General-About Nation-Wide Financial Markets Quiz Contest 2021-22

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FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQs) for Nation-Wide Financial Markets Quiz

Contest 2021-22

General- About Nation-Wide Financial Markets Quiz Contest 2021-22

1) What is the Contest called?
Answer: - The Contest is called “Nation-Wide Financial Markets Quiz Contest 2021-22”
2) Who is conducting it?
Answer: - Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) is conducting a Quiz competition for
College Students and Essay Writing Competition for adult Indian Citizens. National Institute of
Securities Markets (NISM) acting as a project manager for the said activity.

3) What is the objective of the Contest?

Answer: - Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) is conducting a Quiz and Essay Writing
Competition in collaboration with NISM, to make the citizens aware of financial markets.
4) Is there any fee for participating in this contest?
Answer: - No, participation is free of charge.

Quiz Competition:-
1) Who can participate in Quiz Contest?
Answer: - The Quiz is open for all the candidates who have completed their education at least
up to (10+2) /higher secondary level and are currently enrolled in any
college/University/institution which are operating from India and studying any course
(hereafter referred a “college”). Only recognized College, University and Institutions shall be
eligible to participate. College students shall be registered by their respective

2) Can Employees/Students/Faculty of SEBI and NISM participate in Nation-wide Financial

Markets Quiz Contest?
Answer: - No, employees/students/faculty of SEBI and NISM are not eligible to participate in
these contests. However, dependents of SEBI and NISM employees/students/faculty may
participate, if they so desire.

3) What will be the timelines for the Nation-Wide Financial Markets Quiz Contest?
Answer: - The registration for the quiz is started on 1st December 2021 on the official web
portal of NISM.

4) How to Register for the Nation-Wide Financial Markets Quiz Contest?

Answer: - In order to participate in the Nation-Wide Financial Markets Quiz Contest, Colleges
will have to register themselves through the link

5) What is the procedure for registration?

Answer: Registrations will be through Colleges only. No individual registrations would be
entertained. Colleges are requested to register themselves first and then register its students.
The registration process is as follows:

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Step 1: Colleges registers itself by providing the details of the College such as College
name, region, postal address, official email id of College, phone number, name of
principal, principal’s phone number and email id, contact details or person in charge
from college etc.

Step 2: After successfully registering, login credentials for the college will be generated
and will be sent to the respective college through email, SMS & WhatsApp.

Step 3: College logs in using the user name and password received by email and enters
the students’ details one by one, or they can share the login credentials with the
students, who in turn can register themselves, or facility of bulk upload is also available.
Step 4: While registering the students, following details will be required name, email
id, contact number, communication address, Aadhar, DOB, gender etc.
Step 5: Once the college/ students register, it will receive its login credentials.
Step 6: Then, participants can login using their unique credentials.
6) How many candidates a College can nominate?
Answer: - The more the merrier, in fact, the top 5 colleges with the highest participation will
be rewarded with cash prizes and shields at the grand ceremony, to be held in Mumbai.

7) My College has not registered for the Quiz Competition, but I am very eager to participate
in the exam. Can I do it on my own?
Answer: - If any college student whose college has not already registered and he/she wants to
participate, then he/she can contact NISM as well as their college for the same. Our heldesk
number is 8095210200.

8) Can a candidate directly apply for the Quiz Contest?

Answer: - No, He/she cannot apply directly. The College where he/she is studying should apply
online, nominating him/her.

9) What is the mode of applying for the Nation-Wide Financial Markets Quiz Contest?
Answer: - Application Forms can only be submitted through online mode on the link provided
the official web portal of SEBI and NISM. From (Date) The Application Form other than online
mode will not be accepted

10) What documents need to be uploaded along with the Application Form?
Answer: - Scanned images of photograph and Photo id proof of the candidates are to be
uploaded with the Application Form.

11) Should the candidates give their own email address/mobile number when registering for
the test?
Answer: - Yes. College has to provide Candidates’ own email address/mobile number,
because, all communications from NISM regarding the test will be sent on registered e-mail
ID or Mobile Number only.

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12) Where can we get study material for the exam?
Answer: - NISM will provide the sample study material for participant’s reference.

13) How will we get the link for exam?

Answer: - Once the students register for the quiz, they will receive all the communication
related to the exam on their registered e-mail id and contact number.

14) What are the IT infrastructure requirements for colleges?

Answer: - Desktops/Laptops with a good internet connection is required for smooth conduct
of the quiz. The specifications required for the desktop/laptop are mentioned below:
1. RAM-4 GB
2. CPU Cores-2
3. Operating System- Windows 8 and above
4. Browser- Accessible on all the browsers (Firefox, internet explorer,
Microsoft edge and Chrome)

15) What is the structure and pattern of the examination?

Answer: The test specifications are as follows:
 Duration of examination: 45 minutes
 Medium of examination: English
 Number of Questions: 40
 Type of questions:
 Combination of 1 mark, 3 mark and 4 mark questions
 MCQ type questions with 4 options (alternatives) for each question
 No Negative marking
 The total marks for the quiz will be 100.

16) Can I take the test from any mobile?

Answer: - Candidates can take this test from any Android-enabled mobile device having 4GB

17) Is the exam available online from home?

Answer: - Yes

18) Can I move back and forth between the questions?

Answer: - Yes, candidates will have the option to navigate between the questions by following
instructions available on the User Interface. They may change even answer options, any time
before they click the ‘SUBMIT’ button.

19) What will be the process of selection of students for nomination? And How the winners
will be selected?
Answer: - Quiz shall be conducted in three phases- College level, Regional level and National
level. College level Quiz shall be online without any proctoring, whereas Regional and National
level shall be conducted in physical environment.

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(A) Round -1 – Screening Round (College Level)
In round 1-college students will participate individually and their individual scores will be
After the first round of online test, NISM shall compile the scores of all the appeared
candidates for the Quiz, and rank colleges based on number of students participated and
their average score. Colleges shall be placed according to the above formula and top 10
colleges from each zone (South, East, West, North and Central) shall advance to next level
(Colleges shall have discretion to nominate any two students from their colleges)
(B) Round -2 – Regional Round
50 college teams from all the regions will be invited to the NISM campus for the regional
round. Top 15 teams from this round will advance to the National round.

(C) Round -3 – Final Round – National Round

Top 15 college teams would be called for the National round competition comprising of
advance test and/ or quiz and/or presentation or combinations thereof and from the
above, Top 3 National winners (pair of 1+1) would be declared.

20) Will there be prizes for winners?

Answer: - Yes. There will be cash prizes for Colleges/candidates.

For Students:

Level For Number Certificate Type Prizes

National All India Toppers National Top-3 Certificate of Medal, Cash
Teams (1-2-3) (2 Accomplishment Prize, & Shield,
participants in Felicitation at
each team) an event
conducted for
Regional North, South, Regional Top-5 Certificate of Medal, Cash
East, West & Teams (1-2-3) (2 Accomplishment Prizes,
Central participants/ Felicitation at
(5 regions) team) an event
(National winners conducted for
excluded) this.
Regional All India Top-64 All India Top-64 Special Cash reward of
Runner Ups after excluding after excluding Recognition Rs.5,000/- per
the above 36 the above 36 Certificate student.
national and national and
regional winners regional winners
Participants - - Certificate of -
in the top 50 Merit

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All the - - Certificate of -
remaining Participation

* Each student is eligible to receive award under one category only. i.e. one student receives
only one award
For Colleges:
Colleges can also win prizes as per the criteria mentioned below:
Highest participation: Top-5 Colleges based on highest participation (from which the maximum
number of students appeared for the test) will receive cash reward of Rs.25,000/- each and a
trophy/shield .

Head/Principal of the award-winning Colleges will be felicitated at the Grand Ceremony in


Travelling Related:
Will any travel reimbursement be provided by the organizer for attending the final
event at Mumbai?
1. Travelling from NISM Bhavan Vashi to NISM Campus and return will be provided to all
the participants attending the final event at Mumbai.
2. For Outstation Principal/concerned faculty/Participants/Winners, a fixed amount of
Rs.10,000/- may be paid towards travelling Expenses.


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