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Notice Inviting Tender

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NIT NO. : 02/EE/BFD II/Bhuj/2021-22

NAME OF WORK : Renovation work of Guest House CPWD at campus of 79

Bn BSF, Mundra Road, Bhuj- Kutch. Dg.2021-22.
|(Chargeable to: MH 4055 (Road & Fencing), 4055 (BOP) &
2055 (Maintenance) - Contingencies.

ESTIMATED COST : Rs. 15,57,300/-

TIME ALLOWED : 60 days

Certified That This N.I.T. Contains Page 1 to 52 (One to Fifty Two Only)

Assistant Engineer II Executive Engineer



Name of Work: Renovation work of Guest House CPWD at campus of 79 Bn BSF, Mundra
Road, Bhuj- Kutch. Dg.2021-22. |(Chargeable to: MH 4055 (Road & Fencing), 4055 (BOP) & 2055
(Maintenance) - Contingencies.


1. INDEX 2


7. FORM-A TO B 15-16
10. CPWD-8 24-26
11. SCHEDULES ‘A TO F’ 27-31

Executive Engineer



The Executive Engineer, Border Fencing Division-II, CPWD,79th BN, BSF Campus Mundra road, Bhuj
(Gujarat)-370001 (Office Ph. 02832-231819 email id: [email protected]) on behalf of President of
India invites on behalf of the President of India online Item Rate Bids from approved and eligible firms /
agencies of CPWD in appropriate class & category and other experienced firms / agencies who satisfying
the set eligibility criteria, for the following work:-

NIT No. : 02/EE/BFD II/Bhuj/2021-22

Name of work : Renovation work of Guest House CPWD at campus of 79 Bn

BSF, Mundra Road, Bhuj- Kutch. Dg.2021-22. |(Chargeable to:
MH 4055 (Road & Fencing), 4055 (BOP) & 2055 (Maintenance) -

Estimated Cost : Rs. 15,57,300/-

Period of Completion : 60 days

Last date and time of

submission of Bid Online : 21.09.2021 upto 3:00 Pm

The bid forms and other details can be obtained from the website www.tenderwizard.com/CPWD/
www.cpwd.gov.in. The Press Notice is also available on www.eprocure.gov.in

Executive Engineer,
Border Fencing Division-II
79 Bn, BSF Campus, Mundra Road,
Bhuj (Gujarat)-370001


The Executive Engineer, Border Fencing Division-II, CPWD,79th BN, BSF Campus Mundra road, Bhuj
(Gujarat)-370001 (Office Ph. 02832-231819 email id: [email protected]) on behalf of President of
India invites on behalf of the President of India online Item Rate Bids from approved and eligible firms /
agencies of CPWD in appropriate class & category and other experienced firms / agencies who satisfying
the set eligibility criteria, for the following work:-

Last date & time for Date and

submission of time of
Sl. financial bid through opening of
NIT Name of work & Estimated of
N e-procurement bid
no. Location Cost complet
o. solution documents through e-
and uploading other procureme
documents as specified nt solution
1 2 3 4 6 7 9
Renovation work of
02/EE/BFD II/Bhuj/2021-

Guest House CPWD

at campus of 79 Bn
BSF, Mundra Road,
Bhuj- Kutch. Rs 21.09.2021 up to 3.00 21.09.2021
60 days

1 Dg.2021-22. 15,57,300/- PM at 3:30 PM

|(Chargeable to: MH
4055 (Road & Fencing),
4055 (BOP) & 2055
(Maintenance) -

1. Eligible Criteria
(A) For CPWD registered contractor

(a) The CPWD registered contractor should have valid registration upto the last date of receipt of
tender in appropriate class
(B) For Non- CPWD registered contractor

Eligibility of agencies shall be evaluated on the basis of their past performance. The agencies are
requested to give correct information as contained in these documents and give documentary evidence in
support of the information as under:

(a) Details of experience of similar works during last 7 years ending previous day of last date of
submission of tenders along with completion certificate of client department indicating their satisfactory
completion. This should be certified by an officer not below the rank of Executive Engineer / Project
Manager or equivalent.
(b) Joint Ventures are not accepted.

(a) Should have experience of satisfactorily completed similar works during last seven years ending
previous day of last date of submission of tenders (Form-A) as below: -

i) Three similar completed works each costing not less than Rs. 6,22,920/-.
ii) Two similar completed works, each costing not less than Rs. 9,34,380/-.
iii) One similar completed work of costing not less than Rs. 12,45,840/-.

Note-1:- Components of work executed other than those included in definition of similar work shall
be deducted while calculating cost of similar work. Bidder shall submit abstract of cost of
work in support
of this.
Note-2:- For the purpose, “Cost of work” shall mean gross value of the completed work including
the cost of materials supplied by the Government/Client, but excluding those supplied free
of cost. This should be certified by an officer not below the rank of Executive Engineer /
Project Manager or equivalent.
Note-3:- The value of executed work shall be brought to current costing level by enhancing the
actual value of work at simple rate of 7% per annum; calculated from the date of
completion to last date of submission of bids.
Note-4:- If any discrepancy is noticed in the work experience certificates and other documents then
details/ clarifications may be asked from the contractor after opening of bids.

The Similar work mean “Civil work”.

2 Agreement shall be drawn with the successful bidder on prescribed format (attached with bid
documents) of GCC 2020 for construction of CPWD and up to date amendments and corrections
slips. Bidders shall quote his rates as per various terms and conditions of the said form which will
form part of the agreement.
3. The time allowed for carrying out the work will be 60 days from the date of start as defined in
Schedule ‘F’ or from the first date of handing over of the site, whichever is later, in accordance
with the phasing, if any, indicated in the tender documents.

5. The bid document consisting of schedule of quantities, specifications of the various types of items
likely to be utilized in the execution of the work, the set of terms and conditions of contract to be
complied with and other necessary documents including Standard General Conditions Of Contract
Form can be seen from website www.tenderwizard.com/CPWD / www.cpwd.gov.in “free of

6. After submission of the bid the contractor can re-submit revised bid any number of times but
before last time and date of submission of tender as notified.

7. While submitting the revised bid, contractor can revise the item rate any number of times but
before last time and date of submission of bid as notified.

Information and Instructions for bidders posted on website shall form part of bid document:-

1. The contractor already registered on the e-tendering portal will have option to continue by paying
tender processing fee up to one year from the date of registration, or to switch over to (new)
registration without tender processing fee any time. All new registrations from 01.04.2015 will be
without tender processing fee.

2. Copy of enlistment order and certificate of work experience and other documents as specified in
the tender documents shall be scanned and uploaded to the e-tendering website within the period
of bid submission. However, certified copy of all the scanned and uploaded document as specified
in tender documents shall be submitted by the lowest bidder only within a week physically in the
office of tender opening authority failing which the bid shall be rejected. He/they shall be debarred
from further bidding in CPWD.

3. The bid submitted shall be opened at 15:30 hrs. on 21.09.2021.

4. If any discrepancy are noticed in the documents submitted by the agency including the work
experience certificate, the same shall be got clarified from the agency / client failing which bid of
the agency shall be rejected.

5. The bid submitted shall become invalid if:-

i. If any discrepancy is noticed between the documents as uploaded at the time of submission of bid
by the lowest bidder in the office of tender opening authority.

ii. If a tenderer quotes Nil rates against each item in item rate tender or does not quote any percentage
above/below on the total amount of the tender or any section head in percentage rate tender, the
tender shall be treated as invalid and will not considered as lowest tenderer.
6. If any discrepancy is noticed in the documents as uploaded at the time of submission of bid and
those verified by Executive Engineer, Border Fencing Division-II, CPWD, 79th BN, BSF Campus,
Mundra road, Bhuj- 370001 (Gujarat), from the individuals, employers, firms and corporation etc
the department may not only reject the bid but also take action to withdraw the enlistment and
debar the bidder from tendering in CPWD”.
7. The contractor, whose bid is finally accepted, will be required to furnish performance guarantee of
3% (Three Percent) of the bid amount within the period specified in schedule- F. This guarantee
shall be in the form of cash (in case guarantee amount is less than Rs.10,000/-) or Deposit at Call
receipt of any scheduled bank/Banker’s cheque of any scheduled bank/Demand Draft of any
scheduled bank/Pay order of any scheduled bank (in case guarantee amount is less than Rs.
1,00,000/-) or Government Securities or Fixed Deposit Receipts or Guarantee Bonds of any
Scheduled Bank or the State Bank of India in accordance with the prescribed form. In case the
contractor fails to deposit the said performance guarantee within the period as indicated in
schedule ‘F’ including the extended period if any, the Earnest Money deposited by the contractor
shall be forfeited automatically without any notice to the contractor. The earnest money deposited
along with tenders shall be returned after receiving the aforesaid performance guarantee.

8. The competent authority on behalf of the President of India does not bind itself to accept the lowest or
any other bid and reserves to itself the authority to reject any or all the bids received without
assigning any reason. All bids in which any of the prescribed conditions is not fulfilled or any
condition including that of conditional rebate is put forth by the bidders shall be summarily rejected.

9. Canvassing whether directly or indirectly, in connection with bidders is strictly prohibited and the
bids submitted by the contractors who resort to canvassing will be liable to rejection.

10. The competent authority on behalf of President of India reserves to himself the right of accepting
the whole or any part of the bid and the bidders shall be bound to perform the same at the rate

11. The contractor shall not be permitted to bid for works in the CPWD Circle (Division in case of
contractors of Horticulture/Nursery category) responsible for award and execution of contracts, in
which his near relative is posted as a Divisional Accountant or as an officer in any capacity
between the grades of Superintending Engineer and Junior Engineer (both inclusive). He shall also
intimate the names of persons who are working with him in any capacity or are subsequently
employed by him and who are near relatives to any gazetted officer in the Central Public Works
Department or in the Ministry of Urban Development. Any breach of this condition by the
contractor would render him liable to be removed from the approved list of contractors of this

12. No Engineer of gazetted rank or other Gazetted Officer employed in Engineering or

Administrative duties in an Engineering Department of the Government of India is allowed to
work as a contractor for a period of one year after his retirement from Government service,
without the previous permission of the Government of India in writing. This contract is liable to be
cancelled if either the contractor or any of his employees is found any time to be such a person
who has not obtained the permission of the Government of India as aforesaid before submission of
the bid or engagement in the contractor’s service.

13. The list of document to be scanned and uploaded within the period of bid submission.
A. Proforma for Earnest Money Deposit Declaration
B. Form-A – list of similar works alongwith similar work experience certificate issued by client
CPWD registered contractors: Enlistment order of appropriate class valid on last date of receipt
of tender.
Other contractors : Similar work experience details (Form – A) with similar work experience
certificate of each work issued by client department in case of work done in MES, BSNL & other
state Govt. Departments. And Similar work experience details (Form-A) & experience certificate
of each work issued by client department along with Form 26AS of TDS of the works in case of
Pvt. Works done.

C. Form – B - Affidavit on Rs. 10/- non-judicial stamp paper.

D. Copy of PAN Card issued by Income Tax Department.
E. Copy of registration in appropriate class & category.

14. The bid for the works shall remain open for acceptance for a period of Thirty days (30) days
from the date of opening of eligibility bids.
15. This notice inviting tender shall form a part of the contract document. The successful
bidder/contractor, on acceptance of his bid by the Accepting Authority shall within 15 days from
the stipulated date of start of the work, sign the contract consisting of:-

(a) The Notice Inviting Bid, all the documents including additional conditions, special conditions
specifications and drawings, if any, forming part of the bid as uploaded at the time of invitation of
bid and the rates quoted online at the time of submission of bid and acceptance thereof together
with any correspondence leading there to.
(b) C.P.W.D. Form for Maintenance contracts 2020 with correction slips issued up to last date of
submission of bid.
16. GST, Turnover Tax, statutory charges, duties, Construction Worker’s Welfare Cess, Education
Cess, etc. shall be payable by the contractor and Government will not entertain any claim
whatsoever in respect of the same.
17. As applicable in the present bid
17.1 The eligible bidders shall quote rates for all items.
17.2 After acceptance of the bid by competent authority, the Executive Engineer in charge of the work
shall issue letter of award on behalf of the President of India.
17.3 Entire work under the scope of bid shall be executed under one agreement.
17.4 Security Deposit will be worked out separately for each component corresponding to the tendered
cost of the respective component of works.
17.5 The composite work shall be treated as complete when all the components of the works are
complete. The completion certificate of the composite work shall be recorded by Engineer-in-
17.6 In case of any discrepancy is noticed between the documents as uploaded at the time of
submission of the bid online and hard copies as submitted physically in the office of Executive
Engineer, then the bid submitted shall become invalid.
18. All compensations or the other sums of money payable by the contractor under the terms of this
contract may be deducted from, or paid by the sale of a sufficient part of his security deposit or
from the interest arising there from, or from any sums which may be due to or may become due to
the contractor by Government on any account whatsoever and in the event of his Security Deposit
being reduced by reason of any such deductions or sale as aforesaid, the contractor shall within 10
days make good in cash or fixed deposit receipt tendered by the State Bank of India or by
Scheduled Bank or Government Securities (if deposited for more than 12 months) endorsed in
favour of the Engineer-in-Charge, any sum or sums which may have been deducted from, or raised
by sale of his security deposit or any part thereof. The security deposit shall be collected from the
running bills of the contractor at the rates mentioned above.
19. The bidder has not been black listed by any State/Central Department or Corporation /Local

Executive Engineer


Whereas, I/we ______________ (Name of agency) ________________have submitted bids for

____________________(Name of work) Renovation work of Guest House CPWD at campus of 79 Bn
BSF, Mundra Road, Bhuj- Kutch. Dg.2021-22. |(Chargeable to: MH 4055 (Road & Fencing), 4055
(BOP) & 2055 (Maintenance) - Contingencies.

I/We hereby submit following declaration in lieu of submitting Earnest Money deposit.

(1) If after the opening of tender, I/we withdraw or modify my/our bid during the period of validity
of tender (including extended validity of tender) specified in the tender documents.

(2) If, after the award of work, I /we fail to sign the contract, or to submit performance guarantee
before the deadline defined in the tender documents.

I/we shall be suspended for one year and shall not be eligible to bid for CPWD tenders from date of
issue of suspension order.




The Executive Engineer, Border Fencing Division-II, CPWD,79th BN, BSF Campus Mundra road,
Bhuj (Gujarat)-370001 (Office Ph. 02832-231819 email id: [email protected]) invites on
behalf of the President of India online Item Rate Bids from approved and eligible firms / agencies of
CPWD in appropriate class & category and other experienced firms / agencies who satisfying the set
eligibility criteria, for the following work :-

Last Date and time of

cost put to

Period of
submission of Bid,

Name of work Time and date of
Documents as
& location opening of Bid
specified in bid
1 2 3 4 6 7 8
Renovation work
of Guest House
02/EE/BFD II/Bhuj/2021-22

CPWD at Up to 3:00 PM On At 3:30 PM On

campus of 79 Bn
Rs. 15,57,300/-

BSF, Mundra 21.09.2021 21.09.2021

Road, Bhuj-
60 days

1 Kutch. Dg.2021-
22. |(Chargeable
to: MH 4055
(Road & Fencing),
4055 (BOP) &
(Maintenance) -
Eligible Criteria
(A) For CPWD registered contractor

a) The CPWD registered contractor should have valid registration upto the last date of receipt of
tender in appropriate class
(B) For Non- CPWD registered contractor

Eligibility of agencies shall be evaluated on the basis of their past performance. The agencies are
requested to give correct information as contained in these documents and give documentary evidence in
support of the information as under:

a)Details of experience of similar works during last 7 years ending previous day of last date of submission
of tenders along with completion certificate of client department indicating their satisfactory completion.
This should be certified by an officer not below the rank of Executive Engineer / Project Manager or
b) Joint Ventures are not accepted.
c) Should have experience of satisfactorily completed similar works during last seven years ending
previous day of last date of submission of tenders (Form-A) as below: -

(i) Three similar completed works each costing not less than Rs. 6,22,920/-.
(ii) Two similar completed works, each costing not less than Rs. 9,34,380/-.
(iii) One similar completed work of costing not less than Rs. 12,45,840/-.

Note-1:- Components of work executed other than those included in definition of similar work shall
be deducted while calculating cost of similar work. Bidder shall submit abstract of cost of
work in support of this.
Note-2:- For the purpose, “Cost of work” shall mean gross value of the completed work including
the cost of materials supplied by the Government/Client, but excluding those supplied free
of cost. This should be certified by an officer not below the rank of Executive Engineer /
Project Manager or equivalent.
Note-3:- The value of executed work shall be brought to current costing level by enhancing the
actual value of work at simple rate of 7% per annum; calculated from the date of
completion to last date of submission of bids.
Note-4:- If any discrepancy is noticed in the work experience certificates and other documents then
details/ clarifications may be asked from the contractor after opening of bids .

The Similar work mean “Civil work”.

1. The intending bidders must read the terms and conditions of CPWD-6 carefully. He should only
submit his bid if he considers himself eligible and he is in possession of all the documents

2. Information and Instructions for bidders posted on website shall form part of bid document.

3. The bid document consisting of plans, specifications, the schedule of quantities of various types of
items to be executed and the set of terms and conditions of the contract to be complied with and
other necessary documents can be seen and downloaded from website
https://govtprocurement.delhi.gov.in free of cost.

4. Intending bidders are advised to keep visiting the above mentioned websites from time to time (till
the deadline for bid submission) for any updates in-respect of the tender documents if any. Failure
to do so shall not absolve the bidders for their liabilities to submit applications,
documents/information in all respect including updates thereof, if any. An incomplete application
may be liable for rejection.

1. The bidder should also read the modified General Conditions of Contract 2020 for Maintenance
contract of CPWD with all correction slips issued up to the last date for submission of bid,
attached with this bid. However, provisions included in the bid document shall prevail over the
provisions contained in the standard form. The contractor should also visit the site of work and
acquaint himself with the site conditions before tendering.

2. All tendered rates shall be inclusive of all tax, levy or cess applicable on last stipulated date of
receipt of tender including extension if any as specified under Clause 33 of General Conditions of
Contract 2020 for Maintenance contract attached with this bid, as amended up to the last date of
submission of bid.

3. Those contractors not registered on the website mentioned above, are required to get registered
beforehand. If needed they can be imparted training on online bidding process as per details
available on the website.

4. The intending bidder must have valid class-III digital signature to submit the bid.

5. On opening date, the contractor can login and see the bid opening process. After opening of bids
he will receive the competitor bid sheets.
6. Contractor can upload documents in the form of JPG format and PDF format.
7. Applicants are advised to keep visiting the above mentioned web-sites from time to time (till the
deadline for bid submission) for any updates in respect of the tender documents, if any. Failure to
do so shall not absolve the applicant of his liabilities to submit the applications complete in all
respects including updates thereof, if any. An incomplete application may be liable for rejection.

8. Copy of enlistment order, if any, certificate of work experience and other documents as specified
in the tender documents shall be scanned and uploaded to the e-tendering website within the
period of bid submission. However, certified copy of all scanned and uploaded document as
specified in tender documents shall be submitted by the lowest bidder only within a week
physically in the office of tender opening authority failing which the bid shall be rejected. Further
he /they will be debarred from further tendering on this work.
9. If any information furnished by the applicant is found to be incorrect at a later stage, he shall be
liable to be debarred from tendering/taking up of works in CPWD. The Department reserves the
right to verify the particulars furnished by the applicant independently.

10. The Department reserves the right to accept or reject any prospective application without
assigning any reason and to restrict the list of qualified contractors to any number deemed suitable
by it, if too many bids are received satisfying the laid down criterion.

11. The bid submitted shall become invalid and e-Bid processing fee shall not be refunded if:
i. The bidder is found ineligible.
ii. Copy of declaration of EMD in format.
iii. If any discrepancy is noticed between the documents as uploaded at the time of submission
submitted physically by the lowest bidder in the office of tender opening authority.
iv. If a tenderer quotes Nil rates against each item in item rate tender or does not quote any percentage
above/below on the total amount of the tender or any section head in percentage rate tender, the
tender shall be treated as invalid and will not considered as lowest tenderer.

12. List of Documents to be scanned and uploaded within the period of bid submission:
A. Proforma for Earnest Money Deposit Declaration
B. Form-A – list of similar works alongwith similar work experience certificate issued by client
CPWD registered contractors: Enlistment order of appropriate class valid on last date of receipt
of tender.
Other contractors : Similar work experience details (Form – A) with similar work experience certificate
of each work issued by client department in case of work done in MES, BSNL & other state Govt.
Departments. And Similar work experience details (Form-A) & experience certificate of each work issued
by client department along with Form 26AS of TDS of the works in case of Pvt. Works done.

C. Form – B - Affidavit on Rs. 10/- non-judicial stamp paper.

D. Copy of PAN Card issued by Income Tax Department.
E. Copy of registration in appropriate class & category.

Executive Engineer

Letter of Integrity Agreement



Sub: NIT No. 02/EE/BFD II/Bhuj/2021-22 for The Work of : “Renovation work of Guest House
CPWD at campus of 79 Bn BSF, Mundra Road, Bhuj- Kutch. Dg.2021-22. |(Chargeable to: MH 4055
(Road & Fencing), 4055 (BOP) & 2055 (Maintenance) - Contingencies.

……………... Dear Sir,

It is here by declared that CPWD is committed to follow the principle of transparency, equity and
competitiveness in public procurement.

The subject Notice Inviting Bid (NIT) is an invitation to offer made on the condition that the Bidder will
sign the integrity Agreement, which is an integral part of tender/bid documents, failing which the
tenderer/bidder will stand disqualified from the tendering process and the bid of the bidder would be
summarily rejected.

This declaration shall form part and parcel of the Integrity Agreement and signing of the same shall be
deemed as acceptance and signing of the Integrity Agreement on behalf of the CPWD.

Yours Faithfully

Executive Engineer


Executive Engineer

Sub: Submission of Tender for the work of “Renovation work of Guest House CPWD at campus of
79 Bn BSF, Mundra Road, Bhuj- Kutch. Dg.2021-22. |(Chargeable to: MH 4055 (Road & Fencing),
4055 (BOP) & 2055 (Maintenance) - Contingencies.

Dear Sir,

I/We acknowledge that CPWD is committed to follow the principles thereof as enumerated in the Integrity
Agreement enclosed with the tender/bid document.

I/We agree that the Notice Inviting Bid (NIT) is an invitation to offer made on the condition that I/We
will sign the enclosed integrity Agreement, which is an integral part of tender documents, failing which
I/We will stand disqualified from the tendering process. I/We acknowledge that THE MAKING OF THE
condition of the NIT.

I/We confirm acceptance and compliance with the Integrity Agreement in letter and spirit and further
agree that execution of the said Integrity Agreement shall be separate and distinct from the main
contract, which will come into existence when tender/bid is finally accepted by CPWD. I/We
acknowledge and accept the duration of the Integrity Agreement, which shall be in the line with Article
1 of the enclosed Integrity Agreement.

I/We acknowledge that in the event of my/our failure to sign and accept the Integrity Agreement,
while submitting the tender/bid, CPWD shall have unqualified, absolute and unfettered right to disqualify
the tenderer/bidder and reject the tender/bid in accordance with terms and conditions of the tender/bid.

Yours Faithfully

(Duly Authorized Signatory of The Bidder)


Form “A”



S.N Name of Owner Cost Date of Stipulat Actual Litigation/ Name Whether
o. work/pr or of comme ed date date of arbitration and the work
oject Sponsor work ncement of complet cases address/ was done
and ing in as per completi ion pending/i telephon on back to
location organiza rupees contract on n progress e back basis
tion with number Yes/No
details* of

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

* Indicate gross amount claimed and amount awarded by the Arbitrator.

Note: Agency has to up-load similar work experience certificates issued by the client along with
above filled-up form.

Signature of Bidder(s)

Form “B”


I/We undertake and confirm that eligible similar works has/have not been got executed through another
contractor on back to back basis. Further that, if such a violation comes to the notice of Department, then
I/We shall be debarred for bidding in CPWD in future forever. Also, if such a violation comes to the
notice of Department before date of start of work, the Engineer-in-Charge shall be free to forfeit the entire
amount of Earnest Money Deposit/Performance Guarantee.

Seal of bidder

Date of Submission Signature (s) of Bidder (s)





This Integrity Agreement is made at ... .......................................................................... ... on this day

of ………….... 20............................


President of India represented through Executive Engineer, BFD II, CPWD, 79th BN BSF Campus,
Mundra Road, Bhuj- Kutch 370001 (Hereinafter referred as the ‘Principal/Owner’, which expression shall
unless repugnant to the meaning or context hereof include its successors and permitted assigns)


(Name and Address of the Individual/firm/Company)

…………………………………. through .......................................................................................................
(Hereinafter referred to as the (Details of duly authorized signatory)
“Bidder/Contractor” and which expression shall unless repugnant to the meaning or context hereof
include its successors and permitted assigns)


WHEREAS the Principal/ Owner has floated the Tender (NIT No. 02/EE/BFD II/Bhuj/2021-22
(hereinafter referred to as “Bid”) and intends to award, under laid down organizational
procedure contract for “Renovation work of Guest House CPWD at campus of 79 Bn BSF, Mundra
Road, Bhuj- Kutch. Dg.2021-22. |(Chargeable to: MH 4055 (Road & Fencing), 4055 (BOP) & 2055
(Maintenance) - Contingencies.
. AND WHEREAS the Principal/Owner values full compliance with all relevant laws of the land, rules,
regulations, economic use of resources and of fairness/transparency in its relation with its Bidder(s)
and Contractor(s).

AND WHEREAS to meet the purpose aforesaid both the parties have agreed to enter into this Integrity
Agreement (hereinafter referred to as “Integrity Pact” or “Pact”), the terms and conditions of which shall
also be read as integral part and parcel of the Tender/Bid documents and Contract between the parties.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of mutual covenants contained in this Pact, the parties hereby
agree as follows and this Pact witnesses as under:

Article 1: Commitment of the Principal/Owner

1) The Principal/Owner commits itself to take all measures necessary to prevent corruption and to
observe the following principles:

(a) No employee of the Principal/Owner, personally or through any of his/her family members, will in
connection with the Tender, or the execution of the Contract, demand, take a promise for or accept, for
self or third person, any material or immaterial benefit which the person is not legally entitled to.

(b) The Principal/Owner will, during the Tender process, treat all Bidder(s) with equity and reason. The
Principal/Owner will, in particular, before and during the Tender process, provide to all Bidder(s) the same
information and will not provide to any Bidder(s) confidential / additional information through which the
Bidder(s) could obtain an advantage in relation to the Tender process or the Contract execution.

II) The Principal/Owner shall endeavor to exclude from the Tender process any person,
whose conduct in the past has been of biased nature.

(i) If the Principal/Owner obtains information on the conduct of any of its employees which is a
criminal offence under the Indian Penal code (IPC)/Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 (PC Act) or is in
violation of the principles herein mentioned or if there be a substantive suspicion in this regard, the
Principal/Owner will inform the Chief Vigilance Officer and in addition can also initiate disciplinary
actions as per its internal laid down policies and procedures.

Article 2: Commitment of the Bidder(s)/Contractor(s)

(i) It is required that each Bidder/Contractor (including their respective officers, employees and
agents) adhere to the highest ethical standards, and report to the Government / Department all suspected acts
of fraud or corruption or Coercion or Collusion of which it has knowledge or becomes aware, during the
tendering process and throughout the negotiation or award of a contract.

(ii) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) commits himself to take all measures necessary to prevent corruption.
He commits himself to observe the following principles during his participation in the Tender process and
during the Contract execution:

a) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not, directly or through any other person or firm, offer, promise
or give to any of the Principal/Owner’s employees involved in the Tender process or execution of the
Contract or to any third person any material or other benefit which he/she is not legally entitled to, in order
to obtain in exchange any advantage of any kind whatsoever during the Tender process or during
the execution of the Contract.

(iii) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not enter with other Bidder(s) into any undisclosed agreement or
understanding, whether formal or informal. This applies in particular to prices, specifications,
certifications, subsidiary contracts, submission or non-submission of bids or any other actions to
restrict competitive or to cartelize in the bidding process.

a) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not commit any offence under the relevant IPC/PC Act. Further the
Bidder(s)/Contract(s) will not use improperly, (for the purpose of competition or personal gain), or pass on
to others, any information or documents provided by the Principal/Owner as part of the business
relationship, regarding plans, technical proposals and business details, including information
contained or transmitted electronically.

(iv) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) of foreign origin shall disclose the names and addresses of
agents/representatives in India, if any. Similarly Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) of Indian Nationality shall
disclose names and addresses of foreign agents/representatives, if any. Either the Indian agent on behalf of
the foreign principal or the foreign principal directly could bid in a tender but not both. Further, in cases
where an agent participate in a tender on behalf of one manufacturer, he shall not be allowed to quote on
behalf of another manufacturer along with the first manufacturer in a subsequent/parallel tender for the same


(v) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will, when presenting his bid, disclose any and all payments he
has made, is committed to or intends to make to agents, brokers or any other intermediaries in connection
with the award of the Contract.

3) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not instigate third persons to commit offences outlined above or be an
accessory to such offences.

4) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not, directly or through any other person or firm indulge in
fraudulent practice means a willful misrepresentation or omission of facts or submission of
fake/forged documents in order to induce public official to act in reliance thereof, with the purpose of
obtaining unjust advantage by or causing damage to justified interest of others and/or to
influence the procurement process to the detriment of the Government interests.

5) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not, directly or through any other person or firm use Coercive
Practices (means the act of obtaining something, compelling an action or influencing a decision through
intimidation, threat or the use of force directly or indirectly, where potential or actual injury may befall
upon a person, his/ her reputation or property to influence their participation in the tendering process).

Article 3: Consequences of Breach

Without prejudice to any rights that may be available to the Principal/Owner under law or the Contract
or its established policies and laid down procedures, the Principal/Owner shall have the following rights
in case of breach of this Integrity Pact by the Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) and the Bidder/ Contractor accepts
and undertakes to respect and uphold the Principal/Owner’s absolute right:

1) If the Bidder(s)/Contractor(s), either before award or during execution of Contract has

committed a transgression through a violation of Article 2 above or in any other form, such as to put his
reliability or credibility in question, the Principal/Owner after giving 14 day’s notice to the
contractor shall have powers to disqualify the Bidder(s) /Contractor(s) from the Tender process or
terminate/determine the Contract, if already executed or exclude the Bidder/Contractor from future
contract award processes. The imposition and duration of the exclusion will be determined by the
severity of transgression and determined by the Principal/Owner. Such exclusion may be forever or
for a limited period as decided by the Principal/Owner.

2) Forfeiture of Performance Guarantee/Security Deposit: If the Principal/Owner has

disqualified the Bidder(s) from the Tender process prior to the award of the Contract or
terminated/determined the Contract or has accrued the right to terminate/determine the Contract
according to Article 3(1), the Principal/Owner apart from exercising any legal rights that may have
accrued to the Principal/Owner, may in its considered opinion forfeit the entire amount of Performance
Guarantee and Security Deposit of the Bidder/Contractor.

3) Criminal Liability: If the Principal/Owner obtains knowledge of conduct of a Bidder or

Contractor, or of an employee or a representative or an associate of a Bidder or Contractor which
constitutes corruption within the meaning of IPC Act, or if the Principal/Owner has
substantive suspicion in this regard, the Principal/Owner will inform the same to law enforcing agencies for
further investigation.

Article 4: Previous Transgression

(i) The Bidder declares that no previous transgressions occurred in the last 5 years with any
other Company in any country confirming to the anticorruption approach or with Central
Government or State Government or any other Central/State Public Sector Enterprises in
India that could justify his exclusion from the Tender process.

(ii) If the Bidder makes incorrect statement on this subject, he can be disqualified from the
Tender process or action can be taken for banning of business dealings/ holiday listing of
the Bidder/Contractor as deemed fit by the Principal/ Owner.

If the Bidder/Contractor can prove that he has resorted / recouped the damage caused by
him and has installed a suitable corruption prevention system, the Principal/Owner
may, at its own discretion, revoke the exclusion prematurely.

Article 5: Equal Treatment of all Bidders/Contractors/Subcontractors

1) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) undertake(s) to demand from all sub-contractors a commitment in

conformity with this Integrity Pact. The Bidder/Contractor shall be responsible for any violation(s) of the
principles laid down in this agreement/Pact by any of its Subcontractors/sub-vendors.
2) The Principal/Owner will enter into Pacts on identical terms as this one with all Bidders and

(i) The Principal/Owner will disqualify Bidders, who do not submit, the duly Signed Pact
between the Principal/Owner and the bidder, along with the Tender or violate its provisions at any stage
of the Tender process, from the Tender process.

Article 6- Duration of the Pact

1) This Pact begins when both the parties have legally signed it. It expires for the Contractor/Vendor
9 months after the completion of work under the contract or till the continuation of defect liability period,
whichever is more and for all other bidders, till the Contract has been awarded.

2) If any claim is made/lodged during the time, the same shall be binding and continue to be valid
despite the lapse of this Pacts as specified above, unless it is discharged/determined by the Competent
Authority, PWD.

Article 7- Other Provisions

(i) This Pact is subject to Indian Law, place of performance and Jurisdiction is the
Head quarters of the Division of the Principal/Owner, who has floated the Tender.

(ii) Changes and supplements need to be made in writing. Side agreements have not
been made.

(iii) If the Contractor is a partnership or a consortium, this Pact must be signed by all the
partners or by one or more partner holding power of attorney signed by all partners and consortium members.
In case of a Company, the Pact must be signed by a representative duly authorized by board resolution.

(iv) Should one or several provisions of this Pact turn out to be invalid; the remainder of this
Pact remains valid. In this case, the parties will strive to come to an agreement to their original

(v) It is agreed term and condition that any dispute or difference arising between the parties
with regard to the terms of this Integrity Agreement / Pact, any action taken by the
Owner/Principal in accordance with this Integrity Agreement/ Pact or interpretation thereof shall not
be subject to arbitration.


All rights and remedies of the parties hereto shall be in addition to all the other legal rights and remedies
belonging to such parties under the Contract and/or law and the same shall be deemed to be cumulative and
not alternative to such legal rights and remedies aforesaid. For the sake of brevity, both the Parties agree that
this Integrity Pact will have precedence over the Tender/Contact documents with regard any of the provisions
covered under this Integrity Pact.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have signed and executed this Integrity Pact at the place and date
first above mentioned in the presence of following witnesses:

(For and on behalf of Principal/Owner)

Executive Engineer
(For and on behalf of Bidder/Contractor)


1. …………………………………….
(signature, name and address)

2. …………………………………….
(signature, name and address)


Dated :

On non-Judicial Stamp Paper of Minimum Rs 100.00



2. Whereas the Executive Engineer ……………… (name of division) ---------------- CPWD on behalf of
the President of India (hereinafter called “the Government”) has invited bids under ------------------(NIT
number)--------------dated-----------------for --------------------(Name of work) -------------------. The
Government has further agreed to accept irrevocable bank Guarantee for Rs. ---------------- (Rupees--------
-----------------only) valid upto -----------date------- as earnest money deposit from --------------------- (name
and address of contractor) -------------------(hereinafter called the contractor) for compliance of his
obligations in accordance with the terms & conditions of the said NIT.


Whereas the Executive Engineer ……………… (name of division) ---------------- CPWD on behalf of the
President of India (hereinafter called “the Government”) has entered into an agreement bearing
number ----------------with -------------(name and address of the contractor) -------------------(hereinafter
called the contractor) for execution of work ---------------- (name of work) ------------------------The
Government has further agreed to accept an irrevocable Bank Guarantee for Rs. ---------------- (Rupees----
---------------------only) valid upto -----------date------- as Performance Guarantee /Security Deposit/
Mobilization advance from the said contractor for compliance of his obligations in accordance with the
terms & conditions of the agreement.
3. We --------------- (indicate the name of the bank) ------------------ (herein after referred to as the
bank hereby undertake to pay to the government an amount not exceeding RS -------------------(Rupees ---
----------------only) on demand by the government within 10 days of the demand.
4. We -----------(indicate name of bank) ------------do here by undertake to pay the amount due and
payable under this guarantee without any demur, merely on a demand from the Government stating
that the amount claimed is required to meet the recoveries due or likely to be due from the said
contractor. Any such demand made on the bank shall be conclusive as regards the amount due and
payable by the bank under this guarantee. However, our liability under this guarantee shall be restricted
to an amount not exceeding Rs. ------------- (Rupees -------------only).
5. We, -------------- (indicate the name of the bank)------------- further undertake to pay the
Government any money so demanded not withstanding any dispute or disputes raised by the contractor
in any suit or proceeding pending before any court or Tribunal, our liability under this bank guarantee
being absolute and unequivocal. The payment so made by us under this Guarantee shall be a valid
discharge of our liability for payment there under and the contractor shall have no claim against us for
making such payment.
6. We, -------(indicate the name of the bank) ---------further agree that the Government shall have
the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any manner our obligation here under to
vary any of the terns and conditions of the said agreement or to extend time of performance by the said
contractor from time to time or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers
exercisable by the government against the said contractor and to forbear or enforce any of the terms

and conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from out liability by reason of
any such variation or extension being granted to the said contractor or for any forbearance, act of
omission on the part of the government or any indulgence by the government to the said contractor or
by any such matter or thing whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would, but for this
provisions, have effect of so relieving us.
7. We,------------(indicate the name of the bank)-----------, further agree that the Government at its
option shall be entitled to enforce this guarantee against the bank as a principal debor at the first
instance without preceding against the contractor and not withstanding any security or other guarantee
the government may have in relation to the contractor liabilities.
8. This guarantee will not be discharge due to the change in the constitution of the bank or the
9. We,-------- (indicate the name of the bank)--------------- undertake not to revoke this guarantee
except with the consent of the government in writing.
10. This bank guarantee shall be valid upto ---------unless extended on demand by the Government.
Notwithstanding anything mentioned above, our liability against this guarantee is restricted to Rs------
(Rupees -------------only) and unless a claim in writing is lodged with us within the date of expiry or
extended date of expiry of this guarantee, all out liabilities under this guarantee shall stand discharged.

Date ………………. Authorized signature

1. Witness………………. Name ----------------------

Name &Address Designation ----------------
Staff code no. ------------------
2. Signature --------- Bank Seal -----------
Name & Address

*Date to be worked out on the basis of validity period of 90 days where only financial bids are invited
and 180 days for two/three bids system from the date of submission of tender.

** in paragraph 1, strike out the portion not applicable. Bank Guarantee will be made either for earnest
money or for performance guarantee/security deposit/mobilization advance, as the case may be.




(Item Rate Tender & Contract For Works)

Tender for the work of:- “Renovation work of Guest House CPWD at campus of 79 Bn BSF, Mundra
Road, Bhuj- Kutch. Dg.2021-22. (Chargeable to: MH 4055 (Road & Fencing), 4055 (BOP) & 2055
(Maintenance) - Contingencies.

i) To be submitted/uploaded by 15.00 hours on 21.09.2021 uploaded at


To be opened in presence of tenderers who may be present at 15.30 hours on 21.09.2021 in the Executive
Engineer, BFD II, CPWD, 79th BN BSF Campus, Mundra Road, Bhuj- Kutch 370001


I/We have read and examined the notice inviting tender, schedule, A, B, C, D, E & F Specifications
applicable, General Rules and Directions, Conditions of Contract, clauses of contract, Special terms &
conditions, Schedule of Rate & other documents and Rules referred to in the conditions of contract and all
other contents in the tender document for the work.

I/We hereby tender for the execution of the work specified for the President of India within the time
specified in Schedule ‘F’ viz., schedule of quantities and in accordance in all respect with the
specifications, designs, drawing and instructions in writing referred to in Rule-1 of General Rules and
Directions and in Clause 11 of the Conditions of contract and with such materials as are provided for, by,
and in respect of accordance with, such conditions so far as applicable.

We agree to keep the tender open for Thirty (30) days from the date of opening bid (strike out as the
case may be) and not to make any modification in its terms and conditions.

A copy of declaration for earnest money is scanned and uploaded (strike out as the case may be). If
I/We, fail to furnish the prescribed performance guarantee within prescribed period, I/We agree that the
said President of India or his successors, in office reject the bid. Further, if I/We fail to commence work
as specified, I/ We agree that President of India or the successors in office shall without prejudice to any
other right or remedy available in law, be at liberty to forfeit the said performance guarantee absolutely.
The said Performance Guarantee shall be a guarantee to execute all the works referred to in the tender
documents upon the terms and conditions contained or referred to those in excess of that limit at the rates
to be determined in accordance with the provision contained in Clause 12.2 and 12.3 of the tender form.

Further, I/We agree that in case of forfeiture of Performance Guarantee as aforesaid, I/We shall be
debarred for participation in the re-tendering process of the work.

I/We undertake and confirm that eligible similar work(s) has/have not been got executed through another
contractor on back to back basis. Further that, if such a violation comes to the notice of Department, then
I/We shall be debarred for tendering in CPWD in future forever. Also, if such a violation comes to the
notice of Department before date of start of work, the Engineer-in-Charge shall be free to forfeit the entire
amount of Performance Guarantee.

I/We hereby declare that I/We shall treat the tender documents drawings and other records connected with
the work as secret/confidential documents and shall not communicate information/derived there from to
any person other than a person to whom I/We am/are authorized to communicate the same or use the
information in any manner prejudicial to the safety of the State.

Dated Signature of Contractor

Witness: Postal Address



The above tender (as modified by you as provided in the letters mentioned hereunder) is accepted by me

for and on behalf of the President of India for a sum of Rs. ……………......



The letters referred to below shall form part of this contract agreement:-




For & on behalf of the President of India.


Schedule of quantities- Enclosed : As per BOQ


Schedule of materials to be issued to the contractor :

S.No. Description of Quantity Rates in figures & words at which Place of issue
item the material will be charged to the
1 2 3 4 5

------------- NIL -------------

Tools and plants to be hired to the contractor:

Sl. No. Description Hire charges per day Place of issue

1 2 3 4

------------- NIL -------------

Extra schedule for specific requirements/documents for the work, if any. As per conditions
of agreement.

Reference to General Conditions of contract: - General Condition of Contract for
construction Works 2020 of CPWD as amended upto last date of receipt of tender.

Name of work: “Renovation work of Guest House CPWD at campus of 79 Bn

BSF, Mundra Road, Bhuj- Kutch. Dg.2021-22. |(Chargeable to:
MH 4055 (Road & Fencing), 4055 (BOP) & 2055 (Maintenance) -

Estimated cost of work:- Rs. 15,57,300/-

(ii) Performance Guarantee:- 3% of Tendered Value.

(iii) Security deposit :- 2.5% of Tendered Value

60 days.
(iv) Time Allowed :-

General Rules & Directions: - CPWD specification Civil
2019 Vol. I & II as amended
up-to-date upto receipt of tender
Officer inviting tender:
Executive Engineer, BFD II,
Maximum percentage for quantity of items of CPWD, 79th BN BSF Campus,
work to be executed beyond which rates are to Mundra Road, Bhuj- Kutch

be determined in accordance with Clauses 12.2 370001

& 12.3

Type of work:- “Renovation work of Guest House

CPWD at campus of 79 Bn BSF,
Mundra Road, Bhuj- Kutch. Dg.2021-
22. |(Chargeable to: MH 4055 (Road &
Fencing), 4055 (BOP) & 2055
(Maintenance) - Contingencies.

2 (v) Engineer-in-Charge Executive Engineer, BFD II, CPWD, 79th
BN BSF Campus, Mundra Road, Bhuj-
Kutch 370001

2 (viii) Accepting Authority Executive Engineer, BFD II, CPWD, 79th

BN BSF Campus, Mundra Road, Bhuj-
Kutch 370001

2 (x) Percentage on cost of materials and

labour to cover all overheads and 7.5%
2 (xi) Standard schedule of Rates Based on Market rate
2 (xii) Department C.P.W.D.

9 (ii) Standard CPWD contract form General Condition of Contract

maintenance Works 2020 of CPWD as
amended upto last date of receipt of
Clause 1
(i) Time allowed for submission of
Performance Guarantee, and applicable
labour licenses, or proof of applying thereof 7 Days
from the date of issue of letter of acceptance.
(ii) Maximum allowable extension with
late fee @ 0.1%per day of performance
gaurantee amount beyond the period provided 3 Days
in (i) above

Clause 2
Authority for fixing compensation under Superintending Engineer, BFC II, CPWD,
clause 2. Bhuj

Clause 2A
Whether Clause 2A shall be applicable No

Clause 5
Number of days from the date of issue of 10 DAYS
letter of acceptance for reckoning date of

Mile Stone(s) As Per Table Given Below:-

Sr. No Physical/Financial Progress Time allowed (from date Amount to be

of start) withheld in case of
non-achievement of
1 Work done amounting to
half the value of tendered Half Time Limit 2.5% of the
amount tendered value of
2 Work done amounting to full Full Time Limit work will be
value of tendered amount withheld for failure
of each milestone

Time allowed for execution of work 60 days

Authority to decide:
1. Extension of time Superintending Engineer

2. Rescheduling of mile stones N.A.

3. Shifting of date of start in case of delay in Superintending Engineer

handing over the site BFC II, CPWD, Bhuj

Clause 6, 6A
Clause applicable – (6 or 6A) Clause 6 applicable.

Clause 7
Gross work to be done together with net : Rs 1,50,000/- or as mutually agreed by parties.
payment / adjustment of advances for material
collected, if any, since the last such payment for
being eligible to interim payment.

Clause 7A
No running account bill shall be paid for the
work till the applicable labour licenses,
registration with EPFO, ESIC and BOCW N.A.
welfare Board, whatever applicable are
submitted by the contractor to the Engineer-in-

Clause 10A
List of testing equipment to be provided by the Not Applicable
contractor at site lab.

Equipment required for field test as per specification for the item under execution as per agreement
Clause 10– B(ii)
Whether clause 10-B(ii) shall be applicable NO

Clause 10C - Component of labour expressed as NIL

percent of value of work

Clause 10 Materials Nearest material (other than cement, Base price of all the
CA covered under reinforcement bars and structural steel) for materials covered
this clause which All India Wholesale price index to be under clause 10CA

Clause 10CC
Clause 10CC to be applicable in contracts with
stipulated period of completion exceeding the Not Applicable
period shown in next column.

Schedule of component of other Materials,

Labour, POL etc. for price escalation.

Expressed as percentage of total value of


Component of Labour: -
as percent age of total value of work. :

Component of P.O.L.: -
Expressed as percentage of total value of

Clause 11
Specifications to be followed for execution of As per conditions of agreement
Clause 12 type of work “Renovation work of Guest House CPWD at campus
of 79 Bn BSF, Mundra Road, Bhuj- Kutch. Dg.2021-
22. |(Chargeable to: MH 4055 (Road & Fencing), 4055
(BOP) & 2055 (Maintenance) - Contingencies.

12.2.& 12.3
Deviation limit beyond which clauses 12.2 & 30% (Thirty Percent)
12.3 shall apply for superstructure work.

Clause 16
Competent Authority for deciding reduced Superintending Engineer, BFC II, CPWD, Bhuj
Clause 18
List of mandatory machinery, tools & plants Not Applicable
to be deployed by the contractor at site.

Clause 19 Contractor shall also comply with provisions of the

inter-state migrant workmen (regulation of employment
and conditions of service) Act, 1979.

Clause 25

Constitution of Dispute Redressal Committee (DRC):

Reference Constitution of Dispute Redressal committee

CPWD-8 Schedule-F For all claims in dispute
Chairman-CPM, ICBRPZ New Delhi, CPWD.
Member Secretary-SE(P) of BFZ, New Delhi
Member-SE, BRC of BFZ, New Delhi
EE, BFD-II,Bhuj, Gujarat (Only to present the case)
Clause 36(i)
“Requirement of Technical Representative (s) and Recovery Rates”
Minimum Designation (Principal Rate at which recovery shall
Qualification of Technical / Technical be made from the contractor



Sl. No.

Technical Representative) in the event of not fulfilling

Representative provision of clause 36 (i)
Figures Words
(in Rs.)

_____________________ NIL ________________________

Note: (i) Assistant Engineers retired form government services that are holding Diploma will be treated at
par with Graduate Engineer.

(ii)The recovery shall be applied on pro-rata basis.

Clause 42: -

(i) (a) Schedule/statement for determining theoretical quantity of cement and

bitumen on the basis of Delhi Schedule of Rates 2019 printed by CPWD.

(ii) Variations permissible on theoretical Quantities:-

(a) Cement
(i) For works with estimated cost put
to tender not more than Rs. 5 Lakh. : N.A.

(ii) For works with estimated cost put to

Tender more than Rs. 5 lakh. : N.A.

(b) Bitumen All Works : N.A.

(c) Steel reinforcement and structural steel

sections for each diameter, section and category : N.A.

(d) All other material : N.A.

Executive Engineer

Special Terms & Conditions

1. Unless otherwise provided in the schedule of quantities, the rate quoted by the agency shall
be inclusive of all expenses i.e. all materials, equipment, labour, transportation of
equipment’s, materials, testing charges, GST and all incidental charges and nothing extra
shall be payable on this account.
2. Five nos. of testing report hard copy to be submitted in the O/o EE, BFD II, CPWD, Bhuj.
Testing reportshould be properly binded and with good printing quality. Nothing extra
shall be payable on this account.
3. No materials like angle irons, bricks, cement or any other material shall be issued.
Agency should quotetheir rates accordingly.
4. The works shall be carried out as per the instructions of the Engineer-in-charge.
5. Department reserves the rights to stop the work at any stage without assigning any reasons.
6. Some restrictions may imposed by the security staff/BSF etc. on the working or the
movement of labour, materials etc contractor shall be bound to follow such restrictions/
instructions and nothing extra shall be payable on account of restrictions and less working
7. No payment bill will be made to the contractors for the damage caused by any reason during
the execution of work and no claim on this account will be entertain.
8. All necessary recoveries as per rules will be made from the contractor’s bill.
9. The whole work/part work can be closed as per requirement of the department and no
compensation etc. shall be allowed on this account.
10. No advance payment will be made to agency or any account.
11. The Contractor shall assume all liability, financial or otherwise in connection with this
contract and shall protect and indemnify the Department from any and all damages and
claims that may arise on any account. The Contractor shall indemnify the Department against
all claims in respect of patent rights, royalties, design, trademarks of name or other protected
rights, damages to adjacent buildings, roads or members of public, in course of execution of
work or any other reasons whatsoever, and shall himself defend all actions arising from such
claims and shall indemnify the Department in all respect from such actions, costs and
expenses. Nothing extra shall be payable on this account.
12. The contractor shall also abide by and comply with the Labour Laws, Workmen
Compensation Act, EPF Laws, ESIC Laws, Income Tax laws and Minimum Wages
laws, Contract Labour (Regulations Abolition Act) bonus Act. Or any other law in
13. The time allotted is 2 months. No price escalation shall be entertained by the Engineer in Charge.
14. All payments shall be made in Indian Currency by means of an ECS/RTGS.
15. All Sanitary fitting will be used of approved quality and brand approval by the Engineer-in-charge.


1. The contractor shall procure 43 grade Sulphate resistant Cement (conforming to IS: 12330) or 53
grade OPC(conforming to IS: 269) as required in the work, from reputed manufacturers of
cement such as A.C.C., Ultratech, J.P.Rewa, Birla Cement, Digvijay Cement, Ambuja, Vikram,
Shree cement, Star Cement, Valley Strong, Taj and Cement Corporation of India, etc. less than
1.0 million tonnes per annum as approved by CPWD, Government of India, and holding
license to use ISI certification mark for their product whose name shall be got approved
from Engineer-in-Charge. Supply of cement shall be taken in 50 kg bags bearing manufacturer’s
name and ISI marking. Samples of cement arranged by the contractor shall be taken by the
Engineer-in-Charge and got tested in accordance with provisions of relevant BIS Codes. In case
test results indicate that the cement arranged by the contractor does not conform to the
relevant BIS codes, the same shall stand rejected and shall be removed from the site by the
contractor at his own cost within a week’s time of written order from the Engineer- in-Charge to
do so.
2. The contractor shall supply free of charge the cement required for testing including its
transportation cost to testing laboratories. Samples of cement arranged by the contractor shall be
taken by the Engineer-in-charge and got tested in accordance with provisions of relevant BIS
codes. The cement shall be used on the work only after satisfactory test results have been
received. In case the test results indicate that the cement arranged by the contractor does not
conform to the relevant BIS codes, the same shall stand rejected, and it shall be removed from the
site by the contractor at his own cost within a week’s time of written order from the Engineer- in-
charge to do so.
3. The actual issue and consumption of cement on work shall be required and proper accounts
maintained as provided in clause 10 of the contract. The theoretical consumption of cement shall
be worked out as per procedure prescribed in clause 38 of the contract or as per other condition/
specification of the bid documents if otherwise applicable. No payment for excess consumption of
cement will be allowed. However for consumption lesser than permissible theoretical variation, a
recovery shall be made in accordance with conditions of contract of schedule A to F without
prejudice to action for acceptance of work/item of reduced rate or rejection, as the case may be.
4. For non-schedule items, the decision of the Engineer-in-charge or successor thereof regarding
theoretical quantity of cement which should have been actually used shall be final and binding on
the contractor.
5. Cement brought to site and cement remaining unused after completion of work shall not be
removed from site without written permission of the Engineer-in-charge.
6. Damaged /settled/expired cement shall be removed from site immediately by the contractor on
receipt of notice in writing from the Engineer-in-charge. If he does not do so within three days of
receipt of such notice, the Engineer-in-charge shall get it removed at the cost of the
Note : 1. Unless otherwise specified, the brand/make of the material as specified in the item
nomenclature or in the particular specifications or in the list of approved materials
attached in the tender, shall be used in the work.
2. The Contractor shall obtain prior approval from the Engineer-in-Charge before
placing order for any specific Brand/ Make of material.
3. Whenever the specified brand of material is not available then, the Engineer-in-
Charge may approve any material equivalent to that specified subject to a
definite proof being offered by the Contractor for its equivalence and its non-
availability to his satisfaction.
4. If the make of any item is not specified in below table then the contractor must
get the make approved from Engineer-in-Charge before execution of work


2. Acrylic Emulsion Paint Asian (Royale), Duluxe ICI Velvet), Berger (Luxol Silk),
4. Aluminium Composite Panel Alpolic, Aluco Bond, Reynobond, Euro bond, Al-strong,
5. Aluminium Extrusions Hindalco, Indalco, Jindal.
6. Aluminum Sections Hindalco, Indalco, Jindal.
7. Annealed Float Glass Saint Gobain, Modi Guard, Hindustan Pilkington
8. Board & Plywood Duro, Kitply, Century
10. Centrifugally Cast Iron Pipe & Neco, RIF, SKF, Kapilansh
11. Ceramic/Rectified Tiles First quality tiles of :- Kajaria, Somany, Orient Bell, RAK,
12. Chequrred tiles/Parking tiles Ultra, Nitco, Raj-Tiles ,Somany/ Asian Granito Tiles
13. CP fittings Jaquar, Marc, Cera.
14. CPVC Pipes Astral Flowguard, Ashirvad,Prayag.
16. Epoxy Primer & Paints Berger, Pidilite, CICO.
18. Float Glass Modi Float, Saint Gobain, Tata.
19. Flush Doors (ISI Mark only) Kutty flush door, Anchor, Kitlam, National,
PashupatiPlywood(A1 & MO Wood brand), Jain wood
Industries Kanara Wood & Plywood Industries, Century
20. FRP Shutters Fibre Glass Engineers, Raipur, Aashoo, Jain wood Industries,,
Om Ventures (E.P. Kamat Group), Dynamic.
22. Galvanized/Stainless Steel Anchor Arrow, Hilti, Fischer,
23. G. I. pipes Tata, Jindal, Swastik
24. Gun Metal Gate Valve Zoloto, Leader, SAINT

AE -II Correction – NIL

Addition – NIL
Insertion- NIL
25. Gypsum Board False Ceiling Boral Gypsum, India Gypsum, USG,
St. Gobain(Gyproc)
27. Hydraulic Door Closer Hardwyn, Godrej, Dorma, Hafele
28. Hydraulic Floor spring Hardwyn, Godrej, Dorma, Hafele.
29. Laminate Marino,Greenlam, Century.
30. Melamine Polish Melamine Gold of Asian Paint, Wudfin of pidilite, Timbertone
of ICI Dulux.
31. Metal False Ceiling Lexalon, Armstrong, Daikin, New Age False Ceiling
34. Marine Plywood / BWP Ply Kitply, Duro, Century
35. Oil Bound Distemper Asian (Tractor), ICI (Maxi lite),Berger(Bison),Nerolac (NAD)
36. Sanitary fittings Parryware, Hindware, Cera, Jaguar.
37. PPR Pipes SFMC, Safe, Pioneer.
38. Plastic Connection Pipe Parryware, Kamal Delux.
39. Ply Wood Kitply, Green ply, Century.
40. Pre-coated GI sheet for roofing Jindal Saw, Tata Blue Scope, Nippon Dendro.

41. Polymer Modified Cementitious Pidilite, Ceco, Bal-Endura.

42. Pre-laminated Particle Board IS : Action TESA, Kitlam, Archid Ply, Asis, Green Lam
12823 (Gr-I, Type-II)
43. Primer Asian, ICI DuLux, Nerolac
44. PTMT Fittings Prayag, Supreme, Plasto.
45. PVC Rain Water Pipe & Fitting Finolax, Supreme, Plasto.
IS:13592 Type A
46. PVC Shutter Sintex, Akal America, Jain wood Industries.
47. PVC Tank (ISI Markes) Sintex, Plasto, Supreme.
48. R. C. C. Pipes (NP-2) Lakshmi, Sood&Sood, Jain & Co., Nagpur Cement Product.
49. Solid Plastic Seat Cover for EWC EWC standard seat cover white of Perryware/Hindware/ Neycer,
50. Stainless Steel Jindal Stainless Steel, Salem Steel
51. Stainless steel Sink with or without Hindware, Prayag Kingston, .
Draining board.
53. Structural steel section TATA, SAIL, RINL, Jindal.
54. Super plasticizer MC Baucheme, Sika, Fosroc, BASF Perma Construction
aid Pvt.Ltd., Precise Conchem Pvt. Ltd.,
55. Synthetic Enamel Paints ICI(Dulux),Asian (Apcolite),Berger (Luxol),Nerolac
56. S S Railing Metallica India, Stark steel Fabricator, Mobel Hardware,
ICICHIndustries, Essal, EP Kamat Group.
57. S S Door Hardware Dorma, Hafele, Hardwyn

58. Terrazzo tiles Mehtab, Nitco, Raj tiles, Bharat
59. Textured Exterior wall paint Snowcem, ICI dulux, Asian.
60. Towel Ring/Towel Rod/Towel Rack Marc, Jaquar, Ess-Ess.
61. Tubular Section Windows M/S classic Engineers & Fabricator, Raipur, M/s JK
63. Vitrified Tiles(double charge) First quality full body tiles of Orient Bell, Kajaria, Rak
Ceramics, Johnsons, Nitco, Asian Granito Tiles, Neno
Technology .
64. Waste Pipe Kamal with brass checknut,Viking
65. Water Proofing Compound (Liquid) Pidiproof Ltd., Cico, Impermo, M/s Perma Const. Aids
Pvt. Ltd., STP Ltd., Penetron, Doctor fixit, Fosroc
Precise Conchem Pvt. Ltd
66. Wire mesh Sterling, Trimurty welded mesh.
67. Water Proofing Compound (Liquid) Pidiproof Ltd., Cico, Impermo, M/s Perma Const. Aids
Ltd., STP Ltd., Penetron, Doctor fixit, Fosroc Precise
ConchemPvt. Ltd., Somany
68. Cement As per special condition for cement.
69. Malamine Polish Asian Paints Malamine Gold, Wud fin of
Pedilite,Timber tone of ICI Dulux.
71. Factory made wooden paneled A-1 teak, Jain wood Industries, MP Wood products.
shutter/wire mesh shutters and
72. Fire Resistant Glass SCHOTT PYRAN-S
73. Toughned Glass SCHOTT PYRAN-S

Name of Work:- Renovation work of Guest House CPWD at campus of 79 Bn BSF, Mundra
Road, Bhuj- Kutch. Dg.2021-22. |(Chargeable to: MH 4055 (Road & Fencing), 4055 (BOP) &
2055 (Maintenance) - Contingencies.
S.No. Description Qty Unit Rate Amount Code-
1 Dismantling doors, windows and
clerestory windows (steel or wood)
shutter including chowkhats,
architrave, holdfasts etc. complete
and stacking within 50 metres lead :
Of area beyond 3 sq. metres 12 each 274.50 3294.00 15.12.2
2 Dismantling tile work in floors and
roofs laid in cement mortar including
stacking material within 50 metres
For thickness of tiles 10 mm to 25 mm
118.00 sqm 54.85 6472.00 15.23.1
3 Demolishing brick work manually/ by
mechanical means including stacking
of serviceable material and disposal of
unserviceable material within 50
metres lead as per direction of
Engineer-in-charge. In cement mortar 4.45 cum 1469.90 6541.00 15.7.4
4 Dismantling of flushing cistern of all
types (C.I./PVC/Vitrious China)
including stacking of useful materials
near the site and disposal of
unserviceable materials within 50
metres lead. 2 each 668.15 1336.00 15.52
5 Dismantling W.C. Pan of all sizes
including disposal of dismantled
materials i/c malba all complete as
per directions of Engineer-in- Charge 2 each 96.00 192.00 14.82
6 Earth work in excavation by
mechanical means (Hydraulic
excavator)/ manual means in
foundation trenches or drains (not
exceeding 1.5m in width or 10 sqm on
plan), including dressing of sides and
ramming of bottoms, lift upto 1.5 m,
including getting out the excavated
soil and disposal of surplus excavated
soil as directed, within a lead of 50
m.a) All kinds of soil. 4.21 cum 252.30 1063.00 2.8.1

7 Providing and laying in position
cement concrete of specified grade
excluding the cost of centering and
shuttering - All work up to plinth level
: 1:5:10 (1 cement : 5 coarse sand
(zone-III): 10 graded stone aggregate
40 mm nominal size) 1.25 sqm 5520.30 6900.00 4.1.10
8 Brick work with common burnt clay
F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class
designation 7.5 in below plinth level:
Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4
coarse sand) Cement mortar 1:6 (1
cement : 6 coarse sand) 4.20 cum 6157.45 25861.00 6.1.2
9 Brick work with common burnt clay
F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class
designation 7.5 in superstructure
above plinth level up to floor V level
in all shapes and sizes in Cement
mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand) 7.00 cum 7590.45 53133.00 6.4.2
10 12 mm cement plaster of mix : 1:6 (1
cement: 6 coarse sand) 38.00 sqm 263.55 10015.00 13.4.2
11 15 mm cement plaster on rough side
of single or half brick wall of mix: 1:6
(1 cement: 6 coarse sand) 48.00 sqm 303.90 14587.00 13.5.2
12 Centering and shuttering including
strutting, propping etc. and removal
of form for : Suspended floors, roofs,
landings, balconies and access
platform 5.00 sqm 693.05 3465.00 5.9.3
13 Steel reinforcement for R.C.C. work
including straightening, cutting,
bending, placing in position and
binding all complete above plinth
level: Thermo-Mechanically Treated
bars of grade Fe-500D or more 50.00 Kg 83.50 4175.00 5.22A.6
14 Reinforced cement concrete work in
beams, suspended floors, roofs having
slope up to 15° landings, balconies,
shelves, chajjas, lintels, bands, plain
window sills, staircases and spiral
stair cases above plinth level up to
floor five level, excluding the cost of
centering, shuttering, finishing and
reinforcement with 1:1.5:3 (1 cement
: 1.5 coarse sand(zone-III) : 3 graded
stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size). 1.00 cum 9763.80 9764.00 5.3

15 Grading roof for water proofing
treatment with : Cement concrete
1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4
graded stone aggregate 20mm
nominal size) 17.22 cum 6924.65 119256.00 22.14.1
16 Providing gola 75x75 mm in cement
concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse
sand : 4 stone aggregate 10 mm and
down gauge), including finishing with
cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine
sand) as per standard design : In
75x75 mm deep chase 100.90 Mtr 237.25 23939.00 12.21
17 Making khurras 45x45 cm with
average minimum thickness of 5 cm
cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2
coarse sand : 4 graded stone
aggregate of 20 mm nominal size)
over P.V.C. sheet 1 m x1 m x 400
micron, finished with 12 mm cement
plaster 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand)
and a coat of neat cement, rounding
the edges and making and finishing
the outlet complete. 15.00 each 244.05 3661.00 12.22
18 Providing and fixing false ceiling at all
height including providing and fixing
of frame work made of special
sections, power pressed from M.S.
sheets and galvanized with zinc
coating of 120 gms/sqm (both side
inclusive) as per IS : 277 and
consisting of angle cleats of size 25
mm wide x 1.6 mm thick with flanges
of 27 mm and 37mm, at 1200 mm
centre to centre, one flange fixed to
the ceiling with dash fastener 12.5
mm dia x 50mm long with 6mm dia
bolts, other flange of cleat fixed to the
angle hangers of 25x10x0.50 mm of
requiredlength with nuts & bolts of
required size and other end of angle
hanger fixed with intermediate G.I.
channels 45x15x0.9 mm running at
the spacing of 1200 mm centre to
centre, to which the ceiling section 0.5
mm thick bottom wedge of 80 mm
with tapered flanges of 26 mm each
having lips of 10.5 mm, at 450 mm
centre to centre, shall be fixed in a 60.00 sqm 1572.85 94371.00 26.26.1

direction perpendicular to G.I.
intermediate channel with connecting
clips made out of 2.64 mm dia x 230
mm long G.I. wire at every junction,
including fixing perimeter channels
0.5 mm thick 27 mm high having
flanges of 20 mm and 30 mm long, the
perimeter of ceiling fixed to
wall/partition with the help of rawl
plugs at 450 mm centre, with 25mm
long dry wall screws @ 230 mm
interval, including fixing of gypsum
board to ceiling section and perimeter
channel with the help of dry wall
screws of size 3.5 x 25 mm at 230 mm
c/c, including jointing and finishing to
a flush finish of tapered and square
edges of the board with
recommended jointing compound ,
jointing tapes , finishing with jointing
compound in 3 layers covering upto
150 mm on both sides of joint and
two coats of primer suitable for
board, all as per anufacturer's
specification and also including the
cost of making openings for light
fittings, grills, diffusers, cutouts made
with frame of perimeter channels
suitably fixed, all complete as per
drawings, specification and direction
of the Engineer in Charge but
excluding the cost of painting with :
12.45.1 12.5 mm thick tapered edge
gypsum plain board conforming to IS:
19 Providing and laying Polished Granite
stone flooring in required design and
patterns, in linear as well as
curvilinear portions of the building all
complete as per the architectural
drawings with 18 mm thick stone slab
over 20 mm (average) thick base of
cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4
coarse sand) laid and jointed with
cement slurry and pointing with
white cement slurry admixed with
pigment of matching shade including
rubbing , curing and polishing etc. all 28.80 sqm 3526.60 101566.00 11.56.1

complete as specified and as directed
by the Engineer-in-Charge. Polished
Granite stone slab jet Black, Cherry
Red, Elite Brown, Cat Eye or
20 Repairs to plaster of thickness 12 mm
to 20 mm in patches of area 2.5 sq.
meters and under, including cutting
the patch in proper shape, raking out
joints and preparing and plastering
the surface of the walls complete,
including disposal of rubbish to the
dumping ground within 50 metres
lead : With cement mortar 1:4
(1cement: 4 coarse sand) 50.00 sqm 429.60 21480.00 14.1.2
21 Providing & Fixing decorative high
pressure laminated sheet of plain /
wood grain in gloss / matt/ suede
finish with high density protective
surface layer and reverse side of
adhesive bonding quality conforming
to IS : 2046 Type S, including cost of
adhesive of approved quality. 1.0 mm
thick 17.00 sqm 717.65 12200.00 9.27.2
22 Providing and fixing ISI marked flush
door shutters conforming to IS : 2202
(Part I) decorative type, core of block
board construction with frame of 1st
class hard wood and well matched
teak 3 ply veneering with vertical
grains or cross bands and face
veneers on both faces of shutters. 35
mm thick including ISI marked
Stainless Steel butt hinges with
necessary screws 4.00 sqm 3023.95 12096.00 9.20.1
23 Providing and fixing bright finished
brass hanging type floor door stopper
with necessary screws, etc. complete. 2.00 each 106.70 213.00 9.82
24 Providing and fixing bright finished
brass butt hinges with necessary
screws etc. complete : 125x85x5.5
mm (heavy type) 8.00 each 226.85 1815.00 9.72.1
25 Providing and fixing bright finished
brass handles with screws etc.
complete: 125 mm 4 each 204.65 819.00 9.81.1
26 Providing and fixing bright finished
brass tower bolts (barrel type) with 2 each 299.85 600.00 9.74.2

necessary screws etc. complete :
200x10 mm
150x10 mm 8 each 231.65 1853.00 9.74.3
27 Providing and fixing bright /matt
finished Stainless Steel handles of
approved quality & make with
necessary screws etc all complete.
125 mm 4 each 98.75 395.00 9.165.1
100 mm - 4 each 74.00 296.00 9.65.2
28 Providing and fixing bright finished
brass 100 mm mortice latch and lock,
ISI marked, with six levers and a pair
of anodised (anodic coating not less
than grade AC 10 as per IS : 1868)
aluminium lever handles of approved
quality with necessary screws etc.
complete. 2 each 748.65 1497.00 9.103
29 Providing and fixing aluminium
extruded section body tubular type
universal hydraulic door closer
(having brand logo with ISi, IS : 3564,
embossed on the body, door weight
upto 36 kg to 80 kg and door width
from 701 mm to 1000 mm), with
double speed adjustment with
necessary accessories and screws etc.
complete. 5 each 851.60 4258.00 9.84
30 Providing and fixing Polyethelene-
Aluminium- Polyethelene PE-ALPE
Composite Pressure Pipes conforming
to IS - 15450, U.V. stabilized with
carbon black having thermal stability
for hot & cold water supply, capable
to withstand temperature up to 80°C,
including all special fittings of
composite material (engineering
plastic blend and brass inserts
wherever required) e.g. elbows, tees,
reducers, couplers & connectors etc.,
with clamps at 1.00 metre spacing.
This includes the costs of cutting
chases and including testing of joints
complete as per direction of the
engineer in charge. Concealed work,
including cutting chases and making
good the wall etc. 1216 (16 mm OD)
pipe 25 Mtr 441.15 11029.00 18.2.1

31 Providing and fixing Polyethelene-
Aluminium- Polyethelene PE-ALPE
Composite Pressure Pipes conforming
to IS - 15450, U.V. stabilized with
carbon black having thermal stability
for hot & cold water supply, capable
to withstand temperature up to 80°C,
including all special fittings of
composite material (engineering
plastic blend and brass inserts
wherever required) e.g. elbows, tees,
reducers, couplers & connectors etc.,
with trenching, refilling and testing of
joints complete as per direction of the
engineer in charge. External work
18.3.1 1216 (16 mm OD) pipe 25 Mtr 226.25 5656.00 18.3.1
32 Providing and fixing soil, waste and
vent pipes : 100 mm dia Hubless
centrifugally cast (spun) iron pipes
epoxy coated inside & outside
IS:15905 6 Mtr 1051.75 6311.00
33 Providing and fixing plain bend of
required degree. 100 mm dia :
Hubless centrifugally cast (spun) iron
pipes epoxy coated inside & outside
IS:15905 5 each 343.90 1720.00
34 Providing and fixing trap of self
cleansing design with screwed down
or hinged grating with or without
vent arm complete, including cost of
cutting and making good the walls
and floors 100 mm inlet and 100 mm
outlet : Hubless centrifugally cast
(spun) iron epoxy coated inside &
outside as per IS:15905 4 each 758.65 3035.00
35 Providing and fixing collar :Providing
and fixing shielded coupling for
Hubless centrifugally cast iron pipe
100 mm dia
SS 304 grade coupling with EPDM
rubber gasket 15 each 404.10 6062.00 17.57A1.1

36 Providing and fixing 1st quality
Ceramic Glazed Wall tiles of DIGITAL
Series of size 300x450mm or more as
per sample approved by Engineer-in-
Charge) conforming to IS : 15622
(thickness to be specified by the
Manufacturer) of approved make in
all colours, shades except burgundy,
bottle green, black including
Designer/High lighters, if any, as per
pattern/ layout as approved by
Engineer-in-Charge, in skirting, risers
of steps and dado over 12 mm thick
bed of cement Mortar 1:3 (1 cement :
3 coarse sand) and jointing with grey
cement slurry @ 3.3kg per sqm
including pointing in white cement
mixed with pigment of matching
shade complete. 26.00 sqm 1030.30 26788.00 8.31
37 Providing and laying Ceramic glazed
floor tiles of DIGITAL series of size
300x300 mm ( as per sample
approved by Engineer in chagre )
(thickness to be specified by the
manufacturer) of 1st quality
conforming to IS : 15622 of approved
make in colours such as White, Ivory,
Grey, Fume Red Brown, laid on 20
mm thick Cement Mortar 1:4 (1
Cement : 4 Coarse sand) including
pointing the joints with white cement
and matching pigment etc., complete. 6.00 Sqm 926.90 5561.00 11.37
38 Providing and laying Double Charged
Nano Technology vitrified floor tiles
in different sizes (thickness to be
specified by the manufacturer) with
water absorption less than 0.08% and
conforming to IS : 15622, of approved
make, in all colours and shades, laid
on 20mm thick cement mortar 1:4 (1
cement : 4 coarse sand), including
grouting the joints with white cement
and matching pigments etc., complete.
Size of Tile 1000x1000 mm 73.31 sqm 2499.25 183220.00 11.41.4

39 Providing and laying Double Charged
Nano Technology vitrified tiles in
different sizes (thickness to be
specified by manufacturer), with
water absorption less than 0.08 %
and conforming to I.S. 15622, of
approved make, in all colours &
shade, in skirting, riser of steps, over
12 mm thick bed of cement mortar
1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand),
including grouting the joint with
white cement & matching pigments
etc. complete.
Size of Tile 1000x1000 mm 4.00 sqm 2547.35 10189.00 11.46.4
40 Providing and fixing 18 mm thick
gang saw cut, mirror polished,
premoulded and prepolished,
machine cut for kitchen platforms,
vanity counters, window sills, facias
and similar locations of required size,
approved shade, colour and texture
laid over 20 mm thick base cement
mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand),
joints treated with white cement,
mixed with matching pigment, epoxy
touch ups, including rubbing, curing,
moulding and polishing to edges to
give high gloss finish etc. complete at
all levels.
Granite of any colour and shade
Area of slab upto 0.50 sqm 14.84 sqm 4217.35 62577.00
41 Removing dry or oil bound distemper,
water proofing cement paint and the like
by scrapping, sand papering and preparing
the surface smooth including necessary
repairs to scratches etc. complete 895.77 sqm 18.25 16348.00 13.91
42 Providing and applying white cement
based putty of average thickness 1
mm, of approved brand and
manufacturer, over the plastered wall
surface to prepare the surface even
and smooth complete 919.95 sqm 115.15 105932.00 13.80
43 Applying one coat of water thinnable
cement primer of approved brand and
manufacture on wall surface :
Water thinnable cement primer 919.95 Sqm 60.00 55197.00 13.43.1

44 Wall painting with Dulux Velvet
Touch Diamond Glo Dazzling glass of
Dulux or Royale Aspira of Asian paints
of interior grade having VOC (Volatile
organic compound) content less than
50 grms /litre i/c applying additional
coat wherever required to achieve
even shade and colour .Two or more
coats on new work. 919.95 sqm 171.66 157918.00 M/R
45 Providing and fixing 6 mm thick
mirror of superior glass (of approved
quality) and of required shape and
size with decorative high quality
moulded frame of approved make and
shade with 6 mm thick hard board
backing as per direction of Engineer
in charge. 3.00 Sqm 2478.74 7436.00 M/R
46 Providing and Fixing Angular Stop
Cock with wall flange Jaquar Make
Code ALI-85053 complete as per
direction of Engineer-in-charge. 12.00 each 1388.11 16657.00 M/R
47 Providing and Fixing Single Lever
basin Mixer without popup waste
syestem with 450mm long braided
hoses Jaquar Make Code :ALI-85011B
complete as per direction of Engineer-
in-charge. 2.00 each 5050.71 10101.00 M/R
48 Providing and Fixing Sink Mixer with
Regular Swinging Spout on upper side
(Wall Mounted Model) With
Connecting Legs & Wall FlangesJaquar
Make Code :LYR-38165 complete as per
direction of Engineer-in-charge. 1.00 each 3946.92 3947.00 M/R
49 Providing and Fixing 2 way Bib Cock
with wall flange Jaquar Make Code :
ALI-85041 complete as per direction
of Engineer-in-charge. 2.00 each 1926.63 3853.00 M/R
50 Providing and Fixing Hand Shower (
Health Faucet) with 8 mm dia 1 metre
Long Flexible tube & wall Hook
Jaquar Make Code : ALD-573
complete as per direction of Engineer-
in-charge. 2.00 each 1381.42 2763.00 M/R
51 Providing and Fixing Toilet paper
holder with flap Jaquar Make Code
AKP-35753P complete as per
direction of Engineer-in-charge. 2.00 each 1421.56 2843.00 M/R

52 Providing and Fixing Soap dispenser
with glass bottle Jaquar Make Code
AKP-35735P complete as per
direction of Engineer-in-charge. 2.00 each 1488.46 2977.00 M/R
53 Providing and Fixing Towel Ring
square with square flange Jaquar
Make Code AKP-35721P complete as
per direction of Engineer-in-charge. 2.00 each 1848.03 3696.00 M/R
54 Providing and Fixing Glass Shelf
600mm long Jaquar Make Code ACN-
1161N complete as per direction of
Engineer-in-charge. 4.00 each 1120.52 4482.00 M/R
55 Providing and Fixing Towel Rack
600mm long with lower hangers
stainless steel Jaquar Make Code AKP-
35781PS complete as per direction of
Engineer-in-charge. 2.00 each 3378.29 6757.00 M/R
56 Providing and Fixing Grating jali
size 102 mm code OR102 complete
as per direction of Engineer-in-
charge 3.00 each 122.09 366.00 M/R
57 Providing and fixing Wall Mounted
European type W.C Make Jaquar code
-ACS-WHT-87951 (size
380x520x365mm) including UF soft
close seat cover, hinges, Accessories
set all Complete as per direction of
Engineer-in-Charge. 2.00 each 31765.98 63532.00 M/R
58 Providing and fixing wash basin with
pedatal size (mm) 620x485x195 mm
make parrywa CO484 basin pedestal
CO 3677 with 32 mm cp brass waste
in popular colur all complete as per
direction of E-In-C 2.00 each 8262.77 8262.77 M/R
59 Providing and fixing Kitchen sinks
single bowl sink make Parryware
code C856399 undermount matt
finish size 24"x18"x9" cm i/c
cutting of walls/floor wherever
required complete as per direction
of Engineer in charge. 2.00 each 15951.56 31903.00 M/R

60 Providing and fixing aluminium work
for doors, windows, ventilators and
partitions with extruded built up
standard tubular sections/
appropriate Z sections and other
sections of approved make
conforming to IS: 733 and IS: 1285,
fixing with dash fasteners of required
dia and size, including necessary
filling up the gaps at junctions, i.e. at
top, bottom and sides with required
EPDM rubber/ neoprene gasket etc.
Aluminium sections shall be smooth,
rust free, straight, mitred and jointed
mechanically wherever required
including cleat angle, Aluminium snap
beading for glazing / paneling, C.P.
brass / stainless steel screws, all
complete as per architectural
drawings and the directions of
Engineer-in-charge. (Glazing, paneling
and dash fasteners to be paid for
separately) :
For fixed portion :Powder coated
aluminium (minimum
thickness of powder coating 50
micron) 68.00 Kg 456.30 31028.00
61 For shutters of doors, windows &
ventilators including
providing and fixing hinges/ pivots
and making provision
for fixing of fittings wherever
required including the cost
of EPDM rubber / neoprene gasket
required (Fittings
shall be paid for separately) Powder
coated aluminium (minimum
thickness of powder coating 50
micron) 56.00 Kg 546.35 30596.00
62 Providing and fixing glazing in
aluminium door, window, ventilator
shutters and partitions etc. with
EPDM rubber / neoprene gasket etc.
complete as per the architectural
drawings and the directions of
engineer-in-charge . (Cost of
aluminium snap beading shall be paid
in basic item): With float glass panes 6.00 sqm 1296.40 7778.00 21.3.2

of 5 mm thickness (weight not less
than 12.50 kg/ sqm)
63 Providing and fixing Fiber Glass
Reinforced plastic (FRP) Door Frames
of cross-section 90 mm x 45 mm
having single rebate of 32 mm x 15
mm to receive shutter of 30 mm
thickness. The laminate shall be
moulded with fire resistant grade
unsaturated polyester resin and
chopped mat. Door frame laminate
shall be 2mm thick and shall be filled
with suitable wooden block in all the
three legs. The frame shall be covered
with fiber glass from all sides. M.S.
stay shall be provided at the bottom
to steady the frame. 8.00 Mtr 679.85 5439.00 9.121
64 Providing and fixing to existing door
frames. 30 mm thick Fiberglass
Reinforced Plastic (F.R.P.) flush door
shutter in different plain and wood
finish made with fire retardant grade
unsaturated polyester resin, moulded
to 3 mm thick FRP laminate all
around, with suitable wooden blocks
inside at required places for fixing of
fittings and polyurethane foam
(PUF)/Polystyrene foam to be used as
filler material throughout the hollow
panel, casted monolithically with
testing parameters of F.R.P. laminate
conforming to table - 3 of IS: 14856,
complete as per direction of Engineer-
in-charge. 5.00 sqm 3931.95 19660.00 9.122.2
65 Providing and fixing Bamboo jaffery/
fencing consisting of superior quality
25mm dia (Average) half cut bamboo
placed vertically and fixed together
with three numbers horizontal
running members of hollock wood in
scantling of section 50X25 mm, fixed
with nails and G.I wire on existing
support complete as per direction of
Engineer-in-charge. 22.00 sqm 576.15 12675.00 9.11

66 Structural steel work in single section,
fixed with or without connecting
plate,including cutting, hoisting, fixing
in position and applying a priming
coat of approved steel primer all
complete 88.00 Kg 86.05 7572.00 10.1
67 Providing and laying in position
cement concrete of specified grade
excluding the cost of centering and
shuttering - All work up to plinth level
: 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand
(zone-III) : 4 graded stone aggregate
20 mm nominal size) 1.50 cum 6788.60 10183.00 4.1.3
68 Providing and fixing aluminium tower
bolts, ISI marked, anodised (anodic
coating not less than grade AC 10 as
per IS : 1868 ) transparent or dyed to
required colour or shade, with
necessary screws etc. complete :
100x10 mm 16.00 Nos 58.15 930.00 9.97.5
69 Providing and fixing ISI marked
aluminium butt hinges anodised
(anodic coating not less than grade AC
10 as per IS: 1868) transparent or
dyed to required colour or shade with
necessary screws etc. complete:
100x63x3.2 mm 16.00 Nos 88.45 1415.00 9.95.5
70 Providing and fixing aluminium
handles, ISI marked, anodised (anodic
coating not less than grade AC 10 as
per IS : 1868) transparent or dyed to
required colour or shade, with
necessary screws etc. complete :
Sq 16.00 Nos 52.85 846.00 9.100.2

71 Providing and laying APP (Atactic
Polypropylene Polymer) modified
prefabricated five layer 3 mm thick
water proofing membrane, black
finished reinforced with non-woven
polyester matt consisting of a coat of
bitumen primer for bitumen
membrane @ 0.40 litre/sqm by the
same membrane manufacture of
density at 25°C, 0.87-0.89 kg/litre and
viscocity 70-160 cps. Over the primer
coat the layer of membrane shall be
laid using Butane Torch and sealing
all joints etc, and preparing the
surface complete. The vital physical
and chemical parameters of the
membrane shall be as under : Joint
strength in longitudinal and
transverse direction at 23°C as 650/
450N/5cm. Tear strength in
longitudinal and transverse direction
as 300/250N. Softening point of
membrane not less than 150°C. Cold
flexibility shall be upto -2°C when
tested in accordance with ASTM, D -
5147. The laying of membrane shall
be got done through the authorised
applicator of the manufacturer of
membrane :
3 mm thick 173.00 Sqm 535.00 92555.00 14.91.1
72 Providing and fixing vista sheer
dimout blinds Alchemy/ Elemental,
topaz/ Radiant series of S contour
blinds collection with high quality
polyester fabric of required size
complete as per direction of E-In-C 5.00 Sqm 4696.16 23481.00 M/R
73 Providing and laying in position
cement concrete of specified grade
excluding the cost of centering and
shuttering - All work up to plinth level
: 1:5:10 (1 cement : 5 coarse sand
(zone-III): 10 graded stone aggregate
40 mm nominal size) 1.00 cum 5520.30 5520.00 4.1.10
74 Filling available excavated earth
(excluding rock) in trenches, plinth,
sides of foundations etc. in layers not
exceeding 20cm in depth,
consolidating each deposited layer by 4.00 cum 219.65 879.00 2.25
ramming and watering, lead up to 50
m and lift upto 1.5 m.
75 Excavating trenches of required width
for pipes, cables, etc including
excavation for sockets, and dressing
of sides, ramming of bottoms, depth
upto 1.5 m, including getting out the
excavated soil, and then returning the
soil as required, in layers not
exceeding 20 cm in depth, including
consolidating each deposited layer by
ramming, watering, etc. and disposing
of surplus excavated soil as directed,
within a lead of 50 m : All kinds of soil
(a) Pipes, cables etc, not exceeding 80
mm dia. 20.00 Mtr 223.00 4460.00
76 Providing and fixing Chlorinated
Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) pipes,
having thermal stability for hot & cold
water supply including all CPVC plain
& brass threaded fittings This
includes jointing of pipes & fittings
with one step CPVC solvent cement,
trenching, refilling & testing of joints
complete as per direction of Engineer
in Charge. External work : 50 mm
nominal outer dia Pipes 20.00 Mtr 791.65 15833.00 18.9.6
77 Dismantling stone slab flooring laid in
cement mortar includingstacking of
serviceable material and disposal of
unserviceable material within 50
metres lead.
Less Cost Index 6.78%n on DSR Items -87,740.00


say 15,57,300.00


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