Effects of Salinity and Nutrients On The Growth and Chlorophyll Uorescence of Caulerpa Lentillifera
Effects of Salinity and Nutrients On The Growth and Chlorophyll Uorescence of Caulerpa Lentillifera
Effects of Salinity and Nutrients On The Growth and Chlorophyll Uorescence of Caulerpa Lentillifera
27 4,958
4 authors, including:
Delin Duan
Institute of Ocenology, CAS
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Received Apr. 29, 2014; accepted in principle Jul. 22, 2014; accepted for publication Aug. 19, 2014
© Chinese Society for Oceanology and Limnology, Science Press, and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015
Abstract Caulerpa lentillifera is a green algae that distributes worldwide and is cultivated for food.
We assessed vegetative propagation of C. lentillifera by measuring the specific growth rate (SGR) and
chlorophyll fluorescence of the green algae cultured at different salinities and nutrient levels. The results
indicated that C. lentillifera can survive in salinities ranging from 20 to 50, and can develop at salinities
of 30 to 40. The maximum SGR for C. lentillifera occurred at a salinity of 35. Both chlorophyll content
and the ratio of variable to maximum fluorescence (Fv/Fm) were also at a maximum at a salinity of 35.
Photosynthesis was inhibited in salinities greater than 45 and less than 25. Both the maximum SGR and
maximum chlorophyll content were found in algae treated with a concentration of 0.5 mmol/L of NO3-N
and 0.1 mmol/L of PO4-P. The photosynthetic capacity of photosystem II (PSII) was inhibited in cultures
of C. lentillifera at high nutrient levels. This occurred when NO3-N concentrations were greater than
1.0 mmol/L and when PO4-P concentrations were at 0.4 mmol/L. As there is strong need for large-scale
cultivation of C. lentillifera, these data contribute important information to ensure optimal results.
Keyword: Caulerpa lentillifera; salinity; nutrient level; specific growth rate (SGR); ratio of variable to
maximum fluorescence (Fv/Fm); non-photochemical quenching (NPQ)
15 20 25
30 35 40
45 50 55
0.90 a 6
PO4-P: 0.01 mmol/L
0.85 PO4-P: 0.1 mmol/L
PO4-P: 0.4 mmol/L
SGR (%/d)
0.70 3
0 day 2
7 day
0.55 1
15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
0.02 0.1 0.5 1 2 4
Salinity NO3-N (mmol/L)
0.2 0.35
a b
0.14 0.25
0.12 0.2
0.06 0.1
0 0
0.01 0.1 0.4 0.01 0.1 0.4
PO4-P (mmol/L) PO4-P (mmol/L)
NO3-N : 0.05 mmol/L NO3-N : 1 mmol/L
NO3-N : 0.1 mmol/L NO3-N : 2 mmol/L
NO3-N : 0.5 mmol/L NO3-N : 4 mmol/L
Fig.7 Ch a content (a) and total chlorophyll content (b) of regenerated stolons of C. lentillifera cultured at a range of
phosphorus and nitrogen concentrations
Water temperature was maintained at 25.0°C and light was 40 μmol photons/(m2∙s) (n=3). Error bar shows std. deviation.
0.65 PO4-P: 0.01 mmol/L addition, there are some similarities with
PO4-P: 0.1 mmol/L C. paspaloides (O’Neal and Prince, 1988) and
0.60 PO4-P: 0.4 mmol/L C. taxifolia (Theil et al., 2007; West and West, 2007).
0.55 Kirst et al. (1989) suggested that Caulerpa can resist
0.50 osmotic stress using a giant vacuolar system. Here we
0.05 0.1 0.5 1 2 4 deduced that C. lentillifera may possess a complicated
NO3-N (mmol/L) osmotic mechanism, however, further work is
required to examine the vacuolar system of this
PO4-P: 0.01 mmol/L
1.00 PO4-P: 0.1 mmol/L The ratio of variable to maximum fluorescence
PO4-P: 0.4 mmol/L (Fv/Fm) is a sensitive parameter to indicate the degree
0.80 of stress in plants (Chen and Liu, 2007). Values of less
than the optimal value of 0.83 indicate that the plant
has been exposed to stress (Maxwell and Johnson,
0.40 2000). In our study C. lentillifera with (Fv/Fm) values
of less than 0.80 showed relatively slow growth rates,
0.20 and plants with (Fv/Fm) values of less than 0.70 died.
SGR of C. lentillifera were highest at a PO4-P
0.05 0.1 0.5 1 2 4
concentration of 0.1 mmol/L and a NO3-N
NO3-N (mmol/L) concentration of 0.5 mmol/L. Deraxbudsarkom et al.
(2003) suggested that a NO3-N concentration of
Fig.8 Ratio of variable to maximum fluorescence (Fv/Fm)
(a) and NPQ (b)of the erect branches of C. lentillifera
0.6 mmol/L and N:P ratio of 8:1 were optimal for the
cultured in a range of phosphorus and nitrogen growth of C. lentillifera, and that nitrate is the
concentrations (n=3) preferable nitrogen source compared with nitrite.
Water temperature was maintained at 25.0°C and light was 40 μmol Huang (2012) found that the wet weight of
photons/(m2∙s). Error bar shows std. deviation. C. lentillifera was the highest when it was cultured in
416 CHIN. J. OCEANOL. LIMNOL., 33(2), 2015 Vol.33
nitrogen concentrations of 15 mg/kg (ca. During our indoor culture experiment, the culture
0.16 mmol/L). Our results indicated that a N:P ratio duration was limited to seven days, and only one
of 5:1 was optimal for growth, differing slightly from nitrogen source was applied. Further experiments
the 8:1 ratio described by Deraxbudsarkom et al. over a longer duration would help to optimize the
(2003). These differences may be due to different parameters for algal growth at a large-scale.
environmental conditions.
The SGR of C. lentillifera was strongly correlated 5 CONCLUSION
with NO3-N concentrations in the range of 0.05 to
In conclusion, optimal conditions for vegetative
0.5 mmol/L (R2=0.999 3), but growth rate was
reproduction of C. lentillifera occurred at a salinity of
relatively stable at NO3-N concentrations of greater
35, with a concentration of 0.1 mmol/L of PO4-P and
than 0.5 mmol/L. These results suggest that a NO3-N
0.5 mmol/L of NO3-N. Further studies are required to
concentration of 0.5 mmol/L is the upper threshold
understand the optimal conditions to culture this algae
for nutritional assimilation and absorption, due to
outdoors and at a large-scale.
complicated enzyme behaviors for nitrate nitrogen
conversion and the reduction of ammonium nitrogen 6 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
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