Solar Energy Advances: Changrui Zhao, Jianwei Xiao, Yuanjie Yu, Jean-Nicolas Jaubert
Solar Energy Advances: Changrui Zhao, Jianwei Xiao, Yuanjie Yu, Jean-Nicolas Jaubert
Solar Energy Advances: Changrui Zhao, Jianwei Xiao, Yuanjie Yu, Jean-Nicolas Jaubert
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Keywords: We have developed models using Rhino (3D modeler) and DIVA (Ray-tracing modeler), allowing system-level
Bifacial PV systems raytracing simulations which include nearby shade obstructions from the photovoltaic racking structures. The
Fixed racking ray-tracing simulated irradiance profiles are coupled with cell-level IV curve modeling to provide insight into
Horizontal single axis tracker HSAT
the shading factor and mismatch loss for different racking configurations. The paper focuses on reporting results
Mismatch loss
for horizontal single axis tracker (HSAT) and fixed racking bifacial system, included common module portrait
Ray-tracing modeling
Shading factor and landscape configurations, as well as demonstrating the distance effect of the module above the torque tube,
providing important guidance for further optimizing such mounting systems and accurate parameters required
in PVsyst modeling.
1. Introduction individual rays entering the module [10]. But the view factor model is
not yet practical if structure shading is considered, e.g., torque tube,
With recent accelerated developments in bifacial photovoltaic (PV) post, mounting rail, when shading factor and mismatch loss calculated
technology, the proportion of bifacial PV systems deployed annually is with backside irradiance data modeled through view factor method are
expected to grow significantly in the next few years. Global installed bi- used as inputs in PVsyst, the predicted annual rear-side irradiance gain
facial solar accumulative capacity has reached 8.8 GWdc by first half of will be overestimated [11]. The accurate result can be achieved with
2019 [1], bifacial modules and systems are expected to expand to about ray tracing method.
30% global market share in 2021 and conquering 60% market share The shading factor and mismatch loss of bifacial systems has been
within 10 years [2]. Especially the combinations of bifacial and track- evaluated with ray tracing model in some previous studies [8,12-16],
ing systems significantly enhance the energy yield of a PV system and in which a variety of structure effects have been incorporated. These
reduce the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) [3,4]. As the industry be- modeling studies were generally based on traditional full cells module
comes familiar with bifacial technology, accurate energy yield modeling (e.g.,60 cells or 72 cells in series), and mismatch loss is only calculated
of bifacial PV systems naturally becomes a main concern. Strong com- within a single operated module. Furthermore, model validation against
mitment from research institutes and independent engineers have en- the field measured data and comparing one-in-portrait (1P) to two-in-
abled the development and validation of several accurate energy yield portrait (2P) tracker architectures were also reported. The study showed
prediction software programs, e.g., PVsyst, SAM and PVLib [5–7]. Al- that the shading and mismatch losses are impacted by the time of the
though these programs can simulate the energy yield of bifacial system, day and the weather condition (amount of direct versus diffuse light),
a few key factors affecting bifacial PV energy generation have not yet so the annual weather data is a necessary modelling input, worth to be
to be fully quantified, among these are the shading factor and mismatch further evaluated.
loss values for different system mounting configurations, which presents In this article, we evaluated the shading factor and mismatch loss
uncertainties that prevent further investment [8]. of four representative PV systems and scenarios including HSAT sys-
The front and rear side irradiance of each cell and module are re- tem one-in-portrait (1P) and two-in-portrait (2P), fixed racking system
quired when shading factor and mismatch loss are calculated. There are two-in-portrait (2P) and three-in-landscape (3L), based on commercially
two methods for modeling irradiance, view factors model, also termed representative twin half-cut cells PV modules (144 cells, 72 cells in se-
shape and configuration factors, quantify the fraction of irradiance re- ries and 2 strings in parallel). The mismatch loss is calculated within a
flected from one surface that reaches a receiving surface [9] and ray row or system, and hence, account for not only cell-to-cell mismatch,
tracing model, which simulates multipath reflection and absorption of but also module-to-module mismatch.
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (C. Zhao).
Received 13 July 2021; Received in revised form 30 September 2021; Accepted 30 September 2021
Available online 12 October 2021
2667-1131/© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
C. Zhao, J. Xiao, Y. Yu et al. Solar Energy Advances 1 (2021) 100004
Various horizontal single axis tracker (HSAT) and fixed racking sys-
tem configuration are built in the 3-dimensional (3D) modeling software
Rhinoceros® [17]. Especially including the racking system detailed fea-
tures, for example the torque tube, clamp, rail, bearing and post shading
effect are taken into consideration (Fig. 1). The PV module and system
structure can also be directly imported as a .step file. In this article, all
modeling and analysis are based on frameless glass–glass bifacial mod-
ule with 144 solar cells. All galvanized steel structures are treated as a
partial scatterer (0.5 specularity, 0.5 roughness), the ground is flat and
treated as an ideal scatterer (0.0 specularity, 0.0 roughness). For the
HSAT system one-in-portrait (1P) mounted bifacial twin half-cut cells PV
modules, the decentralized mid-module junction boxes will be directly
located over the torque tube, this is an additional benefit compared to
traditional full cell modules.
C. Zhao, J. Xiao, Y. Yu et al. Solar Energy Advances 1 (2021) 100004
mismatch loss according to Eq. (2). But this mismatch loss is electrical
mismatch loss and not directly equivalent to PVSyst mismatch loss fac-
tor. When constructing the energy yield model in PVSyst, the mismatch
loss factor was set to 0%, and the modeled mismatch loss was input into
the module mismatch power loss.
C. Zhao, J. Xiao, Y. Yu et al. Solar Energy Advances 1 (2021) 100004
Table 1
MBE And RMSE for the eight sensors modeled.
Fig. 6. A photo and 3D image showing the fixed system. Eight SR05 pyranome-
ter sensors are mounted on the back of test array.
4. Modeling results
Four various system racking type were analyzed and modeled, HSAT
system 1 portrait and 2 portrait, fixed racking 2 portrait and 3 landscape. Fig. 8. The distribution of this deviation for 500 modeling results.
C. Zhao, J. Xiao, Y. Yu et al. Solar Energy Advances 1 (2021) 100004
Table 2
Shading & Mismatch Loss Factor Comparison- HSAT 1P.
Fig. 10. The U shape connection (left) and I shape connection (right).
Fig. 9. HSAT 1 portrait shading factor and mismatch loss under different
C. Zhao, J. Xiao, Y. Yu et al. Solar Energy Advances 1 (2021) 100004
Table 3
Shading & Mismatch Loss Factor Comparison- HSAT 2P.
Fig. 14. Fixed racking 2 portrait shading factor and mismatch loss under dif-
ferent Albedo and height.
Fig. 13. Shading factor and mismatch loss comparison under different Albedo.
C. Zhao, J. Xiao, Y. Yu et al. Solar Energy Advances 1 (2021) 100004
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Declaration of Competing interests