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The Art of Saying NO

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Other Books by Damon Zahariades

Your Free Gift
Notable Quotables About Saying No
I. The People-Pleasing Habit
My Past Life As A People Pleaser
The Importance Of Prioritizing
Your Needs
The Psychology Of Assertiveness
Assertiveness Versus
Saying No With Grace
What You’ll Learn In The Art Of
Saying NO
How To Get The Most Value From
This Book
II. Reasons We Struggle To Say No
We Want To Avoid Offending
We Want To Avoid Disappointing
We Want To Avoid Seeming
We Desire To Help Others
We Struggle With Low Self-
We Want Others To Like Us
We Want To Appear Valuable
We Fear Missing Out On
We Succumb To Emotional
We're Averse To Conflict
We Develop The People-Pleasing
Pop Quiz: Are You A People
III. 10 Strategies For Saying No (Without Feeling Like A
Strategy #1: Be Direct And
Strategy #2: Don't Stall For Time
Strategy #3: Replace "No" With
Another Word
Strategy #4: Resist The Urge To
Offer Excuses
Strategy #5: Take Ownership Of
Your Decision
Strategy #6: Ask The Requestor
To Follow Up Later
Strategy #7: Avoid Lying About
Your Availability
Strategy #8: Offer An Alternative
Strategy #9: Suggest Another
Person Who's Better Qualified
Strategy #10: Describe Your
Lack Of Bandwidth
Bonus Strategy #1: Be Resolute
Bonus Strategy #2: Be
Bonus Strategy #3: Confront
Your Fear Of Missing Out
Bonus Strategy #4: Say No By
You're Not Responsible For
Others' Reactions
Your Time And Interests Are
Saying No Doesn't Make You A
Bad Person
Start With The Small No's
How To Say No To Your Extended
How To Say No To Your Spouse
How To Say No To Your Children
How To Say No To Your Friends
How To Say No To Your Neighbors
How To Say No To Your
How To Say No To Your Boss
How To Say No To Your Clients
How To Say No To Strangers
How To Say No To Yourself
Final Thoughts On The Art Of Saying No
Did You Enjoy Reading The Art Of Saying NO?
About the Author
Other Books by Damon Zahariades

The Joy Of Imperfection: A Stress-Free Guide To Silencing Your Inner

Critic, Conquering Perfectionism, and Becoming The Best Version Of

Is perfectionism causing you to feel stressed, irritated, and chronically unhappy?

Here's how to silence your inner critic, embrace imperfection, and live without

The Procrastination Cure: 21 Proven Tactics For Conquering Your Inner

Procrastinator, Mastering Your Time, And Boosting Your Productivity!

Do you struggle with procrastination? Discover how to take quick action, make
fast decisions, and finally overcome your inner procrastinator!

Morning Makeover: How To Boost Your Productivity, Explode Your

Energy, and Create An Extraordinary Life - One Morning At A Time!

Would you like to start each day on the right foot? Here’s how to create quality
morning routines that set you up for more daily success!

Fast Focus: A Quick-Start Guide To Mastering Your Attention, Ignoring

Distractions, And Getting More Done In Less Time!

Are you constantly distracted? Does your mind wander after just a few minutes?
Learn how to develop laser-sharp focus!

Small Habits Revolution: 10 Steps To Transforming Your Life Through

The Power Of Mini Habits!
Got 5 minutes a day? Use this simple, effective plan for creating any new habit
you desire!

To-Do List Formula: A Stress-Free Guide To Creating To-Do Lists That


Finally! A step-by-step system for creating to-do lists that'll actually help you to
get things done!

The 30-Day Productivity Plan: Break The 30 Bad Habits That Are
Sabotaging Your Time Management - One Day At A Time!

Need a daily action plan to boost your productivity? This 30-day guide is the
solution to your time management woes!

The Time Chunking Method: A 10-Step Action Plan For Increasing Your

It's one of the most popular time management strategies used today. Double
your productivity with this easy 10-step system.

Digital Detox: The Ultimate Guide To Beating Technology Addiction,

Cultivating Mindfulness, and Enjoying More Creativity, Inspiration, And
Balance In Your Life!

Are you addicted to Facebook and Instagram? Are you obsessed with your
phone? Use this simple, step-by-step plan to take a technology vacation!

For a complete list, please visit


I’d like to give you a gift as my way of saying thanks for purchasing this book. It’s my 40-
page PDF action guide titled Catapult Your Productivity! The Top 10 Habits You Must
Develop To Get More Things Done.
It’s short enough to read quickly, but meaty enough to offer actionable advice that can
make a real difference in your life.
You can get immediate access to Catapult Your Productivity by clicking the link below
and joining my mailing list:

In the following pages, I’m going to teach you how to say no with confidence and
without guilt. Along the way, you’ll develop the assertiveness you need to turn down
requests if they fail to align with your goals, needs, and convictions.

If you don't prioritize your life,

someone else will.
- Greg McKeown

A 'no' uttered from the deepest

conviction is better than a 'yes'
merely uttered to please, or
worse, to avoid trouble.
- Mahatma Gandhi

The difference between

successful people and very
successful people is that very
successful people say ‘no’ to
almost everything.”
- Warren Buffett

Think of a friend or acquaintance whom you’d consider to be

a typical people pleaser. This individual is probably one of
the nicest people you know. He or she is always ready to
lend a hand. You can count on him or her to help you
whenever the need arises. This person will gladly abandon
his or her personal pursuits to cater to your wants and
Does this behavior sound disturbingly familiar to you in
a personal way? Do you notice aspects of it in yourself? For
example, when someone requests your help, do you
immediately set aside whatever you’re working on and say
And here’s the bigger issue: do you regularly feel
unhappy, stressed, and exhausted as a result of constantly
putting other people’s priorities ahead of your own?
If so, this book is for you.
Saying no to people is one of the most important skills
you can develop. It frees you to pursue your own interests,
both personal and professional. To that end, it’ll boost your
productivity, improve your relationships, and fill you with a
sense of confident calm that may seem alien to you at this
The ability to say no is liberating. But developing the
skill is often difficult. For most of us, it requires undoing
years of practice to the contrary. For some of us, learning to
say no counteracts a lifetime of indoctrination from our
parents, teachers, bosses, coworkers, and family members.
But it’s worth the effort. Once you possess the ability to
say no with confidence and grace, and do so with regularity,
you’ll notice changes in how others perceive you. They’ll
have more respect for you; they’ll place a greater value on
your time; and they’ll come to see you as a leader rather
than a follower.
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
Interested to know more? Are you ready to finally curb
your inclination to please people by saying yes all the time?
If so, let me describe my personal experience with being an
unabashed people pleaser…

I’m a recovering people pleaser. If you had known me in my

high school and college days, you needn’t have ever wanted
for help. I was there for you. All you had to do was ask. I’d
happily sacrifice my own pursuits to help you pursue your
This tendency to say yes regardless of my personal
circumstances was borne of several factors. We’ll cover
them in Part II: Reasons We Struggle To Say No. For now, it’s
enough to say that I was the quintessential people pleaser.
And I was miserable.
Every time I said yes to someone, it felt like I was doing
the right thing. I was making the other person happy. So
how could such a decision be regrettable?
But a little voice would always opine that saying yes to
others was, in effect, saying no to myself. The time given
would no longer be available to spend toward my own
pursuits. The money given would no longer be available to
finance my own needs and interests.
And sure enough, I allowed others to use my time,
money, and even my labor toward their interests while my
interests were placed on the back burner.
For example, I owned a pickup truck while attending
college. That made me a prime candidate for helping my
friends move. As you might expect, I was regularly asked to
do so.
Being a diehard people pleaser, I was quick to say yes.
But it was always in opposition to the small voice in my
head berating me for putting my own interests and priorities
on hold. Worse, this voice was persistent. And it slowly
caused me to become resentful - of myself as well as the
people who routinely requested my help.
It was a downward spiral.
Each time I was asked to do something for someone, I
said yes in spite of myself. So ingrained was the habit of
catering to others. But with each acquiescence, a feeling of
discontent grew inside me, setting the stage for bitterness
and despair. Time and again, I sacrificed my own interests to
help others, knowing that doing so was making me
increasingly unhappy.
I had no one to blame but myself.
At some point, I decided that I had had enough. I began
to reject all requests to help friends move. In fact, I turned
down nearly all requests for help of any kind.
In retrospect, I regret taking this approach. It was a
knee-jerk reaction spurred by my growing resentment and
self-loathing, and too severe in its making. It took me years
of experimentation and practice to learn to say no with
more grace and thoughtfulness.
The Art Of Saying NO will help you make the transition
from always pleasing others to prioritizing your own needs
and desires. And importantly, I’ll show you how to do it
without taking the regrettable hardline approach I used long

One of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned is that no

one will protect my time or prioritize my needs as vigilantly
as me. That’s understandable. Most people act out of self-
interest; they naturally put their own priorities ahead of
others’ priorities. But it means each of us is responsible for
making sure our personal needs are met.
No one is going to do it for us.
Moreover, it’s important that we attend to our own
needs before attending to the needs of others. This
assertion may make you feel uncomfortable, particularly if
you strive to be loving and giving in all that you do. But
allowing your needs to remain unaddressed while you
continuously cater to others is the path toward resentment
and bitterness. It can even become a health issue if you run
yourself ragged (I speak from experience).
When I advise prioritizing your needs over the needs of
others, I’m not suggesting you ignore the latter. Not at all!
You can still be there for friends, family members,
coworkers, and even strangers, and help them when asked.
The important thing is that you avoid abandoning your own
priorities in the process. After all, how much use will you be
to others over the long run if you don’t first attend to
For example, suppose you agree to help people so often
that you begin to skip meals, sacrifice sleep, and forsake
activities you enjoy. You’ll gradually become so exhausted,
irritable, and unhappy that you won’t be able or willing to
help others.
This is the reason I recommend attending to your needs
first. Doing so gives you the freedom to attend to other
people’s needs when you have the time, energy, and
inclination. You’ll be able to decide to help on a case-by-
case basis without risking or forfeiting your own health and
Consider how flight attendants explain airline safety to
passengers. In the event the cabin decompresses, you’re
supposed to put on your oxygen mask before helping others
put on their masks. Help yourself first. Then, assist others.
These instructions aren’t intended to promote self-
preservation. Rather, the airline knows that if you help
others first, you risk succumbing to hypoxia. And that would
prevent you from helping anyone.
When you prioritize your needs over the needs of
others, some folks will persist in their attempts to recruit
you to their ends. They won’t take no for an answer.
In such cases, you’ll need to be assertive…

Many people think assertiveness is something you’re born

with. But that’s incorrect. Assertiveness is a learned trait. In
the context of this book, it’s a learned skill.
Being assertive means having the self-confidence to
express your needs and wants, and pursue your own ends,
even in the face of opposition. It involves telling people
where you stand on a given topic and leaving no room for
Assertiveness is declaring your point of view and not
feeling as if you need others’ approval or validation.
For example, suppose you’re discussing politics with a
friend. Being assertive means expressing your position even
if it contradicts your friend’s position.
Another example: suppose you’re watching the latest
blockbuster movie at your local theater, and the person next
to you is talking loudly on her phone. Assertiveness is
asking her to lower her voice or turn her phone off.
Or suppose a friend asks you to take him to the airport
on Friday. If you made other commitments, being assertive
means telling him no, even if doing so causes him to react
At its most basic form, assertiveness is candid
communication. Nothing more. That’s good news because it
means assertiveness isn’t a skill you’re born with. You can
develop it with training and practice.
In The Art Of Saying NO, we’ll discuss assertiveness as it
applies to turning down requests others make of you. That’s
the purpose of this book. But along the way, you’ll find that
this single, crucial skill (i.e. saying no) can serve as the
launching pad for becoming more assertive in every area of
your life.
As you learn to be more assertive, your mindset will
change. You’ll become more willing to share your ideas with
others. You’ll be more inclined to ask for things you need
and want. You’ll be less hesitant to express your opinions,
and more ready to speak up for those who are unable or
unwilling to speak up for themselves.
And of course, you’ll become better and more adept at
giving voice to that simple, beautiful word that can literally
change your life: “no.”

It’s important that we distinguish between being assertive

and being aggressive. They’re often confused as being
similar. But they’re entirely different behaviors.
Healthy assertiveness is respectful. As we noted in the
previous section, being assertive is nothing more than
confidently communicating your position.
Aggressiveness is belligerent. An aggressive individual
communicates in a way that’s rude, dismissive, and even
Here are a few examples of each behavior in various

Assertiveness: Listening to the other person, and then
sharing a dissenting opinion after the other person has
finished speaking.
Aggressiveness: Interrupting the other person and
speaking over him or her.


Assertiveness: Participating in the group dialogue.
Allowing others to share their ideas, and expressing
thoughts on those ideas in a respectful manner.
Aggressiveness: Trying to dominate the group
dialogue. Speaking over others, and tearing their ideas
down without consideration for their feelings.


Assertiveness: Asking the offender to lower his or her
voice so you can enjoy the movie.
Aggressiveness: Demanding the offender to lower his
or her voice, and even threatening violence for

SEEKING recourse for an improperly-prepared drink at

Assertiveness: Explaining the problem (e.g. too much
chocolate syrup in an iced mocha) to the barista, and asking
him or her to remake the drink while maintaining eye
Aggressiveness: Berating the barista for the mistake,
and demanding that the drink be remade while glaring at
him or her.

SAYING no when someone asks for help:

Assertiveness: Being direct in declining the request.
Suggesting another person who may be able to help the
Aggressiveness: Barking “NO!” at the requestor, and
dismissing and/or belittling him or her for asking.


Aggressiveness is often an impulse. An aggressive
person responds in a hostile or inconsiderate manner, and
often regrets doing so later.
By contrast, assertiveness is planned, thoughtful, and
considerate. An assertive person communicates his or her
position with clarity while taking the other person’s feelings
into account.
The aggressive individual is loud, opinionated, and self-
absorbed. The assertive individual understands how to
express his or her point of view with grace.

The Art Of Saying NO isn’t just about learning how to rebuff

requests for your time. Anyone can do that. Rather, the goal
is to learn how to say no without feeling guilty.
And that means using a bit of grace.
Tell me if this scenario sounds familiar:
You’re frazzled. You have a mountain of work in front of
you and not enough time to get everything done. Making
matters worse, your phone keeps ringing, preventing you
from making headway. And the problem is compounded by
the fact that people keep stopping by your office to ask you
for help.
In short, you’re feeling overwhelmed and frustrated.
At that moment, another coworker approaches your
office. He wants you to do something for him, unaware of
your stress and state of mind.
He’s in for a surprise.
You’ve been saying yes to people all day, and you’re
sick of it. Worse, you’re irritated at yourself for continuously
catering to your coworkers’ needs while allowing your own
to go unattended.
Your coworker reaches your office and asks, “Can you do
me a favor?”
You glare at him, brow furrowed and teeth gritted, and
snarl, “I don’t have time for you right now! Can’t you see
I’m busy?!”
Your coworker, speechless with eyes wide, slowly backs
out of your office. He manages to mutter, “Gosh, I’m sorry”
before doing an about face and departing.
You watch him walk away and instantly feel guilty.
In this scenario, you’ve managed to say no. You’ve
successfully rebuffed your coworker’s request for help. But
the manner in which you’ve done so has likely caused hurt
feelings, resentment, and other negative emotions that’ll
haunt you later.
I’m ashamed to say this scenario comes from my own
life. Many times, back when I was a people pleaser, I’d
become overwhelmed and lose my cool. I’d blow up, taking
out my frustration on whoever was unlucky enough to catch
me at a bad time.
And I’d always regret it.
The Art Of Saying NO will show you a better way. By the
time you’ve finished reading this book, you’ll have all the
tools you need to say no with grace and tact, and
importantly, without guilt.

The Art Of Saying NO is organized into four parts. In my

opinion, each part is essential. Each one addresses a crucial
aspect of learning how to set boundaries and say no with
confidence and poise.
Furthermore, each part builds on the one that precedes
it. Each adds substance and strength to the foundation laid
by the one it follows.
By the time you’ve finished reading The Art Of Saying
NO, you’ll know two important things. First, you’ll know
precisely why it’s so difficult to decline others’ requests.
Second, you’ll know how to do it without feeling guilty, and
in a way that increases the respect others have toward you.
Here’s a quick breakdown of what you’ll find in The Art
Of Saying NO:
Part I
We’re coming to the end of Part I. We’ve laid the
groundwork for the ideas and strategies that follow.
I revealed my past as a people pleaser for two reasons.
First, I wanted to describe the frustration I experienced in
letting others’ needs constantly take priority over my own.
I’ll bet you can relate to this frustration. Second, I wanted to
show you that no matter of how difficult you find saying no
today, you can learn to do it with confidence. If I can do it,
you definitely can, too.
Part I also introduced the idea of assertiveness and
distinguished it from aggressiveness. This was done to
highlight the importance of saying no with grace and
Part II
If we want to change something about ourselves, it’s
important that we understand why we commit the offending
behavior in the first place. To that end, Part II explores the
reasons we say yes when we know we should say no.
You’ll find that some of the reasons are familiar to you
because they reflect your personal motivations. Others may
seem strange. Upon further inspection, however, you might
discover they too play subtle roles in your ongoing struggle
to say no to people.
Our goal in Part II is to shine a revealing light on our
motivations, subconscious or otherwise, and thereby set a
clear path for making a positive change.
Part III
In Part III, we’ll take a close look at specific strategies you
can use to rebuff others’ requests without feeling guilty.
You’ll find that many, if not most, of them are intuitive. Keep
in mind, it’s often the simplest remedies that are the most
effective. They’re also the ones we tend to overlook.
The strategies detailed in Part III will help you to say no
in a manner that inspires trust and respect while mitigating
the potential of a hostile reaction. In my opinion, they
comprise the best approach for turning down requestors
while encouraging their admiration over the long haul.
Part IV: Bonus Material
The challenge with learning new strategies is understanding
how to apply them in situations that are unique to your
experience. You’ll discover that’s the case with learning how
to say no.
Part IV will show you how to implement the strategies
described in Part III. You’ll learn how to apply them with the
various people you encounter during the course of a given
day, from your friends and extended family members to
your boss and coworkers.

AS YOU CAN SEE, we have a lot to cover. But don’t worry. Each
section of The Art Of Saying NO is tightly written. Each one
moves quickly, delivering its core advice in as little time as
In the next section, I’ll show you how to make the most
of the material you’ll find in The Art Of Saying NO.

The Art Of Saying NO is an instruction manual. That might

sound boring, but it’s actually a benefit. It means the
material is presented in a soup-to-nuts fashion. Nothing is
left to chance. No matter where you are in the process of
learning to say no, this book has you covered.
Moreover, specific material in the book is easy to find. If
you need to refresh your memory about a particular concept
or strategy, all you have to do is look through the table of
contents. The material is organized in a logical, intuitive
You may be tempted to breeze through this book. It’s
short, and can be read in a couple hours. But if you truly
want to get maximum mileage from it, I recommend a
different approach. Read each section, and pause once
you’ve done so. Reflect on the material in the context of
your life.
For example, in Part II: Reasons We Struggle To Say No,
we’ll talk about the role of low self-esteem, and how it
makes us inclined to please people. After you read that
section, stop for a moment and think about whether low
self-esteem is a personal challenge. Consider how it affects
the way you interact with others. Think about how it’s an
obstacle to getting your needs met.
Reflecting on the material in this way allows you to take
mental notes that are unique to your personal experience.
You’ll find that the material has greater impact.
When we get to Part III: 10 Strategies For Saying No
(Without Feeling Like A Jerk), look for opportunities to apply
the advice. Try out each strategy and note its effect. How
does the requestor react? How does its use influence his or
her perception of you? Also, note the extent to which each
strategy helps you to regain control of your time.
That’s being an active reader. It’s the best way to make
full use of the material you’ll find in the following pages.
Positive Change Starts Today
Before we move on to Part II: Reasons We Struggle To Say
No, I need you to do something for me. It’s a simple thing,
but critical if you hope to get maximum value from this
book. Here it is:
I need you to make a commitment. Pledge that you’ll
apply the advice in this book.
It’s tempting to read The Art Of Saying NO, and file it
away without taking action. Please don’t do that. Reading
and learning is only one part of the formula. The other part -
arguably, the most important part - is applying what you
learn. That’s when habits change and life becomes more
If you’re ready to commit, let’s jump in.

It’s one of the smallest words in the English language. Yet,

many of us believe it carries such awesome power that
we’re afraid to say it. In those instances when we do
manage to say no, we instinctively downplay our intentions,
offering excuses and apologies to the requestor.
Why does this tiny word carry such gravity? Why are we
so hesitant to utter it?
This section will highlight and explain the most common
reasons we have difficulty telling others “no.” You’ll no
doubt recognize a few of them in your own life. As you’ll see
in the following pages, I have personal experience with
nearly all of them.
Most of us were raised to believe that saying no is rude
and egocentric. This belief becomes a significant part of our
value system. So we spend our childhoods and much of our
adult lives trying to live in a way that reflects an image we
consider more honorable and respectable.
The result? We end up saying yes to everyone around
us, even as we become increasingly frustrated, embittered,
and resentful.
You’re about to learn the unhealthy reasons you dread
saying no. Recognizing them - some are less obvious than
others - is the first step toward freeing yourself from the
fallacious belief that saying no is mean, cold-hearted, or
Let’s get started…

People often take offense at things that aren’t intended to

give offense. An example is hearing the word “no” after they
ask for someone’s help.
You can probably recall instances when this has
happened to you. Someone asks you for your time,
attention, or money, and you respectfully decline the
request. The individual’s reaction is immediate, and openly
displayed on his or her face. A furrowed brow, a deep frown,
and tight lips betray hurt feelings and indignation.
The individual takes offense. He or she may even utter
“That’s rude.” Understandably, this causes you to feel
pangs of guilt. As you watch the requestor walk away, the
displeasure evident in his or her body language, you can’t
help but feel as if you’ve done something wrong.
But let’s logically unpack this scenario.
First, it’s important to understand how this type of
offense surfaces. It has nothing to do with moral outrage,
the acrimony we tend to associate with taking offense. Nor
is it a reaction to a perceived wrongdoing or act of villainy.
Rather, when offense is taken in these circumstances, it
usually stems from the requestor’s insecurities. He or she
internalizes the word “no” as a personal rejection. It stings,
which prompts the reaction.
It took me years to come to this realization. When it
finally dawned on me, everything changed.
I realized that as long as I was respectful to the
individual asking for my help, I wasn’t responsible for any
offense taken when I said no. This was a liberating feeling! It
freed me from my fears of turning down requests.
Think about someone in your life who takes offense
upon hearing the word “no.” The next time this person asks
you for help, and you’re unable to offer it, pay attention to
how you feel when you decline his or her request. Do you
feel guilty? Do you feel as if you’ve done something wrong?
Realize there’s no reason to feel that way. As long as
you’re being courteous and candid, you’re not responsible
for any offense taken by the requestor.

If you’re like me, you hate disappointing people. You cringe

when you see a look of sadness following your words or
actions. You shudder at the possibility that you may have
been the cause. Seeing that look can make you feel as if
you’ve let others down.
It’s more than just an intellectual realization. You can
feel it in your gut.
This guilt is unwarranted. You’re not responsible for
causing others disappointment when you say no to them. To
fully appreciate this fact, it’s important to understand how
disappointment occurs.
Disappointment springs from unmet expectations. Recall
times in your life when you’ve experienced this emotion.
The trigger was undoubtedly something that failed to meet
your presumed outcome.
For example, you might have visited a restaurant after
reading rave reviews only to find that you disliked the food
and ambiance. Neither met your expectations, and you were
thus disappointed.
Another example: perhaps you expected your child to
receive straight A’s on his or her report card, and were
surprised to find B’s and C’s. You were likely disappointed.
Or let’s say you’re expecting a promotion at work. When
you’re passed over for the promotion, you feel let down.
Why? Because your expectations were unrealized.
Now, consider how this plays out when you say no to
someone. Suppose a coworker asks for your help, but you’re
already overwhelmed by your own responsibilities. So you
rebuff the request.
Your coworker becomes visibly disappointed by your
refusal to help. But is his or her disappointment truly your
fault? Or did your coworker approach you with unrealistic -
and perhaps even unfair - expectations regarding your
ability and willingness to offer help?
The latter scenario is almost certainly the case unless
you had previously promised to help your coworker. That
being true, you cannot be held responsible for his or her
When you acknowledge this fact, you’ll find it easier to
let go of your fear of disappointing people when you say no
to them. You’ll come to appreciate that their disappointment
is neither your fault nor responsibility.
This perspective will give you the courage to stop
accommodating every request and invitation that comes
your way.

Most of us care how others perceive us. We want to be

thought of as good, caring, helpful individuals. To that end,
we go out of our way to appear so through our actions.
For example, we hold the door open for people. We
smile at, greet, and listen to talkative strangers when
waiting in line at the grocery store. And when we’re asked to
help out with something, we instinctively say yes.
To do anything else would be selfish, right? And we
certainly don’t want folks to think we’re selfish.
This thought process is understandable. But it’s also
wrongheaded. Worse, it can spur us to make poor decisions
regarding how we allocate our time and attention among
competing demands.
We have a limited number of hours to play with each
day. That means every time we say yes to someone, we’re
saying no to someone or something else. And every time we
say no, we free ourselves to spend that time and attention
on another person or interest.
In this light, is it truly selfish to say no? I believe it’s not.
Let me demonstrate with an example from my own life.
I mentioned earlier that I used to be the go-to person
when it came time to help friends move. My pickup truck
and inclination to say yes made me the first person folks
approached when they needed help. Unfortunately, the time
I spent accommodating their needs was time I couldn’t
spend with my family, on my studies, and on the activities I
In other words, by taking care of others, I was
consciously neglecting to take care of myself. I was ignoring
my family. I was putting my studies on the back burner. And
I was growing increasingly stressed and unhappy because I
wasn’t able to do the things I relished.
It was a terrible way to live.
Self-care isn’t selfish. It’s necessary. The problem is, if
you’re constantly saying yes to other people, putting their
priorities ahead of your own, you won’t have the time or
energy to care for yourself. And you’ll slowly become
irritated, cynical, and miserable.
Again, it’s a terrible way to live.
Will some people consider you selfish when you say no
to them? Of course. You can’t control that. And it’s worth
noting, you’re not responsible for them feeling that way.
The most responsible thing you can do is care for
yourself before you cater to others. Doing so often means
saying no to their requests and invitations. After all, if you
use up your time, energy, and attention on others, you
won’t have any left over for yourself.
And that’s no way to live a rewarding life.

Think back to the last time you helped someone. I’ll bet it
felt good. Your actions or advice improved that person’s day,
which was probably a fantastic feeling.
That’s why many of us love to help people. Knowing that
we’ve contributed to someone else’s happiness is its own
heady reward. In fact, it can be addictive. Some of us look
for ways to help others, even if doing so means ignoring our
own needs and responsibilities.
We become caregivers in search of people to care for.
When we’re asked for help, we jump at the opportunity.
For many of us, the desire to help stems from an
inclination to show others we love them. For example, we
help family members or close friends because doing so is
the simplest way to show them they matter to us.
For others, the desire to help springs from an impulse to
play the role of a “white knight,” swooping in to save the
day. For example, we stop to help a stranded motorist
change his or her flat tire.
For still others, helping someone is a way to
compensate for a perceived deficit. The gratitude we
receive allows us to forget about traits we dislike about
These motivations are understandable. But left
unchecked, they can cause us to repeatedly ignore our own
needs and priorities.
To be sure, helping others is honorable. But your
resources are limited. You only have so much time, money,
and attention at your disposal. It’s important to be prudent
in how you use these resources.
There will always be someone who could benefit from
your attention. There will always be people who will gladly
accept your help if you offer it. But keep in mind, you’re not
responsible for solving other people’s problems. You’re
responsible for yourself and those who depend on you (e.g.
your immediate family).
That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t help people. Rather,
the best way to help people over the long run is to ensure
your needs are met first.
In other words, make sure that self-care has a higher
priority than giving care.

Self-esteem is a tricky, slippery thing. Sometimes, we’re

confident to the point that we feel we can conquer the
world. Other times, we feel utterly insecure. We second
guess ourselves to the point that we’re unable to take any
action at all.
These feelings affect how we perceive ourselves. They
influence our self-image, and shape our sense of self-worth.
Insecurity can make us feel inadequate, and even provoke
twinges of shame.
It’s important to recognize this effect because it
discourages us from saying no to people. Here’s how it
Burdened with a low self-image, we mistakenly believe
our time is worth less than others’ time. We wrongly assume
our goals and interests are inferior to other people’s goals
and interests. We perceive our value to the world as
somehow less than the value offered by those around us.
Given this reasoning, it’s no wonder we’re inclined to
put others ahead of ourselves. It’s understandable that,
when we’re asked to help, we instinctively say yes when we
should really say no given our other responsibilities.
This isn’t an easy problem to solve. Many of those who
struggle with self-esteem issues have done so for years.
Some have done so throughout their lives. Improving their
self-image is likely to involve a long process with plenty of
bumps along the way.
The good news is that saying no can actually improve
your sense of self-worth. The more you do it, the more you’ll
come to realize that your time, commitments, and
aspirations are just as important as those of the requestor.
And that’s a meaningful step toward improving your
The Art Of Saying NO isn’t intended to address or
resolve emotional issues. It’s intended to help you become
more assertive, and overcome the impulse to please people
by saying yes to their requests and invitations. Along the
way, you’ll find that saying no with purpose and grace will
give you the confidence to move forward in a way that’s
consistent with your convictions.

The desire to be liked is universal. We want others to be

drawn to us, to trust us, and to feel better for having spent
time with us.
This desire is hardwired into our psyches. It’s how we
build connections with other people. We try to relate to
them, and empathize with them, in the hope of being
accepted by them.
It’s unsurprising that we often say yes when we know
we should say no. It’s an instinctive response borne of our
longing for other people’s approval.
Here again, I speak from experience. When I was in high
school, I wanted desperately to be liked by my peers. And
so, whenever someone asked me for a favor, whether that
entailed my time, effort, or money, I jumped at the chance.
I was the ultimate people pleaser. I was incapable of
saying no since doing so meant abandoning an opportunity
to receive someone’s approval.
This is a common weakness. Many people struggle with
it even if they refuse to admit as much.* But it’s important
to recognize this yearning for validation as a trigger for our
tendency to say yes. When we’re aware of our motivations,
we can review them and take steps to realign our decisions
with our values.
If you routinely say yes to people so they’ll like you,
keep reading. I’ll show you how to short-circuit this impulse,
and reclaim your time, energy, and dignity in the process.
And here’s something that should excite you: learning to
say no with purpose and poise will actually improve your
status in the eyes of your friends, family members, and
coworkers. You’ll no longer be seen as a doormat. Instead,
you’ll gain their respect and inspire their trust.

* I’m happy to share my own embarrassing stories because

they provide examples of personal growth. To that end, if I
can overcome the people-pleasing habit, you can, too!

Think back to the last time you served as a resource for

someone. Maybe this person sought your advice about
something. Perhaps he or she asked your opinion. Or maybe
this individual approached you for information that would
benefit him or her in some way.
It felt good, didn’t it? It was nice to be appreciated.
All of us like being perceived as valuable by others. We
enjoy feeling relevant and important. It gives us higher
status in others’ eyes, if only for a short time.
Here’s the problem: this feeling can be intoxicating,
prompting us to constantly seek opportunities to prove our
worth and reinforce the idea that we’re valuable. This
inclination can spur us to say yes to requests when we
should say no.
For example, suppose a coworker asks you to help her
with a report, and points out that you’re an expert on the
material. If appearing valuable is important to you, being
identified as an expert will feel momentarily exhilarating.
You’ll be inclined to reinforce that notion by agreeing to her
request, even if doing so means putting your own
responsibilities on the back burner.
Or suppose a friend asks you to help him move, pointing
out that your aid would be invaluable to him. It feels good to
be considered important, and you want your friend to
continue thinking you’re valuable.
So you agree to help him.
Unfortunately, doing so means committing several
hours. That’s time that might otherwise be spent doing
things that are more consequential to you - for example,
spending the day with your spouse and kids.
I don’t mean to suggest you should always turn down
requests for help. That’s neither the purpose nor intent of
The Art Of Saying NO. Rather, I hope to encourage you to
recognize your motivations for putting other people’s
priorities ahead of your own. Case in point: do you regularly
say yes to people just to appear valuable in their eyes?
As I mentioned earlier, helping people is a respectable
thing to do. But helping people for the wrong reasons will
only reinforce a bad habit that’ll eventually cause you to
feel bitter and resentful.
I’ll show you a better way.

Have you ever said yes to your boss because you were
afraid that saying no would disqualify you for a raise,
promotion, or new responsibilities? Have you ever said yes
to a friend because you feared saying no would cost you a
rewarding life experience?
That’s the fear of missing out (FOMO for short). It’s the
anxiety we feel at the prospect of being unable to take
advantage of opportunities. And it’s a common reason many
of us say yes even when we realize saying no would be a
better decision.
For example, at the workplace, we take on new projects
because we fear that declining them will impede the
advancement of our careers.
With our friends, we commit ourselves to activities
because we’re afraid to miss out on rewarding experiences.
Social media only reinforces this tendency. We’re
constantly reading Facebook on our phones and tablets,
watching others post about their experiences, and chiding
ourselves for not having our own to post. We end up saying
yes to things just so we don’t feel left out.
The curious result is that we start to feel unfocused,
frustrated, and unhappy, even as we strive to take
advantage of every opportunity. Why? Because we
inevitably stretch ourselves too thin pursuing things that are
inconsequential to us.
So the problem isn’t that we say yes to opportunities.
The problem is that we fail to discriminate between the
wrong opportunities and the right ones.
Remember, there’s only so much time in the day. You
can’t do everything. That means each time you say yes to
something, you tacitly say no to something else.
In pursuing some opportunities, you miss out on others.
This is one of the reasons it’s important to learn to say
no. By declining some offers, you allow yourself the freedom
to say yes to those that’ll prove truly rewarding to you.
This change in habit requires a change in mindset. It
entails abandoning your fear of missing out while remaining
aware of opportunities that are consistent with your goals
and interests.

You’ll occasionally run into people who refuse to take no for

an answer. They’ll go to great lengths to compel you to say
yes, including using emotional bullying.
Emotional bullying occurs when one person makes
another feel afraid, angry, or self-conscious for the purpose
of achieving his or her ends. This is accomplished through a
variety of means, including the following:

making threats
lobbing insults
making accusations

Emotional bullies use the above tactics to cause their

victims to feel guilt, fear, shame, and embarrassment. The
idea is that people who experience these negative feelings
will acquiesce. They’ll surrender, saying yes to the abusers
if only to stop the abuse.
Emotional bullies know what they’re doing. They realize
they’re being manipulative. They understand they’re being
rude and unfair to their victims.
That’s important to remember. Why? Because it gives
you the freedom to stand up to this type of bullying and
point out its shortcomings. It also gives you the self-
confidence to remain resolute in saying no when the bully is
trying to get you to say yes.
For example, suppose you’ve declined a coworker’s
request for help so you’ll have enough time to meet your
own work-related obligations. Your coworker responds by
shouting and swearing at you.
One way to respond is to remind your coworker that
shouting and swearing is inappropriate and unprofessional.
Moreover, the behavior is unlikely to resolve things in a
productive manner. You might even ask the bully to describe
the last time shouting and swearing actually worked for him
or her.
In other words, take the high road.
Because you’re aware that the abuser is knowingly
being manipulative, you’ll be less compelled by his or her
tactics. You won’t feel shamed, fearful, guilty, or
embarrassed. Instead, you’ll recognize the bully’s shouting
and swearing as indications of his or her personality flaws.
That’ll make it much easier to remain assertive and
stand your ground.

Many folks have difficulty saying no because they struggle

with conflict anxiety. They loathe confrontation, and will do
just about anything to avoid it. For them, saying yes is a
quick and easy way to quash a potential dust-up.
I relate to this tendency. I was raised to abhor conflict.
When the person I was talking to appeared to become
frustrated, angry, or even mildly disappointed, I’d
immediately try to assuage them. When such feelings were
triggered by something I had said, I’d immediately retract
my statements.
Here’s an example of how such conversations

Requestor: “Damon, can I ask you a favor?”

Me: “Sure. What do you need?”
Requestor: “Can you take me to the airport this Friday?”
Me: “I’m sorry. I can’t do it this Friday.”
Requestor (getting angry): “Are you serious? You’re not
going to help me?”
Me (with a deer-in-the-headlights stare): “Uhh…”
Requestor (getting angrier): “Don’t ever ask me for
anything in the future!”
Me (desperate to end the conflict): “Okay. Calm down. I’ll
take you to the airport.”
Acquiescing to the requestor’s demand was easier than
standing my ground. This was the case because I had such a
strong resistance to conflict. I was willing to give in just to
avoid a confrontation.
Maybe you can relate. Perhaps you tend to say yes to
people so they won’t be angry or frustrated with you. You’ve
learned that being nice stifles any chance of a showdown.
The problem is, capitulating to avoid conflict reinforces
the idea that your feelings are less important than those of
the other person. The reality is, they’re not less important.
You’re just being made to feel that way.
If you’re afraid of conflict, there are small, simple things
you can do to overcome that fear. First, recognize that
harmony isn’t always possible. People have conflicting
opinions, needs, and desires. Friction is inevitable.
Second, remind yourself that conflict isn’t necessarily
bad. It’s merely the expression of contradictory views. How
a person reacts to a conflict (with a calm demeanor or with
anger) is an entirely different matter.
Third, practice saying no in small steps. Start with
situations where confrontations are likely to be nonexistent.
An example is telling a salesperson at a clothing store that
you don’t want to buy an article of clothing.
Gradually introduce situations where saying no is likely
to have a larger reaction. An example is telling a used car
salesman that you don’t want to purchase a vehicle.
By starting with low-risk situations, you’ll build a
tolerance for conflict. Like a muscle, this tolerance will
become stronger with repeated use. You’ll eventually grow
comfortable saying no, even when faced with someone
prone to anger when his or her requests are denied.

Saying yes is an ingrained habit for many of us. It’s

something we learn to do over a long period of time. The
longer we do it, the more entrenched the habit becomes
until it’s instinctive. We do it on autopilot, agreeing to things
before we even realize we’re doing so.
In a sense, we’ve wired our brains to respond in that
way whenever people ask things of us.
Think about the last time you agreed to do something
you weren’t even remotely interested in. Did you find
yourself saying yes before you had even considered how
doing so might impact you?
That’s a learned behavior.
It can stem from a number of factors. For example, you
might have learned as a child that saying yes resulted in
approval from your parents or other authority figures. Or
you may have found that saying yes made others happy,
and that, in turn, gave you a sense of self-worth. Or you
might have discovered that saying yes to your peers made
them more inclined to include you.
Such “lessons” have a powerful effect on us. They train
us to accommodate others as doing so affords us short-term
benefits (approval, sense of self-worth, and social inclusion).
The more “lessons” we observe, the greater our desire to
repeat the outcome.
We become addicts looking for our next “fix.”
The good news is that, like any habit, the tendency to
instinctively say yes can be unlearned. It can be undone. We
can rewire our brains so we’re more contemplative about
the requests being made of us.
The key, as always, is to take small steps.
For example, in the beginning, just focus on not saying
yes immediately. Give yourself a few moments to consider
requests and how they’ll impact your day. Interrupting your
instinctive response will help to short circuit the habit.
Next, examine the reasons you’re inclined to say yes.
Are those reasons valid? For example, do you desire the
requestor’s approval? Do you need that person to validate
your sense of worth? Is it important to you that you’re
included in his or her circle of friends? You may find that this
learned behavior (i.e. automatically saying yes) is prompted
by motivations that are trivial to you.
It’s not easy to reverse a habit you’ve developed over
years of repeated application. But it can be done. The first -
and arguably most important - step is to recognize the habit

Let’s find out how inclined you are to say yes to people.
Most of us struggle with this problem at some level. But
there’s a huge chasm that separates the occasional people
pleaser and the chronic people pleaser.
It’s time to find out where you land on the scale.
Below you’ll find 15 statements. Read each one, and
assign a value from one to five. Write down “1” if the
statement is completely false as it applies to you. Write
down “5” if the statement describes you to a T. If a
statement is somewhat accurate, assign values “2,” “3,” or
“4” to indicate the extent.
Once you’ve assigned values to each of the following 15
statements, we’re going to tally your score. Your score will
reveal how likely you are to abandon your own needs and
priorities to accommodate other people.

1. I never speak my mind, even when I have strong

feelings about something.
2. I always feel the need to smile and be overly nice to
people, even when I’m feeling grumpy.
3. The possibility of conflict terrifies me.
4. I immediately feel selfish when I do something for
5. I regularly allow friends, coworkers, family members,
and even strangers, to violate my personal boundaries.
6. I always try to be the person others want me to be.
7. I regularly sacrifice my emotional happiness to make
sure other people are happy.
8. I am fearful of others’ negative emotions toward me.
9. I desperately want to be liked by others.
10. I avoid taking initiative.
11. Rejection frightens me.
12. I overanalyze every decision, concerned with how my
decisions will cause others to react.
13. I soar emotionally when I receive positive feedback and
crumble into despair when I receive negative feedback.
14. I’m convinced everybody is good, even when an
individual is abusive and emotionally manipulative
toward me.
15. Saying “no” fills me with an immediate sense of dread.

Let’s now tally your score to see how likely you are to
say yes to people, even at the cost of your own happiness.

15 TO 30 points - You have little difficulty saying no. You

make judicious decisions regarding how to use your time
and other resources, and remain resolute when others
disparage those decisions. Meeting your obligations,
addressing your responsibilities, and caring for your own
happiness have a higher priority than pleasing people.

31 TO 45 points - You sometimes feel conflicted when

pursuing your personal and/or professional goals, knowing
you could be helping others realize theirs. Saying no isn’t a
major problem for you, and you often decline requests out
of necessity. Nevertheless, you say yes more often than
you’d like.
46 TO 60 points - You’re driven to please people, even if
you’re not consciously aware of it. You’re highly averse to
conflict, and go to great lengths to avoid it. When
confronted with another’s anger, irritation, distress, or
displeasure, you immediately drop what you’re doing to
rescue that person. Rescuing him or her usually entails
surrendering to the individual’s requests.

61 TO 75 points - Everything you do, from the moment you

wake up, is geared toward making other people happy. You
rarely consider your own happiness, and are willing to set
aside your own goals and responsibilities to accommodate
others. You maintain no personal boundaries, allowing
people to intrude upon you at their whim. The idea of saying
no is unimaginable since doing so might negatively affect
others. You are, in effect, a chronic people pleaser.

IF YOUR SCORE is greater than 30, I have good news. You’ll find
the tactics and strategies covered in Part III: 10 Strategies
For Saying No (Without Feeling Like A Jerk) will deliver
immediate, practical value.
Fair warning: applying the advice won’t be easy. The
people-pleasing habit is a difficult one to break. But it is
possible regardless of how ingrained the habit is in your
psyche. The remainder of The Art Of Saying NO will guide
you step by step toward transforming this aspect of your

Coming Up Next You’re aware of the problem, and the

degree to which it impacts your daily experience. You also
recognize the reasons you put other people’s priorities
ahead of your own. But you’re unsure what to do to break
the habit.
I’ll show you what to do in Part III: 10 Strategies For
Saying No (Without Feeling Like A Jerk). We’re going to cover
a variety of ways you can turn down requests with grace,
poise, and integrity.
Are you ready to vanquish your inner people pleaser? If
so, grab a beverage, get comfortable, and read on…

The biggest challenge you face when learning to say no is

overcoming the feelings of guilt, fear, and shame that
surface when you disappoint people. That’s no small task. In
many cases, it requires unraveling years of training.
Some of us, myself included, have spent the majority of
our lives accommodating others. We’ve trained ourselves
through continuous application to put others before
ourselves. Reversing that habit will take a fair amount of
time and effort.
The good news is, anybody can do it. If you’re willing to
apply the tactics I’ll share with you in the following pages,
you’ll gradually curb your people-pleasing tendencies. As
you say no more and more often, you’ll discover that doing
so gives you the freedom to spend your time pursuing more
productive and rewarding endeavors.
As I mentioned earlier, this isn’t about refusing to help
people. Rather, the goal is to learn how to say no without
feeling guilty when you know it’s the best decision given
your circumstances.
With that out of the way, let’s jump in and discuss
Strategy #1.

Does the following scenario sound familiar?

Someone asks you for help. The problem is, you’re
swamped with projects, and consequently lack the time to
lend a hand. You know you must say no to the person’s
request. There’s no other option given the volume of work
on your plate.
But you don’t respond with “I’m sorry. I’m unable to help
you.” Instead, you hem and haw, and eventually say
“Ummm… maybe, but I’m kinda busy. I don’t know how
much time I can spare.”
This sends a mixed message to the requestor. It tells
him or her that you’re otherwise engaged, but may be
receptive to the request. It signals that you might be
persuaded to set aside your responsibilities to
accommodate him or her.
The requestor is likely to take advantage of the
opportunity by conveying a heightened sense of urgency
(e.g. “This is super important, and I really need your help
right now!”).
When you waffle in response to a request, you
inadvertently welcome increased pressure from the
requestor. The individual asking for your time will take your
waffling as a sign of indecision. He or she will recognize that
you can be coaxed toward his or her ends, even if that
means you risk missing your own deadlines.
For this reason, it’s always better to be clear when you
decline requests. Don’t beat around the bush. Don’t
equivocate, hoping that it’ll pacify the requestor (it won’t).
Instead, be candid about your unwillingness to consent to
his or her request.
Being straightforward when turning down requests
doesn’t mean you’re being discourteous. In fact, your
candidness is likely to be appreciated by the requestor,
who’ll know that trying to persuade your accommodation
will be a waste of time. The individual can spend that time
more wisely looking elsewhere for assistance.
It helps to have a reason for saying no. Your reason
validates your inability and/or unwillingness to lend a hand.
For example, consider the following two responses to a
request for help…

1. “I don’t have time to help you.”

2. “I don’t have time to help you because I’m working on a
crucial report that’s due in two hours.”

The first response prompts the requestor to wonder

whether your refusal to help is a personal rejection. That
can lead to a confrontation, which helps neither party.
The second response eliminates rejection as a
possibility. Instead, it justifies your decision as reasoned and
practical. The requestor may dislike your decision, but will
be more likely to accept it at face value.
Be honest about your reason for turning down the
requestor. Resist the temptation to make something up. Not
only will you feel guilty for lying, but the requestor is likely
to notice your lack of sincerity. And that may cause him or
her to become resentful toward you.
The best approach is to be direct, honest, and

You can tell when someone is stalling. Likewise, others can

tell when you do it. None of us are as inconspicuous as we
Yet many of us are still tempted to stall for time when
someone asks us for help. We know we’re unable to spare
the time and/or energy. We realize the answer must
ultimately be no. But instead of giving the requestor a direct
response, we beat around the bush and delay the inevitable.
For example, we respond by asking, “Can I get back to
you on that?” Or we tell the requestor, “Let me think about
it when I have a free moment.”
Sometimes we do it to be tactful. We know we must
decline the request, but we don’t want the requestor to
think we’re rejecting him or her. We don’t want the
individual to think it’s personal.
Other times we do it out of fear. We’re concerned that
refusing to put the requestor’s needs before our own will
trigger a confrontation. So, we stall in the hopes of lessening
the impact of our refusal.
Still other times we delay because we truly want to help
the individual, but are swamped and uncertain how to do it.
We stall for time, hoping to figure out how to meet our own
obligations while accommodating the requestor.
Stalling is a bad idea for a few reasons. First, it strings
the requestor along. It encourages him or her to hold out
hope for your help even though there’s little chance you’ll
be able to deliver. When the requestor realizes you’re
unable to offer assistance, and his or her time has been
wasted, he or she is likely to become irritated.
Second, stalling makes you appear indecisive. When you
fail to respond with a direct “no,” the requestor may become
more assertive, believing you can be persuaded to
Third, stalling for time reduces your productivity by
prolonging the situation. It forces you to spend more time
than necessary declining the request.
When someone asks you for help, and you know you
must turn down the request, don’t stall. Be direct and clear.
Doing so may feel uncomfortable. It may even prompt the
requestor to respond in anger. But you can’t control his or
her response nor the emotions behind it.
Being sincere with a direct “no” shows respect. It also
prevents the request from hanging over your head like a
dark, ominous cloud.

Saying no can have negative effects, even if you do it with

grace. For example, someone asking for your help might be
offended if he or she associates the word “no” with a
personal rejection. This individual might become angry if his
or her ego is hurt by your response.
These reactions can occur regardless of how tactful you
are in declining the request. The word “no” carries an air of
finality. Many people are ill-prepared to hear it, and lack the
ability to accept it with poise and understanding.
After repeatedly interacting with such folks, we learn
that saying no to them is not only difficult, but also costly.
Oftentimes, these people leave in anger and tell their peers
that we’re inflexible and unwilling to help. This can burn
bridges, jeopardize our reputations, and impact our careers.
Is it any wonder that we have difficulty saying no to
The good news is that it’s possible to decline requests
without saying the word “no.” It’s just a matter of finding
different ways to communicate the same message.
For example, suppose a family member asks you to take
him to the airport. You could simply say no and provide a
sincere reason. If he’s sympathetic to your circumstances,
that should suffice.
But let’s say you know from past experience that he’s
not sympathetic. He’s inclined to hear “no” as a personal
rejection, and likely to be angered by it. To avoid this
reaction, how else might you decline his request?
Here are a few examples:

I can’t commit to that right now

because I’m focused on a high-
priority project.”

This response tells the family member that you’re busy

and unable to break away from your work.

I’d like to help you, but I’m

swamped with this project right

This response lets the family member know that he’s

important to you, but there’s a valid reason you’re unable to
accommodate him.

People are depending on me to

finish this project. If I abandon it
to help you, I’d be letting them

This response explains that you’re forced to decline the

request because of a prior commitment. Most people would
hesitate before asking you to desert your obligations.
Notice how none of the above examples use the word
“no.” It’s a difficult word to say because it’s a difficult word
to hear. Turning down requests in ways that allow you to
avoid saying no outright can help soften the blow. That can
defuse any potential confrontation with the requestor.
This approach can be effective for any type of request.
It’ll work just as well when you’re asked for money as it will
when you’re asked to devote your time or labor.

Iunderstand the temptation.

Someone asks you for help. You can’t spare the time, so
you must turn down the request. But you don’t want the
individual to think you’re blowing him or her off, so you
scramble to come up with excuses. For example…

“I can’t take you to the airport because my car’s in the

“I can’t help you move tomorrow because I threw out
my back.”
“I can’t contribute funds for Tom’s retirement party
because I don’t have any cash on me.”
“I can’t babysit your kids because I have to stay late at
the office.”
“I can’t help you build your deck today because I
promised my kids I’d take them to the movies.”

You get the point.

The excuses are an attempt to deceive the person
asking you for help. For example, your car is fine, your back
is healthy, you have cash in your wallet or purse, you’re
planning to leave the office at 5:00 p.m., and your kids
haven’t a clue you’re taking them to the movies.
In other words, you made up the excuses to justify
turning down the requests.
There are two problems with this approach. First, you’re
likely to feel guilty for misleading the requestor. Worse, the
requestor will probably be able to recognize your deception.
Remember, as I noted in Strategy #2: Don’t Stall For Time,
none of us are as discreet as we imagine. The result is that
we risk earning a reputation for being untrustworthy.
Second, it opens the door to negotiations, which require
time and effort. For example, suppose your neighbor asks
you to help him build his deck this afternoon. You decline
the request, explaining that you promised to take your kids
to the movies. He responds by saying, “That’s fine. Can you
help me tomorrow?”
Now what will you do? One option is to come up with yet
another excuse (e.g. “I can’t help because I have to take my
wife to the doctor.”). But that’ll make you appear
You’ve essentially painted yourself into a corner.
The better approach is to turn down the request with a
simple no, and resist the temptation to say more. This
needn’t come across as rude or mean. On the contrary, as
long as you’re civil, being direct shows respect.
As a bonus, doing this consistently increases your self-
confidence. That’ll make it easier for you to gracefully
decline requests in the future.

Have you ever noticed how easy it is to say “I can’t” when

someone asks for your time, money, or labor? For some of
us, the response is practically automatic. It’s a reflex. We
say “I can’t” before we’re able to consider what it means.
In most cases, we actually can help. It’s technically
possible for us to do so. We can surrender our time. We can
give money. And notwithstanding physical ailments, we can
offer our labor. But when we turn down requests, we choose
to say “I can’t.”
This response allows us to avoid taking ownership of our
decisions. We get into the habit of turning people down
without expressing our decisions as a matter of personal
In my opinion, this has a harmful effect over the long
run. If we avoid taking ownership of our decisions to decline
requests, we never feel truly empowered with a sense of
personal agency. Every time we say “I can’t,” we train our
minds to avoid taking responsibility. “I can’t” implies that
we’re at the mercy of external constraints.
Over time, this gives us the false sense that we’re not in
control. We begin to believe that external factors undermine
our authority - that our personal decisions aren’t truly our
own to make.
That’s the opposite of empowering. It’s disempowering.
And it can have a significant negative psychological effect
on our behaviors and thoughts.
The good news is that there’s a simple, if not easy,
solution. When you must turn down a request or invitation,
express your decision as a personal choice. Instead of telling
the requestor, “I can’t,” tell him or her:

I don’t want to.”

Give a reason if you suspect doing so will defuse a

potentially combative response. (Make sure your reason is
sincere and not simply an excuse.) The important thing is
that you own your decision.
Responding in this manner to requests you’re unable to
accommodate is an affirmation of your will and personal
authority. You’re not blaming external constraints for your
refusal to help. You’re making conscious choices regarding
how you spend your time, energy, and other limited
The more you use phrasing that expresses your will, the
more confident you’ll become in turning down requests that
conflict with your needs and convictions. And the more
respect you’ll inspire in those who seek your help.

This isn’t a stalling tactic. Rather, it’s a way to revisit a

request when you have more time to think about it. It also
allows you to put the onus on the requestor while gauging
the urgency of his or her request.
For example, let’s say a harried coworker bursts into
your office and exclaims, “I really need your help on this
project.” Because you’re busy with your own tasks, you’re
unable to accommodate him at that moment. But you might
be able to lend a hand later, after you’ve completed your
To that end, you respond:

I don’t have time to help you

right now. But check in with me
after 4:00 p.m. Things will be
less crazy then.”

With this response, you eliminate all of the pressure

placed on you by the requestor. You’re able to address your
own responsibilities without having to think about whether
the request is something you want to take on. You can
revisit it later, and make your final decision, even if you
ultimately decide that you don’t want to help.
It also conveys your willingness to at least consider his
or her request. You’re not rejecting him or her, or dismissing
the request outright. On the contrary, you’re showing that
you care, you’re interested, and may be willing to lend a
Note that you’re not obligating yourself to say yes when
the requestor follows up. You may want to emphasize this
fact, if only to temper his or her expectations.
Oftentimes, you’ll find taking this approach leads to one
of two outcomes. The first possible outcome is that the
requestor seeks help elsewhere. That’s great for everyone
involved. You’re able to continue working without
abandoning your own tasks. Meanwhile, the requestor
receives the assistance he or she needs in a more timely
The second possible outcome is that the requestor
decides to complete his or her project without help. The
individual realizes he or she possesses the necessary
expertise, and finds the confidence to move forward on his
or her own.
Of course, if the individual does follow up with you, you
can decide at that time whether saying yes is a good idea.
By then, you’ll have considered the request, and reflected
upon whether - and to what extent - lending a hand might
negatively impact your own goals.

Iunderstand the temptation. Someone asks you to do

something you’d rather avoid. As an honest person, you’d
like to tell them as much. The problem is, you fear that
honesty is likely to cause him or her to feel offended, upset,
or resentful.
So you lie.
For example, you tell the requestor, “Sorry. I can’t take
you to the airport because I have a doctor’s appointment.”
In truth, you have no plans to visit your doctor. The excuse
is just a way to get out of accommodating the request.
It’s a small, harmless lie. You tell yourself that it’s not as
if you’re hurting someone. There are far worse sins than
lying about your availability.
But it carries consequences. When you tell these small,
harmless lies, you erode your sense of personal authority.
You train yourself to fear what others might think about your
For example, suppose the real reason you’re turning
down the requestor is that you simply dislike driving to the
airport. Additionally, you want to avoid becoming known as
the “taxi” person - the one to whom everyone turns when
they need a lift.
Here’s how you might express these feelings when
someone asks you to take him or her to the airport.
I don’t want to drive to the
airport because I can’t stand
freeway traffic.”

I don’t want to drive to the

airport because the ride, up and
back, will take three hours.”

I’ve had a terrible week and had

planned to relax today. So I’m
going to say no.”

I’m going to pass. I don’t want

to be the one everyone asks to
take them to the airport.”

On the surface, these responses might seem impolite.

On the contrary, you’re being direct, which shows respect.
You’re showing the requestor that you hold him or her in
high enough regard to be candid. You trust that he or she
will respect your feelings, and honor your wishes on the
But most importantly, you train yourself to trust your
own authority. Rather than lying about your availability and
feeling guilty for doing so, you develop a strong sense of
personal agency. You learn to rely on your own reasoning
when deciding whether to consent to, or turn down,
requests and invitations.
As you develop and strengthen this confidence and
resoluteness, you’ll become less concerned with how the
requestor reacts to your saying no. You’ll recognize that as
long as you decline requests with grace, honesty, and
respect, the requestor’s reaction isn’t your responsibility.

No one likes to be left hanging. When you say no, give the
requestor another option. It’ll go a long way toward
mitigating his or her disappointment at your inability or
unwillingness to lend a hand.
For example, suppose John, a coworker, drops by your
office and asks you to help him with a project. You’re busy
with your own work-related responsibilities, and therefore
plan to turn him down. But rather than leaving him hanging
with a simple “no,” you’d like to give him another option.
Options usually come in the form of mentioning others
who might be able to help in your stead. For example:

I’m going to pass, John. But you

might ask Tony. I know he has
some downtime, and may be
able to help you.”

I want to help, but I’m swamped

until 4:00 p.m. If this can’t wait,
hit up Shelley. She may be
available to help you right now.”

Your project sounds complex,

John. I’m focused on my own
tasks, and don’t want to break
away from them and lose my
momentum. But I know Mark
and Sandra are looking for a
challenge to sink their teeth

If you’re currently helping the requestor with another

task or project, options can also take the form of an either-or
decision. For example:

John, I’m barely keeping my

head above water helping you
with Project ABC. I can continue
to help you with that one or help
you with this new one. But not
both. Which one would you
prefer me to work on?”

If helping the requestor requires handling multiple tasks,

offer to handle a smaller number as an alternative. For

John, I want to help, but I don’t

have time to create the
PowerPoint presentation, train
the subject matter experts, and
manage the test team. But I’m
happy to do the PowerPoint
presentation for you. Fair

This approach doesn’t only work in an office

environment. It works with friends, family members,
neighbors, and even strangers. By offering the requestor an
alternative, you’re showing him or her that you care. You’re
also lessening the requestor’s disappointment at hearing
you turn down his or her request.
Keep in mind, you don’t owe the requestor alternatives.
It’s just an act of goodwill. Nothing more. But there’s a good
chance the alternative you offer, whether it’s to refer the
requestor to someone else or offer a lesser degree of help,
will be met with appreciation.

You’ll sometimes receive requests that are better handled

by other people. Declining these requests is good for all
parties. You’re able to save time, and can focus on your own
projects and interests; the requestor receives the
specialized help he or she needs; and the person to whom
you refer the requestor will have an opportunity to show his
or her proficiency.
There are many reasons to refer requestors to other
people. For example, you might do so because you know
someone who has more experience than you in the matter.
Suppose your friend Joan, a novelist, asks you to critique
her latest manuscript. Doing a full critique takes more than
just time; it requires paying close attention to pacing,
dialogue, point-of-view consistency, and other story
elements. This is an opportunity to refer Joan to someone
who’s more qualified. For instance, you might tell her:

Joan, because I’ve never

critiqued a manuscript, I’d
rather not critique yours. It’s not
an area of strength for me. But
my friend Susan does this sort
of thing for fun. I’ll bet she’d be
happy to help.”

Notice that you’re not simply saying no and leaving Joan

hanging. Although you’re turning down her request, you’re
helping her by referring her to a qualified, and potentially
valuable, resource.
Here’s another example: suppose you’re a manager and
your coworker Stephen asks you to review his financial
analysis on a particular project. You’re not an expert on the
subject. But lucky for Stephen, you know someone who is.
You might respond as follows:

I don’t want to take this on

because I have a poor grasp of
the financial side of things. But
Toby in accounting is a crack
shot with this stuff. Ask him to
look over your analysis. Tell him
I sent you.”

Again, you’re not leaving Stephen hanging without

options. You’re pointing him toward someone who’s better
able to help him. And you’re smoothing the introduction by
telling him to mention your name to Toby.
Sometimes, it makes sense to refer the requestor to
someone else who’s working on a similar project or has
similar interests.
For example, suppose your cousin - let’s call him
Franklin - asks you to go golfing with him. You have no
interest in golf, and therefore want to decline the invitation.
But rather than leave your cousin hanging, you mention
your mutual friend Tom, who loves to golf. You might say the
following to Franklin:
I don’t enjoy golf, so I’m going
to pass. But you remember Tom,
right? He loves to golf. If he’s
free, I’m sure he’d jump at the
chance to hit the links with

By referring the requestor to someone else - notably,

someone who’s better qualified than you or shares an
interest with the requestor - you’re helping even though
you’re declining his or her request. It’s a great way to say no
without feeling guilty. And by pointing the requestor to a
more suitable partner or resource, you’re doing him or her a

This is one of my favorite ways to say no. It leaves the

requestor with no room to pressure me into accommodating
his or her request.
Here’s how it works:
Suppose your to-do list is filled with tasks and projects
that’ll take up most of your day. You know this ahead of time
because you’re adept at estimating the amount of time
you’ll need to complete various tasks.
Now, suppose your friend asks you to help him move.
You suspect the move will take at least three hours. There’s
no way you can fit the job in given your to-do list. You must
turn down your friend’s request.
One way to do that is to simply say “I don’t have
enough time to help you move.” But that’s likely to prompt
your friend to try to negotiate: “C’mon, it’ll only take an
hour. You can spare an hour, can’t you?”
You might rightfully respond, “An hour?! It’ll take at
least three hours.”
At that point, your friend might counter, “Tell you what.
Help me for the first hour and then you can leave.”
And on and on it goes, back and forth.
You can short circuit this process by describing your day
to your friend and explaining why you don’t have enough
time to help. For example, you might say:
I’d be glad to help on any other
day. But today’s bad for me.
Check out my schedule. I have
two big projects due at 5:00
p.m. Each one will take me two
hours to finish. I also have three
meetings today, each of which
will last at least 45 minutes, and
probably longer. And I have a
conference call this afternoon,
which will last 30 minutes. And
at some point, I need to return
several calls, respond to a bunch
of emails, and fit in lunch
somewhere. I literally don’t have
time to help you move today.”

For this approach to be effective and guilt-free, you

actually need to have a busy day ahead of you. In other
words, don’t just make things up to appear busy.
By describing your lack of bandwidth in detail, you’re
letting the requestor know that you have other
responsibilities. Abandoning these responsibilities isn’t an
option for you. Meanwhile, the requestor doesn’t feel as if
you’re rejecting him or her. On the contrary, it becomes
clear that you sincerely are unavailable to lend a hand.
Few requestors will try to negotiate with you or compel
you to help once they understand what’s on your plate.

You’ll inevitably encounter people who will refuse to take

no for an answer. They’ll persist when you turn down their
requests. They’ll attempt to cajole you into accepting their
invitations. They might use emotional manipulation or even
outright intimidation to compel you to accommodate them.
First, realize that you can’t control how others behave. If
someone persists after you’ve turned him or her down,
remind yourself that the individual’s persistence has nothing
to do with the validity of your choices. Some people are
simply pushy.
Second, the moment you second guess your decision, a
pushy requestor is likely to notice and become more
persistent. He or she will see an opening and be inclined to
take advantage of it.
For these reasons, if you decide to turn down a request,
it’s important to remain unswerving in that decision.
Assuming you made the decision for the right reasons,
there’s no cause to doubt yourself.
One way to stand your ground when the requestor
becomes pushy is to acknowledge his or her pushiness. For
example, you might say:

Sharon, I know you dislike

hearing no, and are inclined to
persist. But I’m not going to
change my mind.”

Another tactic is to ask pointed questions that force the

requestor to justify his or her request of you. For example,
you might ask:

Who else have you asked for



Given my lack of expertise, I’m

not the best person to ask for
help with this task. Did you
already ask Carl or Janet, our
resident experts?”

Sometimes, a requestor will persist, even after you’ve

made it clear that you’re turning down his or her request
and intend to remain resolute. The individual may try to
negotiate with you. He or she may even demand a reason
for your refusal to help.
In such cases, it’s fine to be more assertive. Don’t be
afraid to push back. For example, you might respond:

Listen Sam. I’ll save you some

time. I’m not going to help you
with this project. And I can
guarantee you that I’m not
going to change my mind.”

You shouldn’t feel guilty about responding in this

manner. It’s not rude at all. You’re simply being direct,
telling the requestor that his or her efforts to compel you to
backtrack on your decision are wasted.
It’s possible that the requestor will be taken aback by
your directness. Note that this response isn’t a reflection of
whether your decision is appropriate. It’s merely a reaction,
and one over which you have no control.
There’s a bonus benefit to staying resolute when you
turn down requests. When you do it consistently, people will
gradually realize that you can’t be manipulated, intimidated,
or otherwise pressured to change your mind.

It’s difficult to remain polite when a requestor becomes

rude and demanding. It’s tempting to respond in kind, if
only to show him or her that you’re not a pushover. It’s
tough to suppress that impulse.
But it’s also crucial if you want to manage how others
perceive you. Respond in an uncivil manner, and you might
hurt your career or harm the relationships you share with
For example, suppose you respond impolitely to a
coworker who has asked you for your help. He or she might
consider you unprofessional and share that perspective with
others in your office.
Suppose a family member invites you to a party, and
you decline with a snide remark. At the very least, his or her
feelings are likely to be hurt. You can also assume he or she
will share your response (with embellishments) to other
family members.
Let’s say a friend asks you to help him move. You dislike
such requests because they make you feel taken for
granted. You respond in frustration, turning down your friend
in a rude, disrespectful way. Doing so is sure to impact your
friendship (at least, until you apologize).
You can be assertive and courteous at the same time.
The former informs the requestor that you’re confident in
your decisions. The latter shows him or her respect, which
lessens the likelihood of a hostile response.
Additionally, being courteous shows that you’re in
control of yourself. You’re not prone to enraged outbursts.
Instead, you maintain a businesslike professionalism that’s
difficult to fault. For example, you might say:

Thanks for asking me to help. I

appreciate your confidence in
me. The thing is, I’m swamped
until 4:30 p.m. Can you follow
up with me then?”

This approach reduces tension, and thereby quashes the

likelihood of a bitter reaction. By expressing your
appreciation, you’re showing grace. By asking the requestor
to follow up with you at a later time, one during which
you’re available, you’re showing him or her a willingness to
help, if only on your terms.
When you say no to someone, courtesy and
assertiveness work hand in hand. You’ll find that being
courteous will encourage people to perceive you as
respectful, compassionate, and attentive. These traits, in
turn, will encourage them to accept your “no” at face value.

The fear of missing out (FOMO) motivates many of us to

say yes, even when we lack the time, energy, or money to
do so with confidence. We cringe at the mere possibility that
we might let an opportunity slip through our fingers. So we
say yes when we know we should say no.
For example, we accept an invitation to a party just in
case someone we want to meet is in attendance. The
chance that this person will show up is small, but we don’t
want to miss out in the event he or she does.
Or we agree to take on a big project at the office
because doing so might lead to a promotion down the road.
In reality, the odds that it’ll do so are tiny. But we say yes
because we don’t want to miss out if there’s the slightest
According to psychologists, the fear of missing out is
serious enough to induce anxiety in many people. It can
even be the cause of compulsive behavior, such as checking
email and Facebook messages every few minutes.
Most of us struggle with FOMO to some extent. The
important thing is to recognize its role in prompting us to
say yes without first considering whether doing so is a good
For example, suppose you have an opportunity to
manage a new project at your job. You’re inclined to say yes
because there’s a chance that taking it on might advance
your career.
But there are probably concealed costs associated with
managing this project. For example, saying yes to this
project means you must say no to others, some of which
might offer better odds of career advancement.
Also, consider your availability given what’s already on
your plate. Do you have enough time to take on another
project? If not, taking it on is likely to have a negative
impact on your current responsibilities. Falling behind and
turning in shoddy work is more likely to hurt your career
than help it.
Take stock of whether the fear of missing out is spurring
you to say yes when you’re better off saying no. If it is, you
must train yourself to control it.
It’ll take time and patience, and perhaps even a bit of
courage. The next time you instinctively want to say yes to
an offer, request, or invitation, stop. Take a moment to think
it through. Are you willing to say yes because there’s a high
likelihood that doing so will pay dividends? Or are you
saying yes simply because you fear missing out on an
Accept that many opportunities seem promising, but are
a waste of time and energy. You probably know this from
experience. When your inner opportunist rears its head,
have the courage to say no, even if doing so means you
might miss out.
It’ll be difficult in the beginning, especially if you
struggle with FOMO. But rest assured, it gets easier with
time and consistent application. And once you successfully
curb your fear of missing out, you’ll find it easier to decline
requests that threaten to stretch you too thin.

Do you receive the same type of requests on a regular

basis? When you’re approached with them, is your first
inclination to decline? If so, this strategy will save you a
significant amount of time. It’ll also prevent the requestor
from becoming angry because your refusal to help won’t be
taken as a personal rejection.
Here’s how it works:
Suppose you’re regularly asked by coworkers to help
with accounting-related projects. Such projects lie outside
the scope of your job responsibilities. But your coworkers
know that you majored in accounting in college, and
therefore you’re considered a knowledgable resource.
The problem is, you’re approached for help so often that
accommodating these requests is preventing you from
attending to your own responsibilities.
One solution is to decide that you’ll no longer assist
your coworkers on accounting-related tasks. You decide to
turn down this entire category of requests. Over time, your
coworkers will become informed of your decision, and begin
to look elsewhere for help.
This strategy isn’t just effective for the workplace. It can
work in your personal life, too. It did for me.
Recall the section My Past Life As A People Pleaser. You
may remember that, during my college years, I was the go-
to person for helping people move. I owned a pickup truck,
and was inclined to say yes to every request. Those two
factors made me a perfect candidate for the job.
At a certain point, however, I became resentful. I began
to feel that I was being taken for granted. So I stopped
accepting “invitations” to help people move. When asked to
help, I simply replied, “I don’t help people move anymore.”
It didn’t take long for people to stop asking me. And
importantly, I didn’t lose any true friends. Nor did I become
the subject of disdain or ridicule. I simply stopped receiving
this type of request.
You can also reject requests during certain times of the
day. Returning to our previous example, suppose you’re
willing to continue helping your coworkers on accounting-
related projects. But you decide to turn down any request
that requires your attention between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00
noon, your most productive hours.
Or you may decide to turn down all requests that
require more than 30 minutes of your time during the
workweek. For example, you’re willing to help a friend pack
up a few boxes in preparation for a move. But you’re
unwilling to transport the boxes to his or her new residence,
which is located two hours away.
When you begin turning down requests based on a
particular attribute, you reset others’ expectations of you.
Your coworkers, friends, and family members will eventually
realize that you always decline such requests, and they’ll
stop seeking for your participation.
This strategy also streamlines the process of saying no.
You no longer have to consider each request individually. If it
matches your deal-breaking attribute (e.g. the request will
require more than 30 minutes of your time), you
automatically turn it down.
Those who ask for your time, attention, money, or labor,
can’t reasonably assume your decision is a personal
rejection. After all, you’re rejecting the type of request, not
the requestor.
Think about the requests you regularly receive, whether
at home or at your workplace. If they’re weighing you down
and taking up too much of your time, try to categorize the
worst offenders. Then, decide to reject the entire category.
You may be surprised at how easy it is to say no without
feeling guilty using this approach.

One of the biggest stumbling blocks for people pleasers to

overcome is feeling responsible for others’ feelings. They
fear that saying no will disappoint and anger requestors.
This fear prompts them to regularly put others’ priorities
ahead of their own.
This tendency can spring from a number of factors. For
example, the individual may desperately want to be liked by
other people. He or she may seek validation from others,
and saying yes is the easiest path to that end. Or the people
pleaser may possess a low self-image, and believe others’
happiness is more important than his or her own.
So he or she says yes, even when saying no is clearly a
better option.
If you want to learn to say no with confidence and
without guilt, it’s vital that you set emotional boundaries.
You must avoid feeling responsible for others’ feelings, and
absolve yourself as the cause of their negative reactions.
As long as you turn down a request with grace and
respect, you shouldn’t feel accountable if the requestor
reacts poorly. You’re not the cause of that individual’s
distress and ire, even if he or she attempts to convince you
otherwise. These emotions are borne of circumstances that
are outside your control.
For example, the requestor may be having a terrible
day, and your refusal to help is the linchpin that sets him or
her off. Or the requestor may be experiencing extreme
stress due to poor planning on his or her part. Or the
requestor might have had an argument with his or her
significant other, and the emotions stemming from that
interaction end up spilling over to this one.
Ultimately, you’re not in control of other people’s
emotions, and thus cannot be culpable for their reactions.
It goes without saying that intentionally hurting
someone is a different matter altogether. If you’re rude or
disrespectful, expect a negative, and perhaps even a
hostile, response. Incivility breeds incivility.
But if you remain courteous, candid, and sincere when
turning down requests, and the requestor responds in a
hostile manner, let it go. The negative feelings prompting
the belligerence come from a place inside him or her over
which you have no jurisdiction.

People pleasers often prioritize others’ needs ahead of

their own because they feel their time, interests, opinions,
and goals are worth less. I know this from experience. It’s
how I used to think.
This is a self-image problem.
A person who struggles with a low self-image assumes
other people are more important than he or she.
Consequently, this individual lacks the confidence to act in
self-interest. And that makes it difficult for him or her to say
It’s critical that you recognize your own value. This isn’t
just a matter of building self-esteem. Recognizing your value
puts you on an equal footing with everyone around you. To
that end, it forces you to acknowledge that your time,
interests, opinions, and goals are worth just as much as
other people’s.
Once you accept this circumstance as truth, you’ll find it
becomes easier to turn down requests without feeling pangs
of guilt. And importantly, you’ll be able to do so without
wondering whether your decisions earn the requestors’
When you possess a strong sense of self-worth, you
naturally feel more confident. And that can give you the
courage to stand your ground when you face emotional
manipulation or intimidation.

Have you ever wondered why you feel guilty after saying
no to someone? It’s not because you’re a bad person. It’s
not because you’ve done something wrong or transgressed
against the requestor.
It’s a learned response, one that’s ingrained in our
minds through a lifetime of indoctrination.
Think back to when you were a child. Do you remember
how easy it was to say no? You weren’t worried about
others’ feelings. Nor did you concern yourself with matters
of etiquette. If you didn’t want to do something, you said so.
And you didn’t beat around the bush or scramble to come
up with excuses. You responded with a simple, unequivocal
Fast forward a few years. You’re in grade school, and
have discovered that people in authority (your teacher, your
parents, etc.) dislike hearing you say no. And you begin
hearing feedback to that effect.
The indoctrination has begun in earnest.
Fast forward again, this time to high school. You’ve
received so much negative feedback over the years as the
result of saying no that you now hesitate before doing so.
You second guess your decisions to turn down requests
because you fear offending or angering people. And more
often than not, you end up saying yes just to avoid that
Let’s jump forward several more years. You’re now
focused on your career. By this point, you’ve endured a
lifetime of feedback admonishing you for selfishness,
stinginess, and an unwillingness to help. You’ve been told
repeatedly that turning down requests for help is rude and
disrespectful. This longstanding feedback has trained you to
think that every “no” is worthy of suspicion.
It’s no wonder so many of us enter adulthood with the
belief that saying no to others makes us bad people!
In reality, depending on your circumstances, saying no
may be more appropriate than saying yes. For example,
suppose you’ve made plans to have lunch with a friend. A
coworker stops by your office and asks you to help her with
a project. The problem is, helping her would require you to
cancel - or at least postpone - your lunch date.
In this scenario, turning down your coworker doesn’t
make you a bad person. In fact, doing so is appropriate as it
allows you to fulfill an earlier commitment.
Will people occasionally be disappointed, or even
angered, by your refusal to help them? Of course. But
remember, you can’t control others’ reactions. All you can
be reasonably expected to do is say no with poise and
Remember, it’s not your job to appease the requestor.
Moreover, refusing to put his or her priorities ahead of your
own doesn’t make you a disagreeable person. It makes you
conscious of competing interests and obligations, and
encourages you to manage them sensibly given your limited

Learning to say no with confidence is like adopting any new

habit. It’s best to start small. Take advantage of “easy wins”
in the beginning, and grow accustomed to trusting your own
convictions. You’ll slowly strengthen your sense of personal
How do you start with small no’s? Keep your eyes open
for opportunities at retail stores. For example, the clerk at a
clothing store might ask you to sign up for a store credit
account, and save 15% in the process. Politely decline, even
if you’re tempted by the promised savings.
Suppose you’re in line at Starbucks and the barista asks
whether you’d like a croissant with your coffee. Say no,
even if you begin salivating at the thought.
Retail employees are accustomed to hearing “no.” They
hear it hundreds of times each day. They won’t be
disappointed, angered, or offended if you decline their
invitations. Meanwhile, you’ll receive free “training” in
becoming more assertive.
Next, look for opportunities to say no to people on the
phone. For example, suppose someone cold calls you and
tries to sell you a timeshare. Respectfully decline the offer. If
he or she persists, reiterate your decision and inform the
salesperson that you intend to hang up the phone.
Suppose you receive a phone call, and the caller asks
you to participate in a survey. This is another chance for you
to practice being assertive. Tell the caller no, thank him or
her for the call, bid him or her good night, and hang up.
Learning to say no in these “low risk” situations allows
you to slowly build your confidence. You can cautiously
graduate to steadily higher-risk scenarios as your
confidence grows. This approach allows the habit to become
entrenched in your mind. The stronger your confidence and
faith in your convictions, the easier you’ll find saying no to
people - even when they become angry, persistent, and
emotionally manipulative.

Coming Up Next…
We’ve covered a variety of practical strategies you can use
to turn down requests and decline invitations without feeling
guilty. These strategies will also help discourage requestors
from taking your refusal to help as a personal rejection.
In Part IV: How To Say No In Any Situation, we’ll take a
closer look at specific scenarios involving the various people
in your life. We’ll discuss how to say no to your family,
friends, neighbors, bosses, and more, and inspire their
respect in the process.

The ability to say no with respect and finesse is one of the

most important and rewarding skills you can develop. But
it’s sometimes difficult to say no to certain people in our
You may have no trouble declining requests from your
coworkers, but immediately give in when approached by
members of your family.
You might be able to say no to your neighbors without
the tiniest twinge of guilt, but find it incredibly difficult to
rebuff your friends.
Or perhaps its your clients you’re inclined to
accommodate against your better judgement. Maybe it’s
your boss. Or maybe it’s random strangers you feel
compelled to help.
This section will cover these and other interactions, and
teach you how to say no when doing so is in your best

Extended family members can be tough negotiators. When

they want something from you (your time, labor, money,
etc.), they’re often willing to go to great lengths to get you
to surrender. I’ll bet you can think of at least one relative
who’s irritatingly persistent and not above using emotional
manipulation and bullying to achieve his or her ends.
Saying no to extended family can be uncomfortable.
They have higher expectations of you than your coworkers,
friends, and neighbors. They expect you to drop what you’re
doing to help them.
This expectation stems from years of training.
Think of a cousin, aunt or uncle, or grandparent who
refuses to take no for an answer. She persists when you turn
her down. She reacts with anger. She makes you feel guilty
for her predicament.
Can you picture this individual? Now, consider whether
you’ve ever given in to her (or him). Have you ever initially
said no to her, but ultimately capitulated in frustration? Do
you regularly do so when she requests something of you?
If so, you’ve trained this family member to wear you
down. She knows you’ll eventually say yes if she’s
persistent. She knows you’ll give in if she can make you feel
badly about turning her down.
The solution is to set new expectations. You must
establish boundaries that are respected by your relatives.
One method is to create rules regarding what you’re
willing to help with and what you’re not willing to help with.
For example, does your cousin regularly ask you to run
errands for him? If so, create a “no errands” rule. Does your
uncle frequently ask you to help him fix his vehicle? If so,
create a “no auto repair” rule.
Another tactic is to create rules concerning when you’ll
help. For example, decree that you’ll be available to help
your relatives on Saturday afternoons. The rest of the week
is reserved for you, your spouse, and children.
You can also force persistent and manipulative relatives
to leave messages. For example, when they call you for
help, let their calls roll to voicemail. When they email you,
let some time pass before you reply. When they text you,
resist the temptation to respond immediately.
This tactic discourages urgent requests. For example, if
your cousin knows that it takes you a few days to return his
calls or emails, he’ll be less likely to approach you with
requests that demand immediate action.
These measures are designed to reset your extended
family’s expectations of you. Your relatives might be
offended in the beginning. They may even show signs of
hostility. But with time and consistency, they’ll learn that
you’re not the pushover they’ve come to expect.

If you always say yes to your spouse or partner, saying no

can seem a bit like tiptoeing through a minefield. Turning
down a request can lead to conflict, which, if you and your
partner allow it, can quickly spiral out of control.
As adults in loving relationships, we learn through
experience that saying yes is, in many ways, an expression
of our love, trust, and acceptance of the requestor. But does
that mean we should always say yes?
Since you’ve made it this far in The Art Of Saying NO,
you probably know my answer. Saying no to our partners is
not only sometimes necessary, but can add value to our
Let me explain.
One of the preconditions to a healthy relationship,
whether it’s one we share with our friends, coworkers, or
relatives, is the existence of well-defined boundaries.
A lot of folks think of personal boundaries as a way to
keep others at bay. That’s reasonable. But boundaries have
greater value in the context of your relationship with our
spouses or partners.
Boundaries help us to better understand our loved ones.
They encourage us to see our spouses and partners as
unique individuals with unique feelings, passions, and
interests. They make it easier to identify our loved ones’
needs. To that end, they discourage us from using guilt or
manipulation to get what we desire.
This notion of personal boundaries works in both
directions. When you set boundaries with your significant
other, you convey your individuality, dislikes, opinions, and
personal convictions. Maintaining these boundaries - that is,
acting in accordance with your convictions - inspires
Respect lessens the urge to use emotional bullying or
manipulation. When you say no, your spouse or partner
won’t consider your response arbitrary. He or she will be
inclined to assume your decision is well-reasoned, and
accept it at face value.
Given the above, the first step toward learning to say no
to your spouse is to identify your dislikes, opinions, and
convictions. Then, establish boundaries that reflect them.
For example, suppose you dislike working on cars. Set a
boundary that highlights this aversion. Now let’s say your
spouse ask you to take a look at her car because it’s making
a strange sound. You can respond:

As you know, I hate working on

cars. But I’ll be happy to take it
to the shop for you.”

Or suppose you dislike loud, raucous concerts. It hurts

your ears and you’re concerned about your safety. Let’s say
your spouse asks you to accompany him to a heavy metal
concert. You can respond:

Thanks for asking me. But I’d

rather not go. I don’t enjoy
those types of concerts.”

Saying no to your spouse or partner in situations where

you harbor strong opinions is empowering. Moreover, when
you act according to your convictions, you strengthen the
mutual bond of respect that connects the two of you.

It’s difficult to say no to kids. As their parent, you want

them to be happy and feel fulfilled. You also want to give
them the opportunity to experience new things. So, you end
up saying yes more often than you think you should.
External pressures also play a role. We don’t want our
friends and family members to think we’re overly strict. And
in public, we don’t want onlookers and passersby to think of
us as uncompromising tyrants. So, we say yes when we’d
rather say no.
Meanwhile, children quickly learn what they can get
away with. Many intuit that the right amount of emotional
manipulation applied at the right time can change a “no” to
a “yes.” Some children learn to use that to their advantage.
Here’s an example:

Child: “Can I spend the night at Sarah’s?”

Parent: “No.”
Child: “You never let me do anything fun! Sometimes, you
make me so angry I could scream!”
Parent: “Fine. Don’t throw a tantrum. You can spend the
night at Sarah’s.”

Giving in teaches the child that when you say no, it’s
not the final word. He or she may be able to persuade you
to change your mind. And once that becomes a possibility,
expect your child to become persistent and calculating to
that end.
Saying no to kids is about setting clear boundaries. It’s
about articulating what you’ll allow them to do and what
you won’t allow them to do, and setting their expectations
Children have a tendency to test the rigidity of their
parents’ rules. Until they learn otherwise, a simple “no” is
actually a “maybe.” They presume there’s a chance their
parents will capitulate.
If you want to assert your parental authority, and have
your children accept your decisions, you must be willing to
disappoint them. Their agendas will often contradict your
own. The key is teaching them that you’ll stand your ground
once you’ve made a decision. A “no” will remain a “no”
regardless of the tactics they employ in an attempt to
change your mind.

Negotiating An Early “No”

Many parents get caught in the negotiation trap.
Some types of negotiation are fair and worth
considering. For example, a child might ask, “If I finish my
chores, complete my homework, and take the dog for a
walk, can I spend the night at Sarah’s?” This negotiating
tactic shows the child understands the positive effect of
meeting her responsibilities.
Other types of negotiation are unfair and should
immediately be dismissed. For example, this same child
might say, “If you don’t let me spend the night at Sarah’s,
I’m not going to do my chores.” This is nothing more than a
If you’re receptive to negotiation, it’s important that you
only entertain positive arrangements. For example, agreeing
to let your child stay at a friend’s house overnight if she
completes her chores and homework, and meets her other
obligations is a positive approach. It encourages integrity
and good character, and at the same time discourages
On the other hand, surrendering to your child’s threat of
poor behavior undermines your parental authority. That
promises to make saying no increasingly problematic down
the road.
Bottom line: saying no to your kids is a matter of setting
expectations and standing your ground. Once your kids
realize that “no” really means “no,” you’ll face less
manipulative behavior.

Friends do favors for each other. In fact, they expect favors

from each other. That’s the reason it’s difficult to turn down
friends’ requests. Doing so can lead to more than just
disappointment. It can literally cause a friendship to fall
Again, it’s mostly a matter of expectations. If a friend
expects you to say yes, hearing you say no will likely be
confusing and vexing.
In some cases, the expectation may be so deeply rooted
in your friend’s mind that your circumstances won’t matter.
Your friend will focus almost entirely on your refusal to help.
Here’s how such a conversation might play out:

Friend: “Hey, can you take me to the airport this

You: “No, I don’t have time today.”
Friend (upset): “Are you serious? I’d help you if you asked
You: “And I’d be happy to help if I had the time. But today’s
not good for me.”
Friend (angry): “That’s really rude! Don’t come to me the
next time you need help!”

Failing to meet your friend’s expectations can erode the

friendship. It can impair the trust and intimacy you share
with him or her, and make future conversations tense and
even combative.
So, how can you turn down friends without causing
offense? How can you say no to them without causing
irrevocable harm to your friendships?
First, realize that you owe it to yourself to make time for
your own responsibilities and interests. No one will respect
your time more than you. So you must remain vigilant,
reminding yourself that saying yes to one thing requires
saying no to something else. Being a good friend doesn’t
obligate you to put your friends’ priorities ahead of your
Second, don’t wait until you’re frustrated with your
friend to say no. Don’t consent to request after request,
becoming increasingly bitter and resentful that you’re being
taken for granted, and then proclaim “NO!” in a rage.
Third, remind yourself that your friend’s dismay and
anger upon hearing you say no isn’t your problem. As long
as you turn him or her down graciously, sincerely, and with
respect, you’ve done your part.
Fourth, start setting boundaries. If you have a friend
who typically reacts poorly when you say no, take him or
her aside and discuss the matter. Inform him or her of your
feelings, limits, and personal convictions. Be honest with
him or her. Explain how catering to others’ needs before
your own, particularly given your workload and personal
responsibilities, is exhausting and upsetting to you.
A true friend will understand your misgivings and
respect your boundaries.
Encourage your friends to come to you in the future
when they need help. After all, helping friends strengthens
the trust and rapport you share with them. It’s deeply
rewarding to help friends in their times of need.
But make clear that you won’t always be able to say
yes. There will be times that you’ll have to say no. But when
you do so, it’s always for good reasons - reasons you expect
your friends to acknowledge and respect.

Neighbors pose a unique challenge. They’re not family, so

you’re unlikely to feel a lifelong allegiance to them.
However, you live near them, so you probably see them on
a regular basis - perhaps every day. The last thing you want
is for things to be uncomfortable between them and you.
What’s a people pleaser to do, particularly if your
neighbors are pushy and demanding?
I’ve heard horror stories of people entering their
neighbors’ garages uninvited to borrow tools. Some even
have the audacity to enter their neighbors’ residences.
My brother has a neighbor who’ll come over and knock
on his door until it’s answered. He’ll sometimes persist for
20 minutes or more. Worse, he’ll look through the mail slot
to see if my brother’s family is home, and even try the
doorknob (presumably to enter if it’s not locked).
Hopefully, you’re not dealing with these types of
neighbors. But even with lesser offenders, it’s important to
set clear boundaries. These boundaries will make it easier to
say no when your neighbors’ requests fail to suit you. And
importantly, you’ll be able to say no without damaging your
neighborly relations because your boundaries will already be
For example, let’s say you work from home. As a result,
some of your neighbors - the ones who work all day - ask
you to check in on their pets, feeding them and taking them
for walks.
This understandably bothers you. You feel taken for
granted, especially since working from home doesn’t
necessarily increase your availability.
So, you decide to set a boundary. Each time a neighbor
asks you to care for his or her pet, you explain that you
simply don’t do that anymore. With time, word will spread
that you’re unwilling to be your neighbors’ pets’ caretaker.
Reasonable neighbors will respect your decision.
Now, suppose one of your neighbors walks over to your
house and tells you that he’s going to be away on a week-
long vacation. He asks you to feed his dog and take him for
a few walks a day. You can respond by saying:

Jack, you know I don’t watch

other people’s pets anymore. I
made that decision so I could
focus on my own projects.”

“Jack” might be upset. He might become hostile, and

even verbally abusive. But remember, negative reactions to
your refusal to help have nothing to do with you. In this
case, they reflect Jack’s unfair expectations.
Saying no to your neighbors will probably feel awkward
if you’ve never done it in the past. That’s to be expected.
After all, you don’t want to offend your neighbors by turning
them down.
At the same time, you shouldn’t feel guilty putting your
priorities ahead of theirs. You’re in charge of your time,
energy, money, and labor. It’s important that you use these
limited resources judiciously to care for yourself and those
in your charge. You’re the only one who can be relied upon
to do it.
Proactively set clear boundaries with your neighbors.
Then, stick to them with grace and poise. Over time, you’ll
become increasingly comfortable with saying no, which will
help to align your neighbors’ expectations with your own

The workplace can sometimes seem like a battlefield of

competing interests and conflicting agendas. You’ll
inevitably be approached by coworkers, and asked to help
on a variety of tasks and pet projects.
The problem is, you have your own work-related
responsibilities and limited time and energy with which to
work on them.
In this environment, it pays to know how to say no with
You’ll find that many of the strategies covered in Part III:
10 Strategies For Saying No (Without Feeling Like A Jerk) are
especially effective in the workplace. For example, asking
requestors to follow up at a later time (Strategy #6) is a
great way to gauge the urgency of a coworker’s request.
Suggesting other coworkers who are more knowledgable
and better qualified than you (Strategy #9) benefits you and
the requestor. The requestor is given a more valuable
resource to leverage while you’re able to save time and
resume your focus on your own work.
Rejecting requests by category (Bonus Strategy #4)
gives you a hassle-free way to say no to coworkers. It’s
consistent with skill specialization in the workplace.
Consider that we spend the majority of our time on
tasks and activities that fall into specific categories. These
tasks and activities are a part of our specialized skill sets.
They improve our productivity and help us to minimize
errors and waste. When we’re asked by our coworkers to
help on projects that lie outside these skill sets, we can
reasonably say no.
The manner in which you turn down coworkers’ requests
is important. Don’t make excuses. Don’t invent reasons to
decline requests. Be genuine and graceful, and own your
For example, suppose a coworker asks for your help on
her pet project. You could respond:

Thanks for asking me, Sharon. I

appreciate your confidence in
me. But I don’t want to break
away from my own projects.”

Or you can respond:

I’m unskilled in that area, and

therefore won’t be much help to
you. So I’m going to say no.”

There’s no need to apologize. Nor is there a need to be

evasive. Simply state your intention as clearly as possible.
And take ownership of your decision by saying “I don’t” or “I
won’t” instead of saying “I can’t.”
You’ll find that your coworkers will have more respect for
your time if you stop consenting to every request. They’ll
come to realize you’re most likely to accommodate them
when you have the availability, and their requests align with
your professional needs, personal convictions, and long-
term goals.

Ideally, your boss would be aware of your workload. He or

she would know what’s on your plate, and have a solid
grasp of your availability. So when your boss assigns new
projects and delegates new tasks, he or she would
reprioritize your current responsibilities.
That’s how things should work, anyway.
Unfortunately, the real world runs less smoothly. Does
the following scenario sound familiar?
You’re sitting in your office working through a mile-long
to-do list. You’re also fielding phone calls from coworkers,
clients, and vendors. While you work, a small voice in the
back of your head nags you to respond to emails and return
phone calls.
You look at the clock and realize you have a meeting in
15 minutes. It’s one of many scheduled throughout the day.
You silently think, “how can I get anything accomplished
with so many meetings on my calendar?”
At that moment, you glance at the inbox on your desk.
You instantly regret doing so. Despite your best efforts, your
inbox is growing, making you feel as if you’ve yet to make a
serious dent in your workload.
You feel your stress levels rising. You have too much to
do and not enough time to get everything done. Worse,
there’s no light at the end of the tunnel.
While you’re feeling overwhelmed, you receive an email
from your boss. Curious, you click to read it. She’s asking
you to take on yet another project. You sigh in
discouragement because you have neither the time nor
bandwidth. You barely have time to take a lunch break.
But how do you say no? How do you turn down your
boss, the person who controls your professional time?
Many folks simply absorb the new work. They grin and
bear it because they feel uncomfortable saying no. They
fear their bosses will consider them difficult to work with,
which might negatively impact their careers.
But there’s value in communicating your limits. You’ll
not only manage your stress levels, but you’ll also avoid
being stretched too thin. The last thing you want is to take
on new projects for which you have no time. Doing so is a
recipe for frustration and failure.
While saying no may be difficult - delivering bad news is
always difficult - there are ways you can soften the blow.
Following are a few suggestions.
First, when responding to your boss, be forthright about
your current workload and resulting lack of availability.
Explain that you wouldn’t be able to do a good job on the
new project given everything else that’s on your plate. If
you’re already working under pending deadlines, mention
Second, ask questions regarding the new project. When
is it due? What does it involve? What skills are required? Will
you need to coordinate activities among a group of
Third, ask your boss to reprioritize your workload.
Suggest postponing an existing project that’s on your plate
so you can devote your time and attention to the new
Fourth, if none of your current projects and tasks can be
rescheduled, ask whether the new project can be
postponed. For example, you might tell your boss that you’ll
have more bandwidth in five days, after you’ve completed
your current deliverables.
You can say no to your boss without actually using the
word “no.” In fact, doing so is a smart tactic since “no”
carries a negative connotation. The more important point is
that you communicate your limitations and offer alternative
solutions that’ll help your boss accomplish what he or she

Some clients are a dream to work with. They’re

communicative regarding their needs, set reasonable time
frames for deliverables, and are willing to allow you, the
person they’ve hired, to work according to your process.
Moreover, they pay your invoices in a timely manner.
And then there are the difficult clients. These clients
insist you meet unreasonable deadlines. They regularly
demand that you perform duties that lie outside the terms
of your contract or agreement. And they micromanage your
work to the point that you dread working on the projects for
which they’ve hired you.
It’s relatively easy to say no to the latter group. Turning
down projects from clients who are disrespectful and overly
demanding is a matter of survival. They take up too much
time while delivering too little compensation for the effort
and aggravation.
But even great clients sometimes make requests you’re
better off turning down. For example, you may lack the
resources to take on a certain project. If you were to consent
to the project, you’d be setting yourself up for failure. Or
perhaps the time and effort required are too great given the
compensation. Or maybe it’s a good project, but you’ve
planned a vacation that limits your availability.
The point is, there are often valid reasons to say no to
clients, even the ones you enjoy working with. But doing so
can still be difficult. You don’t want to disappoint them or
hurt their feelings. You don’t want to hurt the relationship.
And you certainly don’t want to lose their business.
So how can you say no to clients in a way that’ll ensure
they respect your decisions?
First, recognize that turning down a client’s project isn’t
a negative reflection of your service or professionalism. On
the contrary, it shows that you know your limits and have a
solid sense regarding how you want to run your business.
Second, provide a legitimate reason for declining the
request. For example, you might say:

I’m going to pass on this project

because I don’t have the
resources (or skills) to do a good
job for you.”

Or you could explain:

I’ll be on vacation next month,

so I won’t have time to work on
this for you.”

Reasons validate your decisions. A client who

understands why you’re turning down her request is more
likely to forgive you for doing so.
Third, offer an alternative. For example, if your lack of
availability is preventing you from taking on a project,
suggest a deadline that’s further down the road. Or if you
lack the skill set required to complete the project, refer your
client to someone you trust who possesses the necessary
skills. If you’re simply not interested in the project, suggest
a qualified peer who might be willing to take it on in your
Saying no to clients is rarely fun. That’s especially true if
you genuinely like them and enjoy working with them. But
depending on your circumstances, saying no is sometimes
your best option. As long as you’re communicative, candid,
and respectful, you can do so without harming the
relationship. As a bonus, you’ll be setting the expectation
that you will occasionally say no.

For some of us, saying no to strangers is easy. We don’t

feel a personal connection to them. Nor do we feel a sense
of allegiance or obligation. So when we’re faced with a
stranger’s request, one we’d prefer to decline, it’s easy to
do so.
For others, turning down strangers is nearly as difficult
as turning down friends and family members. Refusing to
help someone, even a person they don’t know, causes them
to feel guilty.
If you fall into the second camp, and want to learn to
say no to strangers without guilt, I recommend doing the
following three things.
First, think about where your obligations begin and end
when it comes to strangers. This self-analysis should take
into account your values and convictions. Note that this is a
personal matter. You’ll inevitably feel differently than other
For example, many people feel obligated to give money
to panhandlers. Others believe that doing so is morally
questionable. Your ability to say no to panhandlers will
depend, in part, on where you stand on the matter.
The goal isn’t to conform to others’ standards.
Remember, you don’t need other people’s approval. Rather,
the goal is for you to identify your standards, and align your
decisions so they’re consistent with them. If you feel it’s
wrong to give money to panhandlers, you’ll find it easier to
say no since refusing is in harmony with your convictions.
Second, don’t be afraid to say you’re uncomfortable
with a stranger’s request. For example, suppose you’re
relaxing at a park. A stranger approaches you and asks you
to watch his dog for 30 minutes while he runs an errand. You
can say:

I don’t know you or your dog.

I’m uncomfortable watching him
because doing so makes me
liable if he bites someone.”

Third, employ Bonus Strategy #4: Say No By Category.

Create a rule that precludes participating in certain
activities. If a stranger asks you for help, and your consent
would violate this rule, say no and state your reason.
For example, let’s say you’ve stopped by Starbucks for a
cup of coffee. You’re leaving the venue and heading for your
vehicle when you’re stopped by a stranger. He asks you to
give him a ride to the train station. Saying no is easy if
you’ve decided beforehand to reject all such requests. You
can respond:

I have a rule that I don’t give

rides to strangers.”

That is all that’s required. If the requestor tries to

convince you to consent (e.g. “C’mon, I’m a trustworthy
guy!”), simply refer again to your rule and stick to your
None of the above is to suggest that you should avoid
helping strangers. To be sure, there’s joy in doing nice
things for people who are unfamiliar to us. But for reasons
related to your safety, personal convictions, or lack of
resources, saying no is often the better response.

At any given time, we’re subject to temptations that

threaten to consume our time, money, labor, and other
resources. Such temptations usually distract us from our
goals. Being able to resist them - essentially, saying no to
ourselves - is key to living a healthy, rewarding life.
For example, let’s say you’re trying to shed a few
pounds. You’ve decided to stay away from junk food to help
you accomplish that goal. Unaware that you’ve forbidden
yourself to eat junk food, a coworker brings donuts to the
You have two choices:

1. say no to yourself and remain committed to your goal

2. give in to temptation and chow down

Or suppose you have a long list of chores to do that’s

likely to take the majority of the day. You need to vacuum
and dust the house, wash several loads of laundry, and
clean the kitchen and bathrooms. But out of the blue, a
friend calls and invites you to spend the day lounging at his
or her house.
Once again, your choices are clear:
1. say no to yourself and remain committed to completing
your chores
2. surrender to temptation and abandon your chores

Resisting temptations is crucial to staying focused on,

and committed to, our goals. The question is, how can we
do it effectively? How can we say no to ourselves when we
want to give in and say yes?
Here’s a solution that works for me: make “I don’t”
statements. These statements are a declaration of what you
choose not to do.
For example, when you’re offered a donut, you might
say, “I don’t eat donuts.” If you’re invited to a friend’s
house, and have chores looming, you could say, “I don’t like
leaving chores undone. Can we get together tomorrow?”
Think of the various temptations you might encounter,
and how making an “I don’t” statement can help you to say
no. Here are a few examples:

Temptation: skip your daily visit to the gym.

“I don’t” response: “I don’t skip visits to the gym.”
Temptation: make a frivolous, expensive purchase.
“I don’t” response: “I don’t spend money frivolously.”
Temptation: gossip about a coworker.
“I don’t” response: “I don’t gossip.”
Temptation: binge-watch Netflix when you should be
“I don’t” response: “I don’t dawdle when there’s work to
be done.”

When you give in to temptations, you become a slave to

your impulses. The resulting short-term gratification often
comes at the expense of long-term fulfillment.
When you resist temptations with declarative
statements that begin with “I don’t…” you become the
architect of a life built upon healthy intentions.

It’s important to remember the effects of saying yes. When

you consent to other people’s requests and put their
priorities ahead of your own, you give up control of precious
resources - most notably your time. Once these resources
are squandered, they cannot be reclaimed.
We tend to presume that most requests will only require
a small commitment from us. But too often, that’s untrue. A
request that’s promised to take “a couple of minutes” ends
up taking half an hour. A favor that’s promised to take an
hour ends up consuming half the day.
Moreover, the cumulative demand of numerous small
requests can be substantial. Saying yes to multiple people
can easily swallow your most productive hours.
Throughout The Art Of Saying NO, I’ve shown you how
to turn down requests, invitations, favors, and anything else
that invades your boundaries without feeling guilty. The
strategies we’ve covered will also mitigate the requestor’s
disappointment at hearing the word “no.”
But that doesn’t mean saying no will be easy - at least,
not in the beginning. Doing so with confidence is like using a
muscle. You need to use a muscle to make it stronger.
So, I encourage you to put the strategies in The Art Of
Saying NO to immediate use. Start small with low-risk
situations - for example, telling your server at a restaurant
that “No. I don’t want dessert. Thanks.” Then gradually use
the strategies in higher-risk situations.
With time and application, you’ll find yourself becoming
more assertive. Saying no will become easier as you learn to
rely on your convictions. As a bonus, you’ll find that your
friends, family members, coworkers, and neighbors will
become more respectful of your time and decisions.

Thanks so much for reading The Art Of Saying NO. I realize

there are many other ways you could’ve spent your time.
I’m honored that you spent some of it with me.
If you enjoyed reading The Art Of Saying NO, would you
do me a small favor? Would you leave a short review for the
book at Amazon? A sentence or two about something you
liked would mean the world to me. Most importantly, your
comments will encourage other folks to give the book a try.
One last thing before we part ways (for now). I plan to
write several books over the next twelve months. I’ll be
releasing each of them at a steep discount; you’ll be able to
grab each one for less than $1.
If you’d like to be notified when these books are
released, and take advantage of the discount pricing, be
sure to join my mailing list. You’ll receive my 40-page PDF
ebook titled Catapult Your Productivity! The Top 10 Habits
You Must Develop To Get More Things Done.
You can join my list at the following address:


I’ll also send you my best productivity and time

management tips via my email newsletter. You’ll receive tips
and tactics on beating procrastination, creating morning
routines, avoiding burnout, developing razor-sharp focus,
along with many other productivity hacks!
If you have questions or would like to share a
productivity tip that has made a difference in your life,
please feel free to reach out to me at
[email protected]. I’d love to hear about it!

Until next time,

Damon Zahariades

Damon Zahariades is a corporate refugee who endured years of unnecessary

meetings, drive-by chats with coworkers, and a distraction-laden work
environment before striking out on his own. Today, in addition to being the
author of a growing catalog of time management and productivity books, he’s
the showrunner for the productivity blog ArtofProductivity.com.
In his spare time, he shows off his copywriting chops by powering the content
marketing campaigns used by today’s growing businesses to attract customers.
Damon lives in Southern California with his beautiful, supportive wife and
their frisky dog. He’s currently staring down the barrel of his 50th birthday.

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Copyright © 2017 by Damon Zahariades All rights reserved. No part of this
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Art Of Productivity http://www.artofproductivity.com

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