Challenges Associated With Mental Health Management Barriers and Consequences
Challenges Associated With Mental Health Management Barriers and Consequences
Challenges Associated With Mental Health Management Barriers and Consequences
Original article
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Introduction: Mental illness has become a global public health issue and according to WHO report in
Received 19 May 2020 2015, United Arab Emirates (UAE) recorded the highest level of depression among all countries at
Accepted 26 June 2020 Eastern Mediterranean Region. Many people frequently suffer from mental health diseases but tend
Available online 2 July 2020
not to obtain help. Treatment delay can become life-threatening.
Objectives: This study aimed to identify the barriers to seeking professional help for mental illness and
Keywords: the consequences of untreated mental health disorders. The study also aimed to examine outcomes in
Psychiatric illness
patients when help was provided by health care providers.
Mental illness
Methods: A self-administrated survey was distributed among 377 people randomly selected from general
Mental health population of three different cities at United Arab Emirates (UAE): Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Sharjah. Their
Public health perception of the barriers, consequences and outcomes was analyzed to achieve the objectives of the
United Arab Emirates study.
Results: Overall, 341 participants completed the survey. Wrong thought regarding mental disorders
(60.1%) and being ashamed (58.9%) were identified to be the most common and significant barriers
(P < 0.001) that prevent people from obtaining healthcare providers’ assistance. The majority of respon-
ders reported building confidence (78.9%) and improvement in relationships (73.0%) as outcomes for tak-
ing professional help in mental illness. Moreover, many individuals believed that untreated mental illness
could lead to problems with family and friends (69.2%) as well as to suicidal thoughts (56.3%).
Conclusion: This research gives some insights regarding the challenges associated with mental diseases
management in the UAE. Majority of responders had a negative perception of mental health service
due to a lack of awareness regarding treatment effectiveness for mental disorders.
Ó 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University. This is an open access
article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
1319-0164/Ó 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
972 O.H. Mohamed Ibrahim et al. / Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal 28 (2020) 971–976
Mental illness is becoming a global problem. According to WHO Survey Section title Description of the section
report, around 450 million individuals all over the world are suffer- Population characteristics This section included information
ing from a mental health condition, making mental illness in the about gender, age, education level,
top five disorders leading to disability according to global living status, nationality and whether
disability-adjusted life years (DALYs). Depression diseases ranked the participant is medically trained
fourth among the global disease burden and is expected to become Barriers for not seeking help from Fifteen statements were conducted in
the second by 2020 (International Pharmaceutical Federation, healthcare professionals this section. Each question included 3
2015; Wainberg et al., 2017; World Health Organization, 2018b). regarding mental diseases a statements as follows: agree, neutral
Although treatments are obtainable, but around 70% of people with and disagree.
Consequences of untreated mental This section consisted of five. Each
mental illness don’t seek help from healthcare providers (Crowe
illness b participant could choose more than
et al., 2016). one statement.
Currently, according to WHO report in 2015, United Arab Emi- Outcomes of professional treatment This section contained 7 statements.
rates (UAE) recorded the highest level of depression among all in mental illness b Each participant had the option to
countries at Eastern Mediterranean Region with 5.1% of the popu- choose more than one statement
regarding the outcomes of help-
lation suffering from the disease and around 354,000 cases of anx-
iety noted in the same year. Studies performed in UAE however
indicate anxiety and depression are the leading cause of 75% of Cronbach’s alpha for the barriers section was 0.789.
Cronbach’s alpha for the outcomes and consequences sections was 0.648.
the mental health disorders in the country (World Health
Organization, 2017).
Mental health services in the UAE officially began in 1975 in Before the study began, approval for distributing the question-
Abu Dhabi. In 1981, a strategy to develop mental health services naires was obtained from University of Sharjah Research Ethics
was initiated with the opening of Al Amal Hospital in Dubai. Committee. Participants were informed about the aim and content
Despite an increasing number of psychiatrists and psychologists of the survey prior to answering it. The inclusion criteria was Ara-
in UAE over the years, the numbers are still insufficient (Al- bic and English speakers above the age of 18 years. Participants
Yateem et al., 2017). Many people have difficulty finding a proper below the age of 18 years old were excluded from the study.
health care provider or do not seek help for treatment of their men- The data was analyzed by using the Statistical Package for Social
tal health condition (Al Kindi and Haque, 2015). These barriers are Science ‘‘SPSS”, Version 20 from IBM company, United States of
significant as untreated mental health issues can lead to serious America (USA). Percentage (%) was utilized to present descriptive
and possible life-threatening situations including suicide data and Chi-Square test was conducted to assess the significant
(Charara et al., 2017). barriers that prevent people from obtaining healthcare provider’s
This study aims to identify UAE population opinions regarding help in mental illness. P-value < 0.05 was taken as cut off for sta-
the barriers that prevent them from seeking professional help for tistical significance.
mental health conditions and the consequences of untreated dis-
ease. This study will also look at the outcomes associated with
obtaining help from healthcare providers. 3. Results
Table 3
Barriers for not seeking help from healthcare providers.
Percentage of responders 90.0%
80.0% 69.2%
60.0% 51.0% 50.4% 49.0%
Problems with family Suicidal thoughts Financial problems Disconnuaon from Decrease in
and friends university or work academic
Fig. 1. Consequences of untreated mental disorders.
Percentage of responders
90.0% 78.9%
80.0% 73.0% 70.7%
70.0% 61.6%
60.0% 50.4%
30.0% 15.5%
20.0% 7.3%
Improve Improvement Improvement Improve Physical Financial No
confidence in relaonship in social skills academic or improvement problems improvement
with family work
and friends performance
Fig. 2. Outcomes of healthcare professional’s help-seeking in mental illness.
to the public (Al-Tameemi and Sarriff, 2019; Lynas, 2012; the factors that cause poor mental well-being (Richardson et al.,
Manolakis and Skelton, 2010). They can educate the general popu- 2017).
lation or those with diagnosed mental health disorders and provide In terms of the outcomes of professional help-seeking, most
advice regarding mental health issues. Moreover, pharmacists can participants in this survey believed that obtaining help will
detect signs and symptoms of mental health disorders and then enhance individuals’ confidences (78.9%), improve their social rela-
refer individuals at risk of an undiagnosed mental diseases to psy- tionships (73.0%) and raise the academic or work performance
chiatrists. For example, community pharmacists in Australia deliv- (61.6%). Many countries worldwide started educating people
ered unpaid education brochures giving advice on how to regarding the advantages of help-seeking in early stage of mental
recognize the first signs of mental health disorders. Pharmacists illness. In Germany, educational programs were initiated in schools
in Portugal distributed education leaflets regarding depression and police academies about mental health. Activities like art exhi-
(International Pharmaceutical Federation, 2015). All health work- bitions created by people with mental illness were also developed.
ers should cooperate to increase and share awareness amongst Educating the public about mental health will help improve the
the general public regarding the importance of seeking help and understanding of one’s condition which leads to an improvement
early treatment of mental diseases (Mclaughlin, 2004). in quality of life (Rüsch et al., 2005).
According to the results of our study, there is a high number of Regarding the consequences of untreated mental illness, people
individuals (n = 160, 46.9%) who think being unable to afford finan- responded to this study identified relationship problems (69.2%)
cial cost is a barrier that prevents people from seeking help and and financial problems (51.0%) as the most common issues.
56.3% believed that suicidal thoughts are one of the consequences Untreated mental health disorders increase the rates of disability
of untreated diseases. Clearly, some individuals with severe mental and mortality as well as can lead to many social and health prob-
illness enter the medical care system even without health insur- lems. Studies showed that depression can raise the likelihood of dia-
ance coverage, and some with insurance also experience a delay betes and myocardial infarction if not well controlled and at the
in treatment. Given the level of suicide attempts and substance same time, diabetes and myocardial infarction can increase the pos-
abuse among those with untreated mental illness, they are likely sibility of having depression (World Health Organization, 2013).
to enter the emergency room or a public clinic. Entering the med- Only 30.2% of the participants in our research had a medical
ical care system through these mechanisms in some ways is get- background. Adding mental health related courses in the education
ting too little care (Koronfel, 2002). Similarly, in United Kingdom, curriculum in the UAE for medical and non-medical students in
a cross-sectional study showed that financial problems are one of schools and universities will help in educating the public and med-
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