A Review On Current Routing Protocols in Wireless Ad Hoc Netwrks
A Review On Current Routing Protocols in Wireless Ad Hoc Netwrks
A Review On Current Routing Protocols in Wireless Ad Hoc Netwrks
An ad hoc mobile network is a collection of mobile nodes that are dynamically and arbitrarily located in such a manner that the interconnections
between nodes are capable of changing on a continual basis. In order to facilitate communication within the network, a routing protocol is used
to discover routes between nodes. The primary goal of such an ad hoc network routing protocol is correct and efficient route establishment
between a pair of nodes so that messages may be delivered in a timely manner. Route construction should be done with a minimum of overhead
and bandwidth consumption. This article examines routing protocols for ad hoc networks and evaluates these protocols based on a given set of
parameters. The: article provides an overview of eight differcnt protocols by presenting their characteristics and functionality,and then provides a
comparison and discussion of their respective merits and drawbacks.
is located. Figure 3a illustrates the propagation of the broad- (b) Path of the RREP to the source
cast RREQs across the network. AODV utilizes destination
sequence numbers to ensure all routes are loop-free and con- IFigure 3. AODVroute discovety.
propagate the link failure notification to their upstream neigh- is the destination, it places the route record contained in the
bors, and so on until the source node is reached. The source route request into the route reply. If the responding node is
node may then choose to reinitiate route discovery for that an intermediate node, it will append its cached route to the
destination if a route is still desired. route record and then generate the route reply. To return the
An additional aspect of the protocol is the use of hello route reply, the responding node must have a route to the
messages, periodic local broadcasts by a node to inform each initiator. If it has a route to the initiator in its route cache, it
mobile node of other nodes in its neighborhood. Hello mes- may use that route. Otherwise, if symmetric links are sup-
sages can be used to maintain the local connectivity of a ported, the node may reverse the route in the route record. If
node. However, the use of hello messages is not required. symmetric links are not supported, the node may initiate its
Nodes listen for retransmission of data packets to ensure that own route discovery and piggyback the route reply on the
the next hop is still within reach. If such a retransmission is new route request. Figure 4b shows the transmission of the
not heard, the node may use any one of a number of tech- route reply with its associated route record back t o the
niques, including the reception of hello messages, to deter- source node.
mine whether the next hop is within communication range. Route maintenance is accomplished through the use of
The hello messages may list the other nodes from which a route error packets and acknowledgments. Route error packets
mobile has heard, thereby yielding greater knowledge of net- are generated at a node when the data link layer encounters a
work connectivity. fatal transmission problem. When a route error packet is
received, the hop in error is removed from the node’s route
Dynamic Source Routing - The Dynamic Source Routing cache and all routes containing the hop are truncated at that
(DSR) protocol presented in [8] is an on-demand routing point. In addition to route error messages, acknowledgments
protocol that is based on the concept of source routing. are used to verify the correct operation of the route links.
Mobile nodes are required to maintain route caches that Such acknowledgments include passive acknowledgments,
contain the source routes of which the mobile is aware. where a mobile is able to hear the next hop forwarding the
Entries in the route cache are continually updated as new packet along the route.
routes are learned.
The protocol consists of two major phases: route discovery TemporaZly Ordered Routing Algorithm - The Temporally
and route maintenance. When a mobile node has a packet t o Ordered Routing Algorithm (TORA) is a highly adaptive
send to some destination, it first consults its route cache to loop-free distributed routing algorithm based on the concept
determine whether it already has a route to the destination. If of link reversal [lo]. TORA is proposed to operate in a high-
it has an unexpired route to the destination, it will use this ly dynamic mobile networking environment. It is source-initi-
route to send the packet. On the other hand, if the node does ated and provides multiple routes for any desired
not have such a route, it initiates route discovery by broad- source/destination pair. The key design concept of TORA is
casting a route request packet. This route request contains the the localization of control messages to a very small set of
address of the destination, along with the source node’s nodes near the occurrence of a topological change. To
address and a unique identification number. Each node accomplish this, nodes need to maintain routing information
receiving the packet checks whether it knows of a route to the about adjacent (one-hop) nodes. The protocol performs three
destination. If it does not, it adds its own address to the route basic functions:
record of the packet and then forwards the packet along its
outgoing links. To limit the number of route requests propa-
gated on the outgoing links of a node, a mobile only forwards
- Route creation
Route maintenance
Route erasure
the route request if the request has not yet been seen by the During the route creation and maintenance phases,
mobile and if the mobile’s address does not already appear in nodes use a “height” metric to establish a directed acyclic
the route record. graph (DAG) rooted at the destination. Thereafter, links
A route reply is generated when the route request reaches are assigned a direction (upstream or downstream) based
either the destination itself, or an intermediate node which o n the relative height metric of neighboring nodes, as
contains in its route cache an unexpired route to the destina- shown in Fig. Sa. This process of establishing a D A G is
tion [9]. By the time the packet reaches either the destination similar to the query/reply process proposed in Lightweight
or such an intermediate node, it contains a route record Mobile Routing (LMR) [ l l ] . In times of node mobility the
yielding the sequence of hops taken. Figure 4a illustrates the DAG route is broken, and route maintenance is necessary
formation of the route record as the route request propagates to reestablish a DAG rooted at the same destination. As
through the network. If the node generating the route reply shown in Fig. 5b, upon failure of the last downstream link,
respect to the beaconing node is incremented. Association
stability is defined by connection stability of one node with
respect to another node over time and space. A high degree
of association stability may indicate a low state of node
mobility, while a low degree may indicate a high state of
node mobility. Associativity ticks are reset when the neigh-
bors of a node or the node itself move out of proximity. A
fundamental objective of ABR is to derive longer-lived
routes for ad hoc mobile networks.
The three phases of ABR are:
Route discovery
Route reconstruction (RRC)
Route deletion
The route discovery phase is accomplished by a broad-
c a s t q u e r y a n d a w a i t - r e p l y (BQ-REPLY) cycle. A n o d e
desiring a r o u t e broadcasts a BQ message in search of
mobiles that have a route to t h e destination. All nodes
receiving the query (that are not the destination) append
their addresses and their associativity ticks with their neigh-
bors along with QoS information to the query packet. A
successor node erases its upstream node neighbors’ associa-
tivity tick entries and retains only the entry concerned with
itself and its upstream node. I n this way, each resultant
packet arriving at the destination will contain the associativ-
ity ticks of the nodes along the route to the destination. The
destination is then able to select the best route by examin-
ing the associativity ticks along each of the paths. When
multiple paths have the same overall degree of association
stability, the route with the minimum number of hops is
selected. The destination then sends a REPLY packet back
t o t h e s o u r c e along this p a t h . N o d e s p r o p a g a t i n g t h e
REPLY mark their routes as valid. All other routes remain
inactive, and the possibility of duplicate packets arriving at
the destination is avoided.
RRC may consist of partial route discovery, invalid route
erasure, valid route updates, and new route discovery, depend-
ing on which node(s) along the route move. Movement by the
source results in a new BQ-REPLY process, as shown in Fig.
6a. The RN[l] message is a route notification used to erase
the route entries associated with downstream nodes. When
the destination moves, the immediate upstream node erases
IFigure 5. a ) Route creation(showing link direction assign- its route and determines if the node is still reachable by a
ment); b) route maintenance (showing the link reversal phe- localized query (LQ[HI) process, where H refers to the hop
nomenon) in T O M . count from the upstream node to the destination (Fig. 6b). If
1 Freshest and
shortest path
1 Shortest path
1 Shortest path
1 1
Associativity and Associativity and
shortest path and stability
others*** 1