute URL of the web page to be displayed when the
menu item is clicked.
A relative URL is relative to the ActiveFactory virtual
root directory.
4 In the <Target></Target> element, specify the location in
which the target content appears.
To open the web page in the content element of the
ActiveFactory Reporting Website, leave this element
To open the web page in the main Internet Explorer
window currently used by the ActiveFactory Reporting
Website, type _top.
To open the web page in a separate Internet Explorer
window, type any text. It does not matter what text you
use, as long as the element is filled.
5 Save the .xml file.

Note The <ImageURL> element is for future use.

The following example code shows how to add a "MyMenu"

menu item that display the contents of the MyMenu.htm file
in the content element of the ActiveFactory Reporting

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Customizing the ActiveFactory Reporting Website Banner 205


The following example code shows how to add a

"Wonderware" menu item that displays the home page for
the Wonderware website in a separate browser window:

Adding Multiple Menu Items

To add multiple menu items
1 Copy the existing <MenuItem> element and paste it into
the <Menu> element (between the <Menu> and </Menu>
Paste the copied element at the same level as the existing
<MenuItem> element in the XML hierarchy.
2 Change the content of the <Name>, <URL>, and
<Target> elements.
3 Repeat Steps 1 and 2 for any additional menu items.
4 Save the .xml file.

Localizing Banner Customizations

To localize customizations to the banner
1 Locate the appropriate language folder in the
ActiveFactory Reporting Website virtual directory.
For example, the folder used for Japanese is
2 Copy the Header.xml file in the appropriate language
3 In the Header.xml file, translate the element content into
the appropriate language.
4 If you want to load different web pages for the different
language, change any URLs to point to the
language-specific files.
5 Save the .xml file.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

206 Chapter 18 ActiveFactory Reporting

Adding Custom Reports

You can create a custom report and include it in the list of
pre-configured reports on the Reporting Website. Custom
reports can include:
• Static reports generated from .html or .txt files.

• On-demand query reports generated from .sql files.

• A "dynamic" report that executes a query against the

historian, but does not use an .sql file.

For all types of custom reports, the Reporting Service handles

the conversions to XML for display in the web browser.

Adding a Custom Static Report

To add a custom static report
1 Create the static report file. The static report file can be
an .html or .txt file.
2 Copy the report file to the \Static\Source folder. For
more information, see Report Publishing Folders on page
3 Open the ReportParameters.xml file and add an
additional <REPORT> element to contain the new report.
Be sure to add the <REPORT> element under the "Static
Reports" element. For example:
<Name>Published Reports</Name>
<Name>Static Reports</Name>
<ArchiveID />
4 Set the <ApplicationType> element to 3.
5 Save the ReportParameters.xml file.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Adding Custom Reports 207

6 In the reporting website, expand the Static Reports folder.

The custom report is added to the list of reports.

7 Select the report and click Generate Report. The custom

report page appears in the report display pane.

Adding an On-Demand, Custom SQL Report

If you have an existing .sql file, you can add it to the list of
on-demand reports so that website users can generate the
resulting data at any time.

To add a query report

1 Create the .sql file.

Note Test the SQL statement in the file using a database query
tool and verify the results before publishing the query to the

2 Copy the report file to the \OnDemand\Source folder.

For more information, see Report Publishing Folders on
page 188.
3 Open the ReportParameters.xml file and add an
additional <REPORT> element to contain the new report.
Be sure to add the <REPORT> element under the "On
Demand Reports" element. For example:
<Name>On Demand Reports</Name>
entries for existing published reports

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

208 Chapter 18 ActiveFactory Reporting

<ArchiveID />
4 Set the <ApplicationType> element to 4.
5 Save the ReportParameters.xml file.
6 In the reporting website, expand the On Demand Reports
folder. The custom SQL report is added to the list of

7 Select the report and click Generate Report. The custom

report page appears in the report display pane.
By default, the results are formatted according to the
rwsqlReport.xsl stylesheet. All report stylesheets are located
in the
You can specify your own stylesheet by adding an XML
reference to the stylesheet in the .sql file. For example:
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl"
href="../../StyleSheets/test.xsl" ?>
Be sure to reference the folder in which your stylesheet is
located. The stylesheet reference must be the first text found
in the .sql file.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Adding Custom Reports 209

Adding a Custom Dynamic Report

This type of report is "dynamic" in the sense that it retrieves
information from the historian, but is not contained in an .sql

To add a custom dynamic report

1 Create an .xsl stylesheet to format the raw data from
your query for display on the website.
2 Copy the stylesheet into the \Stylesheets folder for the
Reporting Website. By default, this path is
3 Open the ReportsDefinition.xml file and add an
additional element to specify the parameters for the new
In the following example, "MyCustomReport" is the
identifier for the report. The StyleSheet element is set to
the value of a custom .xsl file. Include the database query
in the <QUERY> element.

4 Save the ReportsDefinition.xml file.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

210 Chapter 18 ActiveFactory Reporting

5 Open the ReportParameters.xml file and add an

additional <REPORTGROUP> element to contain your
new custom report, or add the report to an existing
The first <NAME> tag controls the top-level name in the
Reports area in the Configuration pane of the website.
The second <NAME> tag controls the second-level name
in the Reports area.
For the <ID> tag, specify the name that you gave the
report in the ReportsDefinition.xml file.
For example,

6 Save the ReportParameters.xml file.

The new report is added to the list of reports displayed in the

Triggering a Report using an IndustrialSQL

Server Event Action
You can use generic SQL event actions to trigger the running
of reports for the ActiveFactory Reporting Website.

To set up an event-based report

1 In the Configuration.config file, create a scheduled report
entry that does not include a frequency. For example,
2 Publish a report to the report group you created. For
example, MyReport1.
3 In the IndustrialSQL Server historian, create an event
tag and configure it to use the generic SQL action. Use
the following Transact-SQL statement for the action
script, substituting the names of the report folder and the
published report that you created in steps 1 and 2,

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Adjusting Settings for Report Generation 211

UPDATE aaHistClientReport SET

LastRun='1753-1-1', Published=0 FROM
aaHistClientReport r,
aaHistClientReportsFolder f
WHERE r.Name = 'ReportName'
AND r.ReportFolderKey = f.ReportFolderKey
AND f.ReportFolderName = 'ReportFolder'
AND r.ReportSiteKey = 1
You can omit the AND r.ReportSiteKey clause if there
is only one website; otherwise, use the appropriate site ID
from the aaHistClientReportSite table.

Adjusting Settings for Report Generation

Depending on the publishing environment and the
complexity of the reports, report generation may exceed
various timeout limits enforced by Microsoft ASP .NET and
Internet Information Services. If a timeout limit is exceeded,
an ASP error is shown.
The key timeouts are as follows. For more information on
these timeouts, see the Microsoft documentation. If you
receive an ASP error for a report, adjust these settings until
the report can successfully be generated.

Note The location and content of the following reference

information may change.

• Scripttimeout

• Session.timeout

• Executiontimeout

• Responsedeadlockinterval


Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

212 Chapter 18 ActiveFactory Reporting

Another setting that you may want to adjust is the polling

interval for report publishing. By default, the reporting
service processes and posts published reports every 30
seconds. Typically, published reports take between four and
five seconds to appear in the website, but they can take up to
30 seconds to appear. When the service first starts up,
reports can take up to one minute to appear.
You can adjust the polling interval by editing the following
tag in the Configuration.config file.
The polling interval is in milliseconds.
The interval also determines when to clean up temporary
files that are created during publishing. For more
information, see Managing Temporary Files for Scheduled
Reports on page 200.

Controlling ActiveFactory Trend using URL

You can integrate ActiveFactory Trend into a custom
application and control it by passing URL parameters.

To open ActiveFactory Trend from a custom application

‹ Call the Trend.aspx file in the Reporting Website’s
virtual directory. Pass any required parameters in the
following format:
Where Par1=Value1 etc. are the parameter/value pairs
that you want to use. Always pass the SV=true
parameter. Otherwise, session timeout errors occur.
The following sections describe available parameters.

Connecting to a Historian
Use the following parameters to connect to an IndustrialSQL
Server historian.

Name Description
Server The server name of the IndustrialSQL
Server historian.
User The user name to connect to the historian.
If omitted, Windows integrated security is

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Controlling ActiveFactory Trend using URL Parameters 213

Name Description
Password The password to connect to the historian.
BaseURL The base URL to use when accessing the
historian via HTTP.
VirDir The virtual directory to use when
accessing the historian via HTTP.
Trend uses HTTP to access the historian whenever you
specify values for both the BaseURL and VirDir parameters.
Otherwise, it uses a regular SQL Server connection.

Specifying the Tags to Show

To specify the tags to show in the trend, use the Tags
parameter. To specify multiple tags, separate tag names by
semicolons. For example, to show the SysTimeSec and
SysTimeMin tags, pass the following:

Specifying the Time Period

Use the following parameters to specify the time period to
show in the trend.

Name Description
Start The start time in the following format:
YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.s
End The end time in the following format:
YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.s
Duration The duration in seconds.
DateMode Determines whether to show absolute or
relative times. Specify 1 for relative time, 0
for absolute time.

To specify a time period, use one of the following

combinations of parameters:
• Start time and end time. In this case, the duration
parameter is ignored.
• Start time and duration. If you specify only the start
time, but no duration, the duration is set to five minutes.
• End time and duration. The start time is set to the end
time minus the duration. If you specify only the end time,
but no duration, the duration is set to five minutes.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

214 Chapter 18 ActiveFactory Reporting

• Duration only. In this case, the start time is set to the

current time minus the duration.

• No parameter. The time period is set to the last five


All time parameters are relative to the client computer’s time


Enabling User Interaction

By default, all user controls in the trend are visible. Use the
LockdownOptions parameter to hide individual controls.
Pass the values of the controls you want to hide, separated by
commas. Values are as follows:

Value Description
TagPickerVisible Hide the Tag Picker.
TimebarVisible Hide the time toolbar.
ToolbarVisible Hide the main toolbar.
AllowGridEditing Hide the Tag List.
AllowContextMenu Hide the shortcut menu.

For example, to hide the Tag Picker and main toolbar, pass
the following:

Opening a Trend File

Use the FileName parameter to open an existing trend file.
Pass the path to the file either as a local path on the client
computer or as a URL. To specify a backslash (\) character,
prefix it with another backslash.
For example, to open a trend file saved on the client computer
as C:\Trends\Trend1.aaTrend, pass the following:

To open a trend file that was published to the Reporting

Website, pass a value like the following:

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Configuring HTTPS Access 215

Configuring HTTPS Access

You can allow users to access the ActiveFactory Reporting
Website using HTTPS instead of HTTP. However, some
configuration is required.

To configure the website for HTTPS access

1 Configure Internet Information Services (IIS) to use
For more information, see the IIS documentation.
2 Use SQL Server Enterprise Manager to modify the URL
contained in the SiteURL column in the
aaHistClientReportSite table of the Runtime database.
Change the URL to indicate https to match how the IIS is
configured. For example, change
http://Server01/AFWeb to https://Server01/AFWeb.
For more information on changing columns in a database
table, see the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 documentation.

Managing Licensing
The ActiveFactory Reporting Website software supports
session-based licensing for clients. Each connection to the
ActiveFactory Reporting Website from a web browser counts
as a session, unless the computer from which the connection
is made has an ActiveFactory desktop license installed.
If all available client sessions are being used, no sessions are
freed up until:
• A website user logs off using the Logoff link in the menu
bar. If the user simply closes the web browser, the session
is still in use.
• The IIS session timeout for a current logon lapses. A
session is automatically terminated if the website user
has not requested or refreshed a web page by the end of
the timeout period. By default, the session timeout is 20
minutes. You can configure the session timeout by using
the Internet Information Services console that is
available within the Windows Administrative Tools
program group.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

216 Chapter 18 ActiveFactory Reporting

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide


Chapter 19

Using ArchestrA Reporting

You can use Industrial Application Server with the Microsoft

SQL Server Reporting Services infrastructure. Before you
start, you should be familiar with SQL Server Reporting
Services terminology and concepts.
For general information on using SQL Server Reporting
Services, see the Microsoft documentation.

Important Before installing and using ArchestrA reports, be sure

the collation settings of the IndustrialSQL Server Runtime
database and the databases on the Wonderware Information
Server node match exactly. The aaReports database uses the
default collation settings on the SQL Server when it is installed.

What is ArchestrA Reporting?

ArchestrA Reporting is a set of features that publish reports
using Industrial Application Server, IndustrialSQL Server,
and other system data. ArchestrA Reporting integrates
Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services with Industrial
Application Server.
You can use ArchestrA Reporting features to provide reports
on data stored by a variety of Wonderware products and to
view these reports from Industrial Application Server.
ArchestrA Reporting offers the following:
• Common reporting database and data source: All
ArchestrA reports use the aaReports database as their
data source. The reporting database contains replicated
views pointing to “linked servers.” The linked servers, in
turn, refer to the actual hosts and databases from which

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

218 Chapter 19 Using ArchestrA Reporting

you want to retrieve data. The reporting database serves

as a central access point to data from various databases
and servers. For an example, see Concept Example:
Common Reporting Database on page 219.

All default data sources defined in Industrial Application

Server are automatically added as linked servers that the
views in the reporting database can refer to. For example,
when you change the host name or database name, the
corresponding linked server definition updates
accordingly so that your reports automatically use the
new data source.
The aaReports database resides on the same server as the
Industrial Application Server database.
• Report Deployment Utility: The ArchestrA Reports
Deployment utility helps to deploy reports to a Industrial
Application Server system. It automatically adds your
report file to a SQL Server Reporting Services folder,
executes a SQL script that replicates views from the
database that contains the data you want to report on,
and creates a linked server that points to that database.

Note In this context, deployment refers to report configuration

and publishing, not to Industrial Application Server object

• Integrated navigation: Reports show as nodes in the

Launch Pad and can be viewed within Industrial
Application Server.

• Custom parameter input: For passing IndustrialSQL

Server tagnames and start/end times to a report, you can
use the Tag Picker and Time Picker instead of typing in
• Executing reports from a script: You can execute and
print reports from an Industrial Application Server script
or an IndustrialSQL Server event action. You can also
execute reports using a URL, for example, to open a
parameterized report from a Table Weaver content unit.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Viewing Reports 219

Concept Example: Common Reporting Database

In the following example, a query is executed against the
ArchestrA Reporting database that requests data from two
views. In the ArchestrA Reporting database, these views
exist only as “dummy” views that point to the “real” views
located on two different computers.

SQL Query

(SQL query that requests data

from v_view1 and v_view2 in the
ArchestrA Reporting database)

ArchestrA Reporting database

v_view1 MyView2 in
DB2 on Host2
select * from LinkedServer1.DB1.dbo.v_MyView1

MyView1 in
select * from LinkedServer2.DB2.dbo.v_MyView2
DB1 on Host1
Linked server definitions: LinkedServer1
points to Host1, LinkedServer2 to Host2

Viewing Reports
All reports in the ArchestrA Reporting base folder that the
current user is authorized to view are available as nodes in
the Launch Pad of Industrial Application Server. The
SnapShot Reports are displayed as a node followed by
datatime format items. To view a report, navigate to it just
like you would access any other node.

To view a report
1 In the Launch Pad, expand the Reports node. A tree of
reports and/or subfolders appears.
2 Navigate to the report you want to view. If a report is
configured for snapshots, expand it to see the available
3 Click the report or snapshot you want to view. If the
report requires parameters, a parameter input page
4 Enter parameter values as required. Depending on how
the report is configured, the Tag Picker and/or Time
Picker may be available.
• If the report contains cascading parameters, select
the “Parent” parameter, for example, a tag group.
• Press the Tab or Enter keys, or click outside the field.
The tags in that group appear in the next field.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

220 Chapter 19 Using ArchestrA Reporting

• You can also use wildcards to further narrow the

5 For more information, see Using the Time Picker on
page 224. When you are done, click Execute.
The report is generated, and the results appear in the
content pane.

Using the Tag Picker

The Tag Picker shows which tag groups and tags exist in the
IndustrialSQL Server historian that is defined as the default
data source for the “Historian” data source type.
Using the Tag Picker, you can quickly search the database
for tags of a certain type and/or for tags that match a
particular search pattern. You can then select the ones you
want to include in a report.

Tags pane

Server pane

Filter pane

The Tag Picker is comprised of the following three panes:

• Server pane
• Tags pane

• Filter pane

To show or hide the Server or Filter pane, right-click the Tag

Picker and then click the name of the pane.

Using the Server Pane

The Server pane allows you to navigate through the folder
structure (namespace) of the IndustrialSQL Server historian.
You can add groups just as you would add a new folder in the
Windows Explorer. For example, you can create the
"BoilerTags" group under in the existing "Private Groups"
group. You can also delete, cut, copy, paste, and drag objects
from one folder to another.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Viewing Reports 221

To add a group
1 Right-click on the folder under which you want to create
a group and then click New Group.
A new folder appears in the Tag Picker.
2 Type a name for the folder and press ENTER.

To add a tag to a group

1 Select the system group folder that contains the tag that
you want to add to your new group.
2 In the Tags pane, select the tag to add.
3 Do any of the following:
• Drag the desired tag from the Tags pane into the
• Right-click on the desired tag in the Tags pane. Use
the Copy and Paste commands in the shortcut menu to
copy the tag to the target folder.
When you add tags to a new group, the original reference
still appears in the default system group.

To delete a group or tag

1 Select the group or tag in the pane.
2 Do any of the following:
• Right-click on the group or tag and then click Delete.
• Press the DELETE key.
When you delete a private group or tag reference in a
private group, the group folder, any subfolders that the
group folder may contain, and all references to tags are
deleted. The tags themselves are not deleted, and the
original references still appear in the default system
group. You cannot delete public folders or the tag
references contained in them.

To rename a group

Note You can rename a group that you have created in the Tag
Picker. However, you cannot rename a public folder.

1 Select the group in the pane.

2 Do any of the following:
• Right-click on the group and then click Rename.
• Press the F2 key.
3 Type a new name for the group and press ENTER.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

222 Chapter 19 Using ArchestrA Reporting

To view server details

1 In the Server pane, right-click on the server and then
click Server details. The Server Details dialog box appears.
2 Click OK.

Using the Tags Pane

The Tags pane shows all the tags for the currently selected
group in the Server pane.
To view only tags of a certain type, click the appropriate tab
at the bottom of the pane.
To sort the table by a particular column, click the column
Depending on the configuration of the report, the Tag Picker
may show an additional Selected Tags list.

Selected Tags list

To add or remove tags from the Selected Tags list, use the >
and < buttons. You can also drag the tags between the list

Using the Filter Pane

Use the Filter pane to reduce the tags listed in the Tags pane
according to criteria that you specify. You can filter the tags
according to name, description, and I/O address.
The filter mechanism allows for the following "wildcard"
characters as part of the filter criteria:

Character Filter Function

% Any string of zero or more characters.

_ Any single character.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Viewing Reports 223

Character Filter Function

[] Any single character within the

specified range or set. For example:
• [a-f]

• [abcdef]
[^] Any single character not within the
specified range or set. For example:
• [^a - f]
• [^abcdef]
For example, to find all tagnames ending with "level," type
When the Server pane and the Filter pane are both visible,
the filter conditions apply to the selected group in the Server
pane. When the Server pane is hidden, the filter applies to all
tags on the IndustrialSQL Server historian.

To apply a filter
1 In the Tag name box, enter the string to match for the
2 In the Description box, enter the string to match for the
3 In the I/O Address box, enter the string to match for the
I/O address.
4 Select the Exact match check box to search for tags that
exactly match the entire string that you provided for the
tagname and/or description options.
For example, if you specify "level" as the tagname and do
not select Exact match, any tagname that contains the
string "level" appears. For example, "ReactLevel,"
"ProdLevel," and "$AccessLevel."
The Exact match option does not apply to the I/O address.
5 Click Apply to apply the filter criteria.
6 Click Clear to clear the Filter pane.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

224 Chapter 19 Using ArchestrA Reporting

Using the Time Picker

The time picker allows you to select a time range by
specifying a start time, end time, and/or duration.

To specify a time period

‹ On the Time toolbar, specify the start time, end time,
and/or duration. To select a date from a calendar, click
the down arrow on the start time or end time list. To
select a predefined duration, click the down arrow on the
duration list.

Start Time Duration End Time

When you change one of the options, one of the other

options is recalculated automatically. While you change
the option, a blue frame appears around the option that
will be recalculated as a result of the change.
The relation between changed and updated options is as

You change... The time picker updates...

Start time End time (based on duration)

End time Start time (based on duration)
Duration Start time (based on end time)

If you change multiple options in a row, which option is

updated depends on which two other options you changed
last. For example, if you change the start time and then
the end time, the duration is calculated accordingly. If
you change the start time and then the duration, the end
time is calculated, and so on.

Managing Reports
You can manage reports from Industrial Application Server
using the standard functionality of SQL Server Reporting
Services. For example, you can delete reports, configure
default parameter values, set snapshot options, and so on.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Configuring Reporting Options 225

To manage reports
‹ In the Launch Pad, expand the Administration node and
click on Report Manager.
The SQL Server Reporting Services management page
appears in the content pane. Use it just as you would use
it when accessing it directly. For more information, see
the Microsoft documentation.

Configuring Reporting Options

You can configure a number of options related to ArchestrA
Reporting functionality. To do this, edit the web.config file
located in the ArchestrAReports subfolder of the Industrial
Application Server virtual directory. You can configure the
following options:

Option Description
EncryptedSysAdminUs The password for the user name
erPassword specified by the
SysAdminUserName option. This
value is stored in an encrypted
format. If you want to change this
value manually, you must use the
encrypted version of the password.
To get the encrypted version,
configure a shared data source in
Industrial Application Server with
the desired user name and
password. Then, copy the
encrypted password from the
DataSources table in the
SuiteVoyager database on the
Industrial Application Server
system and paste it as the value
for this option.
HiddenReportPrefix The prefix character for hidden
reports. If a report’s name starts
with this character, it is not shown
in the Launch Pad.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

226 Chapter 19 Using ArchestrA Reporting

Option Description
PrinterMapping A mapping of Windows printer
names to logical printer names.
Logical printer names are used
when you print a report from an
Industrial Application Server or
IndustrialSQL Server script. To
map a printer, specify a value in a
format of “Logical name=Windows
name.” For example, a value of
“Default=ACME Corp.
SuperWriter” makes the printer
that is installed under the name
“ACME Corp. SuperWriter”
available under the logical name
“Default.” To map multiple
printers, separate the mappings
using commas.
ReportManager The URL of the Microsoft SQL
Server Reporting Services website.
For example,
Depending on your environment,
you may need to use a
fully-qualified URL. For example,
By default a relative URL is used,
/Reports. This is a client-side
redirection to /Reports.
SysAdminUserName The user name that is used to
connect to the ArchestrA
Reporting database and configure
the corresponding linked server
when adding or editing a shared
data source in Industrial
Application Server.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Understanding Reporting Security 227

Understanding Reporting Security

ArchestrA Reporting security relies on the SQL Server
Reporting Services (SSRS) role model. The SSRS role
membership of Industrial Application Server users
determines whether they can view, execute or create reports.
Users only see those reports in the Launch Pad that they are
allowed to view based on their SSRS role.
Generally, a user’s role membership is checked based on the
account that was used to log on to Industrial Application
Server. The only exception is creating a report using Report
Builder. In this case, Report Builder always runs under the
account that is currently logged on to the client computer.
Therefore, role membership is checked based on that
account, not the account that was used to log on to Industrial
Application Server (which may be a different account).
When you install Industrial Application Server, the following
Windows user groups are configured on the Industrial
Application Server computer:
• aaReportsAdministrators: This group is assigned the
SSRS “Content Manager” role and the Industrial
Application Server “Administrator” role.
• aaReportsPowerUsers: This group is assigned the
SSRS “My Reports,” “Report Builder,” and “Publisher”
roles and the Industrial Application Server “Engineer”
• aaReportsUsers: This group is assigned the SSRS
“Browser” role and the Industrial Application Server
“Read-Only User” role.

You can add Windows user accounts to these groups to give

them the desired level of access to reports.
Furthermore, an “aaReportsUsers” user with a password of
“pwReportsUser” is created in the ArchestrA Reporting
database to allow non-administrator access to the database.

Developing Reports
Because Industrial Application Server uses the SQL Server
Reporting Services infrastructure, you can use it to execute
and view any report developed using SQL Server Reporting
Services. There are, however, a number of additional
features that extend standard Reporting Services. This
section explains what these features are and how you can use
them in your custom reports.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

228 Chapter 19 Using ArchestrA Reporting

About Building Reports

Microsoft Report Builder uses the concept of a “Semantic
Model” to build reports. Semantic models include the
following elements:
• A report model is a metadata layer on top of a physical
database that identifies business entities, fields, and
roles. After publishing, you can develop reports without
having to be familiar with database structures or
understanding and writing SQL queries.
• Models are comprised of entities, which are sets of related
report items that share the following:

• Grouped together under a friendly name

• Predefined relationships between these business
• Predefined calculations.
• Models are defined using an XML language called
Semantic Model Definition Language (SMDL). The file
extension for report model files is .smdl.

For more information on developing reports for SQL Server

Reporting Services, see the Microsoft documentation.

Creating Reports
You have two options for creating a new report for Industrial
Application Server: creating a simple ad-hoc report based on
a semantic model, or developing a customized report in an
external development environment and deploying it to
Industrial Application Server.

Creating an Ad-hoc Report

You can create a simple ad-hoc report based on any semantic
model available in Industrial Application Server.

To create an ad-hoc report

1 Click Administration to expand the list and click Report
2 Click Report Builder in the top navigation bar. Microsoft
Report Builder appears.
3 Select the model you want to use to create the report. A
Historian model is provided by default.
4 Create your report using the fields provided by the model.
5 Run and/or save the report from Report Builder.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Developing Reports 229

Note For more information on using Report Builder, see the

Microsoft documentation.

Creating a Custom Report

To create a more full-featured report, use SQL Server
Business Intelligence Development Studio.
You can then deploy the report using the ArchestrA Reports
Deployment utility. For more information, see Deploying
Reports on page 244.
Follow these general guidelines when creating custom
• Industrial Application Server shows all reports under the
ArchestrA Reports folder in SQL Server Reporting
Services (the ArchestrA Reporting root folder). After you
copy your report to that folder or a subfolder, it’s
available in Industrial Application Server.
• You can hide reports in the Launch Pad by prefixing their
name with a special character. By default, this character
is the underscore. You can configure a different
character. For more information, see the
HiddenReportPrefix option in Configuring Reporting
Options on page 225.

• If you want to package a report for deployment using the

ArchestrA Reports Deployment utility, the report must
use the aaReports datasource. The report must use a
datasource called “aaReports” that points to the
aaReports database. An error occurs during report
deployment if the report is configured to use a data
source other than aaReports.
• You can use cascading parameters to restrict the values
of other parameters. For example, you can restrict
tagnames based on the group they belong to. Filtering a
cascaded value is also supported. For more information
on cascading parameters, see To view a report on
page 219.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

230 Chapter 19 Using ArchestrA Reporting

• You can customize your report parameters to use

Wonderware Information Server controls.

The following table describes custom inputs that show

the controls

Parameter Name Data Type Parameter Result

TagName String Multi Value Tag Picker control appears with

multi-tag selection.
TagName String Single Value Tag Picker control appears with
single-tag selection.
(TagName String Single Value Path field appears in the Tag
AND) Picker.
StartDateTime DateTime Single Value Time Picker control appears.
TimeZoneID Integer Single Value Time Zone Picker control appears.
Duration Integer Single Value This parameter will not appear in
the parameter page, and will
automatically be set to the Time
Picker duration selected by the
• Industrial Application Server provides two report
templates that you can use to create your own reports.
The default installation location is:
Program Files/Wonderware/SuiteVoyager/
The samples are also included on the installation CD at:

Working with Report Parameters

When you call a parameterized report from Industrial
Application Server, a custom parameter input page appears
instead of the standard input controls provided by SQL
Server Reporting Services.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Developing Reports 231

For example, when executing a report from SQL Server

Reporting Services, the input controls might look like this:

When executing the same report from Industrial Application

Server, the parameter input page might look like this:

In most respects, this page works like the regular SQL

Server Reporting Services parameter input pane. However,
for certain types of parameters, you can use input controls
instead of regular text boxes or lists. The following sections
describe using the controls.

Using the Tag Picker for Parameter Input

For reports that require IndustrialSQL Server tagnames as
parameters, you can use the Tag Picker to select tags from a
list or to return the path of a selected folder in the folder

Note One IndustrialSQL Server node is supported for Parameter


Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

232 Chapter 19 Using ArchestrA Reporting

The Tag Picker shows all tags stored on the IndustrialSQL

Server historian that is defined as the default data source for
the “Historian” data source type.

To use the Tag Picker to select tags

‹ Define a string parameter called TagName in your report.
When you view the report in Industrial Application
Server, the Tag Picker appears instead of the regular text
box for that parameter.
The TagName parameter can be a single-value or multi-value
• For a single-value parameter, Industrial Application
Server passes the currently selected tagname to the
TagName parameter when you execute the report.

• For a multi-value parameter, the Tag Picker shows an

additional Selected Tags list.

Selected Tags list

To add or remove tags from the Selected Tags list, use the
> and < buttons. When you execute the report, Industrial
Application Server passes all tagnames from the Selected
Tags list to the TagName parameter.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Developing Reports 233

To use the Tag Picker to select a folder path

‹ Define a single-value string parameter called PathName
in your report. When you view the report in Industrial
Application Server, the Tag Picker appears instead of the
regular text box for that parameter.
When you execute the report, Industrial Application
Server passes the path to the currently selected tag folder
to the PathName parameter. For example, Hist1.Public
Groups.All Analog Tags.

Using the Time Picker for Parameter Input

For reports that require start and end date/time values as
parameters, you can use the Time Picker to select a time
range based on a start time, end time and/or duration.
The time values sent to the report parameters are in UTC.

To use the Time Picker to select a time period

The optional integer parameter Duration, when used in
conjunction with the Time Picker, is set to the relative
duration value selected in the middle Time Picker control. It
may return a value documented in the
CalculateEndTimeUtc function.
‹ Define two DateTime parameters called StartDateTime
and EndDateTime in your report. Be sure to define the
parameters as datatype DateTime. When you view the
report in Industrial Application Server, the Time Picker
appears instead of the regular text boxes for these
When you execute the report, Industrial Application
Server passes the currently selected start and end times
to the StartDateTime and EndDateTime parameters.

Using the Time Zone Picker for Parameter Input

For reports that require a time zone as a parameter, you can
use the Time Zone Picker to select a time zone from a list.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

234 Chapter 19 Using ArchestrA Reporting

To use the Time Zone Picker to select a time zone

‹ Define an integer parameter called TimeZoneId in your
report. When you view the report in Industrial
Application Server, the Time Zone Picker appears instead
of the regular text box for that parameter.
To use a report parameter within a dataset, the
parameter value must be mapped within the dataset
definition. The report designer tries to do this
automatically, but manual mapping may be needed.
The Time Zone Picker shows all of the time zones defined
on the client computer.

Note The Time Zone lists in the client and server Registry files
must absolutely match. For example, orders, numbers, and names
must be the same.

When you execute the report, Industrial Application

Server passes the ID of the currently selected time zone
to the TimeZoneId parameter. You can then use custom
SQL functions to calculate query times based on the time
zone. For more information, see Using Add-On Functions
on page 234.

Note The TimeZoneId parameter only shows the Time Zone picker
when the Time Picker is also shown.

Using Add-On Functions

The ArchestrA Reporting database contains a number of
custom SQL functions that you can use in your reports. The
following functions are available:
• CalculateEndTimeUtc

• CalculateStartTimeUtc

• DateTimeLocalToUtc
• DateTimeToFileTime

• DateTimeUtcToLocal

• FileTimeLocalToUtc

• FileTimeToDateTime

• FileTimeToDateTimeLocal

• FileTimeToString

• FileTimeToStringLocal

• FileTimeUtcToLocal

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Developing Reports 235

• IsDaylightSavingTime

• StringLocalToFileTime

• StringToFileTime
• TimeZoneDisplayName

• TimeZoneId

• TimeZoneName

• TimeZoneToUtc

• UtcToTimeZone

Returns the end time of a specified relative duration at the
Report Server node.
CalculateEndTimeUtc(@when datetime, @duration int,
@timeZoneID int)
The time to be returned if no valid duration parameter is
The relative duration. Valid values are:

Value Description

1 The last minute.

2 The last five minutes.
3 The last ten minutes.
4 The last fifteen minutes.
5 The last 30 minutes.
6 The last hour.
7 The last two hours.
8 The last four hours.
9 The last eight hours.
10 The last twelve hours.
11 The last twenty-four hours.
12 The last two days.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

236 Chapter 19 Using ArchestrA Reporting

Value Description

13 The last week.

14 The last two weeks.
15 The last month.
16 The last three months.
33 0:00:00 of the previous day to 0:00:00 of the
current day.
34 0:00:00 of the current day to the current time.
35 The start of the previous hour to the start of the
current hour.
36 The start of the current hour to the current time.
The time zone to return the end time for. -100 can be used
to indicate ServerLocal.
Return Value
Returns the end time of the specified duration as a datetime
value in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).

Related Topics

Returns the start time of a specified relative duration at the
Report Server node.
CalculateStartTimeUtc(@when datetime, @duration int,
@timeZoneId int)
The time to be returned if no valid duration parameter is
The relative duration. For more information on valid
values, see CalculateEndTimeUtc on page 235.
The time zone to return the end time for. -100 can be used
to indicate ServerLocal.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Developing Reports 237

Return Value
Returns the start time of the specified duration as a
datetime value in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).

Related Topics

Converts a datetime value that represents the local time on
the ArchestrA Reporting database server to UTC
(Coordinated Universal Time).
DateTimeLocalToUtc(@dateTime datetime)
A datetime value representing the local time on the
ArchestrA Reporting database server.
Return Value
Returns a datetime value.

Related Topics

Converts a datetime value to a FILETIME value that
represents the local time on the ArchestrA Reporting
database server. FILETIME is a SQL Server bigint value
representing the Microsoft Windows 32 FILETIME (the
number of 100 nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601)
DateTimeToFileTime(@dateTime bigint)
A bigint value representing the local time on the ArchestrA
Reporting database server.
Return Value
Returns a bigint value.

Related Topics

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

238 Chapter 19 Using ArchestrA Reporting

Converts a datetime value that represents UTC
(Coordinated Universal Time) to the local time on the
ArchestrA Reporting database server .
DateTimeUtcToLocal(@dateTime datetime)
A datetime value representing UTC.
Return Value
Returns a datetime value.

Related Topics

Converts a FILETIME value that represents the local time on
the ArchestrA Reporting database server to UTC
(Coordinated Universal Time).
FileTimeLocalToUtc(@fileTime bigint)
A FILETIME value representing the local time on the
ArchestrA Reporting database server.
Return Value
Returns a bigint value.

Related Topics

Converts a FILETIME value to a SQL datetime value.
FileTimeToDateTime(@fileTime bigint)
Return Value
Returns the corresponding datetime value. No time zone
conversion is applied. The "corresponding datetime value" is
rounded to the nearest available SQL Server time value,
which has an accuracy of 3.33 milliseconds.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Developing Reports 239

Related Topics

Converts a FILETIME value to a SQL datetime value. The
result represents the local time on the ArchestrA Reporting
database server.
FileTimeToDateTimeLocal(@fileTime bigint)
A FILETIME value representing Coordinated Universal
Time (UTC).
Return Value
Returns the corresponding datetime value rounded to
nearest 3.33 ms.

Related Topics

Converts a FILETIME value to a date/time string.
FileTimeToString(@fileTime bigint, @format
The format for the date/time string. This must be a valid
.NET Framework DateTime format string. If you pass
NULL, the default format is used (yyyy-MM-dd
Return Value
Returns the value as a string. No time zone conversion is

Related Topics

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

240 Chapter 19 Using ArchestrA Reporting

Converts a FILETIME value to a date/time string. The result
represents the local time on the ArchestrA Reporting
database server.
FileTimeToStringLocal(@fileTime bigint, @format
A FILETIME value representing Coordinated Universal
Time (UTC).
The format for the date/time string. This must be a valid
.NET Framework DateTime format string. If you pass
NULL, the default format is used (yyyy-MM-dd
Return Value
Returns the value as a string.

Related Topics

Converts a FILETIME value that represents UTC
(Coordinated Universal Time) to the local time on the
ArchestrA Reporting database server.
FileTimeUtcToLocal(@fileTime bigint)
A FILETIME value representing UTC.
Return Value
Returns a bigint value.

Related Topics

Returns whether a specific date/time falls within daylight
saving time in a time zone.
IsDaylightSavingTime(@when datetime, @timeZoneId int)

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Developing Reports 241

The date/time value to check.
The time zone ID. -100 can be used to indicate
Return Value
Returns True if the date/time falls within daylight saving
time in the specified time zone. Returns False otherwise.

Converts a date/time string to a FILETIME value that
represents the local time on the ArchestrA Reporting
database server.
StringToFileTime(@timeString nvarchar(max))
A date/time string representing the local time on the
ArchestrA Reporting database server. The date/time format
must be valid in the current .NET Framework culture.
Return Value
Returns a bigint value.

Related Topics

Converts a date/time string to a FILETIME value that
represents UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).
StringToFileTime(@timeString nvarchar(max))
A date/time string representing UTC. The date/time format
must be valid in the current .NET Framework culture.
Return Value
Returns a bigint value.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

242 Chapter 19 Using ArchestrA Reporting

Related Topics

Returns the long name of a time zone based on the time
zone’s ID.
TimeZoneDisplayName(@timeZoneId int)
The time zone ID. -100 can be used to indicate
Return Value
Returns the name of the time zone as a string. For example,
“(GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada); Tijuana.”

Related Topics

Returns the ID of a time zone based on the time zone’s short
TimeZoneId(@timeZoneName nvarchar(255))
The time zone’s name. For example, “Pacific Standard
Return Value
Returns the time zone’s ID as an integer.

Related Topics

Returns the short name of a time zone based on the time
zone’s ID.
TimeZoneName(@timeZoneId int)

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Developing Reports 243

The time zone ID. -100 indicates the time zone of the server
hosting the ArchestrA Reporting database.
Return Value
Returns the name of the time zone as a string. For example,
“Pacific Standard Time.”

Related Topics

Converts a UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) time to the
local time in the specified time zone.
TimeZoneToUtc(@when datetime, @timeZoneId int)
The UTC time.
The time zone ID. -100 can be used to indicate
Return Value
Returns the local time in the specified time zone as a
datetime value.

Related Topics

Converts a local time in the specified time zone to UTC
(Coordinated Universal Time).
UtcToTimeZone(@when datetime, @timeZoneId int)
The local time.
The time zone ID. -100 can be used to indicate
Return Value
Returns the UTC time as a datetime value.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

244 Chapter 19 Using ArchestrA Reporting

Related Topics

Deploying Reports
Conceptually, deploying a custom report on a Industrial
Application Server system involves the following tasks:
• Create a default data source for a data source type in
Industrial Application Server. This automatically adds a
linked server.
• Use a SQL script to create any database objects needed
for the report. For example, a view might be replicated in
the ArchestrA Reporting database that points to the
views in the target database through the linked server.
• Deploy the report to the SQL Server Report Server.

The ArchestrA Report Deployment utility facilitates this

process. Using this utility, you can deploy an existing report
package to your local Industrial Application Server system.
The utility uses an existing Shared Data Source, or it can
create a new Shared Data Source type and associated Shared
Data Source when deploying the reports.
The report package doesn’t contain specific information
about database servers and names. Instead, it contains
placeholders that are replaced with specific information
when the report is deployed.

Note To deploy the report package, you must select the XML file
contained in the existing deployment package.

The general tasks for packaging and deploying a report are

as follows:
1 Create the report. The report should only rely on views in
the ArchestrA Reporting database. It should not refer
directly to the target database that contains the data you
want to report on.
2 Create a SQL script file that replicates any necessary
views from the target database to the ArchestrA
Reporting database. The SQL script does not refer to a
specific server or database name. Instead, it uses
placeholders that are replaced with the actual linked
server information at deployment. For more information,
see Creating Database Objects on page 245.
3 Create a configuration file for the ArchestrA Reports
Deployment utility. The configuration file specifies where
your report file is located, where it should be placed in

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Deploying Reports 245

the Reporting Services folder structure, and where the

SQL script file from step 2 is located. For more
information, see Creating a Configuration File on
page 247.
4 Run the ArchestrA Reports Deployment utility on the
Wonderware Information Server.The utility specifies the
configuration file and information for the linked server
that should be used or created. For more information, see
Deploying Reports Using the ArchestrA Reports
Deployment Utility on page 251.
If necessary, the utility creates a linked server using the
information you provided. It executes the SQL script,
replacing the placeholders with the actual linked server
information. Finally, it uploads the specified report to the
specified location.

Creating Database Objects

If your report requires additional items in the reporting
database (for example, views or tables), you can create a SQL
script that creates these objects. When you deploy your
report, the ArchestrA Reports Deployment utility
automatically runs this script.
Your script can contain the following placeholders. When the
script file is executed, these placeholders are replaced with
the specific information that you provided when you started
the utility.

Placeholder Description

%ReportsDatabase% The name of the reporting

%ReportsNode% The node name of the reporting
%SourceDatabase% The database name for the
linked server that you provided
when running the utility.
%SourceNode% The node name for the linked
server that you provided when
running the utility.
%SourceUser% The user name for the linked
server that you provided when
running the utility.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

246 Chapter 19 Using ArchestrA Reporting

Placeholder Description

%SourcePassword% The password for the linked

server that you provided when
running the utility.
%SourceName% The name for the linked server
that you provided when running
the utility.
%SourcePrefix% The prefix needed to refer to a
table or view in the database
specified by the linked server.
This is the linked server name
followed by the database name
(for example,
For example, your script could include the following SQL
CREATE VIEW ProdPerf_Location as select * from

When you run the utility, specifying “Server1” as the name of

the linked server and “ProdDB” as the database name, the
placeholder is replaced, and the following command is run:
create view ProdPerf_Location as select * from

This statement creates a “pass-through” view that points to

the original view, which is located in a different database on
a different physical host. Because the pass-through view only
refers to the linked server name, but not to a specific host
name, you could move the database to a different host and
edit the linked server definition accordingly. The replicated
view would still work.
For more flexibility, you can rewrite the same statement as
create view ProdPerf_Location as select * from
OPENQUERY(%SourceName%,'select * from

Note Changing the database name only works for views using
OPENQUERY to specify the database.

In this case, the following command is run:

create view [dbo].[ProdPerf_Location] as select * from
OPENQUERY(Server1,'select * from ProdPerf_Location')

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Deploying Reports 247

In this case, because the view doesn’t refer to a specific host

name or database name, you could change both the physical
host as well as the database name. As long as you update the
linked server definition accordingly, the view still works.
Sample report packages are located at C:\Program

Caution Using OPENQUERY can have a severe performance

impact on the Report Server. Check with your SQL Server
Administrator before running the command.

Creating a Configuration File

For each set of reports that you want to deploy using the
ArchestrA Reports Deployment utility, you create a
configuration file in XML format. The configuration file
contains the following information:
• Any Report items, such as Reports, Models, Folders and
so on, to be deployed to the SQL Report Server

• Any custom SQL script file to process against the

reporting database (to replicate views etc.)

The following sections describe the structure and elements of

the configuration file. For a sample, see Sample
Configuration File on page 250.

Configuration File Structure

A configuration file has the following structure:
<XML header/>

• The ReportSources element contains one schema. For

more information, see ReportSources XML Element on
page 248.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

248 Chapter 19 Using ArchestrA Reporting

• The SourceDatabase element contains one source

database, represented by the SourceDatabase XML
element. For more information, see SourceDatabase XML
Element on page 248.
• The SourceDatabase element contains information on
the following:

a Information on the SQL script that should be run

when deploying the report. This information is
represented by the ReportServer XML element. For
more information, see ReportServer XML Element on
page 249.
b Information on the reporting items that should be
deployed. This information is represented by the
Reporting XML element. For more information, see
Reporting XML Element on page 249.
• The ReportServer element contains any of the following:

a Folders that should be created under the ArchestrA

Reporting base folder. This information is
represented by the Folder XML element.
b Report and/or model files that should be uploaded.
This information is represented by the Report and
Model XML sub-elements.
A Folder element can contain Report, Model, or other
Folder elements. This allows you to create folder trees.
For more information, see Reporting XML Element on
page 249.
For a sample configuration file, see Sample Configuration
File on page 250.

ReportSources XML Element

This element references the aaReportsSchema.xsd used for
reporting. It has one required attribute:
• xmlns: Specifies the aaReportsSchema.xsd schema
namespace to be used.

The configuration file can only contain a single

ReportSources element.

SourceDatabase XML Element

This element defines a source database. It is the container for
three other elements:
• ReportServer: Specifies the SQL script that should be
run when deploying the report. For more information, see
ReportServer XML Element on page 249.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Deploying Reports 249

• Reporting: Specifies the reporting items that should be

deployed. For more information, see Reporting XML
Element on page 249.

It has one attribute:

• name: Specifies the name of the database. Used for
informational purposes only.

WebConfig XML Element

This element is required and should be empty.

ReportServer XML Element

This element is required and can contain zero or one Deploy
elements. The Deploy element specifies the SQL script that
should be run when deploying the report.
• Deploy: Use this element to specify the path to the file in
the file attribute. For example, to use a file named
“DeployScript.sql,” specify <Deploy
file="DeployScript.sql" />.

Reporting XML Element

This element is required and can contain zero or more
Folder, Report, and Model sub-elements.
Use this element to specify the reporting items that should
be deployed.
• Folder: Creates a folder. Specify the folder name and
description using the name and description attributes.
For example, to create a folder named “Folder 1” with a
description of “My first folder,” specify <Folder
name="Folder 1" description="My first

• Report: Uploads a report file. Use the name attribute to

specify the name under which the report should appear in
Industrial Application Server. Specify the file path and
report description using the file and description
attributes. For example, to upload the report file
“Report1.rdl” using a name of “My Report 1” with a
description of “My first report,” specify <Report
name="My Report 1" file="Report1.rdl"
description="My first report" />.

• Model: Uploads a model file. Use the name attribute to

specify the name under which the model should appear in
Industrial Application Server. Specify the file path and
model description using the file and description
attributes. For example, to upload the model file
“Model1.smdl” using a name of “My Model 1” with a

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

250 Chapter 19 Using ArchestrA Reporting

description of “My first model,” specify <Model name="My

Model 1" file="Model1.smdl" description="My
first model" />.

Folder sub-elements can contain Report elements, Model

elements, and other Folder elements. This allows you to
create folder trees. Each item is created in the folder that
corresponds to its Folder parent element. Items that don’t
have a Folder parent element are created in the ArchestrA
Reporting root folder.
For example, the following sample fragment uploads a report
to the base folder, creates a folder named Support with a
subfolder named Models, and uploads a model to the Models
<Report name="Top-level report" file="TopReport.rdl" description="Report
stored in the base folder"/>
<Folder name="Support" description="Folder for support files">
<Folder name="Models" description="Folder for model files">
<Model name="Support Model" file="SupModel.smdl" description="Semantic
Model for top-level report"/>

Sample Configuration File

A simple configuration example file might look like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ReportSources xmlns = "aaReportsSchema.xsd">
<SourceDatabase name="InSQL">
<Deploy file="insqldeploy.sql" />
<Folder name="Historian" description="Folder for Historian Reports">
<Report name="Group Period" file="GroupPeriodReport.rdl"
description="Historian Group Period Report"/>
<Model name="Historian Model" file="InSQL.smdl"
description="Semantic Model for Historian"/>
When you use this configuration file for deployment, the
following happens:
1 A folder named “Historian” is created under the
ArchestrA Reporting base folder in SQL Server Reporting
Services. The report file GroupPeriodReport.rdl and the
model file InSQL.smdl are uploaded to this folder.
2 The SQL script file insqldeploy.sql is executed against the
ArchestrA Reporting database.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Deploying Reports 251

Deploying Reports Using the ArchestrA Reports

Deployment Utility
When you start the ArchestrA Reports Deployment utility
(aaReportDBConfig.exe) without passing any parameters,
a graphical interface appears that lets you specify
deployment information and start deployment.

To deploy a report using the utility

To successfully deploy a report, you must configure security
configuration settings required to connect with the aaReports
database. You can select Windows Authentication, or SQL
If Windows Authentication is used in both dialog boxes,
security delegation must be enabled from Active Directory. If
SQL Authentication is used in both dialog boxes, the SQL
Server node security user credentials are used.
If the first dialog box is set to SQL Authentication, and the
second dialog box is set to Windows authentication, the SQL
Server user's credentials are used during the configuration
process to access the Data Source Server.
1 Start the ArchestrA Reports Deployment utility from the
Wonderware/Information Server group of the Windows
Start menu. The ArchestrA Reports Database Configuration
dialog box appears with the aaReports Database page

2 Specify the administrator credentials for connecting to

the ArchestrA Reporting database.
• Windows Authentication uses permissions supplied by
the Active Directory.
• If you selected SQL Server Authentication, specify the
credentials of a SQL Server administrator account in
the Login Name and Password boxes.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

252 Chapter 19 Using ArchestrA Reporting

3 In the tree-view in the left pane, click Deploy Reports. The

Deploy Reports page appears.

4 Specify whether to use an existing linked server for

report deployment or to create a new one.
• Select Existing Shared Data Source if you want to
deploy your report using an existing data source
defined in Industrial Application Server.
• Select Create New Shared Data Source Type and Default
Data Source if you want to create a new data source
type, a default data source for that type, and a
corresponding linked server.
5 If you selected Existing Shared Data Source, click the
desired data source type in the Existing SDS Type list. In
the Default Data Source area, the connection information
for the default data source of the selected type appears.
6 If you selected to create a new data source type, enter its
name in the New SDS Type box. In the Default Data Source
area, enter the connection information for the new data
source and linked server.
7 In the Page Transform list, specify whether the deployed
report(s) should be converted to a different page size.
8 In the Configuration File box, enter the path to the .xml
configuration file that you want to use for deployment.
Click Browse to browse for the file.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Preparing for Report Execution from Industrial Application Server and IndustrialSQL Server

9 Click Deploy.
The ArchestrA Reports Deployment utility deploys your
report(s) based on the information specified in the
deployment file.

Preparing for Report Execution from

Industrial Application Server and
IndustrialSQL Server
You can execute reports from Industrial Application
Server or IndustrialSQL Server. Before executing reports
from either source:
• Configure local or network printers.

• Configure Snapshot reporting.

• Import the Reports Library

Configure Printers
You can print your reports from the local printer or from one
or more network printers. Add a local or network printer
using standard printer configuration steps, on the portal

Note Printing is always executed from the Wonderware

Information Server node.

Modify the web.config File for Printer Configuration

The web.config file contains the element key values for any
printers. It must be modified to include any local or network
printers configured on the Wonderware Information Server

To modify the web.config file

1 Locate the web.config file and open it using Notepad. The
default location is

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

254 Chapter 19 Using ArchestrA Reporting

2 Locate the <add key=”PrinterMapping” value.../>

line and add the printer domain and printer name using
the format shown in the following graphic. Separate
multiple printer names using a comma.
The following graphic shows two printers.

3 Save and close the file.

WARNING! Do NOT save the file as a .txt file.

Configure Snapshot Reporting

You can trigger snapshot reports from both Industrial
Application Server and IndustrialSQL Server.
To ensure successful snapshot reporting, you must configure
the aaReports Shared Data Source with the correct

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Executing Reports from Industrial Application Server 255

To configure Wonderware Information Server for Snapshot

1 On the Wonderware Information Server node, open
Wonderware Information Server and navigate to
Administration/Report Manager/ArchestrA

2 Click the Credentials stored securely in the report server

option and type the Domain/User Name and Password as
shown in the previous graphic.
3 Click the Use as Windows credentials when connecting to
the data source option, and Apply.

Executing Reports from Industrial Application

You can trigger snapshots, and export and print
parameterized reports by using Industrial Application Server
object scripts.
Once you have imported the script function library, a number
of object classes are available for use in Industrial
Application Server scripts.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

256 Chapter 19 Using ArchestrA Reporting

Import the ArchestrAReportsScripts.dll

The necessary objects for executing reports are provided as a
separate library. To use them, import the reports library
object first.

To import the reports library for Industrial Application Server

1 Open the Industrial Application Server IDE.
On the main menu, click Import/Script Function Library.
2 Select ArchestrAReportsScripts.dll file. It is located
on the installation CD at
3 Click Open.
4 Acknowledge the Success message by clicking OK.
The following sections explain the methods and properties of
these objects. For examples of how to use them, see
Industrial Application Server Report Execution Script
Samples on page 265.
Your script should perform the following actions in order to
successfully execute a report:
• The script must be run Asynchronously. This is to
ensure a large print operation will not impede your
Application Engine execution cycles.

• Open a connection to the report server.

• Get an instance of the report you want to execute.

• Specify any required parameters and the report format.

• Trigger the report.

• Check the status of the report execution until the report

• Clean up internal data structures.

ArchestrA.Reports.ReportServer Class
ReportServer objects have the following methods:
• Dispose Method

• GetParameterizedReport Method

• GetSnapshotReport Method

• Open Method

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Executing Reports from Industrial Application Server 257

Dispose Method
This method disposes of the internal data structures for a
ReportServer instance.
This method has no parameters or return value.

GetParameterizedReport Method
This method returns an report instance of the
ParameterizedReport class.
GetParameterizedReport(string reportPath);
The full path to the report. For example, "/ArchestrA
Reports/Alarms/Alarm History Report".
Return Value
If successful, a ParameterizedReport instance of the
requested report is returned.

GetSnapshotReport Method
This method returns an report instance of the
SnapshotReport class.
GetSnapshotReport(string reportPath);
The full path to the report. For example, "/ArchestrA
Reports/Alarms/Alarm History Report".
Return Value
If successful, a SnapshotReport instance of the requested
report is returned.

Open Method
This method specifies the report server node and base URL
used to generate reports. Use this method to initialize the
connection before requesting a report instance.
Open(string url);

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

258 Chapter 19 Using ArchestrA Reporting

The URL to the base folder used for ArchestrA Reporting.
For example:
Return Value
Returns True if the connection was established; otherwise,
returns False.

Archestra.Reports.SnapshotReport Class
SnapshotReport objects have the following properties and
• Dispose Method
• LastErrorString Property

• Status Property

• Timestamp Property

• Trigger Method

Dispose Method
This method disposes of the internal data structures for a
SnapshotReport instance.
This method has no parameters or return value.

LastErrorString Property
This property returns an error message when a report
creation request has failed (that is, if the Status property
contains Fail or the Trigger method returns False).
Return Value
Returns a string.

Related Topics
Status Property
Trigger Method

Status Property
This property returns the current state of the
SnapshotReport instance.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Executing Reports from Industrial Application Server 259

Return Value
Returns a ReportStatus value. For more information, see
ReportStatus Enumeration on page 264.
If the status is Fail, check the LastErrorString property for
detailed error information.

Related Topics
LastErrorString Property

Timestamp Property
This property returns the timestamp of the report snapshot if
it was successfully created (that is, if the Status property of
the report instance contains Success).
Return Value
Returns a string.

Related Topics
Status Property

Trigger Method
This method triggers the creation of a report snapshot on the
report server.
Return Value
Returns True if a request for a report snapshot was
successfully submitted to SQL Server Reporting Services.
Returns False if an error occurred, for example, a snapshot is
already in progress for this object. In case of an error, check
the LastErrorString property for the error message.
Each SnapshotReport instance allows only one report to be
in progress at a time. That is, you can’t generate multiple
snapshots concurrently. To check if the creation of a snapshot
has been completed, use the Status property.

Related Topics
LastErrorString Property
Status Property

Archestra.Reports.ParameterizedReport Class
ParameterizedReport objects have the following properties
and methods:
• Dispose Method

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

260 Chapter 19 Using ArchestrA Reporting

• FileSave Method

• FileSaveServer Method

• LastErrorString Property
• PrintServer Method

• SetParameter Method

• Status Property

Dispose Method
This method disposes of the internal data structures for a
ParameterizedReport instance.
This method has no parameters or return value.

FileSave Method
This method executes the report and saves the results on the
local computer.
FileSave(ReportFormat format, string fileName);
The format in which the report should be saved. For more
information, see ReportFormat Enumeration on page 264.
The full path and file name, including extension, where the
report should be saved on the local computer. For example:
C:\Reports\Summary.pdf. If no path is specified, the report
is saved in the default directory of the owner of the
ArchestrA Bootstrap service. Usually, this is the
<Windows>\System32 folder. If no extension is specified, an
appropriate extension is added based on the specified report
Return Value
Returns True if a request for executing the report was
successfully submitted to SQL Server Reporting Services.
Returns False if an error occurred, for example, report
generation is already in progress for this object. In case of an
error, check the LastErrorString property for the error

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Executing Reports from Industrial Application Server 261

Each ParameterizedReport instance allows only one report
to be in progress at a time. That is, you can’t generate
multiple reports concurrently. To check if the creation of a
snapshot has been completed, use the Status property.

Related Topics
LastErrorString Property
Status Property

FileSaveServer Method
This method executes a report and saves the results in a
folder on the Industrial Application Server website.
FileSaveServer(ReportFormat format, string fileName,
string folderName);
The format in which the report should be saved. For more
information, see ReportFormat Enumeration on page 264.
The file name, including extension, under which the report
should be saved. For example: Summary.pdf. If no
extension is specified, an appropriate extension is added
based on the specified report format.
The folder name on the server. For example: SavedReports.
Specify NULL to save the report in the default folder. To
save the report, the folder must exist on the web site and
the user must be a member of the aaReportsPowerUsers or
aaReportsAdministrators groups. For more information,
see Understanding Reporting Security on page 227.
Return Value
Returns True if a request for executing the report was
successfully submitted to SQL Server Reporting Services.
Returns False if an error occurred, for example, report
generation is already in progress for this object. In case of an
error, check the LastErrorString property for the error
Each ParameterizedReport instance allows only one report
to be in progress at a time. That is, you can’t generate
multiple reports concurrently. To check if the creation of a
snapshot has been completed, use the Status property.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

262 Chapter 19 Using ArchestrA Reporting

Related Topics
LastErrorString Property
Status Property

LastErrorString Property
This property returns an error message when a report
creation request has failed (that is, if the Status property
contains Fail or one of the methods involved in generating
reports returns False).
Return Value
Returns a string.

Related Topics
FileSave Method
FileSaveServer Method
PrintServer Method
SetParameter Method
Status Property

PrintServer Method
This method executes a report and prints the results on a
specified printer.
PrintServer(string printerName, bool landscape, Margins
The logical name of the printer where the report should be
printed. The printer mapping is defined in the web.config
file. For more information, see Configuring Reporting
Options on page 225.
The orientation of the printed report. Specify True for
landscape, False for portrait.
The margins of the printed report. This parameter requires
an object of the Margins system class. The Margins object
has four properties: Top, Bottom, Left, and Right. Each
property specifies the width of the respective margin in
hundredths of an inch.
Return Value
Returns True if a request for executing the report was
successfully submitted to SQL Server Reporting Services.
Returns False if an error occurred, for example, report

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Executing Reports from Industrial Application Server 263

generation is already in progress for this object. In case of an

error, check the LastErrorString property for the error
Each ParameterizedReport instance allows only one report
to be in progress at a time. That is, you can’t generate
multiple reports concurrently. To check if the creation of a
snapshot has been completed, use the Status property.

Related Topics
LastErrorString Property
Status Property

SetParameter Method
This method is used to set a report parameter, supply the
parameterName, and the parameterValue.
SetParameter(string parameterName, string
The name of the report parameter.
The value for the report parameter.
Return Value
Returns True if the parameter was set successfully. Returns
False if an error occurred. In case of an error, check the
LastErrorString property for the error message.
To specify more than one value for a multi-value parameter,
call this method once for each value.
The parameter name and value are not validated until the
report is executed.
Character-type parameters with a fixed length may require
trailing spaces to be considered valid.
If a report parameter has a list of available labels and values,
you must specify the value as the parameter name, not the
To specify a date/time value, use any format supported by the
Microsoft .NET 2.0 DateTime structure.

Related Topics
LastErrorString Property

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

264 Chapter 19 Using ArchestrA Reporting

Status Property
This property returns the current state of the
ParameterizedReport instance.
Return Value
Returns a ReportStatus value. For more information, see
ReportStatus Enumeration on page 264.
If the status is Fail, check the LastErrorString property for
detailed error information.

Related Topics
LastErrorString Property

ReportFormat Enumeration
This enumeration specifies available formats for saving an
executed report.

Value Description

CSV Comma-Separated Value (CSV) file

Excel Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file
MHTML Multipart HTML (web archive) file
PDF Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF)
XML eXtensible Markup Language (XML) file

ReportStatus Enumeration
This enumeration specifies status codes for a report instance
that is being processed.

Value Description

Unknown An internal error has occurred.

NotStarted The report has been initialized, but
processing has not started.
InProgress Report processing is currently underway.
Success The report was created successfully.
Fail Report processing failed.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Executing Reports from Industrial Application Server 265

Industrial Application Server Report Execution

Script Samples
The following script samples show how to use the script
functions together to save or print a report.
Additional sample scripts are located on the installation CD
at \\ArchestrAReportsLibrary\IAS\Samples.

Note Snapshot reports use default values for all parameters. If

you try to generate a report from a report with user-supplied
parameters, the report does not execute, and an error is
generated. It may be appropriate to create a linked report using
Report Manager to allow you to set default values for all report

Executing a Snapshot Report

Note The ArchestrAReportsScripts.dll library file must be
imported into your IAS Galaxy. See detailed import steps: To
import the reports library for Industrial Application Server on
page 256.

To generate a snapshot for a report, use a script like the

Dim reportServerName as string;
Dim reportNamePath as string;
Dim smsg as string;
Dim statusCounter as boolean;
Dim counter as integer;
Dim statusDelay as integer;
Dim ret as System.Boolean;
Dim reportServer as ArchestrA.Reports.ReportServer;
Dim snapshotReport as ArchestrA.Reports.SnapshotReport;

' make connection

reportServer = new ArchestrA.Reports.ReportServer;
reportServerName = "http://<YOUR WIS NODE NAME>/Wonderware/ArchestrAReports";

' setup report path and name

reportNamePath = "/ArchestrA Reports/Historian/<YOUR REPORT NAME>";

LogMessage("******** Execute Snapshot.");

LogMessage("Executing to Report Server: " + reportServerName);

' Note:
' For parameterized reports add default parameters to the report.
' User data source credentials required to execute this report must be stored
' in the report server database, configure in the aaReports data source.

statusCounter = true;
statusDelay = 3000;

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

266 Chapter 19 Using ArchestrA Reporting

LogMessage("******* Trigger a snapshot, Report: " + reportNamePath + ".");

snapshotReport = reportServer.GetSnapshotReport(reportNamePath);
ret = snapshotReport.Trigger();

IF(ret == false) THEN

smsg = "Snapshot trigger returned false - System Time: " +

smsg = smsg + " - Error Detail: " + snapshotReport.LastErrorString;

LogMessage("Successfully triggered report SnapShot - System Time: " +

LogMessage("******* Start status check. ");
counter = 1;
WHILE(statusCounter == true)
IF(snapshotReport.Status == ArchestrA.Reports.ReportStatus.InProgress)
LogMessage("SnapShot - InProgress - Pass# " + counter.ToString());
ELSEIF(snapshotReport.Status == ArchestrA.Reports.ReportStatus.Success)
LogMessage("Success - TimeStamp: " + snapshotReport.TimeStamp);
statusCounter = false;
ELSEIF(snapshotReport.Status == ArchestrA.Reports.ReportStatus.Fail)
LogMessage("Failed - Pass# " + counter.ToString() +
" - Error Detail: " + snapshotReport.LastErrorString);
statusCounter = false;
ELSEIF(snapshotReport.Status ==
LogMessage("Not Started - Pass# " + counter.ToString());
ELSEIF(snapshotReport.Status == ArchestrA.Reports.ReportStatus.Unknown)
LogMessage("Unknown - Pass# " + counter.ToString());
LogMessage("Default Null Unknown - Pass# " + counter.ToString());
counter = counter + 1;
' after 40 loops checking status, aborting
IF(counter > 40) then
statusCounter = false;
LogMessage("Aborting status check....");
LogMessage("******* End of Script Execution.");


Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Executing Reports from Industrial Application Server 267

Executing a Parameterized Report and Saving It to a

Local Location
Note The ArchestrAReportsScripts.dll library file must be
imported into your IAS Galaxy. See detailed import steps: To
import the reports library for Industrial Application Server on
page 256

To execute a parameterized report and save the results on

the local computer, use a script like the following.
Dim reportServerName as string;
Dim reportNamePath as string;
Dim reportExportName as String;
Dim enumTypeValue as integer;
Dim statusPassCount as integer;
Dim statusDelay as integer;
Dim doStatusPass as boolean;
Dim reportStoragePath as string;
Dim reportName as string;
Dim sMsg as string;
Dim fileFullName as string;
Dim reportServer as ArchestrA.Reports.ReportServer;
Dim parameterReport as ArchestrA.Reports.ParameterizedReport;
Dim snapshotReport as ArchestrA.Reports.SnapshotReport;
Dim ret as boolean;
Dim statusMaxPasses as integer;
Dim nodeName as string;
Dim dateNow as System.DateTime;
Dim storageDir as string;

statusMaxPasses = 40;
statusDelay = 3000;
nodeName = "<YOUR WIS NODE NAME>";
' make connection
reportServer = new ArchestrA.Reports.ReportServer;
reportServerName = "http://" + nodeName + "/Wonderware/ArchestrAReports";
ret = reportServer.Open(reportServerName);
LogMessage("******** Connecting to Report Server node");
IF(ret) THEN
LogMessage("Successfully connected to: " + nodeName + ".");
LogMessage("Unable to connect to: " + nodeName + ".");
' Save file local storage location
storageDir = "C:\Archestra\";
LogMessage("******** Execute Local Save");
LogMessage("Executing to Report Server: " + reportServerName);
doStatusPass = true;
' report name path

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

268 Chapter 19 Using ArchestrA Reporting

reportName = "Group Period";

' assemble the file path name
reportNamePath = "/ArchestrA Reports/Historian/" + reportName;
' assemble the export file storage location with report name
reportStoragePath = storageDir + reportName;
' Note: Group Period report cannot be exported to Excel format
fileFullName = reportStoragePath + ".CSV";
enumTypeValue = ArchestrA.Reports.ReportFormat.CSV;
' get an instance of the report
parameterReport = reportServer.GetParameterizedReport(reportNamePath);
' send Tagname parameter to report
ret = parameterReport.SetParameter("TagName", "SysTimeHour");
if (ret) then
LogMessage("TagName parameter successfully sent to report.");
LogMessage("Error - unable to send TagName parameter to report: " +
' call the save method
ret = parameterReport.FileSave(enumTypeValue, fileFullName);
IF (ret == false) THEN
LogMessage("Error: - export call not succesfful: " +

LogMessage("Export call successfully sent to report.");

doStatusPass = true;
statusPassCount = 1;
' loop to check the status of the export file
IF(parameterReport.Status == ArchestrA.Reports.ReportStatus.Success)
LogMessage("Save - Pass#" + statusPassCount.ToString() +
"Successfully exported and saved locally as: " +
doStatusPass = false;
ELSEIF(parameterReport.Status == ArchestrA.Reports.ReportStatus.Fail)
LogMessage("Save - Pass#" + statusPassCount.ToString() + " Status:
Failed - Error Detail: "
+ parameterReport.LastErrorString);
doStatusPass = false;
ELSEIF(parameterReport.Status ==
ArchestrA.Reports.ReportStatus.InProgress) THEN
LogMessage("Save - Pass#" + statusPassCount.ToString() + " Status:

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Executing Reports from Industrial Application Server 269

ELSEIF(parameterReport.Status ==
ArchestrA.Reports.ReportStatus.Unknown) THEN
LogMessage("Save - Pass#" + statusPassCount.ToString() + " Status:
ELSEIF(parameterReport.Status ==
ArchestrA.Reports.ReportStatus.NotStarted) THEN
LogMessage("Save - Pass#" + statusPassCount.ToString() + " Status:
Not Started");
LogMessage("Save - Pass#" + statusPassCount.ToString() + " Status:
Unknown - " + parameterReport.Status.ToString() + " -
Error Detail: " + parameterReport.LastErrorString);
' delay between each status check
' check if status takes too long to get a successful save
statusPassCount = statusPassCount + 1;
IF(statusPassCount > 40) THEN
doStatusPass = false;
LogMessage("Aborted status check..... ");

LogMessage("*********** End of Script Execution ");

' clean up the old data structures


Executing a Parameterized Report and Saving It to a

Remote Location
To execute a parameterized report and save the results on a
remote computer, use a script like the following.
Dim reportServerName as string;
Dim reportNamePath as string;
Dim enumTypeValue as integer;
Dim statusPass as integer;
Dim statusDelay as integer;
Dim doStatusPass as boolean;
Dim fileName as string;
Dim reportName as string;
Dim sMsg as string;
Dim fileFullName as string;
Dim exportedFileName as string;
Dim reportServer as ArchestrA.Reports.ReportServer;
Dim parameterReport as ArchestrA.Reports.ParameterizedReport;
Dim snapshotReport as ArchestrA.Reports.SnapshotReport;
Dim ret as boolean;
Dim statusMaxPasses as integer;
Dim nodeName as string;
Dim folderName as string;

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

270 Chapter 19 Using ArchestrA Reporting

statusMaxPasses = 40;
statusDelay = 3000;
nodeName = "<YOUR NODE NAME>";
folderName = null;
' make connection
reportServer = new ArchestrA.Reports.ReportServer;
reportServerName = "http://" + nodeName + "/Wonderware/ArchestrAReports";
ret = reportServer.Open(reportServerName);
LogMessage("******** Connecting to Report Server node");
IF(ret) THEN
LogMessage("Successfully connected to: " + nodeName + ".");
LogMessage("Unable to connect to: " + nodeName + ".");

LogMessage("******** Execute Server Export");

LogMessage("Executing to Report Server: " + reportServerName);
doStatusPass = true;

' assemble the save file name and file type

reportName = "Group Period";
fileFullName = "\" + reportName + ".PDF";
reportNamePath = "/ArchestrA Reports/Historian/" + reportName;
enumTypeValue = ArchestrA.Reports.ReportFormat.PDF;

' get an instance of the report

parameterReport = reportServer.GetParameterizedReport(reportNamePath);
LogMessage("Save FilePathName: " + fileFullName);
LogMessage("Save format type: " + enumTypeValue.ToString());

' parameterized report save parameters, call the FileSave method

' with parameters, the export format type and full path file name to use.
' send Tagname parameter to report
ret = parameterReport.SetParameter("TagName", "SysTimeHour");
IF (ret) then
LogMessage("TagName parameter successfully sent to report.");
LogMessage("Error - unable to send TagName parameter to report: " +
ret = parameterReport.FileSaveServer(enumTypeValue, fileFullName, folderName);
sMsg = "Report [Export Type and file Path\Name] saved, command returned: " +

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Executing Reports from Industrial Application Server 271

ret.ToString() + " - ";

sMsg = sMsg + "System Time: " + System.DateTime.Now.ToString();
IF (ret == false) then
sMsg = sMsg + " - Error: " + parameterReport.LastErrorString;
statusPass = 1;
' loop to check the status of the export file
IF(parameterReport.Status == ArchestrA.Reports.ReportStatus.Success)
exportedFileName = fileFullName;
exportedFileName = exportedFileName.Replace("\", "");
LogMessage("Export - Pass#" + statusPass.ToString() + " Successfully
exported and saved on Server as: " + exportedFileName);
doStatusPass = false;
ELSEIF(parameterReport.Status == ArchestrA.Reports.ReportStatus.Fail)
LogMessage("Export - Pass#" + statusPass.ToString() + " Status:
Failed - Error Detail: " +
doStatusPass = false;
ELSEIF(parameterReport.Status ==
LogMessage("Export - Pass#" + statusPass.ToString() + " Status:
ELSEIF(parameterReport.Status ==
ArchestrA.Reports.ReportStatus.Unknown) then
LogMessage("Export - Pass#" + statusPass.ToString() + " Status:
ELSEIF(parameterReport.Status ==
LogMessage("Export - Pass#" + statusPass.ToString() +
" Status: Not Started");
LogMessage("Export - Pass#" + statusPass.ToString() + " Status: Null
Unknown - " + parameterReport.Status.ToString() + " -
Error Detail: " + parameterReport.LastErrorString);
' delay between each status check

' check if status takes too long to get a successful save

statusPass = statusPass + 1;
IF(statusPass > statusMaxPasses) THEN
doStatusPass = false;
LogMessage("Aborted status check..... ");

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

272 Chapter 19 Using ArchestrA Reporting

LogMessage("*********** End of Script Execution ");

' clean up the old data structures


Printing From Industrial Application Server

Printing from Industrial Application Server (IAS) requires:
• The IAS Bootstrap must be installed on the Wonderware
Information Server node. Only the Bootstrap is needed.
• A Platform and any other objects containing your
printing script, such as AppEngine, Area or UserDefined
Object (UDO) must be deployed on your Wonderware
Information Server node. In the Platform, identify the
Wonderware Information Server node.

The printing script may be located in any of the deployed

objects, including the Platform engine. However, it is
most efficient to use the script on a child object for faster
object redeployment.

Note Ensure the Network Account User is the same on both the
GR node and the Wonderware Information Server node.

• The ArchestrAReportsScripts.dll library file must be

imported into your IAS Galaxy.

Note See detailed import steps: To import the reports library for
Industrial Application Server on page 256

The following script example contains report parameters and

generates a print job defining the report layout as “portrait.”
Dim reportServerName as string;
Dim reportNamePath as string;
Dim enumTypeValue as integer;
Dim statusPass as integer;
Dim dateNow as System.DateTime;
Dim dateStart as System.DateTime;
Dim retPrintReport as boolean;
Dim statusDelay as integer;
Dim margins as Archestra.Reports.aaReportingService.Margins;
Dim doStatusPass as boolean;
Dim reportStoragePath as string;
Dim reportName as string;
Dim sMsg as string;
Dim fileFullName as string;
Dim fileType as integer;
Dim reportServer as ArchestrA.Reports.ReportServer;
Dim parameterReport as ArchestrA.Reports.ParameterizedReport;
Dim ret as boolean;
Dim statusMaxPasses as integer;

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Executing Reports from Industrial Application Server 273

Dim nodeName as string;

Dim retFileSave as boolean;
Dim landscape as boolean;

statusMaxPasses = 40;
statusDelay = 3000;
nodeName = "<YOUR WIS NODE NAME>";
landscape = true;
' DateTimes
dateNow = System.DateTime.Now;
dateStart = dateNow;
dateStart = dateStart.AddHours(-24);
' set report margins
margins = new Archestra.Reports.aaReportingService.Margins();
' set report name and path
reportName = "Group Period";
reportNamePath = "/ArchestrA Reports/Historian/" + reportName;
reportServer = new ArchestrA.Reports.ReportServer;
reportServerName = "http://" + nodeName + "/Wonderware/ArchestrAReports";
' open a connection to the report
ret = reportServer.Open(reportServerName);
IF(ret) then LogMessage("Successfully connected to: " + nodeName + ".");
ELSE LogMessage("Unable to connect to: " + nodeName + ".");

' get an instance of the report

parameterReport = reportServer.GetParameterizedReport(reportNamePath);

' Apply tagname parameters

retFileSave = parameterReport.SetParameter("TagName", "SysTimeHour");
sMsg = "Report [Group] parameter saved, command returned: " +
retFileSave.ToString() + " - ";
sMsg = sMsg + "System Time: " + System.DateTime.Now.ToString();
IF (retFileSave) THEN
sMsg = sMsg + " - Error: " + parameterReport.LastErrorString;

retFileSave = parameterReport.SetParameter("TagName", "SysTimeMin");

sMsg = "Report [Group] parameter saved, command returned: " +
retFileSave.ToString() + " - ";
sMsg = sMsg + "System Time: " + System.DateTime.Now.ToString();
IF(retFileSave) THEN

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

274 Chapter 19 Using ArchestrA Reporting

sMsg = sMsg + " - Error: " + parameterReport.LastErrorString;

retFileSave = parameterReport.SetParameter("TagName", "SysTimeSec");

sMsg = "Report [Group] parameter saved, command returned: " +
retFileSave.ToString() + " - ";
sMsg = sMsg + "System Time: " + System.DateTime.Now.ToString();
IF (retFileSave) THEN

sMsg = sMsg + " - Error: " + parameterReport.LastErrorString;


' Apply StardateTime and EndDateTime

retFileSave = parameterReport.SetParameter("StartDateTime",
sMsg = "Report [Group] parameter saved, command returned: " +
retFileSave.ToString() + " - ";
sMsg = sMsg + "System Time: " + System.DateTime.Now.ToString();
IF (retFileSave) THEN

sMsg = sMsg + " - Error: " + parameterReport.LastErrorString;


retFileSave = parameterReport.SetParameter("EndDateTime", dateNow.ToString());

sMsg = "Report [Group] parameter saved, command returned: " +
retFileSave.ToString() + " - ";
sMsg = sMsg + "System Time: " + System.DateTime.Now.ToString();
IF (retFileSave) THEN

sMsg = sMsg + " - Error: " + parameterReport.LastErrorString;


' Apply TimeZoneId

retFileSave = parameterReport.SetParameter("TimeZoneId", "-100");

sMsg = "Report [Group] parameter saved, command returned: " +

retFileSave.ToString() + " - ";

sMsg = sMsg + "System Time: " + System.DateTime.Now.ToString();

IF (retFileSave) THEN

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Executing Reports from Industrial Application Server 275

sMsg = sMsg + " - Error: " + parameterReport.LastErrorString;

' Replace <PRINTERNAME> with the name of the printer set in the web.config file

retPrintReport = parameterReport.PrintServer("<PRINTERNAME>", landscape,


' check status

doStatusPass = true;
IF (retPrintReport == false) THEN
sMsg = sMsg + " - Error: " + parameterReport.LastErrorString;
statusPass = 1;
' loop to check the status of the export file
IF(parameterReport.Status == ArchestrA.Reports.ReportStatus.Success)
LogMessage("Print - Pass#" + statusPass.ToString() + " successfully
printed report: " + reportNamePath);
doStatusPass = false;
ELSEIF(parameterReport.Status == ArchestrA.Reports.ReportStatus.Fail)
LogMessage("Print - Pass#" + statusPass.ToString() +
" export status: Failed - Error Detail: " +
doStatusPass = false;
ELSEIF(parameterReport.Status ==
LogMessage("Print - Pass#" + statusPass.ToString() + " export status:
ELSEIF(parameterReport.Status ==
LogMessage("Print - Pass#" + statusPass.ToString() +
" export status: Unknown");
ELSEIF(parameterReport.Status ==
LogMessage("Print - Pass#" + statusPass.ToString() + " export status:
Not Started");
LogMessage("Print - Pass#" + statusPass.ToString() + " export status:
Unknown - " + parameterReport.Status.ToString() + "
- Error Detail: " + parameterReport.LastErrorString);

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

276 Chapter 19 Using ArchestrA Reporting

' delay between each status check

' check if status takes too long to get a successful save

statusPass = statusPass + 1;
IF(statusPass > statusMaxPasses) THEN
doStatusPass = false;
LogMessage("Aborted status check..... ");

margins = null;


Executing Reports from IndustrialSQL Server

You can execute and print parameterized and snapshot
reports by using IndustrialSQL Server events. Configure the
event actions with SQL statements that execute reports on
the Wonderware Information Server.
To execute Wonderware Information Server reports using
IndustrialSQL Server, you must configure each server to
communicate with the other. Communication between nodes
is provided by running several configuration scripts on each
The following steps assume that Wonderware Information
Server and IndustrialSQL Server are installed on different
Running the scripts on different nodes ensures the following:
• The IndustrialSQL Server node generates report
snapshots and performs report exporting.

• The Wonderware Information Server prints the reports.

The necessary functions for executing reports are provided as

separate libraries. To use them, install the libraries first.

Executing Snapshots and Exporting Reports

The following configuration task is necessary on the
IndustrialSQL Server node.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Executing Reports from IndustrialSQL Server Events 277

To configure the IndustrialSQL Server node for Snapshot and

exported reports
1 Copy the InSqlEvents.dll and the
InSqlEvents.XmlSerializers.dll files to a local
directory on the IndustrialSQL Server node.
The .dlls are located on the installation CD at:
2 From Microsoft SQL Management Studio, locate and
open the ConfigureInSQLForAAReports.sql file. It is located
on the installation CD at:
3 Set the @AssemblyPath variable to the local directory
containing the .dlls.
4 Execute the query. The script configures the required
assemblies in the Runtime database.
5 Use an IndustrialSQL Server Event System action to
execute a snapshot or export a report, using a Generic
SQL Action script.
The following event script example creates a snapshot
/* This script will create a snapshot of a WIS report from an InSQL Generic SQL
Action Event */
EXEC ReportsTriggerSnapshot
@url = 'http://Wonderware/ArchestrAReports',
@path = '/ArchestrA Reports/Historian/<YOUR REPORT NAME>'

Printing IndustrialSQL Server Reports

Print all your reports from the Wonderware Information
Server node. The following information describes
configuration on both the Wonderware Information Server
and the IndustrialSQL Server nodes.

To configure the Wonderware Information Server for report

1 Copy the InSqlEvents.dll and the
InSqlEvents.XmlSerializers.dll files to a local
directory on the Wonderware Information Server node.
The .dlls are located on the installation CD at:
2 From Microsoft SQL Management Studio, locate and
open the ConfigureInSQLForAAReportsPrinting.sql file. It is
located on the installation CD at:
3 Set the @AssemblyPath variable to the local directory
containing the .dlls.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

278 Chapter 19 Using ArchestrA Reporting

4 Execute the query. The script configures the required

assemblies in the aaReports database.

To configure the IndustrialSQL Server node for printing on the

Wonderware Information Server node
1 On the IndustrialSQL Server node, create a Linked
Server pointing to the Wonderware Information Server
node. Using the New Linked Server window, do the
a In the General page, type the Linked Server name.
The Linked Server name must be the network node
name of the Wonderware Information Server.
a Click the SQL Server Server type option.
b In the Security page, click the Be made using this
security context option and type the remote login and
password. For example,
c In the Server Options page, change the Rpc and Rpc
Out values to True.
2 Configure an event to trigger the report.
For example, you could configure a “Leading Edge” event
that detects a discrete event, such as a water valve
closing. The Event action script could look like the
following example:
/* This script will print a simple WIS report from an InSQL Generic Action
Event */
EXEC <LINKEDSERVERNODENAME>.aaReports.dbo.ReportsPrintServer
@url = 'http://<LINKEDSERVERNODENAME>/Wonderware/ArchestrAReports',
@path = '/ArchestrA Reports/Historian/<YOUR REPORT NAME>',
@parameters = '',
@printername = 'Default',
@landscape = 0,
@reportmargins = 'top=25,bottom=25,left=25,right=25'

SQL Functions for Executing Reports

A number of additional SQL functions are provided by the
.dlls for use in event actions. The following sections explain
each of these functions. For examples of how to use them, see
Examples for Executing Reports from IndustrialSQL Server
on page 283.
Use the following SQL functions to execute and print reports
from an event action on the IndustrialSQL Server historian:

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Executing Reports from IndustrialSQL Server Events 279

This function executes a report and saves the results on the
local computer.
ReportsFileSave(@url nvarchar(255), @path
nvarchar(255), @parameters nvarchar(4000),
@reportFormat nvarchar(10), @localPath nvarchar(255))
The URL to the base folder used for ArchestrA Reporting.
For example:
The path of the report to be executed. For example:
/ArchestrA Reports/Alarms/Alarm History Report
A comma-separated list of parameters to pass to the report.
Parameter values containing commas must be enclosed in
double quotes. To pass a double quote as part of a value,
prefix it with a backslash (\). To pass a backslash, use two
backslashes (\\). To specify multiple parameter values,
specify the parameter multiple times. To specify a date/time
value, use any format supported by the Microsoft .NET 2.0
DateTime structure.
The following example parameter string specifies four
TagName values (SysTimeHour, SysTimeMin,
Has,Comma,Tag and Has\Backslash\Tag), a StartDate
value of 7:42 AM on August 12, 2006, and a Text value of
"Hello, World!":
07:42:00,Text="\"Hello, World!\""
The format in which the report should be saved. Valid
values are 'CSV', 'Excel', 'MHTML', 'PDF' and 'XML'. For
more information, see ReportFormat Enumeration on
page 264.
The full path and file name, including extension, where the
report should be saved on the local computer. For example:
C:\Reports\Summary.pdf. If no path is specified, the report
is saved in the default directory of the owner of the InSQL
Event service. Usually, this is the <Windows>\System32

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

280 Chapter 19 Using ArchestrA Reporting

Return Value
Returns True if the report file was created. Returns False if
an error occurred.

This function executes a report and saves the results in a
folder on the Industrial Application Server website.
ReportsFileSaveServer(@url nvarchar(255), @path
nvarchar(255), @parameters nvarchar(4000),
@reportFormat nvarchar(10), @serverFile
nvarchar(255), @serverFolder nvarchar(255))
The URL to the base folder used for ArchestrA Reporting.
For example:
The path of the report to be executed. For example:
/ArchestrA Reports/Alarms/Alarm History Report
A comma-separated list of parameters to pass to the report.
Parameter values containing commas must be enclosed in
double quotes. To pass a double quote as part of a value,
prefix it with a backslash (\). To pass a backslash, use two
backslashes (\\). To specify multiple parameter values,
specify the parameter multiple times. To specify a date/time
value, use any format supported by the Microsoft .NET 2.0
DateTime structure.
The following example parameter string specifies four
TagName values (SysTimeHour, SysTimeMin,
Has,Comma,Tag and Has\Backslash\Tag), a StartDate
value of 7:42 AM on August 12, 2006, and a Text value of
"Hello, World!":
07:42:00,Text="\"Hello, World!\""
The format in which the report should be saved. Valid
values are 'CSV', 'Excel', 'MHTML', 'PDF' and 'XML'. For
more information, see ReportFormat Enumeration on
page 264.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Executing Reports from IndustrialSQL Server Events 281

The file name, including extension, under which the report
should be saved. For example: Summary.pdf. If no
extension is specified, an appropriate extension is added
based on the specified report format.
The folder name on the server. For example: SavedReports.
Specify NULL to save the report in the default folder. To
save the report, the folder must exist on the web site and
the user must be a member of the aaReportsPowerUsers or
aaReportsAdministrators groups. For more information,
see Understanding Reporting Security on page 227.
Return Value
Returns True if the report file was created. Returns False if
an error occurred.

This method executes a report and prints the results on a
specified printer.
ReportsPrintServer(@url nvarchar(255), @path
nvarchar(255), @parameters nvarchar(4000),
@printerName nvarchar(255), @landscape bit,
@reportMargins nvarchar(255))
The URL to the base folder used for ArchestrA Reporting.
For example:
The path of the report to be executed. For example:
/ArchestrA Reports/Alarms/Alarm History Report
A comma-separated list of parameters to pass to the report.
Parameter values containing commas must be enclosed in
double quotes. To pass a double quote as part of a value,
prefix it with a backslash (\). To pass a backslash, use two
backslashes (\\). To specify multiple parameter values,

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

282 Chapter 19 Using ArchestrA Reporting

specify the parameter multiple times. To specify a date/time

value, use any format supported by the Microsoft .NET 2.0
DateTime structure.
The following example parameter string specifies four
TagName values (SysTimeHour, SysTimeMin,
Has,Comma,Tag and Has\Backslash\Tag), a StartDate
value of 7:42 AM on August 12, 2006, and a Text value of
"Hello, World!":
07:42:00,Text="\"Hello, World!\""
The logical name of the printer where the report should be
printed. The printer mapping is defined in the web.config
file. For more information, see Configuring Reporting
Options on page 225.
The orientation of the printed report. Specify True for
landscape, False for portrait.
The margins of the printed report. Specify a string in the
following format:
Each number specifies the width of the respective margin in
hundreths of an inch.
Return Value
Returns True if the report was printed. Returns False if an
error occurred.

This function triggers the creation of a report snapshot on
the report server.
ReportsTriggerSnapshot(@url nvarchar(255), @path
The URL to the base folder used for ArchestrA Reporting.
For example:
The path of the report to be executed. For example:
/ArchestrA Reports/Alarms/Alarm History Report

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Executing Reports from IndustrialSQL Server Events 283

Return Value
Returns True the report snapshot was created. Returns False
if an error occurred.

Examples for Executing Reports from

IndustrialSQL Server
Printing an Wonderware Information Server (WIS) report
from IndustrialSQL Server requires the following:
• A Linked Server to the WIS server node.

• Assemblies (functions) in the aaReports database. The

script executes from an IndustrialSQL Server Event tag.
The Event tag calls a function in the aaReports database
of your WIS server.

For detailed configuration steps, see Preparing for Report

Execution from Industrial Application Server and
IndustrialSQL Server on page 253.
The following scripts show how to use the script functions
together to export, save or print a report.

Exporting a Parameterized Report to the

Wonderware Information Server Node
The following SQL script executes a parameterized report
and saves the results as a MHTML file on the Wonderware
Information Server computer.
DECLARE @endTime as datetime
DECLARE @beginTime as datetime
DECLARE @url as nvarchar(255)
DECLARE @path as nvarchar(255)
DECLARE @reportFormat as nvarchar(5)
DECLARE @parameters as nvarchar(4000)
DECLARE @reportTagName as nvarchar(32)
DECLARE @timePart nvarchar(23)
DECLARE @serverFile nvarchar(255)
DECLARE @serverFolder nvarchar(255)
SET @endTime=GetDate()
SET @beginTime=dateadd(mi, -720, @endTime)
--Replace "<WISNODENAME>" with the WIS Server name
SET @url='http://<WISNODENAME>/wonderware/ArchestrAReports'
SET @path='/ArchestrA Reports/Historian/Group Period'
SET @serverFolder='SavedReports'
SET @reportTagName='SysTimeMin'
SET @parameters='StartDateTime="'+convert(nvarchar(23), @beginTime,
126)+'",EndDateTime="'+convert(nvarchar(23), @endTime,
SET @reportFormat='MHTML'

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

284 Chapter 19 Using ArchestrA Reporting

--SET @reportFormat='CSV'
--SET @reportFormat='XML'
--SET @reportFormat='Excel'
--SET @reportFormat='PDF'
SET @timePart=convert(nvarchar(23), @endTime, 120)
SET @timePart=replace(@timePart, ':', '-')
SET @serverFile='InSQL_SavedReports_' + @timePart + '.' + @reportFormat
--SET @serverFile='InSQL_SavedReports_' + @timePart + '.XLS' -- if excel
EXEC dbo.ReportsFileSaveServer @url, @path, @parameters, @reportFormat,
@serverFile, @serverFolder

Triggering a Snapshot Report

The following SQL script creates a report snapshot and
places it in a file.
DECLARE @url as nvarchar(255)
DECLARE @path as nvarchar(255)
--Replace "<WISNODENAME>" with the WIS Server name
SET @url='http://<WISNODENAME>/wonderware/ArchestrAReports'
--Replace "<REPORTNAME>" with the name of a report
SET @path='/ArchestrA Reports/<REPORTNAME>'
EXEC dbo.ReportsTriggerSnapshot @url, @path

Exporting a Parameterized Report to Local Node

The following SQL script executes a parameterized report
and saves the results as a PDF file on the local computer.
-- declare variables for parameters
DECLARE @endTime as datetime
DECLARE @beginTime as datetime
DECLARE @beginTimeText as nvarchar(23)
DECLARE @endTimeText as nvarchar(23)

DECLARE @url as nvarchar(255)

DECLARE @path as nvarchar(255)
DECLARE @reportFormat as nvarchar(5)
DECLARE @parameters as nvarchar(4000)
DECLARE @localPath as nvarchar(255)
DECLARE @reportTagName as nvarchar(32)

-- set report times and convert to text

SET @endTime = GetDate()
SET @beginTime = dateadd(mi, -30, @endTime)
SET @beginTimeText = convert(nvarchar(23), @beginTime, 126)
SET @endTimeText = convert(nvarchar(23), @endTime, 126)

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Executing Reports from IndustrialSQL Server Events 285

-- set the report server URL and report path

SET @url = 'http://MyServer1/Wonderware/ArchestrAReports'
SET @path='/ArchestrA Reports/Historian/Group Period'

-- set the parameters

SET @reportTagName='SysTimeMin'
SET @parameters='StartDateTime="' + @beginTimeText + '",EndDateTime="' +
@endTimeText + '",TagName=' + @reportTagName + ', TimeZoneId=-100'
SET @reportFormat='PDF'
SET @localPath='C:\Archestra\TagSummaryExport' + '.' + @reportFormat

-- execute the report

EXEC dbo.ReportsFileSave @url=@url, @path=@path, @parameters=@parameters,
@reportFormat=@reportFormat, @localPath=@localPath

Printing a Parameterized Report

The following SQL script executes a parameterized report
and prints the results to a designated printer.
DECLARE @endTime as datetime
DECLARE @beginTime as datetime
DECLARE @beginTimeText as nvarchar(23)
DECLARE @endTimeText as nvarchar(23)
DECLARE @url as nvarchar(255)
DECLARE @path as nvarchar(255)
DECLARE @parameters as nvarchar(4000)
DECLARE @reportTagName as nvarchar(32)
DECLARE @reportMargins as nvarchar(255)
DECLARE @printerName as nvarchar(100)
DECLARE @landscape as bit
SET @reportMargins = 'top=20,bottom=0,left=20,right=0'
SET @endTime = GetDate()
SET @beginTime = dateadd(mi, -30, @endTime)
SET @beginTimeText = convert(nvarchar(23), @beginTime, 126)
SET @endTimeText = convert(nvarchar(23), @endTime, 126)
--Replace "<WISNODENAME>" with the WIS Server name
SET @url = 'http://<WISNODENAME>/Wonderware/ArchestrAReports'
SET @path='/ArchestrA Reports/Historian/Group Period'
SET @reportTagName='SysTimeMin'
SET @parameters='StartDateTime="' + @beginTimeText + '",EndDateTime="' +
@endTimeText + '",TagName="' + @reportTagName +'"'
SET @reportTagName='SysTimeHour'
SET @parameters=@parameters + ',TagName="' + @reportTagName + '"'
SET @parameters=@parameters + ', TimeZoneId=-100'
-- Replace <'PRINTERNAME'> with the printer name defined in the web.config file

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

286 Chapter 19 Using ArchestrA Reporting

SET @printerName= '<PRINTERNAME>'

SET @landscape = 0
--Replace "<LINKEDSERVER>" with the linked server name
EXEC <LINKEDSERVER>.aaReports.dbo.ReportsPrintServer @url, @path, @parameters,
@printerName, @landscape, @reportMargins

Executing Reports via a URL

You can execute reports using a URL, for example, to open a
parameterized report from a Table Weaver content unit.

To execute a report using a URL

‹ Call the ExecuteReport.aspx page in the
ArchestrAReports subfolder of the Industrial
Application Server virtual directory. Pass the full path to
the report in the SQL Server Reporting Services folder
structure using the ReportPath parameter. Pass any
other report parameters as additional URL parameters in
the name=value format.
For example, assume you want to call a report named
“My Report 1” in the ArchestrA Reporting base folder.
The Industrial Application Server is installed on the
server named “Server1” using the virtual directory
“Wonderware.” The report has five parameters of
different data types: integer1, boolean1, float1, string1,
and datetime1. To call the report and pass a value to each
parameter, use the following URL:
estrA Reports/My Report 1&boolean1=true&integer1=100&string1=New
String&datetime1=12/5/2006 10:10:10 AM&float1=3.1415

Enabling Secure Socket Layer (SSL) for

ArchestrA Reports
When you want to provide reports outside the company ‘net,
for example from home or other external locations, use
Secure Socket Layers.
This section assumes you are familiar with the process of
creating and providing certificates for SSL. It describes the
manual configurations necessary for ArchestrA reports.
On the Wonderware Information Server node, modify the
following config files:

web.config file
‹ Change the ReportServer and ReportManager values
from http://... to https:/...

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Executing Reports via a URL 287

‹ Change the following value to https://:

1 Change the following value to https://:
2 Remove the ReportServerVirtualDirectory value.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

288 Chapter 19 Using ArchestrA Reporting

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide



access control list A list of user accounts and user groups and their privileges
that is associated with a particular resource.

access panel An access panel is a named navigation tree that is displayed

in the Launch Pad area of the Wonderware Information
Server and can be assigned to different users. Multiple access
panels can be displayed in the Launch Pad.

Active Server Pages Active Server Pages (ASP) is an environment that allows you
(ASP) to build applications that include scripts, HTML pages, and
ActiveX components. Active Server Pages do not have to be
compiled before they run. The Wonderware Information
Server uses Active Server Pages for the visualization of
distributed alarms over the intranet/Internet and for ad-hoc
IndustrialSQL Server queries for reports and trending.

asymmetric Asymmetric encryption is a data security mechanism in

encryption which one key encrypts and a different key decrypts.

back door A back door is a security hole in a compromised system that

allows continued access to the system by an intruder, even if
the original attack is discovered.

Bastion host A Bastion host is a designated Internet firewall system

specifically armored and protected against attacks.

binding Binding is an IP address:port number combination that

Internet Information Server associates with a server

browser A web browser is a software application that locates and

opens web pages over the Internet/intranet. An example of a
web browser is Internet Explorer.

certification A certification authority is a mutually-trusted, third-party

authority company that issues certificates for digital IDs.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

290 Glossary

circuit-level A circuit-level gateway is a specialized function that relays

gateway TCP connections without performing any additional packet
processing or filtering.

client certificate A client certificate is piece of digital ID for the users

accessing your site. It contains information about the user
and is "signed" with a digital signature from the certification
authority that issued it.

component A component is a portion of an application, such as an ASP

page, OCX, and so on. Components work together to deliver

Component Object The Component Object Model (COM) is a way for software
Model (COM) components to communicate with each other, even between
different computers using different operating systems. COM
is based on the use of encapsulated objects that communicate
through defined interfaces.

content unit The basic unit that could be processed to get the defined
content. A self contained definition unit comprising of an
instance of a data source, a query, optionally a link, a KPI,
and a display.

data source The data source defines the connection information to a

database, including the database host name, database name,
user name, password, and other optional parameters.

default web site A default web site is the web site that is bound to port 80.

definition unit A generic term used for various definition units of

TableWeaver subsystem.

definition unit list The list of definition unit names for one of the six
subcomponents of the content unit.

digital certificate A digital certificate resides on the web server and

communicates the web site's authenticity to client web
browsers, so that the clients know that they are
communicating with a non-fraudulent site. Also, digital
certificates use SSL to encrypt the data that is exchanged
between the server and clients.

digital signature A digital signature is a hash of a message that is encrypted

with the sender's private key.

display Definition unit that captures the how to visualize aspect of


Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Glossary 291

Extensible Markup Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a specification for

Language (XML) web documents that allows developers to create custom tags.
These custom tags enable the definition, transmission,
validation, and interpretation of the data contained within
them. XML allows for the separation of the actual content
from the attributes that describe the content, such as the

Extensible Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) is a specification that

Stylesheet Language applies a template to web pages to describe how they appear.
(XSL) Additional features specify how web pages print and the
ability to transfer XML documents across different

firewall An Internet firewall is a system or group of systems that

enforces an access control policy between an organization's
network and the Internet.

hashing Hashing is the process where a copy of a plain text message

is run through a mathematical operation that results in a
hash value (usually 160 bits long). It is computationally
infeasible to derive the original message from the hash value.

hyperlink A hyperlink is a portion of clickable text on a web page that

points to another web page, a web site, an integrated
application, or some other object, such as a report or a

Internet Information Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) is designed to

Server (IIS) allow you to design, build and manage web sites and
applications and also publish and share data over the
intranet/Internet. The Wonderware Information Server is
dependent on the capabilities of Microsoft Internet
Information Server.

IP address An IP address is a 32-bit Internet protocol address to identify

a computer on a TCP/IP network. An IP address is normally
written as four decimal numbers delimited by periods (.). For

IP router An IP router is a computer, or other device, that "knows"

which IP addresses it services or routes to.

key bit-length (or The key bit-length is the length, in binary bits, of a key.
bit-strength) Messages encrypted by longer keys are significantly harder
to break than with shorter keys.

key pair A key pair is a pair of unique values that establish an SSL
connection, encrypt data being transmitted, or both. In public
key cryptography, there is a private key and a public key.
Messages that the private key encrypts can only be decrypted
with the public key, and vice-versa.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

292 Glossary

KPI A visual indicator that indicates the specific state of the data.
With the context of Wonderware Information Server, a KPI is
an image or an color cube that indicates the condition of each

Launch Pad The Launch Pad is an area of the Wonderware Information

Server that contains one or more access panels for browsing
the web site pages and applications.

link A link refers directly to an integrated application, another

web site or content unit.

manufacturing A manufacturing information site is a web site that

information site aggregates information from multiple facility computers and
displays it to a client user with a common interface and
navigation tools. Resources are provided to enable search
capabilities, data analysis, process visualization and
interaction, and e-mail.

navigation panel A browsable hierarchy of links to web pages, applications,

and other web sites.

node A node is an element on the hierarchical tree structure, and

may be an intermediate node or a leaf node. A leaf node
contains a link to an application, another web site, or some
other object.

panel access list The panel access list is the list of users or groups assigned to
a particular access panel instance. The list defines which
domain users see and have access to that panel.

navigation tree A navigation tree is a browsable hierarchy of links to web

pages, applications, and other web sites. A navigation tree
can be customized and named.

network ID A network ID is a base IP address that is used as a starting

point from which to compare the IP addresses of incoming

node 1) A node is an item on a navigation tree, and may be an

intermediate node or a "leaf" node. A "leaf" node contains a
link to an application, another web site, or some other object,
such as a report or a document. 2) "Node" is another term for
a computer running a Wonderware application. For example,
an InTouch node.

packet filtering Packet filtering is a mechanism that allows a router to make

a permit/deny decision for each packet. The decision is based
on the packet header information that is made available to
the IP forwarding process.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Glossary 293

proxy service A proxy service is special-purpose, application-level code

installed on an Internet firewall gateway. The proxy service
allows the network administrator to permit or deny specific
applications or specific features of an application.

public key Public key encryption is a common encryption method that

encryption uses an asymmetric key pair to encrypt and decrypt

query Definition unit that captures the what aspect of data.

report package An XML file that defines the various report items that need
to be deployed to the SQL Reporting Server.

roles A role is a single unit against which you can apply user
permissions. System roles are used throughout the site to
define and limit a functionality for users. System roles may
also be used by integrated applications, along with the
specific application roles. An application role specifies what
user can use a particular integrated application. These roles
are configured and assigned to users just like any other role
in the web site, but they are unique to the application that
defined them; they cannot be used with any other application
or by the main web site security mechanism.

Secure Socket Layer Secure Socket Layer (SSL) is a protocol for secure
(SSL) connections over the intranet/Internet. SSL provides server
and client authentication, data encryption, and message

server certificate A server certificate is a digital ID for your server. It contains

information about the server and is signed with a digital
signature from the certification authority that issued it. It
also contains a key used in forming an SSL connection. You
must have a server certificate bound to your server to use

session key A session key is an encryption key created during the SSL
connection establishment. This key is known only to the user
and the server and is used for symmetric encryption.

SharePoint Microsoft SharePoint is part of the Microsoft Office family. It

is an enterprise portal product that provides a collaborative
work environment and online publishing in a number of
standard formats. SharePoint also has other enterprise
portal features, such as a search engine, version control,
reporting, and other features.

subnet mask A subnet mask is a number that specifies which bits of the
network ID is used in a bit-wise AND operation with IP
addresses that accompany requests.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

294 Glossary

symmetric Symmetric encryption is a data security mechanism in which

encryption the same key is encrypts and decrypts messages.

uniform resource A Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is an address that

locator (URL) specifies where a particular resource is located on the
intranet/Internet. For example, http//www.wonderware.com.

Vector Markup Vector Markup Language is an XML application by which

Language (VML) graphical elements and primitives are rendered by Internet
Explorer. Using this technology, the InTouch Win-XML
Exporter generates a set of instructions to the Internet
Explorer rendering engine to paint InTouch graphics in a

web parts A web part is a self-contained component that can be used

within a digital dashboard. These objects can be just about
anything that can be executed or displayed in an Internet

web server A computer with server software installed on it that delivers

web pages to an intranet/Internet.

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide



A adjusting settings for report

generation 211
Administration node 18
browser 220
Administrator role 18
content units 137
displays 155
data sources for 68
KPI 179
service 117
links 171
alarm history database 84
queries 145
alarm shared data source 84
about multiviews and web parts 93
anonymous access 51, 52
access panel
ArchestrA License Manager 35, 37
about 86
ArchestrA reporting 19
configuring navigation tree 88
about 217
configuring user access 90
ArchestrA reports 26
creating 87
deleting 91
Class 259
hiding system panel 91
renaming 91 Class 256
access panels 18 ArchestrAReportsScripts.dll
ActiveFactory 26, 36, 37, 38 importing 256
ActiveFactory reporting web services 33, Archestra.Reports.SnapshotReport
38 Class 258
ActiveFactory Reporting Website archival rules 194
banner customization 203 adding default rules 198
ActiveFactory Trend adding report-specific rules 199
controlling using URL parameters 212 ASP.Net 2.0 25
ActiveX controls 120 authenticated access 51
ad-hoc report, create 228

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

296 Index

B about 137
backups defining 137
included items 120 exporting 142
restoring 120 previewing 141
banner copying
about 17 displays 166
customizing 108, 203 KPI collection 180
localizing 205 link collection 172
logo 203 queries 153
menu items 204, 205 Table Weaver Manager 133
banner page 16 creating
banner pane 17 groups 220
customizing 17 creating a configuration file 247
basic authentication 51, 56 creating a custom report 229
before installing Wonderware creating an ad-hoc report 228
Information Server 33 Creating Custom Folders for Static and
blocked popups 15 On Demand Reports 201
browser creating database objects 245
about 220 creating folder, Table Weaver
Manager 132
C creating reports 228
CalculateEndTimeUtc 235 creating, KPI 181
CalculateStartTimeUtc 236 custom dynamic report
cascading parameters 219, 229 adding 209
chart, display types 156 Custom Links 19
child nodes 19 custom logo
client computers adding 203
requirements 32 custom reports 206
clients adding 206
access during restoration 121 custom static report
requirements 32 adding 206
color scheme Customizing the ActiveFactory Reporting
Website Banner 203
customizing 109
concept example D
common reporting database 219
data source
configuration file structure 247
alarm 84
configuration information for scheduled
data sources
reports 192
alarms 68
configure tags 106
service 117
configuring HTTPS access 215
configuring reporting options 225
alarm history 84
connecting to a historian 212
query types 146
connecting with SharePoint Web Parts
Database Entities for Report
example 102
Publishing 189
content builder, overview 127
DateTimeLocalToUtc 237
content pane 16, 18
DateTimeToFileTime 237
customizing 108
DateTimeUtcToLocal 238
content units

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Index 297

default archival rule E

adding 198 editing
default URL for Wonderware Information displays 169
Server 16
KPI 182
KPI target 183, 184
content units 137
link collection 172
displays 156
links 175
KPI collection 179
queries 153
KPI target 183
Table Weaver Manager 134
link collection 171
Editing Format Strings for Scheduled
links 172 Reports 197
queries 146 Enabling User Interaction 214
delete a group or tag 221 end time 224
deleting error messages 113, 123, 125
displays 169 event actions 210
KPI 182 executing snapshots and exporting
KPI collection 180 reports 276
KPI target 184 exporting, content units 142
link collection 172
links 175 F
queries 153 Factory Alarm Manager 83
Table Weaver Manager 135 factory alarms 19
digital certificates 50 feedback
display types obtaining 114
chart 156 file, query types 149
filter entry 163 FileSave Method 260
tabular 165, 166, 168 FileSaveServer Method 261
web content 168 FileTimeLocalToUtc 238
displays FileTimeToDateTime 238
about 155 FileTimeToDateTimeLocal 239
copying 166 FileTimeToString 239
defining 156 FileTimeToStringLocal 240
deleting 169 FileTimeUtcToLocal 240
editing 169 filter
Dispose Method 257, 258, 260 apply 223
distributed alarm query 84 filtering a cascaded value 229
documentation conventions 12 using the filter pane 222
domain controller 32 filter entry, display types 163
security 31 folders
using with Wonderware Information creating for reports 201
Server 31, 32 footer bar 16, 18
duration 224 format strings
dynamic report 209 editing for scheduled reports 197
FrontPage 26

GetParameterizedReport Method 257
GetSnapshotReport Method 257

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

298 Index

group Installing SQL Server Reporting

add 221 Services 29
add tag 221 Internet Explorer 25
groups Internet Information Service 121
creating 220 Internet Information Services 25
security for 50
H types of access 51
hardware requirements 24 InTouch 20, 24, 25, 27, 28, 32, 34, 120
for clients 32 InTouch WebPart
web server 24 connecting 102
home page 15 InTouch windows
about 15 running within browser 24
about customization 107 IsDaylightSavingTime 240
banner 17
content pane 18 K
customizing 17, 18, 107 KPI
footer bar 18 about 179
launch pad 18 creating 181
menu bar 17 deleting 182
HTTP access editing 182
configuring 215 KPI collection
http mode 84 copying 180
HTTPS 215 defining 179
configuring 215 deleting 180
https mode 84 KPI target
hyperlinks defining 183
adding custom 110 deleting 184
editing 183, 184
import the reports library for Industrial L
Application Server 256 language packs 37
Industrial Application Server 24, 32 LastErrorString Property 258, 262
IndustrialSQL Server 24, 27, 28, 32, 36, launch pad 16, 17
70 about 18
configure for printing on the hiding 19
Wonderware Information Server leaf nodes 19
node 278
license 120
configure for snapshot and exported
reports 277 licensing
IndustrialSQL Server connections 190 about 41
IndustrialSQL Server historian logging usage 44
accessing 190 managing 215
installation 119 Microsoft SQL Server 26
software requirements 119 querying history 44
Wonderware Information Server 33 service 117
installing viewing active licenses 42, 46
product license 37 viewing history 45
Wonderware Information Server 35 link collection
installing SharePoint Services 28 copying 172

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Index 299

defining 171 creating new 94

deleting 172 editing 96
editing 172 importing 99
links MultiView Manager 93
about 171 MultiViews 19, 120
defining 172
deleting 175 N
editing 175 navigation tree 18, 19, 24, 85
parameters 176 node
Localizing Banner Customizations 205 enabling writeback 61
log file 123, 125 security for 61
logins NTFS 27
reports 190
logins for predefined and dynamic O
reports 190 on-demand, custom SQL report
logo 107, 203 adding 207
Open Method 257
M operating system requirements 25
licensing 215 P
report archives 194 parameters, links 176
scheduled reports 191 performance
temporary files for scheduled monitoring 113
reports 200 popups 15
managing licensing 215 portal
menu bar 16, 17 adding custom links 110
menu items configuring security for 53
adding 204 customizing color scheme 109
adding to banner 204, 205 customizing home page 107
Microsoft Data Access 25 monitoring performance 113
Microsoft Internet Explorer 25 monitoring usage 114
Microsoft .NET 26 obtaining feedback 114
Microsoft Office 2000 26 security for 50
Microsoft SQL Server 25, 26 security roles 58
installation options 26 setting timeout values 115
licensing 26 version information 118
Microsoft Windows 2003 Server 27 previewing, content units 141
migrating from a previous version 38 printers, configuring 253
modify the web.config file 253 printing
Modify the web.config File for Printer from Industrial Application Server 272
Configuration 253 IndustrialSQL Server reports 277
multiple menu items parameterized report 285
adding 205 PrintServer Method 262
MultiView process graphics 19, 24
about 24 product license 37
configuring Web Parts for 96 installing 37
creating 94 proxy servers 56

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

300 Index

Q executing from IndustrialSQL Server

events 276
executing via a URL 286
about 145
execution from Industrial Application
copying 153
Server and IndustrialSQL Server 253
defining 146
exporting a parameterized report to
deleting 153 local node 284
editing 153 exporting a parameterized report to the
query types Wonderware Information Server
database 146 node 283
file 149 generation settings 211
web content 149 managing archives 194
publishing folders 188
R publishing tables 189
registry entries 120 snapshot 254, 265
reinstalling Wonderware Information specifying the tags to show 213
Server 38 specifying the time period 213
rename a group 221 support files 190
report triggering using an IndustrialSQL
adding a custom dynamic report 209 Server event action 210
adding custom report 206 using the utility 251
adding custom SQL report 207 viewing 219
adding scheduled reports 194 Reports node 19
adding static report 206 ReportsFileSave 279
report archives ReportsFileSaveServer 280
managing 194 report-specific archival rule
report execution script samples, adding 199
Industrial Application Server 265 ReportsPrintServer 281
report parameters 230 ReportStatus Enumeration 264
report publishing 186 ReportsTriggerSnapshot 282
report templates 230 requirements for client computers 32
ReportFormat enumeration 264 restoring backups 120
reporting role 58
XML element 249 adding a user 60
reports 224 removing a user 61
about automation services 186 RSReportServer.config 287
building 228 RSWebApplication.config 287
deploying 244
deploying using the archestra reports S
deployment utility 251 sample configuration file 250
developing 227 scheduled report folders 191
execute a report using a URL 286 scheduled reports 194
executing a parameterized report and adding or changing 194
saving it to a local location 267
configuration information for 192
executing a parameterized report and
folders 191
saving it to a remote location 269
managing 191
executing from Industrial Application
Server 255 Secure Socket Layer (SSL) for ArchestrA
executing from IndustrialSQL
Server 283 enabling 286

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

Index 301

Secure Sockets Layer 50 upgrading to Wonderware Information

security Server 38
about 49
access to portal 50 T
adding users to roles 60 Table Weaver Manager
anonymous access 52 copying 133
authenticated access 51 creating folder 132
basic authentication 51 deleting 135
domain controller 31 editing 134
firewall compatibility 55 TableWeaver 19
for factory data sources 61 tabular, display types 165, 166, 168
IIS security 51 Tag Picker 220
portal security roles 58 for parameter Input 231
removing users from roles 61 select a folder path 233
Windows authentication 52 select tags 232
Wonderware Information Server tag search 220
login 63 Tags Pane 222
server farm 28 tags pane, using 222
Server Pane 220 TCP/IP 26
Servers pane Technical Support 118
using 220 technical support, contacting 12
services 117 temporary files 200
SetParameter Method 263 temporary files for scheduled reports
SharePoint managing 200
web part connections 102 Time Picker 224
SharePoint Services 26 for parameter Input 233
installing 28 select a time period 233
software requirements 25, 119 Time Zone Picker
for clients 32 for parameter Input 233
web server 25 select a time zone 234
specify a time period 224 timeout values 115
SQL Functions for Executing Timestamp Property 259
Reports 278 TimeZoneDisplayName 242
SQL report 207 TimeZoneId 242
SQL Server 119 TimeZoneName 242
SQL Server Reporting Services 24, 26 TimeZoneToUtc 243
installing 29 To 225
SQL Server. See Microsoft SQL Server To view a report 219
SSRS. See SQL Server Reporting To view server details 222
Services Trend
start time 224 controlling using URL parameters 212
Status Property 258, 264 Trend Web Part
status report 206 connecting 105
StringLocalToFileTime 241 Trigger Method 259
StringToFileTime 241 Triggering a Snapshot Report 284
SuiteVoyager troubleshooting 123, 125

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

302 Index

U software requirements 25
Understanding Reporting Security 227 web server requirements and
recommendations 24
uninstalling Wonderware Information
Server 37 web.config file 286
upgrading from SuiteVoyager 38 Windows 2003 Server 25, 27, 32
URL parameters Windows 2003 Server R2 25
controlling ActiveFactory Trend 212 Windows authentication 52
use published trend 106 Windows security 50
using a domain controller with WindowSets 120
Wonderware Information Server 31 Wonderware Alarm Consumer 117
Using Add-On Functions 234 Wonderware Application
using an existing domain controller 32 Requirements 27
Using Wonderware Information Server Wonderware Information Server
Web Parts in Windows SharePoint 99 about 23
using Wonderware Information Server before installing 33
without a domain controller 32 configure for report printing 277
using,Servers pane 220 configure for snapshot reports 255
UtcToTimeZone 243 default URL for 16
home page 15
V installing 23, 33, 35
virtual directory name 16 reinstalling 38
screen layout 16
W uninstalling 37
web content using a domain controller with 31
display types 168 using without a domain controller 32
query types 149 Wonderware License Manager 117
Web Part Wonderware Runtime DB Handler 117
adding to a MultiView 96 writeback capabilities 61
importing 96 WSDL 84
Web Part Connections 102
web part connections 102 X
InTouch 102 XML element
Trend 105 reporting 249
Web Parts 19, 120 ReportServer 249
in Windows SharePoint 99 ReportSources 248
web server SourceDatabase 248
hardware requirements 24 WebConfig 249

Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide

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