080250033CASE TOOLS: Adithya Institute of Technology

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080250033CASE TOOLS

Department of


Department of





Certified bonafide record of work done by…………………………….


Staff InCharge Head of the Department

University Register Number : 080606131025

Submitted for the University Practical Examination held on……..........

o NO.

1 SRS documentation of Virtual Classroom 1


2 SRS documentation of Personal Identity 4


3 SRS documentation of EMentoring for 19

women system

4 SRS Documentation of Employee Performance 22


5 SRS Documentation of Online Ticketing 27

Virtual Classroom System

Software Requirements Specification

Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Purpose
1.2 Scope
1.3 Definition, Acronyms, and Abbreviations
1.4 References
1.5 Technologies to be used
1.6 Overview
2.0 Overall Description
2.1 Product Perspective
2.2 Software Interface
2.3 Hardware Interface
2.4 Product Function
2.5 User Characteristics
2.6 Constraints
2.7 Architecture Design
2.8 Use Case Model Description
2.9 Class Diagram
2.9.1 Sequence Diagram
2.9.2 Collaboration Diagram
2.9.3 Activity Diagram
2.9.4 Statechart Diagram
2.9.5 Deployment Diagram
2.9.6 Component Diagram
2.10 Database Design
2.10.1 ER Diagram
2.10.2 Schema
2.11 Assumptions and Dependencies
3.0 Specific Requirements
3.1 Use Case Reports
3.2 Supplementary Requirements
Software Requirements Specification

1.0 Introduction:

1.1 Purpose:

The purpose of the virtual classroom system is to integrate the benefits of a physical classroom
with the convenience of a “no-physical-bar” virtual learning environment.It will usher in the immense
flexibility and sophistication in the existing learning platform structures,with the perfect blend of
synchronous and asynchronous interaction.It provides a means of collaborative learning for the

1.2 Scope:

This project has a lot of scope for future development. Developing a virtual classroom system to
promote a greater count of students to splurge into the field of Education.

1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations:

 HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language): It is used to create static web pages.

 JSP (Java Server Pages): It is used to create dynamic web content.

 J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition): It is a programming platform, belonging to the Java

platform, which is used for developing and running distributed java applications.

 HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol): It is a transaction oriented client/ server protocol
between a web browser and a web server.

 XML (Extensible Markup Language): It is a markup language that was designed

to transport and store data.

 MySql: It is a database management system that provides a flexible and
efficient database platform to raise a strong "on demand" business applications.

1.4 References:

1.5 Technologies to be used:

 J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition): It is a programming platform, belonging to the Java

platform, which is used for developing and running distributed java applications.

 Java: Application Architecture

 XML: Extension Markup Language.

 MySql: It is a database management system that provides a flexible and

efficient database platform to raise a strong "on demand" business applications.

1.6 Overview :

Overall Description :

Developing a virtual classroom system to promote a greater count of students to splurge into the
field of Education. It integrates the benefits of a physical classroom with the convenience of a ‘no-
physical-bar’ virtual learning environment, minus the commuting hazards and expenses. It will usher
in the immense flexibility and sophistication in the existing learning platform structures, with the
perfect blend of synchronous and asynchronous interaction. It provides a means of collaborative
learning for the students.

Specific Requirements :

Users of the System :

A. Students
B. Faculties
C. College Management (Dean, HODs, Principal)
D. Administrator
Students :

 Students can choose courses, attend lectures, take exams, view their attendance records, progress
reports etc as per their convenience.

 Registration for multiple courses.

 Attend lectures either at the scheduled time or on request view lecture at a later time.

 There can be forums, blogs etc to discuss various queries and to put up suggestions posted
both by students and teachers.

 Students can take up various quizzes which can help them to realize their inbuilt talents
in various fields.
Facuties :

 Faculties can take lectures, upload assignments, announcements, evaluate answer sheets and
also can upload lectures and other discussions in various formats as in videos, power point
presentation etc.

 Upload and Download of various assignments, college notices, student's notices,

journals, videos.

 There can be forums, blogs etc to discuss various queries and to put up suggestions posted
both by students and teachers.

Administrator :

 Administrator can generate reports, log files, backup/recovery of data at any time and create
user,department and courses.

Dean :
 Can view all actors details

2.0 Overall Description :

2.1 Product Perspective :

The virtual classroom system promotes a greater count of students and minus the
communicating hazards and expenses.

2.2 Software Interface :

◦ It should be possible for E-learning tool to be implemented in both Windows and
Linux Operating System environments.

◦ The GUI and other parts of the E-learning tool software are to be done in JAVA and J2EE.

◦ The output of this software will need a web browser for viewing it.

2.3 Hardware Interface :

◦ Monitor screen – the software shall display information to the user via the monitor screen
◦ Mouse – the software shall interact with the movement of the mouse and the mouse
buttons. The mouse shall activate areas for data input, command buttons and select options
from menus.
◦ Keyboard – the software shall interact with the keystrokes of the keyboard. The keyboard
will input data into the active area of the database.

2.4 Product Function :

• Only Registered users can access the courses.
• Users must have valid User id and Password to access the system
• In this system students can choose their courses and view their Attendance Records,Grades in
quizzes,internal tests and assignments.
• Students can share their resources through forums.
• Faculty can upload the syllabus,lesson plan, session plan,class notes and question bank for
the courses.
• Students can get alert information about due date of quizzes.
• Administrator can generate reports or recovery of data at anytime.
• System provides 24x7 availability.

2.5 User Characteristics :

Each User has a valid user name ,passwd ,User id ,which department he/she belongs ,duration
(in years) ,Age ,Grade ,User Role,etc....

2.6 Constraints :
Hardware Constraints:

The system requires a database in order to store persistent data. The database should have
backup capabilities.

Software Constraints:

The development of the system will be constrained by the availability of required software
such as web servers, database and development tools.The availability of these tools will be governed
by the Adithya Institute of Technology and Management.

2.7 Architecture Design :

2.8 Use Case Model Description :
A Use Case specifies the behavior of a system or a part of the system and is a description of a set of
sequences of actions, including variants, which a system performs to yield an observable result of value
to an actor. Use cases provide a way for the developers to come to a common understanding with the
system's end users and domain experts. Graphically, a use case is rendered by an ellipse. A Use Case
diagram is just a special kind of diagram and shares the same common properties as do all other
diagrams – a name and graphical contents that are a projection into a model. In a use case diagram,
there is a system boundary and the actors stay outside the boundary and the use cases are kept inside
the boundary. Use Case diagrams commonly contain
• Use cases
• Actors
• Dependency, generalization, and association relationships
2.9 Class Diagram :
A Class is description of a set of objects that share the same attributes, operations, relationships
and semantics. Graphically it is rendered as a rectangle. An Attribute is named property of a class that
describes a range of values that instances of the property may hold. A class may have many attributes
or no attributes at all. An attribute represents some property of the thing you are modeling that is
shared by the objects of the class. They are shown in the compartment under the name of the class. An
Operation is the implementation of a service that can be requested from any object of the class to affect
behavior. They are written in the last compartment in the class depiction.

A Relationship is a connection among things. Graphically, it is rendered as a path, with different

kinds of lines to represent different kinds of relationships. A Dependency is a relationship that a change
in specification of one thing may affect another thing that uses it, but not necessarily the reverse. It is
represented as a dashed directed line. A Generalization is a relationship between a general thing and a
more specific kind of thing. It is referred to as a “is-a-kind-of” relationship. It is represented as a solid
straight line with a large open arrowhead pointing to the parent. An Association is a structural
relationship that specifies that objects of thing are connected to objects of another. Graphically, it is a
solid line form one object to another. The adornment applied to this line are – name, role, multiplicity
and aggregation.

A Class Diagram is a diagram that shows a set of classes, interfaces, collaborations and their
relationships. Graphically, it is a collection of vertices and arcs.

2.9.1 Sequence Diagram :
An Interaction is a behavior that comprises a set of messages exchanged among a set of objects
within a context to accomplish a purpose. We use interactions to model the dynamic aspects of the
model. When an object passes a message to another object, the receiving object might in turn send a
message to another object, which might send a message to yet another object, and so on. This stream of
messages forms a sequence. Any sequence must have a beginning; the start of every sequence is rooted
in some process or thread. Each process or thread within a system defines a distinct flow of control, and
within each flow, messages are ordered in sequence by time. A Sequence Diagram is an interaction
diagram that emphasizes the time ordering of the messages. Graphically, a sequence diagram is a table
that shows objects arranged along the X-axis and messages, ordered in increasing time, along Y-axis.

A Sequence Diagram has an Object Lifeline, which is a vertical dashed line that represents the
existence of an object over a period of time. Objects can be created and destroyed during this life time.
The second feature of a sequence diagram is the focus of control, which is a tall, thin rectangle that
shows the period of time during which an object is performing an action, either directly or through a
subordinate procedure.

2.9.2 Collaboration Diagram :
The Definition:
Collaboration is a society of classes, interfaces and other elements that work together to provide
some cooperative behavior that’s bigger than the sum of all its parts. The structural aspect of
collaboration includes any combination of classifiers, such as classes, interfaces, components and nodes.
That is, it specifies the classes, interfaces and other elements that work together to carry out the named
collaboration. Graphically, the classifiers are arranged like in any other UML Diagram, and related
using the common relationships.

A Collaboration Diagram is an interaction diagram that emphasizes on the structural

organization of the objects that send and receive messages. It shows a set of objects, links amongst them
and messages sent ad received by them.


2.9.3 Activity Diagram

The Definition:
Activity diagrams describe the workflow behavior of a system.Activity diagrams are similar
to state diagrams because activities are the state of doing something. The diagrams describe the state
of activities by showing the sequence of activities performed. Activity diagrams can show activities
that are conditional or parallel.
Activity diagrams should be used in conjunction with other modeling techniques such as
interaction diagrams and state diagrams. The main reason to use activity diagrams is to model the
workflow behind the system being designed.Activity Diagrams are also useful for: analyzing a use
case by describing what actions needs to take place and when they should occur; describing a
complicated sequential algorithm;and modeling applications with parallel processes.
However, activity diagrams should not take the place ofinteraction diagrams and state diagrams.
Activity diagrams do not give detail about how objects behave or how objects collaborate.
Activity diagrams show the flow of activities through the system. Diagrams are read from top
to bottom and have branches and forks to describe conditions and parallel activities. A fork is used
when multiple activities are occurring at the same time.The branch describes what activities will take
place based on a set of conditions.All branches at some point are followed by a merge to indicate the
end of the conditional behavior started by that branch. After the merge all of the parallel activities
must be combined by a join before transitioning into the final activity state.

2.9.4 Statechart Diagram
The Definitions:
A State Machine is a behavior that specifies the sequence of states an object goes through during
its lifetime in response to events, together with its responses to those events. A State is a condition or
situation during the life of an object during which it satisfies some condition, performs some activity, or
waits for some event. An Event is the specification of a significant occurrence that has a location in
space and time, i.e. it can trigger a state transition. A Transition is a relationship between two states
indicating that an object in the first state will perform certain actions and enter the second state when
specified event occurs and conditions are satisfied. An Activity is an ongoing non-atomic execution
within a state machine. An Action is an executable atomic computation that results in the change of a
state. Graphically, a state is a rectangle with rounded edges, and a transition is solid directed line.

A State Chart Diagram shows a state machine, emphasizing the flow of control from state to
state. Graphically, it is a collection of vertices and arcs. We use the state-chart diagram to model the
dynamic aspects of the system.


2.9.5 Deployment Diagram:

2.9.6 Component Diagram

2.10 Database Design :


create table Role (Role_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL,Role_name varchar(10) NOT
NULL,primary key (Role_id) );

create table Department (Department_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT
NULL,Department_name varchar(10) NOT NULL,primary key (Department_id) );

create table Course (Course_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL,Course_name
varchar(10) NOT NULL,syllabus varchar(10000),primary key (Course_id) );

create table User (User_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL,User_name varchar(10) NOT
NULL,User_passwd varchar(30) NOT NULL,Course_id INT NOT NULL,Department_id INT
NOT NULL,primary key (User_id) ,FOREIGN KEY (Course_id)REFERENCES Course
create table Attendance (Attendance_no INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL,Date date
NOT NULL,day varchar(15) NOT NULL,User_id INT NOT NULL,Course_id INT NOT
NULL,status varchar(10) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY(Attendance_no),FOREIGN KEY

create table Assignment (Assignment_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL,Given_date date
NOT NULL,Due_date date NOT NULL,Course_id INT NOT NULL,Assignment_que
varchar(1000) NOT NULL,Assignment_ans_file varchar(10000000)NOT NULL,Assignment_mark
int not null,PRIMARY KEY(Assignment_id),FOREIGN KEY (Course_id)REFERENCES Course

create table Question_bank (Question_bank_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT
NULL, Question_bank_name varchar(15)NOT NULL,Course_id INT NOT
NULL,Question_bank_que varchar(1000) NOT NULL,Question_bank_ans varchar(100000)NOT
NULL,PRIMARY KEY(Question_bank_id),FOREIGN KEY (Course_id)REFERENCES Course

create table Lectures (Lecture_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL,Lecture_name
varchar(15) NOT NULL,Course_id INT NOT NULL,Lecture_note varchar(10000000) NOT

2.10.1 ER Diagram :
2.10.2 Schema :
nysq\> desc Ass1gnnent ;

I F1etd I Type I Nut! I Key I Defaut‹ I Extra

I Ass1gnnent 1d I 1nt(11) I N0 I PRI I NULL I auto 1ncrenent I
I G1ven date I date I N0 I I NULL I I
I Due date I date I N0 I I NULL I I
I Course 1d I 1nt(11) I N0 I HUL I NULL I I
I Ass1gnnent que I varchar(100•) I N0 I I NULL I I
I Ass1gnnent ans f1te I ned1untext I N0 I I NULL I I
I Ass1gnnent_nark I 1nt(11) I N0 I I NULL I I
7 roxs 1n set (0 . 00 sec)

nysqt> desc Attendance;

I F1e\d I Type I Nut! I Key I Defau\‹ I Extra

I Attendance no I 1nt(11) I N0 I PRI I NULL I auto 1ncrenent I
I Date I date IN0 I I NULL I " I
I day I varchar(ISO I N0 I I NULL I I
I User 1d I 1nt(11) I N0 I HULI NULL I I
I Course 1d I 1nt(11) I N0 I HUL I NULL I I
I status I varchar(10) I N0 I I NULL I I
6 roxs 1n set (0. 00 sec)

nysqt> desc Course;

I F1eld I Type I Nutr I Key I Defaut‹ I Extra

I Course 1d I 1nt(11) I N0 I PRI I NULL I auto 1ncrenent I
I Course nane I varchar(10) I N0 I I NULL I I
I Department id I 1nt(11) I N0 I HUL I NULL I I
I syllabus I varchar(100••) I YES I I NULL I I
4 roxs 1n set (0 . 00 sec)

nysq\> desc Role;

I ^1etd I Type I NuTT I Key I Default I Extra

I Role 1d I 1nt(11) I N0 I PRI I NULL I auto Increment I
I Role nane I varchar(10) I N0 I I NULL I I
2 roxs 1n set (0 . 00 sec)

nysqt> desc User;

I F1e\d I Type I Nu\\ I Key I Default I Extra

I User 1d I 1nt(11) I N0 I PRI I NULL I auto Increment I
I User_nane I varchar(SOA I N0 I I NULL I I
I User passxd I varchar(30) I N0 I I NULL I I
I Department 1d I 1nt(11) I N0 I HUL I NULL I I
I Role 1d " I 1nt(11) I N0 I HULI NULL I I
5 roxs 1n set (0. 00 sec)
2.11 Assumptions and Dependencies :
Although basic password authentication and role based security mechanisms will be used to
protect OPMS from unauthorised access; functionality such as email notifications are assumed to be
sufficiently protected under the existing security policies applied by the University network team.
Redundant Database is setup as the role of backup Database Server when primary database is failure.

3.0 Specific Requirements

3.1 Use Case Reports

Administrator: Responsible for managing all the three types of users, viewing logs and
managing standard groups of the system.
 Manage System users:The Administrator will provide the system students,faculties
and dean the authentication to use the site.
 View Logs:Responsible for checking the logs of different system user for auditing and
maintaining the integrity of the system.
 System Reports:The Administrator is responsible to generate the system reports for
the future reference.
 View All Details:View the user’s details,Chatting Details,forum details and mark records.
 Back Up Date:The Administrator is responsible to back up all the data at a particular
time everyday.
Manage System Users:
Name of the Use Case:View Systems users
Description: View the list of system users in the role and view the details of roles,tasks and
permissions assigned to the users.

 Administrator is already logged in.

 Users have already been created and assigned some roles,tasks and permissions.
Normal Flow Of Events:
 The system user or the role will be selected.
 Query will be submitted.
 Relevant output will be displayed.
Alternate Flow Of Events: None
Post Condition: None

3.2 Supplementary Requirements

 Have Hours of Operation that are 24*7:Because System Can be authenticated it can
stay open for 24 hours a day.
 Reduce the cost of sales transaction:To the extend one can automate the sales
process through this system ,one can start to reduce the sales of that sales transaction.
 Make the existing website more Dynamic in nature:Many early web implementation
consisted of static HTML pages.This because it becomes difficult to manage if the number
of pages get too large.Application should serve dynamic user based customized web
pages to its client from server.
 Tie the existing website into the existing enterprise system:Any existing website
that relies from the manual duplication of data from another system is one that can be
Personal Identity Management

Software Requirements Specification

Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Purpose
1.2 Scope
1.3 Definition, Acronyms, and Abbreviations
1.4 References
1.5 Technologies to be used
1.6 Overview
2.0 Overall Description
2.1 Product Perspective
2.2 Software Interface
2.3 Hardware Interface
2.4 Product Function
2.5 User Characteristics
2.6 Constraints
2.7 Architecture Design
2.8 Use Case Model Description
2.9 Class Diagram
2.9.1 Sequence Diagram
2.9.2 Collaboration Diagram
2.9.3 Activity Diagram
2.9.4 Statechart Diagram
2.9.5 Deployment Diagram
2.9.6 Component Diagram
2.10 Database Design
2.10.1 ER Diagram
2.10.2 Schema
2.11 Assumptions and Dependencies
3.0 Specific Requirements
3.1 Use Case Reports
3.2 Supplementary Requirements
Software Requirements Specification

1.0 Introduction:
The main objective of this document is to illustrate the requirements of the Personal Identity
Management system. This document provides a detailed description of the both functional and non
functional requirements proposed by the users. This document is developed after a number of
consultations with the user and considering the complete requirement specifications of the given
system. The final product of the team will be meeting the requirements of this document.

1.1 Purpose:
Standalone product that aggregates identity records of an individual and creates a secure file
that can be used by the individual and authorized people only. Something like a personal data vault.

1.2 Scope:
This software is being developed for the users to maintain their records in a much secured way
so that it can be accessed across several networks .Verification of PAN card ,passport ,account
creation in bank,account creation in any other organization.it is a centralized system for other

 HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language): It is used to create static web pages.

 JSP (Java Server Pages): It is used to create dynamic web content.

 J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition): It is a programming platform, belonging to the Java

platform, which is used for developing and running distributed java applications.

 HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol): It is a transaction oriented client/ server protocol
between a web browser and a web server.

 XML (Extensible Markup Language): It is a markup language that was designed

to transport and store data.

 MySql: It is a database management system that provides a flexible and
efficient database platform to raise a strong "on demand" business applications.

1.4 References:

1.5 Technologies to be used:

 J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition): It is a programming platform, belonging to the Java

platform, which is used for developing and running distributed java applications.

 Java: Application Architecture

 XML: Extension Markup Language.

 MySql: It is a database management system that provides a flexible and

efficient database platform to raise a strong "on demand" business applications.

1.6 Overall Description:

* Overall Description:
Major Components Of the System:
Profile Management
Authentication Service Management
External Interfacess:
Providing web services to other Organizations.
It means that ,PIM gives the web service for to the banks,PAN card verification,Passport

* Specific Requirements:
The following details gives the actors and their activities in a system.
1. Unregister User:
They have to register in the system first.
2. Register User:
They can view their details.
They can Update their details but that will be changed after the agents Permission.
They can delete their account in a system.
3. Agent:
Agent can do the registration in a system
Gives the permission for updation to the User.
Verifying and validating the user details.
4. Admin:
Admin can do database maintenance
Admin can do Encrypting the password for avoiding Hacking.
Admin can take a backup from the database for future use.
5. PIM:
Provides Service for any other systems which are all needs the details about a
Particular person who are in the PIM(Personal Identity Management) system.

2.0 Overall Description:

2.1 Hardware Interface:

As this application can be accessed via internet,only web server is required as a harddware
interfaces to be able to run it.It is assumed that web server is in a secure environment with necessary
firewall and networking setting done.
Client Side:
Since the application must run over the internet, all the hardware shall require to connect internet will
be hardware interface for the system. As for e.g. Modem, WAN – LAN
Server Side:
Operating System: Windows 9x/xp ,Windows 98 ,Ubuntu,Fedora
LAN:2Mbps or More.
Processor:Pentium 3.0 GHz or i3 core processor
RAM: 4GB or more
Hard Drive: 10 GB or more

2.2 Product Functions:.

The product has a server backend which takes care of authenticating the users, maintaining necessary
data structures. The GUI at the server's end enables creating the user details on behalf of the client. The
users must connect to the server to authenticate their identification against the password and then
access the system by using the GUI at their end.
2.3 User Characteristics:
The user should have the some basic knowledge on using computer and accessing the system through
2.4 Constraints:
1) Financial problems
2) Lack of knowledge among users in using the
system 3)Lack of product developers
4)Collection of users actual details is difficult
2.5 Use Case Diagram :
2.6 Class Diagram:
2.7 Database Design:
mysql> use eleven;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Database changed
mysql> show tables;
Tables_in_eleven address authenticationcity college community country degree
experience familydetails gas1 licencesneighbour person phd pimproperty
property_references qualificationrationcard1role state university 1 voter_id
26 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Address Table:
mysql> create table address(address_id int auto_increment,city_id int not null,user_id
varchar(12),street_name char(12),door_number varchar(12),phone_number
int(12),primary key(address_id),foreign key(city_id) references
Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.03 sec)

Field Type Null Key Default Extra

address_id int(11) NO PRI NULL auto_incremen
city_id int(11) NO MUL NULL
user_id varchar(12) YES NULL
street_name char(12) YES NULL
door_number varchar(12) YES NULL
phone_numbe int(12) YES NULL

6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Authentication Table:
mysql> create table authentication(authentication_id int auto_increment,user_id
varchar(12),finger_print varchar(12),photo varchar(12),keystroke_speed
varchar(12),human_iris varchar(12),primary key(authentication_id))TYPE=innodb;
Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.01 sec)

Field Type Null Key Default Extra

authentication_i int(11) NO PRI NULL auto_incremen
d t
user_id varchar(12) NO NULL
| finger_print varchar(12) YES NULL
photo varchar(12) YES NULL
keystroke_speed varchar(12) YES NULL
human_iris varchar(12) YES NULL

6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

City Table:
mysql> create table city(city_id int auto_increment,city_name varchar(12),state_id int not
null,primary key(city_id),foreign key(state_id) references state(state_id))TYPE=innodb;
Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.01 sec)

Field Type Null Key Default Extra

city_id int(11) NO PRI NULL auto_incremen
city_name varchar(12) YES NULL
state_id int(11) NO MUL NULL

3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Experience Table:
mysql> create table experience(experience_id int auto_increment,year_of_experience
varchar(10),is_govtjob char(21),is_prijob char(12),total_salary_peryear int(12),primary
Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.03 sec)

Field Type Null Key Default Extra

experience_id int(11) NO PRI NULL auto_incremen
year_of_experience varchar(10) YES NULL
is_govtjob char(21) YES NULL
is_prijob char(12) YES NULL
total_salary_peryea int(11) YES NULL

5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Familydetails Table:
mysql> create table familydetails(family_id int auto_increment,user_id
varchar(12),family_type varchar(10),no_of_sibling varchar(10),father_name
char(15),mother_name char(15),community_of_father varchar(10),community_of_mother
varchar(10),primary key(family_id))TYPE=innodb;
Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.04 sec)

Field Type Null Key Default Extra

family_id int(11) NO PRI NULL auto_incremen
user_id varchar(12) YES NULL
family_type varchar(10) YES NULL
no_of_sibling varchar(10) YES NULL
father_name char(15) YES NULL
mother_name char(15) YES NULL
community_of_father varchar(10) YES NULL
community_of_mothe varchar(10) YES NULL

8 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Pim Table:
mysql> create table pim(pim_id int auto_increment,password varchar(10),role_id int not
null,reference_id varchar(10),primary key(pim_id),foreign key(role_id) references
Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.03 sec)

Field Type Null Key Default Extra

pim_id int(11) NO PRI NULL auto_increment
password varchar(10) YES NULL
role_id int(11) NO MUL NULL
reference_i varchar(10) YES NULL

4 rows in set (0.01 sec)

Role Table:
mysql> create table role(role_id int auto_increment,role_type varchar(15),primary
Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.00 sec)
Field Type Null Key Default Extra
role_id int(11) NO PRI NULL auto_increment
role_type varchar(15) YES NULL
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Voter_id Table:
mysql> create table voter_id(vote_id int auto_increment,user_id varchar(12),age
int(12),gender char(12),dob varchar(12),primary key(vote_id))TYPE=innodb;
Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.01 sec)

Field Type Null Key Default Extra

vote_id int(11) NO PRI NULL auto_increment
user_id varchar(12) YES NULL
age int(12) YES NULL
gender char(11) YES NULL
dob varchar(12) YES NULL

5 rows in set (0.01 sec)

Person Table:
create table person(person_id varchar(12),pim_id int not null,no_of_occupation
int(12),main_occupation char(12),address_id int not null,property_id int not
null,family_id int not null,qualification_id int not null,rationcard_id int not
null,license_id int not null,community_id int not null,votere_id int not null,reference_id
int not null,authentication_id int not null,is_physically_handicapped
Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.04 sec)
Field Type Null Key Default Extra
person_id varchar(12 YES NULL
pim_id int(11) NO NULL
no_of_occupation int(11) YES NULL
main_occupation char(12) YES NULL
address_id int(11) NO NULL
| property_id int(11) NO NULL
family_id int(11) NO NULL
qualification_id int(11) NO NULL
rationcard_id int(11) NO NULL
license_id int(11) NO NULL
community_id int(11) NO NULL
votere_id int(11) NO NULL
reference_id int(11) NO NULL
authentication_id int(11) NO NULL
is_physically_handicapped char(12) YES NULL
2.8 Sequence Diagram:
2.9 Collaboration Diagram:
2.10 Activity Diagram:
2.11 ER Diagram:
2.12 Assumptions and Dependencies:
There exists the relationship between Role and PIM is one to many.
There exists the relationship between Person and Authentication is one to many.
There exists the relationship between Family details and Person is one to many.
There exists the relationship between Person and Experience is one to many.
There exists the relationship between Person and Qualification is one to many.
There exists the relationship between Person and Address is many to one.

3.0 Specific Requirements:

3.1Use Case Reports:

In Usecase diagram there are five actors.Each actor has different activities of their own.
Actors in system are
 Unregistered user
 Registered user
 Admin
 Agent

3.2 Supplementary Requirements:

Supplementary requirements for PIM is Internet.Because this system can run in

online,so we need to internet to access this system.Then we need some softwares to run
this web application.

EMentoring for women system

Software Requirements Specification

Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Purpose
1.2 Scope
1.3 Definition, Acronyms, and Abbreviations
1.4 References
1.5 Technologies to be used
1.6 Overview
2.0 Overall Description
2.1 Product Perspective
2.2 Software Interface
2.3 Hardware Interface
2.4 Product Function
2.5 User Characteristics
2.6 Constraints
2.7 Architecture Design
2.8 Use Case Model Description
2.9 Class Diagram
2.9.1 Sequence Diagram
2.9.2 Collaboration Diagram
2.9.3 Activity Diagram
2.9.4 Statechart Diagram
2.9.5 Deployment Diagram
2.9.6 Component Diagram
2.10 Database Design
2.10.1 ER Diagram
2.10.2 Schema
2.11 Assumptions and Dependencies
3.0 Specific Requirements
3.1 Use Case Reports
3.2 Supplementary Requirements
Software Requirements Specification
1.0 Introduction:

1.1 Purpose:

The E-mentoring for women is a web based application which is intended to

promote more women to splurge into the field of Science and technology breaking the myths
and taboo's society imposes and to give them a platform to be on power with a working

1.2 Scope:

This system is built for the one who doesn't know about about their in-built
talents.Once they use this online E-mentoring system they try to know about their in-built
talents and get good exposure about various fields. This system is mainly used by young girls
and women who needs to get inspired and motivated by the successful women in the society.

1.3 Definitions,acronyms,and abbreviationS:

• HTML(Hyper Text Markup Language): It is used to create static web pages.

• JSP (Java Server Pages): It is used to create dynamic web content.
• J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition): It is a programming platform,belonging to the
Java platform, which is used for developing and running distributed java
• HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol): It is a transaction oriented client/ server protocol
between a web browser and a web server.
• XML (Extensible Markup Language): It is a markup language that was designed
to transport and store data.

1.4 ReferenceS:

http://ici.umn.edu/ementoring/overview.html http://sarah-

1.5 Technologies to be used:

• J2EE: (Servlet, JSP, JAXP, Java Beans) Application architecture.

• JAVA: Application architecture.
• DB2: IBM Database.
• Ajax: Asynchronous Java Script and XML.
• XML: Extension Markup Language.
1.6 Overview:

Specific requirements:

Functions of actors of the systeM:

Can conduct test and tutorials
Can view student profile
Can post forums
Can view and post feedback
Can generate test reports
Can view student report

Can select mentors according to their interested field acce
Can take up test and view their test reports
Can view mentors profile
Can post forums/feedbacks
Can access biographies of successful women/men

Can view mentee/mentor status
Can analysis new mentee/mentor request
Can cancel or delete mentee/mentor request

2.0 Overall description:

2.1 Software interface:

E-mentoring for women is a muilt-user,multi-tasking environment.It enables the

user to interact with the server and attain access to the internet and also leaves a record in the
inbuilt database.It uses java servlets a the front end programming tool and SQL as the backend
application tool.

2.2 Hardware interface:

The server is directly connected to the client system.Also the client has the access
to the database for accounting details and storing the login time.The client access to the
databasein the server is read only.

2.3 User characteristics:

Mentee is the one who is a lesser skilled or experienced individual.

A Mentor is partly a coach, leader, advisor, counselor, teacher, guideA mentor is ply
a coach, leader, advisor, counselor, teacher, guide, and friend but none of these alone or


Administrator is the one who maintains the records,check the current status of mentee
as well mentor and also has the provision to accept or cancel the new mentee/mentor request.




mysql> create table role(Role_id int auto_increment NOT NULL primary key,Role_name char(30));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> create table user(User_id int auto_increment NOT NULL primary key,Password
varchar(40),Role_id int NOT NULL,foreign key(Role_id)references role(Roll_id));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
mysql> create table quiz(Quiz_id int auto_increment NOT NULL primary key,Quiz_name
varchar(40),Start_time varchar(20),End_time varchar(20),Random_question
varchar(40),Random_answer varchar(40),Time_limit varchar(30),User_id int NOT NULL,foreign
key(User_id)references user(User_id));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
mysql> create table answer_choice(Answer_choice_id int NOT NULL auto_increment primary
key,Answer_choice_description varchar(30),Question_id int NOT NULL,Choice_number
varchar(10),Correct varchar(5),foreign key(Question_id)references Quiz_Question(Question_id));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> create table attempt(User_id int NOT NULL,Quiz_question_id int NOT

NULL,Answer_choice_id int NOT NULL,foreign key(User_id)references user(User_id),foreign
key(Quiz_question_id)references ques_question(Quiz_question_id),foreign
key(Answer_choice_id)references answer_choice(Answer_choice_id));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
mysql> create table profile(User_id int NOT NULL,Name char(40),Age int NOT NULL,Gender
char(10),Date_of_birth varchar(15),Address char(70),Phone_no int,School_id int auto_increment NOT
NULL,College_id int NOT NULL,foreign key(School_id)references
profile(School_id),foreignkey(College_id)reference profile(College_id),foreign key(User_id)references
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> create table mentor_profile(Occupation_id int auto_increment NOT NULL primary
key,Qualification varchar(30),Awards char(50),Area_of_interest varchar(50),User_id int NOT
NULL,foreign key(User_id)references user(User_id));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
mysql> create table occupation(Occupation_id int NOT NULL auto_increment,Occupation_name
varchar(50),Experience varchar(20),Company_name varchar(70),Salary int NOT NULL,foreign
key(Occupation_id)references mentor_profile(Occupation_id));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
mysql> create table college_list(College_id int auto_increment NOT NULL primary key,College_name
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
mysql> create table school_list(School_id int auto_increment NOT NULL primary key,School_name
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> create table mentee_profile(Qualification varchar(30),Area_of_interest varchar(50),User_id int
NOT NULL auto_increment,foreign key(User_id)references User(User_id));

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> show tables;

2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> desc user;
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> desc role;

3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> desc mentee_profile;

3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> desc mentor_profile;
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

3.0 Specific Requirements:

3.1 UseCase Reports:

Administrator: Responsible for managing all the two types of users, viewing logs and managing
standard groups of the system.

• Manage System users:The Administrator will provide the system mentor

and mentee the authentication to use the site.
• View Logs:Responsible for checking the logs of different system user for auditing
and maintaining the integrity of the system.
• System Reports:The Administrator is responsible to generate the system
reports for the future reference.
• View All Details:View the user’s details,forum details and mark records.
• Back Up Date:The Administrator is responsible to back up all the data at
a particular time everyday.

Manage System Users:

Name of the Use Case:View Systems users

Description: View the list of system users in the role and view the details of roles,tasks and
permissions assigned to the users.
• Administrator is already logged in.
• Users have already been created and assigned some roles,tasks and permissions.
Normal Flow Of Events:
♦ The system user or the role will be selected.
♦ Query will be submitted.
♦ Relevant output will be displayed.
Alternate Flow Of Events: None
Post Condition: None

3.2 Supplementary Requirements :

• Have Hours of Operation that are 24*7:Because System Can be authenticated

it can stay open for 24 hours a day.
• Make the existing website more Dynamic in nature:Many early web
implementation consisted of static HTML pages.This because it becomes
difficult to manage if the number of pages get too large.Application should serve
dynamic user based customized web pages to its client from server.
• Tie the existing website into the existing enterprise system:Any existing
website that relies from the manual duplication of data from another system is
one that can be improved.
Employee Performance
Management System
Software Requirements Specification
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Purpose
1.2 Scope
1.3 Definition, Acronyms, and Abbreviations
1.4 References
1.5 Technologies to be used
1.6 Overview
2.0 Overall Description
2.1 Product Perspective
2.2 Software Interface
2.3 Hardware Interface
2.4 Product Function
2.5 User Characteristics
2.6 Constraints
2.7 Architecture Design
2.8 Use Case Model Description
2.9 Class Diagram
2.9.1 Sequence Diagram
2.9.2 Collaboration Diagram
2.9.3 Activity Diagram
2.9.4 Statechart Diagram
2.9.5 Deployment Diagram
2.9.6 Component Diagram
2.10 Database Design
2.10.1 ER Diagram
2.10.2 Schema
2.11 Assumptions and Dependencies
3.0 Specific Requirements
3.1 Use Case Reports
3.2 Supplementary Requirements
Software Requirements Specification
1.0 Introduction

1.1 Purpose
Managing employee performance every day is the key to an effective performance management
system. Setting goals, making sure your expectations are clear, and providing frequent feedback help
people perform most effectively.Employee Performance Management System in online can help you
meet these big challenges of improving employee performance.

1.2 Scope
The scope of this project includes an integrated web-based tool to improve organizational
performance by setting SMART Goals for employee,evaluating employee performance, recommending
highly competitive compensation plans, managing employee trainings & development and promoting
right employees to critical positions.The primary purpose for an employee to understand that a
performance problem or opportunity for improvement exists.

1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

• HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language): It is used to create static web pages.

• JSP (Java Server Pages): It is used to create dynamic web content.

• J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition): It is a programming platform, belonging to the

Java platform, which is used for developing and running distributed java applications.

• HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol): It is a transaction oriented client/ server protocol
between a web browser and a web server.

• XML (Extensible Markup Language): It is a markup language

1.4 References:
Employee Evaluation and Performance Appraisals - organization, levels, system, examples,
manager, definition, company, hierarchy, business, system, Identification, Measurement,
Management, Management by objectives
1.5 Technologies to be used:

• J2EE: (Servlet, JSP, JAXP, Java Beans) Application architecture.

• JAVA: Application architecture.

• mysql: ver 14.12 Distrib 5.0.75, for Debian- linux -gnu(i486) using readline 5.2 Edition)
Web Server

• DB2: IBM Database.

• Ajax: Asynchronous Java Script and XML.

• XML: Extension Markup Language.

• UML: model 1.2 Development model

2.0 Overall Description

2.1 Product perspective

Employee Performance Management System is aimed towards the Business
persons who want to reach out to the maximum profit in their business and Industrial people who can
be manage the company well. This project makes a good understanding between the employee and the
management. Employee Performance Management System should be user-friendly, ‘quick to learn’ and
reliable software for the above purpose. EPMS is intended to be a stand-alone product and should not
depend on the availability of other software. It should run on both UNIX and Windows based platform.
2.2 Software Interface
Linux is the operating system used by the software to communicate with the hardware
interfaces.Definition of the interface in terms of message content and format is unnecessary due to the
well-documented nature of the software.
 Linux
 Windows
J2EE is the java interpreter used by the software to convert the bit code into machine language.
Definition of the interface in terms of message content and format is unnecessary due to the well-
documented nature of the software.

2.3 Hardware Interface

Monitor screen – the software shall display information to the user via the monitor screen
Mouse – the software shall interact with the movement of the mouse and the mouse buttons.
The mouse shall activate areas for data input, command buttons and select options from menus.
Keyboard – the software shall interact with the keystrokes of the keyboard. The keyboard
will input data into the active area of the database.

2.4 Product functions

User: Management
Functions: The Management is the super user and has complete control over all the activities that can be
performed. The application notifies the management of all companies creation requests, and the
management can then approve or reject them. The management also maintain the details about the
employees working in the company. The management can also view and delete entries in the
User: Senior Manager
Functions: The function of the Senior Manager is to maintain the emloyees details
those who are all working under their category. Senior Manager allots marks for the employees. After
the Senior Manager allocating marks to the employee, he/she will send those reports to the HR.
User: HR
Functions: HR is the next head to the Senior Manager. After getting the report from the Senior Manager
about the Employee, the HR will evaluate the employee as per his/her own decision. HR having the
rights to promot an employee. And also at the same time HR having the equal rights to suspend the
employee from the company, if the employee didn't follow the company rules properly.
User: Employee
 Functions: Employee want to be a supportfull tool to his/her company in achieving the
Company's Goal.
 Functions: And also the employee want to set his/her own goals.
2.5 User Characteristics
The user of this system should have three major steps in the performance appraisal
process: identification, measurement, and management. With identification, the behaviors necessary for
successful performance are determined. Measurement involves choosing the appropriate instrument
for appraisal and assessing performance. Management, which is the ultimate goal, is the reinforcing of
good performance and the correction of poor performance.

2.6 Constraints
 The system must run on a Unix or Windows 95/98/Me/Xp/NT/2000 operating system. The
system must not have any sort of fatal errors.
 The data stored by the system needs to be encrypted in some way.
 The system must to create backup files of all saved materials given their critical nature.

2.7 Use Case Diagram.

A use case in software engineering and systems engineering is description of a system’s behavior as
it responds to a request that originates from outside of that system. In other words, a use case
describes "who" can do "what" with the system in question. ...
2.8 Class Diagram
2.9.1 Sequence Diagrams
2.9.2 Collaboration Diagram

2.10 Database Design:

create table user(user_id int auto_increment NOT NULL,username varchar(30) NOT NULL,password
varchar(30) NOT NULL,department_id int NOT NULL,designation_id int NOT NULL,primary
key(user_id,department_id,designation_id));create table department(id int auto_increment NOT
NULL,department varchar(30) NOT NULL,foreign key(id) references user(department_id));

create table designation(designation_id int auto_increment NOT NULL,designation varchar(30) NOT

NULL,foreign key(designation_id) references user(desigantion_id));

create table profile(profile_id int auto_increment NOT NULL,name varchar(30) NOT NULL,age
varchar(30) NOT NULL,gender varchar(30) NOT NULL,date_of_birth varchar(30) NOT
NULL,salary_details varchar(30) NOT NULL,designation varchar(30)NOT NULL,year_of_experience
varchar(30) NOT NULL,department varchar(30) NOT NULL,primary key(profile_id));
create table rating(rating_id int auto_increment NOT NULL,user_id int NOT NULL,lssupervisor_id int
NOT NULL,lsHR_id int NOT NULL,percentage varchar(30) NOT NULL,comment varchar(30) NOT
NULL,datestamp varchar(30) NOT NULL,primary key(rating_id,lssupervisor_id,lshr_id),foreign
key(user_id) references user(user_id));

create table courses(courses_id int auto_increment NOT NULL,corse_name char(30) NOT

NULL,user_id int NOT NULL,primary key(courses_id),foreign key(user_id) references
user(user_id));create table coursecompleted(coursecompleted_id int auto_increment NOT
NULL,user_id int NOT NULL,course_name varchar(30) NOT NULL,datestamp varchar(30) NOT
NULL,goalsby_softskills_id varchar(30),primary key(coursecompleted_id),foreign key(user_id)
references user(user_id));

create table performance(performance_id int auto_increment NOT NULL,percentage varchar(30) NOT

NULL,comment varchar(30) NOT NULL,byuser_id int,rating_id int NOT NULL,datestamp varchar(30)
NOT NULL,primary key(performance_id),foreign key(byuser_id) references user(user_id),foreign
key(rating_id) references rating(rating_id));

create table self_goals(self_goals_id int auto_increment NOT NULL,user_idint NOT

NULL,performance_id int NOT NULL,trainingattended_id int NOT NULL,coursescompleted_id int
NOT NULL,defects-modified varchar(30) NOT NULL,defects-fixed varchar(30) NOT NULL,lineofcode
varchar(30) NOT NULL,primary key(self_goals_id);

create coursecompleted(coursecompleted_id int auto_increment NOT NULL,user_id int NOT

NULL,course_name varchar(30) NOT NULL,datestamp varchar(30) NOT NULL,goalsby_softskills_id
varchar(30),primary key(coursecompleted_id),foreign key(user_id) references user(user_id));

create table organisation(organisation_id int auto_increment NOT NULL,user_id int NOT

NULL,performance_id int NOT NULL,noofpeopletrained int NOT NULL,revenuegenerated int NOT
NULL,primary key(organisation_id),foreign key(user_id) references user(user_id),foreign
key(performance_id) references performance(performance_id));

create table goalsby_softskills(goalsby_softskills_id int auto_increment NOT NULL,user_id int NOT

NULL,performance_id int NOT NULL,coordination varchar(30) NOT NULL,peersappraisalrating
varchar(30) NOT NULL,teamwork varchar(30) NOT NULL,primary key(goalsby_softskills_id),foreign
key(user_id) references user(user_id),foreign key(performance_id) references

ER Diagram
2.11 Assumptions and Dependencies :
Although basic password authentication and role based security mechanisms will be
used to protect OPMS from unauthorised access; functionality such as email notifications are assumed
to be
sufficiently protected under the existing security policies applied by the University network
team. Redundant Database is setup as the role of backup Database Server when primary database is

3.0 Specific Requirements:

3.1 Use case reports:

Management: Responsible for managing all the users, viewing logs and managing standard groups of
the system.
Employee:Employee performs his own self assessment and maintain his own records.
The Users of the System:
1. Employee
2.Senior Manager
3.2 Supplementary Requirements

• Have Hours of Operation that are 24*7:Because System Can be authenticated it can stay
open for 24 hours a day.

• Reduce the cost of sales transaction:To the extend one can automate the sales process
through this system ,one can start to reduce the sales of that sales transaction.

• Make the existing website more Dynamic in nature:Many early web implementation consisted
of static HTML pages.This because it becomes difficult to manage if the number of pages get too
large.Application should serve dynamic user based customized web pages to its client from server.
• Tie the existing website into the existing enterprise system:Any existing website that relies
from the manual duplication of data from another system is one that can be improved.
Online Ticketing

Software Requirements Specification

Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Purpose
1.2 Scope
1.3 Definition, Acronyms, and Abbreviations
1.4 References
1.5 Technologies to be used
1.6 Overview
2.0 Overall Description
2.1 Product Perspective
2.2 Software Interface
2.3 Hardware Interface
2.4 Product Function
2.5 User Characteristics
2.6 Constraints
2.7 Architecture Design
2.8 Use Case Model Description
2.9 Class Diagram
2.9.1 Sequence Diagram
2.9.2 Collaboration Diagram
2.9.3 Activity Diagram
2.9.4 Statechart Diagram
2.9.5 Deployment Diagram
2.9.6 Component Diagram
2.10 Database Design
2.10.1 ER Diagram
2.10.2 Schema
2.11 Assumptions and Dependencies
3.0 Specific Requirements
3.1 Use Case Reports
3.2 Supplementary Requirements
Software Requirements Specification
1.0 Introduction:
The main objective of this document is to illustrate the requirements of the Online
Ticketing System. It explain the purpose and features of the system, the interfaces of the system,
functionality of the system , the constraints under which it must operate and how the system will
react to external stimuli. This document is intended for users such as Customer, Service Provider,
and Admin.

1.1 Purpose:

The purpose of this document is to provide a detailed overview of our software product
“Online Ticketing”.This document describes the project's target audience and its user interface,
hardware and software requirements.

1.2 Scope:

We will trough this work,to understand and explain what is “online ticketing”,the place of
this system electronic business,the different concrete application of such a system in everyday life.

1.3 Definition, Acronyms, and Abbreviations:

◦ HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language): It is used to create static web pages

◦ JSP (Java Server Pages): It is used to create dynamic web content.

◦ J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition): It is a programming platform, belonging to the

Java platform, which is used for developing and running distributed java

◦ MySql ( Oracle Database):It is a database management system that provides a

flexible and efficient database platform to raise a strong "on demand" business

◦ HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol): It is a transaction oriented client/ server protocol
between a web browser and a web server.

◦ XML (Extensible Markup Language): It is a markup language that was designed

to transport and store data.

◦ Ajax (Asynchronous Java Script and XML): It is a technique used in java script to
create dynamic web pages.

◦ Web 2.0: It is commonly associated with web applications which facilitate

interactive information sharing, interoperability, user-centered design and
collaboration on the World Wide Web.
1.4 References:

1.5 Technologies to be used:

• J2EE: (Servlet, JSP, JAXP, Java Beans) Application architecture.

• JAVA: Application architecture.

• WASCE: (WebSphere Application Server Community Edition) Web Server

• MySql: Oracle Database.

• Ajax: Asynchronous Java Script and XML.

• XML: Extension Markup Language.

• Localization: English

1.6 Overview:

The SRS include two main sections,namely,

Overall Description:

This section will describe major components of the system, interconnections,

and external interfaces.

Specific Requirements:

This section will describe the functions of actors, their roles in the system
and the constraints faced by the system.

2.0 Overall Description:

The online ticketing system is developed to facilitate the administration system to

manage the various information of the user and service provider and processes involved in
online ticketing. So that the organisation can access accurate information quickly and easily
as and when required.Also users will analyse the service provider through the
chat options provided by the system.

2.1 Product Perspective:

Online Ticketing is a web product for running powerful and customized. The
product may also be used also to empower existing websites for online ticketing. The
system contains administration space with functionality for the users to edit their profile,
consult the tickets, manage their Details .

2.2 Software Interface:

Operating System: Windows 9x/xp ,Windows ME .
Database: SQL Server.
Application: ASP (Active Server Pages)
Java Virtual Machine.

Front End Client:

Online Ticketing system uses the front end as Java, Java Server Pages and
HTML at the client side.

Advanced Tools:

Netbeans 6.7.1 and JDK.

Webserver :

Apache Tomcat is used as the web server for the Online Ticketing System.

Data Base Server :

MySQL server is used as the database server for Online Ticketing.

Back End:

Online Ticketing system uses MySQL Ver 14.12 Distrib 5.0.75 as a back end database.

2.3 Hardware Interface:

Processor minimum: Intel Pentium 2 processor

Memory(RAM): 256 MB DDR
Hard disk: 4GB
Display: 1024*786
Keyboard: Any normal keyboard

2.4 Product Functions:

Login capabilities: The system shall provide the users with logon
• Alert:

◦ The system can alert in case of any problem.

◦ The system shall allow the users to access the system from Internet using HTML.
It uses web browser interface at client side.

2.5 User Characteristics:

• The customer login to the system and updates his profile.
• The Customer books for the ticket with the Origin,Destination,Dates and Price-preferences
• The price amount based on the credit,cash,DD etc..
• Selection of seat by the customer.
• Looks for the payment details.

Service Provider:
• The provider update his datas.
• Gives the information about the transport like
Origin,Destination,Dates,Price- preferences,transport number.
• Update the transport details.


• Application manager manages the entire details about the system and get the updates regularly.

Use Case Diagram:

Class Diagram:

ER Diagram:
Sequence Diagram:

DB Design:

create table role(role_id int NOT NULL,name char(20) NOT NULL,primary key(role_id));
create table address(address_id varchar(20) NOT NULL,street_1 varchar(20) NOT
NULL,street_2 varchar(20) NOT NULL,city_id int NOT NULL,primary
key(address_id),foreign key(city_id)references city(city_id));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> show tables;

2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> create table city(city_id int(20)NOT NULL,city_name char(20),state_id intNOT
NULL,primary key(city_id),foreign key(state_id)refernces state(state_id));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> show tables;

3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> create table state(state_id int NOT NULL,state_name char(20),country_id int NOT
NULL,primary key(state_id),foreign key(country_id)references country(country_id));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)

mysql> show tables;

4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> create table country(country_id int NOT NULL,country_name char(20),primary
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> show tables;

5 rows in set (0.01 sec)
mysql> create table user(user_id int NOT NULL,user_name char(20),password varchar(20)NOT
NULL,role_id int NOT NULL,address_id varchar(20)NOT NULL,contact_no int NOT
NULL,primary key(user_id),foreign key(role_id)references role(role_id),foreign
key(address_id)references address(address_id));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
mysql> show tables;

6 rows in set (0.01 sec)
mysql> create table customer(customer_id int NOT NULL,user_id int NOT NULL,address_id
varchar(20)NOT NULL,contact_no int NOT NULL,payment_id int NOT NULL,primary
key(customer_id),foreign key(payment_id)references payment_type(payment_id),foreign
key(address_id)references address(address_id),foreign key(user_id)references user(user_id));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> show tables;

7 rows in set (0.00 sec)
create table bus_type(type_id int NOT NULL,type_name char(20),description
char(20),transport_id int NOT NULL,no_of_seats int NOT NULL,fare_id int NOT
NULL,foreign key(fare_id)references fare(fare_id),foreign key(transport_id)references
bus(transport_id),primary key(type_id));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
show tables;

create table bus(transport_id int NOT NULL,service_id int NOT NULL,customer_id int NOT
NULL,isavailable varchar(20),route_id int NOT NULL,foreign key(route_id)references
route(route_id),foreign key(customer_id)references customer(customer_id),primary
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
mysql> show tables;


9 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> create table route(route_id int NOT NULL,transport_id int NOT NULL,source
char(20),destination char(20),primary key(route_id),foreign key(transport_id)references
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> show tables;

Customer role

10 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> create table sub_route(subroute_id int NOT NULL,place_name char(20),arrival_time
varchar(20)NOT NULL,departure_time varchar(20)NOT NULL,route_id int NOT
NULL,primary key(subroute_id),foreign key(route_id)references route(route_id));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> show tables;


11 rows in set (0.00 sec)

create table book_seat(seat_id int NOT NULL,book_ticket_id int NOT NULL,seat_no int NOT
NULL,passenger_name char(20),passenger_gender char(10),passenger_age int NOT
NULL,passenger_contact_no int NOT NULL,customer_id int NOT NULL,primary
key(seat_id),foreign key(book_ticket_id)references book_ticket(book_ticket_id),foreign
key(customer_id)references customer(customer_id));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
mysql> show tables;

12 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> create table book_ticket(book_ticket_id int NOT NULL,user_id int NOT
NULL,datestamp date,fare_id int NOT NULL,foreign key(user_id)references
user(user_id),primary key(book_ticket_id),foreign key(fare_id)references
fare(fare_id)); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
mysql> show tables;

13 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> create table online_payment(transaction_id int NOT NULL,creditcard_no int NOT
NULL,expire_date int NOT NULL,code_no int NOT NULL,foreign
key(transaction_id)references transaction(transaction_id));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> show tables;

mysql> create table transaction(transaction_id int NOT NULL,book_ticket_id int NOT
NULL,amount int NOT NULL,payment_type_id int NOT NULL,datestamp date,primary
key(transaction_id),foreign key(book_ticket_id)references book_ticket(book_ticket_id),foreign
key(payment_type_id)references payment_type(payment_type_id));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)
mysql> show tables;

15 rows in set (0.01 sec)
mysql> create table payment_type(payment_id int NOT NULL,transaction_id int NOT
NULL,payment_type_id int NOT NULL,primary key(payment_type_id),foreign
key(transaction_id)references transaction(transaction_id));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> show tables;

mysql> create table fare(fare_id int NOT NULL,from_subroute_id int NOT
NULL,to_subroute_id int NOT NULL,charge int NOT NULL,primary key(fare_id));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)
mysql> show tables;
17 rows in set (0.00 sec)

3.0 Specific Requirements:

3.1 Use Case Reports:

In Usecase diagram there are three actors.Each actor has different activities of their own.
Actors in system are
1. Customer
2. Setrvice Provider
3. Admin
3.2 Supplementary Requirements:

Supplementary requirements for Online Ticketing is Internet. Because this system can run in
online, so we need to internet to access this system.Then we need some softwares to run
this web application.

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