Qualification Test Methods For Satellite ACS Thrusters (Coste)

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Qualification Test Methods for Satellite ACS Thrusters

Keith Coste
The Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Pasadena, CA


Satellite attitude control system (ACS) thrusters are often required to operate at an extreme range
of conditions. These include pulse mode duty cycles, propellant pressure, propellant temperature
and initial thruster temperatures. The impact of test conditions on thruster operating modes can
be seen in mixture ratio (MR), thrust (Le. chamber pressure), propellant flow rates and hardware
temperatures. Combining these conditions together with requirements for demonstration of
performance, life (throughput), cycles and cold starts can result in a large test program with a
high number of tests in order to capture all possible combinations. During the design of thruster
qualification programs, the value for testing all combinations of conditions is often questioned in
light of the high cost of testing. Test program scope reduction is typically achieved through the
establishment of a small number of fixed conditions which are assumed to encompass the greater
range of conditions. This leads to questions of the optimum selection of test condition
combinations to provide a sufficient understanding of performance and thruster life while
minimizing cost. The answer to each of these questions can significantly impact the cost and
duration of any qualification program. The genesis of a comprehensive qualification program is
discussed, including examples and experiences from past test programs and comments on
existing guidelines. Recommendations for test conditions and margin selection will be made
based on this accumulation of experience, past data results and a review of common mission
requirements for reliability and performance.


Attitude control system (ACS) thrusters for satellites provide the forces necessary to maintain
rough pointing, to provide momentum dumping, to conduct station keeping maneuvers for drift
make-up and to conduct de-orbit maneuvers at the end-of-life (EOL).Depending on the exact
spacecraft design and mission requirements, the operation of the thrusters and the environments
they will experience can vary dramatically. In order to maintain a high degree of mission
assurance, a thruster design must be qualification tested to the complete range of predicted
conditions plus uncertainty and margin. Unfortunately a modern and comprehensive guide to
qualification standards designed specifically for ACS thrusters is not currently available. The
result can be uncertainty by program managers when developing cost, schedule and risk
assessments for new thruster developments, with the follow-on result being a reluctance to
develop new hardware for future programs. Uncertainty by responsible engineers may result in
over or under testing, each having potentially severe program impacts. The following discussion
presents basic concepts behind qualification test programs and attempts to summarize common
test practices and expectations. Discussion on test margin addresses one of the most difficult
and often contentious areas of qualification test design. On conclusion, an engineer or program
manager should be able to utilize the information contained to begin the difficult process of
qualification test program design with appropriate justifications for critical decisions. The most

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important goal of this report is for the reader to be able to develop a qualification program which
ensures confidence in design capability while minimizing program cost and risk.


Although MIL-STD-1540was not originally designed for thruster qualification, it is one of the most
widely considered documents in qualification programs and its requirements provide a valuable
“intent” basis for thruster qualification design. The original versions (through Rev-C) provided
comprehensive and valuable discussions (including exact values) on definition of requirements,
required tests, establishment of margin, etc ... Although exceptions were often taken due to its
broad applicability, the informationset forth provided a level of consistency between programs
and suppliers. The latest revision, MIL-STD-l540D, has removed all explicit requirements in
order to provide a top level discussion on test program objectives with the goal to act only as a
general guide. MIL-R-51498, “Rocket Engine, Liquid Propellant, General Specification for”
provides an excellent, comprehensive guide to requirements for thrusters which can be used to
define a qualification program. The document was cancelled in 1993, but remains as one of the
most useful for developing performance specifications and qualification program req~irements.’’~’~

MIL-STD-1540and MIL-R-5149 provide excellent resources for designing qualification programs,

however mission parameters vary widely and therefore the exact definition and configurationof
tests will vary significantly depending on the mission requirements. Despite mission variations,
there are several fundamental guidelines to which all qualification programs should adhere. The
following test guidelines should be considered in the creation of any qualification program. More
detailed discussions of each are included throughout the following sections:
1. “Test like you fly” is a common theme which can vary in the degree in which it is
implemented, however the basic tenet is that test definition, configuration and order
should be representativeof the intended mission.
2. Every test should include explicit pass/fail criteria which are determined before the tests
are conducted. Common criteria include operating temperature and performance. Every
qualification program should include documentation of the test results and their relation to
requirements for each test.
3. Tests should be designed to ensure perceptive measurementswith which to consider
pass/fail criteria. There is minimal value in a test from which the resulting data does not
perceptively indicate the performance or health of the hardware.
4. Margins should be developedto ensure that all thrusters built within the allowable range
of tolerances will be capable of meeting all mission requirements.


The intent of a qualification test program is to demonstrate to a high level of confidencethat the
thruster design is capable of satisfying all mission requirements over a complete range of
manufacturingvariations. MIL-STD-1540Dstates, “The qualification test program shall assure
that a design performance and safety margin exists for any mechanical, electrical or
environmental stimuli that the product may reasonably expect to encounter during its service life
including: (a) Assembly, integration and acceptance test at the factory, (b) Transportation, pre-
mission processing and checkout at the launch site, (c) The mission, including unique
characteristicsof the launch vehicle, space vehicle, space environment, and age related
influences.” This description clearly illustrates the point that the qualification program must
demonstrate, with margin, everything a thruster can reasonably expect to experience from
manufacture through mission EOL.

Table 1 shows a typical top level breakdown of qualification tests, starting with manufacturing and
acceptance test which are representative of the flight units. Each category shown in Table 1
should be addressed, however the method will depend on exact program requirements. For
example, ground transportation and storage may drive a survival temperature range during

thermal testing, but otherwise may be satisfied by analysis. Similarly, thermal vacuum is often
satisfied by a combination of thermal cycling at the valve level and vacuum hot-fire testing at the
thruster level.

1 # I Step 1
1 Flight Representative Manufacture
2 Flight Representative acceptance test
3 Test of Transportation and storage
I I environments I
4 Qualification level Vibe (launch)
5 Qualification level Thermal Cycle / Thermal
Vacuum (may include transportation, storage
and flight rqmts.)
6 Qualification Hot-fire
7 Post test NDE Inspection/verification
8 Post test Destructive evaluation

Flight representative manufacture (Step #1) and flight acceptance testing (Step #2) include the
complete range of steps which are conducted during the assembly and verification of a thruster.
Qualification tests should be conducted on thrusters which have undergone all of the same
manufacturing processes and acceptance tests as the flight units in order to ensure the
applicability of qualification results to flight hardware (test as you fv). An example of this is the
use of chamber pressure measurement ports during qualification but not during flight. Incidents
have occurred in which the volume of the port on the qualification units resulted in significantly
different combustion stability behavior then the flight units without the measurement port.

Selection of the particular units for flight can be done in a number of ways. Random selection
from the flight unit production line will eliminate the opportunity for assertions that a “better“ unit
was selected for qualification then for flight. Despite the random selection, it remains important to
compare the qualification unit performance to flight unit family results in order to verify
commonality. Conversely, the qualification units may be deliberately selected from a batch of
flight units by comparing critical parameters (e.g. performance or temperature) and choosing units
which validate the complete range (as available) of characteristics. The difficulty with this method
is determining a priori which characteristics are critical with respect to qualification objectives.
Whichever method is followed, it is important to not select units which display out of family

Qualification level random vibration is one of the first tests done in the qualification program and
is intended to qualify the launch dynamic environment of a thruster on a spacecraft. The thermal
vacuum step is an excellent opportunity to verify full thruster assembly behavior at temperature
extremes (including mechanical valve/injector seal performance and thermal control
components), however, it is often satisfied through valve level tests and thruster hot-fire tests.
Hot-fire testing is generally the longest and most expensive phase of a qualification program.
The majority of the following discussion deals with the design of the hot-fire portion of a
qualification program.

Following completion of a qualification test program (either successful or unsuccessful), a range

of physical examinations are typically conducted. The objective of these are to determine wear
patterns and the potential for incipient failure modes. Although an ideal qualification program
would be 100% comprehensive of all combinations of conditions, it would also be infinitely large
and expensive. Therefore a realistic program must do “sample” testing and cannot demonstrate
all combinations of conditions and configurations. Therefore post test evaluation is critical to
determine whether an unexpected wear-out mechanism was occurring. Examples of non-
destructive evaluation (NDE) include x-ray, CAT scan (monopropellant catalyst beds), boroscope

inspection, valve performance measurements, and leak checks. Examples of destructive
evaluation include general disassembly and inspection (Dal), combustion chamber coating
analysis, and catalyst removal and measurement. The value of a destructive evaluation is
typically traded against the lost of a qualification asset for future applications. For multi-unit
qualification programs, it is recommended that at least one of the qualification thrusters
undergoes post-test destructive evaluation. One example for destructive evaluation would be the
determination of an incipient failure on a disilicide coated bipropellant thrust chamber. The non-
linear response of coating life with propellant temperature combined with prediction uncertainty
could invalidate the qualification status of a flight unit operating hotter then the qualification tests
when insufficient margin is demonstrated. Finding a qualification unit incipient failure mode in
such a circumstance may prompt additional testing or variations in operational modes.


As in any test program, early and clear definition of requirements is critical to ensure a low cost
program. Changes in any test parameter can have significant ripple effects on the whole program
with the potential for extensive or even complete retesting of the thruster. In reference (4) the
author describes the discovery (after the initial flight) of a steady state burn duration up to 450
seconds as compared to their qualified duration of 68 seconds. This deficiency required a
requalification of the thruster to meet the correct conditions. In many instances, this type of
deficiency could result in a large test program in order to achieve the conditions for qualification.
For example, full duration tests should be done for the complete range of conditions and
combinations (i.e. propellant temperature, inlet pressure, mixture ratio, etc.. .). In addition, life
limiting effects such as qualification level random vibration and high propellant throughput may be
necessary in order to test long duration firing results at near end of life hardware conditions. The
availability of an existing qualification unit in this situation could significantly reduce the cost of re-
qualifying the design for the newly discovered requirement^.^

The source for qualification requirements will be a combination of documents including the
mission’s environmental requirements documents (ERD) which describes the complete range of
environments in which the spacecraft will operate and to which components must adhere. The
typical critical requirements found in the ERD or lower level supporting documentation (e.g.
thermal analysis) are listed in Table 2.
Table 2 ~~-
Temperature cycles - range and number
Dynamic environment - from launch vehicle
I Shock environment - from Dvrotechnic device actuation I
Radiation environment - orbit dependent
Electromagnetic environment
Propellant temperature range - feed line and tank sources

A mission operations concept document (or equivalent) will describe the actual usage envisioned
for the thrusters. Depending on the detail of the document, this may provide a top level
understanding of the mission operating plan for the thrusters, however, it will rarely include the
type of detail sufficient to develop a qualification plan (e.g. pulse duty cycle, firing duration, cold
starts, hot restarts, etc.. .). Often the mission architect’s orbit operations team must be consulted
directly and repeatedly to determine these critical details.

Details such as inlet pressure and performance requirements (thrust and Isp) can typically be
found in a propulsion system design document which must be generated in support of the mission
concept development. Table 3 lists the operating requirements typically levied on thrusters. MIL-
R-5149provides a comprehensive list of typical requirements.

Description Requirement
Pulsed mode duty cycle Frequency range, minimum on time, minimum
I off time, most common duty cycles
Burn duration bteadv state or Dulsed) I Maximum burn duration
Hot restarts Number, minimum (time between firings)
Cold starts Number
Thrust Minimum, maximum, predictability
Specific impulse Minimum
Propellant inlet pressure Maximum, minimum, differential'
Impulse bit Minimum, repeatability
Pulse centroid, t90, t l 0 (typically for spinning Time, repeatability
spacecraft onIy)


Some of the most difficult decisions during the design of a thruster qualification program are the
establishment of margin for various test parameters. Whereas tests such as random vibration
have clearly defined margins depending on the test level (i.e. duration and +db level for
acceptance, proto-flight or qualification), hot-firetest margin is often a subject of controversy. A
program must carefully balance the high cost of testing with the potential for unexpectedfuture
failures or anomalies due to insufficient margin. The first step in developing margin is
understanding why it is needed: Total margin accounts for (7) manufacturing variations (unit to
unit), (2) the inability to test every combination of conditions and configurations, and (3) prediction
uncertaintyon test condrtions. This combination is shown graphically in Table 4.

Table 4

Temperature Predict Uncertainty

One of the more standardized aspects of margin is predict uncertainty which is applied to thermal
conditions for propellant and hardware. MIL-STD-154OC calls for a minimum hot side uncertainty
of 11"C for a correlated model and 17°C for uncorrelatedmodels. The model is considered
correlated once data is available either from flight or spacecraft thermal vacuum testing to verify
the predictions. MIL-STD-154OCsets margin for cold side temperatures by requiring heater
circuit sizing with 25% margin (Le. predicted duty cycling at 75% or less) to account for prediction

Various exceptions to the hot side uncertainty margins are often considered. For example, during
transfer orbit operations after launch, propellant is often assumed to be at or very near ambient
(-21 "C) due to the long time constant of the large propellant thermal mass. The benefit of this
assumption is the ability to qualify long transfer orbit firings at a significantly reduced temperature
range as compared to requirements for on-orbit operations.

A second example of exceptions to propellant temperature uncertainty is the margin applied to
feed line temperatures. Typical spacecraft designs result in significantly larger temperature
variations on the propellant lines then the main tanks. The result being that hot-firing tests are
often characterized by a hot or cold “slug” of propellant entering the thruster first, followed by the
more temperate propellant from the tanks. One method of testing this phenomenon would be to
conduct the thruster test with all of the propellant at the extreme of the lines. This could result in
an extreme test case with predicted temperatures as high as 50°C. In these cases, adding
margin to give temperatures well over 60°Cwould result in unrealistic operation near a propellant
boiling transition point. It is common in these cases to reduce the temperature margin in light of
the hot-firing duration margin with respect to the high line temperature.

Other Margin
Two vague areas driving margin definition are untested condition variations and manufacturing
variability. The questions raised by these two concerns can easily become impossible to answer.
For example:
0 What is the impact of injector orifice size or surface roughness variation on atomization
efficiency, temperature distribution or combustion stability?
0 What is the impact of valve response times on transient ignition characteristics?
0 Which combinations of oxidizer, fuel, valve, injector and combustion chamber
temperatures and oxidizer and fuel inlet pressures result in the most “strenuous”
conditions for thruster thermal or acoustic stability?
Whereas predict uncertainty affects propellant and hardware temperature, the variability inherent
in thruster manufacturing and test can affect nearly every parameter used for tests, including:
pulsed mode duty cycle, burn duration, inlet pressure and hot restart time. With the open ended
nature of these questions and the lack of an authoritative resource, it falls upon the experience
and discretion of the lead engineer to determine the appropriate test margins which account for
all concerns. Table 5 provides recommended considerations when developing the margin for a
thruster test program. For the margin recommendations, ‘predict’ is defined as the worst case
flight requirement. Often the worst case occurs in a failure mode at beginning-of-life (BOL) which
causes the remaining thrusters to double their lifetime usage. Failure of one thruster at BOL with
no mission impact is a typical design requirement for long life (>loyears) satellites. Particular
missions can have varying levels of overall system reliability requirements. Further information
for these decisions can be taken from later discussions on common failure modes and areas of

One unique aspect of satellite thruster qualification programs is that they rarely demonstrate
margin on uncontrolled conditions despite the potential implications for life limitation. For
example, the maximum allowable chamber temperature (the life limiting factor) for a disilicide
coated thruster may be 2600”F, however, a program would not force the thruster to operate at
2700°F for an extended period to demonstrate this capability. Programs will often back out a
temperature requirement for flight units after the qualification program by looking at the
measurements taken during testing. For example, a requirement for acceptance testing at
standard conditions would be based on observed qualification tests at standard conditions plus
some “padding” also based observed results during qualification (typically -1 00°F). A second
method for qualifying a temperature limit would be to develop a life prediction analysis and
demonstrate an analytical margin on the order of 50% at the maximum allowable temperature.

Table 5
Parameter I Test Margin Consideration*
I Max+lO%, Min-10% or -10 psi (greater of)
I prop systems)
I Dependant on propellant temperature
variations, system pressurization factors (e.g.
differential check valve delta-PI. . side
* . liauid
delta-P variations. Min *lo psi
Pulse duty cycle Margin typically not included (some programs
demonstrate margin on minimum on-time
Test duration (continuous or Predict +50% for nominal usage at most
pulse train) conditions. Predict +lo%for LAE backup
Cold starts Predict +50%
Hot re-start Demonstrate repeated hot restarts at times
designed to maximize injector and/or valve
temperature prior to ignition. Continue restarts
until peak temperatures are reached.
Total number of pulses Predict +25%
Propellant throunhput
- . (total
. On-orbit predict +50%
I on-iime) 1
LAE backup +lo% I
* “Predict” values based on worst case usage (e.g. one thruster failed at BOL).

A frequent argument encountered during qualification margin design, is that the data “appear”
completely stable (Le. temperature measurements aren’t noticeably climbing) therefore the full
margin duration is not necessary at all conditions. Although this would be valid in an ideal
situation, extensive hot-fire test experience has shown that all of the critical temperature points
are rarely measured. It is not unusual during a development to discover a condition in which all of
the measurements appear to be stabilized only to experience a rapid transition in behavior driven
by some unknown event. This behavior typically occurs due to one of two factors (1) a system
disturbance such as a gas bubble disturbs the equilibrium with the resulting imbalance (usually
thermal) causing the behavior to change dramatically; or (2) temperature at a point not directly
measured becomes the driving force behind a behavior change (e.g. injector passage wall
temperature causing boiling). These frequent Occurrences lend support for the need to conduct
full margin tests at all conditions despite perceived success at some conditions.


A qualification hot-fire test program can be broken into two critical areas of concern, life (including
stability) and performance. Each of these areas will require extensive testing in order to validate
the ability to meet mission requirements and the ability to analyze on-orbit usage characteristics
(i.e. propellant budget modeling). Depending on the instrumentation available, a single test at
given conditions may be able to satisfy both life and performance goals. An example would be
propellant flow rate in the pulsed mode. If small bellows tanks are used, then the performance
test will be too short to satisfy life or stability verification. If a larger tank with a sight glass was
used, then the test may be long enough to satisfy both performance and life.

Although life, stability and performance testing are commonly accepted critical areas for hot-fire
testing, all areas starting from manufacture through flight should be considered for possible
concerns. The goal of a comprehensive qualification is to test the environment it will experience
in the order in which it will be experienced, Le. “test like you fly.” Past programs have shown that
this philosophy can result in some unusual testing. Justification that other programs haven’t done
a particular test is not sufficient to decide that it shouldn’t be done for a new program and
decisions to remove particular areas of test must be backed-up by appropriate analysis. An

example of test like you fly was presented on an Astrium program. Tests for their qualification
certification included, “a damp heat test, a rain test, a salt spray test, a cold vibration, a hot
random vibration and a hot pyrotechnic shock test.” The described tests were performed at the
module assembly level to further simulate flight configuration^.^

Life Testing
MIL-STD-1540Ccalls for demonstration of life “with suitable margin” but does not define the
margin or the life limiting factors. This report assumes non-consumablethruster designs (Le.
non-ablative chamber) operated near some combustion / decomposition chamber life limiting
environment. For monopropellant hydrazine thrusters this might be injection velocity and
throughput; for bipropellant disilicide coated, iridium / rhenium or platinum / rhodium chambers-
cold starts, throughput and chamber temperature are perceived to be life limiting. In order to
develop the most effective qualification program, an advanced understanding of these life limiting
factors is crucial. An example is the relationship between duty cycle and operating temperature.
The ARC 5 Ibfthruster (disilicide coated) has shown a characteristic in which steady state
operation is always hotter then pulsed mode and has proven to be the worst case for thruster
life.6 In comparison, film cooled thrusters often display higher chamber temperatures in certain
pulsed modes which drive the overall thermal balance to its lowest margin condition. It would be
critical to demonstrate a high throughput LAE backup requirement in the worst case (i.e. hottest)
pulsed mode. This example also shows the value of margin to cover the unit to unit variability
since the hottest duty cycle may vary slightly from one thruster to the next.

During life testing it is important to accurately represent the true flight configuration and to look for
variations in that configuration which could affect the life capability of the thruster design. The
common area of concern is the heat shield design. A trade is often necessary to understand the
implications of heat shield alterations for instrumentation versus the potential impact on operating
temperature. Another concern, particularly with some advanced materials (e.g. iridium / rhenium)
are the test cell conditions. It may be necessary to use a slow purge to prevent ambient oxygen
from reacting with the exterior of the combustion chamber during testing.

Life testing should also be careful to accurately represent all flight conditions which could impact
thruster life. This supports the need to “test as you fly” in order to ensure that pre-test
assumptions don’t result in a missed life limiting factor. An example would be the impact of
random vibration testing on a catalyst bed prior to life demonstration hot-fire testing.

Critical parameters to consider when developing life tests are: propellant throughput, pulse duty
cycle, cold starts, number of pulses, propellant temperature and inlet pressure.

Stability Testing
Similar to life testing, stability tests determine the capability of the thruster design to survive
mission usage plans. ‘Stability’ typically describes both thermal and acoustic stability impacts on
thruster life as compared to the normal wear out mechanisms. It is important to verify stability
during qualification due to the potential for a rapid onset of failure in an unstable operational
regime. Experience has shown that unstable operation can occur in the form of high and low
frequency combustion instabilities, feed system coupling and thermal instabilities. Since
deliberate destabilizing events used in launch vehicle booster engines (e.g. “bomb” tests) are
difficult to implement on this small scale, validation is generally demonstrated by repeated tests of
extreme combinations of conditions to full duration plus margin. Experience has shown that
mixture ratio extremes at extremes of inlet pressure and temperature are the most common
drivers of both thermal and combustion instability modes. While discussion of failures is rare in
open literature, they are relatively common when developing new thrusters or qualifying existing
designs for new conditions. One of the most difficult decisions during qualification testing is when
to shutdown a firing which appears to be suffering a thermal instability. Early shutdown will
protect the hardware for future tests but will often hide the true nature of the anomaly and result in
a long investigation process. Late shutdown might result in a failure which can unfairly label a
thruster as unreliable, but can also provide an clearer understanding of the anomalous behavior

and rapid program recovery. A failure alone should not be cause for distrust of a thruster design,
lack of understanding of the cause of a failure is the true concern. It is recommended that
programs follow a path of gradual extension of test duration in failure modes while evaluating
data to determine root cause. While hardware should be protected if possible, a failure should
not be avoided at the expense of understanding the operation.

Performance Testing
Performance of a thruster relates to all parameters which directly impact mission design or
operations. For example, while the chamber temperature will have no direct impact on the
mission, delivered thrust level will directly affect maneuver planning. Performancetesting should
be designed to generate sufficient data to (1) verify the ability of the thruster to meet mission
requirements, and (2) develop models and analysis tools in support of mission operations. One
of the most important and often under tested areas for developing performance prediction tools is
the interactive influence coefficients for each of the various test parameters. For example, the
impact of propellant temperature on specific impulse may be simple during steady state testing,
but as the duty cycle changes, the impacts may change in a non-linearfashion. Further
nonlinearity may result from varying duty cycles at propellant temperatures with high or low feed
pressures. Still more changes may appear when mixture ratio (i.e. pressure bias) is included.
The decision for the total ‘resolution’ of the test program (Le. number of test points) with respect
to combined conditions should be made in light of the desired accuracy of the performance
modeling to be used for mission life predictions. Comprehensively mapping the complete range
and combination of conditions can quickly become an overwhelming and expensive task. One
recent program conducted over 900 tests on 5 thrusters through the course of the qualification
program. Although that number may be high, it is important to do sufficient testing to accurately
meet mission goals. As a minimum, sample testing with a variety of conditions must be done in
order to accurately evaluate the accuracy of a performancemodel. Deliberately reducing tests in
order to avoid data which show performance variations is an unacceptable method to satisfy
mission requirements.


Due to competitive concerns, thruster failures are rarely discussed in open literature, however,
experience has shown several areas for common thruster problems:

Combustion stability of small thrusters is often driven by accelerating propellant atomization and
fuel droplet reaction rates. This can be achieved by increasing inlet pressure and propellant
temperature and operating at high mixture ratios. Several instances of combustion instabilities in
otherwise stable small thrusters are known to have occurred at this combination of extreme
conditions. Similar conditions may inadvertently be created through the use of high vapor
pressure oxidizer (Le. high “MON” content) and gas bubbles in the propellant streams.

Gas bubbles in the propellant is one of the most dangerous and unpredictable conditions for
thruster testing. Gas bubbles can initiate both thermal and combustion instabilities with erratic
incidence making diagnosis extremely difficult. Often gas bubble size will also dramatically
impact results. Whereas large bubbles will simply extinguish combustion and small bubbles will
pass unnoticed, certain sizes in between may be sufficient to change impingement and
atomization results and create a failure condition. Gas bubbles can also have the undesirable
affect of accumulating in feed systems and creating a capacitance sufficient to allow coupling with
the combustion chamber. Test programs will often demonstrate gas bubble ingestion in an
attempt to minimize the risk and show the robustness of the d e ~ i g n .Such
~ testing should attempt
to vary the size of the ingested bubble and conduct tests over a variety of operating conditions.

The combination of mixture ratio (MR) with inlet pressure and temperature variations can result in
test conditions which minimize the thermal margin. This is particularly concerning for fuel film
cooled combustion chamber designs which often experience a non-linear response as thermal

margin is reduced and fuel film vaporizes and combusts closer to the injector face. Typically the
area of greatest concern occurs at high MR and hot propellant conditions.

Hot restarts have been known to lead to unacceptable “thermal runaway” and instigation of
combustion instabilities. Test programs typically verify this condition through a stair-steppingtest
in which ignition following the prior test is initiated at the point of peak thermal soak-back on the
injector and/or valves.

Another cause of low thermal margin and potential thermal runaway is pulsed mode duty cycle.
The pulsing duty cycle on both monopropellant and bipropellant thrusters has been shown to
directly and often non-linearly drive thruster temperatures. Experience has shown that for
monopropellant thrusters, the area of concern is often below 10% duty cycle and for bipropellant
thrusters, 20% to 40% duty cycles often lead to problems.


An important aspect of both life and performance testing is demonstration of repeatability. In

general, three to five test repeats are considered sufficient for most conditions. Additional anchor
points (baseline) are often done five or more times. Extreme conditions are typically done one or
two times depending on overall resolution. For example, if 20 combinations of test conditions are
each tested once in a certain region, then repeating each three times is less important then if the
same region was covered by only ten tests. Numerous methodologies for designing test
distributions are available and are too lengthy to discuss here.’ However, one common theme is
to conduct sample testing with limited repeatability until anomalous results are encountered.
Once anomalous results are found, the resolution and number of repeats should increase
~ignificantly.~Whatever the test selection methodology employed, the most important basic
consideration is to ensure that all combinations of conditions are sample tested with sufficient test
margin to ensure that no on-orbit firings are conducted outside the ‘boundaries’ demonstrated
during qualification. Figure 1 shows a typical method used to display pulsed mode test points as
a function of duty cycle. Figure 2 shows the typical method to display test points across inlet
pressure variations.

Figure 1. Sample Pulse Mode Mapping






10 103 1000 lmo

On lime (ms)

Figure 2. Pressure Range Mapping
280 r--
260 - / * I
Constant Average Press

I/ /

3L 220 -

200 -

180 t
I 200 220 240 260 280
Oxidizer Pressure


As tests are conducted, significant quantities of data will be generated. Despite this imposing
amount of data, one of the most important lessons from past programs is to carefully review all
results. Programs should not rely solely on automatic redlines to determine acceptability of test
results. Experience has shown numerous examples of anomalies being discovered, only to find
that clear indicators of the anomalous behavior were available in qualification data which was not
flagged by redlines or other standardized review processes.

Following the qualification program, it is often valuable to review results in order to determine
pass fail criteria for future flight unit acceptance tests. In addition, the qualification data should
act as a basis to which flight unit acceptance data are added and compared as a family database
is developed. This process is invaluable for discovering problematic flight units prior to launch.

Although test instrumentation is relatively well standardized across facilities, it is important to

verify the capability and accuracy of all instruments prior to testing. In addition to verifying range
and calibration date, a program should ensure that the equipment used provides the desired data
as directly as possible. One current example is the use of thrust measurement cells for
monopropellant hydrazine thrusters. Although this has historically been conducted with pressure
measurement and Cf calculations, recent programs have increasingly converted to modern
techniques for highly accurate, direct thrust measurements. With modern temperature
compensated strain cells and fast data acquisition systems, there is no reason for avoiding direct
thrust measurement.


Ideally a test program would be developed independent of cost considerations. In reality, the
significant cost of testing will often dominate the selection criteria for hot-fire test programs. Cost
implications can impact the number of tests, the length of tests, the pre-fire temperature stability,
the number of thrusters tested and the types of measurements which are taken before, during

and after hot-fire tests. The simplest method to estimate test cost is determine a test rate (i.e.
tests per shift) and divide it into the number of tests in the matrix, resulting in a total number of
test shifts. The number of shifts is then multiplied by the per shift cost of the test cell ($/shift) to
give a subtotal cost. Other direct costs such as propellant and hardware must then be added to
come up with a testing subtotal. Additional costs may be necessary to account for engineering
support, data analysis, modeling generation and report writing.

One of the most sensitive factors in a cost analysis will be the test rate. A ‘fast’ test program on a
small (-5 Ibf) thruster might be able to achieve up to five tests per hour if the tests are all at nearly
the same conditions with relaxed pre-fire thermal conditions specified (Le. minimal cooling
between tests). Typically two to three tests per hour are more reasonable estimates. Larger
engines (e.g. 100 Ibf LAE) will typically test at a much lower test rate, but also usually require
significantlyfewer test points. Since the test rate will be critical in determining costs, it is often
desirable to expand tolerance windows on inlet pressure and pre-fire temperature. This will
enable faster test rates but care must be exercised to prevent variations causing significant
offsets from desired test conditions. Pre-qualificationdevelopment tests can be used to
determine the performance sensitivity to test condition variations which will help the engineer
determine allowable tolerances which do not significantly impact results. In addition to
performance variation, special care must also be given to tests intended to verify life and stability
margin at the extremes. Often these points will be designated with a “-0 + X format versus a “ * X
format in order to ensure the minimum margin is achieved.


Design of a qualification program which comprehensively covers all of the significant areas of
concern, the critical thruster parameters and the margin necessary for high confidence flight,
while minimizing cost and schedule can be a very difficult task. The preceding discussion has
attempted to address some of the key points for a qualification program at a top level. A true
industry standard document on this subject is highly recommended in order to standardize this
complex topic and improve the ability of programs to predict the true cost of a new thruster

“Test Requirementsfor Launch, Upper Stage, and Space Vehicles,” MIL-STD-1MOC, 1994
“Test Requirementsfor Launch, Upper Stage, and Space Vehicles,” MIL-STD-l540D, 1994
“Rocket Engine, Liquid Propellant, General Specification for,” MIL-R-51498, 1969.
Holzwarth, M., Serbest, E., Rogall, H., “QualificationTest for the Ariane 5 Attitude Control
System 400 N Thruster”, AlAA 2003-4779, 3gthAIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion
Conference, July 2003
Schulte, G., Gotzig, U., Horch, A., Dreer, T., “Further Improvements and Qualification Status of
Astrium’s 1ON BipropellantThruster Family”, AIAA2003-4776, 3gthAIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE
Joint Propulsion Conference, July 2003
Coste, K., “Qualification of the ARC 5-lbf BipropellantThruster For Deep Pressure Blow-Down
Operation”, AlAA 2001-3988, ,37th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, July
Wu, P.K., Woll, P., Stechman, C., McLemore, B., Neiderman, J., Crone, C., “Qualification
Testing of a 2“d Generation High Performance Apogee Thruster”, AIAA#2001-3253,37th
AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, July 2001
Abernethy, R. B., et al, “Weibull Analysis Handbook,“ USAF Wright Aeronautical Laboratories
and United Technologies Corporation, AFWAL-TR-83-2079, Nov 1983.
Krismer, D., “Dorantes, A., Miller, S., Stechman, C., Lu, F., “Qualification testing of a High
Perormance Bipropellant Rocket Engine Using MON-3 and Hydrazine”, AlAA 2003-4775, 3Qth
AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, July 2003


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