Module 13 Martial Law Learning Activity 2

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A. If you were already a student or an adult during those days of the

first quarter storm, would you have joined the rallies and other protest
actions? Why and why not. Explain your answer.

People often rebel when they feel mistreated and or neglected. Yes, I will
join, because it was a period of civil turmoil in the Philippines that lasted from
January 26 to March 17, 1970, and included a series of demonstrations,
protests, and marches against President Ferdinand Marcos' regime, most of
which were organized by students. Marcos was then on his second term as
president, after winning in what was then known as the dirtiest election in
Philippine history. Marcos became the first president to actually win a second
term, and he did it with widespread fraud and corruption.
As a Filipino, I also want to ensure that my fellow Filipinos are safe. Even
violence became the norm, and when we used the Constitution's tremendous
powers to save an imperiled republic and construct a new society, we
committed a decisive act of liberty. The masses' power to compel the state to
halt and listen with its reformists and radicals would only get stronger; there
was power in the demonstration, in making one's voice heard in a disruptive
mass; one would not be ignored. The Filipinos' only wish is to re-establish the
foundations of a genuine, viable democracy.

B. Was Marcos justified in declaring martial law? Explain.

Due to rising violence and the threat of a communist takeover, President

Ferdinand Marcos declared martial law in the Philippines from 1972 to 1981.
Marcos cited various reasons for imposing martial law, which suspends civil
rights and establishes military rule. He claimed a communist insurgency
existed nearby. He claimed Muslim forces were rebelling for self-
determination. He said militant activists were causing street unrest. Due to
these factors, Marcos declared martial law. However, if we go through history,
the communist insurgency had been active since the 1940s when the
communists invaded the country. Wherein Ramon Magsaysay
just suppressed and contained it while serving as Defense Secretary. He
didn't want martial law. He only needed the military to do their jobs and his
charisma and integrity.

Worse, the insurgency of Muslim forces had been going on for centuries
prior to 1972. To quell the rebellion or secessionist movement in Mindanao,
martial law was never declared. Despite decades of armed conflict in
Mindanao, no one has called for martial law. If Ferdinand Marcos had lived
through the last three decades, he would have seen numerous street protests
during his four terms as president. There has been street unrest and armed
violence at times. Martial law was neither desired nor required.
Despite the difficulties in the countryside and on the streets, martial law
seemed unnecessary. Because martial law, suspension of civil rights, and
military rule could not be justified, it was a crime that presided over a series of
other crimes.

C. Complete the table below.

Accomplishments of Kilusang Accomplishments Kilusang Bagong

Kabuhayan at Kaunlaran Lipunanan

 Food Sufficiency  Housing for the Masses- Bagong

Lipunan Improvement of Sites
A. Green Revolution and Services (BLISS) Housing
Production of rice was increased project had expanded the
through promoting the cultivation of government’s housing program
IR-8 hybrid rice. In 1968 the for the low-income group.
Philippines became self-sufficient in Massive slum upgrading projects
rice, the first time in history since the have improved to 14,000 lots in
American period. It also exported rice 1985 from 2,500 in 1976. The
worth US$7 million. Tondo foreshore, for instance, is
one of the biggest and most
B. Blue Revolution miserable slum colonies in Asia
Marine species like prawn, mullet, was transformed into a decent
milkfish, and golden tilapia were community. A total of 230,000
being produced and distributed to housing units were constructed
farmers at a minimum cost. Today, from 1975-1985.
milkfish and prawns contribute
substantially to foreign exchange The laws on socialized housing
income. were conceptualized by President
Marcos through a series of legal
C. Liberalized Credit issuances from the funding, the
More than one thousand rural banks lending, mortgaging and to the
spread all over the country resulting collection of the loans. These are
to the accessibility of credit to finance governed by the Home Mutual
purchase of agricultural inputs, hired Development Fund (Pag-Ibig
labor, and harvesting expenses at Fund), the Housing and Land Use
very low interest rate. During 1981- Regulatory Board (HLURB) and
1985, credit was available without the National Home Mortgage
interest and collateral arrangements. Finance which remain intact up to
the present.

 Agrarian Reform- Tenant’s  Peace and Order - In 1966, more

Emancipation Act of 1972 or PD than 100 important smugglers
27 was implemented without were arrested; in three years
bloodshed. This was the first 1966-68 they arrested a total of
Land Reform Code our country. 5,000. Military men involved in
Since it was implemented until smuggling were forced to retire.
December 1985, 1.2 million Peace and order significantly
farmers benefited, either they improved in most provinces
became the owner or leaseholder however situations in Manila and
in more than 1.3 million hectares some provinces continued to
of rice and corn lands. deteriorate until the imposition of
martial law in 1972.
 Labor Reform- The Labor code  Educational reform- Access to
was promulgated which free education widened during the
expanded the concerns of the Marcos Administration. The
Magna Carta of Labor to extend biggest portion of the budget was
greater protection to labor, allotted for Educational Programs
promote employment, and human (P58.7 Billion in 20 years). The
resource development. The literacy rate climbed from 72% in
minimum wages of the workers 1965 to 93% in 1985 and almost
were boosted through the 100% in Metro Manila on the
guaranteed 13th month pay and same year.
cost of living allowances.

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