SAC Evaluation Form Staff
SAC Evaluation Form Staff
SAC Evaluation Form Staff
Title: Annual
Department: Orientation
Unit/College/Division: Interim__________________
Date of Job
Employment Evaluation
Change or
Date: Date:
Form Instructions
1. If you wish to have the employee participate in self-evaluation, provide a copy for the
employee to use as a worksheet. Allow enough time for thoughtful review. Self-
evaluation is helpful in stimulating discussion of ways in which supervisor and
employee can work together to increase effectiveness.
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2. Use one of the following ratings to describe the performance of the individual in each
of the categories.
3. When giving a rating of 5 or 1, the Evaluator must provide an explanation for that
rating in the comments section for that category. Use the back of the form or an
additional page if necessary.
4. All ratings in each category should be averaged together and listed in the comments
section for that category. The final rating is the average of all category average
ratings and may be reported as a number with two decimal places. Items that are not
applicable (NA) should not be used to calculate the average rating for that category.
5. Supervisor and employee must discuss the evaluation, progress made in performance,
and progress toward objectives and goals for the coming year. Both the supervisor
and employee must sign the form and both must have an opportunity to add
6. All ratings are reviewed and approved by the next-higher- level supervisor than the
one who prepared the rating.
7. The original form with the final ratings, comments and signatures is retained in the
employee’s file in the department. The employee signs the form to acknowledge that
s/he has seen the report and has been apprised of his/her evaluation.
8. The employee has a right to make a written statement or rebuttal on the form at the
time of the evaluation and/or within ten working days. If a statement is submitted
within ten days, it will be attached to the evaluation report. Supervisors should make
employees aware of this opportunity.
9. A copy of the signed evaluation shall be provided to the employee within 30 days of
the date of the evaluation or upon request.
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5 = Performs exceptionally well; 4 = Performs very well; 3 = Performs well; 2 = Needs improvement;
1 = Unsatisfactory; NA = Not Applicable
Any rating of 5 or 1 requires an explanation for that rating in the comments section
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a) Demonstrates punctuality and begins work as scheduled
b) Contacts supervisor concerning absences on a timely basis
c) Can be depended upon to be available for work
d) Manages own time effectively
e) Accepts responsibility for own actions and ensuing results
f) Demonstrates commitment to service
a) Understands the organization’s policies, procedures, goals and purpose
as required for the job
b) Promotes and demonstrates trust, mutual respect and a cooperative
work environment
c) Conveys work-related information and ideas to others in oral and/or
written communications effectively
d) Offers assistance, is courteous and works well with customers and
fellow workers
e) Supports cultural diversity in the workplace
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a) Is receptive to new ideas
b) Adapts to new situations and changes in the work environment
c) Identifies opportunities to improve work processes
d) Demonstrates creativity and contributes new ideas
5 4 3 2 1
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GOALS: (optional)
Review progress toward goals and staff development achievements established for this evaluation period. Be sure to
include any additional goals established during the course of the rating period. Discuss not only strengths and/or
significant accomplishments but also difficulties, possible causes and recommended actions.
OBJECTIVES: (optional)
Supervisor and employee discussion of future objectives is essential. List specific position goals and staff development
opportunities to work toward during the next evaluation period. Include time frames, criteria for completion, and planned
supervisor actions to assist. Your supervisor must approve future objectives.
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S TA TE M E N TS : If the employee disagrees with the rating, the employee and supervisor narrative statements
should explain.
S upe r v is or ( Optiona l)
Em ploy e e ( Optiona l)
I acknowledge that I have reviewed this report with my supervisor and have been apprised of my
evaluation. I understand that I may make a written statement on this form now or within ten working
days. If a statement is submitted within ten days, it will be attached to this evaluation report.
Employee must receive a signed copy of this evaluation within 30 days or upon request.
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