100 Test Aarogya 2.0:: Mrs - Gunjan Misra

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The document reports the results of various medical tests performed on a patient including thyroid profile, lipid profile, liver function tests, blood count, iron studies and urine analysis.

The thyroid profile included tests to measure levels of Total Triiodothyronine (T3), Total Thyroxine (T4) and Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH).

The lipid profile showed total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and ratios to be within normal limits except LDL which was slightly high.

Patient Name : Mrs.

Age/Sex : 51 YRS/F Lab Id. : 052201310010
Refered By : Self Sample Collection On : 31/Jan/2022 07:35AM
Collected By : HARPREET Sample Lab Rec.On : 31/Jan/2022 02:40 PM
Collection Mode : HOME COLLECTION Reporting On : 31/Jan/2022 03:21 PM
BarCode : 10337116

Test Name Result Biological Ref. Int. Unit


TOTAL TRI IODOTHYRONINE - T3 0.87 0.80-2.0 ng/ml
(Method : CLIA)

TOTAL THYROXINE - T4 9.63 6.09 - 12.23 ug/dl

(Method : CLIA)


(Method : CLIA)

Pregnancy reference ranges for TSH

1st Trimester : 0.10 - 2.50
2nd Trimester : 0.20 - 3.00
3rd Trimester : 0.30 - 3.00
Reference: Guidelines of American Thyroid Association for the Diagnosis and Management of Thyroid Disease During Pregnancy
and Postpartum, Thyroid, 2011, 21; 1-46

The levels of Thyroid hormones (T3, T4 & FT3, FT4) are low in case of Primary, Secondary and Tertiary hypothyroidism and
sometimes in nonthyroidal illness also. Increase levels are found in Grave’s disease, Hyperthyroidism and Thyroid Hormone
resistance. TSH levels are raised in Primary Hypothyroidism and are low in Hyperthyroidism and secondary hypothyroidism.

TSH levels are subject to circadian variation, reaction peak levels between 2-4 am and at a minimum between 6-10 pm. The
variation is of the day has influence on the measured serum TSH concentrations.
TSH values <0.03 uIU/ml need to be clinically correlated due to presence of a rare TSH variant in some individuals.

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Patient Name : Mrs.GUNJAN MISRA
Age/Sex : 51 YRS/F Lab Id. : 052201310010
Refered By : Self Sample Collection On : 31/Jan/2022 07:35AM
Collected By : HARPREET Sample Lab Rec.On : 31/Jan/2022 02:40 PM
Collection Mode : HOME COLLECTION Reporting On : 31/Jan/2022 06:30 PM
BarCode : 10337116

Test Name Result Biological Ref. Int. Unit


(Method : Modified Westergreen)

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Patient Name : Mrs.GUNJAN MISRA
Age/Sex : 51 YRS/F Lab Id. : 052201310010
Refered By : Self Sample Collection On : 31/Jan/2022 07:35AM
Collected By : HARPREET Sample Lab Rec.On : 31/Jan/2022 02:40 PM
Collection Mode : HOME COLLECTION Reporting On : 31/Jan/2022 03:21 PM
BarCode : 10337116

Test Name Result Biological Ref. Int. Unit

Lipid Profile (Heart Risk Profile),Serum

TOTAL CHOLESTEROL SERUM 158 Desireble : Upto 200 mg/dl
(Method : CHOD-PAP)
Borderline : 200 - 239
High : More than 240
TRIGLYCERIDES SERUM 114.9 Normal : Upto 150 mg/dl
(Method : GPO )
Border Line : 150 - 199
High : 200 - 499
Very High : > 500
(Method : HDL DIRECT)


(Method : Calculated)

LOW DENSITY LIPOPROTEIN 84.02L 85 - 150 mg/dl

(Method : Calculated)


(Method : Calculated)

LDL / HDL CHOLESTEROL RATIO 1.65L 2.5 - 3.5 Ratio

(Method : Calculated)

NON- HDL CHOLESTEROL 107.00 < 160 mg/dl

(Method : Calculated)

TOTAL LIPID 407.92 400 - 1000 mg/dl

(Method : Calculated)

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Patient Name : Mrs.GUNJAN MISRA
Age/Sex : 51 YRS/F Lab Id. : 052201310010
Refered By : Self Sample Collection On : 31/Jan/2022 07:35AM
Collected By : HARPREET Sample Lab Rec.On : 31/Jan/2022 02:40 PM
Collection Mode : HOME COLLECTION Reporting On : 31/Jan/2022 03:21 PM
BarCode : 10337116

Test Name Result Biological Ref. Int. Unit


BILIRUBIN TOTAL 0.36 Upto : 2.0 mg/dL
(Method : DIAZO)

BILIRUBIN DIRECT 0.15 0.0 - 0.20 mg/dl

(Method : DIAZO)

BILIRUBIN INDIRECT 0.21 0. 00 - 1.00 mg/dl

(Method : Calculated)

PROTEIN TOTAL SERUM 6.7 6.4-8.3 gm/dL

(Method : Biuret End Point)

ALBUMIN SERUM 3.67 3.5-5.2 g/dL

(Method : BCG )

GLOBULIN SERUM 3.02 2.0-3.5 mg/dl

(Method : Calculated)

ALBUMIN / GLOBULIN RATIO 1.22 1.0 - 1.8 Ratio

(Method : Calculated)

SGOT / AST 24.5 0 - 34 U/l

(Method : IFCC Method Kinetic )

SGPT / ALT 14.5 0 - 31 U/L

(Method : IFCC Method Kinetic )

SGOT/SGPT Ratio 1.69 Ratio

(Method : Calculated)


(Method : AMP)

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Patient Name : Mrs.GUNJAN MISRA
Age/Sex : 51 YRS/F Lab Id. : 052201310010
Refered By : Self Sample Collection On : 31/Jan/2022 07:35AM
Collected By : HARPREET Sample Lab Rec.On : 31/Jan/2022 02:40 PM
Collection Mode : HOME COLLECTION Reporting On : 31/Jan/2022 06:12 PM
BarCode : 10337116

Test Name Result Biological Ref. Int. Unit

Kidney Function Test (KFT),Serum

BLOOD UREA 17.10 12-43 mg/dL
(Method : Urease-GLDH)

BLOOD UREA NITROGEN (BUN) 8 6 - 21 mg/dl

(Method : Calculated)

SERUM CREATININE 0.70 0.6 - 1.1 mg/dL

(Method : Modified Jaffe,s)

Creatinine is a by product of muscle catabolism. It is filtered by kidney and excreted in the urine. if the filtering of the kidney is deficient, creatinine levels in blood are

Creatine level is used for the assessment of kidney function and to diagnose renal dysfunction. However, more important than absolute creatinine level is the trend of
serum creatinine levels over time. Serum creatine is especially useful in evaluation of glomerular function. BUN (Blood Urea Nitrogen) & Creatine are frequently
compared. If BUN increased and creatinine is normal, dehydration is present; and if both increased, then renal disorder is present.

Conditions associated with increased creatine level : Acute and chronic renal failure, shock (prolonged), systemic lupus erythematosis, cancer, leukemia ,
hypertension, acute myocardial infaction, diabetic nephropathy , diet rich in creatinine (e.g. beef), congenital renal disease etc.

Condition associated with decreased creatine level : Pregnancy, Eclampsia etc.

Opinion & Advice:

People with increased creatine levels are advised to undergo : Kidney Function Test, Urine Examination & USG (Whole abdomen) at regular intervals.
Decreased creatine levels are usually insignificant.
SERUM URIC ACID 4.3 2.6-6.0 mg/dL
(Method : Uricase-POD)

UREA / CREATININE RATIO 24.43 23 - 33 Ratio

(Method : Calculated)

BUN / CREATININE RATIO 11.41 5.5 - 19.2 Ratio

(Method : Calculated)

GFR 100.3 mL/min/1.73

(Method : Calculated)
Reference Range :-

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Patient Name : Mrs.GUNJAN MISRA
Age/Sex : 51 YRS/F Lab Id. : 052201310010
Refered By : Self Sample Collection On : 31/Jan/2022 07:35AM
Collected By : HARPREET Sample Lab Rec.On : 31/Jan/2022 02:40 PM
Collection Mode : HOME COLLECTION Reporting On : 31/Jan/2022 06:12 PM
BarCode : 10337116

Test Name Result Biological Ref. Int. Unit

> = 90 : Normal
60 - 89 : Mild Decrease
45 - 59 : Mild to Moderate Decrease
30 - 44 : Moderate to Severe Decrease
15 - 29 : Severe Decrease

Clinical Significance

The normal serum creatinine reference interval does not necessarily reflect a normal GFR for a patient. Because mild and moderate
kidney injury is poorly inferred from serum creatinine alone. Thus, it is recommended for clinical laboratories to routinely estimate
glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), a “gold standard” measurement for assessment of renal function, and report the value when serum
creatinine is measured for patients 18 and older, when appropriate and feasible. It cannot be measured easily in clinical practice,
instead, GFR is estimated from equations using serum creatinine, age, race and sex. This provides easy to interpret information for
the doctor and patient on the degree of renal impairment since it approximately equates to the percentage of kidney function
remaining. Application of CKD-EPI equation together with the other diagnostic tools in renal medicine will further improve the
detection and management of patients with CKD.


Levey AS, Stevens LA, Schmid CH, Zhang YL, Castro AF, 3rd, Feldman HI, et al. A new equation to estimate glomerular filtration
rate. Ann Intern Med. 2009;150(9):604-12.
(Method : UV Molybdate)

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Patient Name : Mrs.GUNJAN MISRA
Age/Sex : 51 YRS/F Lab Id. : 052201310010
Refered By : Self Sample Collection On : 31/Jan/2022 07:35AM
Collected By : HARPREET Sample Lab Rec.On : 31/Jan/2022 02:40 PM
Collection Mode : HOME COLLECTION Reporting On : 31/Jan/2022 03:21 PM
BarCode : 10337116

Test Name Result Biological Ref. Int. Unit

Electrolyte Profile, Serum

SODIUM (Na+) 137 136.0 - 145.0 mmol/L
(Method : ISE Direct)

POTASSIUM (K+) 4.61 3.5 - 5.5 mmol/L

(Method : ISE Direct)

CHLORIDE(Cl-) 99.64 98.0 - 107 mmol/L

(Method : ISE Direct)

TOTAL CALCIUM (Ca) 9.4 8.6-10.2 mg/dL

(Method : Calculated)

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Patient Name : Mrs.GUNJAN MISRA
Age/Sex : 51 YRS/F Lab Id. : 052201310010
Refered By : Self Sample Collection On : 31/Jan/2022 07:35AM
Collected By : HARPREET Sample Lab Rec.On : 31/Jan/2022 02:40 PM
Collection Mode : HOME COLLECTION Reporting On : 31/Jan/2022 03:21 PM
BarCode : 10337116

Test Name Result Biological Ref. Int. Unit

IONIZED CALCIUM 4.67 4.4 - 5.4 mg/dl

(Method : ISE Direct)

NON-IONIZED CALCIUM 4.70 4.4-5.4 mg/dl

(Method : Calculated)

pH. 7.41 7.35 - 7.45

(Method : ISE Direct)

Page 8 of 19
Patient Name : Mrs.GUNJAN MISRA
Age/Sex : 51 YRS/F Lab Id. : 052201310010
Refered By : Self Sample Collection On : 31/Jan/2022 07:35AM
Collected By : HARPREET Sample Lab Rec.On : 31/Jan/2022 02:40 PM
Collection Mode : HOME COLLECTION Reporting On : 31/Jan/2022 03:21 PM
BarCode : 10337116

Test Name Result Biological Ref. Int. Unit

BLOOD GLUCOSE FASTING,Plasma Floride 100 74 - 100 mg/dL
(Method : GOD-POD)

Page 9 of 19
Patient Name : Mrs.GUNJAN MISRA
Age/Sex : 51 YRS/F Lab Id. : 052201310010
Refered By : Self Sample Collection On : 31/Jan/2022 07:35AM
Collected By : HARPREET Sample Lab Rec.On : 31/Jan/2022 02:40 PM
Collection Mode : HOME COLLECTION Reporting On : 31/Jan/2022 03:21 PM
BarCode : 10337116

Test Name Result Biological Ref. Int. Unit

HbA1C (Glycosylated Hemoglobin) 6.0 4.8-6.0 %

(Method : HPLC)

Metabolicaly healthy patients : 4.48 -5.5 % HbAIC
Good Control : 5.5 – 6.0 % HbAIC
Fair Control : 6.0 – 7.0 % HbAIC
Poor Control : > 7.0 % HbAIC
In vitro quantitative determination of HbAIC in whole blood is utilized in long term monitoring of glycemia. The
HbAIC level correlates with the mean glucose concentration prevailing in the course of the patient's recent
history (approx - 6-8 weeks) and therefore provides much more reliable information for glycemia monitoring than do
determinations of blood glucose or urinary glucose.
It is recommended that the determination of HbAIC be performed at intervals of 6-8 weeks during Diabetes Mellitus
Results of HbAIC should be assessed in conjunction with the patient's medical history, clinical examinations and
other findings.
(Method : Calculated)

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Patient Name : Mrs.GUNJAN MISRA
Age/Sex : 51 YRS/F Lab Id. : 052201310010
Refered By : Self Sample Collection On : 31/Jan/2022 07:35AM
Collected By : HARPREET Sample Lab Rec.On : 31/Jan/2022 02:40 PM
Collection Mode : HOME COLLECTION Reporting On : 31/Jan/2022 03:21 PM
BarCode : 10337116

Test Name Result Biological Ref. Int. Unit

VITAMIN D 25 HYDROXY 27.2L 30 - 100 ng/ml
(Method : CLIA)

SERUM VITAMIN B12 289 75 - 807 pg/ml

(Method : CLIA)

Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) is an important water-soluble vitamin. In contrast to other water-soluble

vitamins it is not excreted quickly in the urine, but rather accumulates and is stored in the
liver, kidney and other body tissues. Humans obtain Vitamin B12 exclusively from animal dietary
sources, such as meat, eggs and milk. As a result, a vitamin B12 deficiency may not manifest itself
until after 5 or 6 years of a diet supplying inadequate amounts. Vitamin B12 functions as a methyl
donor and works with folic acid in the synthesis of DNA and red blood cells and is vitally
important in maintaining the health of the insulation sheath (myelin sheath) that surrounds nerve

Vitamin B12 is necessary for hematopoiesis and normal neuronal function. B12 deficiency may be due
to lack of intrinsic factor secretion by gastric mucosa (gastrectomy, gastric atrophy) or
intestinal malabsorption leading to Macrocytic anemia. This assay is useful for investigating
Macrocytic anemia and as a workup of deficiencies seen in Megaloblastic anemia.

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Patient Name : Mrs.GUNJAN MISRA
Age/Sex : 51 YRS/F Lab Id. : 052201310010
Refered By : Self Sample Collection On : 31/Jan/2022 07:35AM
Collected By : HARPREET Sample Lab Rec.On : 31/Jan/2022 02:40 PM
Collection Mode : HOME COLLECTION Reporting On : 31/Jan/2022 03:21 PM
BarCode : 10337116 SampleType : Whole Blood EDTA

Test Name Result Biological Ref. Int. Unit

Complete Blood Count (CBC),Whole Blood EDTA

Hemoglobin (Hb) 11.1L 12.0-15.0 gm/dL
(Method : Photometric)

Red Blood Cell Count (RBC) 4.6 4.5-6.5 10^6/uL

(Method : Impedance)

RBC Distribution Width (RDW-CV) 16.1H 11.0-16.0 %

(Method : Calculated)

RBC Distribution Width (RDW-SD) 45.4 35.0-56.0 FL

(Method : Calculated)

Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV) 76 76-96 fL

(Method : Calculated)

Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin (MCH) 24.2L 27-33 Picogram

(Method : Calculated)

Mean Corpuscular Hb Concentration(MCHC) 31.8 30-35 g/dL

(Method : Calculated)

Haematocrit / PCV / HCT 34.9L 40-54 %

(Method : Calculated)

Total Leucocyte Count (TLC) 7200 4000-10000 /cumm

(Method : Flow cytometry)


NEUTROPHIL 73.5 40-75 %
(Method : Flow cytometry)

LYMPHOCYTE 20.5 20 - 40 %
(Method : Flow cytometry)

EOSINOPHIL 1.6 1.0 - 6.0 %

(Method : Flow cytometry)

MONOCYTE 3.4 2.0 - 10.0 %

(Method : Flow cytometry)

BASOPHIL 0.7 0.0 - 1.5 %

(Method : Flow cytometry)

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Patient Name : Mrs.GUNJAN MISRA
Age/Sex : 51 YRS/F Lab Id. : 052201310010
Refered By : Self Sample Collection On : 31/Jan/2022 07:35AM
Collected By : HARPREET Sample Lab Rec.On : 31/Jan/2022 02:40 PM
Collection Mode : HOME COLLECTION Reporting On : 31/Jan/2022 03:21 PM
BarCode : 10337116 SampleType : Whole Blood EDTA

Test Name Result Biological Ref. Int. Unit

ABSOLUTE NEUTROPHIL COUNT(ANC) 5.26 2.0 - 7.0 10^3 / uL
(Method : Flow cytometry)

ABSOLUTE LYMPHOCYTE COUNT (ALC) 1.47 1.0 - 3.0 10^3 / uL

(Method : Flow cytometry)

ABSOLUTE EOSINOPHIL COUNT (AEC) 0.12 0.04 - 0.44 10^3 / uL

(Method : Flow cytometry)

ABSOLUTE MONOCYTE COUNT(AMC) 0.24 0.2 - 1.0 10^3 / uL

(Method : Flow cytometry)

ABSOLUTE BASOPHIL COUNT 0.05 0.0 - 0.100 10^3 / uL

(Method : Flow cytometry)

Platelet Count 215 150-450 10^3/ul

(Method : Impedence)

MPV 12.8H 6.5 - 12 fL

(Method : Calculated)

PDW 29.6H 9.0-17.0

(Method : Calculated)

PCT 0.3H 0.108-0.208 %

(Method : Calculated)

P-LCR 53.8H 18.0 - 50.0 %

(Method : Calculated)

P-LCC 116 44 - 140 %

(Method : Calculated)

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Patient Name : Mrs.GUNJAN MISRA
Age/Sex : 51 YRS/F Lab Id. : 052201310010
Refered By : Self Sample Collection On : 31/Jan/2022 07:35AM
Collected By : HARPREET Sample Lab Rec.On : 31/Jan/2022 02:40 PM
Collection Mode : HOME COLLECTION Reporting On : 31/Jan/2022 03:21 PM
BarCode : 10337116 SampleType : Whole Blood EDTA

Test Name Result Biological Ref. Int. Unit

LIC 0.3 0.0 - 1.0 %

(Method : Flow cytometry)

ABSOLUTE LIC 0 0.00 - 0.10 10^3 / uL

(Method : Flow cytometry)

Page 14 of 19
Patient Name : Mrs.GUNJAN MISRA
Age/Sex : 51 YRS/F Lab Id. : 052201310010
Refered By : Self Sample Collection On : 31/Jan/2022 07:35AM
Collected By : HARPREET Sample Lab Rec.On : 31/Jan/2022 02:40 PM
Collection Mode : HOME COLLECTION Reporting On : 31/Jan/2022 03:21 PM
BarCode : 10337116

Test Name Result Biological Ref. Int. Unit

Hemoglobin (Hb) 11.1L 12.0-15.0 gm/dL
(Method : Photometric)

Red Blood Cell Count (RBC) 4.6 4.5-6.5 10^6/uL

(Method : Impedance)

Haematocrit / PCV / HCT 34.9L 40-54 %

(Method : Calculated)

Page 15 of 19
Patient Name : Mrs.GUNJAN MISRA
Age/Sex : 51 YRS/F Lab Id. : 052201310010
Refered By : Self Sample Collection On : 31/Jan/2022 07:35AM
Collected By : HARPREET Sample Lab Rec.On : 31/Jan/2022 02:40 PM
Collection Mode : HOME COLLECTION Reporting On : 31/Jan/2022 03:21 PM
BarCode : 10337116

Test Name Result Biological Ref. Int. Unit

Iron (fe) 54.2L 55 - 150 ugm/dl

UIBC 341 120 - 470 ug/dl
TIBC 395.20 228-428 ug/dl
(Method : Calculated)

TRANSFERRIN SERUM 346.67 215 - 365 mg/dl

(Method : Calculated)

% Saturation Transferrin 13.71L 16 - 50 %

(Method : Calculated)

Page 16 of 19
Patient Name : Mrs.GUNJAN MISRA
Age/Sex : 51 YRS/F Lab Id. : 052201310010
Refered By : Self Sample Collection On : 31/Jan/2022 07:35AM
Collected By : HARPREET Sample Lab Rec.On : 31/Jan/2022 02:40 PM
Collection Mode : HOME COLLECTION Reporting On : 31/Jan/2022 06:12 PM
BarCode : 10337116

Test Name Result Biological Ref. Int. Unit

Complete Urine Examination,Urine

COLOUR Pale Yellow Pale Yellow
pH 5.5 5.5 - 7.0
SPECIFIC GRAVITY 1.025 1.010-1.025
Chemical Examination
GLUCOSE IN URINE Negative Negative
(Method : GOD/POD)

PROTEIN Negative Negative

(Method : Protein error of a ph indicator)

UROBILIOGEN Normal Negative

(Method : Ehrlic)

BILIRUBIN Negative Negative

(Method : Diazo)

KETONE Negative Negative

(Method : Legal,s)

BLOOD Negative Negative

(Method : Oxidation)

NITRITE Negative Negative Negative

(Method : Griess,s)

LEUKOCYTES Negative Negative

(Method : Granulocyte esterases&diazonium)

Microscopic Examination
PUS CELLS 2-3 0-5 /HPF
RBC Negative Negative /HPF

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Patient Name : Mrs.GUNJAN MISRA
Age/Sex : 51 YRS/F Lab Id. : 052201310010
Refered By : Self Sample Collection On : 31/Jan/2022 07:35AM
Collected By : HARPREET Sample Lab Rec.On : 31/Jan/2022 02:40 PM
Collection Mode : HOME COLLECTION Reporting On : 31/Jan/2022 06:12 PM
BarCode : 10337116

Test Name Result Biological Ref. Int. Unit

CASTS Negative Negative
CRYSTALS Negative Negative
BACTERIA Absent Absent

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Patient Name : Mrs.GUNJAN MISRA
Age/Sex : 51 YRS/F Lab Id. : 052201310010
Refered By : Self Sample Collection On : 31/Jan/2022 07:35AM
Collected By : HARPREET Sample Lab Rec.On : 31/Jan/2022 02:40 PM
Collection Mode : HOME COLLECTION Reporting On : 31/Jan/2022 06:12 PM
BarCode : 10337116

Test Name Result Biological Ref. Int. Unit

BILE SALT Negative Negative

(Method : Hey,s sulphar )

BILE PIGMENT Negative Negative

(Method : Fouchet,s )

*** End Of Report ***

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