BSTC Straube Driving Rain-Final
BSTC Straube Driving Rain-Final
BSTC Straube Driving Rain-Final
Moisture is the most common cause of building enclosure performance problems. In Canada, air leakage
condensation, one of the major sources of wetting, has received a great deal of attention in the past. However,
the amount of water deposited on the above-grade building enclosure by driving rain is generally larger than
any other source, including condensation, in almost all cases. In the past, rain control usually meant preventing
rain from penetrating to the interior of the building or wetting interior finishes. Today, more rain penetration
problems are due to rain absorption into materials, staining, and penetration into wall cavities where mould, rot,
and corrosion can be sustained.
Canadian research has improved our understanding of rain penetration, and a common set of control strategies
have been developed for practice [CMHC 2000, Straube & Burnett 1999] Despite the importance of driving
rain to building performance, there is still a lack of quantitative data of the magnitude, duration, and frequency
of rain deposition on buildings.
Driving rain, both in the free wind and deposition on a test house, have been measured for several years at the
Building Engineering Group's (BEG) full-scale natural exposure and test facility, the Beghut. Measurements
have also recently been undertaken on other buildings in the field. The predictive capacity developed from
these field measurements is presently being applied to a range of Canadian climates with funding from the
CMHC ERP grant program and NSERC.
The following relation has been found to represent the distribution of raindrop sizes as a function of rainfall
F(Ø) = 1- exp{- ( 1.30· Ør 0.232 ) } (4)
where F(Ø) is used to calculate the median drop diameter from the rainfall intensity at every
hourly interval.
The experimental work references has shown that the quantity of driving rain in an unobstructed wind flow can
be calculated with an accuracy of better than 10% using Equations 2 through 4 [Straube 1998].
The cosine of the angle between the plane of interest and the direction of the wind can be used do account for
wind direction on a plane oriented in a specific direction.
Finally, wind speed can be converted to stagnation pressure (assuming a temperature of 15 C) using
Pstag = 0.6 V2 (5)
Previous Driving Rain Data Formats
To assess the influence of climate on driving rain exposure, designers have in the past resorted to Boyd's
driving rain map of Canada [Boyd 1963] or Grimm’s map of the United Stated [Grimm 1982]. These maps plot
the annual Driving Rain Index (DRI). The DRI is the product of the annual average wind speed and total
annual rainfall, that is:
rv = V· rh (6)
where V and rh are annual averages.
0 (None) 0
1 (Light Rain), 4 (Light Rain Showers), 7 (Light Freezing Rain) 2
2 (Moderate Rain), 5 (Moderate Rain Showers), 8 (Moderate Freezing Rain) 4
3 (Heavy Rain), 6 (Heavy Rain Showers) 8
The rainfall intensity for each hour calculated in this manner was then used to calculate the median drop
diameter (using Equation 4), the terminal velocity of the median droplet (Equation 3) and the amount of
driving rain (Equation 2). All values are based on open terrain near airports and a height of 10 m above grade.
The total annual driving rain, for each of 16 directions was calculated for 22 Canadian cities. Using Equations
2 through 4, the rain on a plane facing one of these 16 directions (cosine corrected for directions within +/- 90
degrees of the plane of interest) is plotted for 6 cities in Figure 2 through Figure 4. Hence, a DRF for each
hour was calculated using Equation 3 depending on the intensity of rainfall (Equation 4).
Table 2 summarizes the rainfall (rain on a horizontal plane), the total driving rain (generated by summing each
of the 16 directions without cosine correction), the average driving rain, and the quantity of driving rain on the
Vancouver, BC - Driving Rain 90° Incident, mm/yr Edmonton, AB - Driving Rain 90° Incident, mm/yr
800 800
NW 600 NE NW 600 NE
400 400
200 200
W 0 E W 0 E
Toronto, ON - Driving Rain 90° Incident, mm/yr Montreal, QC - Driving Rain 90° Incident, mm/yr
800 800
NW 600 NE 600
400 400
200 200
W 0 E W 0 E
600 NW 600 NE
400 400
200 200
W 0 E W 0 E
During Rain
All hours
Relative Probability (%)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Wind Speed (m/s)
As an example of using the data and methods described, consider two different walls in Toronto, one facing
east and one west. Figure 3 shows a free wind driving rain quantity of 150 mm/yr for the west and 300 mm/yr
for the east. If one considers a bungalow wall 2 m above grade, sheltered by closely spaced houses in a suburb,
the 150 mm/yr would be modifying by a factor of 0.7 (from Figure 9) and a further reduction factor of 0.5
(from the note on sheltering). If the bungalow had a peaked roof with a 300 mm overhang, an RDF of 0.5
would capture the highest rain values. The result would be a driving rain total of 150*0.7*0.5*0.5= 26 mm per
year, which is equivalent to 26 liters per m2 per year.
For an east facing wall on the top floor of a 50 m tall blunt edged (RDF=1.0) condominium in a suburban
exposure, Figure 9 provides a correction factor of 1.5. Using and RDF of 1 for the top corners, the driving
rain deposition would be predicted to be 300 * 1.5 * 1.0 * 1.0 = 450 mm per year or 450 l/m2/year – almost
20 times as much rain as the sheltered low-rise bungalow wall facing west.
40 Exposure:
City Center
Open Country
Height Above Grade [m]
0.5 0.8 1.0 1.3 1.5 1.8 2.0
Velocity Correction Factor
Driving rain data, and the methodology for deriving them, have been presented for several locations in Canada.
Simple modification factors have also been introduced to allow for the impact of wind exposure and building
Blocken, B., Carmeliet, J., 2000. “Driving Rain on Building Envelopes I: Numerical estimation and Full-scale
Experimental Verification”, J. of Thermal Envelope and Building Science Vol 24, No. 1, pp. 61-85.
Blocken, B., Carmeliet, J. 2004. “A Simplified Approach for Quantifying Driving Rain on Buildings”, Proc. Of
Performance of Exterior Envelopes of Whole Buildings IX, Clearwater, Dec.
Boyd, D.W., 1963. Driving-Rain Map of Canada, Division of Building Research, National Research Council, TN
398, Ottawa,.
Choi, E.C.C. 1994. Determination of the wind-driven-rain intensity on building faces. Journal of Wind Engineering
and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol 51, pp. 55-69.
Flori, J-P. 1992. Influence des Conditions Climatiques sur le Mouillage et le sechalge d'une Facade Vertical. Cahiers du
CTSB 2606, September.
Frank, W. 1973. Entwicklung von Regen and Wind auf Gebaeudefassaden, Verlag Ernst & Sohn, Berichte aus der
Bauforschung, Vol 86, pp. 17-40.
Grimm, C.T., 1982. "A Driving Rain Index for Masonry Walls", Masonry: Materials, Properties, and Performance,
ASTM STP 778, J.G. Borchelt, Ed., American Society of Testing and Materials, pp. 171-177.
Henriques, F.M.A. 1992. "Quantification of wind-driven rain - an experimental approach", Building Research and
Information, Vol. 20, No. 5, 1992, pp. 295-297.
Inculet, D.R., Surry, D. 1994. Simulation of Wind-Driven Rain and Wetting Patterns on Buildings. Report BLWT-
SS30-1994, U. of West. Ontario, London, November.
Karagiozis, A., Hadjisophocieous, G., and Cao, S., 1997. "Wind-Driven Rain Distributions on Two Buildings",
J. of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol 67 and 68, pp. 559-572.
Künzel, H.M., 1994. Regendaten für Berechnung des Feuchtetransports, Fraunhofer Institut für Bauphysik, Mitteilung
Lacy, R.E., 1965. Driving-Rain Maps and the Onslaught of Rain on Buildings. Building Research Station Current
Paper 54, HMSO Garston, U.K..
Lacasse, M. A., O’Connor, T.J., Nunes, S., Beaulieu, P. 2003. Experimental Assessment of Water Penetration and
Entry into Wood-Frame Wall Specimens - Final Report. MEWS Consortium, IRC/NRCC,Ottawa, February,
Rain Penetration Control Guide, 2000. CMHC Report, Ottawa.
Sandin, K. 1988. “The Moisture Conditions in Aerated Lightweight Concrete Walls”. Proc. of Symposium and Day
of Building Physics, pp. 216-220. Lund University, Swedish Council for Building Research.
Schwarz, B. 1973. Witterungsbeansphruchung von Hochhausfassaden. HLH Bd. 24, Nr. 12, pp. 376-384.
Straube, J.F. 1998. Moisture Control and Enclosure Wall Systems. Ph.D. Thesis, Civil Engineering Department,
University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada.
Straube, J.F. Burnett, E.F.P., 1999. "Rain Control and Design Strategies". J. of Thermal Insulation and Building
Envelopes, July, pp. 41-56.
Straube, J.F., Burnett, E.F.P. 2000. "Pressure Moderation and Rain Control for Multi-Wythe Masonry Walls".
Proc of International Building Physics Conference , Eindhoven, September 18-21, pp. 179-186.
Straube, J.F., Burnett, E.F.P. 1997,"Driving Rain and Masonry Veneer", Water Leakage Through Building Facades,
ASTM STP 1314, R.J. Kudder and J.L. Erdly, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials,
Philadelphia, pp. 73-87.
Surry, D., Skerlj, P.F., and Mikitiuk, M.J. 1995. An Exploratory Study of the Climatic Relationships between Rain and
Wind. CMHC Research Report, Ottawa, February.
Users Guide -to National Building Code of Canada 1995 Structural Commentaries (Part 4) 1996. Canadian Commission
on Building and Fire Codes, National Research council, Canada.
Van Mook, F.J., 1999. “Measurements and simulations of driving rain on the main building of the TUE” Proc.
Of 5th Symposium on Building Physics I the Nordic Countries, Goteborg, Swede, August, pp. 377-384.