Color-Control of Long-Lasting Phosphorescence (LLP) Through Rare Earth Ion-Doped Cadmium Metasilicate Phosphors
Color-Control of Long-Lasting Phosphorescence (LLP) Through Rare Earth Ion-Doped Cadmium Metasilicate Phosphors
Color-Control of Long-Lasting Phosphorescence (LLP) Through Rare Earth Ion-Doped Cadmium Metasilicate Phosphors
This journal is ß The Royal Society of Chemistry 2005 J. Mater. Chem., 2005, 15, 4025–4031 | 4025
is expected to be one-dimensional chains of edge-sharing SiO4
tetrahedra. In this kind of low dimensional structure, it is
very easy to implant other ions into the host lattice and create
traps located at suitable depths that can store the excitation
energy and emit light at room temperature.19–21 In this study,
the LLP phenomenon is reported in various rare earth ion-
doped cadmium metasilicate phosphors. Moreover, color-
control of the LLP (covering most of the visible light region
from short wavelength indigo blue to long wavelength deep
red) through different rare earth ion-doped one-component
CdSiO3 host lattices is available under the same ultraviolet
light excitation. The luminescent properties and possible
mechanism of this kind of long-lasting phosphorescence were
investigated in detail.
2. Experimental
Powder samples were synthesized using the conventional solid- Fig. 1 XRD patterns of 5% Y3+-doped CdSiO3 phosphor of this
state reaction method. The starting materials were high-purity work (top) and JCPDS Card No. 35-0810 (below).
CdCO3, SiO2, and RE2O3 (.99.9%). The RE3+ ion doping
level of all the samples was fixed as 5 mol% of Cd2+ ions in the By comparing the spectra in Fig. 1, we can conclude that our
CdSiO3 host. After the corresponding raw materials were samples are chemically and structurally CdSiO3. It is expected
taken in a stoichiometric ratio and homogenized thoroughly that the phase structure of CdSiO3 is similar to that of pseudo-
(all the grinding was done with an agate pestle and mortar), the wollastonite CaSiO3. The configurations of both Ca and Cd
mixture was successively heat-treated at several conditions of have very similar outermost shells, 4s2 for calcium and 4d105s2
temperature and duration time using alumina crucibles with for cadmium, and their ionic radii are very close in size, 0.099
alumina lids in an air atmosphere, followed by subsequent air and 0.097 nm for calcium and cadmium, respectively. The
cooling to obtain the products. RE3+ ions (rRE3+ 5 0.085–0.106 nm) are expected to occupy
The structures of all synthesized polycrystalline powder the Cd2+ sites in the CdSiO3 host lattice and no RE3+ ion is
samples were checked by a Rigaku Model D/max-II B X-ray expected to occupy the Si4+ sites (rSi4+ 5 0.041 nm).
diffractometer with Cu Ka1 (l 5 0.15405 nm) radiation at a
0.02u (2h) min21 scanning step. 3.2. PL properties of undoped CdSiO3 and rare earth-doped
The photoluminescence spectra were obtained at room CdSiO3 phosphors
temperature with a Hitachi F-4500 fluorescence spectro-
photometer equipped with a monochromator (resolution: The PL of the undoped CdSiO3 sample is shown in Fig. 2.
0.2 nm) and 150 W Xe lamp as the excitation source. Only one broad band located at 243 nm can be observed in the
Suitable filters were used to correct for the baseline shift due excitation range. In the emission spectrum of the undoped
to any stray light. The long-lasting phosphorescence (LLP) CdSiO3 sample, there are three primary emission bands
emission spectra were measured on the same Hitachi F-4500 located at 380 nm, 467 nm, and 560 nm in the region ranging
fluorescence spectrophotometer.
The luminescent lifetime was measured with a Model 4400
Signal Detection and Analysis System (EG&G) using a 337 nm
nitrogen laser as the excitation source.
Thermostimulated luminescence (TSL) measurements
were performed by heating the irradiated sample from room
temperature to 673 K using a FJ-427A1 TL meter (Beijing
Nuclear Instrument Factory). Samples were first excited for
5 min using a 254 nm UV standard lamp with a power of 15 W.
Then the radiation source was removed and the samples were
heated at a linear rate of 2 K s21.
All measurements were carried out at room temperature
except for the TSL spectra.
4026 | J. Mater. Chem., 2005, 15, 4025–4031 This journal is ß The Royal Society of Chemistry 2005
Fig. 3 Excitation spectra (lem 5 420 nm, dot line) and emission
Fig. 4 Excitation spectra (lem 5 420 nm, dot line) and emission
spectra (lex 5 243 nm, solid line) of CdSiO3 : RE3+ phosphors. RE 5 Y,
spectra (lex 5 243 nm, solid line) of CdSiO3 : RE3+ phosphors.
La, Gd, Lu.
RE 5 Ce, Nd, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb.
from 300 nm to 700 nm. These three emission peaks are similar
Lu3+-doped samples. Moreover, there are still not any obvious
to those previously reported in the Si+-implanted thermal SiO2
films on crystalline silicon under ultraviolet excitation at room characteristic rare earth ion emissions from these six samples
temperature.22 The above PL spectrum measurement reveals under excitation in the region of 200–400 nm. Is the role of
that CdSiO3 is a new self-activated luminescent host lattice. Ce3+, Nd3+, Ho3+, Er3+, Tm3+, Yb3+ the same as that of Y3+,
For the convenience of the following section discussion, the La3+, Gd3+ and Lu3+ doped into the CdSiO3 host lattice?
human eye color sensitivity curve is also given in Fig. 2. Fig. 5 presents the emission spectra and excitation spectra of
Ions with no 4f electrons, i.e., Y3+, La3+, and Lu3+, have the other five earth ions, as Pr3+, Sm3+, Eu3+, Tb3+ and Dy3+
no electronic energy levels that can induce excitation and single-doped CdSiO3 phosphors under excitation at 243 nm
luminescence processes in or near the visible region. Generally, and monitored at 420 nm. For the excitation spectra, only the
these ions are used as host lattice elements in various 243 nm excitation broad band can be seen when monitored
luminescent materials. Here, we adopted Y3+, La3+, Lu3+, at their y420 nm broad band. However, in this group, these
and Gd3+ ions as ‘‘activator’’ in the CdSiO3 host lattice. Fig. 3 five rare earth ion single-doped CdSiO3 phosphors show their
gives the excitation spectra and emission spectra of CdSiO3 characteristic f–f emission line spectra besides the y420 nm
phosphors doped with Y3+, La3+, Lu3+, and Gd3+ ions, broad band luminescence.
respectively. All of them consist of one broad band located It is known that energy absorption need not necessarily take
at y420 nm in the emission range. The emission band can be place at the activator ions itself but can occur at a random
attributed to a localized electron–hole pair, a self-trapped place in the host lattice. This implies that energy transfer of the
excitation (STE), which is enhanced by the incorporation of absorbed energy to the luminescent center takes place before
RE3+ ions occupying the Cd2+ sites.23,24 It is worth noting that emission can occur.25 The migration of the energy absorbed
the 243 nm excitation broad band also exists in these four by the host lattice can take place through one of the four
phosphors but their emission spectra are different from the processes, i.e. electric charge (electrons, holes), excitons,
above-mentioned undoped CdSiO3 sample, indicating that resonance (overlap), and sensitizer. In our present case, it is
the incorporation of RE3+ (RE 5 Y, La, Gd, Lu) ions into the clear from the PL spectra that in the Pr3+, Sm3+, Eu3+, Tb3+
CdSiO3 host does change their luminescent properties. and Dy3+ single-doped CdSiO3 phosphors, energy transfer
Fig. 4 shows the emission spectra and excitation spectra of from the host to the Pr3+, Sm3+, Eu3+, Tb3+ and Dy3+ activator
Ce3+, Nd3+, Ho3+, Er3+, Tm3+, and Yb3+ single-doped CdSiO3 ions occurs. When illuminated by a UV light excitation source,
phosphors under excitation at 243 nm and monitored 420 nm. excitation energy is absorbed by the host and created the STE
Surprisingly, no obvious characteristic emission of the Ce3+, emission (the y420 nm broad band), meanwhile, the absorbed
Nd3+, Ho3+, Er3+, Tm3+, and Yb3+ ions can be detected in energy from the STE state is transferred to the Pr3+, Sm3+,
the visible light region except the same broad band located Eu3+, Tb3+ and Dy3+ ions and created the typical emission of
at y420 nm, which is similar to those of Y3+, La3+, Gd3+ and these five rare earth ions. To prove that there exists energy
This journal is ß The Royal Society of Chemistry 2005 J. Mater. Chem., 2005, 15, 4025–4031 | 4027
Fig. 6 a) Long-lasting phosphorescence spectra of CdSiO3 : RE3+
(RE 5 Y, Nd, Eu, Tb) phosphors after the 254 nm UV excitation
source is stopped at 1 min. b) Long-lasting phosphorescence spectra of
CdSiO3 : RE3+ phosphors after the 254 nm UV excitation source is
stopped at different times (t 5 2, 4, 9 min).
Fig. 5 Excitation spectra (lem 5 420 nm, dot line) and emission
spectra (lex 5 243 nm, solid line) of CdSiO3 : RE3+ phosphors.
RE 5 Pr, Sm, Eu, Tb, Dy.
4028 | J. Mater. Chem., 2005, 15, 4025–4031 This journal is ß The Royal Society of Chemistry 2005
leave electrons or holes in a metastable state at room
temperature.16 After irradiation by light illumination, free
electrons and holes are formed in the samples. The holes or
electrons were trapped by different defect centers, released by
heat at room temperature, and recombined with electrons or
holes trapped by other defect centers. The released energy due
to the recombination of holes and electrons is transferred to
the rare earth ions and excites the electrons at the ground state
of the rare earth ions to the excited state, finally leading to the
characteristic rare earth ion emissions. Because there are two
different kinds of LLP emissions in RE3+-doped CdSiO3 (the
y420 STE emissions and the characteristic rare earth ion
emissions), two different processes may be required to be taken
into account when trying to explain the LLP phenomenon of
these phosphors.
In order to explain the characteristic emissions of the Eu3+,
Fig. 8 Thermostimulated luminescence curves of CdSiO3 : RE3+
Pr , Sm3+, Tb3+, Dy3+ single-doped CdSiO3 host lattice, some
(RE 5 Y, Nd, Sm, Eu, Tb) and the undoped CdSiO3 host (inset). The
extra work must be carried out. In general, an impurity is
heating rate was 2 K s21.
usually added into luminescent materials as a sensitizer whose
emission band overlaps with the absorption band of the
As shown in the inset of Fig. 8(b), the TSL curve of the
activator, thus the energy transfers from the former to the
undoped CdSiO3 is found to be composed of two peaks
latter.34 For example, all Tb3+-activated phosphors currently
located at 346 and 418 K, respectively. These peaks can be
used in fluorescent lamps are sensitized by Ce3+. It is also
attributed to the intrinsic defects in the CdSiO3 host lattice.
reported that in the CaAl2O4 : Ce3+,Tb3+ long-lasting
Upon the incorporation of the Y3+, Nd3+, Sm3+, Eu3+, Tb3+
ions into the CdSiO3 host lattice, only one predominating phosphor, energy can transfer from Ce3+ to Tb3+ creating the
broad band located at y348 K can be observed, indicating LLP phenomenon of Tb3+ emission.35 In the CdSiO3 : Eu3+
that the trap depth levels in these materials are roughly phosphor, because the emission band of the host overlaps with
the same. the Eu3+ absorption, energy can transfer from the host to the
In our present work, trivalent RE3+ ions not only play the Eu3+ (Fig. 9). However, for the case of Pr3+, Sm3+, Tb3+, Dy3+
role of activator, but also act as an aliovalent auxiliary dopant single-doped CdSiO3 phosphors, obvious overlap bands are
to create defects. When trivalent RE3+ is doped into the not found in the 300–500 nm region, but luminescent lifetime
CdSiO3 host lattice, they would chemically nonequivalently measurements revealed that the lifetime of this rare earth
substitute the Cd2+ sites. Due to these nonequivalent substitu- characteristic emission was 107 ns while the 420 nm STE
tions, an excess of positive charge in the lattice must be emission was 102 ns.
compensated. There are two possible patterns to fulfil the LLP materials are actually a kind of electron–hole trapping/
charge compensation of the RE3+-doped CdSiO3 phosphors. energy-storing materials, whose working processes are similar
One possible way is that two RE3+ ions replace three Cd2+ ions to the rechargeable battery. In general, the LLP processes can
to balance the charge of these phosphors, which create two be divided into three sequential steps, i.e., energy storage,
REuCd positive defects and one V0Cd negative defect.32,33 energy transfer, and energy release. Based on previous reports
This journal is ß The Royal Society of Chemistry 2005 J. Mater. Chem., 2005, 15, 4025–4031 | 4029
the mechanism of these long-lasting phosphors. These novel
one-component long-lasting phosphors, CdSiO3 : RE3+, are
prepared by the conventional high-temperature solid state
method. After irradiation by 254 mm UV light, these phosphors
emit bright long-lasting phosphorescence, and their phosphor-
escence can be seen with the naked eye (0.32 6 1023 cd m22)
in the darkroom clearly for 5 hours even after the irradiation
light sources have been removed.
When rare earth ions such as Y3+, La3+, Gd3+, Lu3+; Ce3+,
Nd3+, Ho3+, Er3+, Tm3+ and Yb3+ are introduced into the
CdSiO3 host lattice, only one broad band located at y420 nm
resulting from the STE trap emission can be observed. In the
cases of other rare earth ions such as Pr3+, Sm3+, Eu3+, Tb3+
and Dy3+ single-doped CdSiO3 host lattices, the characteristic
Fig. 10 An electron–hole recombination model of the possible emissions of these five rare earth ions can be obtained as well
processes of the RE3+-doped CdSiO3 long-lasting phosphors. as the y420 nm STE trap emission. We are confident that, by
selecting different doping ions, changing the host composi-
about the mechanisms of the persistent luminescence of Eu2+- tions, choosing appropriate codoping ions or adding some
doped alkaline earth aluminates,5–8,16 the complex lumines- other energy captor, it is expected that long-lasting phosphors
cence process of CdSiO3 : RE3+ long-lasting phosphor can be possessing more different LLP color even for full colorization
simply illustrated by Fig.10. The band gap of the CdSiO3 can be obtained. Moreover, these rare earth ion-doped CdO–
materials is about 41000 cm21, corresponding to the 243 nm SiO2 materials may be used as a component of silicate-based
host absorption band. Cadmium vacancies V0Cd produced glasses that show long-lasting phosphorescence.
during the high temperature synthesis process may be one of
the hole trapping centers, and the REuCd site impurity trap may Acknowledgements
serve as the electron trap.
As shown in Fig. 10, the different processes resulting in the The authors are grateful to Mr Xuan Li and Miss Meishan Ou
LLP phenomenon of RE3+-doped CdSiO3 can be treated as a of the College of Life Science and Technology, Jinan
preliminary and qualitative result, and can be summarized as University, for their great help. This present work was
supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of
follows. Upon the exposure to the 243 nm UV light (step 1), a
China (Grant Nos. 50472077 and 20171018), the Natural
hole trap and electron trap are formed in the valence band
Science Foundation of Guangdong Province (Grant Nos.
edge and in the conduction band edge (steps 2a and 2b). The
013201 and 36706).
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