Zymurgy Introduction To Homebrewing
Zymurgy Introduction To Homebrewing
Zymurgy Introduction To Homebrewing
An Introduction to
From the
Association ®
Journal of the American Homebrewers Association
Publisher ...................................... Brewers Association
Editor-in-Chief .............................................Jill Redding
Associate Editor....................Amahl Turczyn Scheppach
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Brewers AssociationSM
The purpose of the Brewers Association is to pro-
mote and protect small and independent American
brewers, their craft beers, and the community of
brewing enthusiasts. The Brewers Association is
a not-for-profit trade Association under Section
501(c)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code.
BA Board of Directors
Steve Bradt, Sam Calagione, Dick Cantwell, Mark
Edelson, Gary Fish, Chris P. Frey, Chris Graham,
Ken Grossman, Steve Hindy, Kim Jordan, John
Mallett, Nick Matt, John Pinkerton, Rob Tod, and
Eric Wallace
Zymurgy welcomes letters, opinions, ideas, article
queries and information in general from its readers.
Correspondence and advertising inquiries should be
directed to Zymurgy, PO Box 1679, Boulder, CO
80306-1679, (303) 447-0816, FAX (303) 447-2825,
www.homebrewersassociation.org. All material © 2012,
American Homebrewers Association. No material may be
reproduced without written permission from the AHA.
The opinions and views expressed in articles are not
necessarily those of the American Homebrewers
Association and its magazine, Zymurgy.
Making Your First Batch From Beginning to End
We have included five short articles to teach you the basics of brewing and help you brew your
COLUMNS first batch. We recommend that you read the first four articles completely before you start brewing.
(Hint: we have found that you can read them in about the time it takes to drink one beer.)
5 | FROM THE GLASS Then when you are ready to brew, follow the instructions in each section to make sure you don’t
By Gary Glass forget anything or leave out a critical step.
Welcome to Homebrewing
his special edition of Zymurgy, the
T magazine published for members of
the American Homebrewers Association
the world. A strong AHA will ensure your
right to homebrew is maintained long into
the future.
ings from Brewers Publications, AHA
National Homebrew Competition
entries, and AHA National Homebrewers
(AHA), is intended to be an easy-to-follow Conference registration.
guide to launch you into the wonderful AHA membership benefits include: A And more. See HomebrewersAssociation.
world of homebrewing! We are happy A Subscription to Zymurgy magazine and org for a full list of AHA member benefits.
to provide this free guide to help you on eZymurgy.
your way to brewing outstanding beers A AHA Member Deals for discounts at Membership to the American Homebrewers
at home. pubs across the U.S. Association is $38 for a year. This is a
A HomebrewersAssociation.org and AHA small price to pay for the beer and brew-
The AHA is a not-for-profit organization Forum. ing education, camaraderie, and fun that
made up of thousands of members from A Updates on the latest Government the AHA brings to homebrewing—a price
the U.S. and around the world. I invite Affairs issues affecting your right to brew that will soon be recouped by your AHA
you to join the AHA and dive right into and access to your favorite craft brews. Member Deals benefits. Join online at
the fun-filled hobby of homebrewing. A Access to the Great American Beer HomebrewersAssociation.org and unlock
Your membership dollars help us to con- Festival Members-Only Session and the wide world of homebrewing.
tinue our mission of promoting the com- Members-Only entrance.
munity of homebrewers and empowering A Free entry to AHA Rallies. Gary Glass is director of the American
homebrewers to make the best beer in A Discounts on the latest book offer- Homebrewers Association.
Damn the Instructions— Spent Hops Can Kill Your Dog! I was online with a cigar bulletin board
Full Speed Ahead Dear Professor, and posted the question for the brewers
Dear Professor, I am a fairly new homebrewer (four batch- on the board. One guy said “Get your dog
I have been making beer for about a es) and have discovered a problem that I to the vet NOW!” He posted some articles
year now. I just received my first copy believe you can help with. I was brewing from a veterinary journal that said hops
of Zymurgy and it didn’t take me very a batch of Pilsner the other day and took can kill dogs. It talked about eight case
long to realize that I could improve on two bags of hops from the wort and tossed studies in which six of the dogs had died. I
the recipe that comes with a can of malt. them on the ground to cool while I put called Animal Poison Control and they said
Still, I have quite a large supply of malt the wort into the fermenter. I noticed that “Get your dog to the vet NOW!” So I took
extract on hand, so I wonder if you could my dog had swallowed the bags of hops! him and they made him vomit, gave him
suggest a better recipe than the sugar one I called my vet and he said that it should charcoal and IV fluids, etc. He survived,
that comes with the malt. Meanwhile, I’ll not be a problem for the dog. I called thankfully, but the vet said it was only
continue to read Zymurgy and learn more my local brew supplier and they said the because I saw the dog eat the hops and we
about homebrewing. same thing. I looked up a big-time sup- got them out before they made him sick.
plier online and called them and they said The hops cause “malignant hyperthermia,”
Thank you, the dog will be OK. I was relieved. a sudden and almost irreversible increase in
Bill Tyson
Neaton, Texas
Dear Bill,
Well, it won’t take you very long to discover
that improving on the sugar recipes supplied
with many malt extracts is a pretty easy
thing to do. It doesn’t take a whole lot of
The Professor, Hb.D.
mixing up the yeast. boy instead, but the recipes given in the
articles that follow assume the use of a Racking cane and tubing
Things You’ll Buy From the plastic fermenter. Clear or white plastic cane and tubing
Homebrew Store: The Basics used for transferring the beer (racking)
Most stores offer a starter kit for home- Air lock and stopper from one vessel to another and during
brewers that contains the basics listed This allows carbon dioxide to escape dur- bottling. The cane should have a pointed
below. Additional nice-to-have items may ing fermentation while keeping air out. thimble attached to the straight end to
also be included as detailed in the “Options You will insert this in the hole in the fer- keep it elevated above the bottom of the
and Accessories” section that follows. menter lid using the proper-sized stopper fermenter.
Bottle capper
A device used to affix bottle caps to the Hydrometer
filled bottles of beer.
Bottle Filler
This is used to measure the specific grav-
ity or density of the beer before and after
fermentation. Knowing this allows you
to determine the alcohol content and
monitor the progress of your beer. Highly
Bottle/Carboy washer
Makes cleaning used bottles and carboys
faster and easier. These devices screw onto
a faucet (usually with a simple adapter)
and clean with a burst of water.
organisms commonly found in foods such Before each item is used, it should first be available at your homebrew supply shop.
as the bacteria that make vinegar and cleaned of all visible soil or residue and Bleach is the cheapest option. Fill the
yogurt. Obviously, you want your beer to then sanitized. To clean your equipment, fermenter or racking bucket with hot tap
taste like beer and not old milk or spoiled use a normal dish cleaning sponge (no water and mix in 2 fluid ounces of bleach
wine. Thus, the only way to make good- scouring pads as these can scratch the per 5 gallons of water (59 mL in 19 L).
tasting beer is to make sure that brewers surface of your equipment and provide Put all items that need to be sanitized into
yeast is the only organism that gets a spaces where bacteria can hide), dish the bucket to soak. To properly sanitize,
between 1.038 and 1.058 depending eye on it so you know what is going on.
upon the exact volume of wort that you For now, take a break and enjoy a beer to
have in the fermenter. Don’t worry too toast your hard work in your own home-
much about this, just make a note of brewery. When you get a chance, read the
your actual OG reading. next article on managing fermentation to
help you monitor and assess the progress
J. For purposes of this first recipe, you of your first fermentation.
The ebony blackness of stout somehow seems most stores, you can buy them pre-crushed. Turn off the burner and add Muntons Hopped
to attract attention among beer drinkers and 8EVKIX3VMKMREP+VEZMX] Amber Malt Extract and dry malt extract. Stir
many have grown to love the flavor that goes until dissolved.
with it. This beer moves beyond malt extract to Turn on heat and boil for five more minutes, stir-
include the use of grains in the brewing process. Procedure
ring vigorously to avoid a boil-over.
The procedure is still very simple and you’ll love Put 1 gallon (3.8 L) of hot water in the pot.
the results.
Fill the fermenter one-half full with cold water.
Put the crushed roasted barley in the grain
Equipment bag and close securely. Put the grain bag in the
In addition to the basic equipment used for the water and begin heating the water on the stove. Turn off the burner and add the hot wort to
first batch, you will need a grain bag, approxi- Stir every three to five minutes until the water the cold water in the fermenter. Top up fer-
mately 7 inches by 7 inches (17.8 cm by 17.8 comes to a boil. (If you don’t have a grain bag, menter to 5 gallons (18.9 L) with cold water if
cm) or larger, OR a large kitchen strainer for you can add the grains directly to the water.) necessary. Allow to cool to 75° F (24° C) or
this recipe. lower, then follow the instructions in “Managing
Remove the grain bag as the water begins to Fermentation” to prepare the yeast and conduct
Ingredients boil. Let the bag drain into the pot. (If you are the fermentation.
not using a grain bag, use a strainer to fish out
1 lb (0.45 kg) pre-crushed roasted barley* as much grain debris as possible once you reach
1 can [3.3 lb (1.5 kg)] Muntons Hopped Amber a boil.) For additional recipes see “Winners Circle” on
Malt Extract page 37.
2 lbs (0.9 kg) light dry malt extract (Muntons Once the grain is removed, allow this liquid to
or other) boil for about 15 minutes.
1 packet dry ale yeast
*Brewing grains must be crushed before use. At
To adjust, you will want to cool the wort in the pot you use for boiling. When the boil is finished,
turn off the burner and remove the pot. Rather than adding cold water to the fermenter, you can
add cold water to the pot to help cool the wort. Add as much as the pot will hold while still being
manageable. Then float your sanitized thermometer in the pot, cover it and set it in a cool place.
This cool place might include a sink partially filled with ice water, a refrigerator or freezer, or even
a snowy porch step or chilly basement corner. When the temperature has dropped to 100° F (38°
C), it is safe to pour the wort into the fermenter and fill it up with cold water.
To take a hydrometer reading, you will have to remove some wort from the fermenter after the
water has been added. Handling full glass carboys is a bit hazardous, so if you don’t feel you can do
it safely, it may be best to skip this step. But if you can manage it, shake or swirl the fermenter a bit
to make sure things are well mixed inside and then carefully tip it enough to pour out about a cup
of the wort. You may also use a “Wine Thief” to take a sample from your carboy. This wort can
this wort to the fermenter or you’ll risk contamination of the whole batch.)
Once this is done, you are ready to attach the stopper and the fermentation lock and place the
fermenter in a suitable location for fermentation. The only other factor you’ll want to consider is
that glass carboys sometimes overflow during fermentation. Normally, you’ll have little headspace
below the neck of the fermenter, so you’ll want to place the fermenter in a box lined with a garbage
bag or something similar so that it will be easy to clean up any spills that may occur. (Later you’ll
learn how to manage this with a blow-off tube.)
2 cans [6.6 lb (3kg)] Briess Wheat Put 1 gallon (3.79 L) of water in the pot and
Extract (without yeast bring to a boil.
1 ounce Perle or Liberty Hop Pellets Turn off burner and add the malt extract.
1 tube/pack White Labs WLP300- Stir until dissolved and then turn burner back
Hefeweizen ale yeast or on. Add the hops. Boil for 30 minutes. Stir as
Wyeast 3068 Weizen needed to avoid boil-over.
(Note: If you prefer the Fill the fermenter one-half full with cold
softer flavor of American- water.
style wheat beers, use
WLP320—American Allow the hot wort to stand for at least five
Hefeweizen yeast or minutes before adding to the fermenter. (If
Wyeast 1010 American using a glass fermenter, follow instructions
Wheat yeast instead.) in the sidebar at right to avoid breakage.)
Expected Original Gravity: 1.050-1.051 Add the hot wort to the cold water in the
for 5 gallons (18.9L) fermenter, topping up to 5 gallons (18.9 L) if
necessary. Let cool to 75° F (24° C) or lower,
then add the yeast. Follow the instructions
shown in “Managing Fermentation” (page
23) to monitor the fermentation.
Managing Fermentation,
or the Art of Yeast Wrangling
W hile brewers like to claim that they
make beer, it is actually the yeast
that turn our prepared sugar solution into
have any control over it, the cooler end of
this range is better.
ity and brewing convenience. There is a
wider variety of liquid yeast than there is
of dry yeast. Each type produces different
an alcoholic beverage. During this pro- By the way, if you buy a package of characteristics in the finished beer and
cess we brewers mostly wait—although dry yeast and don’t use it, toss it in the often you must use a special yeast type
some amount of watching is useful as refrigerator until you do need it. This when you want to create a particular style
well. This article discusses fermentation will help to sustain the freshness and of beer.
and your role as the brewer. It begins by vitality of the yeast.
describing a more desirable technique for Liquid yeasts come in packages that con-
preparing and adding dry yeast and then Liquid Yeasts tain enough yeast for a 5 gallon (18.9 L)
continues with a discussion on fermenta- Many homebrewers use liquid yeast prep- batch. One style comes in a foil pouch.
tion itself. After the fermentation is over, arations as an alternative to the packages To use it, slap the pouch to break a small
you’ll be ready for bottling. of dry yeast. Liquid yeasts tend to cost wort package inside and incubate the
more than dry yeast packages, but they package for three hours. The expanded
Pitching Dry Yeast can be well worth it in terms of beer qual- pack is ready to be pitched into the beer.
Each time you make beer, you’ll be add-
ing (pitching) yeast once the tempera-
ture of the wort drops below 75˚ F (24˚
C) or lower. While you can sprinkle
dry yeast on top of the cool wort as we
did in the first recipe, you’ll improve
the probability for success if you take a
few minutes to prepare the yeast for the
feast it is about to receive.
be trouble. Generally, the best approach
is to wait it out. If you’ve been away for a
Brewing Techniques, couple of days or forgot to check for activ-
Recipes, and the ity during the first 48 hours, it may have
Evolution of done its thing while you were away. In
INDIA PALE ALE this case you should still see a ring of gunk
around the top edge.
Brewmaster, Stone Brewing Co. If you get a quick initial fermentation
(within 48 hours), you’ll most likely be
“Mitch has taken what he has learned and
neatly woven it into an engaging and
ready to bottle five to seven days after
eye-opening history of IPA blended with the brew day. Follow the instructions for
immensely technical brewing information." bottling on page 27. If your fermentation
-- MATT BRYNILDSON, Brewmaster, starts more slowly, you must wait until all
Firestone Walker Brewing Company
activity has ceased before you think about
bottling. Check the fermentation lock
Explore the evolution of one of craft beer’s
every day or so and when you can see no
most popular styles, India Pale Ale.
tBrewing techniques from water treatment to
more visible bubbling, wait another three
hopping procedures. to five days before proceeding to bottling.
t48 recipes ranging from historical brews to the most
popular contemporary IPAs.
tA comprehensive discussion of style development,
If you fail to notice any signs of fermen-
variations, techniques, tips and recipes. tation after a week, you may open the
tExtensive historical documentation from the 1700s to fermenter and check on things. Before
the modern era.
you do this, clean and sanitize both
the inside and outside of a measuring
Brewers Publications cup. Use this to collect about a one-cup
A Division of the Brewers Association
BrewersPublications.com www.BrewersAssociation.org ® sample of the beer or wort once you have
removed the airlock and lid. Once the
Additional Resources
The official website of the American
Homebrewers Association is packed with
information on homebrewing, including the
online AHA Forum for homebrewers and
the homebrewopedia wiki.
Equipment good-tasting beer! Next, you’ll transfer the (pronounced troob), at the bottom of the
A Measuring cup, one cup (237 mL) or beer from the fermenter to the bottling fermenter. Trub can create haze and off
larger capacity, capable of measuring bucket and add a bit of sugar to the beer flavors in the finished beer, so you do
0.75 cup (177 mL) so that it will carbonate in the bottle. After not want it going into the beer you put
A Small pot for boiling water that, you are ready to fill the bottles and in bottles.
A Bottling bucket [7 gallon (26.5 L), cap them.
plastic] In the process of removing the beer from
A Racking cane and transfer tubing Throughout this process, you want to the trub, you will also add some “prim-
A Bottle filler minimize splashing, foaming and aeration ing” sugar for the remaining yeast (there
A Hydrometer (optional) of the beer as this can have undesirable is still plenty of yeast suspended in the
A Bottle capper flavor effects. This isn’t a huge deal, but fermented beer at this point) to consume
just remember that “quiet is cool” when and produce carbon dioxide in the sealed
Supplies dealing with fermented beer. bottles, naturally carbonating your beer.
A 50+ 12-ounce bottles The standard quantity of sugar used for
A 50+ bottle caps Sanitize the Equipment priming 5 gallons of beer is 0.75 cup (177
A Corn sugar (purchased from your and Bottles mL). Use corn sugar (also known as dex-
homebrew supply shop) The first step in bottling is cleaning. All trose) available at your local homebrew
of the equipment that will touch the supply shop for this purpose. You should
Overview beer—no matter how briefly—must be not use ordinary table sugar.
First, if you haven’t used a bottle cap- cleaned and sanitized as described in our
per before, experiment with it a bit on article on sanitation. See page 15 for a list Measure the sugar using a measuring cup
an empty bottle or two. Once you’ve got of things you need to sanitize on bottling and then stir it into 0.33 to 0.66 cup (75
the hang of it, just use a bottle opener to day. In addition, all the bottles must be to 156 mL) of boiling water. Remove the
remove the practice caps from the empty cleaned and sanitized as well. If you are sugar water from the burner and let it sit
bottles. (Just think, you’ll soon be doing using new bottles, you can usually go for at least 10 minutes to ensure the solu-
that to bottles of beer that you brewed straight to the sanitizing step. tion is properly sanitized. Pour the sugar
yourself!) solution into the sanitized bottling bucket.
Racking and Priming the Beer
Now, here’s the overview of the bottling Prior to putting the beer into bottles, it “Racking” is a brewer’s term for transfer-
process. First, you’ll sanitize everything should be removed from the spent yeast ring or moving the beer from one vessel to
to make sure that you will wind up with and other debris, collectively called “trub” another. In this case, we’ll rack the beer off
height of the bottling bucket should be move the beer for you. Do not bottle on ally rewarded with better tasting beer.
such that the tube will rest on or near the carpet as you will assuredly spill some (Of course to prove this, you might have
bottom of the bucket when the hose is put beer in the process! to taste one bottle after two weeks.) If
into the bucket. Use a large clean, sanitized you are that anxious, go ahead and make
cup or bowl below the fermenter to drain Next, arrange the bottles nearby. You may another batch of beer so that you’ll have a
the sanitizer from the racking cane and tub- find it convenient to leave them in the steady supply coming once you taste the
ing to start the siphon of your beer. Release case boxes to make them easier to handle. first batch.
Wort Chiller
This is a long section of copper tube that
has been coiled up to fit inside your brew
pot. Water is run through the coil while it
Wort Chiller
Propane Burner
Few domestic stoves are powerful enough Propane Burner
to boil 6 or 7 gallons (27.3–31.8 L) of wort
Grain Mill
American Homebrewers Association
Check out the mobile Member Deals locator! A Division of the Brewers Association
Great American
Beer Festival
in Denver, Colorado
The Great American Beer Festival
is presented by the Brewers Association
www.BrewersAssociation.org ®
National Homebrew
Belgian Dubbel
Phil Keener, Ashland, OH
for 5 U.S. gallons (19 L) Bring 1 gallon (3.8 L) of water to a boil.
6.6 lb (3.0 kg) Muntons light liquid Remove from burner and stir in extract,
malt extract candi sugar and maple syrup. Boil for a total
2.0 lb (0.9 kg) Extra light dry malt of 60 minutes, adding hops as indicated in
extract the recipe. Strain into fermenter with 3 gal-
1.0 lb (0.45 kg) Belgian candi lons (11.4 L) of cold water. Top up with cold
sugar water to make 5 gallons (18.9 L) total. When
0.25 cup (59 ml) maple syrup temperature drops below 75º F (24º C), pitch
2.0 oz (57 g) Cascade hops, 5.75% yeast. Ferment for 10 days at 70º -72º F (21º-
alpha acid (60 min) 22º C) or until airlock activity ceases. If you
1.0 oz (28 g) Cascade hops, 5.75% have a second fermenter, rack to secondary
alpha acid (5 min) fermenter and age 30 days. If you do not
2 packages Wyeast 1214 Belgian ale have a second fermenter, age another one to
yeast two weeks in primary fermenter before bot-
5.0 oz (142 g) corn sugar (to tling. Bottle with 0.5 oz (142 g) corn sugar.
Original specific gravity: 1.068 “Estery at first. Banana/bubblegum domi-
Final specific gravity: 1.012 nates. Mild caramel malt, not very intense.”
Boiling time: 60 minutes
for 5 U.S. gallons (19 liters) Steep grains at 150º F (66º C) for 30 minutes in 1 gallon (3.8 L) of
water. Strain out grains, add extract and bring to a boil. Boil for a
2.75 lb (1.25 kg) Munton’s amber dry malt extract total of 60 minutes, adding hops as indicated in the recipe. Strain
3.0 lb (1.36 kg) Munton’s dark dry malt extract into fermenter with 3 gallons (11.4 L) of cold water. Top up with cold
1.0 lb (0.45 kg) 60° L caramel malt water to make 5 gallons (18.9 L) total. When temperature drops to
2.0 lb (0.9 kg) dextrin malt around 65º F (18º C), pitch yeast. Ferment for 5 days or until airlock
1.0 oz (28 g) Magnum pellet hops, 13.5% alpha acid activity ceases. If you have a second fermenter, rack to secondary
(boiled 60 min.) fermenter and age 25-30 days, preferably cold (30-35º F/1-2º C). If
1.0 oz (28 g) Columbus pellet hops, 14.3% alpha acid you do not have a second fermenter, age another one to two weeks
(boiled 5 min.) in primary fermenter before bottling. Bottle with 0.75 cup corn sugar.
1-2 packages (0.94 L) Wyeast No. 1007 German ale yeast
0.66 cup corn sugar (to prime) JUDGES’ COMMENTS
“Chocolate roastiness is a touch bigger than I wanted. Very easy to
Original Specific Gravity: 1.058
Photo © 2012 Brewers Association
drink and enjoyable. To bring it into style more, reduce the chocolate.
Final Specific Gravity: 1.020 Also hopping would be enhanced more if it tasted German.”
Boiling Time: 60 minutes
“Very drinkable beer. Good balance of hop to malt. I’d prefer a bit
more maltiness and doing so could enhance beer within style guide-
Becoming a Zymurgist
on the science and mechanics of brew- So I made the leap from ale enthusiast to what we all know about brewing, that it’s
ing, I was solely interested in the human homebrewer. If nothing else, I now bet- both an art and a science.
aspect. Besides, I suck at science. When ter understand the difficulty and poten-
you make a mistake in storytelling, it’s tial mishaps so as to gain even more Brian Yaeger is the author of Red,
easy to edit. That’s what the delete but- respect for brewers, both the pro and White, and Brew: An American Beer
ton is for. When you err in science, say, home variety. Now when people ask me Odyssey (St. Martin’s Press). He blogs at
zymurgy, the drain is your delete button. the “do you” question, I answer yes, as http://beerodyssey.blogspot.com/