SMP 1 (Business Communication)
SMP 1 (Business Communication)
SMP 1 (Business Communication)
Course: BSBA
Class Schedule: W5:30-6:30 PM
Communication: Meaning, Progress, and Models
Directions: Assess your own existing knowledge by giving your ideas about the points below.
Write your response in the box.
2. Looking back to your Oral Communication class in the SHS, what are some of the elements
of communication? Write at least five (5) and give a brief description for each.
1. Sender- The source or the person who send the message or information to other people.
2. Message- It is a statement, ideas, or information that conveyed from one person to another.
3. Communication Channel- The channel or medium used to communicate or send a message
through text message, phone calls, emails, video, radio, media and etc.
4. Receiver- It refers to the person who receive the message or the information from the
5. Feedback- It define as a reply or your comment about the information or a message that
you receive.
A. Present your own insight about the statement/questions that follow. Write your response
in the space provided.
1. Explain the statement, “For communication to be effective, it should be a two-way process”.
Yes, because the communication is a two-way process in the message, ideas, thoughts, opinion and
information is transmitted between two or more people with the intent of creating, sharing and
understanding each other in order for the communication to be effective.
B. using the checklist below. Indicate YES if the element is present, and NO if otherwise.