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Experimental Study On Partial Replacement of Cement With Glass Powder and Egg Shell Powder

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International Journal of Science and Engineering Research (IJ0SER),

Vol 6 Issue 4 April -2018

3221 5687, (P) 3221 568X

Experimental Study On Partial Replacement Of Cement

With Glass Powder And Egg Shell Powder
Mr.A.Baskar#1 Assistant Professor, Department Of Civil Engineering,
Ramyadharshini R#1 ,Renuga Devi K#2 ,Stella S#3
Department Of Civil Engineering,
Gnanamani College Of Technology,

ABSTRACT-The aim of study experimentally investigate the effect of partial replacement of cement by glass powder and egg shell
powder on the various strength and durability properties of concrete by using the mix design of M20 grade.when cement production
produces a large carbon dioxide and causes various effects in the atmosphere. In this program, the use of cement was used to reduce the
waste of parts in common applications. Here I replace the cement for its pressure strength of 7, 14 & 28 days compared to 0%, 20%,
30% & 40% and a stronger properties such as glass powder and egg shell powder. This compressive strength compared with the
conventional concrete. Comparative results will be taken through the cube test and absorption strength test.

INTRODUCTION: expansive soils and reported that plasticity index of the soil

As we know now a days most of developing country facing can be improved by adding egg shell wastes with the clay

shortage of postconsumer disposal waste site and it has soil and can be used in construction projects including earth

become very serious problem. For this reason re generation canals earth dams.

and using waste product as resource prevent environmental

pollutions. Glass powder and egg shell powder is been used
as partial replacement of cement. Most of waste glass used Ana Mafalda Matos., Aimed to evaluate the use of waste
by manufacturing company in production of new glasses glass powder in powder type SCC. It could be concluded
such as bottle etc., that waste glass powder can be used successfully in SCC
further improving chloride penetration and water absorption
Key words:EGG shell powder, GLASS powder, recycling,
by capillarity, maintaining strength levels. All though soda
compressive strength, tensile strength.
lime glass presents a high alkali content, use of ground

Freire and Holanda(2006) Carried out the investigation on waste as cement replacement in mortar, improved resistance
egg shell waste and found out its using in a ceramic wall tile ASR. Those results corroborate the pozzolanic nature of
paste. Based on the presences of CaCO3 in egg shell it can glass powder and its behavior with time.
be used as an alternative raw material in the production of
wall tile materials they also found that egg shell can be used
Prema kumar W P et.al., concluded that cement
as an excellent alternative for material reuse and waste
recycling practices. in concrete is replaced by cement waste glass powder in
steps of 5% from 0% to 40% by volume and its effect on
Okonkwo et al.,(2012) Have concluded in his
compressive strength, split tensile strength, workability and
research egg shell powder can be used as an alternate for
weight density are determined. The results were found to be
cement which resulted in higher compressive strength on
the 7 days , 28 days compressive strength of concrete
lateritice soil. Constant cement of 6& 8 % added with the
increase initially as the replacement % of cement with glass
egg shell powder of 0-10% at 2% intervals shows increase
powder increases and become maximum at about 20% and
in 35% 0f compressive strength but fellshort of the strength
later decreases.
requirements the durability. Ultimately they found that the
soil –cement egg shell mixer can be used for road Rakesh sakeleet.al., Studied the replacement of cement by
pavements. glass powder in steps of 10%,20%,30% & 40% respectively
by volume of concrete and its effects on compressive
Arash Barazesh et al.,(2016) Carried out the experiment of
strength , split tensile strength , workability , flexural
the effect of egg shell powder on plasticity index in clay and
strength of concrete increase initially as the replacement of

Baskar,Ramyadharshini,Renuga Devi,Stella …. (IJ0SER) April– 2018

International Journal of Science and Engineering Research (IJ0SER),

Vol 6 Issue 4 April -2018

3221 5687, (P) 3221 568X

investigate the affect of these waste material on various

S.NO Type of No of parameter of concrete grade. i.e M20.
specimen specimen %of GP & ESP
To compare the engineering properties of so improved
concrete for M50 (addition and partial replacement)
1 Cube 3 0% 20% 30% 40%
specimens with controlled mix concrete.
2 Cylinder 3 0% 20% 30% 40% Thus replacing the natural cement in concrete applications
with steel slag would lead to considerable environmental
cement by glass powder increase and become maximum at
benefit & would be economical.
about 20% and later decrease.

OBJECTIVES: Table.1. Types of specimen and replacing %

o increase the strength by replacement
of waste materials. METHODOLOGY:
o Minimizing the material cost. 1. MATERIAL COLLECTION & STUDY
o To minimize the environmental 2. MIX DESIGN
pollution. 3. CURING OF SPECIMEN
o Reusing the waste material. (CUBE, CYLINDER)
o the cement usage. 4. CASTING OF SPECIMEN

o Minimizing Easy preparation. (CUBE, CYLINDER,PRISM)

o Waste materials easily available with 5. TESTING OF SPECIMEN

very low cost
 A lower unit weight then most natural acement
makes glass powder and egg shell powder
economically efficient. PROPERTIES OF POST CONSUMER
 Durability, strong and light weight.
 Cost reduction.
 Social benefits. a) Specific gravity (0.9-2.2)
 Mass utilization of waste material is possible in b) Density ( 1.38 g/cm^3)
construction by using as a partial replacement c) Young’s modulus (2900-3300Mpa)
material in concrete. d) Impact strength (2-5KJ/m^2)
e) Good tensile strength (50-80mpa)
f) Water absorption (0.04-0.4)
SCOPE OF THE INVESTIGATION: g) Heat Distortion Temperature (HDT)
h) Melting point 212°C
The main aim of this project is utilization of waste material
(glass powder & egg shell powder) as cement which is
mixed (addition and partial replacement) with OPC to
a) Cement (OPC 53).

Baskar,Ramyadharshini,Renuga Devi,Stella …. (IJ0SER) April– 2018

International Journal of Science and Engineering Research (IJ0SER),

Vol 6 Issue 4 April -2018

3221 5687, (P) 3221 568X

b) Coarse Aggregate.
c) Fine Aggregate d) EGG SHELL POWDER:
d) Glass powder & egg shell powder
e) Mixing water. WORKABILITY
OPC 53Grade conforming IS VALUE(mm)
(IS 1199-1959)
12269:1987,Minimum cement content : 300
kg/m3 (IS456:2000), Specific gravity of
1. concrete 75
Cement: 3.09 0%


2. 20% 21
3. 30%
Fig.1. Cement Egg shell contains of several mutually
growing layers of caco3, the inner most
Coarse aggregate:
4. maxillary layer grows on a outer
8 most
As per IS 383:1970 the nominal size of
egg shell membrane and created the base on
which palisade layer constitutes the thickest
aggregate is 20mm used. The shape of coarse
part of the egg shell. It is a grained powder
aggregate is angular, water absorption is 0.5%.
with suitable proportion which is sieved to
specific gravity of coarse aggregate is 2.70.
the required size before use with
Glass powder
The glass is a mixer of a number of metallic silicates,
one of which is usually that of an alkali metal. It is
an amorphous, transparent or translucent. It may be
also be considered as a solidified super cooled
solutions of various metallic silicates having infinite
viscosity. The glass powder was obtained by
crushing waste glass pieces in a cone crusher mill.
The 425-micron passing friction was used for
experiment Fig 4.1.5 ESP

e) Mixing water:
For the mixing of concrete water is essential.
water absorption is 0.40
Fig 4.1.4 Glass powder
Baskar,Ramyadharshini,Renuga Devi,Stella …. (IJ0SER) April– 2018
International Journal of Science and Engineering Research (IJ0SER),

Vol 6 Issue 4 April -2018

3221 5687, (P) 3221 568X


The mix design was made confirming IS 10262:2009.M20

grade concrete is used. The mixes were made by partially
replacing post consumer plastic waste (PCPW) to fine
aggregate of percentage 0%,20%,30%,40%. Mixing of

W/C ratio: cement: fine aggregate: coarse aggregate


Fig.4. Cube Casting

As per IS 8112:1986 a) Initial setting time = 30mins

b) Final setting time = 300mins


a) Compressive strength test

S.N % of COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH b) Split tensile strength test

O GP&E (N/MM2) c) Flexural strength test



Compressive strength of concrete mixes with and without
PCPW aggregates, where 0%,10%,20%,30% replaced with

1 0% 15.50 18 23 fine aggregate. Here we find outing the compressive

strength of concrete after 7, 14 and 28 days curing. Graph 1
shows the graphical representations of compressive strength
of all mixes 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%.
2 20% 15.39 20 24.60

Table.3. compressive strength of cubes in different

3 30% 14 16.38 24.67

4 40% 12.12 16 20

Baskar,Ramyadharshini,Renuga Devi,Stella …. (IJ0SER) April– 2018

International Journal of Science and Engineering Research (IJ0SER),

Vol 6 Issue 4 April -2018

3221 5687, (P) 3221 568X

Specimen Average split tensile

Name strength

7 days 14 days 28
Fig.8. Test Machine
Here we crush the cylinder to determine the tensile strength
1 A0 3 4.5 8
of concrete mix with and without replacement of 0%, 10%,

2 A20 2.5 3 7.8 20%, 30 .Graph 2 shows the graphical representation of split
tensile strength of concrete.
3 A30 2.75 4 7.75

4 A40 1.8 2.98 6.13

Table.4. Split tensile strength of cylinder

7days 6 7days
14days 4 14days
28days 2 28days
0% 20% 30% 40%
0% 20% 30% 40%

Bar chart for Split tensile strength (Y) result for post
Graph.1. shows the variation in compressive strength of
consumer waste material(X)
different proportions

Graph.2. shows the variation in split tensile strength of

Bar chart for Compressive strength (Y) result for slag steel
different proportions


CONCLUSION  Waste removal, waste glass powder and egg shell powder in
concrete do not provide the economy, which helps eliminate
 quality concrete should take 40% to 20km / m³. Therefore, it is
elimination problems
implemented by modifying 40% of the usual practices.
 Make it an economic and environmentally friend building.
 Work on our current testing above the various researches and REFERENCE:
the mentioned work. Instead of a piece of glass powder instead Patel Dhirendra, Yadav R.K. (2012) “strength characteristics of precast
of cement, egg shell powder is clear due to its increased concrete blocks incorporating waste glass powder” ISCA Journal of
workload, pressure strength and tensile strength. Engineering Science vol. 1(1 July,[International Science Congress

Baskar,Ramyadharshini,Renuga Devi,Stella …. (IJ0SER) April– 2018

International Journal of Science and Engineering Research (IJ0SER),

Vol 6 Issue 4 April -2018

3221 5687, (P) 3221 568X

 Janis Jitendra B. and Shoji A.C.(2014) “Experimental of cement  Khaki J.M., Suhl H.S., H.S.Sohl and Chile she N. (2012) “Glass
in concrete production” powder utilization in concrete production” European Journal of
 IS 10262-2009, “Indian Standard recommended guidelines for Applied Science 4 (4): 173-176, 2012 ISSN 2079-2077 @
concrete mix design” IDOSI publication,
 456 -2000 code for plain and reinforced cement concrete.
 Shetty M.S, Concrete Technology Theory and Practice 2008,

Baskar,Ramyadharshini,Renuga Devi,Stella …. (IJ0SER) April– 2018


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