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Teacher Beliefs and Practices

Part I: Patterns of Change

The Evolution of Teachers’

Instructional Beliefs and
Practices in
First–Fourth Year Findings


David C. Dwyer, Ph.D.
Cathy Ringstaff, Ph.D.
Judith Haymore
Sandholtz, Ph.D.
Apple Computer, Inc.

ACOT Report #8
A pple Classrooms of Tomorrow (ACOT) SM

is a collaboration—initiated in 1985—
among public schools, universities,
research agencies, and Apple Computer, Inc. In
ACOT classrooms, students and teachers have
immediate access to a wide range of technologies,
including computers, videodisc players, video
cameras, scanners, CD-ROM drives, modems, and
online communications services. In addition,
students can use an assortment of software
programs and tools, including word processors,
databases, spreadsheets, and graphics packages. In
ACOT classrooms, technology is viewed as a tool for
learning and a medium for thinking, collaborating,
and communicating.
ACOT’s research has demonstrated that the
introduction of technology to classrooms can
significantly increase the potential for learning,
especially when it is used to support collaboration,
information access, and the expression and
representation of students’ thoughts and ideas.
Realizing this opportunity for all students, however,
requires a broadly conceived approach to
educational change that integrates new technologies
and curricula with new ideas about learning and
teaching, as well as with authentic forms of

Summarized and designed by Linda Knapp.
Contributions and support from Gina Funaro, Jacqui
Giddings, Wayne Grant, Linda Knapp, Connie Troy-Downing,
Loree Vitale, and Keith Yocam of the ACOT staff. Many thanks
to the dozens of ACOT teachers who are on the line every day,
facing full classes, district mandates, and traditional
measures. They still manage to discover, grow, laugh, and
find the time to share their experiences with us.
The Apple Classrooms of
Tomorrow (ACOT) research The Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow (ACOT) research project has been gathering data
project explores learning when since 1986 on what happens when teachers and students have constant access to
children and teachers have technology. Analysis of the collective data has clarified a number of hunches about how
immediate access to teaching and learning change in these innovative environments, what factors inhibit
interactive technologies. change, and what support is needed to promote and sustain fundamental changes in
ACOT’s longitudinal research education.
and development efforts
examine the impact of Part I of this research summarizes the developmental phases ACOT teachers go through
technology on teaching and as they gradually replace their traditional beliefs and practices with new ones (see ACOT
learning and create more Report #8). The report represents the teachers’ development as five phases: Entry,
powerful applications. Adoption, Adaptation, Appropriation, and Invention. In this model, the teachers’
traditional text-based curriculum is delivered in a lecture-recitation-seatwork mode is
first strengthened through the use of technology and then gradually replaced by far
more dynamic learning experiences for students.
The original research report, “The Evolution of Teachers’ Instructional Beliefs and
Practices in High-Access-to-Technology Classrooms,” was presented at the 1990 meeting
of the American Education Research Association and is available through the ERIC
Document Reproduction Service, 3900 Wheeler Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22304; (703)

Soon after ACOT was Introduction

established in 1985, the project
began collecting data on the In 1985, Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow (ACOT) began as a collaboration between
teachers’ transition from Apple Computer, Inc. and several school districts around the country in an effort to
computerless to technology explore the impact of computer saturation on teaching and learning in K–12
intensive classrooms. classrooms. The research focused on examining what happens when teachers and
students have constant access to technology.
ACOT teachers are committed
to educational change, yet they Recognizing that the impact of converting traditional, computerless classroom to high-
maintain conventional beliefs tech exploratoriums would be unprecedented, ACOT began collecting data to document
about schooling based on life these changes over the short and long term. Analysis of the collective data over four
experiences within the years has brought in focus a richly detailed representation of the instructional changes
traditional system. that occurred in ACOT classrooms, including individual portraits of teachers who
Consequently, ACOT teachers
struggled with their own belief systems as they worked within these unique
go through intense inner environments.
conflict as they explore ACOT teachers have been, and continue to be ardently committed to this ambitious
alternative approaches that project whose goal is to fundamentally change teaching and learning. Yet they carry with
sharply contrast their beliefs them a common set of beliefs about schooling, built upon years of participating in the
about teaching and learning.
traditional system as former students and now as teachers. It is this age-old view of
The current research focuses schooling, based on the lecture, recitation, and seatwork model of instruction, that
on ACOT teachers’ persists despite the best efforts of activists in the school reform and restructure
development over the first four movements. Consequently, when teachers work in ACOT classrooms, they experience
years. This report, Part I, intense inner conflict as they explore alternative approaches that sharply contrast their
presents overall patterns of beliefs about classroom management, curriculum, collaborative learning, and other such
change in teachers’ beliefs issues.
and practices.

APPLE CLASSROOMS OF TOMORROW Teacher Beliefs and Practices Part I: Patterns of Change 1
This, then is the arena into which Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow has entered. In its
inception, the project’s philosophy was to provide technology and actively support
teachers in the directions they chose to go. However, after three years of observation,
ACOT developed a decided bias towards a constructivist view of learning1 and began
actively educating and encouraging teachers to implement knowledge construction in
their classrooms. Although the direction of change in ACOT classrooms is promising,
the pace of change is slow, for even when innovative teachers alter their practices and
beliefs, the cultural norms continue to support lecture-based instruction, subject-
centered curriculum, and measurement-driven accountability.
This report summarizes an analysis of research findings from multiple studies and data
sources collected since the beginning of the ACOT project. The analysis focuses on
ACOT teachers’ development over the four-year period. Part I presents overall patterns
of change experienced by the ACOT teacher group and offers a five-phase model of
teacher development in high-tech classrooms oriented to fundamental change in
education. Part II presents two personal examples of the conflicts teachers experience
while in the process of change, and offers a model for administrative support at each
phase of development that can foster innovations over the long term.

The Study

This four-year study examines Overview

ACOT teachers at five public
school sites from 1986–89. The This study focuses on ACOT teachers at five sites over a four-year period, from 1986–89.
schools reflect the nation’s Each of the sites began with one grade level in the fall of 1986, adding classrooms, staff,
diverse populations and and students in subsequent years. By 1989, the project included 32 teachers and 650
conditions; the ACOT students in four elementary and one high school whose demographics range from
classrooms within these schools inner-city to rural, and low to high socioeconomic status. Together the schools
provide teachers and students represent the diverse populations and conditions currently found in the nation’s public
with immediate access to schools.
interactive technologies.
ACOT classrooms in each of these settings offer students constant access to interactive
technologies. The elementary classes are equipped with Apple® IIe, IIGS,® and
Macintosh® computers. The high school is an all Macintosh installation. In addition
to computers, each class is equipped with printers, scanners, laserdisc and videotape
players, modems, CD-ROM drives, and hundreds of software titles.
The technology is used as a tool to support learning across the curriculum. No attempt
is made to replace existing instructional technologies with computers. By design, the
classrooms are true multimedia environments where students and teachers use
textbooks, workbooks, manipulatives, white boards, crayons, glue, overhead projectors,
televisions, musical instruments, etc., as well as computers. The operating principle is to
use the media that best supports the learning goal.

1 The constructivist view of learning asserts that learners “construct” their own meaning/knowledge from the information they
acquire. This differs from the traditional view which assumes a teacher can “deliver” knowledge to a learner.

2 Teacher Beliefs and Practices Part I: Patterns of Change APPLE CLASSROOMS OF TOMORROW
Data Collection and Analysis
Data sources include teachers’
audiotape journals, weekly The research draws on a rich, multi-perspective body of data composed of personal
site reports, classroom reports from teachers; weekly site reports; classroom observations; interviews with
observations, interviews, and students, parents, and teachers; and cross-site assessment data provided by the districts
cross-site assessment measures. and supplemented by additional measures.
Teacher Journals

Teachers record their personal observations of events in t classroom and their

reflections on those events on audiotape, producing an average of two 60-minute tapes
per month. The tapes are mailed to Apple where they are transcribed and entered into a
database. Instructions about content on the tapes are purposefully left vague, leaving
teachers free to report what is most salient at the time to each of them.
Weekly Reports

The teaching staff at each site communicates weekly on major events and developments
in a written summary that is electronically distributed among all project participants via
Apple Computer’s corporate networking system. Again the content of the reports is left
to the determination of the teachers at each site. Because these reports are publicly
accessible to everyone connected with the project, they tend to be more self-conscious
than the personal, frequently introspective reports contained in the audiotape journals.
Together, these two sources of data provide interesting contrasts on events at the sites.
Both the teacher audiotapes and the electronically communicated weekly report are
monitored by graduate students who digest the source information into discrete
“episodes,” and index them according to content. The resulting four-year database
contains 13,081 episodes (7,976 audiotape episodes and 5,105 episodes from weekly
reports). The indexing system allows sorting and rapid retrieval of descriptive,
qualitative data along a number of dimensions for the construction of narrative reports
about the project. Through indexing, sorting, and comparing episodes, important
themes and events emerge.
Classroom Observations and Interviews

In 1986, ACOT began awarding grants to researchers interested in basic assessment and
instruction issues and various problems associated with the introduction of technology
to classrooms. These projects, some ongoing for a number of years in the ACOT sites,
utilized observation and interview techniques as data gathering procedures (e.g., Baker,
Herman, & Gearhart, 1988; Damarin & Bohren, 1987; Fisher, 1988; Herman, 1988;
Hiebert, 1987; Phelan, 1988, 1989; Levine, 1988; Ross, Smith, Morrison, & Erikson, 1989;
Tierney, 1987, 1988). These data and reports provide further, independent perspectives
on teacher and student experiences at the sites.

APPLE CLASSROOMS OF TOMORROW Teacher Beliefs and Practices Part I: Patterns of Change 3
Cross-Site Assessment Data

Drs. Eva Baker, Joan Herman-Cooper, and Maryl Gearhart of the Center for the Study of
Evaluation at UCLA designed and implemented a three-year, cross-site study of ACOT.
Student demographic and psychometric data were collected annually from participating
districts, using subsets of the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills and Iowa Tests of Educational
Development, the School Attitude Measure (SAM), and the Student Motivation
Questionnaire (SMQ). The project’s interim report (Baker, Herman, & Gearhart, 1988)
provides the final source of perspective for this analysis.

At the beginning of the project, The Findings

the arrival of multiple
computers radically altered In the early days of the introduction of computers to classrooms, implementers focused
the physical nature of the on the innovation—computers and software. They gave little thought to the elements
classrooms, but instruction that would most likely remain the same—instruction and assessment. Educators and the
remained almost the same. public hoped that the introduction of technology would bring about the same kind of
successful transformation that had been seen in science and industry, but goals and
Over time, new patterns of means in the education arena were vague.
teaching and learning
emerged at all sites. These In many ways the early progress of ACOT repeated the same error. Although the sheer
changes occurred in stages number of computers in ACOT classrooms radically transformed the physical
that ACOT has labeled: Entry, environment, for the most part student learning tasks remained unchanged. Gradually,
Adoption, Adaptation, however, new patterns of teaching and learning emerged at all sites. ACOT has labeled
Appropriation, and Invention. the stages of evolution in its classrooms: Entry, Adoption, Adaptation, Appropriation,
As the teachers moved through and Invention (see diagram on page 16). In this model, text-based curriculum delivered
these stages, traditional in a lecture-recitation-seatwork mode is first strengthened through the use of
methods were first strengthened technology and then gradually replaced by far more dynamic learning experiences for
by technology and then students.
gradually replaced by more
active and engaging learning Entry
The point to acknowledge in this phase is that an instructional technology already
ACOT teachers began with existed in each of the ACOT classrooms at the time the project began. The technology
little, if any experience using was text-based and the common tools were blackboards, textbooks, workbooks, ditto
technology, yet most were sheets, and overhead projectors. These tools were used in combination to support
experienced users of lecture, recitation, and seatwork. Traditional schooling was firmly in place. Teachers,
traditional methods and who were beginning their tenure with ACOT, had little or no experience with computer
materials. technology and were in various stages of trepidation and excitement.
Computers radically changed Prior to the beginning of the school year in 1986, classrooms were rewired a some were
their classroom environments air-conditioned. Blackboards were replaced with white boards to reduce the amount of
and they spent most of their
classroom dust. Student desks were rearranged into rows or clusters or replaced with
time establishing order and
modular computer furniture. The first weeks of the project at each site were given over
learning to use the equipment.
Early problems included to unpacking boxes, running extension cords, inserting cards, formatting disks,
discipline, resource checking out home systems—generally trying to establish order in radically transformed
management, and personal physical environments.

4 Teacher Beliefs and Practices Part I: Patterns of Change APPLE CLASSROOMS OF TOMORROW
Once instruction began, experienced teachers found themselves facing first-year-teacher
problems: discipline, resource management, and personal frustration. (See ACOT
Report #10 for a discussion of classroom management issues.) ACOT staff clearly had
second thoughts. For example, one teacher noted:
If I had my druthers, I don’t think I would ever look at a computer again. One of
my students got into the Corvus network and lost lots of information because he
doesn’t know what he is doing. It’s a typical situation, and it’s caused a major
problem because now the computers are down. There are so many variables like
this that we deal with on a day-to-day basis that I didn’t anticipate being part of this
program. I’m anxious for the weekend so I don’t have to do anything with

Later in the year, teachers’ Adoption

concerns focused on using
computers rather than Teachers’ struggles to accommodate the new technology seemed to abate during their
connecting them. They adopted first year with the project. Computer-based issues were far from over, but the balance of
the technology to support their concerns began to tilt towards using computers rather than connecting them.
familiar methods and What the research team witnessed during this period was the adoption of the new
materials. electronic technology to support text-based drill-and-practice instruction. Students
continued to receive steady diets of whole-group lectures and recitation and
Surprisingly, with all these individualized seatwork. Although much had changed physically in the classrooms,
adjustments, students’
more remained the same.
achievement test scores did not
decline, and their motivation Damarin’s (1988) study of the project’s first year at one of the sites not only recognized
and self-esteem were strong. a failure to move forward instructionally but documented some of the constraints under
Discipline was rarely a which the teachers labored, such as a district plan that reflected state-mandates and
problem by this stage. standardized testing.
The teachers had long experience and finely-tuned methods of working within these
constraints and maximizing their effectiveness in that context; they had little
incentive or direction for making changes which might jeopardize . . . performance
on existing criteria. Although the district planners sought (and achieved) a plan
which serves as a model for equitable implementation of a radically different
instructional environment, they did not seek to create new approaches to
instructional excellence.
During this phase, one might anticipate significant disruption of student learning while
teachers reformulated instructional management strategies and while both teachers and
students mastered the many skills and ideas that successful computer use requires.
Surprisingly, traditional measures of achievement showed no significant decline or
improvement in student performance aggregated at the classroom level (Baker,
Herman, & Gearhart, 1988), while teachers reported individual students performed
better. Self-esteem and motivation were measured and reported to be strong at all sites
(Baker, et al). Student attendance was up and reported instances of discipline problems
in ACOT classrooms ranged from zero to few.

APPLE CLASSROOMS OF TOMORROW Teacher Beliefs and Practices Part I: Patterns of Change 5
In the adaptation phase,
productivity emerged as a In this phase, productivity emerged as a major theme. Students produced more faster.
major theme. Teachers In a self-paced math program, for example, sixth-grade students completed the year’s
discovered they could cover curriculum in 60% of the time normally required to complete the course of study and
the standard curriculum in test scores remained as strong as in previous years. The extra time led to increased
less time with technology, opportunities for teachers to engage students in higher-order learning objectives and
leaving more time for higher- problem solving in math.
order learning and problem
solving. They reported students In high school science, for instance, the instructor and his supervisor both reported that
were writing more, revising students were learning much faster, more accurately, and with greater understanding.
more, and ending up with Writing was another area that drew frequent comment from the sites in the Adaptation
better quality work. phase. A fourth-grade teacher wrote that students increasingly used word processing to
Increased productivity led to prepare their assignments and that many could type faster than they could write. A
the need for new strategies for special education teacher reported that her students were writing with greater fluency
instruction, feedback, and due to keyboarding skills, and that they composed their stories directly on the computer
evaluation. Hence, teachers rather than writing them by hand first.
began to adapt the technology
to support their revised goals A six-month study of the writing of ACOT third graders (Hiebert, 1987) concluded that
and expectations. students maintained a high level of enthusiasm for writing, computers made the
compositions much more presentable which further encouraged learning, and students
wrote more and better as a result of high accessibility to computers. (See ACOT
Report #2 for more information on this writing study.)
Increased productivity in writing led to a bounty of text that allowed teachers to work
with even young students on narrative skills. Willingly, students reworked their papers, a
rare occurrence in paper and pencil classrooms. The same outpouring of text
overwhelmed ACOT’s teachers and led to the need for new strategies for instruction,
feedback, and evaluation.
Change in the quality of student engagement in classroom tasks was another notable
factor during the Adaptation phase. For example, one teacher reported:
We are finding that the students are coming in to use the computers during lunch and
staying late to complete their HyperCard assignments for social studies on the countries
they are researching. This degree of commitment and engagement is really unusual in a
group of quite ordinary kids.

When teachers understood
technology well enough to use Movement to this next phase occurred for the first cadre of ACOT teachers in the
it naturally as a tool to second year of the project across all sites. Change hinged on each teacher’s personal
accomplish real work, they mastery of the technology. Appropriation is the point at which an individual comes to
had reached the appropriation understand technology and use it effortlessly as a tool to accomplish real work.
The Appropriation stage has been seen in very few classrooms outside the project
because very few teachers or students have enough access to technology to reach a
point where computers become natural tools with which to work (Becker, 1987; Office
of Technology Assessment, 1989).

6 Teacher Beliefs and Practices Part I: Patterns of Change APPLE CLASSROOMS OF TOMORROW
As teachers independently reached this stage, their roles began to shift noticeably and
Instruction shifted to include new instructional patterns emerged. Team teaching, interdisciplinary project-based
team teaching, collaborative instruction, and individually-paced instruction became more and more common at all of
learning, and interdisciplinary the sites. To accommodate more ambitious class projects, teachers successfully changed
projects. Students were more at least one stalwart foundation of the traditional school day—the master schedule. An
actively involved in both
example was a city study that culminated in the construction of a scale model of an
teaching and learning the new
lessons they and the teachers
urban business district. The final construction sat on a 10 x 20 foot base and
designed. incorporated four-foot tall models of buildings and robotic elements run by 12 or more
Macintosh computers. The lead teacher in this project orchestrated the collaboration of
The first group of ACOT teachers in all disciplines such that separate class periods and separate subjects were
teachers reached this stage blended into a full working day.
after more than a year; the
second group arrived in At both ACOT’s elementary and secondary schools, this type of teamed, project-based
several months. This is because learning opened opportunities for teachers to step back and observe their students.
the later group had local What they saw was their students’ highly evolved skill with the technology, students’
experts (more experienced ability to learn on their own, and students’ movement away from competitive work
ACOT teachers and students) patterns toward collaborative ones. From the sites:
and a supportive environment
It’s amazing to me how much these kids are learning. . . . Kids are doing things that
to accelerate their growth.
are not assigned. The excitement is that they are motivated, seeing the power of the
things which they are learning how to use, creating for themselves solutions to
problems for other things. That is the goal of the educator. That the student be
motivated to solve problems important to him, not to go after points. You never see
this in regular classes.
The applications teacher asked the students to design a calculator using
HyperCard. It was just so gratifying to see that as soon as one student finished they
would go look at another student’s, saying, “How did you get it to do that?” Sharing
strategies: “Didn’t you do the extra credit?” “You know how to do square root? Let
me show you.” It was just that sort of give and take, that sort of excitement,
contagious enthusiasm, high level of engagement that makes me feel that this really
is a good model for the classroom of the future.
The district technology supervisor at one of the schools, observing the extent of peer
interaction in the ACOT classroom, noted that by allowing students to teach each other,
teachers’ roles were changing as well; they were becoming facilitators rather than
dispensers of knowledge.
The extent to which teachers not only became comfortable with student expert in their
classes but actually began to depend on their students was evident through reports of
students taking responsibility for developing curriculum and for teaching. At the high
school site students even participated in the summer technology training institute as
teaching assistants.

APPLE CLASSROOMS OF TOMORROW Teacher Beliefs and Practices Part I: Patterns of Change 7
An independent observer studying one of the elementary sites (Phelan, 1989), also
commented on changes in communication patterns and the extent of collaborative work
among even the very young students.
Lines of communication ran between children and computers and between
children rather than between the children and the teacher. The work mode
orientation was frequently cooperative rather than individualistic. Interestingly,
the teacher expressed delight at the amount of cooperative learning that took place:
“I could never have anticipated that much cooperative learning going on. Some of
it’s screwing around, but a lot of it is helping each other. I just think it’s wonderful. I
mean, it drives me crazy when I’m trying to work with a reading group and they’re
back here chatting away and I do my share of, ‘You will say nothing else.’ But I’m
really pleased.”
Again, the critical event that triggered this most dramatic change at the sites is the
personal appropriation of the technology tools by individual students and teachers. As
noted, the first cadre of ACOT teachers and students acquired this level of competence
after more than a year with the project. Importantly, the second cadre of teachers
accelerated through the evolution in a matter of several months. Explanation lies in their
ready access to teachers and students—local experts—who had already appropriated the
technology. Perhaps most important in this phase was an increasing tendency of ACOT’s
teachers to reflect on teaching, to question old patterns, to speculate about the causes
behind changes they were seeing in their students. At the beginning of her third year
with the project, one of the project’s high school English teachers recorded the
Being on hall duty this year, I have a chance to hear how, in class after class, the
teachers’ voices drone on and on and on. There is very little chance for the student to
become an active participant. In today’s schools there is little chance for the individual
teacher to actually change the curriculum, but we can make the way we deliver the
curriculum very different. And that’s where the technology comes into play: to make it
more interactive, to encourage collaborative learning, to encourage exploration. The
technology can adjust to fit the curriculum, I think, whatever it is.

The final, invention stage is Invention

still ahead for ACOT teachers
at the time of this research. The final stage in this model of instructional evolution is really a placeholder for further
The growth they experienced development by ACOT teachers and for the new learning environments that they will
has prepared them for building create. Entry, Adoption, Adaptation, and Appropriation can be viewed as stages that
entirely new learning build a readiness for purposeful change.
environments that utilize
technology as a flexible
learning tool. They have come
to view learning as an active,
creative, and interactive
process, and they see
knowledge as something
learners must construct
rather than receive from
someone else.

8 Teacher Beliefs and Practices Part I: Patterns of Change APPLE CLASSROOMS OF TOMORROW
In the earliest stages, ACOT teachers demonstrated little penchant for significant change
ACOT teachers have discovered and in fact, were using their technological resources to replicate traditional instructional
how they can improve the and learning activities. During Appropriation, however, they seemed to gain a great deal
learning experience for of perspective on just how profoundly they could change the experience of learning for
students and are ready to their students. When they reached this phase, teacher quotes communicated a working
implement fundamental
comfort with beliefs about teaching and learning that were not common among the staff
at the project’s outset. For the most part, ACOT teachers have become more disposed
to view learning as an active, creative, and socially interactive process than they were
when they entered the program. Knowledge tends to be viewed more as something
children must construct and less like something that can be transferred. The nature of
these teachers’ classrooms, the permissions they have granted their students, and their
own instructional behaviors demonstrate that shift in action.
ACOT teachers are ready to implement more fundamental changes in teaching an
learning. They are ready to invent interdisciplinary learning activities that engage
students in gathering information, analyzing and synthesizing it, and ultimately building
new knowledge on top of what they already know.

Teachers’ deeply held, Conclusion

traditional beliefs about
schooling underlie the Teachers are, by the nature of their work, pragmatists. They must survive the day; they
institution’s resistance to must be ready for the next. Confronted by large numbers of computers or not, they
change. To effect change in arrive at their classrooms the very first day of their careers with a deeply-rooted belief
education, teachers’ beliefs about schooling that will help them weather the storm of demands they face.
must gradually be replaced
The idea that deeply held beliefs can stand in the way of change is certainly not new.
by more relevant beliefs and
practices shaped by experience
This research contributes to the evidence that teachers’ beliefs about instruction and
in an altered context. When schools is an important factor that underlies the institution’s resistance to change and
teachers work with colleagues argues that this fact must inform planning and implementation of significant change
and administrators who efforts. This issue gains bold relief in a program where teachers are personally dedicated
actively support fundamental to the investigation of the potential of modern technology but are held in check by the
change, there is far greater principals of 19th century instruction.
opportunity for successful
growth of new beliefs and
Implementing change in education must include changing teachers’ practices a beliefs.
practices. This does not mean abandoning beliefs but gradually replacing them with more relevant
beliefs shaped by experiences in an altered context. And it is this altered context that
may make the difference. When teachers work with colleagues and administrators who
actively support fundamental change, there is far greater opportunity for successful
growth of new beliefs and practices.
Part II of this research presents the personal development of two ACOT teachers as they
confront their traditional beliefs and practices in a radically altered classroom
environment. The critically different outcomes of the two teachers’ experiences
demonstrate the need for support from both colleagues and administrators that is
appropriate at each of the five phases.

APPLE CLASSROOMS OF TOMORROW Teacher Beliefs and Practices Part I: Patterns of Change 9
Baker, Eva L.; Herman, Joan L.; & Gearhart, Maryl (1989). The ACOT report card:
Effect on complex performance and attitude. Paper presented at the meeting of the
American Educational Research Association, San Francisco.
Becker, H. J. (1987, July). The impact of computer use on children’s learning: What
research has shown and what it has not. Baltimore, MD: Center for Research on
Elementary and Middle Schools.
Damarin, Susan, & Bohren, J. (1987). The evolution of the ACOT-Columbus
classroom. In S. Damarin, & J. Bohren (Eds.), Reaching for tomorrow: A study of a
computer-saturated classroom. Unpublished manuscript.
Fisher, Charles F. (1988). The influence of high computer access in school work and
student empowerment: An exploratory study. Unpublished report.
Herman, Joan L. (1988). The faces of meaning: What do teachers, students and
administrators think is happening in ACOT? Paper presented at the meeting of the
American Education Research Association, New Orleans.
Hiebert, Elfrieda H. (1987). Report on the writing program at ACOT’s Cupertino site.
Unpublished report.
Levine, H. (1988). Computer-intensive school environments and the reorganization
of knowledge and learning: A qualitative assessment of Apple Computer’s classroom
of tomorrow. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Education Research
Association, New Orleans.
Phelan, Patricia (1989). The addition of computers to a first-grade classroom: A case
study of two children. Unpublished report.
Phelan, Patricia (1988). Case studies of elementary school computer intensive
classrooms: Cupertino and Nashville. Unpublished report.
Ross, Stephen; Smith, Lana; Morrison, G. R.; & Erikson, A. (1989, Feb). Helping
at-risk children through distance tutoring: Memphis ACOT. Technological Horizons in
Education Journal (T.H.E.), 68–71.
Tierney, Robert (1987). The engagement of thinking processes: A preliminary study
of selected Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow students. Unpublished report.
Tierney, Robert (1988). The engagement of thinking processes: A two-year study of
selected Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow students. Unpublished report.
US Congress Office of Technology Assessment. (1988). Power On! New tools for
teaching and learning. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office.

© 1990 Apple Computer, Inc. Apple, IIGS, Macintosh, and HyperCard are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. ACOT and
Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow are service marks of Apple Computer, Inc. Excerpts taken from this report must be cited by author,
title, and date. Adaptations must be approved prior to publication by Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow.

10 Teacher Beliefs and Practices Part I: Patterns of Change APPLE CLASSROOMS OF TOMORROW
Apple Computer, Inc.
1 Infinite Loop
Cupertino, CA 95014
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