Nanotopographic Substrates of Poly (Methyl

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Nanotopographic Substrates of Poly (Methyl

Methacrylate) Do Not Strongly Influence the Osteogenic

Phenotype of Mesenchymal Stem Cells In Vitro
Isaac A. Janson1, Yen P. Kong2, Andrew J. Putnam2*
1 Department of Material Science and Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States of America, 2 Department of Biomedical Engineering,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States of America

The chemical, mechanical, and topographical features of the extracellular matrix (ECM) have all been documented to
influence cell adhesion, gene expression, migration, proliferation, and differentiation. Topography plays a key role in the
architecture and functionality of various tissues in vivo, thus raising the possibility that topographic cues can be instructive
when incorporated into biomaterials for regenerative applications. In the literature, there are discrepancies regarding the
potential roles of nanotopography to enhance the osteogenic phenotype of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC). In this study,
we used thin film substrates of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) with nanoscale gratings to investigate the influence of
nanotopography on the osteogenic phenotype of MSCs, focusing in particular on their ability to produce mineral similar to
native bone. Topography influenced focal adhesion size and MSC alignment, and enhanced MSC proliferation after 14 days
of culture. However, the osteogenic phenotype was minimally influenced by surface topography. Specifically, alkaline
phosphatase (ALP) expression was not increased on nanotopographic films, nor was calcium deposition improved after 21
days in culture. Ca: P ratios were similar to native mouse bone on films with gratings of 415 nm width and 200 nm depth
(G415) and 303 nm width and 190 nm depth (G303). Notably, all surfaces had Ca:P ratios significantly lower than G415 films.
Collectively, these data suggest that, PMMA films with nanogratings are poor drivers of an osteogenic phenotype.

Citation: Janson IA, Kong YP, Putnam AJ (2014) Nanotopographic Substrates of Poly (Methyl Methacrylate) Do Not Strongly Influence the Osteogenic Phenotype
of Mesenchymal Stem Cells In Vitro. PLoS ONE 9(3): e90719. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0090719
Editor: Kent Leach, University of California at Davis, United States of America
Received December 6, 2013; Accepted February 4, 2014; Published March 3, 2014
Copyright: ß 2014 Janson et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Funding: This work was funded by start-up funds from the University of Michigan. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision
to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
* E-mail: [email protected]

Introduction ligands, mechanical properties, and topography [8,9]. Cells adhere

to the ECM’s various adhesion motifs through transmembrane
Due to an aging population and the continued prevalence of integrin receptors, which are capable of transducing adhesive
bone defects worldwide, orthopedic procedures are increasingly signals into biochemical signals and which physically connect the
needed each year [1,2]. Revision surgeries continue to rise as well ECM to the cell’s underlying cytoskeleton. Different ECM ligands
[1]. The cost of orthopedic injuries is estimated to be $17–20 may engage different integrin receptors, and specific integrins are
billion annually in the United States [3]. Thus, strategies which known to regulate osteogenic differentiation [10]. Matrix me-
enhance knowledge of bone formation or enhance current clinical chanical properties have also been shown to influence osteogenic
practices are desirable. Improvements may prolong implant differentiation, with more rigid substrates driving osteogenic
lifetime, reduce the need for revisions, and drive down the differentiation in 2D cell cultures [11–13]. Other studies have
economic impact.
shown micro- and nanotopography of varied surface chemistries to
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are self-renewing marrow influence osteogenic differentiation as well [2–4,10,14–20].
derived cells that are multipotent [4]. Because of the relative ease
Bone is a hierarchical tissue that is mainly composed of type I
of isolation and high degree of plasticity, MSCs have been
collagen, hydroxyapatite (HA), and water. Human bone structure
explored for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine
ranges many orders of magnitude in size: from whole bones nearly
applications [5–8]. MSCs’ plasticity includes the ability to
one meter in length to the individual collagen triple helices that are
differentiate into chondrogenic, adipogenic and osteogenic phe-
approximately 300 nm long and have a diameter of 1.5 nm [21].
notypes. Differentiation along an osteogenic lineage may be useful
Collagen is essential for HA formation [22]; together HA and
for bone tissue engineering strategies when combined with
scaffolds to produce functional bone for various orthopedic collagen form a highly aligned composite matrix that gives bone its
therapies [2]. toughness and strength [21,23]. Thus, attempts to reproduce in vivo
A cell’s environment is critical to its function and behavior, and mineral in vitro may be enhanced by mimicking the structure of
an important feature of the cellular microenvironment is the native bone. Many studies have reported on the influence of
extracellular matrix (ECM). Cells sense and respond to both micro- and nano-topographies on the proliferation, genotype, and
chemical and physical cues within the ECM, including adhesive protein levels of osteoprogenitor cells, but rarely have they

PLOS ONE | 1 March 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 3 | e90719

NanoPMMA Films Do Not Enhance MSC Osteogenesis

Table 1. Nomenclature for PMMA films with

nanotopographic features.

Period Groove depth Duty cycle Line width

Name (nm) (nm) (%) (nm)

G415 833 200 50 416

G303 606 190 50 303
G140 278 110 50 139


quantitatively assessed the deposited mineral. Hence, it is unclear

whether topography drives a phenotype capable of producing
mineral in vitro or in vivo similar to physiologically relevant bone.
Ultimately, control of osteogenic differentiation via topography
may be desirable for bone and orthopedic implant applications if
indeed mineral production can be enhanced or if the mineral
produced is similar to native bone.
In this study, we created an approximate replica of the
nanotopographic structure of bone using an idealized surface of
poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) to investigate the role of
surface nanotopography in driving the osteogenic differentiation of
MSCs. Clinically, PMMA is used as a bone cement in orthopedic
applications [24,25]. Thus, motivated by the potential to enhance
osteointegration and bone healing via imprinted nanotopographic Figure 1. Capillary assisted UV lithography polymerization
cues on an FDA-approved orthopedic material, we focused method was used to produce PMMA films with nanotopogra-
specifically on mineralization as a functional metric of the mature phy. A precursor solution of PMMA and MMA was placed on a Si mold
bone phenotype. We hypothesized that our nanoPMMA surfaces containing nanoscale gratings. A glass slide was placed on top of the
precursor solution, which was then exposed to UV light for one hour.
with aligned features on the order of collagen fibrils would After polymerization the mold was removed. The final product was a
enhance mineral quantity. To test this hypothesis, we used PMMA PMMA film with nanoscale gratings of varied width and depth. See
films manufactured via capillary assisted ultra-violet (UV) lithog- Table 1 for dimensions.
raphy and characterized with atomic force microscopy (AFM) and doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0090719.g001
scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to validate their submicron
dimensions. MSCs were subsequently seeded and cultured on the top of the pre-cursor solution and subjected to UV-light ,365 nm
nanofilms for up to 21 days. Focal adhesion size, cell proliferation, (3.1 mW/cm2) for an hour (Figure 1). Smooth PMMA films absent
cell alignment, ALP levels, calcium and phosphate deposition, and of topography were also manufactured. PMMA films will be
Ca:P ratios were assessed at various time points to investigate the designated by the following names for simplicity and clarity:
role of PMMA nanotopography on osteogenic differentiation in smooth, G415, G303, and G140.
Characterization of PMMA films with atomic force
Materials and Methods microscopy
To assess the topographic surface features of nanoPMMA films,
Manufacturing of PMMA films
a Dimension Icon scanning probe microscope (Bruker, Camarillo,
Films were made using a precursor solution of (poly) methyl
CA) was used for imaging. Specifically, NCH-10 silicon probes
methacrylate (PMMA) (Mw: 120,000 g/mol) dissolved in methyl
(NanoAndMore USA, Lady’s Island, SC) were used to scan the
methacrylate (MMA) (8% wt./wt.) (all chemicals are from Sigma,
PMMA substrates.
Saint Louis, MO, unless otherwise specified). A photoinitiatior,
2,2-dimethoxy-2-phenylacetophenone (DMPA) (Acros Organics)
(2% wt/wt), was added to the solution prior to polymerization. Determination of contact angles
The PMMA precursor solution was deposited on (heptadeca- A Ramé-Hart standard contact angle goniometer (model 200-
fluoro-1,2,2,2-tetrahydrodecyl) trichlorosilane (FTDS) (Gelest, F1; Succusunna, NJ) with Drop Image Advanced software was
Morrisville, PA) coated silicon molds (LightSmyth Technologies, used to measure contact angles on PMMA films. Data was
Eugene OR). The silicon (Si) molds were patterned with square acquired as volume was added or retracted from the surface to
wave gratings of different depths and widths in order to create determine the advancing and receding contact angles. A minimum
PMMA films with varied nanotopography (Table 1). No. 1 of three independent measurements were made on each surface
coverglass slides (Fisher Scientific, Pittsburgh, PA) were coated using deionized water and dioodomethane (DIM).
with ,1 mM (3-acryloxy propyl) methyl dichlorosilane (APMDS)
(Gelest) under vacuum overnight in a solution of dimethyl Surface free energy calculations
formamide (Fisher Scientific) and 1, 4- benzoquinone We used equations first presented by Owens and Wendt [26]
(9.25 mM). APMDS coated slides were rinsed in n-heptane and and used recently for nanoPMMA films to determine surface free
then dried with nitrogen gas. The pre-cursor solution was placed energy.[27] Briefly, the relation between contact angle and surface
on top of the silicon molds and coated glass slides were placed on- free energy (SFE) is:

PLOS ONE | 2 March 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 3 | e90719

NanoPMMA Films Do Not Enhance MSC Osteogenesis

Bethesda, MD). At least six (10X) images were analyzed for each
0qffiffiffiffiffi1 0qffiffiffiffiffi1 condition. The number of cells per field was converted to cells per
qffiffiffiffiffi cdl qffiffiffiffiffi ch area, and then normalized to the initial number of cells seeded
1z cos h~2 cds @ Az2 ch @ l A ð1Þ
cl s
cl (2000 cells/cm2). Three independent measurements were made
and averaged.
where cl = cld+clh and cs = csd+csh are the surface free energies of a
given liquid and solid. The contributions from different intermo- Visualization of actin and vinculin using fluorescence
lecular forces are denoted by the superscripts: h and d refer to the microscopy
hydrogen bonding and dispersion force components, respectively. Cells were seeded at 2000 cells/cm2 on PMMA films (sterilized
Thus, using contact angles from two different liquids (water and as previously described) and grown in osteogenic base media
DIM; see above), two equations can be solved simultaneously for (OBM), consisting of OGM, 10 mM b-glycerol phosphate, and
csd and csh, to obtain cs, in this case the SFE of PMMA. We used 50 mg/mL L-ascorbic acid (Fisher Scientific). At day 1, 4, and 7,
the average advancing angles to compute a SFE value. Addition- cells were washed with PBS, permeabilized with 10 mM
ally, we used clh = 49.5 mN/m, cld = 1.3 mN/m and clh = 51 mN/ N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N9-2-ethanesulfonic acid (HEPES)
m, cld = 21.8 mN/m for the respective DIM and water surface free pH 6.9, 50 mM NaCl, 3 mM MgCl2, 300 mM sucrose, and
energy components. 1 mM ethylene glycol tetraacetic acid (EGTA) with 0.5% Triton
X-100 for one minute, washed, and then permeabilized again for
Cell culture 30 seconds in the same buffer before fixation. Cells were then fixed
Human bone marrow-derived MSCs were obtained from a with 4% paraformaldehyde in PBS. These short permeabilization
commercial source (Lonza, Walkersville, MD) at passage 2. As steps prior to fixation remove cytosolic vinculin as previously
part of the manufacturer’s quality control, MSCs were tested for described [28]. Cells were washed with Tris-buffered saline
purity by flow cytometry and for their ability to differentiate into (250 mM Tris, 27 mM KCl, 1.37 M NaCl pH 7.4; TBS, Fisher
osteogenic, chondrogenic and adipogenic lineages and are positive Scientific)+0.1% Triton X-100 (TBS-T) prior to blocking. Cells
for the cell surface markers CD105, CD166, CD29 (integrin b1), were then blocked with Abdil (2% bovine serum albumin in TBS-
and CD44, and negative for CD14, CD34 and CD45. MSCs were T) for 20 minutes and washed again with TBS-T. Cells were then
maintained in high glucose (4.5 g/L) Dulbecco’s modified Eagle incubated with Oregon Green 488 Phalloidin (Invitrogen) to stain
medium (DMEM, Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) supplemented with F-actin (1:40) and mouse anti-human vinculin (1:250) to label focal
10% fetal bovine serum (FBS, Invitrogen). All cultures were adhesions in Abdil for 45 minutes. Following incubation, a TBS-T
incubated at 37uC and 5% CO2. Media were changed every 2–3 wash was used to remove unbound antibodies. Cells were then
days. MSCs were routinely expanded in 2D cultures and harvested incubated for 45 minute with goat anti-mouse Alexa Fluor 594
with 0.05% Trypsin-EDTA (Invitrogen). Cells were used between (Invitrogen) in Abdil (1:450). Cells were then washed in TBS-T at
passage 6 and 10. least three times. Stained MSCs on PMMA substrates were
imaged on the Olympus IX81 microscope equipped as described
Initial cell adhesion and proliferation
PMMA substrates were cut to approximately 1 cm61 cm and
sterilized under UV light for ten minutes. After UV sterilization, Measurement of Cell Alignment
the substrates were rinsed twice with sterile Dulbecco’s phosphate To determine the alignment of MSCs with respect to their
buffered saline (PBS) (Invitrogen) pH 7.4, and then placed in 24 underlying topography measurements were made using Image J at
well plates prior to cell seeding. To determine if nanoPMMA day 1, 4 and 7. First, the angle of the gratings was determined
influenced the number of adherent MSCs, cells were seeded at relative to the horizontal using the measure angle feature in Image
5000 cells/cm2 and allowed to adhere for four hours in osteogenic J. Next, the long axis (with respect to the horizontal) of a minimum
growth media (OGM), consisting of alpha-minimum essential of 36 cells on each substrate was measured. The orientation angle
media (aMEM, Invitrogen), 20% FBS, 2 mM L-glutamine was then computed. An angle of 0u represents perfect alignment
(CellGro, Manassas, VA), 1% penticillin/streptomycin (CellGro), with the underlying topography, 45u represents random orienta-
and 5 mg/mL gentamicin (Invitrogen). After 4 hours, cells were tion, and 90u represents a cell that is perpendicular to the
rinsed with PBS, and then fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde in topography.
PBS, stained and imaged as described below. At least 5 different
images (10X images) were observed on three separate surfaces. Focal Adhesion size
Values were normalized to the average number of cells observed Images were taken on the Olympus IX81 as described above,
on smooth PMMA surfaces. To determine the influence of converted to grey scale and processed with a high-band pass filter
nanoPMMA on proliferation, MSCs were seeded at an initial using Metamorph Premier (v, Molecular Devices,
density of 2000 cells/cm2 and allowed to proliferate in OGM. At Sunnyvale, CA) to sharpen and enhance the focal adhesions.
day 4, 7, and 14, cells were rinsed with PBS, and then fixed with Focal adhesion size was determined by tracing a line along the
4% paraformaldehyde in PBS. Cells were then rinsed with PBS length of the adhesion of interest and measured using the
three times. Cells were stained with 49,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole ‘Measure’ feature in Image J similar to the procedure described
dihydrochloride (DAPI) in PBS (1:5000) for 10 minutes to identify previously [29]. A minimum of 90 adhesions were analyzed per
their nuclei. After staining, MSCs were rinsed with PBS and then condition.
imaged on an Olympus IX81 microscope equipped with a 100 W
high-pressure mercury burner (Olympus America, Center Valley, Osteogenic differentiation
PA), a Hamamatsu Orca II CCD camera (Hamamatsu Photo- PMMA films were prepared and sterilized as described above.
noics, K.K., Hamamatsu City, Japan), and Metamorph Premier For osteogenic differentiation, MSCs were seeded at 5,000 cells/
software (Molecular Devices, Sunnyvale, CA). Cells that stained cm2 in a 24-well plate for functional assays. Cells were cultured in
positive for DAPI were manually counted using Image J (NIH, OBM as described above and as previously reported [30,31].

PLOS ONE | 3 March 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 3 | e90719

NanoPMMA Films Do Not Enhance MSC Osteogenesis

Alkaline phosphatase assays Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)

Cellular alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity was measured at 1, At day 21, cells were washed in PBS and subsequently fixed for
7, and 14 days, as previously described [12]. Briefly, cells were 20 minutes in 4% PFA in PBS. After fixation, cells were washed
rinsed with PBS and lysed using passive lysis buffer (Promega, twice in ddH2O and allowed to air dry overnight. The specimens
Madision, WI). 10 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.4) was added to the were sputter-coated with gold and examined with a Phillips
lysates; they were then briefly vortexed and centrifuged at XL30FEG SEM equipped with an EDAX Phoenix X-ray energy
10,000 rpm for 10 minutes. ALP activity was assayed at 37uC in dispersive spectrometer (XEDS). A working distance of 10 mm
a buffer containing 100 mM glycine (Biorad, Hercules, CA) and and an accelerating voltage of 15 kV were used for XEDS mineral
1 mM MgCl2 (Fisher Scientific) (pH 10.5) for 20 minutes using p- chemical micro-analysis. A minimum of three areas from three
nitrophenol phosphate (pNPP; Fisher Scientific) (50 mM) as a distinct fields of view were scanned for 60 seconds to determine
substrate. The reaction was terminated using 0.1 N NaOH (Fisher Ca:P ratios. Hydroxyapatite (HA) and mouse femur were used as
Scientific). The amount of pNPP liberated was determined controls. Briefly, hydroxyapatite powder was embedded in a
spectrophotometrically using a Genova MK3 (Jenway, Stafford- viscous polymer resin and allowed to dry overnight at 40uC. The
shire, United Kingdom) spectrophotometer at 405 nm. ALP femur section was harvested from an 8-week old mouse and fixed
activity (units/mL) was normalized by total protein levels for each in 4% paraformaldehyde in PBS for 2 days. The tissue was
specimen. A minimum of three samples were assayed for each dehydrated in graded solutions of ethanol over 5 days, and then
condition. embedded in methyl methacrylate (MMA) using benzoyl peroxide,
Cells were also stained to visualize ALP activity. After an initial nonylphenyl polyethylene glycol acetate, and N,N-dimethyl-p-
PBS rinse, cells were fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde in PBS for toluidine. After embedding, the tissue was sectioned into ,100 mm
one minute and rinsed with ultrapure water twice. Cells were then thick slices. Both HA and femur controls were sputter-coated with
rinsed in TBS-T and stained with a 0.08 M Tris buffer (pH 8.2) gold.
with 0.8 mg/mL of Fast Blue RR salt and 67.2 mg/mL napthol
AS-MX phosphate powder for 10 minutes while protected from Statistical analysis
light, similar to procedures described elsewhere [17,32]. After Statistical analyses were carried out using GraphPad Prism
staining, cells were rinsed in DD water for one minute and then software. All data were assessed for normality (where appropriate)
rinsed with TBS-T prior to imaging. Images were taken on an using the D’Agostino-Pearson normality test. When appropriate,
Olympus IX81 with a DP25 color camera. one-way ANOVA or the Kruskal-Wallis analysis with the
respective post-hoc (Tukey or Dunn’s) test was performed. Data
Von Kossa staining are reported as means 6 standard deviations. Significance was set
Cells were rinsed 2X in PBS and then fixed in 4% at p,0.05.
paraformaldehyde in PBS at 4uC for 30 minutes after 14 and 21
days in OM. After fixation, cells were rinsed in ultrapure water 3X Results
and then immersed in 5% AgNO3 and subjected to UV light
(,365 nm) for 40 minutes. After UV exposure cells were rinsed
Nanotopography on PMMA films is confirmed by AFM
3X in DD water. The cells were then rinsed in sodium thiosulfate PMMA films with nanotopographic features were fabricated
using UV-assisted capillary force lithography (Figure 1). The
for 3 minutes and rinsed in DD water 3X. Images were taken on
topographic dimensions of the films were confirmed using AFM.
an Olympus IX81 with a DP25 color camera.
As expected, the films had similar dimensions to the Si master
molds that were used for polymerization, and the substrates were
Calcium quantification designated G415, G303, and G140 based on these dimensions
Calcium content in osteogenic cultures was quantified using the (Table 1; Figure 2).
ortho-cresolphthalein complexone (OCPC) method, as previously
described [33,34]. Cells were initially seeded at 5000 cells/cm2 on
Contact angle measurements illustrate anistropic
sterile PMMA films as described above. To account for any
differences in cell number, MSCs were counted by quantifying wettability
DAPI-stained nuclei as described above; the total numbers of cells Measurements of contact angle using water and diiodomethane
after 14 and 21 days of culture on each substrate were used to revealed contact angle anisotropy (Figure 3). Our results are in
normalize the total calcium levels. After cell number determina- agreement with reports that suggested that as groove depth
tion, cells were washed in PBS before incubation in 1 mL of 1 N increases the contact angle decreases [35] and anistropic wetting
acetic acid overnight. The OCPC solution was prepared by adding increases as groove depth increases [36] as observed in our contact
OCPC to DD water with 1 N KOH (Acros) and 1 N acetic acid angle measurements on nanoPMMA parallel to the gratings
(Fisher Scientific). The dissolved solutions (10 mL per replicate) (Figure 3B). Additionally, measurements of contact angles
orthogonal to the gratings showed an increase. This increase is
were then mixed with a working solution (300 mL per replicate) of
due to pinning at the grating wall as additional energy is needed
OCPC solution and ethanolamine/boric acid/8-hydroxyquinoline
for the drop to continue spreading orthogonal to the gratings.
buffer. Absorbance values were recorded using a Thermo
Thus, spreading is preferential along the grooves rather than
Scientific Multiskan Spectrum spectrophotometer at 570 nm.
perpendicular to the grooves as the energy cost is lower. [37]
Calcium values were quantified via a standard curve from 0 to
150 mg/mL. Specimens and standards were assayed in triplicate.
Three samples of each condition were analyzed. Values were Surface free energy calculations illustrate slight
normalized to account for potential differences in cell number and differences and anisotropy
substrate surface area, and then by the average calcium level Using the contact angle measurements, we then calculated the
observed after 14 days on smooth PMMA. surface free energy of each surface using the approximation from
Owens and Wendt for polymers. [26] We realize that this
approximation may not fully model the physical situation,

PLOS ONE | 4 March 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 3 | e90719

NanoPMMA Films Do Not Enhance MSC Osteogenesis

Figure 2. Capillary assisted UV lithography produced thin film substrates with nanotopography. (A) Scanning electron microscopy
(SEM) was utilized to image nanoPMMA films. Micrographs confirm the presence of nanoscale dimensions in all three of the different film types
utilized in this study: G415, G303, and G140 (scale bar = 1 micron). (B) Illustrations show the approximate dimensions (height and width) of the PMMA
films. (C) Atomic force microscopy was used to confirm that PMMA films had the expected nanotopographic features (see Table 1 for dimensions).

however, to the best of our knowledge, most theoretical MSCs cultured on nanotopography show altered
thermodynamic approximations for microscale and nanoscale alignment and proliferation
gratings have yet to be verified experimentally.[38–40] Experi- Initial cell attachment was not significantly altered on
mental validation is important as the Wenzel and Cassie theories nanotopography (Figure 4A). Cells did start to elongate after
do not always hold up in practice; three phase contact line 4 hours on nanotopography (Figure 4B). MSCs preferentially
approaches seem to be more valid. [41] One report validated oriented parallel to the alignment of the nanotopography
contact angle measurements parallel to micro and nanogratings (in (Figure 4C,D). At day 1, cells cultured on G415 and G303
agreement with Wenzel) but did not discuss SFE estimations surfaces were significantly more aligned compared to those
different than Owens and Wendt. [42] The surface free energy of cultured on smooth and G140 PMMA. On G415, G303, and
smooth PMMA was calculated to be 40.0 mN/m, very similar to G140 PMMA films, MSCs had an elongated shape and were
the 40.2 mN/m value reported by Owens and Wendt. Our SFE predominately aligned parallel to the underlying topography
calculations for nanoPMMA revealed changes in values depending (Figure 4D). Cells grown on smooth PMMA were spread but
on the direction of measurement (Table 2). SFE parallel to the showed no preferential alignment (Figure 4D). Quantitatively,
gratings was higher for G415 and G303 surfaces and slightly lower nanotopographic substrates of all feature sizes significantly
but similar for G140 surfaces compared to smooth PMMA SFE. influenced cell alignment on both day 4 and day 7 compared to
Perpendicular SFE values were slightly lower than smooth PMMA smooth PMMA controls (Figure 4C). Cell proliferation was
SFE and lower than SFE for nanofilms parallel to nanogratings. assessed by counting DAPI-stained cell nuclei on days 4, 7, and
These values are similar to those reported previously. [27] Our 14. Increases in cell nuclei were not significantly altered on
calculations confirm nanoPMMA film anisotropy. PMMA nanotopography compared to smooth controls at day 4
and day 7 (Figure 4E). By day 14, total cell number was
significantly higher on all topographies compared to smooth
controls. These data suggest that topography can be influential on

PLOS ONE | 5 March 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 3 | e90719

NanoPMMA Films Do Not Enhance MSC Osteogenesis

Figure 3. Contact angle measurements show anisotropy dependent on surface orientation. (A) Images illustrating wettability of water or
diiodomethane on smooth or G415 PMMA films. Insets on G415 images show the direction of the underlying topography (H indicates a drop
perpendicular to the long axis of the topography; I indicates a drop parallel to the long axis of the topography). Contact angle anisotropy can be
observed on the G415 surfaces and also occurred on other nanoPMMA films (data not shown). (B) Graphs illustrate the quantification of the contact
angles both parallel and perpendicular to the grating direction. Significant differences were seen between smooth PMMA and G415 and G303
(parallel) for water and DIM ($) contact angles ($). All surfaces, when perpendicular contact angles for nanoPMMA were compared to smooth PMMA
for both liquids, were significant. W indicates contact angle measurement of water; DIM indicates indicates contact angle measurement of
diiodomethane. All significance was p,0.05 (or smaller), n$3.

cell proliferation after two weeks but does not significantly impact MSCs cultured on nanotopography exhibit altered
proliferation at earlier time points (day 4 and 7). cytoskeletal structures and focal adhesions
F-actin in cells grown on nanotopography was organized
parallel to the underlying surface topography, while cells cultured

Table 2. Calculated surface free energy values for PMMA films.

(mN/m) Smooth G415 I G303 I G140 I G415 H G303 H G140 H

csd 35.4 40.2 39.4 33.1 31.0 32.6 32.8

csh 4.6 5.7 6.0 6.1 0.1 1.6 1.2
Total cs, PMMA 40.0 45.9 45.5 39.2 31.1 34.2 34.0


PLOS ONE | 6 March 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 3 | e90719

NanoPMMA Films Do Not Enhance MSC Osteogenesis

Figure 4. Nanotopography modulated MSC alignment and proliferation but did not modulate initial adhesion. (A) Similar numbers of
MSCs adhered to all PMMA surfaces after four hours as quantified by DAPI stained cells. (B) Phase contrast images illustrate that cell adhesion was
similar on all PMMA surfaces after four hours. Scale bar represents 100 mm. (C) Quantification of MSC alignment revealed significantly more MSC
alignment (denoted by alignment angles closer to 0u, parallel to the underlying topography) on G415 and G303 substrates relative to smooth PMMA
at all times points. Significant differences in alignment were also observed on G140 substrates (relative to smooth PMMA) at day 4 and 7. Data are
plotted in a box and whiskers format, with the horizontal bars representing the medians, the boxes denoting the 25th and 75th confidence intervals
of the data, and the whiskers denoting the boundaries of the 5th and 95th intervals. A minimum of 36 cells were analyzed for each of the conditions
at each time point (nearly all the data sets were non-normally distributed, hence Kruskal-Wallis analysis was used, see Materials and Methods). (D)
MSCs cultured on patterned PMMA aligned parallel to the direction of the nanotopography, as shown in these representative images following 14
days of culture. Scale bar represents 100 mm. (E) MSCs grown on G415 (p,0.005) and G140 (p,0.05) substrates proliferated at statistically greater
rates compared to smooth PMMA after 14 days. Error bars represent standard deviation, n = 3 for day 4, 7 and n = 5 for day 14 (* p,0.05, ** p,0.01,
*** p,0.005).

PLOS ONE | 7 March 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 3 | e90719

NanoPMMA Films Do Not Enhance MSC Osteogenesis

on smooth surfaces exhibited F-actin arranged randomly significantly higher than on G303, G140, and smooth PMMA
(Figure 5A). Vinculin, a key structural component of focal films.
adhesions [43,44], also showed altered expression patterns on
substrates containing nanotopography. Vinculin staining from day Discussion
7 cultures revealed elongated focal adhesions that were aligned
parallel to the underlying topography (Figure 5B). Focal adhesions The ECM is a multifaceted instructive material that plays an
in cells grown on smooth films were randomly arranged around important role in both normal and pathologic development, and is
the cell periphery and were not as elongated. Quantification of central in many regenerative strategies. Over the past 10–15 years,
focal adhesion size using Image J revealed that they were not an increasing number of studies emphasizing the ECM’s physical
significantly elongated at day 1 and day 4 on G415, G303, and features, including its mechanical rigidity and its topography, have
G140 films compared to smooth PMMA (Figure 5C). After 7 days, shown that cells sense and respond to ECM cues beyond just the
focal adhesions were significantly longer on G415 and G303 films adhesive ligands known to bind integrin receptors. In this study,
compared to G140 and smooth PMMA surfaces (Figure 5B,C). we created PMMA substrates with nanoscale gratings via capillary
Histograms of the focal adhesion size distributions at day 7 not assisted UV lithography and used them to assess the potential
only revealed the differences in focal adhesion lengths between functional influence of ECM topography on the osteogenic
smooth PMMA and nanotopographic films, but also showed that phenotype of MSCs. Cell alignment and proliferation were both
the larger adhesions are present more frequently in cells cultured influenced by topography, consistent with numerous prior studies.
on the G415 and G303 films (Figure 5D). However, assessments of calcium quantity and composition
showed that PMMA nanotopography, at least of the feature sizes
studied here, was not in fact a strong driver of an osteogenic
Nanotopography did not enhance ALP activity in MSCs phenotype in vitro.
ALP, a marker of the early stages of osteogenic differentiation
After quantitatively confirming the features molded on PMMA
[45], was assessed using the Fast Blue RR stain at day 1, 7, and 14,
films, we investigated the wettability and calculated surface free
(Figure 6A), illustrating that ALP activities of the MSCs was
energies from contact angle measurements. The anisotropy of the
similar on all substrates on day 7. To verify these qualitative
surface features was reflected in the contact angle measurements
observations, ALP activities were also quantified using the and the surface free energy calculations. Our calculated surface
colorimetric pNpp assay. Results from this assay revealed that energies for smooth PMMA were similar to values reported by
ALP activities increased with culture time on all substrates, but Owens and Wendt and our nanoPMMA SFE values were similar
confirmed that nanotopography induced no significant changes to those in a previous report [26,27]. Next, we investigated the
(relative to smooth controls) after 1, 7, or 14 days (Figure 6B). influence of nanotopography on the shape, alignment, prolifera-
tion, and initial adhesion of MSCs on PMMA gratings. Our results
Calcium levels are minimally enhanced on confirm that topography did alter cell shape, alignment at day 1, 4,
nanotopography at day 14 and 7, and proliferation at day 14, but did not influence the
To assess the influence of nanotopography on the ability of number of MSCs that initially attached to the surface. Numerous
MSCs to produce a mineralized matrix, the amount of deposited other studies have reported that nanoscale gratings induce similar
calcium was quantified after 14 and 21 days of culture using the changes in the alignment of a wide range of cell types, including
OCPC assay (Figure 7A, B). To ensure that differences in cell smooth muscle cells [47], fibroblasts [48], rat osteoblasts [49],
proliferation on the PMMA films had no impact on the levels of cardiac myocytes [50], and even MSCs [3,51,52]. Prior studies
calcium observed, the results were normalized by cell number (see have suggested that cell orientation (of macrophages and
Materials and Methods for details). Increases in calcium deposition fibroblasts) may also be dependent on groove depth [53,54].
on nanotopography (G303 and G140 films) were observed relative Our results showed greater alignment on nanopatterns with
to smooth PMMA after 14 days (Figure 7B). No significant greater depth (G415-depth 200 nm; see Table 1); however, in our
differences were observed after 21 days in culture when comparing study, grating width also varied. Thus, the increased alignment we
nanotopography to smooth PMMA, though calcium levels were observed cannot solely be attributed to increased grating depth.
approximately 2 to 3 times higher on G303 and G140 surfaces. Furthermore, nanoscale gratings on PMMA films increase the
Significant increases in calcium deposition occurred when available surface area (up to 79% greater surface area) compared
comparing G415 at day 21 versus day 14 (with similar results to smooth PMMA films. This increase in surface area combined
for G303 and G140 films); a statistically insignificant increase was with the increased cell alignment may increase the available space
observed on smooth PMMA. for cell growth, providing a possible explanation for the increased
proliferation observed on PMMA substrates with nanotopography.
Mineral Ca:P ratios are influenced by nanotopography Because we observed changes in shape, alignment, and (to a
To assess composition, mineral deposits were stained via the lesser degree) proliferation of MSCs cultured on nanotopography,
Von Kossa method to visualize the presence of phosphates [46]. we next examined the actin cytoskeleton and focal adhesions.
Topographic and smooth surfaces stained positive for phosphates Fluorescent images of the actin network revealed that the
(data not shown). Additionally, deposited mineral was observed cytoskeleton was oriented parallel to the underlying topography
using SEM (Figure 8A). To determine the presence of calcium and when MSCs were cultured on patterned substrates. The focal
phosphorous, XEDS was used. Analysis showed that there were adhesions also exhibit some degree of aligned orientation parallel
significant differences in the Ca:P ratio (Figure 8B). Mineral to the topography, but the effect was less pronounced on the G140
deposited on G415 films was the most similar to bone (Ca:P ratio substrates (those with the smallest gratings, and closest in
1.39 and 1.32 respectively) For reference, we observed the Ca:P topography to the smooth substrates). Quantification of the focal
ratio in hydroxyapatite to be 1.65 (theoretical ratio 1.67). Ca:P adhesion sizes showed that the G415 and G303 substrates not only
ratios in mouse femur were significantly higher than on G140, and supported more elongated, fibrillar adhesions than the G140 or
smooth PMMA films and mineral on G415 films Ca:P ratios were smooth substrates, but also that these larger adhesions were
present in MSCs at higher frequencies. A prior study also

PLOS ONE | 8 March 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 3 | e90719

NanoPMMA Films Do Not Enhance MSC Osteogenesis

Figure 5. MSCs grown on nanotopography exhibit aligned actin cytoskeletons and more elongated focal adhesions. (A)
Representative fluorescent photomicrographs of MSCs cultured on PMMA substrates for 4 days revealed the aligned orientation of the actin
cytoskeleton in cells cultured on patterned substrates. Arrows indicate the orientation of the underlying topography (in A and B). Scale bar represents
25 mm. (B) Representative fluorescent photomicrographs (contrast enhanced to show differences) of MSCs cultured on PMMA substrates for 7 days
following permeabilization, fixation, and staining of vinculin revealed qualitatively more elongated focal adhesions on substrates with larger
topographic features (G415). Scale bar represents 25 mm. (C) Quantification of (unenhanced images of) focal adhesion size using Image J from cells
cultured for 1, 4, and 7 days on PMMA substrates revealed no significant increases in focal adhesion size on the nanoPMMA substrates relative to
smooth controls on Day 1 and Day 4. On Day 7, focal adhesions were significantly longer on G415 and G303 films compared to G140 and smooth
PMMA surfaces. Data are plotted in a box and whiskers format, with the horizontal bars representing the medians, the boxes denoting the 25th and
75th confidence intervals of the data, and the whiskers denoting the boundaries of the 5th and 95th intervals. A minimum of 90 adhesions was
assessed per condition (nearly all the data sets were non-normally distributed, hence Kruskal-Wallis analysis was used, see Materials and Methods, *
p,0.05, *** p,0.005). (D) Histograms of the focal adhesion size distributions at day 7 showed that larger adhesions are present more frequently in
cells cultured on the G415 and G303 films. The numbers on each graph represent the mean (+/2S.D.) adhesion size (in mm) for MSCs cultured on the
PMMA substrates.

PLOS ONE | 9 March 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 3 | e90719

NanoPMMA Films Do Not Enhance MSC Osteogenesis

Figure 6. Alkaline phosphatase activities were not altered by culturing MSCs on nanotopography. (A) Micrographs of MSCs stained for
active ALP after 7 days in osteogenic media (OBM) revealed no qualitative differences on PMMA nanotopgraphy. Scale bar represents 100 mm. (B)
Quantification also revealed no significant differences in ALP activity for MSCs grown on nanotopography versus smooth PMMA substrates. The
control group represents MSCs grown on smooth PMMA in osteogenic growth media (OGM).Data represent mean +/2 standard deviation (n = 3 for
day 1 and n = 5 for day 7, 14).

investigated focal adhesion size of human osteoprogenitor cells bone is inherently calcium deficient, especially when newly
grown on PMMA surfaces with nanopits or microgratings, and formed, with reported calcium phosphate ratios of approximately
reported a decrease in focal adhesion number and size on 1.5 to 1.6 in rat and bovine specimens [56,57]. Low in vivo Ca:P
topographic surfaces compared to planar PMMA [10]. Similar ratios are often associated with osteogenesis imperfecta, which
findings were reported on polycarbonate [55]. Another study may be related to non-ideal collagen fibril sizes [58]. G415
reported a decrease in the levels of zyxin, a molecular marker of surfaces may potentially accelerate the maturity of newly formed
mature focal adhesions, in hMSCs grown on 350 nm gratings of HA minerals due to a collagen matrix more representative of that
polydimethylsiloxane, suggesting that topography may disrupt found in bone. Additional investigation is needed to address this
focal adhesion maturation [4]. In our case, certain topographic possibility.
sizes (G415 and G303) actually supported larger adhesions than Many prior studies have investigated the influence of substrate
smooth substrates, suggesting that the correlation between nanotopography on the osteogenic phenotype of MSCs, but there
adhesion size and nanotopography is likely a strong function of are substantial discrepancies that remain to be resolved. Several
the size, shape, and chemistry of the nanoscale feature. reports claim that nanoscale features can control the osteogenic
To characterize the influence of PMMA nanotopography on differentiation of MSCs [14,59], but the topography utilized in
the osteogenic phenotype of MSCs, we focused on ALP activity those studies was composed of nanoscale pits rather than the
and mineral deposition. ALP effectively increases the relative gratings used here. Likewise, numerous other studies have
concentration of extracellular phosphate leading to more favorable reported that nanoscale cues can induce the expression of
conditions for hydroxyapatite formation [22]. Our results showed osteogenic genes in MSCs [14,59,60], but did not characterize
that MSCs expressed ALP to similar levels and activities on all mineral quantity and quality as we did here. One study that
PMMA substrates investigated, regardless of topography. Char- characterized mineral deposited by rat osteoblast-like cells
acterization of mineral deposition via qualitative von Kossa cultured on nanotopography showed that the mineral contained
(phosphate) staining and a quantitative calcium assay revealed calcium and phosphorous and aligned parallel to the underlying
no significant increase in mineralization on topography after 21 topography [49]. However, neither the amount of calcium nor the
days of culture in the presence of osteoinductive supplements. Ca:P ratio were assessed. Another study showed that rat MSCs
However, our data do suggest that topography may alter mineral grown on polystyrene nanogratings had lower ALP levels than did
quality by modulating the Ca:P ratio, as MSCs grown on G415 those grown on flat substrates, but there were no significant
substrates produced mineral with a similar ratio as mouse bone. differences in calcium deposition on topography relative to flat
Other surfaces produced a highly calcium deficient mineral. In vivo controls [52]. Most similar to our study, hMSCs grown in

PLOS ONE | 10 March 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 3 | e90719

NanoPMMA Films Do Not Enhance MSC Osteogenesis

Figure 7. Calcium deposition was minimally influenced on nanotopgraphy. (A) Representative phase microscopy images illustrating
mineral formed on PMMA films after MSCs were grown for 21 days in osteogenic mineralization media (OBM). Arrows indicate the direction of the
underlying topography. Scale represents 200 mm. (B) Quantification of total calcium levels showed that G303 and G140 PMMA nanotopographic
substrates supported slightly higher levels of calcium deposition on day 14 (* p,0.05). However, there were no significant differences after 21 days
(n = 3). Symbols %, $ and ! all indicate significant differences (* p,0.05) between day 14 and day 21 time points for the respective conditions.

osteogenic media on polyurethane gratings of 200 nm width and already known to be strong determinants of the osteogenic fate of
300 nm depth showed increased deposition of calcium compared MSCs, it may very well turn out that specific surface chemistries
to smooth films at day 7, but not at day 14 or 21 [3]. Other sizes and nanotopographic features may indirectly alter ligand identity
(700 nm and 2000 nm width) did not increase calcium deposition. and spatial presentation to impact cell fate, perhaps in much the
Besides differences in characterization methods and functional same way (and via the same mechanisms) as matrix elasticity.
assessments of phenotype, there are many other possible reasons However, with the wide range of materials and topographies
for the disparate observations regarding nanotopograhpy and available for study, attaining consensus regarding the instructive
MSC osteogenic differentiation in the literature. Amongst the most role of topography on differentiation remains a significant
obvious are differences in material chemistry and topographic challenge.
feature size. A wide variety of materials have been imprinted with A number of previous studies combine physical topography with
topographic cues of a variety of shapes and sizes. In the case of a single type of ECM protein (via coating, stamping etc.)
nanotopographic gratings like those we have used here, there are [16,17,50,66]. The single adhesion cue coupled with topography
studies that have used polystyrene [49,52], polyurethane [3], and could be a strong driver of the various cell behaviors observed. In
PDMS [20,51], among others. Differences in material surfaces contrast, we investigated the influence of topography and
(due to different material chemistries, treatments, or topographies) uncontrolled protein adsorption from FBS on MSC osteogenic
are likely to influence the SFE [61] and thus the wettability [62], behavior in an attempt to replicate in vivo implant-protein
perhaps leading to changes in identity and conformation of environments [72]. Multiple ECM proteins in FBS are known to
adsorbed proteins [63–65]. Changes in protein conformation have adsorb to surfaces, hence the osteogenic influence of one protein
been linked to differences in topography [64] and result in altered type may be masked by the presence of other proteins due to the
cell behavior [66–68]. Surface features that change the SFE abundance of multiple and varied adhesion epitopes. Disparate
landscape, therefore, may be at least partially responsible for the ligand identity has shown to play a varied role on MSC’s
observed changes in cell behavior. osteogenic differentiation [70,73], thus competition for a number
Our results suggest that the slight differences in calculated SFE of ECM adhesion epitopes likely hinders activation of an
had little influence on the osteogenic phenotype of MSCs. This osteogenic phenotype, preventing any topographic differentiation
finding indicates that either SFE differences observed here were enhancement from being evident.
not sufficient to alter the protein landscape or the competitive In this study, we focused on PMMA because of its application as
adsorption from FBS mitigated any changes in ECM identity, a bone cement in orthopedic applications [24,25], motivated by
spatial presentation, or conformation that could have potentially the possibility that simply imprinting nanotopographic cues on an
enhanced the osteogenic potential of MSCs on nanoPMMA. Since FDA-approved orthopedic material might enhance osteointegra-
ECM ligand identity [69,70] and spatial presentation [71] are tion and bone healing. Ultimately, whether or not nanotopogra-

PLOS ONE | 11 March 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 3 | e90719

NanoPMMA Films Do Not Enhance MSC Osteogenesis

Figure 8. Ca:P ratios of mineral deposited on G415 substrates were similar to those found in mouse bone. (A) SEM micrographs
revealed the presence of mineral after MSCs were cultured for 21 days in osteogenic media (OBM) on both smooth and nanotopographic PMMA
films. Alignment of mineral was observed on the G415 substrate. Scale represents 10 mm. (B) Quantification of Ca:P ratios via XEDS revealed no
significant differences between the G303, G140, and smooth PMMA substrates. The G415 films supported mineral with significantly higher Ca:P ratios
compared to the other PMMA films, with values similar to those of native bone from mouse femur (MF). The Ca/P ratio of purified hydroxyapatite (HA)
was quantified as a positive control. Symbols # and ! indicate that Ca:P ratios observed in MF and on G415 substrates were significantly higher
(p,0.05, some comparisons showed greater significance) than other PMMA surfaces that share the same symbol, n$6.

phy can be used to enhance bone formation and implant Differences in Ca:P ratios present in deposited mineral were
integration will depend on studies demonstrating its utility in vivo. influenced by topographic surfaces with specific feature sizes,
A recent study created nanotopography on titanium implants. suggesting that certain feature sizes might enhance maturation of
They found increased bone to implant contact area on most deposited mineral.
nanograting surfaces compared to the control at 4 and 8 weeks [1].
Mechanical stability of the implants was not assessed. Implants Acknowledgments
capable of promoting tissue integration and lamellar bone could
reduce recovery time and reduce patient discomfort. Thus, We acknowledge Dr. Anish Tuteja, Sai Pradeep Reddy Kobaku, Dr.
Mohamed El-Sayed, Dr. Scott Medina, and Dr. Rameshwar Rao for
topography may turn out to be important clinically, but further equipment access and assay technical advice. We also thank the staff of
investigations are needed. Electron Micro Analysis Laboratory for assistance with and use of
instrumentation. Finally, we thank Michael Starbuck of the Bone
Conclusion Histomorphometry Core Laboratory at the MD Anderson Cancer Center
In this study, we showed that MSC alignment, focal adhesion of the University of Texas for help with bone sectioning.
and cytoskeleton assembly, and proliferation are all influenced by
nanotopographic gratings of PMMA in the 140–415 nm size Author Contributions
range. However, using both qualitative and quantitative assess- Conceived and designed the experiments: IAJ YPK AJP. Performed the
ments of mineralization, we conclude that PMMA nanotopgraphy experiments: IAJ YPK. Analyzed the data: IAJ AJP. Contributed reagents/
is a poor driver of the ostegenic differentiation of MSCs in vitro. materials/analysis tools: IAJ YPK AJP. Wrote the paper: IAJ YPK AJP.

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PLOS ONE | 14 March 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 3 | e90719

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