Elbow Union: Pipe Fittings

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Elbow Union
● Use to change the angle or direction of the pipe run. ● Made in three parts- nut, female end and male end.
● Also called 90’ bend or quarter bend. ● Pipe Union is a type of fitting equipment designed in
● It connects hoes to valves, water pressure pumps and such a way to unite two pipes which can be detached
deck drains. without causing any deformation to the pipes.
● Also called 45’ bend. ● Any kind of small diameter piping connections
● Commonly used in food industrial pipeline networks, requiring a positive seal and easy assembly as well.
air conditioning facility pipeline

Socket Reducer
● A pipe reducer is a pipe fitting that connects a larger
● A Socket Weld is a pipe attachment detail in which a
pipe to a smaller pipe.
pipe is inserted into a recessed area of a Valve, fitting
● Thus, it reduces the size of the pipe in the pipe system,
or flange.
from one size to another.
● Socket Welded Joints construction is a good choice
● Pipe reducers may frequently be used to connect
wherever the benefits of high leakage integrity and
pipes of different sizes.
great structural strength are important design
Tee ● Plugs used at the end of a pipe to seal the opening,
● T-shaped having two outlets, at 90° to the connection similar to a cap.
to the main line. ● The difference is that a plug fits into the threaded pipe
● It is a short piece of pipe with a lateral outlet. opening to make the seal while caps fit over the
● Pipe Tee is used to connect pipelines with a pipe at a opening.
right angle with the line. ● They are commonly found at cleanout locations for
● Used to either combine of spilt a fluid flow. sewer systems.
● Tee can also be used to combine the flow from two ● Used to join pieces of pipe where pipes cannot be
inlets to one outlet. turned or when a piece of equipment may have to be
● If the 3 sides of T-fitting are similar in size then it is removed for maintenance or replacement.
called as Equal tee otherwise it is called as Unequal tee.

Square Plug
Cross ● Square plug is another type of pipe fitting used in
● A pipe cross is a kind of pipe fitting that be used in the
various applications.
place where four pipes meet together.
● Square plugs are designed to be fit into holes or
● The pipe cross may have one inlet and three outlets,
or there inlets and one outlet.
● They are used for the ends of shafts, tubes, pipes,
● The diameter of the outlet and inlet can be the same
fittings, connectors, screws, bars, or other shapes.
and can also be different.
● Pipe plugs are available in various shapes and
● They often have socket welded end or female
threaded end.
SAP ID - 1000012654

Flanged Joint Threaded Joint

● A flange is a method of connecting pipes, ● Threaded joint means, pipes are connected
valves, pumps and other equipment to form by screwing with the help of threads
a piping system. provided for each pipe
● It also provides easy access for cleaning, ● One pipe having internal threads and the
inspection, or modification. other one having threads externally
● Cast iron pipes, copper pipes, PVC and G.I
pipes are available with threads.
● Thread joints are available from 6 mm
diameter to 300mm diameter pipes .
● They are preferable for low temperature, the
Grooved Joint joints may expand and leaked due to
● When two pipes are joined together by thermal expansion.
making grooves (narrow cuts or depression) ● Installation of threaded joint is easy but
at the end of pipes with the help of sockets good maintenance is required.
or couplings, such joints are called grooved
● Due to the ease of assembly of the grooved
joints, the labor cost is less. Welded Joint
● The piping system can be easily uninstalled
● Welded joints are commonly used when
and reinstalled frequently for maintenance.
joining similar pipes together.
● These are mostly used for fire protection.
● They can also be used to join pipes to valves,
fittings, and flanges for a secure attachment.
● They are of two types- socket welded and
butt welded.
● Socket welded has different diameter of
Soldered Joint pipes and in butt welded has same diameter
● Soldered joints are closed joints (bonds) of
of pipes.
two solderable metals.
● For piping of certain thickness, the pipe may
● The joint is heated above the melting-point
be cut at a sloping right angle before being
temperature of the solder by means of the
soldering iron and bonded with soldering tin
● Then the soldered joint must cool down with
no displacement of the wires.


SAP ID - 1000012654

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