Celebrities Reading Task
Celebrities Reading Task
Celebrities Reading Task
English III
Name: María Scarlet Tenelema Toapanta
Teacher: Eva María Mascaro Benites
2021-2022 CII
Reading skills practice: Are celebrities bad for you? – exercises
What’s wrong with a bit of celebrity gossip? It doesn’t do us any harm … or does it? Read the article to find
out if celebrities really are bad for you.
Complete the gaps with a word from the box.
a publication in which you can read about celebrities’ private lives = a gossip
Reading skills practice: Are celebrities bad for you? – exercises
Reading skills practice: Are celebrities bad for you? – exercises
The article is about whether celebrity culture is harmful, for either the public
1. True False
or the celebrities themselves.
5. Celebrities from reality TV were found to be the most vain and exploitative. True False
4. soulmate = a person with whom you feel a deep affinity or connection (noun, paragraph 3)