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First Look at Ia32 Assembly Language

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First Look at ia32 Assembly Language

In this chapter, we will take a first look at the assembly language and machine language
of the ia32. Rather than start from scratch, we are going to ask gcc to be our tutor. What
we will do is to write some very simple C programs, and then we will ask gcc to show us
the assembler code that it generates for these C programs. Then the task will be to
understand why these assembly instructions that are generated do in fact result in the
right behavior given the original C program.

For a first example, we will use the following C code

unsigned a = 1;
unsigned b = 2;
unsigned c = 3;
void t () {
a = b + c;
if (a == 4)
b = 3;
c = a & b;
while (a > 0) a--;

For the moment, we avoid the use of signed integers, and we avoid either passing
arguments to functions or trying to return results to functions. Right, so let’s ask gcc to
compile this, and instead of generating machine language, let’s ask gcc to show us the
assembly language. Normally gcc generates this assembly language in a temporary file,
assembles it using the assembler into machine language, and then deletes the temporary
file, but by using –S instead of –c, we ask gcc to simply generate the assembly language
(into a file called name.s where the C program was name.c), and then we can look at this
assembly language. The exact command we use to compile, assuming that the above
example is stored in a file called t.c, is

gcc –S t.c –fomit-frame-pointer –masm=intel

Here, the switch –S asks for assembly language to be generated, as discussed above. The
switch –fomit-frame-pointer asks gcc not to use a frame pointer. We don’t know yet
what a frame pointer is, and that’s the point. We don’t want to worry about frame
pointers, so this option gets rid of them for now. The switch –masm=intel asks gcc to use
Intel syntax for the assembly language. There are two quite different syntaxes in use for
ia32 assembly language. The Intel syntax is the one that Intel originally devised for this
architecture. The AT&T syntax is typically used on Unix, and is more similar to the
assembly language used by other processors. There is no particular reason technically to
prefer one over the other. We choose to use the Intel syntax simply because most text
books on assembly language for this machine use this syntax, so if you are using some
auxiliary reference materials, life will most likely be easier using the Intel syntax.
With this command line, the output of gcc is stored in file t.s and looks like:

.file "t.c"
.globl _a
.align 4
.long 1
.globl _b
.align 4
.long 2
.globl _c
.align 4
.long 3
.globl _t
.def _t; .scl 2; .type 32; .endef
mov eax, DWORD PTR _c
add eax, DWORD PTR _b
mov DWORD PTR _a, eax
cmp DWORD PTR _a, 4
jne L2
mov DWORD PTR _b, 3
jmp L3
mov eax, DWORD PTR _b
and eax, DWORD PTR _a
mov DWORD PTR _c, eax
cmp DWORD PTR _a, 0
je L5
dec DWORD PTR _a
jmp L4

So now let’s get busy understanding this, line by line. A general note here is that the lines
that start with a period are directions to the assembler, and are typically not part of the
actual program. It’s as though we wrote down a speech for a politician, and at the start we
had a direction saying “remember to smile and don’t sneer”. We don’t expect the
politician to read these words at the start of the speech (though you never know these
days ) The dot lines are similar, typically they are not part of the program proper, but
rather they are directions to the assembler.

.file "t.c"

The .file line simply records the name of the original C file for informational purposes.
This is not part of the program, but can be useful for both humans and other computer
tools in keeping track of where things came from.


As we discussed above, there are two different syntaxes for ia32 assembly language. The
default is AT&T syntax. This directive tells the assembler that the rest of the file will use
the Intel syntax.

.globl _a

This line is a note to the assembler that the symbol _a can possibly be referenced from
other files. The assembler will notify the linker so that the proper inter-file connections
can be made. There is no effect on the actual code generated for the program. Note that
all symbols in the original C program have an underscore appended. This avoids name
clashes with some existing symbols (at least that was historically the reason for this
decision, though probably it is no longer really necessary).


A program is generally divided into data and code. Generally these two sections should
not be mixed up. You don’t want to execute your data as code, and you don’t want to
treat your code as data. The .data directive tells the assembler that the following lines
generate data rather than code. The assembler and linker will between them arrange to
place data and code in separate sections of memory, so that they are kept apart.

.align 4

On the ia32, there is no requirement for data alignment. A program will work correctly
with four-byte integers regardless of where they are located. For example, a four byte
integer could be located at addresses 1,2,3,4. However, the machine executes much more
efficiently if, for example, four byte integers are on a four byte boundary, so a better
choice of starting address for a four byte integer is an address that is a multiple of 4. The
.align directive tells the assembler to bump the location counter (the location of the next
data to be generated) to the next four byte boundary. This may or may not waste space
depending on the current value. Typically the data from a given file always starts on a
four byte boundary, so most likely the alignment directive has no effect in this particular
case, but it is certainly harmless, and in the general case it may improve efficiency by
ensuring that the value about to be generated after the label is optimally aligned for the
most efficient execution.

This is a label. It causes the symbol _a to be assigned to the address of the next data or
code to be generated. Later on we can reference this address by using this label name.

.long 1

This is the first line in the assembler file that actually generates something. The .long
directive causes four bytes (a long word) of data to be generated, initialized to the given
value. Since this is a little-endian machine, the four bytes generated will contain 1, 0, 0, 0
in sequence.

.globl _b
.align 4
.long 2

Similar declarations for the variable b, initialized to 2.

.globl _c
.align 4
.long 3

Similar declarations for the variable c, initialized to 3.

.globl _t
.def _t; .scl 2; .type 32; .endef

Now we have the start of function t. The .globl declaration as before informs the
assembler that this function is accessible from other files. The .def line has some
information about the function. The .scl value says that the symbol is an external global
symbol (which is redundant information, given the .globl directive, and is in fact
ignored). The .type value indicates a function returning void. This is information that
could be used by other tools, e.g. type checking tools. In fact it is typically not used at all,
and can be omitted. It is there simply because the official rules for the assembly language
syntax say it should be there.


This is the label for the function. We will be able to use this label to refer to the function,
e.g. in a call instruction as we will see in the next chapter. As we see, both instructions
and data can have labels. The distinction between code and data lies in the way we
reference this data. You do not jump to data, and you do not load instructions, at least not
in a correct program, unless something very tricky is going on.
mov eax, DWORD PTR _c

Finally, a machine instruction. Typical instructions take two operands, the left operand is
the destination and the right operand is the source. The mov instruction simply moves
data from the right hand operand, which in this case is a double word (four byte integer)
stored starting at label _c, to the register eax. The data in memory is not changed, so this
is very like an assignment statement in a typical high level language:

eax := c;

This pattern of loading values into registers and then operating on the values in the
registers, and then finally storing the results is a typical pattern in machine language
programming since access to registers is fast, and access to memory is relatively slow.

add eax, DWORD PTR _b

For binary operations like add, the left and right operands are the operands for the binary
operation, and the result is stored back in the left operand, so this instruction has an effect
like the following assignment in a high level language:

eax := eax + b;

The add instruction also sets the CF and ZF flags as follows. ZF is set (i.e. will contain a
1 bit) only if the result is all zero bits (which can happen if both operands are zero, or if
the result exactly. If the result is non-zero, then ZF is clear (i.e. will contain zero). CF is
set if the addition causes a carry, and is clear otherwise. The add instruction always sets
these two flags (it also sets some other flags, but we are not discussing that at this stage).
However, it is often the case, as here, that no one cares how they are set, and the flag
values are ignored.

mov DWORD PTR _a, eax

This move instruction moves the result back from eax into variable a, completing the
translation of the first line of C in the function (a = b + c). So one line of C expanded into
three lines of assembly language. This kind of expansion is typical, and is one of the
reasons why we prefer to program in a high level language if we can. Note by the way
that the flags are still set from the add instruction, since mov instruction does not affect
the flags. However, we still don’t care how they are set.

cmp DWORD PTR _a, 4

The cmp instruction is used to compare two operands, in this case the variable _a on the
left and the constant 4 on the right, corresponding to the test in the if statement in the C
program. What cmp does is actually to subtract the right operand from the left operand
and then throw away the result, but the CF and ZF flags are set. ZF is set if the result of
the subtraction is all zero bits, and CF is set if a borrow occurs, which happens if the
right operand is greater than the left operand. Let’s make a little chart showing how the
flags are set after a compare instruction (cmp A, B):

A < B CF = 1 ZF = 0
A = B CF = 0 ZF = 1
A > B CF = 0 ZF = 0

Since the flags can distinguish the three possible results of the compare, we can test the
flags to determine the outcome of the comparison. There are several ways to test the
flags, but the most usual one is a conditional jump, as in:

jne L2

The jne instruction is called a conditional jump instruction. It tests a condition (in this
case the condition is that the ZF flag is not set), and if this condition is met, it copies the
given label address into the EIP register so that the next instruction will be taken from
the jump target. The effect is similar to the C statements

if (ZF = 0) goto L2;

You may well have been taught never to use goto statements. In fact you may have
learned programming using a language that does not have goto statements at all. If so,
you had better forget the rule, since gotos are the only way of changing the flow of
control in machine/assembly language. One of the jobs of a compiler for a nice high level
language is to translate nice control structures like conditionals and loops into equivalent
sequences of goto (or as they are called in assembly language, jump) instructions.

Note by the way that since this instruction tests the ZF flag, it would seem more natural
to have a name like jnz (jump if ZF not set). In fact there is such an instruction, and
furthermore, jne is simply a synonym for jnz. The jne synonym is provided for the
benefit of human readers. It is easier to think of the compare and jump as a unit, even
though the machine executes them separately, and read as a unit, jne is clearer.

If we look at the C code, this instruction makes perfect sense. If a is not equal to 4, we
jump to the else section, otherwise we fall through to the then section of the if statement
and execute the instruction:

mov DWORD PTR _b, 3

which copies the value 3 into variable b which is indeed the content of the then branch of
the if statement. Once this is completed, we want to skip past the else section, which is
achieved with the instruction:

jmp L3
which is an unconditional jump. This instruction unconditionally puts the address that is
associated with L3 into the EIP register, so that execution continues with L3, the label
just past the if statement.


This is the label on the else part. Control passes here from the jne instruction if the
condition of the if test was false, and we then execute the else part.

mov eax, DWORD PTR _b

and eax, DWORD PTR _a
mov DWORD PTR _c, eax

These three statements are just like the addition operation earlier on, except the actual
operation is and rather than add, corresponding to the C operator &. Note that CF and
ZF are also set by the and instruction. CF will always be reset to zero (since the and
operation cannot cause an overflow), ZF will be set if the result is all zero bits. Again we
don’t actually test the flags from this operation. There are also instructions or and xor
corresponding to the logical or operation (the | operator in C) and the logical xor
operation (the ^ operator in C).


That’s the label marking the end of the if statement. It was used at the end of the then
part, to transfer control past the if statement


Now, we come to the while loop. The label L4 is the label at the top of the loop. Note
that we could have used L3 for this, but the compiler tends to do one thing at a time, so it
translates the if statement as a unit, and then it translates the while statement as a unit. In
any case there is no harm in having two labels here, they have the same value, and are
interchangeable, but the label itself does not generate any code, so piling lots of
unnecessary labels into a program is ugly looking, but completely harmless.

cmp DWORD PTR _a, 0

je L5

These two instructions implement the while test. If the while test is false, then the je
instruction (je is a synonym for jz, which tests if the zero flag is set, as it will be when
variable a is zero) sets the EIP register to the address L5, which is a label just past the
while statement, so it has the effect of exiting from the loop. If the condition is false,
control falls through to the next instruction, which is the body of the loop

dec DWORD PTR _a

The dec instruction decrements its operand by one. It is almost exactly equivalent to
subtracting one, as in the following almost equivalent instruction:

sub DWORD PTR _a, 1

The difference is that dec never affects the value of the CF flag (though it does set or
reset ZF depending on whether the result is zero. In this case we don’t care how the flags
are set so the use of dec is just fine. The explanation of why dec does not set the CF flag
(there is a similar instruction inc that increments by one, and also leaves CF unchanged)
is a bit subtle, and we will explain the motivation later on.

Now the body of the loop is completed, and so we need to jump back to the start

jmp L4

and the above unconditional jump achieves that goal, since L4 was the label that was
output at the start of the loop, just before the while test. Control will repeatedly flow
through the loop and back to the while test, until the condition tested in the while is
finally false, and at that point, the while test at the top of the loop will exit the loop by
transferring to the label:


which marks the end of the loop. Now the code of the function is completed, with the
results being left behind in the global variables and all we have to do is to return to the
caller of the function.


And that’s the return instruction that achieves this goal. The effect of ret is to cause
instruction execution to continue past the point of the call in the calling code that called
this function. That’s easy enough to say, but you may want to ask how ret works. For
now, we do something that we try to avoid. We invoke magic, somewhat in the style of a
parent who in response to a child’s question why, answers because.

We don’t really like to invoke magic, but in this case, the true explanation is quite
complex and there is quite enough on the plate already. We won’t have to wait too long.
The next chapter is entirely devoted to the issue of how the call and ret instructions

Code Optimization

If you look carefully again at the sequence of code that is generated for this function, it’s
a bit stupid. It is not hard at all to reduce the number of instructions needed for this
particular function, and in particular to reduce the number of dreaded memory loads and
stores, which are so much slower than doing things in registers. So you may conclude
that the compiler is rather stupid.

While it is true that no compiler can do as well as the most skilled human when it comes
to generating efficient assembly code, we are not being fair to gcc if we leave things like
this. Our default command for compilation:

gcc –S t.c –fomit-frame-pointer –masm=intel

did not specify an optimization level. As a result, gcc defaulted to the so called –O0 (oh
zero) mode which says “compile as quickly as you can, I don’t care if you generate code
that is large and slow. If, as is often the case, we prefer small quick code, we can tell gcc
to optimize the code by setting the appropriate optimization flag. There are several
settings, corresponding to increasing efforts at improving the code in return for spending
more time on the compilation. For real life programs, it is often the case that we will run
the same program many times, but compile it only once. In this case the trade off will
favor slow compilation and fast/small code. On the other hand, if we are developing and
testing our code, we often prefer the default no optimization mode, to keep compilation
times short. Let’s try out the effect of optimization on our example. The –O1 mode sets
the next level of optimization.

gcc –S t.c –fomit-frame-pointer –masm=intel –O1

Now lets first recall the result without optimization (-O0) from before (looking just at the
assembly code for the function itself):

mov eax, DWORD PTR _c
add eax, DWORD PTR _b
mov DWORD PTR _a, eax
cmp DWORD PTR _a, 4
jne L2
mov DWORD PTR _b, 3
jmp L3
mov eax, DWORD PTR _b
and eax, DWORD PTR _a
mov DWORD PTR _c, eax
cmp DWORD PTR _a, 0
je L5
dec DWORD PTR _a
jmp L4
That’s fifteen instructions, and ten memory references. The number of instructions is not
too bad, but that’s a lot of memory accesses, so the run-time efficiency may be low.

For comparison here is the result in –O1 (oh one) mode:

mov eax, DWORD PTR _b
add eax, DWORD PTR _c
mov DWORD PTR _a, eax
cmp eax, 4
jne L2
mov DWORD PTR _b, 3
jmp L3
mov eax, DWORD PTR _a
and eax, DWORD PTR _b
mov DWORD PTR _c, eax
cmp DWORD PTR _a, 0
je L8
mov eax, DWORD PTR _a
dec eax
jne L6
mov DWORD PTR _a, eax

The optimized code is 17 instructions (two more than before), and there are still ten
memory references. Well that’s a disappointment, things seem to have got worse. But
wait, let’s take a closer look. First of all, notice the difference in dealing with the first
assignment. It still takes three memory references, but the result has been left in eax, and
the immediately following test uses the value in eax, saving a memory reference. So
that’s good. How come we didn’t save memory references in the rest of the code? Well,
look again, what matters is not the number of memory references in the whole program,
but the number of memory reference instructions that actually get executed. Let’s just
focus our attention on the loop itself. In the unoptimized code, the loop is:

cmp DWORD PTR _a, 0
je L5
dec DWORD PTR _a
jmp L4

Compare that to the optimized code loop

dec eax
jne L6

Wow! That’s a huge difference, each iteration of the loop is down from 4 instructions and
two memory references to 2 instructions and no memory references. What the compiler
did was to realize that the memory references are all referring to the variable a, so instead
of continually referencing the variable in memory, the new improved code first loads the
value of a into eax, then does the loop using this register, and then after the loop is over
dumps the value back into memory. The total number of memory references doesn’t
change since we still have to load and store a, but the number of loads and stores
executed dramatically decreases. Programs generally spend all their time in loops, so if
we can speed up loops like this, we will get a big speed up.

Instruction Review

We studied one simple example in this chapter, but we learned quite a few instructions
from this one example so let’s review them.

Move Instruction
mov a, b

The mov instruction copies the second operand into the first operand, like an assignment
statement. The value of b is unchanged. The first operand, a, can be a four byte memory
location, or one of the 32-bit registers. The second operand, b, can be a four byte memory
location, or one of the 32-bit registers, or an immediate constant value, except that there
is no single instruction for moving from one memory location to another (such an
operation must be achieved by using an intermediate register and two separate move
instructions). Here are examples of the various mov instructions:

mov eax, ebx register to register

mov eax, dword ptr x memory to register
mov dword ptr y, esi register to memory
mov eax, 3 immediate to register
mov dword ptr z, 15 immediate to memory

Binary Operation Instructions

add a, b
sub a, b
and a, b
or a, b
xor a, b
These instructions compute the corresponding binary operation (addition, subtraction,
logical and, logical or, logical exclusive or). The two operands are the two operands of
the binary operation, and the result is stored back into the left operand. Again there are
multiple forms, everything except memory to memory is allowed. Here are examples:

add eax, ebx register to register

sub esi, dword ptr q register and memory
and dword ptr x, ebp register to memory
or ecx, 3 immediate to register
xor dword ptr z, 1 immediate to memory

All these instructions set CF and ZF. CF is set to 1 if a carry or borrow occurs (only
possible or add and sub), and CF is set to 0 if there is no carry (it is always 0 after any of
the logical instructions. ZF is set if the result is all zero bits, and is otherwise 0. These
instructions have all sorts of uses. Here are three ways to set a register to zero.

sub esi, esi

and esi, 0
xor esi, esi

Here is an interesting way to exchange two registers:

xor esi, edi

xor edi, esi
xor esi, edi

That’s quite a non-obvious trick. Try some sample values and see if you can figure out
how this works.

Increment/Decrement Instructions
inc a
dec a

These instructions increment or decrement the operand, which can be a register or a four
byte memory location, by one. Some examples are

dec edi
inc dword ptr x

A bit oddly (to be explained later) these instructions never affect the value in the CF flag,
but the ZF flag is set if the result is zero (happens when we add 1 to the largest number,
or subtract 1 from 1), and cleared otherwise. Apart from this little difference in the
handling of the CF flag, these instructions are virtually identical to the corresponding
add and sub instructions with a second argument being the constant 1, but they are
shorter instructions so we prefer to use them when we can.
Comparison Instruction

cmp a, b

The comparison instruction is identical to a subtract (sub) instruction with one small
detail that differs, namely the comparison instruction does not write the result back to the
first operand. So what use is it? Well it sets the ZF and CF flags. The ZF flag is set if and
only if the result is all zero bits (which happens only if a and b are equal). The CF flag is
set if and only if the subtraction causes a borrow (which happens only if b is greater than
a). For now we assume that all operands are unsigned 32-bit integers.

Like the sub instruction, cmp exists in five different forms:

cmp eax, ebx compare two registers

cmp esi, dword ptr q compare register to memory
cmp dword ptr x, ebp compare memory to register
cmp ecx, 3 compare register to constant
cmp dword ptr z, 1 compare memory to constant

Equal/Not Equal Conditional Jump Instructions

jne labl
jnz labl
je labl
jz labl

These instructions test the setting of the ZF flag and jump if the associated condition is
true. For jne and jnz (which are simply two different ways of spelling the same
instruction), the condition is that ZF is 0. For je and jz, which again are different
spellings of the same instruction, the condition is that ZF is 1.

These instructions can be used to test the result of an operation, in which case we would
usually use the jz/jnz forms:

sub edx, 1
jz L3 # jump if count down to zero

and word ptr a, 1

jnz L4 # jump if word stored at a is odd

Or they can be used after a comparison instruction to see if the result of the comparison
was equal or not equal, in which case we usually use the je/jne forms.

cmp edx, 1
je L3 # jump if count is one
cmp word ptr a, 0
jne L4 # jump if word stored at a is non-zero

By the way we have snuck in one more detail here. The compiler is not in the business of
generating comments, but if humans write assembly language programs by hand, we are
in rather desperate need of comments. The character # signals a comment, and can either
appear on the same line as the instruction (as in the above examples), or we can have
comments all on their own line as in

# Start of function f which does exciting stuff

Comments are really important in assembly language programs. are common about
whether high level languages like C or COBOL are self documenting, but everyone
agrees that assembly language is not self documenting and comments are essential. A
style in which virtually every line of code has a comment is not at all inappropriate.

The Return Instruction


This is the notorious return instruction, which magically causes control to pass back to
the caller. Notorious because we have not explained how it works, but we will fix that
right now. The very next chapter explains the call and ret instructions in (somewhat
excruciating) detail.

We have only learned a few instructions, but that’s actually enough to write some quite
complex programs reasonably easily. We will learn a few more instructions, but not that
many more. One of the interesting discoveries of computer design was that not only is it
feasible to limit a processor to a small set of instructions, but it is actually generally
desirable to do so. That’s what RISC (reduced instruction set) computing is about, and we
will look at these details later.

The ia32 architecture design preceded the RISC enlightenment, and so this processor has
dozens, even hundreds of instructions, some of which are so complicated that they take
pages of complex text to describe. But don’t worry, we don’t need to learn most of these
instructions, and furthermore, typical compilers won’t use them anyway.

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