PV - Milestone - PPT - 3 - Jeakeec

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Creating Jobs.

Changing Lives

© Copyright Wadhwani Foundation 12/17/2021

PV Milestone 3
Present Your Business Model – Jeakeec
• Amelia Irvana (0312519180)
• Jeany Fahriani Putri (0312518119 )
• Surianih (0312519202)

© Copyright Wadhwani Foundation 12/17/2021

Profil Tim: Jeakeec – 20907 Amelia Irvana(0312519180)

Latar belakang/ Peran

Nama Anggota Tim Kekuatan Alasan di balik
/Gairah mengambil peran ini

Surianih Karyawan swasta/Negosiasi/ CEO Dapat mengambil keputusan,

(0312519 02) Berani memulai, bijak dan beranimemulai
mengambil keputusan

Jeany Fahriani Putri Karyawan swasta/Mengatur COO/CMO Dapat membantu perusahaan

(0312518119) Kegiatan dalam mengatur strategi yang
akan dijalankan
Karyawan Swasta/Teliti/
Amelia Irvana Mampu merincikan CFO Karena sangat rajin, teliti,
(0312519180) permasalahan dan dalam menghitung keuangan.

© Copyright Wadhwani Foundation 12/17/2021

 The problem we identified that deserves to be solved is that a lot of
waste is generated in the plastic hitz drink holders such as bobba drinks,
coffee, thai tea, etc. And the plastic holder can only be used once. And
many people find it difficult to carry it by holding the drink cup directly
 We found that about 99% of the customers we interviewed faced this
problem. Currently, they are dealing with this problem, it is difficult to
carry coffee or cup drinks, they often carry them directly by hand but
sometimes the drinks are less comfortable to carry and prone to falling
when carried in hot/cold conditions. Or you can also use a cup sleeve
made of plastic. However, the handle of this cup is vulnerable when it falls
and falls more often. Either when carried in hand, or when the drink is
placed when they carry the drink on a motorbike
 We used the following tools to arrive at this finding: Using a disposable
plastic cup sleeve that is given when we buy a drink, or a
cardboard/paper coffee cup holder that can carry several coffees at once.
However, the problem is that these materials can only be used once, and
the resulting waste can pollute the environment. Especially those made
from plastic, as we know these types of basic materials are difficult to

© Copyright Wadhwani Foundation 12/17/2021

 We propose to the public to use leather cup holders, because
leather cup holders can help reduce plastic waste from using
single-use plastic holders. Cup holder leather can be used
many times. In addition, the leather cup holder can also make
it easier to carry more than 1 drink at a time.

 Our solution will solve customer problems better than existing

alternatives that customers use in the following ways:
Customers only need to insert the drink cup in the leather cup
holder and simply carry it with a chain that is sturdy and
doesn't come off easily.

© Copyright Wadhwani Foundation 12/17/2021

Synopsis: Milestone 2

© Copyright Wadhwani Foundation 12/17/2021

Synopsis: Milestone 2 (contd.)

(Copy paste your Business Model here)

© Copyright Wadhwani Foundation 12/17/2021

Synopsis: Milestone 2 Presentation
Feedback and Action Taken
Feedback Points:
1. Customers feel helped by the solutions and products we offer, and happy with our idea,
considering that products like this are very rare but made from premium leather
2. Goods in accordance with customer expectations (in terms of appearance and quality)

Implementation Steps:
1. Based on the feedback and action taken from millestone 2 presentasion, we have the value
proposition canvas and bussiness model canvas that we should follow so that our bussines will be
organized and succesfull. In here we present our product and services, the gain creator and pain
relievers from the vpc. In lean canvas, it identifies our products or services the bussiness plans
to sell, its identifiied target market or customer segments and any anticipated expenses like the
cost structrures and revenue stream.
2. And in the future we will continue to observe developments and what is happening in the
market, so that we continue to evaluate and improve our products

© Copyright Wadhwani Foundation 12/17/2021

Solution Demo


Based on the Reviews, we can say that our
demo solution was effective in our venture.
Feedback from these reviews really helps us
to be more motivated to give the best in our
1. Most of the potential customers say that
our products are highly anticipated,
functional, and elegant.
2. Potential customers look forward to
premium leather products
3. From a previous review, a customer
suggested that the chain used be
stronger, this is to anticipate a
break/damage to this leather cup
4. The rest are quite satisfied with our
product demo solution.

© Copyright Wadhwani Foundation 12/17/2021



In the MVP we presented the actual and
closeup picture of the product. The purpose
of the MVP is to let the potential customers
evaluate if our product is worth it.
Some of the reviews helps us to have an idea
on what we must improve in our business.
Here are some of what we need to improve
1. This product must be made in a larger
size/ can be adapted to the drinking
2. Chain Cup sleeves must also be made
with a longer size / can fit drinks / when

© Copyright Wadhwani Foundation 12/17/2021

Results from the Learnings

Based on our learning in MVP, there are REITERATED MVP

several factors we need to improve in our
business. We modified the MVP by changing The following are the product description in
the package to be bigger/fit in the package the reiterated MVP are the following:
and increasing the size of the cup sleeve
handle - Cup sleeve made of premium quality
There are 10 potential customers who - Reusable
validate the product - Added choice of cup sleeve size and cup
sleeve handle

© Copyright Wadhwani Foundation 12/17/2021

Thank You!

© Copyright Wadhwani Foundation 12/17/2021

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