PHC1 - Foundations of Confocal Scanned Imaging in Light Micros
PHC1 - Foundations of Confocal Scanned Imaging in Light Micros
PHC1 - Foundations of Confocal Scanned Imaging in Light Micros
Handbook of Biological Confocal Microscopy, third edition, edited by James B. Pawley, SpringerScience+Business Media, New York, 2006. 1
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2 Chapter 1 • S. Inoué
their intensity distribution in the image must be considered, and These considerations for resolution assume that the specimen is
resolution generally decreases. The impact of the quality and NA viewed in conventional widefield (WF) microscopy. When the
of the condenser on the lateral resolution of point objects was con- (instantaneous) field of view becomes extremely small, as in con-
sidered by Hopkins and Barham (1950). Their results are similar focal microscopy, the resolution can in fact be greater than when
to, but not strictly identical with, the case of line-grating objects the field of view is not so limited. We shall return to this point
(see Born and Wolf, 1980). later.2
It is important to realize that these resolution criteria apply
only to objective lenses used under conditions in which the image
is free from significant aberrations (see Chapters 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, and
Axial Resolution
22, this volume; Inoué and Oldenbourg, 1994; Chapters 2 and 3 in We now turn to the axial (z-axis) resolution, measured along the
Inoué and Spring, 1997). This implies several things: optical axis of the microscope, that is, perpendicular to the plane
of focus in which the lateral resolution was considered.
• A well-corrected clean objective lens is used within the wave- To define axial resolution, it is customary to use the 3D dif-
lengths of light and diameter of field for which the lens was
fraction image of a point source that is formed near the focal plane.
designed (commonly in conjunction with specific oculars
In the case of lateral resolution, that is, the resolution in the plane
and/or tube lenses).
of focus, the Rayleigh criterion makes use of the infocus diffrac-
• The refractive index, dispersion, and thickness of the coverslip
tion images (the central cross-section of the 3D diffraction pattern)
and immersion media are those specified for the particular
of two point sources and the minimum distance that they can
objective lens.
approach each other laterally, yet still be distinguished as two.
• The correct tube length and ancillary optics are used and the
Similarly, axial resolution can be defined by the minimum distance
optics are axially aligned.
• The full complement of image-forming rays and light waves
leaving all points of the objective-lens aperture converge to the
image plane without obstruction.
Note also that one’s ability to determine the location of an object is not deter-
• The condenser aperture is homogeneously and fully
mined by the resolution limit of the system. In fact, the location of an object
illuminated. (diffraction pattern) can be determined under a microscope with precisions
• The condenser is properly focused to produce Köhler that are many times, or even orders of magnitude, greater than the resolution
illumination. limit (e.g., Denk and Webb, 1987; also see Inoué, 1989).
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4 Chapter 1 • S. Inoué
that the diffraction images of two points can approach each other microscopy or confocal microscopy with a minute exit pinhole).
along the axis of the microscope, yet still be seen as two. To define The third factor should also disappear once the total magnification
this minimum distance, we use again the diffraction image of an is raised sufficiently, so that the unit diffraction image becomes
infinitely small point object and ask for the location of the first significantly larger than the resolution element of the detector (e.g.,
minimum along the axis of the microscope. Hansen in Inoué, 1986; Castleman, 1987, 1993; Schotten, 1993;
The precise distribution of energy in the image-forming light Inoué and Spring, 1997, Section 12.2).
above and below focus, especially for high NA objective lenses, When the detector can be considered to be infinitely thin and
cannot be deduced by geometric ray tracing but must be derived made up of resolution elements spaced sufficiently (at least 2-fold)
from wave optics. The wave optical studies of Linfoot and Wolf finer than the Airy disk radius, then one need only to consider the
(1956) show that the image of a point source produced by a dif- diffraction-limited depth of field. In that case, the depth of field is
fraction-limited optical system (e.g., a well-designed and properly taken to be
used light microscope) is not only periodic around the point of
focus in the focal plane, but is also periodic above and below the 1
d. = (z - zmin
+ - ) (4)
focal plane along the axis of the microscope. [Such 3D diffraction 4 min
images (including those produced in the presence of lens aberra-
tions) are presented photographically by Cagnet et al. (1962; also that is, one quarter of the distance between the first axial minima
see Chapter 7, this volume, Fig. 7.4). The intensity distribution cal- above (zmin ) and below (zmin ) the central maximum in the 3D Airy
+ -
culated by Linfoot and Wolf for an aberration-free system is repro- pattern converted to distances in specimen space (see Eq. 3; zmin +
duced in Born and Wolf (1980) and also in Inoué and Spring (1997, and zmin correspond to Z1 and -Z1 in Chapter 7, Fig. 7.4, this
Fig. 2-30). The 3D pattern of a point source formed by a lens pos- volume).
sessing an annular aperture was calculated by Linfoot and Wolf In conventional fluorescence and darkfield microscopy, the
(1953).] light arising from each image point produces significant intensity
The distance from the center of the 3D diffraction pattern to within a solid cone that reaches a considerable distance above and
the first axial minimum (in object space dimensions) is given by below focus (as seen in the point-spread functions for these modes
of microscopy; e.g., Streibl, 1985; also Chapters 11 and 23, this
2l o h volume). Therefore, fluorescent (or light-scattering) objects that
zmin = (3)
are out of focus produce unwanted light that is collected by the
objective and reduces the contrast of the signal from the region in
where h is the refractive index of the object medium. zmin corre- focus.
sponds to the distance by which we have to raise the microscope For these reasons, the depth of field may be difficult to measure
objective in order to focus the first intensity minimum observed or even to define precisely in conventional fluorescence and dark-
along the axis of the 3D diffraction pattern instead of the central field microscopy. Put another way, one could say that when objects
maximum.3 that are not infinitely thin are observed in conventional fluores-
As with the lateral resolution limit, we can use zmin as a cence or darkfield microscopy, the apparent depth of field is very
measure of the limit of axial resolution of the microscope optics. much greater than the axial resolution.
Note, however, that zmin shrinks inversely proportionally with the The unwanted light that expands the apparent depth of field is
square of the NAobj, in contrast to the lateral resolution limit which exactly what confocal imaging eliminates. Thus, we can view only
shrinks with the first power of the NAobj. Thus, the ratio of axial- those fluorescent and light-scattering objects that lie within the
to-lateral resolution (zmin/rAiry = 3.28 h/NAobj) is substantially larger depth that is given by the axial resolution of the microscope and
than l and is inversely proportional to the NA of the objective lens. attain the desired shallow depth of field.
As mentioned earlier, the lateral resolution of a microscope is
also a function of the size of the field observed at any one instant.
Depth of Field Tolardo di Francia (1955) suggested, and Ingelstam (1956) argued
The depth of field of a microscope is the depth of the image (mea- on the basis of information theory, that one gains lateral resolution
sured along the microscope axis translated into distances in the by a factor of 2 as the field of view becomes vanishingly small.
specimen space) that appears to be sharply in focus at one setting These theoretical considerations set the stage for the development
of the fine-focus adjustment. In brightfield microscopy, this depth of confocal imaging.
should be approximately equal to the axial resolution, at least in
theory. The actual depth of field has been determined experimen-
tally, and the contribution of various factors that affect the mea- CONFOCAL IMAGING
surement have been explored by Berek (1927).
According to Berek, the depth of field is affected by (1) the As a young postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University in 1957,
geometric and diffraction-limited spreading, above and below the Marvin Minsky applied for a patent for a microscope that used a
plane of focus, of the light beam that arose from a single point in stage-scanning confocal optical system. Not only was the concep-
the specimen; (2) the accommodation of the observer’s eye; tion farsighted, but his insight into the potential application and
and (3) the final magnification of the image. The second factor significance of confocal microscopy was nothing short of remark-
becomes irrelevant when the image is not viewed directly through able. [See the delightful article by Minsky (1988) that shows even
the ocular but is instead focused onto a thin detector (as in video greater insight into the significance of confocal imaging than do
the following extracts culled from his patent application.]
In Minsky’s embodiment of the confocal microscope, the con-
As discussed later, the distance zmin can be reduced significantly below the ventional microscope condenser is replaced by a lens identical to
classical limit given by Eq. 1.3, for example, by reducing the effective point- the objective lens. The field of illumination is limited by a pinhole,
spread function by special use of two-photon confocal imaging. positioned on the microscope axis. A reduced image of this pinhole
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FIGURE 1.1. Optical path in simple confocal microscope. The condenser lens,
C, forms an image of the first pinhole, A, onto a confocal spot, D, in the spec- Nipkow Disk
imen, S. The objective lens, O, forms an image of D onto the second (exit)
Just about the same time that Abbe in Jena laid the foundation for
pinhole, B, which is confocal with D and A. Another point, such as E in the
specimen, would not be in focus with A, so that the illumination would be less. modern light microscopy, a young student in Berlin, Paul Nipkow
In addition, most of the light, g–h, scattered from E would not pass the second (1884), figured out how to convert a two-dimensional (2D) optical
pinhole, B. The light reaching the phototube, P, from E is thus greatly attenu- image into an electrical signal that could be transmitted as a one-
ated compared to that from the confocal point, D. In addition, the exit pinhole dimensional (1D), or serial, time-dependent signal, over a single
can be made small enough to exclude the diffraction rings in the image of D, cable (as in a Morse code). Prior to Nipkow, most attempts at the
so that the resolving power of the microscope is improved. As the specimen is electrical transmission of optical images involved the use of mul-
scanned, the phototube provides a signal of the light passing through sequen- tiple detectors and as many cables.
tial specimen points D1, D2, D3, etc. (not shown). D1, D2, D3, etc., can lie in the Nipkow dissected the image by scanning over it in a raster
focal plane as in conventional microscopy or perpendicular to it, or at any angle
pattern, using a spinning opaque wheel perforated by a series of
defined by the scanning pattern, so that optical sections can be made in or at
rectangular holes. The successive holes, placed a constant angle
angles tilted from the conventional image plane. Because, in the stage-
scanning system, the small scanning spot, D, lies exactly on the axis of the apart around the center of the disk but on constantly decreasing
microscope, the lenses C and O can be considerably less sophisticated than radii (i.e., arranged as an Archimedes spiral), generated the raster-
conventional microscope lenses, which must form images from points some scanning pattern (Fig. 1.3). The brightness of each image element,
distance away from the lens axis. (After Minsky, 1957.) thus scanned by the raster, was picked up by a photocell. The
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6 Chapter 1 • S. Inoué
reduced with a flying-spot microscope (see Sheppard and 1983; Agard et al., 1989; see also Chapters 23, 24, and 25, this
Choudhury, 1977), even though the exit pinhole used in a confocal volume); 3D imaging including stereoscopy (Brakenhoff et al.,
microscope is not present. Thus, for example, Wilke et al. (1983) 1986, 1989; Inoué and Inoué, 1986; Åslund et al., 1987; Stevens
and Suzuki and Hirokawa (1986) developed laser-scanning flying- et al., 1994; Inoué and Spring, 1997, Sect. 12.7.7); and, finally, the
spot microscopes (coupled with digital image processors) to raise further development of laser-scanning microscopy and confocal
image contrast (at video rate) in fluorescence, differential- microscopy.
interference-contrast (DIC), and brightfield microscopy. Naturally,
the exit pinhole in a confocal system is very much more effective
at excluding unwanted light arising from different layers or por- LASERS AND MICROSCOPY
tions of the specimen not currently illuminated by the source
“pinhole,” but it does so at the cost of reduced image brightness,
lower scanning speed, and increased instrumental complexity and
price. In 1960, Maiman announced the development of the first operat-
While the flying-spot, or beam-scanning, microscope was ing laser. However, “his initial paper, which would have made his
developed and applied in UV microscopy for about a decade after findings known in a more traditional fashion, was rejected for
its introduction, its further development as an imaging device was publication by the editors of Physical Review Letters — this to
eclipsed for some time by the need and the opportunity to develop their everlasting chagrin.” (For historic accounts including this
automated microscopy for rapid cell sorting and diagnosis. Here, quotation and a comprehensive discussion of the principles
the aim was not the imaging of cell structures as such but rather and application of lasers and holography, see Sects. 14.2 and
the rapid and efficient classification of cells based on their bio- 14.3 in Hecht, 1987; see also Chapter 5, this volume.) Shortly
chemical characteristics, taking advantage of the emerging power thereafter, two types of applications of lasers were sought in
of high-speed digital computers. The size, shape, absorbance, light microscopy. One took advantage of the high degree of monochro-
scattering, or light emission of cells (labeled with specific fluores- maticity and the attendant long coherence length. Coherence
cent markers) was used either to classify the cells by scanning the length is the distance over which the laser waves could be shifted
slide under a microscope or to sort the cells at very high rates as in path and still remain coherent enough to display clear inter-
the cells traversed a monitoring laser beam in a flow cell or a ference phenomena (note that, in fact, this reflects a very high
Coulter-type cell separator. degree of temporal coherence). These characteristics made the
laser an ideal source for holography (Leith and Upatnieks, 1963,
Impact of Modern Video To explore the use of holography with the microscope, Ellis
Meanwhile, starting in the late 1970s, the introduction of new solid (1966) introduced a conventional light microscope into one of two
state devices, especially large-scale integrated circuits and related beams split from a laser. When this beam was combined with the
technology, led to dramatic improvements in the performance other beam passing outside of the microscope, the two beams could
and availability, and reduction in price, of industrial-grade video be made to interfere in a plane above the ocular. The closely spaced
cameras, video tape recorders, and display devices. Concurrently, interference fringes were recorded on very fine-grained photo-
ever more compact and powerful digital computers and image- graphic film to produce the hologram.
processing systems appeared in rapid succession. These advances What Ellis found was that the coherence length of the laser
led to the birth of modern video microscopy, which in turn brought beam was so long that the hologram constructed as described
about a revitalized interest in the power and use of the light micro- above could be viewed not only to reconstruct an image of the
scope (for reviews see Allen et al., 1981a,b; Inoué, 1981, 1989; specimen being magnified by the microscope, but also to recon-
Allen, 1985; Inoué and Spring, 1997). struct images of the inside of the microscope. Indeed, in the holo-
In brief, dynamic structures in living cells could now be visu- gram one could see the whole optical train and interior of the
alized with a clarity, speed, and resolution never achieved before microscope, starting with the substage condenser assembly, the
in DIC, fluorescence, polarized-light, darkfield, and other modes specimen, the objective lens and its back aperture, the interior of
of microscopy; the growth and shortening of individual molecular the body tube up to the ocular, and even the light shield placed
filaments of tubulin and f-actin, and their gliding motion and inter- above it! This made it possible for Ellis to view the hologram
action with motor molecules, could be followed in real time through appropriately positioned stops, phase plates, etc., and to
directly on the monitor screen; and the changing concentration and generate contrast from the specimen in imaging modes such as
distribution of ions and specific protein molecules tagged with flu- darkfield or oblique illumination, phase contrast, etc., after the
orescent reporter molecules could be followed, moment by hologram itself had been recorded. In other words, the state of the
moment, in physiologically active cells (Chapters 19, 29, and 42, specimen at a given point of time could be reconstructed and
this volume). viewed after the fact in contrast modes different from the one
In addition to its immediate impact on cellular and molecular present when the hologram was recorded.
biology, video microscopy and digital image processing also stim- In principle, holomicrography presents many intriguing possi-
ulated the exploration of other new approaches in light microscopy bilities including 3D imaging. But the very virtue of the long
along several fronts. These include the development of ratio coherence length of the laser beam means that the hologram also
imaging and new reporter dyes for quantitative measurement of registers all the defects and dirt in the microscope. Without laser
local intracellular pH, calcium ion concentration, etc. (Tanasugarn illumination, the optical noise produced by these defects would be
et al., 1984; Bright et al., 1989; Tsien, 1989; Chapters 16, 19, and far out of focus. With a laser illuminating the whole field of view
29, this volume); the computational extraction of pure optical sec- of the microscope, the interference fringes from these out-of-focus
tions from whole-mount specimens in fluorescence microscopy defects intrude into the holographic image of the specimen where
(based on deconvolution of multi-layered images utilizing knowl- they are prominently superimposed. Because of this problem,
edge of the microscope’s point-spread function; Agard and Sedat, holomicrography has so far not been widely used. [However, see
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8 Chapter 1 • S. Inoué
Sharnoff et al. (1986), who have figured out how to obtain holomi- Multi-Length Fiber Scrambler
crograms that display only the changes taking place in the speci- None of the mechanical scramblers mentioned above can be used
men (contracting muscle striations) over an interval of time and where speckles have to be removed within extremely brief time
thus eliminate the fixed-patterned optical noise.] periods. For example, in a centrifuge polarizing microscope, the
laser output must be made spatially incoherent within the few
nanoseconds required to freeze the image of the specimen flying
Laser Illumination through the field of the objective lens at speeds up to 100 m/s
Another practical application of lasers in microscopy is its use as (Inoué et al., 2001b). Our solution for reducing the coherence of
an intense, monochromatic light source. Lasers can produce light the laser pulse was to introduce a fiber bundle made up of up to
beams with a very high degree of monochromaticity and polariza- 100 fibers of multiple lengths between two multi-mode single-fiber
tion, implying a high degree of coherence. Some lasers also gen- scramblers. The first multi-mode fiber introduced some phase ran-
erate beams with very high intensity. Thus, an appropriate laser domizing effects, while the multi-length fibers provided a fiber
could serve as a valuable light source in those modes of bundle output whose phase varied depending on the length of the
microscopy where monochromaticity, high intensity, and a high fiber. However, the intensities of the fiber output varied depending
degree of coherence and polarization are important. on their location in the bundle. The final multi-mode fiber made
To use the laser as an effective light source for microscopy, the non-uniform brightness of the bundle output homogeneous, so
three conditions must be satisfied: that the microscope condenser received uniform illumination.
Thus, without using any mechanically moving parts, the phase of
• Both the microscope’s field of view and the condenser aper- the monochromatic laser beam is randomized, and speckles are
ture must appropriately be filled. eliminated from the field image, while the whole condenser aper-
• The coherence length of the laser beam (i.e., the temporal ture if filled uniformly.
coherence) must be reduced to eliminate interference from out-
of-focus defects. Field Scanning
• The coherence at the image plane must be reduced to elimi- The field is scanned by a minute focused spot (the diffraction
nate laser “speckle” and to maximize image resolution. image) of a single-mode laser beam that has been expanded to fill
In fact, these three conditions are not totally independent, but they the condenser aperture (as in a laser-scanning confocal micro-
do specify the conditions that must be met. scope). Thus, the specimen is scanned point by point, and the
One of the following five approaches can be used to fulfill signal light reflected, transmitted, or emitted by the specimen is
these conditions (see also Chapter 6, this volume). collected and focused by the objective lens. This imaging mode
avoids the generation of speckle from laser-illuminated specimens
because speckle arises from the interference between the coherent
Spinning-Disk Scrambler light waves scattered from different parts of a specimen. (This
The laser beam, expanded to fill the desired field, is passed through
optical setup is less effective at removing speckle when a smooth
a spinning ground-glass diffuser placed in front of the beam
reflecting surface is presented slightly away from the plane of
expander lens (Hard et al., 1977). The ground glass diffuses the
light so that the condenser aperture is automatically filled.
This fourth approach leads to field-scanning microscopy. A
However, if the ground glass were not moving, small regions of
focused spot of laser light can be made to scan the field as in a
its irregular surface would act as coherent scatterers and the image
flying-spot microscope, or the specimen can be moved and
field would still be filled with laser speckle. Spinning or vibrating
scanned through a fixed focus point. Alternatively, an exit pinhole
the ground glass reduces the temporal coherence of each of the
and beam scanners can be added to generate a laser-scanning con-
coherent scattering points to a period shorter than the integration
focal microscope.
time of the image sensor. Thus, when averaged over the period of
the motion, the field also becomes uniformly illuminated. This Aperture Scanning
approach, while simple to understand, can result in considerable The minute diffraction image of a single-mode laser is focused by
light loss at the diffuser. Also, inhomogeneity of the diffuser’s a beam expander onto an off-axis point on the condenser aperture.
texture can give rise to concentric rings of varying brightnesses The small spot is scanned (made to precess) over the condenser
which traverse the field. aperture in such a way that the field is uniformly illuminated. At
any instant of time, the specimen is illuminated by a tilted colli-
Oscillating-Fiber Scrambler mated beam of light emerging from the condenser and originating
The laser beam is focused onto the entrance end of a single- from the illuminated aperture point. Selected regions of the aper-
stranded multi-mode optical fiber whose output end lies at the focal ture are filled in rapid succession by scanning the spot, so that the
point of a beam-expanding lens. This lens projects an enlarged whole field is illuminated by collimated, coherent beams at suc-
image of the fiber tip to fill the condenser aperture. The fiber, which cessively changing azimuth angles. The rapid scanning of the
is fixed at both ends, is vibrated at some point along its length. The source reduces the temporal coherence of illumination at the object
field and aperture are then uniformly filled with incoherent light plane to less than the response time of the image detector. Never-
with little loss of intensity (Ellis, 1979). If the fiber were not theless, the lateral coherence is maintained for each instantaneous
vibrated, the simple fact that the light beam is transmitted through beam that illuminates the specimen (Ellis, 1988).
the fiber could make the laser beam highly multi-modal. That Ellis has argued the theoretical advantage provided by this fifth
would reduce the lateral coherence of the beam at the aperture approach and has demonstrated its practical attractiveness. With
plane, but the image would still be filled with speckle. Vibration aperture scanning, one gains new degrees of freedom for optical
that reduces the temporal coherence of the beam below the inte- image processing because the aperture function (which controls
gration time of the image sensor integrates out the speckle without the image transfer function of the microscope) can be regulated
loss of light (see also Chapter 6, this volume). dynamically for each point of the aperture. The image resolution
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and the shallow depth of field that can be achieved with aperture- gradient of the steps could be displayed in a DIC-like image
scanning phase-contrast microscopy is most impressive (see, e.g., (Hamilton and Wilson, 1984). [For the basics of digital image pro-
Inoué and Spring, 1997, Fig. 2-47). cessing, see Castleman (1979), Baxes (1984), Gonzales and Wintz
(1987), Chapter 12 in Inoué and Spring (1997), and Chapter 14,
this volume.]
Laser-Illuminated Confocal Microscopes The integrated circuit chip could also be displayed with con-
During the early 1970s, Egger and co-workers at Yale University trast reflecting the status of the local circuit elements, for example,
developed a laser-illuminated confocal microscope in which the reflecting its temperature or the amount of photo-induced current
objective lens was oscillated in order to scan the beam over the flowing through the circuit, superimposed on the confocal image
specimen. Davidovits and Egger obtained a U.S. patent on this of the chip made with reflected light (Wilson and Sheppard, 1984).
microscope (1972; see review by Egger, 1989). In addition to the Oxford group, the brothers Cremer and
A few years later, Sheppard and Choudhury (1977) provided Cremer (1978) of Heidelberg designed a specimen-scanning laser-
a thorough theoretical analysis on various modes of confocal and illuminated confocal microscope. This epi-fluorescence system
laser-scanning microscopy. The following year, Sheppard et al. was equipped with (1) a circular exit pinhole, in front of the first
(1978) and Wilson et al. (1980) described an epi-illuminating con- PMT, whose diameter was equal to the principle maximum of
focal microscope of the stage-scanning type, equipped with a laser the diffraction pattern; and (2) an annular aperture, in front of a
source and a photomultiplier tube (PMT) as the detector, using a second PMT, whose opening corresponded to the first subsidiary
novel specimen holder. The specimen holder, supported on four maximum of the diffraction pattern. The output of the two PMTs
taut steel wires running parallel to the optical axis, allowed precise was used to provide autofocus as well as displays of surface
z-axis positioning as well as fairly rapid voice-coil-actuated contour and fluorescent intensity distribution.
scanning of the specimen in the xy-plane. Using this instrument, In the 1978 article, the Cremers also discussed the possibility
Sheppard et al. demonstrated the value of the confocal system of laser spot illumination using a “4π-point hologram” that could,
particularly for examining integrated circuit chips. With stage- at least in principle, provide long working distance relative to the
scanning confocal imaging, optical sections and profile images small spot size that could be produced.
could be displayed on a slow-scan monitor over areas very much
larger than can be contained within the field of view of any given
objective lens by conventional microscopy. CONFOCAL LASER-SCANNING MICROSCOPE
These authors capitalized on the fact that the confocal signal
falls off extremely sharply with depth, and the image is therefore In addition to those already mentioned, the pioneering work of the
completely dark for regions of the specimen that are not near the Oxford electrical engineering group was followed in several Euro-
confocal focus plane. For example, with a tilted integrated circuit pean laboratories by Brakenhoff et al. (1979, 1985), Wijnaendts
chip, only the portion of the surface within the shallow depth of van Resandt et al. (1985), and Carlsson et al. (1985). These inves-
field (at any selected z-value) could be displayed, as a strip-shaped tigators respectively developed the stage-scanning confocal
region elongated parallel to the chip’s axis of tilt. Other areas of microscope further, verified the theory of confocal imaging, and
the image were dark and devoid of structure. Conversely, by com- expanded its application into cell biology. I shall defer further dis-
bining all the xy-scan images made during a slow z-scan, they cussions on these important contributions to authors of other chap-
could produce a final “extended focus” image of the whole tilted ters in this volume. In the meantime, video microscopy and digital
surface, which demonstrated maximum spatial resolution on all image processing were also advancing at a rapid rate.
features throughout the focus range (Wilson and Sheppard, 1984; These circumstances culminated in the development of the
Wilson, 1985) (Chapter 22, this volume). confocal laser-scanning microscope (CLSM, Figs. 1.4, 1.5; Åslund
This could be done even when the specimen surface was not et al., 1983, 1987) and publication of its biological application by
a single tilted plane but was wavy or consisted of complex sur- Carlsson et al. (1985), Amos et al. (1987), and White et al. (1987).
faces. In their monograph Scanning Optical Microscopy, Wilson The publications were followed shortly by introduction of laser-
and Sheppard (1984) show shallow optical sections of insect anten- scanning confocal microscopes to the market by Sarastro, Bio-
nae shining on a dark background. They also show stereo-pair Rad, Olympus, Zeiss, and Leitz. It was White, Amos, and Fordham
images of the same object consisting of two “extended focus” of the Cambridge group that first enraptured the world’s biologi-
images made by focusing along two focal axes that were tilted by cal community with their exquisite and convincing illustrations of
several degrees relative to the optical axis. Extended-focus images the power of the CLSM. Here at last was a microscope that could
demonstrate that the confocal system can either decrease or generate clear, thin optical sectioned images, totally free of out-of-
increase the effective depth of field without loss of resolution. focus fluorescence, from whole embryos or cells and at NAs as
As described in the final section of this article, the lateral res- high as 1.4. Not only could one obtain such remarkable optical-
olution that is practically attainable can be improved by using con- sectioned fluorescence images in a matter of seconds, but x-z sec-
focal optics. In addition, the removal of the extraneous light tions (providing views at right angles to the normal direction of
contributed by out-of-focus objects dramatically improves the con- observation) could also be captured and rapidly displayed on the
trast and gives rise to a brilliantly sharp image. monitor. A series of optical sections (stored in the memory of the
Sheppard et al. also managed to display different regions on built-in or add-on digital image processor) could be converted into
the surface of an integrated circuit chip with varying intensity or 3D images or displayed as stereo pairs. The confocal fluorescent
pseudocolor corresponding to the height of the region. This is pos- optical sections could also be displayed side by side with non-
sible because the amount of light reflected by an (untilted) step on confocal brightfield or phase-contrast images, acquired concur-
the surface of the chip and passing the second pinhole varies with rently using the transmitted portion of the scanning laser beam.
the distance of the reflecting surface from the focal plane. The These images could also be displayed superimposed on top of each
authors also showed that, by processing the photoelectric signal other, for example, with each image coded in different pseudo-
electronically, the edges of the steps alone could be outlined or the color, but unlike similar image pairs produced by conventional
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10 Chapter 1 • S. Inoué
microscopes, the two images were in exact register and showed no full cones of intense excitation light, converging and diverging
parallax as each was generated by the same scanning spot. from the illuminated spot. Thus, with conventional confocal
Most of the laser-scanning systems discussed in this section microscopy, biological specimens tend to suffer from photon-
employed epi-illumination using some form of mechanical scan- induced damage and rapid bleaching of fluorescence, while the
ning devices. They could not readily be applied to confocal fraction of the short wavelength excitation beam that reaches the
imaging of transmitted light, for example, for high-extinction focal plane is reduced by absorption in the intervening material.
polarization or DIC microscopy. Nevertheless, Goldstein et al. Many of these shortcomings are circumvented by two- and multi-
(1990) developed a system using an Image Dissector Tube which, photon microscopy.
in principle, should be able to provide confocal imaging in the By focusing a pulse of very intense laser beam with twice the
trans-illumination mode. Such an approach may eventually lead to wavelength (half the frequency) of the standard short wavelength
workable transmission laser-scanning confocal microscopes with excitation beam, and within a period shorter than the fluorescence
multiple contrast modes. decay time of the fluorophore, the coherently interfering photons
can excite molecules at half the wavelength of the long wavelength
laser, and do so selectively in the focused spot. In other words, the
TWO- AND MULTI-PHOTON MICROSCOPY output of an intense near-infrared (IR) laser induces fluorescence
in a blue or UV excitable fluorophore at, and only at, the focused
As noted, conventional point-scanning confocal microscopes dra- spot where the coherent electromagnetic field strength is so high
matically reduce the contribution of fluorescence from out-of- (within the required brief period) that it acts nonlinearly to excite
focus regions of the specimen. Nevertheless, regions of the the chromophores at twice the frequency of the IR field. The flu-
specimen above and below the focal plane are exposed to the orophores in the cone of the illuminating light above and below
focus do not experience the two-photon effect and, therefore, are
not excited or damaged. Additionally, in contrast to conventional
confocal microscopy, two-photon laser scanning systems do not
require an exit pinhole or an image-forming objective lens. This is
because the minute two-photon excited fluorescent spot is totally
isolated in space and is free of “parasitic” fluorescence in the xy-
plane as well as along the z-axis. Therefore, the fluorescence emis-
sion needs only to be collected by an efficient photodetector as the
excitation spot is being scanned (see Chapter 28, this volume).
Thus, compared to conventional confocal microscopy, two-
photon microscopy permits confocal imaging of planes much
deeper in the tissue, and with considerably higher light-gathering
efficiency, as well as with less fluorescence bleaching and speci-
men damage outside of the focal plane. Denk et al. (1990) and
Squirrel et al. (1999) have made extended time-lapse recordings
of dividing tissue-cultured cells and mammalian embryos in two-
photon microscopy.
In another interesting and ingenious application of two-photon
microscopy, the fluorescence excitation volume (point-spread
function) has been reduced considerably below that defined by
wave optics by use of two partially overlapping excitation
FIGURE 1.5. Depth discrimination in a laser-scanning confocal fluorescent volumes. The first excites fluorescence in the standard two-photon
microscope. Compare with Figure 1.2. (Courtesy of Dr. H. Kapitza, Carl Zeiss, volume, while the second volume, concurrently generated by a
Oberkochen.) somewhat longer wavelength, quenches the fluorescence (by stim-
PHC1 28/11/2005 6:07 PM Page 11
ulated emission depletion) in the zone where the two volumes speed provided by the Nipkow disk system may be indispensable.
overlap each other. A phase plate in the depletion beam path has For example, at the ~10,000¥ magnification needed for clear visu-
the effect that this beam is almost the inverse of the Airy disk and alization, the Brownian motion of microtubules (even those many
has a null at the focus. Thus, the volume of region actually fluo- micrometers long) is so great that an image acquisition time of
rescing is carved smaller than the standard two-photon excitation >0.1s blurs the image beyond use.
volume, and, in fact, Hell and Wichmann (1994) report having As discussed earlier, the downside of the classical Nipkow
reduced the height of the point-spread function (PSF) by as much disk-type system is that the efficiency of light transmission is low,
as a factor of five (see also Klar et al., 2000, Chapter 31, this light reflected by the spinning disk reduces image contrast, and the
volume). image may suffer from intrusive scan lines. Also, observation is
usually by direct viewing through the ocular, or via some photo-
graphic or video imaging device, rather than using a PMT. While
IS LASER-SCANNING CONFOCAL video imaging does have its own advantages, video sensors other
MICROSCOPY A CURE-ALL? than cooled charge-coupled devices (CCDs) and special return-
beam-type pickup tubes operate over a limited dynamic range.
With the impressively thin and clean optical sections that are Conventional video pickup tubes seldom respond linearly over a
obtainable, and the x-z sections and stereoscopic images that can range of >100 : 1 (more commonly somewhat less; see Inoué and
neatly be displayed or reconstructed, one can be tempted to treat Spring, 1997), and they have relatively high measurement noise.
the CLSM as a cure-all. One may even think of the instrument as By contrast, a PMT can have a dynamic range of ≥106. When
the single microscope that should be used for all modern cell exceedingly weak signals need to be detected from among strong
biology or embryology. How valid is such a statement and what, signals, or when image photometry demands dynamic range and
in fact, are the limitations of the current instruments beyond their precision beyond those attainable with standard video cameras, an
high costs? imaging system using a cooled CCD or a PMT detector may be
The fundamental limits of confocal imaging will be covered required. Modern stage-scanning- and laser-scanning-type con-
in the next chapter. Here I will comment on three topics: the speed focal microscopes use such detectors (Chapter 12, this volume).
of image or data acquisition, comparison with the depth of field Nevertheless, for some applications improved versions of the
in phase-dependent imaging, and some optical and mechanical Nipkow-disk-type confocal instruments may provide optical sec-
factors affecting confocal microscopy. tions with better signal and image quality than with CLSMs as dis-
cussed below under “Yokogawa Disk-Scanning Confocal System.”
The frame-scanning rate of the CLSM falls somewhere
Speed of Image or Data Acquisition between that of the stage- and tandem-scanning types, normally
Several factors affect the time needed to acquire a usable image about 1 to 2 s/frames. This rate is the minimum time required by
with a confocal microscope. These include (1) the type of confo- the mirror galvanometers (that are used to scan the illuminating
cal system used; (2) the optical magnification and numerical aper- and return beams) to produce an image of, say, 512 ¥ 768 picture
ture of the system; (3) the desired area covered; (4) required quality elements. This limitation in scanning speed relates to the absolute
of the image (e.g., lateral and axial resolution, levels of image gray time required to scan along the fastest axis (usually the x, or hor-
scale, degree of freedom from graininess); and (5) the amount of izontal, scan). The scanning speed cannot be increased without
light reaching the sensor. Here we will survey a few general points affecting image resolution or confocal discrimination (Chapters 3,
relating to the choice of instruments, specifically as applied to 21, and 25, this volume).
biology. The x-scanning speed can be increased by using a resonance
Among the different confocal systems, the stage-scanning type galvanometer, a spinning mirror, or an acousto-optical modulator
requires the longest time (~10 s) to acquire a single image because instead of the mirror galvanometers (Chapters 3, 9, and 29, this
the specimen support has to be translated (vibrated) very precisely. volume). However, doing so may reduce both scan flexibility (i.e.,
Biological specimens are often bathed in a liquid medium, and for no optical “zoom” magnification) and inefficient use of the duty
these, any movement presents a problem. Even if the specimen cycle. Furthermore, in a scanning confocal system used for fluo-
chamber is completely sealed and the gas phase excluded to min- rescence microscopy, one cannot use the same acousto-optical
imize the inertial effects of stage scanning, specimen motion still device (or other diffraction-based electro-optical modulator) to
can occur during stage scanning. The alternative lens-scanning both scan the exciting beam and de-scan the emitted beam because
system can encounter worse problems when oil-immersion lenses the modulator would deviate the two beams by different amounts
are used. Very often structures in biological specimens are moving based on their l.
or changing dynamically at rates incompatible with very slow scan Of even greater importance, the image captured by a CLSM
rates. Thus, despite the many virtues of the stage-scanning system in a single, 1- to 2-s scan time is commonly too noisy because the
recognized by Minsky (1957) and by Wilson and Sheppard (1984), image-forming signal is simply not made up of enough photons.
there is little chance that the stage-scanning microscope will be The image generally must be integrated electronically over several
widely used in biology. An exception might be for large-area 3D frame times to reduce the noise, just as when one is using a high-
scanning of fixed and permanently mounted specimens. Such spec- sensitivity video camera. Thus, with a CLSM, it often requires
imens require, or can take advantage of, those virtues of the stage- several, or many, seconds to acquire a well-resolved, high-quality
scanning system that cannot be duplicated by other confocal fluorescence image.
designs. If, in an attempt to reduce the number of frames that must be
In the Petrán̆-type TSM or the Kino-type confocal microscope, integrated, one tries to increase the signal reaching the PMT by
the disk can be spun rapidly enough to provide images at video raising the source brightness, by opening up the exit pinhole, or
rate (30 frames/s). When speed of image acquisition is of para- by increasing the concentration of fluorochrome, each alteration
mount importance, as in the study of moving cells, living cells at introduces new problems of its own. In fact, in CLSMs used for
high magnification, or microtubules growing in vitro, the type of fluorescence imaging, if anything, one wants to reduce the light
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12 Chapter 1 • S. Inoué
as well as speckle images of tubulin flux in pTk-1 tissue cells and the commercially available phase annulus was rather small, and
in the thick spindles undergoing mitosis in Xenopus egg extracts out-of-focus regions intruded obtrusively into the image. With
(Waterman-Storer and Salmon, 1997; Grego et al., 2001; Tran et Ellis’ aperture-scanning phase-contrast microscope, the illuminat-
al., 2001; Maddox et al., 2002 ). The reasons for low-fluorescence ing rays, and the correspondingly minute phase absorber spot, scan
bleaching and extended cell survival are discussed in Inoué and the outermost rim of the objective lens aperture in synchrony.
Inoué (2002 and in Chapter 38, this volume.) Therefore, essentially the full NA of the objective lens is available
The advantage of the real-time, direct-view confocal system to transmit the waves diffracted by the specimen. Under these con-
extends beyond capturing sharp images of moving or dynamically ditions, the z-axis resolution of the optical section in phase-
changing objects, whose images would be blurred or distorted by contrast appears to be even higher than that of the two other
the slow frame-capture rate of conventional CLSMs. For example, contrast modes shown here (Ellis, 1988; Inoué, 1994).]
with a CLSM it is difficult to visualize, or even to find, minute flu- For polarization microscopy of specimens with low retar-
orescent objects that are sparsely distributed in three dimensions. dances, the LC-Pol scope system devised by Oldenbourg and Mei
With an image intensifier CCD camera coupled to a direct-view (1995; see also Oldenbourg, 1996) also provides effective optical
system, the signal from such sparsely distributed objects is readily sectioning. The LC-Pol scope generates an image (retardance map)
found in real time as one focuses through the specimen. whose pixel brightness is proportional to the retardance of the
specimen at each pixel, independent of the specimen’s azimuth ori-
entation, while the algorithm used to compute the retardance map
Depth of Field in Phase-Dependent Imaging also reduces the polarization aberrations introduced by the optics
The z-axis resolution measured in epi-fluorescence imaging with (that otherwise degrade the image; Shribak et al., 2002). Thus,
a confocal laser scanning microscope is reported to be 1.5 mm with with the LC-Pol scope system, objective lenses with NA as high
an NA 0.75 objective lens (Cox and Sheppard, 1993) and 0.48 mm as 1.4 can be used at their full aperture to detect retardances as low
with an NA 1.3 objective lens (Hell et al., 1993) at a wavelength as 0.03 nm. The use of the high NA lenses at full aperture then pro-
of 514 nm. Kino reports a depth of field of 0.35 mm for NA 1.4 con- vides the shallow depth of field (of less than 1-mm thickness) as
focal optics, when imaging point-like reflecting objects. These illustrated in Figure 1.8. In fact, the LC-Pol scope can individu-
numbers are in good agreement with Eqs. 2 and 3, and the height ally resolve two flagellar axonemes that cross each other and
of the 3D diffraction pattern of a point object discussed earlier. are separated by no more than their diameter of about 0.2 mm
In addition, Stephan Hell, as described above, has achieved even (Oldenbourg et al., 1998).
shallower field depths by superimposing two 3D diffraction spots We do not yet quite understand why the depth of field of the
of differing wavelengths in stimulated depletion point- non-confocal phase-dependent images should be so thin. It may
scanning confocal microscopy. well be that contrast generation in phase-dependent imaging
How do these shallow depth of fields attainable with a confo- involves partial coherence even at very high NAs, and that an
cal microscope compare with those obtainable in the absence of effect similar to the one proposed elsewhere for half-wave masks
confocal imaging? While I could come up with no hard numbers (Inoué, 1989) is giving us increased lateral as well as axial reso-
for fluorescence microscopy without confocal imaging (except lution. Whatever the theoretical explanation turns out to be, our
where 3D deconvolution is employed, see Chapters 23, 24, and 25, observations show that for phase-dependent imaging of relatively
this volume), it is well known that the fluorescence from out-of- transparent objects, even in the absence of confocal optics, optical
focus objects substantially blurs the in-focus image. On the other sections can be obtained (at video rate) that appear to be some-
hand, for contrast generated by phase-dependent methods such as what thinner than for fluorescence imaging in the presence of con-
phase-contrast, DIC, and polarized-light microscopy, Gordon Ellis focal optics. Moreover, they perform this function without
and I have obtained data that show remarkably thin optical sec- requiring that energy be deposited in the specimen i.e. without
tions in the absence of confocal imaging. producing photodamage.
Thus, using a 100¥ NA 1.4 Nikon PlanApo objective lens,
combined with an NA 1.35 rectified condenser whose full aperture
was uniformly illuminated through a light scrambler with 546-nm OTHER OPTICAL AND MECHANICAL FACTORS
light from a 100-W high-pressure Hg arc source (as described in AFFECTING CONFOCAL MICROSCOPY
Ellis, 1985, and in Inoué, 1986, Appendix 3), I obtained depth of
fields of ca. 0.2, 0.25, and 0.15 mm, respectively, for phase-
contrast, rectified DIC, and rectified polarized-light microscopy.
Lens Aberration
These values were obtained by examining video images of With stage- or object-scanning confocal microscopes, we saw
surface ridges on a tilted portion of a human buccal epithelial cell. earlier that high NA lenses with simplified design and long
The video signal was contrast enhanced digitally but without working distances could be used because the confocal image points
spatial filtration. The change in image detail that appeared with (source pinhole, illuminated specimen point, and detector pinhole)
each 0.2-mm shift of focus (brought about by incrementing a cal- all lie exactly on the optical axis of the microscope. This same
ibrated stepper motor) was inspected in the image and enlarged principle is now used widely in the design of optical disk
to ~10,000¥ on a high-resolution video monitor. As shown in recorder/players.
Figure 1.7, the fine ridges on the cell surface are not contiguous In contrast, with TSM and CLSM sharp images of the source
in the succeeding images stepped 0.2 mm apart in the polarized- “pinhole(s)” must be focused over a relatively large area away from
light and phase-contrast images, but they are just contiguous in the the lens axis. In addition, the objective lens and the scanner must
DIC images. From these observations, the depth of field in the rec- bring images of the illuminated spot(s) and the source pinhole(s)
tified polarized-light image is estimated to be somewhat below, into exact register with the exit pinhole(s), and for fluorescence
and the DIC image just above, the 0.2-mm step height. [The phase- microscopy, do so at different wavelengths. Thus, for these systems
contrast images here should not be compared literally with the to function efficiently, the microscope objective lens has to be
images in the two other contrast modes because the diameter of exceptionally well corrected. The field must be flat over an
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14 Chapter 1 • S. Inoué
FIGURE 1.7. Optical sections of surface ridges on an oral epithelial cell. These ultrathin optical sections were obtained without confocal imaging in phase-
contrast (left), rectified DIC (middle), and rectified polarized-light microscopy (right). The focus planes for the successive frames in each contrast mode were
incremented 0.2 mm. Scale bar 10 mm. (See text and original article for details. From Inoué, 1988.)
appreciable area, axial and off-axis aberrations must be corrected design, a series of excellent-quality, high-NA, PlanApo, and high-
over the field used, and lateral and longitudinal chromatic aberra- UV-transmitting lenses have appeared from all four major micro-
tions must be well corrected for both the emission and illuminating scope manufacturers (Leitz, Nikon, Olympus, Zeiss) during the
wavelengths. As far as is possible, the aberrations should be cor- past decade.
rected within the objective lens without the need to use a compli- Even with excellent lenses, however, the image loses its sharp-
mentary ocular. [For details of these subjects and design of modern ness when one focuses into a transparent, live, or wet specimen by
lenses to overcome the aberrations, see Inoué and Oldenbourg more than a few micrometers from the inside surface of the
(1994), Shimizu and Takenaka (1994), and Chapter 7, this volume]. coverslip. The problem here is that oil-immersion microscope
Finally, the lens and other optical components must have good objectives are designed to be used under rather stringent optical
transmission over the needed wavelength range. conditions, namely homogeneous immersion of everything,
These combined conditions place a strenuous requirement on including the specimen itself, in a medium of h = 1.52. When such
the design of the objective lens. Fortunately, with the availability a lens is used on live or wet specimens immersed in water or phys-
of modern glass stocks and high-speed computer-optimized iological saline solution, even with the coverslip properly oil con-
PHC1 28/11/2005 6:07 PM Page 15
FIGURE 1.8. Optical sections of meiosis-I metaphase spindle in live spermatocyte of a crane fly Nephrotoma sturalis observed with the LC-Pol scope. In focus
are: (A) the upper kinetochores (Ks) and their two K-fibers for the left bivalent chromosome; (B) upper Ks and fibers for the middle and right bivalents; (C)
lower Ks and fibers for the middle and right bivalents. The birefringence retardation of the K-fibers, made up of a dense bundle of microtubules, is ca. 1 nm
greater than that due to the background array of spindle microtubules. The effect of optical sectioning is more obvious in the mitochondrial threads (which are
much thinner than the K-fibers and free of background birefringence) that surround the spindle. Imaged with 546-nm illumination in LC-Pol scope with Nikon
60¥/1.4 NA “DIC” PlanApo objective lens combined with condenser NA at 1.0. The fine focus control was shifted 1.2 mm between (A) and (B), and 0.9 mm
between (B) and (C). White = 3.0 nm retardance. Scale bar = 5 mm.
tacted to the objective lens, aberrations are no longer properly cor- water between specimen and coverslip. Adjustment of the collar,
rected once the image-forming rays traverse a significant distance as in dry- or variable-immersion objective lenses, compensates for
in the h = 1.33 aqueous medium. Doing so distorts the unit dif- the relative thickness of layers having higher or lower h. With the
fraction image and alters the shape (and even the location of) the increasing use of electronic and electro-mechanical controls in
point-spread function, and does so to varying degrees as one confocal and conventional microscopes, it is now possible to
focuses to different depths into the aqueous medium.4 This impor- design a superior high-NA lens with an auto-compensating cor-
tant topic is discussed in detail in Chapters 7 and 20 (this volume) rection device (possibly built outside of the objective lens) that is
and in Inoué and Spring (1997, Sect. 2.5). electronically linked to the fine focus control.
The same holds true also for high-NA dry objectives because A (motor-driven) optical-correcting unit, such as the In-Focus
they are designed under the assumption that (unless embedded in a system (Infinity Photo-Optical Company, Boulder, CO), placed in
h = 1.52 medium) the specimen lies in an infinitely thin layer placed the parallel-beam region of a microscope can be used to change
directly against a coverslip whose thickness (generally 0.17 mm), the focal level and/or correct for residual spherical aberration
refractive index, and dispersion conform to specification. without displacing the objective lens. In fact we find that the unit
One approach to overcoming these problems is to switch to a can often improve the point-spread function, so that the z-axis dis-
water-immersion objective lens. Then the cumulative depth of the tribution of the 3D diffraction pattern becomes more symmetric,
water layer between the objective lens and the focused portion of even for “highly corrected” Plan Apochromatic objective lenses
the specimen should remain unchanged with focus. Whether the used following the manufacturer’s exact specifications (see
objective lens is designed for homogeneous water immersion or Chapters 7 and 9, this volume). Conversely, by appropriately
for use in the presence of a coverslip does not matter, so long as, linking the In-Focus drive with the objective (and condenser) lens
in the latter case, a coverslip with the proper specifications is used. motor drive(s), one can now to substantially improve the point-
In fact, however, even the small difference in h between physio- spread function even when focusing deeper, for example, into a
logical solutions, seawater, tissue, and pure water must be taken specimen residing in an aqueous medium.
into account. While this approach does overcome some of the aber-
ration problems, water-immersion lenses cannot be made with
NAs of much above 1.25 (because of the 1.33 refractive index of
Unintentional Beam Deviation
water). Several manufacturers now produces high-NA water- The intensity of each point in the final image from a confocal
immersion objectives with excellent correction, some with high microscope is designed to measure the amount of light trans-
transmissions for UV down to wavelengths of 340 nm. In our ex- mitted by the detector pinhole for the corresponding point in the
perience, the Nikon 60 ¥ 1.2 NA Plan Apochromatic, correction- specimen as it is being scanned. However, if the amount of light
collar-equipped water-immersion objective gave an impressive transmitted by the detector pinhole is modulated by factors not
DIC image of diatom frustule through a 220-mm-thick layer of related to the interaction of the illuminating point of light and the
specimen at that raster point, or if the confocality between the
entrance pinhole, the illuminated specimen point, and the detector
pinhole were to be transiently lost for any reason, one would obtain
Note also that the refractive index and dispersion of the immersion media
could also be significantly affected by temperature. Some high NA immer-
a false reading of the brightness at that point.
sion lenses are thus equipped with correction collars to compensate for these One such error could be introduced if a localized, lens- or
variations in addition to the thickness of the coverslip. prism-shaped region having a h different from that of the sur-
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16 Chapter 1 • S. Inoué
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