Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English (Grade IV)

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Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English (Grade IV)

Prepared by: Amandoron, Emelie Loraine M. (BEED-3)

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:
 Speak clearly using appropriate pronunciation and intonation (riddles); and
 Use the correct intonation of a phrase or sentence.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Intonation: Juncture, Stress and Pitch.
Reference: EN4OL-Id-1.14.4
New Ways in English by Lodge and Trett, pp. 135-136
Materials: Laptop, projector and pictures

III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
 The students will be requested to lead the prayer.
2. Greeting
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Passing of Assignment
5. Review
What was our topic last meeting?

B. Motivation
 With the use of the projector and the laptop, the teacher will show the
class a video about proper intonation.

C. Lesson Proper
 Presentation of the lesson
- On the projector (using PowerPoint Presentation) they will read the sentence: “Carrie
hit the Alarm button” without punctuation.
- After they read it, they will repeat the sentence this time, they will say the sentence as
though they were telling Carrie to push the button.
- Question
Were you able to use one group of words to express two different meanings
from the first?
After this question, the teacher will explain to them and will introduce the
- After, the students will say the same sentence once more. And this time, they will say
it as though they were telling Carrie that lightly pushing the alarm button wouldn’t have
any effect. She has to hit the button.
- Question:
Did you pronounce one word more loudly than the others? Which one?
Afterwards, you will introduce to them the use of Stress.
- For the last time, they will say the sentence again. And this time, say as though they
were asking Carrie to hit the alarm button. Don’t change or add any words. Notice what
happens to the level of your voice as you speak.
- Question:
Did your voice rise or fall at the end of the sentence?
Then after they answer, the teacher will introduce them what is Pitch.

D. Application
 The class will be divided into 4 groups. Each group will be given a task.
The said task is to put proper punctuations on each riddles given to them
and match the answers with the pictures provided. Each group will be
given 15 minutes to answer. After answering each group, will read the
riddles assigned to them and recite their answers in front of the class.

E. Generalization
 Question:
How do these features make it possible for you to convey several
different meanings?

IV. Evaluation
Directions: In a ½ sheet of paper, determine if the following is rising intonation
or a falling intonation. Write R if it is rising intonation and F for falling
intonation. Write your answer before each number.

_____1. You already!

_____2. You shouldn’t have.
_____3. It’s unbelievable!
_____4. That’s not very nice.
_____5. I don’t think I will.
_____6. How could you?
_____7. You must be kidding?
_____8. Why should I tell you?
_____9. So what?
_____10. Well, I never!
Answers Key:
1. R
2. F
3. R
4. F
5. F
6. R
7. R
8. R
9. R
10. R

V. Assignment

Directions: Read the selection about the Lion and the Mouse and give the correct
pronunciation and intonation of the encircled word found in the selection.

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