Precast Concrete Floor Slabs

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Other Producer Members

Company Name Telephone Product
Bafokeng Brick & Tile (014) 538-0842 MP
Bamburi Special Products Ltd (09254) 2530504 P
* Brickcast Industries cc (031) 507-7094 P
Cape Brick cc (021) 511-2006 M
CEL (021) 905-5998 P
*Columbia DCM (Pty) Ltd (021) 946-3290 M
*Concor Technicrete (Pty) Ltd (011) 495-2200 MPRT
*Corobrik (Pty) Ltd (031) 560-3911 MPR
*Coverland Roof Tiles (016) 421-4106 T
*Craig Concrete Products (Pty) Ltd (011) 914-1730 T
DBL Concrete Products (021) 905-1665 M
Eureka Brick & Block (021) 887-4692 M
Fairmile Homes (Pty) Ltd (021) 904-1620 M
False Bay Bricks (021) 904-1620 P
Fanie Visser Concrete (021) 904-1620 M
*Grinaker Precast (Pty) Ltd (012) 652-0000 MPR
*Inca Masonry Products (Pty) Ltd (043) 745-1215 MPRT
Klapmuts Concrete (Pty) Ltd (021) 875-5151 R
*Lategan’s Cement Works (021) 873-1154 M
*Marley Roofing (011) 316-2121 T
*Mimosa Brick (Pty) Ltd (0163) 620507 P
*Morula Brick & Sand (Pty) Ltd (012) 549-1727 M
Precast Concrete Industries (09264) 61-280-4103 MP
*Stanger Brick & Tile (Pty) Ltd (032) 4570237 MP
* Vanstone (012) 5412056 PR
*Vibro Bricks (Pty) Ltd (012) 374-2032 P
*Watson Tile & Concrete (Pty) Ltd (011) 740-0910 MRT
Zimtile (Pvt) Limited (09263) 4663511/5 T

* Companies which hold the SABS Mark

P = Paving M = Masonry R = Retaining Blocks T = Roof Tiles

Non-Producer Members Emerging Manufacturers

Ash Resources (Pty) Ltd (011) 886-6200 Sabteca Concrete Products (011) 424-7542 M
Bayer (Pty) Ltd (011) 921-5911
Besser Company (091) 517-354-4508
Birkenmayer H (Pty) Ltd (011) 970-3880 Cement Producer Members
Brick King & Associates (021) 948-6218
Cementex (041)515-206
Chryso (021) 933-5953
Friction Retaining Structures (011) 622-2704
(011) 780-1000
Inca (Cape) (021) 904-1620
Kalode Construction (Pty) Ltd (011) 781-3814
Natal Pavings (Pty) Ltd (031) 209-3115
Pan Mixers SA Ltd (011) 397-3754 (011) 315-0300
Pave Show cc (012) 346-6958
PPC Cement (Pty) Ltd (021) 550-2100
Rampf Formen GmbH (0949) 7 391-505-132 (011) 447-8360
Randpave Industrial Contracts (011) 805-1894
SA Paving (Pty) Ltd (011) 483-1350
Siliseal Waterproofing Systems (011) 464-1409 (031) 450-4411
Slagment (Pty) Ltd (011) 864-9900
Terraforce (Pty) Ltd (021) 45-1907
Wates, Meiring & Barnard (011) 315-0316 (011) 488-1700
W R Grace (Pty) Ltd (011) 923-4600
Introduction 2
Part one: General information 3
1. Features and benefits 3
1.1 Speed of erection 3
1.2 Technical support 3
1.3 Pricing 3
1.4 Thermal properties 3
1.5 Quality 3
2. Applications 4
3. Pricing comparison for different slabs 6

Part two: Detailed information 7

4. Quality 7
5. Systems available 8
5.1 Hollow core 8
5.2 Beam and block 14
5.3 Panel and topping 16
6. Design guidelines for precast slabs 17
7. Composite construction 18
8. Support over openings in load bearing walls 19
9. On site considerations 20
9.1 Hollow core slabs 20
9.2 Beam and block slabs 21
10. Construction requirements 22
10.1 Hollow core slabs 22
10.2 Beam and block slabs 29
11. References 32
12. Further reading 32

Part one of this booklet is intended as a quick
and general guide to precast concrete floor
slabs. In this book we will cover the features
and benefits of precast concrete floor slabs,
the general applications, some design
guidelines, on-site considerations and some
general information. Part two contains the
more technical information.
For more detailed information specifically
regarding design, you are referred to the
“Precast concrete floor slabs-design manual”
also published by the Concrete
Manufacturers Association.

Figure 1: Erection of hollow core slabs

1.1 Speed of erection

Precast slabs can be erected a lot quicker than economies in the supporting structure and
in situ slabs. Precast slabs can typically be foundations. Very little or no shuttering is
erected in one or two days. required for precast slabs.

1.2 Technical support

The experience and expertise of the precast
1.4 Thermal properties
flooring supplier is readily available to you Hollow core slabs and beam and block
and they will also prepare designs and draw- systems incorporating hollow blocks provide
ings for any project undertaken. The supplier superior insulation, although it is
will provide you with an engineer’s certifi- recommended that an insulating screed is
cate for submission to the municipality with applied on top of the precast units when they
your plans. are used as roofs.

Figure 2: Prestressed beam and block slab under construction

1.3 Pricing 1.5 Quality

Precast flooring is more economical than cast CMA member companies supplying precast
in situ concrete, due to the lower mass and floors either have ISO 9002 quality
better span to depth ratios possible. These certification or they are busy installing the
savings in dead weight can lead to further necessary quality systems.

All flooring applications can be executed us- The panel and topping and beam and block
ing precast components, from domestic solution is particularly useful if the building
housing to bridge decks. However, each sys- is irregular or has multiple cantilevers.
tem has its own specific area of usefulness,
where its advantages are best utilized. Sites where craneage is not possible lend
themselves to a beam and block solution,
For floors in buildings of cellular construc- though the narrow hollow core might be pos-
tion, up to four storeys, if speed and absence sible with short spans.
of propping are paramount, then hollow core
slabs with finished soffits are probably the
best choice.

For long, uninterrupted spans the prestressed

systems are appropriate; beam and block,
panel and topping, hollow core. The latter is
particularly effective for car parks, hospitals
and supermarkets. For suspended ground
floors, where finished soffits are unnecessary,
then beam and block is difficult to beat.

Fig 3: Hollow core slab being hoisted into position

Figure 4: Beam and block slab on irregular-shaped building

Figure 5: Use of hollow core slab on steel frame.

Table 1: Applications of precast slab systems

Building Types
Offices & Commercial
Car parks
Suspended ground slabs (heaving clays)

Precast slab systems have a number of
advantages over conventional cast in situ
concrete. Table 2 summarises areas where
costs are generated on site for a particular
item. Naturally the most important cost
saving is that of time. The use of precast
concrete allows for immediate access to the
floor below.

Figure 6: Use of hollow core slab on concrete framed building.

Table 2: Pricing items for comparing different flooring systems

Activity In Beam & Hollow Core Panel &

situ Block Reinforced Prestressed topping
Time related costs (P&G) *
Hire of shuttering *
Hire of support formwork *
Precast material delivery to site *
( ) ** ** **
Erection of material * * incl. above incl. above incl. above
Propping incl. above (*) *
( ) *
Reinforcing steel * (*) (*) (*)
Concrete (incl. placing) * * (*) *
Screed (*) (*) * *
Power float/steel float * * *
Plastering soffit * *
Textured paint/Tyrolean finish * (*) *
( )

* Item needs pricing.** Price normally includes supply and erection. (*) This item may need pricing


Figure 7: Daily testing of cubes ensures quality concrete

In a controlled factory environment, quality casting-bed. Materials from suppliers are con-
checks are not only much easier to do, but also stantly monitored.
much easier to control, with the result that the
product may be expected to be of a more uni- Checks are carried out on a regular basis on
form or consistent standard. Cubes are taken all weigh batchers, prestressing jacks and cube
from concrete mixes on a daily basis and on crushing equipment.
prestress lines it is normal to take cubes from
each line and check for transfer strength be- Where dimensional accuracy is important,
fore release of prestress. Some manufacturers checks of "as built" site dimensions are
cure the cubes on the line with the precast performed. This applies to hollow core slabs.
units. After release or de-moulding the re- Quality control is easier to maintain in a
maining cubes are transferred to a normal cur- factory environment than on a site, so that the
ing tank. product will be of a more consistent standard
and perform more uniformly.
Records of concrete strengths are kept so that
any possible future problem can be traced back
to a particular casting. Units are regularly in-
spected as they are demoulded or lifted off the

There are three basic systems available in compared with a solid slab of the same depth.
South Africa For most applications, no propping is neces-
* Hollow core sary during construction, but crane access is
* Beam and block essential. An erection rate of up to 600 m² per
* Panel and topping day is possible.

Alternative methods of casting slabs are:

5.1 Hollow core
a) Description  Cast in conventional moulds with core-
formers cast-in or removed.
Cores are typically either circular or elliptical.
Slabs may be reinforced or prestressed and are
 Cast on a long prestressing line being ex-
designed as ribbed slabs. The hollow cores af-
trusion or slipform methods.
ford a reduction in selfweight of 30% or more,

The cast-in-mould method is used for rein-

forced concrete and longitudinal cantilever re-
inforcement may be incorporated if required.

The extrusion or slipform methods are suit-

able for a pretensioned prestressed long-line
system of manufacture, without transverse or
shear steel.

Manufacturing beds are typically 100 - 150 m

long and the slab is sawn to required lengths
before lifting. The longitudinal edges of the
precast units are designed and profiled to re-
ceive grout in the joints and create a shear in-
terlock which provides load transfer and
prevents differential deflection. The top sur-
face is generally prepared to receive a screed
Figure 8: Manufacturing facility for prestressed or structural topping. Because they are cast
hollow core slabs. against a steel surface, the soffits are smooth
and ready to receive a decorating finish direct
without the need for plastering.

Reinforced hollow core slabs are manu-

factured as wide (900 mm) units, 150 mm
deep, incorporating a number of 72 mm cores.
Units are made in a range of lengths up to
about 7,8 m, and are either taken from stock
or manufactured for a specific contract.

Figure 9: Manufacture of reinforced hollow core slabs.

Figure 10:
hollow core slabs.

The wide units need a crane for erection, but prestressing force opposes the tendency to
spans up to 5 m (depending on the loading) downward deflection and causes an upward
do not necessarily need structural topping or camber in the units under no-load conditions.
temporary propping, although a levelling Hence, together with the high-strength con-
screed is required. Structural topping and tem- crete employed, larger span/depth ratios can
porary props are sometimes employed to in- be achieved than with reinforced concrete. In
crease the effective depth used in the design lightly loaded roof slabs, for instance, span/
calculation. depth ratios around 50 are not uncommon.

Prestressed hollow core slabs are manufac- Limited cantilever capacity to resist negative
tured in units 1200 mm wide with depths of moments may be achieved in slipformed (or
120,150, 200 and 250 mm. Units are made to extruded) slabs by opening the tops of a
order in lengths up to 12 m. The number and number of cores for the required length, in-
disposition of prestressing tendons varies ac- serting the reinforcement and filling with con-
cording to span and loading. crete. This is normally done immediately after
casting. Because the prestress force tends to
Occasionally, structural topping is applied to increase the cantilever moment and deflection,
increase the effective depth for superimposed cantilevers are generally limited to seven times
loads. Propping is not generally specified the overall depth of slab.
except when the slab is required to act
compositely with the structure above, eg.
where heavy walls are carried on the edge of
the slab.

b) Design guidelines
Reinforced hollow core slabs are designed
as simply supported ribbed slabs in the con-
ventional manner. However they are more
versatile than the prestressed slab, since lon-
gitudinal top reinforcement can be cast-in for
cantilever action.

Prestressed hollow core slabs are designed

as simply supported pretensioned ribbed slabs,
in accordance with the requirements of SABS Figure 11: Hollow core slab being hoisted into
0100-l or the appropriate National Code. The position direct from the delivery vehicle by mobile

Figure 12: Prestressed hollow core used as a suspended ground floor slab

c) Service holes
Small holes (up to the core width) can be to 400 mm wide (in the slab centre) or 250 mm
made on site in the core area of the slabs. wide (at the slab edge) can be accommodated
Holes should be formed from the underside easily without the need to add trimming steel.
of the slab to prevent spalling of soffit con- Cut-outs at the end of a slab may often be
crete. Larger holes, requiring ribs to be cut, wider. Very large holes for rooflights or stairs
can be formed during manufacture, depending can be accommodated at the design stage. In
on the system and the size and position of the this case the slabs interrupted by the hole are
hole. If holes need to be formed on site and supported by a steel bracket supplied by the
reinforcement needs to be cut, this must be manufacturer and carried to the edge of adja-
referred to the manufacturer, preferably at the cent units. This should always be shown on
design stage. In the wide slab systems, holes up the manufacturer's working drawings.

Figure 13: Hollow core slab

Figure 14: Hollow core slab for an hotel

d) Finishes
Hollow core slabs cast on steel soffits are suit- the finishing screed or topping over all joints.
able for decoration direct. The joints are fea- The same applies in any situation where ce-
tured unless the whole surface is plastered ramic tiles are to be used. Regular expansion
with a thin-coat plaster. Before plastering, a joints must be allowed for large areas (greater
bonding agent should be applied to the slab than 20 m² of ceramic tiles). As with all con-
surface and a light mesh must be placed in the crete roofs, the finished roof surface should
levelling screed on top of the slab. be lightcoloured and reflective, with thermal
insulation provided to reduce slab movement
Whenever hollow core slabs are used on an (eg a layer of coarse aggregate on top of the
exposed balcony or walkway, or on a roof, a light waterproofing membrane or a foam concrete
mesh reinforcement should be incorporated in finishing screed).

Figure 15: Hollow core slab, for a townhouse complex.

Figure 16: Hollow core slab on steel frame. Note omission of purlins for crane access.

Figure 17: Hollow core slabs used on seating areas of the Wanderers grandstand.

Figure 18: Erection of hollow core slab on masonry structure

Levelling screed
External walls can be Holes for
250 mm deep slabs only required to
built immediately after downlights can
can be used for finish.
slab erection. be cut on site.

Use of hollow core slabs

spans up to 12 200 mm deep slabs can
metres. be used for spans up to
9.5 metres.

Cantilevers for Internal walls

balconies can be supported by slab if
made to order. required.

120 mm deep slab

under plumbing
pipes allows them to
be incorporated into
the screed.

150 mm deep slabs can

be used for spans up to
Structural steel
7.5 metres.
over openings.

120 mm deep slabs can

Raked be used for spans up to
ends cut 6 metres.
Mild steel hanger for

in the
staircases or skylight factory.
mately 1,5 m centres, but certain systems can
5.2 Beam and block also be designed to eliminate the need for
a) Description props.
Beam and block slabs are made up of precast The advantages of this type of slab are as fol-
concrete rectangular shaped beams. The most lows:
common beam spacings being 560, 600 and
650 mm. A non-structural hollow concrete
 It provides an economical, versatile light-
weight monolithic slab system. Compo-
rebated filler block is placed between these
nents are relatively light and no mechani-
beams. The size of the block determines the
cal handling is necessary.
beam spacing and provides a flush soffit.

 Slabs may be designed as either simply

A structural concrete topping should have a
supported or fully continuous.
minimum strength of 25 MPa at 28 days and
a minimum thickness of 40 mm, or 1/10 x clear  They are ideal for soffit plaster but fixing of
distance between the beams. Welded mesh re- suspended ceilings is also easy and simple.
inforcement is placed in this topping to con-
trol possible shrinkage cracks. The filler blocks  Electrical and plumbing services are read-
are available in different heights ranging from ily catered for by omitting hollow blocks
60 mm to 350 mm which produces an overall at specific locations.
depth of slab from 110 mm to 400 mm, or
more if double blocks are used. This type of b) Design guidelines
slab requires temporary supports at approxi- Beam and block system slabs are designed as
a series of 'T' sections with the in situ cast con-
crete providing the compression flange and the
precast beam the tension reinforcement. The
beams and the composite slab are designed for
specific spans and loads and are reinforced ac-
cordingly, (complying with the relevant Code
of Practice.) Two or more beams may be
placed together to accommodate concentrated
line loads parallel to the span. If necessary,
blocks may be omitted over the support to
increase the shear capacity.

Figure 19: End filler blocks placed to determine

correct beam spacing.

old pic

Figure 20: Prestressed beams in place with support. Figure 21: The soffit of a beam and block slab.

Typical construction details for beam and block slabs.

Beam within slab

supported by twin floor
beams to distribute the
load at openings.

Top steel at supports

Stuctural concrete topping 25 MPa resisting negative
compressive strength. Thickness Mesh moments in the case of
varies with design (Minimum 40 mm) continuous spans.
Minimal propping.
Commonly single row
propping at mid span
or maximum 2 rows at
2/5 spacing.
Elimination of
propping possible.

Concrete hollow
blocks for thermal
and acoustic
concentrated Rectangular
insulation provide
loads. concrete
permanent shuttering
for slab.

Beams stacked on
bearers vertically
aligned and placed at Bearing
less than 200 mm 35mm minimum or
from ends. use tie bars

Figure 22: Placing blocks into position.

c) Service holes
Holes can be made on site in the blocks be- Figure 23: Fixing of services.
tween beams to accommodate horizontal
services. For larger holes, whole blocks can be
omitted with shuttering fixed to adjacent
blocks to restrain the concrete topping at the
time of pouring. Holes larger than a single
block must be referred to the manufacturer
for approval, preferably at the initial design

d) Finishes
Beam and block floors have a good key on the Figure 24: Casting concrete topping to beam and
soffit for plastering. block slabs.

5.3 Panel and topping

The panel consists of a precast reinforced or
prestressed slab utilised essentially as a
permanent shutter with tensile reinforcement
included, acting compositely with an in situ
structural topping. The panels may be
produced in relatively narrow widths to
facilitate manual erection or in a wide
configuration (up to 2,4 metres) offering
greater speed but requiring mechanical Figure 25: Wide panel being hoisted into position.
handling. In some situations, reinforcement
in the form of a lattice girder may be topping concrete, different loadings and spans
incorporated to provide stiffness during can be accommodated. Projecting steel is not
handling. Reinforcement is placed in the normally required at the precast /in situ con-
topping over supports and over the joints crete interface in solid composite construction.
between precast units. Designs can be simply supported or fully con-
By varying the tensile reinforcement in the Depending on the system, selected treatment
panel and/or the strength and thickness of the to the soffit may or may not be required.

This is intended as a quick guide only and will be found that properly anchored links are
should detailed information be required it can required. Where the loading is very light or
be obtained by consulting the precast con- independent test evidence can be provided,
crete floor slabs1 design manual published projecting steel will not be required.
by the Concrete Manufacturers Association or
by approaching individual manufacturers. b) Punching shear
This may be a problem if there is an inad-
All suppliers provide a full design service for equate depth of structural concrete over wide
their products. If necessary “Engineer certifi- hollow cores or hollow blocks. A screed may
cates” can be supplied for submission to mu- be assumed to assist in load dispersion to the
nicipalities to obtain approval for submission loadbearing ribs.
of plan.
c) Bearings
Areas which require particular attention are: Simple bearings should comply with the
requirements of SABS 0100-1 2. The
a) Shear stress at interface maximum possible bearing area should be
Where a structural concrete topping is in- provided. Factors influencing bearing design
tended to act compositely with a precast ele- include bearing area, bearing material, the
ment, the horizontal shear stress at the inter- presence of continuity steel, site tolerances and
face needs to be checked. Where the contact severe loading conditions.
area is small compared to the flange width, it

Figure 26: Preparing and casting of a precast beam and block slab in progress.

7. COMPOSITE The term “composite” refers to structures
where precast concrete and in situ concrete

CONSTRUCTION work together to form an integral structural

component. The precast slabs can be made
composite with the supporting beams to
increase the structural depth of the supporting

Advantages of composite structures

Composite structures can be used in building
frames, for offices, parking levels, shopping
centres and even bridges. In buildings this
structure is most economic in intermediate
floors when the structural depth should be
minimized. The two main advantages of a
composite structure over a non-composite
structure are:
1. Reduced material expenditure.
2. Less structural depth for a given
load bearing capacity.
In the first case this means lighter structures
are achieved which often results in more
slender vertical structures with savings in
columns and foundations.

The materials that are used to link the beam

and slabs together are in situ concrete and
reinforcing steel. This steel and in situ concrete
must be designed to transfer the horizontal
shear between the beam and the slabs. In
precast concrete beams this shear is transferred
by vertical shear links protruding from the top
of the precast beam coupled with the
horizontal reinforcing bars.
Figure 27 and 28: Tops of cores in hollow core slab
opened up for reinforcement to form moment Where the beam is structural steel the shear
connection with beam.
transfer can be achieved with either purpose
made proprietary shear studs, or small channel
pieces, in either case it will be necessary to
place the horizontal reinforcing bars.
The steel or precast concrete beam must be
designed to take the self load of the beam, the
dead load of the slab, and infill in situ concrete,
and any construction live load allowed.
The composite beam is designed to carry the
final full design load of the structure. It may
be economic in designs where the live load is
low and the spans are significant to prop the
beams to reduce the design loads on the beam
in its temporary state.
Figure 29: Precast hollow core slabs and precast
beams erected on in situ columns.

Hollow core slabs require support over
openings. The amount of support will depend
on the width of the opening and the span of
the slabs. As a rule of thumb, two lintels plus
five courses of masonry above are sufficient
to support hollow core slabs over an opening
up to two metres wide. For openings larger
than two metres, some form of structural
steelwork will normally be required. Flooring
suppliers will be able to advise on the necessary
support requirements.

Beam and block systems may, in most slab soffit, if there is adequate topping depth
circumstances, be viewed in the same way or an in situ beam may be incorporated in the
as in situ construction. Thus window slab depth.
openings, etc., may be taken right up to the

Figure 30 and 31: Steel beams used over large openings

9. ON SITE Access
The client must provide suitable access for

CONSIDERATIONS delivery vehicles and cranes up to the building

on which the slabs are to be erected. No site
storage is required as the slabs are lifted by the
flooring manufacturer’s crane from the
9.1 Hollow core slabs delivery vehicle onto the building where they
are required.
Hollow core slabs are manufactured to suit the
as built dimensions of the building. They are
delivered to the site on the day that they are
required to be erected onto the building. The client should have river sand and cement
available close to the building on which the
slabs are to be erected so that the floor
manufacturer’s grouting team can mix up a
The client should ensure that the last four
suitable grout mix and lay it in the joints
courses of masonry have brickforce between
between the flooring units.
each course and that they are laid with a
fishline to ensure a level bearing surface for
the hollow core slabs.
Continuity of work
Slabs should not be loaded for two days after
grouting, but the outer leaf of masonry can
proceed as soon as the slab grouting operation
has been completed by the manufacturer.

Figure 32: Placing of hollow core slabs directly

onto masonry.

Figure 33: Grouting joint between hollow core slabs.

Figure 34 & 35: Hoisting

slabs into position.

9.2 Beam and block Temporary propping may be removed when
the in situ concrete has reached a crushing
slabs strength of 17 MPa, or according to supervis-
Handling Protection and Storage ing Engineers instructions.
On delivery it is the contractor’s responsibil-
ity to inspect the blocks and beams for any Note: No heaping of building materials on
breakages. Material should be off-loaded in a slab during construction.
safe place and on level ground. The blocks are
not to be placed on top of the beams during
storing. Do not stack the blocks more than two
pallets high. Beams must be supported at 1,5 m

Place beams from setting out point as indi-
cated on the drawing at approximate centres.
Figure 36: Setting out of beams.
Space accurately by placing one closed- end
hollow block at each end of span. In accord-
ance with SABS 0100, minimum bearing of
35mm onto load bearing masonry.

Erect suitable temporary propping under

indicated position of stiffener ribs (maximum
1800mm centres) and level to specified camber.

Prop (if required) before placing balance of

hollow blocks as detailed. Leave out blocks for
stiffener ribs as per drawings. Figure 37: Propping under indicated positions.

Place stiffener rib (cross-rib) reinforcement.

Install services over blocks and not on top of
beams, then place mesh over blocks.

Remove excess rubble from beams and blocks

and thoroughly wet slab before casting concrete.

Before placing any concrete all slabs are to be
inspected by the supervising engineer or ap-
Figure 38: Mesh placed over blocks.
pointed representative.

Use a minimum 25 MPa strength concrete
at 28 days as the structural topping. Casting
must be continuous to create monolithic slab.
Heaping of concrete must be avoided. Con-
crete is to be mechanically vibrated.

Keep slab wet for 3 to 4 days after concreting.
Figure 39: Casting concrete.

10.1 Hollow core slabs
The following details are recommended for ment or control joints should be placed in the
use with hollow core precast concrete floor tiles every 5 metres maximum and at points
slabs. where the tile cross section changes.

Bearing There must be no horizontal chasing or elec-

100mm end bearing is recommended. This trical distribution boxes in loadbearing ma-
bearing can vary between 40mm and 110mm sonry.
at the Design Engineer’s discretion and sub-
ject to site conditions. On 230 Masonry
Where Ref. 100 mesh is detailed in the screed,
this should be laid directly on top of the slab
First floor level
Levelling screed
for screeds up to 50mm thick. For thicker
screeds the mesh should be laid in the screed Hollow core slab
with a 30mm top cover.

Panels in most instances are laid directly onto

the masonry. It is important to level the last
four rows of masonry under the slab with a
fishline to ensure a level top row of bricks. V-joint in plaster
While erectors will level the slabs after erec-
100 mm bearing
tion, the better the level of the last course of
masonry the better the finished underside
level of the slab.
End of slab at first floor level.
It is good practice to put brickforce in the
mortar bedding of the last four courses of ma-
sonry under the slab around the perimeter of
the building.
Levelling screed
A minimum screed depth of 35mm is recom-
Hollow core slab
mended with a minimum compressive
strength of 5MPa or 1 part cement to 6 parts
river sand by volume.

It is important for the Engineer to consider

the implications of thermal movements on V-joint in plaster
areas of slab that are exposed to the elements
such as roofs, balconies and walkways. Overlap varies (20 - 100mm)

Consideration by the Engineer should be

given to creep, shrinkage and bending of the Side of slab at first floor level.
slab in tiled areas. Ref. 100 mesh should be
placed in the screed in tiled areas and move-

Roof level NB A 110mm wide parapet wall is recom-
mended, but a 230mm wide parapet wall can
taken over parapet
Screed to falls be used on the height of the parapet wall.
10mm thick
Ref 100 mesh
Hollow core slab

2 layers V-joint in plaster


taken over parapet
Load bearing wall Screed to falls
End of slab at roof level - 10mm thick
Ref 100 mesh
230mm wide parapet wall. jointex
Hollow core slab

2 layers V-joint in plaster

Waterproofing Malthoid
taken over parapet
Screed to falls
10mm thick Non-load bearing wall
jointex Ref 100 mesh Side of slab at roof
Hollow core slab level- 230mm wide
parapet wall.

2 layers V-joint in plaster

100 mm bearing

230 Waterproofing
Wall taken over parapet
Screed to falls
End of slab at roof level.
-110mm wide parapet wall. 10mm thick Ref 100 mesh
jointex Hollow core slab

2 layers V-joint in plaster

Malthoid 100 mm bearing

Side of slab at roof level. 230

-110mm wide parapet wall. Wall

Joints on internal wall
Where two slabs rest on a 230 wall, two details where a wall is to be placed at first floor level
are available. With the first detail a joint should above the wall below or where the floor is to
be formed in the screed at the point where be carpeted.
the two slabs join. This detail is normally used

Levelling screed
Joint in screed
Hollow core slab

V-joint in plaster

100 mm bearing 100 mm bearing


Cores No. 2,5 & 8 opened up on Levelling screed

top for 600mm each side & rebar
to Engineers spec and in situ Hollow core slab
concrete placed in open cores &
joints by others.

V-joint in plaster

100 mm bearing 100 mm bearing

At balconies or walkways a step in the slab should lower than the inner slab. The direction of span
be provided to prevent water penetration. This of the slabs may vary to that shown to suit the
is achieved by placing the outer slab one course position of the loadbearing walls.


Levelling screed Screed to falls

Hollow core slab for
Hollow core slab balcony or walkway

Ref 100 mesh

V-joint in plaster

100 mm bearing Overlap varies


For a short cantilever up to seven times the depth rebar can be placed in a structural con-
slab depth, rebar can be cast into the cores. crete topping applied to the top of the hollow
For cantilevers larger than seven times the slab core slabs.
Levelling screed
Cantilever rebar to Engineers spec. cast in Hollow core slab
cores of hollow core slab by manufacturer.

V-joint in plaster
up to seven times
depth of slab

Cantilever rebar to Engineers spec. in topping
Structural topping Hollow core slab

Cantilever greater than V-joint in plaster

seven times depth of slab.
Cantilever slabs to be
propped until topping has
reached desired strength
Step in building with common wall The following section is used where slabs of
differing height bear on the same wall.

Fix 600 mm chicken mesh to

masonry at end of slab prior to
Levelling screed plastering

10mm thick jointex

2 layers
V-joint in plaster Malthoid

100 mm bearing

Levelling screed
10 mm thick jointex

Fix 600 mm chicken

mesh to masonry at
end of slab prior to
2 layers
Malthoid V-joint in plaster
100 mm bearing

Wall 25
140mm Masonry
NB: Great care must be taken when erecting  Rule joints in the plaster at the top and bot-
floor slabs on 140 masonry as available toler- tom of slabs. To locate the ruled line posi-
ances are a lot smaller than when using 230 tions correctly, place a nail between the
masonry. Some useful tips on the use of slabs bottom of the slab and the top of the ma-
on 140 masonry are: sonry prior to plastering.

 All buildings must be site measured and  No horizontal chasing or DB boards shall
slabs manufactured to suit as built dimen- be built into structural walls supporting
sions. slabs.

 Fix 600mm wide chicken mesh to

masonry at end of slabs prior to plastering.

Levelling screed

Ruled lines in plaster

filled with silicone bead.
Hollow core slab

Building paper backing

Dry packed concrete

(caulked into place)
Run point of trowel along
Chicken mesh 2 layers top edge of plaster to divorce
Malthoid it from soffit of floor slab.
120 mm min bearing


End of slab at first floor level - loadbearing wall

Levelling screed

Hollow core slab

Ruled lines in plaster

filled with silicone bead.

Chicken mesh Run point of trowel along top edge

of plaster to divorce it from soffit
of floor slab
Overlap Varies (100-140mm or 10-40mm)


Side of slab at first floor level - non-loadbearing wall.

Waterproofing taken Screed to falls
over parapet
Building paper
backing Ref 100 mesh
Hollow core slab
Ruled lines in
plaster filled with
silicone bead
Dry packed

mesh 2 layers V-joint in plaster
120mm min Waterproofing taken
bearing over parapet Screed to falls
10mm thick
End of slab at roof level on jointex Ref 100 mesh
loadbearing wall Hollow core slab
Ruled lines in
plaster filled
with silicone

2 layers
mesh V-joint in plaster
Overlap varies
(100-140mm or 10-40mm)
Side of slab at roof level on a
non-loadbearing wall.
Common bearing on same wall
at different heights.

Levelling screed
10mm thick jointex

Fix 600mm chicken mesh to

brickwork at end prior to plastering

2 layers Malthoid
V-joint in plaster
120mm bearing minimum

Levelling screed

10mm thick polystyrene

Fix 600mm chicken mesh to brickwork

at end prior to plastering

2 layers Malthoid
V-joint in plaster

120mm min bearing

With split levels on common wall

Levelling screed Levelling screed

V-joint in plaster
Jointex fill
V-joint in plaster

120mm min bearing 120mm min bearing

Movement joints 140 140 Wall

Movement joint

Structural steel
Slabs simply supported on top of steel section.
Levelling screed Hollow core slab

Joint in screed

NB - Slabs can be fitted onto a shelf angle in

the depth of the beam to reduce the overall
height of construction.

75 min
Tops of cores No 2,5 & 8 opened up on Levelling screed
top for 600mm tie steel and in situ concrete
placed in open cores & joints. Hollow core slab

75 min

Slabs in full composite action with the beam.

Levelling screed or structural
For composite action cores opened up on top
topping with mesh
of slab rebar to Engineer’s spec and in situ
concrete to be placed in cores and joints. Hollow core slab

Shear stud

75 min

10.2 Beam and Block Slabs
2 Y10 bottom

Stiffener rib
Temporary support
by contractor

Beam reinforcement
to engineer’s details

Tie bar to
Strip beam engineer’s details

Beam reinforcement
to engineer’s details

Tie bar to
Upstand beam engineer’s details

Anti-crack Beam reinforcement

weld mesh to engineer’s details

Tie bar to
engineer’s details
Downstand beam

Tie bar to
engineer’s details

Temporary support
Span direction change by contractor

2 Y10 bottom
(Stiffener rib)

Beam reinforcement
to engineer’s details

Downstand beam

Top reinforcing
steel to engineer’s Weather step

Slip joint 200

Cantilever balcony 2 layers DPC or 2 ply Malthoid Min

weld mesh DPC on top of slab

Concrete topping Expansion joint


V-joint in
external plaster
Precast beam

stretch paint V-joint in plaster Brickforce in
every course
Hollow block Slip joint above door/
2 layers DPC window height
or 2 ply Malthoid
Standard slab detail for load
bearing walls

Blocks for services
(conduits and piping)

Maximum of one
25 O conduit per
prestressed beam
Slab detail for services

Slope to inside to avoid Waterproofing

streaking of paint membrane

DPC on top of slab

Screed/foam Brickforce in
Expansion joint
cement to fall every course

V-joint in
external plaster

Approved Slip joint

stretch paint V-joint in plaster 2 layers DPC
or 2 ply Malthoid

Brickforce in
every course
above door/
Roof slab parapet wall detail window height

1. Concrete Manufacturers Association,
Precast concrete floor slabs: design manual, READING:
Randburg: The Association, 1996. 1. Federation Internationale de la
Precontrainte, Precast prestressed hollow
2. SABS 0100-1:1992, Code of practice for core floors, London: Telford, 1988. (FIP rec-
the structural use of concrete. Part I : Design, ommendations).
Pretoria: South African Bureau of Standards,
1992. 2. Federation Internationale de la
Precontrainte, Principles for hollow core
3. SABS 0400:1990, Code of practice for the slabs, London: Telford, 1982. (FIP technical
application of the National Building Regula- report).
tions, Pretoria: South African Bureau of Stand-
ards, 1990. 3. Federation Internationale de la
Precontrainte, Quality assurance for hollow
4. National Building Regulations and core slabs floors, London: Telford, 1992. (FIP
Standards Act, Pretoria: Government guide to good practice).
Printer, 1977. (Act No 103 of 1977).
4. National Precast Concrete Association
5. SABS 0160: 1989, Code of practice for the of Australia, Hollow core floor: technical
general procedures and loadings to be adopted manual, North Sydney, The Association, 1992.
in the design of buildings, Pretoria: South Af-
rican Bureau of Standards, 1989.

6. SABS 1504: 1990, Standard specification

for prestressed concrete lintels, Pretoria: South
African Bureau of Standards, 1990.

7. Multi-storey precast concrete framed

structures. Kim S. Elliott - Blackwell Science,

8. Grinaker Precast: Flocon prestressed con-

crete floor system. Design Handbook - 1991

Member Telephone Beam and Hollow core Panel Stairs
Number block Reinforced Prestressed Slabs

Deranco (041) 463-3338 * *

Echo Floors (011) 957-2033 * *

Echo Prestress (011) 393-4655 * *

Fastfloor (011) 923-5197 * * *

Precast (KZN) (031) 564-1304 *

Neat Contech (04664) 81 359 * *

Superslabs (011) 791-4554 * * * *

KBW (011) 952-1610 * * * *

Concrete Manufacturers Association, P O Box 168 Halfway House 1685

Telephone: (011) 315-0300, Fax: (011) 315-4683, e-mail: [email protected], website: www.

Other Producer Members
Company Name Telephone Product
Bafokeng Brick & Tile (014) 538-0842 MP
Bamburi Special Products Ltd (09254) 2530504 P
* Brickcast Industries cc (031) 507-7094 P
Cape Brick cc (021) 511-2006 M
CEL (021) 905-5998 P
*Columbia DCM (Pty) Ltd (021) 946-3290 M
*Concor Technicrete (Pty) Ltd (011) 495-2200 MPRT
*Corobrik (Pty) Ltd (031) 560-3911 MPR
*Coverland Roof Tiles (016) 421-4106 T
*Craig Concrete Products (Pty) Ltd (011) 914-1730 T
DBL Concrete Products (021) 905-1665 M
Eureka Brick & Block (021) 887-4692 M
Fairmile Homes (Pty) Ltd (021) 904-1620 M
False Bay Bricks (021) 904-1620 P
Fanie Visser Concrete (021) 904-1620 M
*Grinaker Precast (Pty) Ltd (012) 652-0000 MPR
*Inca Masonry Products (Pty) Ltd (043) 745-1215 MPRT
Klapmuts Concrete (Pty) Ltd (021) 875-5151 R
*Lategan’s Cement Works (021) 873-1154 M
*Marley Roofing (011) 316-2121 T
*Mimosa Brick (Pty) Ltd (0163) 620507 P
*Morula Brick & Sand (Pty) Ltd (012) 549-1727 M
Precast Concrete Industries (09264) 61-280-4103 MP
*Stanger Brick & Tile (Pty) Ltd (032) 4570237 MP
* Vanstone (012) 5412056 PR
*Vibro Bricks (Pty) Ltd (012) 374-2032 P
*Watson Tile & Concrete (Pty) Ltd (011) 740-0910 MRT
Zimtile (Pvt) Limited (09263) 4663511/5 T

* Companies which hold the SABS Mark

P = Paving M = Masonry R = Retaining Blocks T = Roof Tiles

Non-Producer Members Emerging Manufacturers

Ash Resources (Pty) Ltd (011) 886-6200 Sabteca Concrete Products (011) 424-7542 M
Bayer (Pty) Ltd (011) 921-5911
Besser Company (091) 517-354-4508
Birkenmayer H (Pty) Ltd (011) 970-3880 Cement Producer Members
Brick King & Associates (021) 948-6218
Cementex (041)515-206
Chryso (021) 933-5953
Friction Retaining Structures (011) 622-2704
(011) 780-1000
Inca (Cape) (021) 904-1620
Kalode Construction (Pty) Ltd (011) 781-3814
Natal Pavings (Pty) Ltd (031) 209-3115
Pan Mixers SA Ltd (011) 397-3754 (011) 315-0300
Pave Show cc (012) 346-6958
PPC Cement (Pty) Ltd (021) 550-2100
Rampf Formen GmbH (0949) 7 391-505-132 (011) 447-8360
Randpave Industrial Contracts (011) 805-1894
SA Paving (Pty) Ltd (011) 483-1350
Siliseal Waterproofing Systems (011) 464-1409 (031) 450-4411
Slagment (Pty) Ltd (011) 864-9900
Terraforce (Pty) Ltd (021) 45-1907
Wates, Meiring & Barnard (011) 315-0316 (011) 488-1700
W R Grace (Pty) Ltd (011) 923-4600

Deranco (041) 463-3338

Echo Floors (011) 957-2033

Echo Prestress (011) 393-4655

Fastfloor (011) 923-5197

Grinaker Precast (KZN) (031) 564-1304

Neat Contech (04664) 81 359

Superslabs (011) 791-4554

KBW (011) 952-1610

Precast concrete floor slabs Published by the

Concrete Manufacturers Association
P O Box 168 Halfway House 1685
Telephone: (011) 315-0300
Fax: (011) 315-4683
e-mail: [email protected]
ISBN 0-9584106-8-2
First edition August 1996
Second edition July 1999

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