INPUT- 220-240V
As we are converting 220V AC into a 5V DC, first we need a step-down transformer to reduce such high voltage. Here we
have used 9-0-9 1A step-down transformer, which convert 220V AC to 9V AC. In transformer there are primary and
secondary coils which step up or step down the voltage according to the no of turn in the coils.
Rectification is the process of removing the negative part of the Alternate Current (AC), hence producing the partial DC.
This can be achieved by using 4 diodes. Diodes only allow current to flow in one direction. In first half cycle of AC diode
D2 & D3 are forward biased and D1 and D4 are reversed biased, and in the second half cycle (negative half) Diode D1
and D4 are forward biased and D2 and D3 are reversed biased. This Combination converts the negative half cycle into
The output after the Rectification is not a proper DC, it is oscillation output and has a very high ripple factor. We don’t
need that pulsating output, for this we use Capacitor. Capacitor charge till the waveform goes to its peak and discharge
into Load circuit when waveform goes low. So when output is going low, capacitor maintains the proper voltage supply
into the Load circuit, hence creating the DC.
Voltage Regulation
A voltage regulator IC 7805 is used to provide a regulated 5v DC. Input voltage should be 2volts more than the rated
output voltage for proper working of IC, means at least 7v is needed, although it can operate in input voltage range of 7-
20V. Voltage regulators have all the circuitry inside it to provide a proper regulated DC. Capacitor of 0.01uF should be
connected to the output of the 7805 to eliminate the noise, produced by transient changes in voltage.