Speed Control of 3-Phase Induction Motor Using Volt/hertz Control For Automotive Application

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Speed control of 3-phase induction motor using volt/hertz control for

automotive application

Conference Paper · October 2016

DOI: 10.1109/CIMCA.2016.8053311

3 8,282

3 authors, including:

Sachin Angadi A.B. Raju

K.L.E Technological University B.V. Bhoomaraddi College of Engineering and Technology (BVBCET)


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Speed control of 3-phase induction motor using
volt/hertz control for automotive application
Sachin Hegde, Sachin Angadi, A.B.Raju
Electrical and Electronics Department
B.V.B. College of Engineering and Technology, Hubballi, India
Email:[email protected]

Abstract—The induction machine is the work horse of the In this we go for frequency controlled induction motor drive.
industry. It has rugged construction and is suitable for many There are again two types of variable frequency drive: a) Scalar
high power applications. It has also been a key aspect in control b) Vector control
revolutionizing the locomotive and the automotive industries. For
such automotive applications speed control becomes the driving In this we discuss scalar control of induction motor due
factor. Hence in this we discuss controlling the speed of 3-phase to its simplicity compared to vector controlled methods. We
induction motor using constant volt per hertz profile. The motor go for Volt/hertz control which is a scalar control method for
is controlled using 3-phase inverter. SPWM technique is used to variable frequency drive.
control the inverter voltage. Modelling of the induction motor is
done in stationary reference frame and the system in simulated II. VOLT / HERTZ CONTROL
using MATLAB (simulink) and hardware implementation is done
for the same using TIs F28069M launch pad under varying speed Due to the advancement in solid state power devices and
and load torque conditions. microprocessors, speed control of Induction motor controlled
Index Terms—SPWM (sine pulsewidth modulation), 3-phase by switched power converter are getting popular. Switched
induction motor (IM), 3-phase inverter, F28069M launch pad. power converters offer an easy way to regulate both the
frequency and magnitude of the voltage applied to a motor.
I. I NTRODUCTION As a result higher efficiency and performance can be achieved
by these motor drives with less noise. The most common
Induction motors were used in the past mainly in applica- principle of this is the constant V/Hz principle which requires
tions requiring constant speed because conventional methods that frequency and the magnitude of the voltage applied to
of IM speed control has either been expensive or inefficient. the stator of a motor maintain a constant ratio. So by this,
Variable speed applications have been dominated by DC the magnetic field in the stator is kept almost constant for all
drives. Availability of thyristors, IGBT, GTO have allowed operating points. Thus, constant torque is maintained. Also
the development of variable speed induction motor drives. The allows the motor to achieve faster dynamic response.
presence of commutator and brushes is the main disadvantage
of DC motor, which require frequent maintenance and make
them unsuitable for environments which involve explosive and
dirt. On the other hand, induction motors, particularly squirrel-
cage are rugged, cheap, light, small, and more efficient, require
lower maintenance and can operate in dirty and explosive
environments. Although speed control of induction motor
drives are generally expensive than DC drives, they are used
in number of applications such as pump, steel mills, cranes,
hoist drives, conveyors, traction etc. because of the advantage Fig. 1: Block diagram of closed loop v/f control of induction
of induction motor. Dominant of them is the traction system motor
which is used in auto mobiles and locomotives [1].Induction
motor drives have gained equal importance as BLDC motor 120fs
drives in automotive industries. Both have their advantages ns = (1)
and disadvantages. in this we try to see the better parts of
From eqn (1) we can see that synchronous speed is directly
induction motor drives.
proportional to supply frequency. So by changing frequency
In auto mobile applications speed control is the most im-
of stator terminal voltage we can control the sped of induction
portant crucial part. Hence in this we have discussed efficient
motor.Apart from frequency, the applied voltage should also
way of controlling induction motor which is discussed in later
be varied, to keep constant air gap flux and not let it saturate
sections. Following methods are employed for speed control
[2]. The air gap induced rmf in ac machine is given by
of induction motors: i. Pole changing ii. Supply frequency
control iii. Stator voltage control iv. Rotor resistance control E = 4.44kw ϕm fs T (2)
where kw is the stator winding factor, ϕm is the peak air
gap flux, fs is the supply frequency, and T is the number of
turns per phase in stator. Neglecting the stator impedance, the
induced emf is approximately equals the supply phase voltage.
Vph = E (3)
The flux is written as
Vph Fig. 2: 3-phase Rectifier and Inverter combination
ϕm = (4)
Kb fs
where This voltage is fed to induction motor which controls the
Kb = 4.44kw T (5) speed. Fig.2 represents the circuit of 3-phase uncontrolled
since Kb is a constant, we get diode rectifier cascaded with 3-phase fully controller inverter
which gives variable voltage variable frequency which is used
Vph to control induction motor.
ϕm ∝ (6)
Fig.1 represents the closed loop control of 3-phase induction B. Induction motor modeling
motor using SPWM technique. The actual speed is sensed and Considering the applied stator voltage and flux linkages the
is compared with reference speed. This is given to PI controller mathematical modeling of the squirrel cage induction motor
whose output is the slip speed this is given to slip limiter which in the stationary reference frame using standard nomenclature
limits the slip value to rated slip. This slip speed is added with is given as
the actual speed to give the synchronous speed. This is given Stator flux,
to V/f controller which gives the frequency and voltage as dψds
output. According to which SPWM pulses are generated which = vds − Rs ids (12)
is given to 3-phase inverter switches which gives voltage of
required frequency which is given to stator of induction motor. dψqs
= vqs − Rs iqs (13)
To simulate the system in matlab (simulink), it is essential Rotor flux,
to model the system in terms of their mathematical equations. dψdr
= vdr − Rr idr − ωr ψqr (14)
A. 3-phase inverter modeling dt
In applications such as uninterrupted AC power supplies and
AC motor drives, three-phase inverters are commonly used to dψqr
= vqr − Rr iqr − ωr ψdr (15)
supply three-phase loads [3]. Here we take 3-phase AC supply dt
and give it to 3-phase diode rectifier which gives average Stator currents,
output voltage as:
ψds = Ls ids + Lm idr (16)
Vdc = (7)
Now, the output voltages of three phase inverter are given ψqs = Ls iqs + Lm iqr (17)
Rotor currents,
(2vao − vbo − vco )
van = (8) ψdr = Lr idr + Lm ids (18)

(2vbo − vco − vao )

vbn = (9)
3 ψqr = Lr iqr + Lm iqs (19)

(2vco − vao − vbo ) Electrical torque developed by IM,

vcn = (10)
3 3 P
Line to line rms voltage at fundamental frequency, due to Te = ∗ ∗ Lm (idr iqs − iqr ids ) (20)
2 2
1200 phase shift between the phase voltages is given by
√ Swing equation representing the speed and torque relation,
3 Vdc
VLL = √ ∗ ma ∗ (11) dωr
2 2 J = Te − TL (21)
C. Simulation results design software which supports all TI launchpads. The model
The induction motor parameters specified in the appendix developed in Vissim is directly dumped on the F28069M
are considered for the simulation and are carried out in which is designed specially for power control application.
MATLAB (simulink) simulation tool. The hardware setup is as shown in Fig.6 which consists of
1. Induction motor 2. Rectifier and inverter stack 3. F28069M
launch pad 4. Regulated power supply.

Fig. 3: Simulation of the System

In Fig.3 the block representation of the induction motor

system controlled by 3-phase inverter is shown. Fig.4 repre-
sents the speed response for 1400 rpm at constant load torque
of 5 Nm. Due to the closed loop control the motor speed
remains at constant speed even after the application of load.
Fig.5 represents the electrical torque developed by induction
motor. Load torque of 5 Nm is applied on the motor. Due to
the closed loop control the motor torque developed will settle
at 5 Nm. Fig. 6: Hardware system set-up

Fig.7 represents the line to line stator voltage applied to

the induction motor at a frequency of 25 Hz. constant DC
voltage is applied to the inverter using rectifier. the inverter
gives variable frequency and variable voltage when ma is
changed in SPWM.

Fig. 4: Speed response for constant load torque

Fig. 7: Stator applied voltage waveform

Now the results plotted are real time graphs taken by

Fig. 5: Motor torque characteristic hardware in loop system with the help of F28069M launch
pad. In Fig.8, time versus speed is plotted. The reference speed
is set to 1350rpm. The motor starts picking up the speed and
IV. H ARWARE IMPLEMENTATION settles at the given command speed. The circled area is zoomed
In this TI’s F28069M launch pad is used to generate and shown in Fig.9 which shows the response of the system
pulses to control the frequency and voltage magnitude of for different loaded conditions. The loads are applied and then
the 3-phase inverter output. Vissim is a special model based removed to see the dynamic response of the system.
Fig. 11: Step change in speed with oscillations
Fig. 8: Speed versus time actual and reference speed

TABLE I: Speed and voltages obtained at different frequencies

speed (rpm) v f f
430 68 15 4.53
570 90.8 20 4.54
720 113 25 4.52
880 136 30 4.53
1030 158 35 4.51
1182 181 40 4.52
1330 203 45 4.51
1484 226 50 4.52

Fig. 9: Various loads applied at different time interval

Table I represents the actual speed of the motor at vari-
In Fig.10, the speed command is given through step input. ous frequency. Also corresponding voltages are shown. V/f
The step input varies from 830 rpm to 1380 rpm which is ratio almost remains constant. This represents the dynamic
shown in per unit form. As the step changes the motor shows behaviour of control strategy.
dynamic change in the speed and settles at the commanded
speed. In Fig.11, the proportional and integral values are
changed so as to get small oscillations between the reference
speeds. The system shows very good dynamic response.

The speed of induction motor is being successfully con-

trolled by a low cost development board from TIs F28069M
launch pad. This is a promising control theory which is low
cost and can be implemented for auto mobiles. Due to its
low cost and high efficiency induction motor can be a great
inclusion in the automotive drives. Since in automotive drives
varying speed and load conditions are very common and
requires dynamic response this system provides the necessary
requirement. This is highly efficient compared to DC motor
drives. Also this can handle high load torque and provide good
dynamic response. Simulation and hardware implementation is
carried out successfully.


Fig. 10: Speed change from 1380rpm to 830rpm Induction motor specification as used in simulation.
Parameters Value
Power (hp) 3
Voltage (V) 220
Frequency (Hz) 60
Current (A) 5.8
Connection delta
Rated torque (N-m) 11.9
Rated speed (rpm) 1710
Slip(%) 5
Induction motor parameters at rated frequency:
R1 =0.435Ω; X1 =X2 =0.754Ω;
R2 =0.816Ω; Xm =26.16Ω;
Induction motor specifications as used in hardware imple-
mentation. Here we have used it in delta connection.
Parameters Value
Power (kW) 0.55
Voltage (V) 415/230
Frequency (Hz) 50
Current (A) 1.4/2.7
Connection Star/delta
Efficiency (%) 70
Rated speed (rpm) 138
Slip (%) 8
I would like to thank Prof. P.G. Tewari, Principal, BVBCET,
Hubballi. I would also express my sincere gratitude to
Prof.A.B.Raju, HOD, Mr. Sachin Angadi, Asst Prof, Electrical
and Electronics Dept for their generous guidance and encour-
agement throughout the project.
[1] Gopal.K.Dubey, Fundamentals of Electrical Drives, second edition, New
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[2] R. Krishnan, Electric motor drives, modeling, analysis and control, first
edition, Pearson education inc, 2001
[3] Ned mohan, Tore M. Undland, William P. Robbins, Power electronics
converters, application and design, third edition, John willy,2003.
[4] Vijay Babu Koreboina, Shankar J Magajikondi, A. B. Raju, Modeling,
Simulation and PC Based Implementation of a Closed Loop Speed Control
of VSI Fed Induction Motor Drive, IEEE 2010 (2011.01.28-2)
[5] Prof.S.P.Das, Advanced electric drives, video lectures 1-9, NPTEL, IIT
[6] Gopakumar, K., Power Electronics and Electrical Drives, Video Lectures
24-35, Centre for Electronics and Technology, Indian Institute of Science,
[7] Texas instruments, Scalar (V/f) Control of 3-Phase Induction Motors,
application report, july 2013.

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