SCI 1 With Legal Medicine: Learning Outcomes
SCI 1 With Legal Medicine: Learning Outcomes
SCI 1 With Legal Medicine: Learning Outcomes
8 Sexual offenses and
This module is The Sexual offenses and deviation. As you read this
material, you will be able to know the Sex offenses. r. Major principles will
also be part of this module so that your ideas on sexual offenses and
deviation. After the content discussion, you are given exercises to work on.
Towards the end of this module, you are tasked to give your own
reflections. All these activities will deepen and strengthen your
understanding about the lesson presented. Do the task honestly coupled with
high interest so that you can benefit the most of it.
Can Differentiate the Sexual Offenses
and Deviation
Body fluid and seminal stains are important evidence. Whether Dried blood stains on garments, cloth, etc. Pack, exactly as described in
they are bloodstains or seminal stains, they can be employed to paragraph 1, h-k, above.
determine if a person is associated with a crime or not. The
succeeding paragraphs would show how blood stains, saliva and Dried blood stains on solid objects:
seminal are gathered and preserved. Note direction, if applicable, from shape of drops.
With a clean knife or other sharp instrument, flake off particles of
Blood Stains the dried blood. Be careful not to lose the small flakes, or to
Fresh moist stains on cloth contaminate them with foreign material.
With clean scissors cut out a portion (not to exceed ½ of the stained areas) Place these particles in a clean container (vials, pill box, or in a
of the stained cloth; clean piece of white paper, folded into a small envelope).
b. Place this in a clean glass container 9test tube, small glass Seal and label properly.
container; If the entire object can be sent in and packed in such a manner that
c. Seal the specimen in the container with a tight fitting rubber or the bloodstains cannot be removed in transit, DO NOT REMOVE
cock stopper. If necessary sealed with melted paraffin; them as describe above, but submit the object with stains intact.
d. label the specimen. Adhesive tape, gummed paper or tag may be Seal and label the specimen completely.
used; Pack it on a substantial container and transmit it to the laboratory.
e. Pack the container on cotton or clothesline cardboard box;
Transmit the specimen to the laboratory as soon as possible; Specimen for Comparison:
g. Allow the remainder of the stain to dry at room temperature. Do
not apply heat, direct sunlight or use an electric fan because it will Fresh blood samples of suspect(s) and victim(s) should be
speed up its drying; extracted by a registered nurse or a doctor.
h. Fold the stain garments carefully, interlaying each fold with a About 10 cc of blood should be obtained.
sheet of clean white paper; The autopsy or coroner should take the blood specimen from
j. Seal it with paper tape and label completely; and bodies of deceased person before embalming is started.
k. Transmit it to laboratory
2. Saliva
Fresh moist stain on solid object Air dry the material on a clean paper.
With a perfectly clean instrument remove as much of the stain as When dried, put the material inside a paper bag. Mark the bag with
possible; your initials, the date and an exhibit number before fastening it. Do
1. Place the stain so called in a clean glass container; not bag items if they are not thoroughly dried.
2. Transmit it to the laboratory immediately; If the material has to be folded, cover the stained area with clean
3. Allow the remainder of the stain dry on the object; paper. Avoid folding across the stained area.
SCI 1 with Legal
Blood stained materials should be packaged individually. With the cooperation of the autopsy surgeon, the following
Collect a comparison standard. The comparison standard is a specimen and the corresponding minimum amounts should be
cotton swab each from the victim’s and the suspect’s mouths. The obtained:
swabs are dried and packaged separately in paper envelopes. The (1) Stomach – whole specimen
envelopes are marked with your initials, the donor’s name, the (2) Liver – 300grams
date, exhibit number and other pertinent information. (3) Kidneys – One kidney
3. Seminal Stains (4) Brain – 500 grams
Seminal stains occurring in rape or about sex offenses are (5) Lungs – One lung (particularly for inhaled poisons)
often found on clothing, blankets, or other textile material. On white cloth, (6) Stomach and Intestinal contents – all available
they may appear as slightly yellowish stained areas. On colored cloth, they (7) Blood- At least 10 cc. preferably 200 cc. (particularly in cases
have a stiff, starchy fell and can be located by sense of touch. involving carbon monoxide,
narcotics and barbiturates)
Poisoning Evidence (8) Urine and Vomitus- all available
Submit each specimen in a separate clean glass container which
In all cases of suspected poisoning, an immediate search should be may be sealed. Wide- mouthed jars are excellent. Use type with
made for the possible sources of the poison. Food and drugs taken, glass tops so no metal comes in contact with the specimen. Jars
either intentionally or by accident, will generally be indicated. should be sealed and initialed to be submitted for poisoning
Any food specimen found should be preserved for analysis: analysis. The necessary small specimen for pathological
If already in suitable container, which can be sealed (as a fruit jar, examinations should be taken before packing the specimen. The
etc.), leave it so. If not, place it in a clean glass container. pathological specimen should be packed separately and put in the
Seal the specimen with a tight fitting stopper and label properly. necessary preservatives.
Pact it in a suitable carton and transmit it to the laboratory If chronic, arsenic poisoning is indicated, submit nails and hairs of
immediately. victim.
In addition, submit for examination the container which originally
held the specimen (plate, cup, sauce pan, etc.) pack in such a
manner that it will reach the laboratory just as it was found at the
scene. Intoxicating Evidence
An autopsy should be done by a qualified pathologist or For alcohol determination, submit about five (5) cc. of blood
medico-legal officer or doctor before the body is embalmed. A extracted from a suspect by a doctor or a registered nurse. If it is
complete autopsy is important to definitely establish the cause of expected that the blood specimen and the result of the blood
death. Not only will it reveal possible diseases, injuries, or other specimen and the result of the analysis maybe used in court, the
natural or unnatural cause of death but it will also show what body specimen should not be taken by the subject from whom the
changes are present that might indicate poisoning. This may also specimen is taken. A non- alcoholic antiseptic should be used,
indicate what type or kind of poison was involved. example five (5) cc.
A complete history of the case should be obtained to include Place the specimen in a clean glass test tube with an anti-coagulant
behavior and symptoms of the victim before death, treatment such as Sodium Citrate (as much as will lay on the tip of a pocket
administered and medicines given during treatment. A copy of the knife blade).
Case History and Autopsy Report should be sent with the
request to assist analysis of the chemist
SCI 1 with Legal
1. Explain the procedure to identify the facts in sexual offenses or crime.
SCI 1 with Legal
3. Discuss the sexual offenses and differentiate the sexual deviation.
1. Differentiate the sexual offenses and deviation and create a illustration
refer to sexual offenses and deviation.
SCI 1 with Legal
Reflective Analysis
SCI 1 with Legal